HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1992-5-28 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 72G,3759 LOCATION 01' PROPOSED WOIlI<: __-+65 ~dei I I" 6/ r?t J ASSESSOIlS MAP: /'7/7'2., "2.."7 J ~ LOT: OWNER: _ ..~~J-.7' A ADDRESS: ~ 4~-~ CITY: _ _ ~r-""A BLOCK' /../ TZ- 'SOu 7) dLo..J STATF' DESCRIBE WORK: -.z12/J /1~'A"i'P' /ttfr-;,.<:::J NEW __, REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH CONTRACTOI<'S NAME GENERAL: ,_ OTHER .0 NUMBEH_c;!201~1- 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oreuon 97477 TAX LOT: _~~ t!77? SUBDIVISION: PHONE: ZIP: ADDRESS CONST, CONTRACTOR' PHON" PLUMBINC:, _,_ __" -- MECHANICAl.: _~ l &'~A.J__1!6.e.t- n.,.t7,,-e/7I"A; ELECTRICAL ~~.I" )~~ OUAD ARFA: /I OF BLOGS: _ OCCy cnc 1111' . OF STOHIE::: WATER HEAr I~R: ____ 5~'2.- 425S0 - OFFtCE USE - LAND USE: _. . OF UNITS: CON:;TR. lYI'I,: HEAl' SOURCE: RANGE: EXPIRES ~.v::76P~--?"-(;;;7<G 71- ~~,2.. r..~2- ~-t..,j FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: "OF BORMS:__ SECONDARY HEAT:_ SOUARE FOOTAGE:_ To request an inspection, you IllUst call 726-3769. This Is a 24 hour recording. All inspections requested before 7:00 n.m. will be made the :,Lllrlt~ working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. D Tcmpormy Electric D Site Inspection - To be made after e).'.(;avation, I.lut prior to setlinn IOfms. D Undelsl,lb Plurnbing/Electrical/ Meclwllical - Plior to cover. D Footino - After trenches are excav3Il:cJ. D Masonry - Stef~l location, bond boalll:.j, !Jroutinu. CI Foulld:llion - Afler forms are croclO{1 hut plior to concrete plaCClIl(:nt. D Undel{Jround Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. D Underlloor Plumbing/Mechanical _ Prior to insulation or decking. o Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or clecking. D Floor Insulation - Prior 10 deckinu. D Sanilary Sewer - Prior 10 filling tronch. D Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. D Water line - Prior to flII1ng trench. D Rough Plumbin{) - Prior 10 cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS l'\7f Rough Mechanical - Prior to ~ cover. i\7r Rough Electrical - Prior to ~ cover. D Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanent electrical power. D Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. o Framing - Pdor to cover. D Wall/Ceilin{J Insulation"":' Prior to cover. . D Drywall - Prior to taping. D Wood Stove - After installation. o Insert - After fireplace approval ancllnstallation of unit. D Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but prior to placemenl of concrete. D Sidewalk & Driveway - After excavation is cumplete, forms and sub.base material in place. D Fence - When completed. D Slreet Trees - When all required trees are planted. D Final Plumbing - Wilen 0.11 plumbing worl< Is complete. -;;::::;;1' Final Electrical - Wilen all ~elcctrical WOfk Is cOlllplete. 'f:::7f Final Mechanical - When all ?{mechanical work Is complete. o Final Building - When all reQlllred Inspections llavl~ been approved and builclinn is completed. DOther MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS D Blocking and Set.Up - When 011 blocking Is complete. D Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water and sewer. D Electrical Connection - When blocking, set.up, and plumbing Inspections have been approvecl and the home is connected to the service panel. D Final - After all required Inspections are approved anel porches, skirting, decks, and venting have been In:.>talled. ~ J:0E GA~ ACC ~----- ...L- _ ____ ~--~ Lot f<lees Lot Type. Interior Lot ~~q. flO. Lol coverage Corner 'I(Jp()~lrapllY Panhandle Tutal 11CiUht Cul.de-sac ~1_,I~_nl_J APPROVED: _ BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ, FT, X $/SQ, FT. VALUE M;lin Galauc Carporl To\al Value Building Perflli I Fcc ::;I:II!: SlllCll,lI!lC Tulal Fcc (A) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FEE Fixtures Rc~;idcntial 8ath(s) N' Sanitary Sewer FT, Water FT. SIOIITl Sewer FT, Mol.dlc Horne Plumbing Permit Slale SUlchargc "I()I;II Cilaruc (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT -(b-"~ ~ FllIllacc !f14. l.:.xll:l\Jst Hood Velll Fan N' W(")(,d SlovcllnscrtlFircplacc Unit I)IYI~1 Vellt Mcclwnical Permit /4/~, / S ,t>> /0,00 ISSllililce 51.JIC Sun;h::uge ;2. 5",75 Tolal Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo Stale Issuance SlatlJ Surcharge Sidewalk It CuliJGut It DI)IIlOlitiol1 St;lle SlllCh:IIOc 'If)!al Mi~;cellancou5 Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, n, C, D. and E Combined) "2.'5,75 Setb(lck~; -t~'-' .s THE I'nOPOSED WORI< IN THE lISTORICAL DISTRICT, on ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER'! II yes, 1I1i5 application mw~l be signed ,1IHI approved by the Hisloricnl Coordin<ltor priur to pennil i:~~H1ancc. BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is gmnted on tile express condition 1I1at the si'.Iid construclion shall, in all respects, conform to tile Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprinnfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construc'lion and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordin:mces. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Fleceipt Numbct:_____ rlcceived By: Plans Reviewed By DatrJ Sy:;;tems Developlllcnl CIl;uUe is due on"alllll1dcveloped, properties within the City limits which ;He beiliU i/llproved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS l3y sIgnature, I st;lle and a~W~rJ. that I tlave careflllly examined the completed application and do hereby cCl'lily that all information hereon h. true ami cancel, and I "Irlller ccrlify that any and all work flcdonll0.d shall be done ill :Iccorclnnr:c wilh the Ordinances of Ihe City of Sprin!llicld. ..1l(Jlbe Laws of the Slate 01 Orc~lon p0.11:lininn 10 tile W{lI1\ dc~;criiJcd hClcin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be In:llk 01 :my structure without perlllission of the Building S;lI']ly Division" I further certify 1I1at only contraclors and employees who are In compliance with GRS 701.055 will be used on ttlis project. I I further agree to ensure 1I1al all requircd insPl:clions arc requested a the proper time. that each addref,~~ is readnble from the sir ct, thai the permit card I:t' located at the front of the prop ty, a approved set f plan~; will remain t . tall tim " 0 -t - elien. . nature _ _ ~ ~:2.z Date VALIDATION: HECEIPT NUMBER RECEIVED BY __._