HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1999-12-6 .J--~" ~ . Nov-Z4-~9 05:0~ . P.02 . JOB "UM9ER $ I (" </ fl., COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION ii:~ 'lis a ~eM.p'r. .5;Jr-/~,{;gj~ , : ., ..';rAXLOT.' tJ8"~ INSFECTIO;..l LINE.; na-3'69 OFFICE: 726.:Jn~ 225 Flllh Street, $prlng:leld, Orlgon 974n I · Lbc-;:T;-Otc; ~-Aoroie:D V-JOF\K: !i.'13 :Z~a ASSE.S;" W.W, _-,_7 0 ? :? 1_1 c~ OWN!'" J....JStA.<)/ ~ e/Y) " ADORES..!:;I9J -ft: ~ -I-f.5 h/~^/I-Ll...r. : qlT'(, SflrJA 1~? ' _ SfAre-'2.r r- z'P '9 'J f''7'J , ;,"c.cJ,,~~':oF;vfo~;",!;! J't.. ~j,,-fo!r- IfLL ";YI"""';' = r-iJ: c:',' J'? t/.c,.. fH!....... --..:..- nllMOOli.1. ....Otl\'!'iON.......-- D6MOL.IElH ~_ QTllel" :'A~ ~ dtJ N,IlME; A.oo~ese PHON~ PHONE,..rW- '7:2.f.,-tJ..7 /)::L f ARCHlTECI' CQ:-n3l". ' __\ CONTRA.C'!CA . ~J(PIRE3 7 ;It-iON" .,at J:? SS- ~ -;- - s;p:. C) / 7~().IJ;lr /?IJ/ ,111>'<> h"".y"../')/". , ?Y7i) ..' .~f.//, 6 /};:;J - !>? Y6/J' C9N.Tf!~pOA'S NA~E ADORE89 OE.I'OERA' . ",U'M~'~G: ;YA -:J' -'2:s.-/'./ " no. 6< ''''0 M!C:ANICA' . r .~ . E1.E'CTRICA:"; I 1,.JoIn PtIJf.lJill'l'" .........., _1 rl""F I CM~~ tl::+- I -"" Furrolee/tiu;....;~r.\ vent <\OO.CUl BT:JA Furt.1(:o[tluT('.!lr! 'ler.:' :.1{}oJ(ll] STUs Floor 'urnllCt Qnd yent :su5pe:,dllc wall.';r t1~cr ffiOloInlllo ....l\It M.:ltor Appllanco Vont M1pll.rotc ~u::lHonCl.ry e"'ll-I:l. COOIII V~r"1t F01:lISlngll Cuet ".'Clnl :::;yc:e:nap..rt from AC or II,\? MGCMMICal exhllU51 . ~~:md(llJcl I, I' I Mr;:~IoI.lNIC..ll I ~~I_.CHA~~ 1 I 8in')le fl'lI.lur,) . RaIO<:Uftd BId;. I /nflw tl~.ac'.:lll) ,.\I\'Qltlr,':SeI.YlGe." - j- I It, I I I I- f ! , 5ar,lrllry 6c!\ver ::;ior6S......' IL n, ,--1 ---I I I ! I 1 I I 1 1 'Ib 2?JI \ ,~, V SIC.cO_ -I ,... I I, B3ClCIICW 01.,1.:. I 1'1 ._L....._ ...;.."'" ..:, ,. fOTAl PIiRMIT ~ ",,',," I",:""" . I 'rOTA l P~RPJ:IT - OFFICII: US!!. - HANDICAP ACC'.t:SS. QUAO ARE/-' LAND Use: FLOOD PLAIN: .Of'BlOGS; .OPlJNrTS;_.. ZONI,~"'.' u0i111..G POV\IER aUDQET: oce... GFl.~UP: .OF5"'i"O"IES; CONSTR. T1P"" H:AT SOUFlCE: WAfE;.R "'EA1Ef.l:_.._ OO.FT. 1: SQ fT. V.&.!.UE SO FTG N AtN so FTG ACCESS $0 FTG OTHEFI " x x TOTA\,. '/AlUE OF PROJ!!rr PLAt.; CHECK .-U RCPT' DATE BV I 1- -7t$latt ..~-- SUfChargo.. I PAVINQ PlUt..16ING Ot:MOl..nION 1 eUI'-Clr-:G PE~,",lr I 'iloSla,e ,6urO".~.A MtCI-ANICAL Il. 51&:. tiurchsrae '!NIZ 'JALUE' ST6EWAiR-- CUFtElCUl . i _-_.1 I fT, FT. SU87ClAL PERMITS SYSTEMS OE'Ie:lOPI'f.ENT . -0, - TO"L PEA~" FEE~ !.Jl-lj'~'- 56 EJ(ClUOING ElEC7R1CAI.. =ff ~~~._, '.1 i ...