HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-10-20 rl , ". .. RESIDiNTlAL" APPLICA1frJN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon Building Division 726-3753 / '2 f~....., S \,- Rcce~pt !I 97477 . /(tJ,b"SJ:. , Job Location: l/7)"" 5eo'tJ" r:;.1..~~ piA- T= Lot N t<'1A- 810dz .3 Desmbe II'ork: 1'Y\ob".l.. ,~Set--u.p d ~-Y5"b ~~'A , ~-~- ~ P/ct.CI~: (/1J/t.U.. Genera~ elZ.v~t!' .s;...:s i P~wnbing (' "'f~.~ '" flu,.",,'? I /:tectrica t 1l o..L, h .A r()tJ\" I /1echar.icat ~hI- t:;I-d.td.. 6.n':u. V4'f-; ;M I COMtl'"UOtion Lender ASGesGors Map # SUbdivision: J.-OC.h.4V-u./ {}.mer: Lpc- hAv~ Address: t ft'1 "7 ,v . City: t;'t..(!1'f!!II/'t!.. , Ilft'r I-VeA....5 /t!-f/..I2....., (/' n n n fb .y"',I Addi ticn RemodeZ .'.lobi la Home / f " Date 0 Appl~cat~cn c.:ontractol's /O-/3-92f' ' Driv't!!- 1..,+ Ifl Phone: " fy-t"ff fl7tpl- , J 15 tI Zip: \\~ ) 00 ,.~/) - \O,r{ C~ /h - 'UJ -f(K Value ;)3,3-83..':' Signed: Date: Address 4J'fP Lisc.# (1-/ if'17 ErrJircs Phone ",g8-8~~'I- 7'17_ 7 'f'd"D "l <J </_ /5rO ..3 'IS"- /.a>~ , <./9b fI"W'cp..... ..). .:J~.S'9 It is tlur respon.rn.biZity of the permit holder to see that att. irwpections a:re made at ~hs proper tims~ that sach ~888 is roeadahZe from ths street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ,fBui!ding Oivi=ior: approved plan shaU remain on th2 BuiWing sits at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:aUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state YOW" City designated job number3 job adi.:J'css, tYPQ of in:;pea-;icn requestcd ar.d when you wil~ be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owners ~e and phone number. Requests received beforB 7:00 ~ .>iU be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am lJiU b. made the na:t :.JOrking daY,!;? , Your City Desigr.ated Jcb Number Is' to q L/ 1 Reoui~ed InSDp.cticns O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of foI'ms. O UNDERSLAB PLUI.fBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. 'g,. '3 rvt FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made l.!!-1 after trenches are excavated and forms are erected3 but prior to pouring cancrete. dQ ;)(:" ')'t f"Jl UNDERGROUND PLUMBING.. SEWER. W.4TE.r~ lLLJ DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi l- 'Lir.g trenches. o UIIDERFLOOR PWlfBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of [tOOl' insulation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made priOl" to instaUation of floor inBklation. 01" decking. Lf '). ROUGH PUP'fBIllCal:;:;D:;'RICAL. ""li MECH- ANICAL: No :.Jerk is '/;0 DC cOL'ered .ur.tiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: f'Itior to plaair.g facing materiaZs and bsfore frcmring inspsc- tior:. ~ o O FRANING: Must be requeated after approva.l of rough plwr.bing3 electri- cal & meahanwaZ. AU roOfing bracing & chimneys3 etc. nr.lst be ;. completod. No work is to be con- . ...;. cealed until thia inspection has ~be~n made and approved. ~0- W FIliAL PWMBIIIG o [Xl o ,~ @ FINAL MECHANICAL yc} FIliAL ELECTRICAL U .iNSVLATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insuk.tion a:".d . l"equired vapOl" ba1Tiers are in place . but before any lath.. gypswn board or wU covering is app'lied3 and before any irwuZation is concealed. DE,'.10LITION OR ;~,'OVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani:ary se".Jer ::apped at ~opcrt:J. lir.e ~ Septi:: tank p~ed and fille~ with gra~eZ O pRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywal~ is in place3 but prior to any taping. . :J Final - rVhen ab....~e itG::ls are completed ar~ when demolition is comp~ete or 8tru~- ture moved and pl"emises aleaned up. O MASONRY: Steel location.. bona. beam33 grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. Mobile Hemes ~ ~ B~ocking and Sat-up o 2J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa:sr O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte"Z" forms --vl Electrical Conngation - Blockirl{J3 set-up are ore~ted but prior to pouring S"" ~ and plwnbing connections rrr~st 1:e approved ." conareteqV q I before requesting elec:rica1. inspec:ion. rvI SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- l!LJ C1'ete paving within street right- SI 2J Ac::es~o1"'d Building Of-waY3 to be made after at:! exca- vating ccmpZete & form work & sub- . base material in pla::e. s(: O PENCE: When co."7lplGte -- P1"Ovide. gates or movable sections through P.U,/:. ' 11 FinaZ'- Aft~r p~rcr.es3 skirting3 deckB3 .!1J etc. are ccmpteted. IA/IT#IPY 6::> ~y~ Or< CX:.<6~""'__c:'" . o o All project condition83 su.ch as the installation of street trees3 cG.":1plotion of the requil'ed Zandscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can bo raquest3d. FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiWing Inspection must be requ.eoted after the Final Plwnbing Eleotrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiona havo been made and approl)ad. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE3 ADJUST/lElIT TO BE !>!/IDE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I I I JOB I Zone: NO. r;'1/Dwn SOLAR ACCESS Oacuoancl{ erA Lot Sq. FI:fj. S of lot C.7IJerage # of Stories Total, Height Topography lITEM I Main I Gc:raae I Cal'Dort I ACCeSBOI'U , SQ,FTG I I &-r/~I ~::?a Is.D.c, TOTA~ VALUE (vaLue) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State SuI'aharge Tota l !:ha..~ges lITEM I r..'_-H.-,,8" ~R"'JJD I Residential (1 bath) I Sani ta.ry SeLJer ,I Water N; I 1/ 1/ 1<72Sflh> , ~/l.-~ Pl:mtbing Pem t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I N3W/Extend Cil'cui ts j ... ",""t"c,'j l.- J" Sopvice (//->C>,A'VP I NO'1 1/ I 1/ I I I Eleotl'ical Permit State Suroharae Total Charoaes lITEM I Purna:ce PTU' S , I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan 11I00dstove I NO, I I I I Permit Issuance Me::hanic:zl Permi t State Surcharae 'l'ntn l ChaJo(UUl -- ENCROACHMENT -- 'SSC".4rit'll Deoosit I StorQIJ6 I Maint~e i Permit I Total Cha:l'QCB I Curbcut I Sidewalk /79' Pe~e Electrical Label I/olabile HomeU-,:<Y..:o WI= I r~b I I TOTA~ AMOU/IT DUE:' I I I I I /3;;:e:l, ... D I I 1353,75 l. I ::<'''3. .so 1- 2.- /-/81 2~6S.1. CHARGE I /~~I I I I I r3J WT TYPE Interior Cornel' Panhandle Cut-de-sac x Value FEE -::ZiP. .- ~5. --. 2~. ..." 70.~ FEE CHARGE /.~ .::rO ~ .a-o FEE .%. 7'9 I I I I I :5'7-;;::. 7:2 '35:= /-~ Page 2 ~ REQ.- L-COG~ ~ '! I I .' Bedrooms: Ener'!y Sources Heat Water Yp-atp.r Range Fireplace WoodztoL:e TUDe Type/Cor.st: I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. House Caraqe Access. INorth I I lEast I I ISouth I I I~st I I Fees Building Value & Perm i t . This permit io granted on'the express condition that the sciid construction shalZ, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpPingfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buitdings, and m:::y be 8uspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. /~ I Plan Cheek Fee: / c:; ,.;2,,[ IVate Paid: io -I? -"x y IRecdpt #: /.:1. "> Cj' 5 I Signed: /'.c.. Plumbing Permit No pereon ohaZl constrouct, insta'LZ., alter or change any new 01' existing plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe~son may do pl.umbing work to property which is OJJned, l.eased or operated by the appU- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La:uJ requires tr.at the cl.ectrical. lJOrk be done by an El.e~trical. Contractor, the el.ectrical. portion of this permit shan r.ot be J)aUd until. the label. has been signed by the El.ectrical. Contractor. Mechanical Permit I. i, I. J I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA..~INED the compl.eted appl.ication for permit, and do I, hereby certify that an information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shaU be do:-ze in ac~or- I dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ [q..;s of tho * State of Oreg.:m p&rtaining to the llJOrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- I PANCY UJilZ be rmde of any structur2 without p8nm.ssion of the Bu.ilding Di- vision. I fu.rther certify that ~l.y contraotors ar~ ~z.~yees who are in compZiance with ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this project r~ ~. ~-~ /~.-</ /o./$?~ var;e i-II I ~'2.~ l . (()-t7~ Date Sign8d