HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-11 . .. RESIDE.. IAL .....cce;'t" :/!: ft' 7 64(" , SPRINGFIELD . . . APPLICATION/PER/fIT ~ . 225 North 5th Street A6 .~ Sp~n~fiel~. . O~egon 97477 ' ~ ! . ;: Bu~ld~ng Div~s~on _'___ 726-3753 Job Loc,ti,n: tl2t:i' ~.c"'1"r~ <7/~A/ ASGeS801':: Map II Ta:r Lot # Subdiu;sion: /..e.~ llAV&,,,N . L,6r r5" '7 , Il.mer: "'::;,;q~ ~ ~/V' .M~/t::.E .A'6"",,~' Address: <""O"2':1/?7H# ?T: City: .$"'~/~h~.o~a;-? , Xl I I I Nm.' Phone: 7Z6-~/7/ Zip: <9 ?<l7g Describe fl'ol'lc: ~~~ 0Y Addi ticr! ~S"f;>/I'-'':;'''7" /2')<~O'~~/"frW/T# , , ,#77~~ !2'Xt; O/"'~"7-E ~ Remodel !~obi.le Homa Date of Applicaticn 12~ <t -e& ....ont"l'ac::Ol's ';eneral"-'::;-., W~~;;;V /fn,;"Q. ?lwr.bir.g ::Zectrical Meehar.ic.::l Construction Lender Value 17> '2. <=oc> AaareS3 Siar.ed: Data.: M 1'1.-J/-Kfo Li:1C. ,; E~'l..rcs Pi-.or.;: ?:?~- '2/"// ~t is ths responaibi1.ity of ths permit holder to Bee that all. inapections al'"e made at ~he proper time, tf".at ec.ch :;dd;ress is ra~:c -"rom the street, and that the permi t ccuod is 1.ocated at the front of the prape:rt;y. 'Bui!di~.g Divicio~ approved pl.an. shcU l'emain on tha Building Site. at aU times. J.70CEDUF?E FOR INSPECTION R.:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number~ JOO G.C.a'css~ type of ir:3pec-:icn 'equested a~.d w~en you will be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or Owne~s name end phone ~cr. Reques~s received befora 7:00 ~ :"iLl be made the same dcy~ requests made afta' 7:00 am !JiZZ bO! made the m;:t ':.JOrking da:;. r~ City Desigr.ated Job Nwnber I:;:~~~~ 'tmui"'R.1 T1'J.~'Q...r>+:,:r.,,!~ ] SITE II/SPECTIO,V: To be made after excavati"n~ but prior to se: up of forms. ] U/lDERSLAS PLUlfSI!IG. ELECTRIC,lL & . NECHA,','ICAL: To be made before any work is oovcred. VI FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be muie ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to _ pourir.g ccncret.;. 'i5.' 0'1 V!.'DERGROW!D P:'UJ.fEING,. SEWER. W.1TER, ~ ,~~ To be made prior to fil- ,hr.g r;renches. ] UNDERFLOOll PLU/-11I!JG & MECHANICAL: To be made prior r;o inataLl.ation of 11001' insuLation or decking. POST Ar,'D BEAM: To be rr.adc prior- to installation of floor ins~Zatior. or decki7lfj, ROUCH PLlJ?!BD.'G. EJ,ECTRICA!, & '.fECH- Ai/TCAL: No :.lark is to DC covered ur.ti~ these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. Fr.r?EPLACE: Prior to plaair.g ~acing materials and beforc framing ~nspec- tior.. \ A FRA!~I!lC: Wfst be requeated after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be . completed. No wrk ia to be con- .. cec.led until thin inspection has . b6~n made and approved. ] ] ] 21 D INSULATION/VA PO::? B.4RRIER INSPECTIOU: To be made after aLL insul..:::.twn (X".d " requi.red vapor ba:rriers Cl1'e in place . but before any Zath~ gypsum bctll'd or LXIlZ. covering is applied, and before any inauZation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU drywaZl is in place~ but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bona beam3~ grouting Or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. o D WOODSTOVE: ccmp~eted. After installation is I DENOLITIOH OR .~:OVE; aUILDI;;CS =:J Sani:my se".J~r ~apped c:t ~op:r1:':i lir.o =:=J Septic tank 17~ed ~ fiLLe~ uith gra~eZ :J Final - r"'hen abc-ve ite::rs aPe cc.'rniZ.etea ~~d when demcli~ior. is ca~leta or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Sat-dp ~ Plumbir4 connections 8~er ar~ ua=er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-U? ~ and plumbing connections nr~st to ap?r~~ci before requesting electrical inspec:io~ ~ AccessoT>;,' Building :J Fin:J.l - After p:Jrcr.es~ skirting, decks~ etc. are cQmple~cd. D FIliAL PLU/tBIflG AU project conditions~ auch as the .fnstallat-::on of street trees, cc.~lcti.:m of the required Landsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the Bl!IWI/.'C FI!.'AL can bo raqullscad. ] ] ] ] FIN:'L !.[E':HA:JICAL '(\ @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested efter the Fin:J.l PLumbing E~eccrical~ and Mechar:ical Inspecti.on::J have: been made and app-rovad. FINAL EL!