HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-3-9 .. RESID~T1Al" . APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 Ness, (;Adaih',~ . , Job Location: 477 Scotts Glenn Dr ABaeaGor" Map 6 N / A If) (i) Q II \ ~ SubdiviBion: Lochaven Subdivision Q.mer: Lochaven Partners Address: l1qq N~ Tprrv ~trpP~ City: Eugene QNPlJ n Additicn n RemodeZ n ,'.1obila Homo Mobile Home ,Setup Concrete Stringers Accessories: Date of Application Contractors General Harrison Homes iPlumbing Sunburst Homes IMechanical Sunburst Homes IE~ectrica1 Ral~h Brown I Supe"",,,-'Sing Electr:Lcian T= Lot HN/A /J<;\LoO(') BLOCK: 5 LOT: 50 Pr..ane: FIULQ1?'l Zip: 97402 Describe rl'ol'k: See Plot Plan: Value: $1,745.00 Value 15,695.00 / (oc;J /J Gf ~,Rcce;Pt # 'Vel ~O\~ Siqr:ed: Date: ~~ t5-.H-'1r ) EXllires Phnnp Address ',Lisc. II 1740 Prairie ~d.. 1440 Hwy 99N 1440 Hwy 99N 8~5 _H. 24t'p /'<L~I!--- ~ Bldrs Board Rez. f.lnR7 52417 52417 20-280C 'i"fS -5 9/22/90 1I9t 1/91 It is the r68ponDibil~ty of the permit hoLder to 868 that all inopections are ~e at ths propeT' tim~, tr~t GaCh address is readab~8 from the street, and that th6 pormit card is toaat6d at the front of the property. ~Bui?ding DilJicion appl'Ovsd plan 8.hall. remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) statG your city designated job number, job address, type of in3PQc~icn roquested ar.d when you win be ready for inspection, Contractors or OlJners ncme and phone number. Requests recsivsd befers 7:00 t:.'l iA.'iLl. be rrr::zd6 ths SGm6 day, requssts made.. a~~6l' 7:00 ,am will. ba rrr::zde the next :,)Orking day. " (I , Your City Deci'Jr'.ated Job Nwnber Ia: C{ 00 2lJ7 D Reouired Ins~e~tionB D SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICA~: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. n I{Q!!fING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~fter trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete. @ SEWER. W.1TE,Q, prior to fi l- IP.ffJSRGROUND PLUMBING; DRAINAGE: To be 11KUI.e 7.ir.g trenches. 0, UNDERFWOR PLU/.fBING & MECHANICAL: , To bs made prior to inataz.l.at1.on of floor insu la tion or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaZ.lat1.on of floor ins~tation or decki7l{j. O R(WGll PLUMBING. E[.ECTRrCA~ '" MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,ur.til thesG inspections have beer. made arui approved. D FI,1?EP~ACE: Prior to placir.g facing mat8rials and before framing inspec- tion. o FRAMING: Must be requested after approvaL of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All. roOfing bracing 8 chimneys, Gte. nr..lst be . completod. No work is to be con.- .. cec.led until this inspection has ~bG~n made and approved. ' D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulatian a~ " required vapor barriers are in place . .: but before any lath, gypswn board or , waL'L covering is applied, and befor'G ~y i~uZation i8 concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after' aL'L drywaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beamD, grouting or verticals in aecordancG with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH AP.9.0N: After forms are created but prior to pouring 'I~;:;:' & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- cretG paving within street right- of-IXY, to be made after all. exca- vating canpleto. & form toJOrk & sub- . base material in place. D PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P,U.E, ' ~~ skd--h.uLJ f DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary 861Jel' capped at p~opo;rt'd lir:e :=J 5llpti:: tank p-.D:rpi:d and fi.lta~ LJith iira~6l ] Final - rfhen above ite.71s are ccmp1.etGd ar~ when demolition is complste or stru~- ture moved and premises alGaned up. , MobilG Hcmes ~OCking and Set-up ~l ing connsctions SaJer and wa:Sl' Electrical Connection - BLocking, set-up and plwnbing con.nGctions rtr.lst ce approved before requesting elec:rical inspGc:ion skirting, decks, o All pl'ojeat conditions, Duch a8 the instalLation of street trees, co~lation of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied befors tl'.o BUILDING FINAL can bG rsquestad. o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG D FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL D ~NAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bG l'Gqueoted after the Final Plwnbing ~ Electrical, and Mechar:icat Inspections havo been made and approved. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS llUST BF: ACCESSIBLE:, ADoTUSTHENT TO BE I/ADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page of 2 I Page 2 I JOB NO, ~LOtJ.,(n<?' SOLAR ACC~SS REQ,- Izonc: l Il\C-- Occ:upancy G~t.~ Lot Sq. Ftg, S of lot Coverog< !I of Stories Total Height Topography ITEM SQ, FTG _mJi_ Cc:raae CarOOl't Accessol'l/ Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (val.ue) 1.5 x Building Permit State SUrcharge Total Cha;oges lITEM 1.-;...;-.. NO. FEE rrtN I Residential (1 bath) I Sani taroy Sewer I Water . I 'xffJf1I Y \~ Plumbing Pem t Stata Surcr.arge Total Charaes ~~~M s.. .~. 11rN ' NO'1 I Ne:.J/Extend Cil"CUi ts I I Temporary _ Serviqe "\ I rl~ ~:::: Pemt I ) State Surcharqe Total Charc:es lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove I NO, I FEE Permit Issuance Me::-hanica. l Permi t State Surcharae TDtnl ChtrJ'oOIJS -- ENCROAC/JMENT -- Secu.ritl! Deposit i Storage Maintenance I Permit I Total Cha'.(>((C8 ."r_ Curbcu.t Sid_lk r \( y I Fen:Je I E1.eatrical Label. I Mobi l6 HOf!'e I"~O:'~' , ~. I ',-Yr--, t'rrJTI1[' MIOUNT DUE: ~ Z5-f, f), <. U,:::), '7..5.... f\ / I S,~'" :i 51& 33 I. iJ"":t"' "" LOT TYPE Intel'iol' Cornel' Panhandle Cul-de-sac x I Value . /~W.~DII I I I~' I . I II r J44o. WI I~(o/,&()I. 1 n;:r ,S) I 1.1~ I 3U(lq: . CIlARGE IS~ 16{l),W I/~OO ~ n pU If)O,oO ~~.~ I)~ ,<;:0 FEE I , CHARGE IGQO I \ () ,aU L~,W 1- (.SO I L~I.S{)I. CI/ARGE I I I I I I I I I I '~'\ I j 1J\1l.L/ l. I 'a.\(()) I I ' I ~() "c,n I I 'f"~pe/Cor:st: L-COG~ ?1 . Bedrooms: II Energ.1/ Sources F-'z......r I I P Heat I I V Watel' Ytwtl'!Y' I I Range I Fireplace I Wood~tove I I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INorth lEast ISouth IWest TUDe Setbacks II/ouse Carage I I I Access. Fees Building Value & Permit This perrrrlt ia granted on the e%pr6SS condition that the sa'id construetion shall, in all respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, l'egulating the constfllation and une of buildings. and m::lY be sunpended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. -~...\ , , ) IPlan Check Fee: I. 'A. _ / .........---\ IDatc Paid: ,\\\I.j:.?- I IReceipt #: ~ I I Signed: IV I Plumbing Permit No pel'son shall const"tct. instalZ, alter 01' change any neW 01' existing plumbing or drainage Byst~ in whole 01' in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned. leased or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it Where State Law requil'es tr~t the electrical work be dOne by an Electl'ical Contractor. the electl'ical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electftical Contraator. '. Mechanical Permit \ ~~ \ ffi A. ' , ' Pl.an Examz.ner (3.8 ,C({) va"e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for peromit~ and do hereby certify that all inforomation hereon is tr-ue and correct. and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor-:ned shall. be done in accor- dance tJith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and the Lcr.J8 of tho " State of Oreg~:m pertaining to the work described herein. and that NO occu- PANCY tJiZZ be rtrlde of any struatu.r2 IUithout permission of the 'Building Di- vision. I fUl'ther certify that only cont1'actor8 and enployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project <r Y\\,~ 3-~~qC) Date