HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-7-7 .. ~;~~~~!E~e1~ .. 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 /{Af<EcIV II!, E. jVJPOR.c "-17/ 5colls 0/eA..J~ Op',I1\(;eld .Job wcation: -l-Uf..-Nrr v c..,l...1 AG~enGO~~ Map H . SlIbdiviaion: ~ffiro. i R fL, CA.mer: AddrOf,3: City: iXl n n n Nr>l,) SPRINGFIELD ~. l\-rn l:)~rrtts fIl ~n 'J',.:r; Dol; II 9- ~ 'Ierr'f' !larGeR P/:ono: -$ 3'1/-3(P 3/ 97<177 Zip: De:Jcribc rl'01"C' .1ddi ticn. J)e ck... / 2'1 'X /2 / Remodel :.fobi le lloma '7- 7- B9 Date of Applicaticn Cnntr,lctors (';cner.11 '8, II '1'e.rN<:<'N ; Plumbing i t-lecl""llical I El,,,' t rica 1 Slt11ervi~ing Electr.icinn AddrC:'ss c'o/lS C ' Value -Il;7'OD fi.;('r':ti .~. 14~q L;i RC. II B 1.<1 I~~'~[\~'"' Phnl1P ~ ~ f1J-~ ~(/)QJ Sigr.C~~ ~ Datc:i:Lh 7.' /9K''7 (f (/ E:~p:ir(.~s fJ/("lq~ It in the renpontJibility of the permit holdm' to see that all in:;p,~et,:'-m:; (U'C I;;adr. at the pl'oper timc) that ;;ach .:;ddreo::J is readabZe from the otreot, and that tho permit card is located at the flvmt of tit,: p~'opp.l'ty. ~Bui!.dina Dividor: apprOt.'ed pl.an r;Jzc.zt remain orl thG. Bu-:ldillr/ si.t.:; at rill 1,1:mer.. PNOCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccordm~) state your City de:ligllAlted ,job mD;;bar, job ad6>cr.:J, typiJ of i~l~pec;ic~l requested and w,':en you /Jill be ready for ir.apcctiol1, COlltractorr, 01' ();,llw,'a }u~me ,-;nd r;hm:e llwnbcr. Requ;::lts received befcro 7:00 <:':'I t..,'ilt be made the Bame day, requests made aft:::.r 7:00 (J;n will be madr. th.e n:;,r:t :.>orkt:n...:; day. f'f1 Your City Dnnigr.atcd ,Job Nwnbcr Ia: RQ04LF\ Ui?f111Lr.rtf rnnnpf!t1:r:rm o o SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB pLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & NECH,lNICAL: To bo made before any work is ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FOUNDA T IeN.' To be rmdo after trenches are excavated al1d formG are erected, but prior to pouring ccncretG.. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEIlER. W.1TEr?, DRAl NAGE: To be made prior to fa- lir.g tre11ches. 10 o UNDE:RPWOR Pl,Ul,!BING & MECHAN.fCAD: To be made In'im' to inGtalZatiol1 of 11001' insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaUation of fLoor inG14Latioli or decking. ROUGIl PLUNBIllG. EDECTR.ICAL t. MEClI- ANICAL: No work in to be covered ur.til these i~pectionG have be~r. made and approved. FIRf.PLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inr,pec- tior.. FRAHJNG~ Must be requGatcd aftar approvaL of rough pl~hina, electri- caL & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~3t be compLeted. No IJOrk is to be con- cealed untiL thin inspection har- 'bGcn made and approved. o o o o o INSUl,l1TlONIVtlPOH l!!lf?/Ul-:R .1NSPECTlON: To be made after II L7. i~l:;U L.. t i:Jn m:d rcquiJ'ed vapor bal'J'icr:; Qrc in place but bcforrJ any lath. !7YP:;WIl bem'!! 01' LXIll covering i:; applied, and /)nfore any 1:mJUZatioll i:;. cOllcr.alcd. I DEUOLITI0!! OR ;',,'Qrt;:; flU nDJi:r;S ~ Sani -tQ1'Y DC:.WJ' ::apped ::.t p~op;;rtii Ur:o :J Scpti.:J tank p:<.,?cd a:ui filZ;:d tJith gra:.Jol I Pinal - f{hen abcve iterns arc ccmplotcd ---1 a~;d L1Jum der.JClitior. iG complete 01' stru.::- tW'e moved mze p,'.;,-nises cleaned up. . Nobil,] IIcmrw =:J Blockitl{i and S;;t-:JP =:J Flwnbillg C0l1l111::tion8 8:;IJOr awl Wa-tar I Elcctl'ica.l Conr.ection - Blocking, 8et-up ~ Gild plwnbing connections rrr...:a t ce approved before requeDtillg a!ect1'1:::aL inspcc;ioi': ~ Ac::esaor;J Builc.ina I fino'll - I..ft;;r p:Jl'cr.es, ~ etc. are completed. Gkirting, decks, o DRrrrADL INSJ'ECIION: Tc be made after all dl'ylt.:all 1.a i11 place, but prior to any tariYl.{f. MASONR)"~ Steel location, bond beama, grou.tilla 01' pCl'f;icr.lr. in atJcf))'daJ1ce Llith lI.n.c. 5'-;C/.1:0H 241.5. WOODSTO'lF.,- Afte)' l:Il3f;aLZation in ccmplcl;,;d. o AU pro.iect conditions, :;lwh an Um ~'.nlltallation of 8~J'iJet tJ'ae:l, .