~~~!C~L D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aft€":' forms are erected but prior to pouring co.".,rete. SIDEWALK ~ DRIl'EfIAY: For all oon- ~rete paving within s~ect right- of-fX.y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & ZuD- base material in pla:Je. -ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS lWST BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST'!!E;'l'!' TO BE f.!/IDE /'.'!' f.'O C~ST TO CITY, I P~Fe 1 of 2 D FENCE: Mlhen compl.;te -- Provide gates Or movable sections through P.U.E, D JOB NO,iJ6t::>g&:,~ ~1I'5 Lot Sq. Ft;. : :;f tat C.:J1Jcrcg:: .ii of Stories Total Heigh: Topography I':'E.'..' I SQ.F7C Mc:.ir:. ;;cr.a=c c~c'!'~ :z C/ t!/ I 72 I ~~~~~~ S,D.C. TOTM[. VALUE" I uc.l..;J:c) J.5 :: Building Pl1rmit St.:;,te Surcnarpe Total Cha:oges ?i.=i:"'.a'CS :residentiaL (1 beth) 3cr.it..:::r'! 5e-...'c':' :,.'c::tl1!' Plu.-::bir.g Perr.:i t &tc.-:e Su:t'cr.arge T"....-' cr.c:.r-oes ...;." ~(!S. So. ft::. ;~/E=~er~ Ci'!'~~its ~er.7?CrCT!, S::P'Jice EZe.::t'!'icaZ Permit St=.te Sur=harae Total C'1".a:t'ces "7':".' "urr.ace ETU' S .::hau.st Hood €nt Fan ":Joasto;;e Per'r:i'~= I:;suan.ce Ne6'.::r:::.c::.Z peromit Sta::c Surchcroc 7'n=c:Z ern!"",,,,:: -- Ei,'CROACHJ.!E::r -_ .7C-~ri tu DZDO:;{. t ';oranc :inT;m".Gr..::,,,: 7r:-:ri.t Tete!. Ci:cr"ncs t,":'C"..l= :alt'..J:::.lk 'r..='-: I I I I I~~ /272.-1 I/p.-I 72~.-1 I I~_..---I) W?1>2.~1 1#,7/. I, J I '$"2, S2:> I I. :?c:::::>I,/ '). 1~~.801. SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- Occuva.c" Grtt /"-/ LeT TYPE I Lot Ir.tcricl' Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sac x VaLue 1/.'0. I CH.ARGE ''', , d'.... I ,,::,:,1.....:.. "n I ,:v. I I I I FE:; CH;....~CE :cctT'ica! Lc~~1 'bi le Home I I I 'TAI; A}!JU.':~, 115"' f . 9'~" L-COG~ T:.,'pe/Cor.st: &r r I [naT'a:; SO:lT'~(!3 I I .~'ca: I I Water Hr.at.."!'" I I Hatlpc I' I I Fircnlacr! Weoa;; :;o/.:e II I 1:1'::'<1 Be:iroor.:a: Faces - I P,I;. lNortll lEast ISouth Ir,eot SetbacK;' I House I Carape I AcceS3. I I I I Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t This p6rnr~t is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respect:;, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springfield, inaZuding the Zonina Crdinanae, regulating the ccnstFJcticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. \ Plan Check Fec: -:21. /3 Date Paid: R.6r'J .-rt/b Recdpt #: 12--II~.6 ISig"ed: ~ Permit I I I I I I I I I. Plumbing No percon shall construct, instaZ!, a!~er or change any ne~ cr c=~ct~~~ plumbing or drainage syst~ ir. ~hoZe or in'par~,.ur.less ~~cn pC'f'sor. is tr.~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, excqt that a pe!"S01: r.:a~ c'o pl~bing work to property which is o~~ed, leased or opera red by the c~?:i- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LClJ,} reauires tr.c.t the electrical WO'f'K. boa done all an Ele:::ric::.: Contractor, the el~ctrical portior. of this permit sr.:::.ll not-be v~!iC u1::i! the Label has been signed by the Elcc&'f'ical Contrc::ror. I I I , . I I I I I J I I I. Mechanical Permit 4~__..-? L~~ ~pt~ Exami~~- . ;1P' /2 -Ie:>- &;;;, uat;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INED the completed applicatiml for permit, and do hereby certify that aLl i~fo:-r.:ation hereon is true and correct, c:r.:i I further certify that any arA all wO'f'k perfo~ed s~ll be done in ac::or- danC!e :.nth the Ordinances of the City of SpringfieZd, and th~ La-..:s of the State of OT'egon pcrt~ininr to the work cesC!ribcd hcre~n, end =r~t NO OCC~. Pt.NCY LJiZl be r.rz.ie of any structura without pcrmis3ion of tire 3uiZding cr~- vision. I further certif:! that only contra::tors m:d ~Z~yecs ~ho are ir. ccx::pliance with (JRS 701.(',"E fJH7. !-r ~r",~1 ():'1 this project 2d~L ) f signz{ /' /Z-II-fh Date .. RESlDttJTlAL" APPLICATION !PERlIIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 4'2'7' ~.c~l"'r:".S ~X/ A60esaor:: Nap # Ta:r Lot 1/ Subdivision: ~.". ~V&:~ . t.~r r5" '7 , Q.mer: "':::;,q~ ~r~/Y ~e:tiB/<:.E uJ(...//,e:::::<> Address: ~O":2.';ImH# ?T: Phone: 7Z6-Z/7/ City: 5'~/~RE<:.o, <:::V'?, Zip: 4!J7</7f!5 , . Deseribe fl'0rlG . ~.i.;,;1fc.'~T /:;'X:<~'~~,qIW/7# ,,477,f1-.c.~ 12 'X€, ~~~e ~ Xl "I "I I Nr-M Addi ticn Remodel .'~obi!e Home Date of AppUeaticn 1'2~ <:j -et;; /-~,~ Value r/ ..... