HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2000-2-23 ; . .. .' I Job# 00-00303-01 Page 1 of2 TRANS#:01-0000677 DATE:FEB 23 2000 AMT RECD:2 $ 16.50 CHANGE: CASHIER: 059 " CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Job Number: 00-00303-01 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location Of Proposed Site: 654 Scotts Glen Dr Spr Assessors Map#: 17032724 Lot: Block: Addition: Tax Lot #: 04500 Subdivision: Owner: Address: Darrell Fosback 654 Scots Glen Dr Phone Number: 747-321-5 City/StatelZip: Springfield, OR 97477 Alteration Value: $0 Scope Of Work: Plumbing Contractor Type Plumbing Contr Contractor Yaegers Plumbing Po Box 1701, Roseburg, OR 97470 Registration # 75545 Expiration Date 8/1/01 Phone 541-672-8460 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m, will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following working day, MH Plumbing Required Inspections I Plumbing I -After home has been connected to water and sewer. Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? 0 iArea (Sq. Feet) I Main: Accessory: # Of Stories: Current Units: Census Code: Does not apply Height (feet): Proposed Units: Total: Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity r Plumbing 1 02/23/2000 677 1 02/23/2000 677 Fee Amount Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge For Plumbing Permit $15,00 $1,05 . . . Fee Job# 00-00303-01 I Paid On Receipt# Plumbing 02/23/2000 677 Page 2 of2 Value/Quantity Fee Amount " Plumbing Administrative Fee Total Plumbing Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time and that the project address is readable from the street. J $.45 $16.50 $16.50 Signature Date __n__e.'..n [~:~.,~".,c'" JO" """H'"90...-@~ 225 flfln Slro,,: . ~ ~ SVllfl~11l..'lr.J,r>~~glnM47; I toCAflON OF Pi<OPuSEO WURI- --64- ~~tL ~ 7-s:Jd) en tlt --f;,~JfidJ "'.;"'SC~3 ""~., j+03;).1'.0l.~,":".q.i:?'Qf1'. _n" ,1f"c:",_O-f.9 ,')-1/.-77 F""..,., ".(,(, ;or-, ,~,.. __ I'ii:SIDi:i'Hi..L ::'f'.",:Ai~ h'i".i~ATION 11l~,j,"'(;::,,~;'. 7J<~1~1? Ij!fi1;e: 726.3759 !.o7;______ fll0cl\: , p.n2' ~:;Utl01VIS10N: 'JWNER, -n lit.e JI ,~! L//VA.'r.Etl~~_~cjGlf ~i-71j?::,3.;U...r ~ dAt- C;; /1 1'1 r'.', . r \ 1.11 'DD"E"".f \-rY--5~'LlJ -'" f"b...-#-L-vl" ',::!J I~ ""'-'l~' '7'"' ,om,S"''-',/l.,p) ,p", -~-____ "rI,Tf,..,rJp, i7 ZIP';z , I / ~ . ~::RIB:WO::'~~I!l--u :!.'OH~!! :E!o~:::-~~XH'~ ~ -fy/t' h <- i,,- C . r-:v,c, -CONTRACroR'S NAME GENERAl:_ PLUMBING: ~Pd.#'!~ C/' ADDnEse cor~sf. CONTRACTOR I=YPIRCS 7' f.l~'O~E MECHANICAL' r-..L4l!Lt,"A'pjil/.Ji.1)";)"?qL,--!Z-(1 C;e12~ r? Of' .P' 'L1'11J lJ .# '7 s-.S Y s -ff Jt:-tJt; , , .r.Y/C:/tJ 2;2~ff..~6n._, F!i..ECTAICAl' aUAD AREA: ___ _ .. OF BLOG5: oeCY GROUP: .. OF STORIES: ~_ _____. _\_._ \ WATE.~ HEAT!:.R: ____.___ - Of'FleE use: - LAND USE: _. .. Dr UNIT~~ _._....___ :::ONSTR. lYPr;:_ HEAT SOUftCE: ____n___ RANGE: _....._.