HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-9-1 "RESIDiNTlAL .. APPLIC.N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .Job Loca.tion: .' J./;)-Lt St.IJtfSQ/01n v Df;V~ A8:::enGOr~ Map H Subdivision: T= Lot II CA.mer .' /1) L/-Ut I<obf./J-- Wfl5hiIJ4f1Jn fClrft5qlUJn W, <-./ Phone: rJtlI-3~7 / q'7'i~7 Addre3S: ~ City: QN"", n .1dditicn n Remodel n .'fobile lIoma Date of Application Contractors General : I'l.umbing l Hechan:i.cal I EL"ctrie~l. SI1DerV1"'Sln~ Electr;[cinn q - r- rq Zip: Describe rl'or1\.: ~U- Value $ J / 5(){) . q.Q.. Address Lise. II IUd rs Board Rec. Exoires Phnnp Rccp-:.pt ,1/ ;+ lqj Sigr.f?d: I/;; V---- _ , l.j-/-YI Data: It is the reoponoibility of thB permit hoLder to see that all inopectiona are madG at the proper tim~, that ecch ~ddre8(J is readab:e from tho street, and that the pe1"mit caro is located at the f1'Ont of the property. ~Bui!ding Divi~ior. approved ptan ohall remain on t~ Buildin~ Sit$ at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE..QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) 8tate your city d08ign.a.ted job nw;;ber, job address, type of in3pec;;ic'l requested ar:d 1J,~en you win be ready for inspection.. Co'~tractcr8 01' OlJllerv name end phone nwnbcr. Requests received before 7: 00 .':':'7 :..'ill bo made the Barno day.. requests made after 7:00 am /Jill be made the next :.JOrkin..g day. fqDqeXj RqPfli~(Pl Tn.'mN!t1:r.yY-R O SITE INSPECTION: To be T1J1.de after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & NECHANrCAL: To be made betol's any work i8 ~ovcred. o FOOTING & FDUNDATION: To be nude after trenches aJ'e excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concret6. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, w'1TER. DRAINAGE: To be rocu1e prior to fi~- ~ il".g trenches. o UNDERFWOR PWf.f8ING . MECffANICAL: To be made prior to in3ta~Lation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To bo made prior to instaUation-of floor in:n.:lation or deckit1{j . ROUGH PT.UM8Il1C. Er.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.Jerk is to be cO/HIred. ur.ti~ these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p7.acil".(J facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRAgINr;: Mu3t be requeDted after approva~ of rough plumbing, e~ectri- ca~ & machanica~. All roofing bracing d ChimnCY8~ 6ta. must be completed. No J.lOl'k is to be con- cealed until thin inspection has 'bG:en made and approved. o D D o Your City DeGigr.atcd Job Numba' Ie: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIt;R INSPECT JON: To be made after all insul~tion mui . required vapor barriers are in place but before any la thJ (TypRwn board 01' wall covering is apptied~ and hefol's. any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSpeCTION: Tc be made after aU drYIJaZl is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel beam3J grouting accordance lJi th 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instal~ation is ccmp~eted. loca tion J bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section O CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but pl"ior to pOUl'ing COMrete. o SIDsr{ALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving lJithin street right- of-wc.YJ to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & for.:! work & :;ub- base material in place. I I DEllOl.,ITIOH OR ;'.:OVED 8UIl.,DIiH;S ~ Sa~li~QJ'Y 8e'.Jer ~apped :;t p~opcrty lir:.o ~ Septi.: tank P:A.9cd and fiLLad lJith ijI'Q"Jal ---, Final - rl'hen abcve ite..'!f3 are ccmp~etcd ---3 ar.d when demolition is comp~ete or stru~- ture moved a1~ prcmi3es cleanad up. . Nobi le Homes :::J Blocking and Sat-~p :::J Plumbing connections -- scwar and lJa~or :::J Electrica~ Conn.ection - Blocki1'lg~ sot-up and plumbing connections rrr.J.st 1;e approved before requesting elec~rica~ in8pec~io:; ~ Ac.:es:;or,:; Building ---, Final - Aftcr porches, skil'tina~ docka~ ~ etc. are c~ple~;;d. o All. pro,lect conditions, lJuch as the i.nstallation of street trees, co,-:rp~at.i.vn of the required Landsccpil".{J, etc., rmwt be sfJ,tinfied beforo tho BUILDINC FINAL ca'l bt] r3qu6otcd. D FIlIAL PWMBING o FINAL I1ECIIANICAl, o FINAL ELECTRICAL 1,0 o FINAL BUILDING: The Fina~ Buildin{J 11lspe(!tiolt must ba raqucated after the Final Plwnbill(l Electrical, and Mechar.ical Innpectiona llQva been made and approl.J.Jd. o ?ENCE: When ca~pl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sacticllo t:hl'ough P.U,E. "AU, MANIICf.r:S AND CLE:ANOUTS nUt:T m; ACCES:JJDLi:, Al.1.l1JSTl,'f:NT TO 81:: MADE t1T NO C:}ST TO CI'!"Y Il':lt~~ of:: o JOB NO, SOLAR ACCESS Occuoano" Gr~ LOT TYPE Zone: Lot Sq, Ftg. t ~f lot C~verag~ .II of Stones Tota 1 Heigh t Topography Intel'iol' Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac I'!'EM I Main l SQ. FTC Value x Gerace CaY'P01"t I/ICCC880l'1/ I I Is.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (vat..u.c) 1.5 x Building Pe-rmit State SU1'charge Total Cha.:oge3 lITEM I Fixtures I Residential '(1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer CHARGE NO. FEE Water Plumbing Pem:it State SU1'cr.apge Total Cha1'f1CS jl'l'EM I Res. Sa. I NO. CHARGE FEE fta. New/Extend Circuits Tempol'cuoy Sepvice Ele~tl'ioal Permit State SUI'charae Total ChaPc;es , lITEM Pu.rnaae PTU' S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove INC. PSE CHARCE Permi t Issuanoe Mechanioal Perorit State SUrcha:Mc Total Chal'aes -- ENCROACHliENT -- I Secr.l1"ity Deposit I Storage I Maintenance Pcrnri t Total Chal'aCB CUl'bc..'Ut SidetJalk I'~'ence I Elec trica 1. wbe Z. I Mobile Home 6-00 I 'f'{J'l't1!. A,'..'OUNT DUF.: ~ .....::1..... '"' R EQ,- L-COG~ Lot Faces - 'Bedrooms: I En2p[1,1/ Sources ~ !leat I Access, I I Watel' HeQ tel' I I Range I I Fil'eDlace I I Wood" to"e II TI/ve Type/Cor:st: P,l.. INo!.th gust Sou th [/cst Setbacks , Hou.se ' CQI'aqe F2es I I I I I \ 1 Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction sJ~II, in aZl respects, confonm to the O~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating t}Je constl'U.::!ticn and lale of buildings, and m:;zy be Blwpended or> revoked at cny time. upon vio- lation of any pr:Jvisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rea:;ipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No pel'f:on nhall constrouct, install, alter 01' change any new 01' e:::isting plwnbing 01' drainage systa~ in whole or in part, unless such perDon is the legal pODsessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State [AIW requires tr4t the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pePimit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , Mechanical Permit I I I, Plan Examt.ner vote I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for penmit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is tr>ue and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perforrmed shall be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ Ur.Js of the * State of Dreg~n p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be lltlde of any structur.1 withou.t permiB8ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractops and e~loye~s who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project i, ()J~T j/iA y-J- 31 Date