-;' , . \ Nov-24-99 05:0~ ~' . P.03 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 't I~ tile r"!:lQn.lbttll~' of the j:lorl'fl:l t'lolCQr!o Ie. tnat alll:"::Ipectl?l'l$ are mada at the prQI>~r tlme_ To reQu.st an tf1:1t>QQUon,ca.11 726,118(1 (r.cQrd_r).stale yau~ Clly ce!iIQI'l&led lob n\lm:'.r, JDb u.I::drOU,lype of In:s:::~!lon rt'lClueSUld ard w~n )'OvWlll he r'!!lj)' lor in.pee1lon, ReQUD:st6 r~ou!vac;l blllt<;>'1i 7:00 3.m. wl1l ho nllldp. \n'il aaMQwcr};J:1g allY, rea:ue$tr. mad" aft.r7.00arn. Will bO maclf! th& fo:towl:lO wo,k dllY. SIrE It-lS~ECTIOi'<l: 1":> bli madn alter t'XCllvo.Uon. bvt prIor 10 $&HJp of larme. UNDERSLA8 PLUI\1tllNG, E\.EcrFl.I~AL . MECHANICAL: TQ t;I& Made t:arore any work Ie C:Olo'l!lrtC. FOOTINGS & FOUNUATlONS: To c. mtsde ",Itor ~renche. Ill. OJ/c.'lvateCl 8,1'1(1 fonn:! :1re .recteo, ~I! Glool In place, but prior 10 placIng concrete. CONCRETI'l. SLAEl: T~ t:. made alter all In 0.1 a.... buildIng $(1(....100 eQl,.llpment, condl,Jlt, plpin\:, &l:c:n:l~ll~ an<:! OlhM 1I1lQI1I4ty oc:utpMent Item. aro In pllC. but belor" eny concrete I~ p!ece\:l. UIIlD!nCROUND: Plumbli'\~, etoculcal, gas, sanllBry 'OWllr, atcrm liIINllir, waler Ul1d cralnage Ilne3. Tc b. made I"lrlor Ie covfilrlng ~r filling trenches_ UNOS:RFl.CCA: pt\Jmb:ll~. t'laclrlc.aI, Mo)onanlcat To M rT:lldll prior tCJ Inalallatlol1 01 I10ur ~n~IQtlon, (,lOG..lng or fIOQr ~haath\ng. POST & BeAM: To beo ",a.1~ orlor 10 liurlalletlOf\ I'll IIQc~ Insulullol1, ';:4)el(l"'~ or flom $!'\ooth1nQ FWOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To b\J made prIor 10 Ir:~;allallon ('I' ~tcklng or floor lIheathln,. MASONRY:. Stnl locatlol1, bono bOi11Y\S groullng nr vertlcul.l In BCcordillloe with LJeC ;2415. ROUQti PLUMBING, !LeCTRICAl & MECHANICAL: No work 1$ to b4l coven:-= ...ntll theslI Inspoctlon:s !'lA\'a been m~(1" and epcreveCl. ATTIC O!\AFT STOPS & CU~TltIN WAl.LS FIREPLACe: Prior to pl~lr.g facing m4ICtrlals .and belore fr:lmlnQ ln1p111ctlQn, F~AMING: lb b$ mllDO altel thlJ toof, aU framino. IIr"! ttlock1r\g a,; brac:ng ure In pl,aco ami all Dlp9!l, chimneys a~d lIon:a ant comptelfil I:lO ttwJ rcuQh electri;ar. plumbing al'ld mo<:nllnlcal ar. APpt'ovcd. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made eftor :ill In'iutatlQn and (oQLJlred vapor barrlera are In olace but belorl: ony lath or gypsvm bMrd 1.,lerlor willi cO"erlng i.Go appllec. FlitI'!: & SEPARATION WALl.: UJeatea a,lC conslruel$::f accorClng to ~ana. LATH AND/OR GypSUM !!lOA.F\O: To be mpdo ",1:'11 all lathing o..!;I gYP3um board, Intenor ."'" .~,u.rtor, I~ In "I~ce but beforo an)' pluterlng l:r ClPplled 01 bttlore gY~O\lm boald lolnlo and Illulllnlrr3 li'e t:l.pQC .:md flnlllhl(K':. SIDEWALK It ..R1Vf!WAV': l':Ioqulto::d for Illl concu"to pa....lng Wllhln I'Ilmllt right Of w~, t:;. l:l. m:lca alter 11111 exca...at!ng cOn'\.,rOIQ .;and torlT'. 'hark am:! ~::b-bIlS8 matorllllln plaoe. PAVING: Alter g,a.JO~ Ie In pf~o b\ll prior to pl&;IMQ lIl:llptlDH (H CQrICroIC. SPE;CIAlINSPECTIONS: In ~eeclldal'\ce SeGtlor'l SOG of th(o Statll Spaclalt'). ~o a u'JOOI....1 In:spllctQI el\&ll be Ol"'!ptQy~ by tll" OWr'lar/ Cor.lrt.elor during construotl!)l'\ 01 tho to:lo.....ing work. A copy 01 tnQ s:>eclal t~.