HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-6-8 .. RESIDEeIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SppingfieZd, Opegon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 lob Location: 433 ;)t/JTTS '-ienfJ vb ~Docsoor::: }.fap K r ~If) Subdivi:rion: t~~ To: Lot 0 rl ncM.t fA ./ 2uS3ell C'(}.{1f.j /J :5 -3 5:YJ//::J (9 (enl7 c:5rJIJ Date of Applicaticn :ont rae tors ~cncral ~lUmbing ~echanical .'J eccrica 1 ~' ~uDe.rvi,9ing Electl".il'i;ln rt ill :h" reoponoibiLity of tllo pormit holder to 800 that all inopoctiono CU'o r:tado at tha proper timt:~ that 4lc:oh ::ddrSBO is roada:..':;: "l'cvn ths otrcat. and that the pCl'frrit aard ;'0 located at the [l'Ont of tho propol'ty. (!Jui~di~a tr."vi::io!": ap?l'ol-'cd pla'1 :r1u:U remain on th~ Bu~ldi"rl ~it:: at all times. ':,'OCSDURE Fon l11$PE'CFl(JN RE;.OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (,'ccorder) otate your City designated Job numbor, uqucstcd Q!':d 1.1.1:011 !fOU wiL l be ready fol" inspcot-:.on, Contractors a" tA.mor3 name and Fhono number. I_-ill be made the llama dcy~ requests made after 7:00 am Lri-Lt be rmda tho ne:r:t :JOl'kin.J,day, , Clmer: i1ddl'e:J3: City: I~N"" n--Additicn n Remodel :\ "fob~le Tlom~ ~ ~/?! fCj rJW-1U/) .J ?!!mliT'/>'" Tn.':nf',.tl:r:.,,'I Sl'1'f:: INSl':,'C'."JON: To bo: made after excClv.::Jti.?lll .?lIt priolO tc 3e: up of fOlTn8, UNDERSLAB PW,',/BINC, ELECTRICAL & NECHANICA4: To be mado! boloro any wcwx is .Jovcred. FOOTING! F'OUNDI1TIO//: To bc m::u!e after trCtlChC3 arc excavated and forma arc erec ted, bu t priolo to pouring ccnCl'ct:, U....'DSRC.WU.'!D P:"UM!1[NC. SSWF:R, W.1TEH, DHAINACE: '}'o be 100:10 priolo to Ii l- tir.g trench.Il:, b I tJ P UNDERPWOR N.wmJNG ,~ MEC!/ANICtlL: To bo TOOde prior to ilwtaLlation of j100r inoulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatiol1 of floor in:l1:lation 01' dcckill{;. RnUC/I ?T,ll,'mn'a. ET,F.C'rn!CA!. ,f, MF:CII- ANICAL: No l.JOrJ:. iD to be l.."ol.-'el'ed ur.til thcue iI13pec~io~s have beer. made and appr'oved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing matol~al3 and before [l'aming inapec- tior.. FRAf~rNr.~ Mw; t be rcqueoted after approv.Jl o{ rOUGh plwr.hi.llg, electri- cal & mech::mi.::al. Al! l'Oofino bracing & chimneya, et.::. nr~3t be :completcd. No ~rk ia to be con- , coc.led until thin inspection 'IllD 'boen mad~ and approved, 1%-07/:2 tl7~77 Plum::: Zip: DeocPibc fl'o}''': Vallie 150~ 'Woa;pt ,f ?l,fU trl/ ; ~ .