HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-5 .- .. RESIDE*IAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . .fob Locat;.on: -4-411 S('1O-14<; GIE.lI\I'\ 'tsQ, .. 17~1)-:z,~;n-/~ LO,.J"IA.J~rv' 1 Cli ~ :Sf<, I '7 n 3 ~ !j \ ~ n41t2cO ~""l"JJe..Q.S ASOOSOO.N' Map H Subdivision: ~ ~ Q,mer: Addrsss: Loc.H p"ve....J 11'\ 9 N . ,.- of Q.~""-- C;.ty: 1::......, -c,oV..Q.. _ O.,e..... Pt::;.ti-on n Remodel. n ,'.!obiZe 80m3 SPRINGFIELD Tex Lot H ~/J;f" L..}(/JOO ~l<x..k, " 3 <.'f , Phone: b gg-\,b99 Q140:L Zip: Deoaribe fl'ork: I-\cu~ S'II2..~,' :18 x sto o.cc.e~5"""er" See.. \l\oT ~ L.,.", l VITI 4.'<.. 00 ~- f " , ,1/~,2,/- -">4 Dat9 0 App~~cat~cn ~ 4:>~ Value X d'-l.cl J7. (J'{) c.:ontl'actOl'B Ceneral. P!wnb;.ng Electrical /1schar.ic.::.t AdLlreo:J E RoN' <C. -l.. S.,.,,,,'<;,, '-t '1 '1 D iY)qv-el'J Lo. f......_ I~ /:\.....r.'~h>..., \lluM.h, 'v.r '-/103'5' J.A.j(e~ q- ~~I.rn -P:;ro.uV CJ I:}.?'O W.fJ.XfY p~ rr(o / !:, 7?J r"(!S ,q /7't. (V1 <L> ,d"l.n UJ It is ths responoihility of the permit ho~er to Bee that all inopections are mad6 at :he proper tim&1 that ~h ~B88 is rea:ab!, from ths strest. and that the permit card is located at thll frent of tho property. ~Sui!di~ rr:vi::ior: approl..'ed plan ahc'Ll l~emain on thd Bu-::ldin~ Si.ts at a'll times. ,PROCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION R~QUt:ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City .:iesign.:1ted job numbsr, jab aaerc88, typo of in3pso::ic,1 raquestcd and ~~en you wilL be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owne~s ncme end fhone number. Requests recei~ed befere 7:00 ~ L>ilZ. be made th~ sams day, rsqu.ests mads a~te:r 'l~OO ern fJiH b3 mads the nat :.JOrking day.. . n . Your City Dee;'fI".ated Job Nwnber Ie: f3q(J~C:S ) 1?nnui~p,.d r':iJtQ~(!tir.n~ SITE INSPECTION: To be rrade after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. Ef.,ECTRIC,1l. t . MECHANICAL: To be made bej"or13 any work is .::ovcred. Conat1"U.ctiOrl Lendsl' y. FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIOll: To be .~de aftG!' trenchos are excavated and forms ars erected, b1,.lt prior to pounng ccnOl'st... UND~RGROUND PLUMBING.. SEWER, W.1TER~ DRAI/lAGE, To be made prior to fi-!- Zir.g trenches. UNDERFLOOR PLUf.fBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3taL~tion of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to instaLLation of 11001' insu~tion or deck;.ng . RmlGH PLCP..!BIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,untiL thcs6 inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior:. D FRAMING: l-h.lst be requBated after approvaL of rough plUffhing, alectri- oaL & mechanical. An roofing bracing & chimneys, eta. 17T'..lst be "-compLetod. lIo work is to be can- ..; cealed until this inspection has ~.b6~~ made and approved. O INSULATION/VAPOR B.4RRIER INSPECTION: To be made after alL insul~tian a~~ . required vapor barriers are in place but beforB any lath, gypSW11 board or watt covering is appLiGd, and beforB any irwuZation is conceaLed. O DRY;"ALL IllSP~CTrON: To be made after aU drYlJaLZ is in place, but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: SteeL Location, bona beam3~ grouting or verticaLs in accol'dance uith U.B.C. Section 241S. D WOODSTO'lE: After instalZation is ccmpLeted. D CURB & APPROACH APF!ON: Afte:o forms are cre:1ted but prior to pouring COMrete. D SIDEWALK t DRIt-'EWAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-wc..y~ to be mads after alL e.:rca- vating ccmplete & [om wrk &: sub. bass materiat.. in pza:,e. Rece~pt !l ,,~ I Ho:J. D PENCE: When compl..ts -- Provide. gates or movable sections througr. P.U.E. ' [:g] ~T ~...,.? . SiQr.e:dtffi ) Date: l J'Y'iJ 1 J., '=\) I~f (I Li:Jc. H Er:;il'oB - Phone 1/ / ~'l1 ...:J-:).- 'fa 5'S/_RtJ. ::ZO~/'3C.lqJl.s-;) , . UR~ 9;,{ /''1 l.J ?y-S'7l7 . f'1/tJ.-1 SlJ'D t. ~ 7'- 7.f7f/J DE,'.:OLITIO!.' OR gOVE; BllILDIilGS ~ Sanitary se.Jer :Japped at p~opcrt":l lir.a =:J Septi:: tank p:J.~~d and fi L7.11~ IJi th G"l'a~i! :J FinaL - m'len cbov6 ite.71s arB cc.1tpZecc:! and when d~Litior. is compZete or stru:. ture moved and pr~3es ole~ned up. I Mobile Hemes ~ B!ock;.ng and S.t-,p ~ Plumbing connections .