HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-4-20 " /lofJIIG? .. RESlDrATlAl" APPLICATI(J'}PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, 01'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: 444 Scots Gl en ASDeSGOl'C Map # Subdivision: CUneI": Brad Guile Addresa: 444 Scots Glen City: Sprinaield Tr..x [.ot 1/ Pholle: 747-R2l5 Zip' Q7477 GlN~J II .1dditicrI , '--l Remodel ! n .'!obile Homa I D~3Cloibe. 1~IOl'h: Install panel in garage & wire. 4/19/90 Address Li:-:;e. It Date of Application Contractors General Value r0\Ps , B 1 d r s Iloa rd R ,,' . Expires "?e>>D '~ ~ ' ' I ' Sign.d, Wo:' _) Data, 4-0) - '-f ( PI'~ , Plumbing j' t.lechanical I Electrical L.K. tlraOnam, Inc., 1O,-D W. "Q".C Sprinq.field, OR 97477 20-~]r. R6qq l?/lA/qn ,SllPerv_,-"SinIlEleCtl':ici"n ....;"1,,,,,,,,, ~,~ 34lJ-:J...'5 /D//(02.... ' It is the l'enponoibility of the permit holder to see tha~ bwpectiorw are r:la'de at ;he pl'Opel' timE;.. that Dach .::ddr1es8 is re~dab:e [rom tha street. and that the pel-nrit card is lD<:ated at t}1e fl'Ont of the property. *Eui?di.'1lJ Diui::io~ ap;n'ot.:ed pZan nhc.ll remain on Ul~ Buildblfj Sit~ at all times.' prWC::DURE FOR INSPECTfCJN REQUEST'CALL 726-3769 (l'ecordcl') state your City designatad job Yllm:ber, job address, type of in:;pec-;icII requested a-:d wl::en ;014 wai be ready [01' inspection, Contl'actors 01' Ol.mers name lend phone number. Requests received befcI'e 7:00 c:"; .'il! be made tho same dcy, "eqt/Csts mcde afto!' ,,00 am will k made tho next ""iki>1i/ da~'Q n Q ,~ n YOU" City Dedgr.ated Job Numba Is, () ~\ n '-.) , .' , ,.,. J .I/I?mti~f!d TYlflnr>~t1:(';>1.q o D SITE INSPEC~"JON: 'Fa be flKlde after excavation, !Jut priol' to set up of foPms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC.1L & NECHANIC'AL: To be rnade befol'e arlY work ia ~ovcred, FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be nv.de after trenches aI'e excavated arul forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccnCl'et~. WW'SRGROUND PLUMBING.,. SErVER. W.1TE,'"(, DRAINAGE: To be Trade pY'iOl' to fiZ- Zir.g trenchas. O UNDEHFLOOR pr,U/!RING & Ur:;CHANICAL: To be made priOl' to in:;tallation of 11001' insulation or decking. D POST AND BEAM~ To be made prior to installatio'l of floor inst.:lation 01' decking. ~ ~ . FlOUGH pr,U.'.'lJ[fIG. ~r,ECT.'?!CAr!,~ ,'./ECl!- l...b::::t'" ANICAL: No worl: ~ cot:ered until these inspectior.s have bem: made and aPPl'Ove?, O FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. D o o FRAf'.!INr.: Must be requeated aftel' app1'oval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. ~~st be . completed. No w:Jl'k is to be con- cealed until thi:; inspection has . bEwn made and apP,'Oved. O INSULATION/VAPOR U/1RRIf;R J.'1SPSCTION.: To be made aj't;er' all i1wu bti:m a~.d required vapoI' L'{lrriera are in p'lace, but before any lath. gypswn boa~d 01'1 lXltl covel'ing in applied, and before any inDulation i8 concealed. DRyr/ALL INSPECT!ON: To be made artel' all dl'Y!.X1ll is i1t place, bu t prior to any tapina. D MASONRY: Steel location. bo~d beal1l3, gl'outing 01' verticals in accol'dance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415. o o WOODSTOVE: Aft-el' ins tal1ation is completed, DENDl,ITION OR MOVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sani tary 8e'.Jer capped at p~op<:!.ty Ur:c =:J Septic tank p~~ed and filled with gra~al ] Final - ~~en above ite~s are completed and when demolition is complete 01' stru:- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Homes :=J Blocking and S8t-~p :=J Plumbing connections -- scwer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections ~~st be appro~ed befol'e requesting electrical inspec-;io~ ~ Ac:!esaor>:,' Building ] Final - Aftar p~rches, skirting, decks, etc. are completed. o AU projc(!t conditions, :;uc.': as the ,!'.n:;talZation oj" street traes~ co.