___._ HOOD I~I.AIN;_ :!lJNINcl CCOE:___ . OF BDI1MS' ~~CONllAR" HfAf: :'QUAl-If. FOt'TACE' To rCQutl'sl un I"spectlon, you .nt..,: '-'I'!l 726,3769 Thlfl 1."I1I::!4 hour n:lcordln!1. AlIlnllpQcllo. ,. "~q\.'c$I':<J ~,><!rl.'r(.' 7:00 tl_:n. will 0.:: made lh" ."nlP.! .....o,Ung dilll)l. In.''l....,ctjc./l~ Iftqu~."l"'d ilflou i':O:J a,m.. will 00 miKIo Iou f"llo-..-hl~l wO'~ oJ..... o To",por.,y ellK:lrlr: , D 3110 In~lIGI1 - To bO'I rl<1l\!'I ",'ter exc8V(lllol'l. but prlOl" :e ' luttUng tDlm!'J. \ o UndOnll.b PlllInbfng:l.;lec1Iical MNlwnloal - Plio! to oOo'er. o FQOtlng- .After ~re"Ch.a ~re exCM-atoC::. D MasomY - Slllelloe::uJon, bono be""ru. groutlnu. o Foundallon -'After (orm3 we .rec;t.-d bul pr19f 10 1;0000rtlt" plQCllmcnt. [J Underground Plurwblng _ Prlul l~ IIllln\) Ir(rnC'I. D UndorUoor Phunblng/N.ct'la....:at . - Plior to In~url.\tlu:l Of decking. [] Pa.. 4nc f!Jellm _ Prior to 1/001 li'l!l,\ul:lolloT"l 01 cerc.klflg. o Floor 111;1ul.atlern - PriOr' to de;:,k1n~, o sa'lllary Sower - 'P'rt.Of !O 1Il1It,~ ucncn. o Stein" Sewer - F'llcI...to tlllln~ IfMCh, , o 'NIl" \.\ne - Pflor IQ filllng t"O/'Ich. o Rough Plumbing - Pdo:Jl' Hl cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Flaugh M,u:IUlnkul - Frlor '0 Covetr. o Ro...gh Ellle"lc," - Prior to ".......l;!l, CJ !llrCtrtcoI SHVt;:. - Ml.JSl L1e .apprO"lild I(] (tt.1:lIn pelllkl~J)1 OltC\r!Cllt ~OWUf. o Flutplaoe - Fr:or to tllcJrg mlltl:llat:> w'tl Ir~If)!iJ I.,,,p- D F~.ml"" ~ Prior to co~r. \ D WaUIr.:~1i1l9 hll....latltm - PrIor to : co...er. o I)ry~~1I - Pll~.'Ot3pln~.. CJ WQod Slove ~ Aller Inst~:![lt!Qfl. CJ In..'' - Aft"r !Iropl,x& apl'Ilo'W'e.1 D~d In:l1allutlon 01 unIt. . ['] Curbrml &. ^llprcBOh _ Allor - IOlm:s ar.:: ('rl~c:ed bUI pflor to ...t~...mQ"I'JI cu..c,,,,t... o Skltwalk 40 brl'fO\illlall" - A(I", ell.<:~~;1lloll I~ eoml'llarc. IOlms . pnd lj'Jt)'bC!~~ ma'~fl<u ill plilc~. O,FtnOt - ~'mQfl. (;Oi'I\~.t6~. LJ Sir... Tr~l!it~ - \'\Ih\ll'l 01.11 rO,=!ulred INt~a I!lr~ plall~od. \l Fln.t fllurnblng - Wh\l'l~ .:.11 r plU'Tlblng wor!..;5 cornp,l'la. [J Fln.1 Electrl!::l1 - WheT: all - - (J1\l'(;hlcl...' .....(,lrtl;., cQmplclq. [:J FiniJl MectllU1lcal - Wfl.:n illl lIlo1l;har.i".1 'h~.k. It complete o FInal tlwildhlg -- WM..n ail ~ req..:lred InspttCllCns ".... ~.n IIIDproved and bulldinQ Is cOI.,pr.t4ld. DO....".', MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o 9locklng .nd $CI'Up - Wti'~n if:! t);Q(;lo,in:J I~ .;omplctc ~ Plulnbillw C"'fln.,;:lIU"~ _ \'\'hflfl nUlno h.u~ t.uun Cun~.:II!'Cl '0 \N~"et ,'"0 ~\IIo~r, o CI.ctrlc:.1 ConneCllon ~ .......'1).....\ t:rICJ(;kl,,'.l. s.,I'l,lll, 0"<::1 plumbing . .n9O>CCllon:lIlUVIl tI".n ~pmvtd '.no ~I'le nome I. conn'CIIl'G 10 thf' SIlI'\'ICf' p3n~:. o Pln.1 _ Altor MIl rOlOIoIII\IO In~"er..IIQ"' o.re I!PP'QW!i;I o.nc porchoa; Itllir~lng. declls. 4.-:d velltlng hQVO b_1I il1ltta.lhll':, . . Fgb-16-00 06:34P . P.03 . lot ll1i~e5 lei Type Se'bac~'l lot SQ. llg. InleriOI I RL l"aE_~""R. ;~~ , ll')l G('l",(uago Cornor I ~_. Topography P~ndle Tbtal hQt!jhl Cul-d"'l;I'll< i,!L_ I; _I It:. no/I: FROP09EO WORK IN THE. HI5TORlCAL DISTRICT, 01"\ ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER?_ II ye., Itll:il application fnu:ol be olg'leoc nnd QPprovcd by tne HJGIorlcal CoordlnOlor prior 10 ~rrr'11t IU.UMCQ. APPROVED: __ BUILDING VALUE, I>lAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT .rhl:; permit j:J gfilntl?d un ttltl OllPU).tIS, GondJ,lcn that tne uJd \'"lOt'I&truG1Ior'\ &l'\AII, In Air Utlll:ll':ets, G0l110fm lo Ihll Ordlnefu:. poopted by the City of SpJlnOfleld, Including lh& Oovdopmenl C.Me, U~nlllAllnQ lntl CGnslruG~'on ollM uae 01 oulldlngll.llnd Mil'" be aUI.C'l'lCleCl Q' r....oked AI any ll".., upon \*ioLallon 01 any provlclons 01 nld ordInances. Pl.n ChOleIC ,,".IIl: 0010 Paid; Ilcceipl Numoer:__.._ ~l:Ic;eh..,,(! 'fly ri"n; 1'l~.:"'ill"....,,(I'RY Oa.. BUILDING PERMIT ITl~ 50. ", X SO/Sa. FT. VALUE $Ylit"lfllll D"I'O'II()l'''ltlnl t~lIAIl)ot I~ llut,) on llll ","<!llv.IOj)a(.l prv~ll."rt i~~ willI)" Illl' City 111ll!1t. Wlll;::h all' bol'ir'lCjlmOrOvCIJ. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By l!.lgnaturlJ, I tillllu ilntl ;:uJ'~$, lh.::rl I llave carefully cxwnlned UIIIl cOfTIplllhtd lI[lpllcatlc;,: !.,R,~ do horoby ~11(y thol atl Inforl'\'\allun hp.leon;s l"u~ Cr'lo:1 cenael, and I lurth.r l:.rtlty \hlll On)' and 0.11 work pC'ti:.tm,,~ ,.h~l ~ dona in accOfdanr.o ,':'i 1.'1 d, C' (of ,-,p,j~91i':11~, 'il,,[j 'r,. w, '''~ ...,..... ...., ,",.~",,,,, pe"..,lo'I,\oI 'u Inti WorK acs.,:.fOetl I'iOloli"l, :an~ lll:ll N(, OCCurV~NCY will bo mQfle of ftI1)' "l:;.~:...,.. ;;":;~iw; ~E'II(li:.:..iun....i lba clliidlllg ~t.l, OIvlalon. I Illrllllfl c;tlrtH}t lh"l o:"\ly conir01Clor~ OM ~m~"yt.r.; -1"10 ..,"" ill eomp,iullC'f' wllil UH~ iU1.05~ ""III b. us.~ 01'1 lhle: prolect, I {urlhl;'l agree .0 c-n:;urr. Ihal 811 r.~llJlr.l! Inllpeclions ;J.r~ r<:::QIJ<:::,teo at \1"': propel lIln.. lI... e&l;h IICduuul ISlo.adablu lrem tho t:trecr.lhil\ the permIt cu,.i i" localod 81 thct lront ,~; I;'", ;:m......rt.'. .......rl ,~c ~:.'~:::-v~:': ~':;: ;1 >::~:~:: ....1:; ,'.,.oaln .,~\h~lr.:1 "0'" r.h"J D"OU~ ,_m__J vAIJOATI',/N; RECEIPT Nl..IM6::R ::::. ~:r:~~;::':~~:~~::,,,"" "r:",,,,,~&~nnD:, :::,.~: i:.~~,-~:-- .i\, ~i. \' [, fI>1: ~'. ('.(lInI,lno<J) / t _____ nece:......:D [J( _.__.. \...----. .-. - ..!.-__..-~.~ --~. M.~" Gar.go C.,porl fl,'nl Y..hll: --'i- B.,;I';li"U ...."m" ...".. , , 5:,):0 Surc:h<lryo \ rullal Fcc :...) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (U, PlUM~ING PERMIT ,T;M FEE. Flxlurcfa Acslocn\ ill llllUl{31 W So!\nltary &,tWfll n: W.lIOf n. ~ S:Ofm Scwe, n. i;ft:~t ~lum~lng Perm t c../rJ ( I ./.6,"0 ~..F() . - - ----- SI",!. ~ ",'<;hNge It...I.::......... ~..., rv'.::r:.lii..\:,II<;f,l. PE~.~'I':' , rut"'",'.'J :_1I;r"..\1-100'1 'ocr,t r:it" N' u,~. ...., I\\-;cn.'!niClll ~'HlT.: "~lu..nC{l ~d..\t1 Si..H<::I1"':g"l r , I Tt,'", Parmi! (0) ~1'SC~LlAN:;OU:> PERMITS Mor"le HOrT1O: :.';Jl~ ~"rc.n"'IlU o;;.,:i.w.lk " ':;...!:I::!.; " .itln:"li"~ I t;!lll",:;u' ,1.f.I:.}1l