~ Sia"ad: ~. J I ~ -;' Data: () 1M ><1 X V'J l ') , Exp'1res Phnn(~ Addrpss Li~H~. II Hldrs Haurd Re~. Yaw' City Dcoigr:atcd Job Nwnbcl' 10: D INsur.A'!'WN/VI1POR llARRJf:R INSPf.'CTION: To be made after all inauLati:m and rcqu~red vapor barriers are in plaoe but befo1'CJ aTly lath~ gypDlun board 01' wn aouer'iny ia applied. end beforll any in3ulatioll ia concealed. job address. typo 01 in3pec~iC'11 Requeota rocoivod beloro 7:00 ~ 'rqo ~ ~o; DntOLIT ION OR !-fOVED BUILDINGS :J Scini~aJ'y smJsr aapped ~t p~opcrt:; lir.e =:l Sflpti., tank pumped. and. fithd lJith Jt'Qnl ::J Final ~ rl.hen abovo itemD arc ccmpleted arod IJhen domotitior. io oOlnpLoto 01' Otl'U~. turo mov~d and pr~mi3eD oleaned up. Mobile /lcmBo :==J Blooking and Set-up :==J Plumbing connections -- sower and lJa:er :::J Eleotrioal Connootion -. Blookina. oet-II? and plumbing connootion8 nr~8t to approv2d before roquooting oleo:rical in8?Oc:io~ , \ ~ AaaGtlDOl"',J Buil~ing ::J Final - AftlJr p;ror.oo~ Bte. aro oomplBtcd. skirt~na~ decks, D DRYlltlLf. INSPf:CT!ON: To be mdo arter clll dr'ywaU it! in ptace~ but prior to any taping, }MSONRY: Steel Zocation~ bond beam:J. grail ~i.n!1 01' vertica lo in accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. [J :All project a011ditiono, :mcJ: aO tIle i.lIDtaLlat~on of o":root trDOS. co.-:rplotion of t;IC ' required lalldDccpi~a~ eta'l mlls~ bo aatisfiod bororll tho BUILDING FIIIAr.. ~an ,bo rsquoat3d. o FInAL PLUMDltIG J FINAL NE':/JA'vlCAJ. ~ FIliAL ELECTRICI.L :J o FINAL BUll.DrNG: 'l'ha Pillal Buildina Inopcotion must bo requoeted altoI' tho Final Plumbill;] Eleotrical, and Ncchar.ical Inspaotio~D hauo bOBn made and approved. o D 1I00DSTDVE: ccnrpletL.'d. After inutallation io 4A1./. '.IMllICLES AND CU:AflOU'I'::: ltu!:7' m: ACCf.'SS/lJLF., ADJUST/fF.NT TO DE }!1DE AT NO COST TO CI'!'Y I P:I~JC of:: o CURD & Al'PROAC/J APRON: Aftor' forma are ero::tcd but pr'ior to pourin(] .::on~rete. o srm:rIM.K .( DRn'f:rlt.Y~ FOI' atl. con- CI'ete puvin!! within tltroot right- Or-fX.Y~ to be made after all- e%ca- vatina canplete & torr.! wrk & cub- baDe lraterial irl pla:::e. ~ ' , !'ENCF.: I,I}ICI: compl.;te -- Prouide guteD or movable oootiono through P,U,E..' D I z~n~:U Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ,r lot Coverage .~ of Storieo Total Height Topography NO, I I TTF.N I Mat'l ,I G.':.rant! I SQ.F'TG Carnol't ,lCCC3t10l"1I I I I I TOTA~ VALUE /S.O.C, (LlCHlCJ 1,5 r :' BuiLding Permit .sea tG Suroharge Total Charge. IITEN I Futures I Re.idential 11 bath) I SOl1ita.ry Sewor I wr:t~r I I NO. I I I I Plumbing P"nr.i.t Stato Suror.arge To ta l CharallB I In"}., NO. Ratl. Sa. rto, Nuw/Extend Circuito I Temporary ServiclJ I I I Elo~t,.ioal Permit statn S~chn.rf1e Total e1w.J.t;68 I IT.'i1l I f\Lr'101(!1' P.TU' S I E:dlaU~ t flood I Vent Fan I JI~odnto'J6 I NO'1 I I I I I I I I Ptu.,rrit ISBUanDlI HflcMn.ical PGrmi't Stato SurcMrnc Total Cha;'a~n' I 1 S/u.":lritl! D3,?!?:.'Jit ' I I ' ,." ...., \~"...." "'. '. Storaqa I Main tr.nGtt.':R I Permi t I -- ENCROACH/lENT -- SOLAR.ESS OccuooncII Group: LOT TYPE x FEE FEE FEE Intsricr "::,'~' CO~Br ",).' Panhandlo Cul-de-:O~~ Valuo ',' OIlA ROE CIIAROE I I I I I CIIAROE I I I I I I I .:.).. :1 I ........1...' 