-:o:..plet.":,;m of tiu; )'equired lalldGcap1:r..(J, etc., mw:t be ::atiGfl:ad before tJ;a BUILDING FINAL cct! be raqucatcd. o FINAL PLUMBIllG D FINAL MECIIANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL D c~ I o D o CURB Ii APPRDACH M'HON: Afl;m' forms are erncted but prior to pouJ'ing ~on..-;!rcte. FINAL BUIDDfNC: ThrJ Fil1al Building Inr,pcetion r:nwt be requc:Jted af'tr;r tho Final Plwnbill{J Ele'cb'ical., and Mechar:ical ]I:r.pccf;iomJ have beml made alld apI}1'ov.:d. ~Ar.r, '.fANlICU,:r; AND Cr,F.ANOlJT," }lUST [1T~ ACC,r.:;,.,;!.%!';, AlMfJ8T!fF.tJT TO m:: ,'..'AilF /:7 NO r:'ST TO CI'!'Y o SIDBIIAT,K ,.; DRIVE/rAY: Fel' all con- creto pavin{J within :;f;rcot right- of-wcy~ to be mada after all exca- vating caT/plete & [01'::1 Mork & :;ub- bar:;a ma.torial in pw.-;!c. o !'ENCE.' j.,'hr!.r. compl.;i;r. -- Provide gatm; 01' movable Gcctio1!l; !;}lrougJ: P.U.E. o , n,.,',' of :] . ~:J~ - l-COC-l"t I JOB NO, 8q~OlAR ACCESS REQ,- lone: Oc(.,'uvanC.lf Groue WT TYPE Lot Sq, Ftg, z ~f lot C~verag~ .II of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM lMain 1('''::f>rrcP.. I SQ, FTG CarVOl't Aeccssoru I I I S,O,C. TOTAL VALUE rvct.uc) 1.5 x Building Per:rrit State SuI'eharge Total (;'ha:'ge3 lITEM NO. Fixtures Residential (1 bath) lsanit:try Sewer Water Plumbing Pam t StatfJ Surcr.al'ge Total Char'aes Intcr'ior Corner Panhandle Cul-dc-sac x Value I I I I I 1 /4m?= I 1c92J,~) I t,\~ FEE CHARGE FEE CHARGE 111't.N I Res. So. fta. Ne/J/Extcnd Cirelli ts T~orQ1'Y Service I Ele:::tricl1l Pel>mit State Surchal'qe Total CharceD NO'I I I I FEE CHARCE lITEM I FW'na:ce !!TU' S I Exhalls t Hood I Vent Fan I w:;odsto;;e I I NO,: Pel'mi t Issuance Mechanical Per'mit State .<;urCMl'GC Total Charaes n ENCROACHMENT ISe~~rit~ Deposit I Storage I Maintenan.-!e Permit Total Charqes leurbcu; I Sidewalk I Fence I Eleetl'ical I Mobile llome Label I 'FOTAL AMOUNT DUR: ~ c94,loRl. I Lot Faces - I I p, L, INOt'th lEast South IWest .1 'I I Access, 1 I II II II II Bedl'ooms: Type/Const: Setbacks I House Cacaqe I Ener~l/ 50141'Ce8 !leat Water .'!(wt~l' Range Fil'evlace Woodatove TUDe ,I Fees Building Value & Permit This pemr~t ia gronted on the expreDs condition that the Bdid conDtruction s1~ll, in all respcctD, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Spl'ingfieldJ incZuding the Zoning CTdinanceJ regulating the constructicn and !we of buildings, and m::y be 8uopended or revoked at cny time upon vic- lation of any provisions oj' said OrdinanccD. IPlan Check Fee: IVatc Paid, I Receipt U, I Signed, Plumbing Permit No peN;on DhaZ!. constrllct, install, alter OJ> change any new cr existing plwnbing 01' drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor' of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do plumbing work to pl'operty which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. I, Electrical Permit l-/here State [,atJ requil.es tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele[!trical Contractol', the electrical portion of this pePmit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the !!.'lectricaZ ContractOl'. " Mechanical Permit I I ] I I I I. ['lall ExcJ1I1..ner lJate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby 'certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I fUl,ther certify that any ar.d all !JOl'k performed shall. be done in accor'- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of springfield, and thz Ur~s of the .., State of Oregan pQ.r'taining to the work describcd here-:..n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nude of any structw'2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'thcl' certify that only contractOr's and e~pl~yec8 who are in cG~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ( //7'n r'