\;.,Q r~p()rt:! :1:1,,11 t:e l'.lml'}':t;lc to :he Sul'dlng Dlvlslt>";. STFtUcnJRAL CONCR!TP.:: \n ex;C'oe ", 250U Ptu. :306 4.'1 ST!'tvCTUnAL WE;LO$: Perlormlld on lh. 1:X>. ~722 r, HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During A~! ~It inlil.aIl:l!lCl.... .aile: tlgnlonlng operations (306 1I..fi~ sPRA....eo ON FIREPROOFING: U.BC. StaMer-do L3.$ SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLlf'W: D...rlnQ u_n:"'''oll'OrK. (Joe...ll $. Cnapler:g) CiLU.LAM BEAI\1S; l~,SPe<lIIQI'l CAt1lfl::ate by ..n .pgro....O l'I11ency, furnlstled to the CIl}o'.1l BulhHn~ DI'IJilon bolore cuml are p:a"ed, (25lr. U,BC STOS 25-10,11) STRUCTURAL MASONHV: 1'Y.l6 p.1l "h Ildd:llon to tno) l~!.p(!>"" tlans lpecltted, tnlj Building Oflklul mc..,. make or reQuite CURlS AND APPROACH o,nttl' Inspecll.:ms D~ IIny _ ROOF SHBTHtNC AND AP~ONS: Afu~r forms ~e con:l.lructlon wcr;,; 10 errtHlre HAILING: Prior to Installing areclod but prIor 10 ploc':'1~ compl1.!!1nce ....111'1 lhe Building, _~_~I eQ\lerlnQ. c.oncrote. . City or De....elopmeflt Cede. IL Fl;;A~-;~;;;~---- ---- -=-;;;;~~~~~~-;~;; ~:;b~::::O-2~::-I~:':~; of ~t\1I dil:e you wish in~;)E'ctlon. All p~j~t ...c-nl1l~IOM such as 13r'ld&CaplnQ, parklnc 101 n:r:-clng, etc. must te conr:iulllO bcfuliJ reQue~UnD t1':ls lnaplilction. FINAL t:Lt:CT~ICAL FINAL MECHANIC"..Al. FINAL Fl~E DEPARTMENT ADOITIOr.,AL COMMENTS: _ FINAL BUILDING;: R"Qunted atter thfil final plumbln\;. alcc:rlcal. m8chanlcul lI.~d FIre De:lartmellt In$..,ec:IO#'!'j. ~rO MadO ~ approted. NO OOOutancy.,r me prerr:l!!~ can be made unlll a C~fllflcato Of Occupancy has been I!:>Sued by Ir:. Bo..:llcllr'lQ Olvl:;IOI'\ and Xlllted on Ihe preml:>e:l. PLANS REVIEWED ~y DAT~ B\r ~IlJnatur.,ll!Il&:e Il.nd ogre'::, that I :JlNe carer'Jlly ~....amlnad tneeomoiotej appllc.uro., and do hereby cert:ty lha: ali 1~lormatlon l'l....n I. tr~ a"'d eorrao::t, ..,c I fur:tlllll CoJr!lIji thlltllOI' ilnd illl wor... plIrlormed ~h,,1I be done Itl R~e.O.d4nO(l w:l~ InG Otdlr'l"'no(!o~ 01 ~IWClly or 6prlnc".ld. and thlil Law~ 01 th(J Stnleol OreDon ptHtllln'ng LO thewolk Ge9CllbfJ'fJ herein, God 11.:lt NO OCCUPANCY will be ~.d. of .~ :'JlruClUnr wlrrlollt permls~lon 01 tho Bulldln\; Slitet}! Division. I htrthe'l;ertll'l ttlll' only conhactorn ano ('mplo~"9 who a.re In corn~l!lU"ICll wit!', O~S 71)1055 w:!: bo u~ed on thl~ project. I t:Jrther agre. 10 ensu:e lhll.t !lll required In5pe:::llcns pre ror.;:ue'J!eo:;Illt IhtJ prQP(lf t!/T:e>, mal ptojOCt :h1dt!!sa Is re3dable from the lmellt, thallhe permit care: '11. locatvd al tho front o~ UHl properly, and the t1ppmvec :;et of pfaftll will WIn"-I,l on \r'l~ tilt!,) to,t 011 I 11m... au"'" K"~"a', . d SO"",. "1,-- 'II - -~ M." // -. ,_.. Da,. -.1,J -, J.- '1,,1 t i VALIDATION, -'4 AM~U:l~'CEl.O ~ llo. P DATE PAID' ~'-(n ~ "7 "i Af!CeIPT II. 1d..-~~90 RECELVEO BY:., ~..I.l "1