- sewer ar~ wa:er ~ ELectrical Conn.otion - BLooking, so:-u; ,l:J and plumbing connections nr~st to appr'~~ before requesting sleotrioat inspec::io~ 4tJ AC:JssSOl";j Sui lding " All Finat.. - AfttJl' p,rches, skirting, deoks, ~ sta. ars compLeted. o ALL project conditions, DUC~ as the installation of strsst trses, c~~totion 01 the required l.andscepir.g, etc., must be satisfiad before tr.s BUILDING FI!lAL can be 1'3C(UesC3d. ~ FIliAL PLU/(8IIIG D FINAL UECHAIIICAL @ W FINAL ELECTRICAL FIliAL BUILDING: The Fina! Bui-!d;.ng Inepecti-on muet be requeeted after the Fina! Plwnbi"J EleotricaL, and Mechar.ical Inspeatiorw havo been made and approvad. 'ALL UANHCLf:S AND CLf:ANOUTS /IUST Bf: ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/roUT TO BE /-lADE AT //0 COST TO CI:'Y' I Pari' ! of 3 I JOB NO$~:?5? SOLAR 'AC~~-;-~--;~Q:~-' I Zonc:Ao?.#S/ LVR. Occuoa""" Gr""~~Cc ",{te.~ Lot Sq. Ft.. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - I S of lot Coverag" Interior I p, L, # of Stories Corner I/Iorth Total Height Panhandle IEaut ISo" th Topography Cul-de-sao IWest I lITEM 'SQ,FTG Iuain I Gca>ace I Ca~DOrt I AccessorII I ~""""i?~5 TOTAL VALUE I IVC.t.u.c) S.D.C. 1.5:z: 7Y. <9/7 I' Bu.ilding Permit State Surcharge Total Cha::oges lITEM NO. l~;~r.uyop-q ~ / I Residtmtiai '(1 bathi I Sanitary Sewer I Water II / ~ ~/#~,~ Plwnbing Perd. t ,State Surcr.a1'ge Total Cha't'oes I NO, 1 I I II IVFC7' .L .,uP I ( I ITEM Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extend Circuits j m'P......~ Service EZeatrical Permit Stato Suraha.rQB Total CharC:SB x FEE FEE lITEM I Furn:zce ETU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vtmt Fan I WoOdStOV6 NO. FSE Permit Issuance Mechanical. Permi t State Surcharae Total CharaeD I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Secr.l'I"it1/ Depo3it I'storage I Maintenance I Permit I /Curbcu!; I Sid""",lk Total CharQ08 "'3'S"/ I Fen:::e I EIsctl'icat Labet I Mobile Home~p ~Ce ~ I TOTAL AMOU/IT DUE:' Valuc 3'=.- 13"73_7~ I. I /;;:- I -7S I /5:75"1. CHARGE /<;"- """" "Zo. .,,- /S.~ '2 c/. crt>' '/&>_ est> -=f .<;"'0 7"3~:5'C> . bIARGE: /<;: c=> /5:- '"'1"0.- /.5a:> :.iJ- 5D . CIIARCE I I I 1/.5: -<~ I I I I I 57"6 ~/ I I 9$:.-:>1 /.;;:s- I I I. . I I En2Y'fI!J SO:.4l'ces II I !ieat Access. I I I I L-COG'" Ti:ioc/Cor.at: Bedroor.:s: " T:J':e Setbacks House Cal'age Water YtUltP.1' Range n l'CP lace Wood:;tot:e Fees Building Value & Permit This pernr;t iD granted on the express condition that the said constl~ctic shaLL~ in alL respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd, including the Zoning Crdinanc8, regulating the ccnctr~a;icn and use of buildings, and m~y be sucpended 01' revoked at cny t~me upon vi Zation of any p1'ovisior:s of said Ordir.anceB. : : Plan Cheok Fee: q ,:,1 t c.; ~~::i;:iS ~-r~iQ~ S.gr.ed: ( 11\ 0h ') , - Plumbing Permit No per~on.Dhall con8t1'Uct~ instal!, aZter or change any r~U Cl' e:iDtir.g plumbing or 'drainage 8Y8te~ in whole or in part~.ur.le88 such perDon is ti legal possessor of a vaLid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may de plumbing uork to property uhich is owned, laased or operated by tr.e appli .cant: .. ., Electrical Parmi t .Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical ~ork be dOne by an Eleatric. Contl'Qctol'~ the electricaL portion of this permit shaH not be valid .WI:: the Label has been cigned by the Electrical Contractor. ~ Mechanical Permit I I. /(~-----~ ~ Ai?--:- & pt..Ib~.ramtner , . S"'- 'I-B~ va.. I. I HAVE CAREFULLY SXA!.fINED tiw oompleted applioation for pennit. and do hereby certify that aLl. info:'TTlation hereon ";S true and corl'oot~ and I f:4rt1:el' certify that any ar.d aLL work performed shaH bs dOns in ao::or- danoe with the Ol'din~nces of the Oity of Springfield. and the l.a'",a of t): State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described her6~n, end :hat NO ace PA.NCY witt be m:zd6 of any structure witno:.4t parmission of ths Building [. vision. I [upthef1 ce1'tify that o:1ly contractors ar.d e.'1JP~!l6CB LJr.o (U" i ca~pLiancB LJith ORS ?Ol.05S will be used on this project . S\~ L m(GOt1'~ s ~S-gc; Sign2d Oat.