HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1991-12-4 c..ClO 'Scol-l", C'pn . .ER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services d 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being ret~rned to you. The return receiot fee will qrovide you the name of the p'er$on delivered to and !he date of deliverY:. For addItIonal fees the fOlloWing services are avaIlable. Consult postmaster for fees and_~ck box{es) for additional service(s! requested. 1. ~ Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) (Extra charge) 141r!!=):~Ob~ 04 S W Type of Service: D Registered g Certified D Express Mail 3. Article Addressed to: -;N,ch~ PCV\~ \ \q"" ;J. \" -lNV'd- 5-1 . 1..u~ \ oR q'J'IO? ~. ~(7rh(i L~'er(r /J'\ fa ~. Signature - A~nt 7. .Of Delivery (;;1. '''(-fl PS Form 3811, Apr. 1989 ..U.S.G.P.O.1989-238-815 1.,.) ~ ..a/)'"\/"",; , are desired, and complete items ; o Insured D COO o Return Receipt far Merchandise Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address(ONLY if requested and fee paid) ~,g"..C ft5 tf3 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT r I I I I [ I [ [ I I I I ""'~:\ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVIC{~/ 0 M 9n\ OFFICIAL BUSINESS (~ .. . d SENDER INSTRUCTIONS -:' ~ u,~ y Print your neme, add,.ss and ZIP Co~ t.",..~ In the spac. below. .. Complete Items 1. 2. 3. and 4 on the reverse. . Attach to front of article If space permits. otherwise affix to back of article. Endor.. .rtlcle "Return Receipt Requa.ted" edjacent to number. RETURN TO .. Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. . ..,/:., '. . n ~.( >' i./,--::_/ " : ~~=.:::-:...~': II ... -" ...-- ----"~. . ... ..'_.' ~-___._.,. . .... I -'-. '--..... I ::...--- :..:.:::~ .' ------- -~~. . U.S.MAIL . ~ ..... .. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300 l__....U...... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ~25 FIFTH STREH ~pn"'r'T::'J). OR ') 7."77 . . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT S==\!(];:IE'-.C C=: E'-':- r5~-': -If..:-~ December 3, 1991 CERTlFIED LETTER Loch~\'en Pal1ners 1199 :\. Terry Street Eugene, OR 97..02 RE: Temporary Occupancy Dear.\Iarna: On December' 1991 a Temporary Occupancy \\'as granted to you \0 oCC:JPy \!~e m:::1ufactuI'ed home located at .590 Scotts Glen Dri\'e, Springfield, Oregon. As a conditio:1 of ,he Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the follo\\'ing items no later than January 2,1992. 1. Storm drains need \0 be installed and inspected. , The street lI'ees as noted on your plot plan need to be plamed. 3. The required skining and \'ents need to be installed. An inspection will be conducted on January 3, ]992 to ensure compliance. If the items are not completed by that date, the Temporary Occupancy will expire. If you haye any questions, please phone our office a1 i26-3759. Sincerely, , 6 '- ' , .. ,('\ , - ~ . ..Y\..j",.... ! f. - j ...---........ -.e K e_ ; - .--./ Deanna Buckull " Building Secretar).