'I.,.... ~ ; "/'" ',' ...., -', ,I, ".....,,' Total Charaolf I Cu.r!Jcu~ I Sidm.Jo.1lk I f('II:](1 Electrical LabGl Mobile Homs I I I rOTA t AMOUNT nor.:" ,C).OV 5. rJ() ""1" REQ,- L-COC'" J T:;"o/Co::ct: . , necroomc: I TAt Facan - I I P,~. North IF-ant ISOl~th /lfnct I I El1flrt]1I SO:lr~,_!n I I !leat II II II II II Tllf'P. Setbackn IIIOUO. r.m'onn I I l ACCC:HI. i I I Watm' .'/i!atrr' RatlGt! Fit'c"lru:t! Wood;) eave F:WR Buildifl9 Value & Permit Tllio l'r,:rmit 1:0 !]rantcd 011 ~ha m:prao(J cm1diiiofl that till'! lI.lid c:ollntl''tIC"Uml nhall, i'l all rp.npcatn, conform to tho o,'d':llfll:t:f! :uloprJ'..l h'!1 dlf! Ci~!I of Sprin(lfield, illc!l/d~na the Zenina Crdf.nrlllca. rr!:lukt.iJlf} Ow c:cm;tJ'tf..:ticll and UGD of Imildill!]n, alld m;:y bo aUGpc,ldcd or ,'cuokcc at t:,1:!J t~m.; lqJO': uie- lation of mly proui.1im:o of naid 'Ordir.allccr.. I i. I I I I, I plan Check ICate Po,d: IRec::ipt If: ISig::ed: Far:: Plumbing Permit No percol1 ohall COllntl'l/ct. inotal!, a!tcr or challae G:l1y neW CI' c=i:;tillIJ plumbing or draina(Je oyntc:n ill :uhole or in part, w:lccn Gl..:c11 FCl'COII iG the lcgal pODOCGnot' of a vaUd plumber 'e LicCIl:;O, except that a 1'(J:-:;01l mail do plwnbing work to pl'Op~l't,y which io owned, lcaDed or opcrcted hy the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where St;atn !.atJ requi}'cn U:at tho clactl'icaL I.,"";": b.~ dona by all ELcctrical Contractor, thn olectJ'ical portion of ~hiJ p(wmit allaLl ';01. be valie! until the label han b€:el1 ciallcd !JY the ElectricaL :;OlltJ'actor, I, Mechanical Permit I I I I I I I I. I I PLall t:.r.nmt.llm' Urltt! I /lAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINED the completed applicatioll for permit, and do horeby certify that aLl. i~fo:-matiot1 heroon iD trun arid correct, and I further' certify that any ar.a all work porfoJ':ned Rhnl! bQ dO:1(1 in accor- cianCI! :.li.th the Ol'din.:mcno of tho City of Sprinafidd, and tho: La'..)s of tha State of Orc(J"'l p:::rtainina to tho IJOrk c!oncribed hGro~n, elld :/sat NO oee:.;- PANey ",ill be mdo. of ally otruotura with01.lt p3J'mioaiol1 of tho 9uiIdina Di. vioion. I furtlwr certify that only CO'ltra~tOl"6 a,:d C71pL"YDtZB wl:o are i'l ccr.tplianco with ORS 701. 05~ ",ilL be used on tllio project . gffY-tP~ d~R1 96'0) --