-:-rplotion of tile rcqllircd 'land:wr:pi..:o, etc" must be satiaj"icd bej"ore the BUILDINC FINAL can be raquostcd. o FIliAL PWMB[fIG o FItML f1E(;HANICAf. G2l FINAL ELECTRICAL o CURB & APPRCACli AP.'?DN: Aftero forms m'e ereoted but pl'-iol' to pouring .:!o1t.::lrete. o PINAL BUnDING: 7'lw Pinal Building In:;pcction must be l'equeDted after tlla Final Plumbing ElcGir'ical, and Mechar.ical InnpectionD havo been made and approved. D SI/Jsr-lA[,.I<. ,~DRIl'Er.;t.Y: Fo}' all con- crete pavinlJ w-ithill atreet 1'ight- oj"-wc.y~ to be made after aU exca~ vating c~npletc & fOI~ work & aub- ba:;e rrr:.tel'ial in pla:!e. o ~Ar.r, J.f,lNIIGLES AND Cr.,-.:tlNOU'FS ,lffJ.r;'F m: ACCf:,r;..-;mLF., Alj,llJS7'!ff:N'!' TO .%' f.t.~nE I1T NO COST TO Cf'!'Y t Pa!,,"! oj":: o !'ENCE: Wllel: (!ompl;;tc -- Provide gates or movable aectionn through P,U,E, o I I JOB NO, I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg, ~ ~f lot Coverag~ .!I of storieD Total Height I Topography I jJTEM . SQ, FTG I Main I CrJ>(lG(! I Carnopt I AcccSGoru TOTA& VALUE Is,D,c. Cuauuu 1.5 x BlJ.ilding Permit State SW"charge Total Cha::'gea lITEM I Fixtures I Residential (J bath) I SanitaY'Y SelJer I Wctel' Ptwnbing Permit State SUI'cr.a.rge Total Char(1(~8 IITl.'M I He.<J. Sa. fta. I Naw/Extrmd Ciraui t8 ,11 ~ Temporary Seiovice \ I I: Feeders 1 ess 100Aj1 EleatricaZ Permit State SUf'aharqe Total Charc;es 'IITSM ; I Furnace ETU' S : I Exhau.8 t /lood I ~ I Vent Fan II Woods toO" d I Permi t I38uanca Meahanical Permit State SurcMl'Cf: Tn-ta Z Charnp.CI SOLAR ACCESS Oc""""nc, G. WT TYPE Interior Corner Pcnlumdle cut-dc-sac x Va!.lIc NO'I I I I I FEE I I I 1 I I NO, I FEE I 1 22.Sol I 1 115.001 I I I I I i NO'1 I I I I 1 I I 1 FEE -- ENCROACHMENT i:sc~~rit~ D2003it :1 Storage "Maintenance 'I Permit I Total Charoqoa ,'I Curb",," :;! SideWalk I' F'cflae , , ! j" Elea trica l Labo 1- Mobile Home il I, TOTAL AI/OUNT DUE:' L_____ CHARm; CHARe;: 22.S0 15.00 37.50 1.88 39.38 CHARCE ,I I I I 1 3CJ .3'A I R EQ,- L-COC'" ~ I I I II II II Type/Cm::; t: BeG.)'ooms: ElleJ'f/Y Soarcca !leat Iratm' HAG tm' Rallge FirerZac{? Wood:; tOlJe I Lot Faces - I I p, L, INorUl II:asl ISout.h l11en/o TUlle ,';cthack:; lIow:q I Cm'G(!f? I Ac(:c:w. i I I Pacs Building Value & Permit Thir; permit i:; {wanted all the expl'eDS condition that the said con3truction sllall.J in aLL l'f].';pcctD, conform to tlte Ordinnn.ce adopted by tJI8 City of Sp,.i/lg.ficld, 1:/1duding the ?0I1i/l(J Crdinl1llCe, I'r]!7ulc.ti/!!l the acnGtJ'ucticl1 G1ui w.:e oj' huildil1rJl>, and mt;.y he GUGpcndcd 01' l'cuokec at GI:Y timtJ upon vie. lotion of ally pr:Jvi:;im:o of naid Ordinances. I I, I Pl.an Check Fee: IDate Faid: IRec"ipt II: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No perGon nhall conGtruct, il1lltaZl, alter 01' change G1ty nelJ C1' existing plwnbing or drainage vYl1te:n ill whole or ill part, un leGs 8uch person is the le{!al pOGGe3S0r of a valid pllunber'8 licenae, except that a person may do plwnhillg work to property IJJhidz is ol..med, leased or oper'ated by the appU- cant. I, I 'I' dl I I Electrica.l Perm it fiJlCl'C Stat6 [.c;.; rcqu'ir'cD that the clectr>ical work be do~e b!J an Electroical COllt1YlctOro, the electrical pOl,tion of this permit S1U2ll not be valid until the label htlS been signed by 1;1Ie Elect1'ical f:ont'ractor. I, I I I ,I I I I ,I I I. Mechanical Permit f'lml t';Cwrll.IlfH' L!rlLfJ I I II, I H.1VE CAREFULLY 8XA.^'JINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU b;fo:'mation 11c1'eon in true mul correct, and I fur'ther' certify that any m:d all work perfOlr:71ed l'I1111U be do:1c in accor- dance :.litl1 the 01'dinancen of the City of Springfidd. and t11;: [n..;s of the State of Ore{f:J/l pertaining to tile work cescl'ibed hC1'e:'Il, end that NO OCCV~ PANCY wilt be nYIde of any structura. withou.t p~rmiD:n:on of the Building Di- vision. I furthm' certif:i that o:1ly contr'actors a;:d fJ.:'npl:JyecB who arB in compUance with eRS 701.0M Mill be used on this Pl'O,jcct Si!ln.1d D..lta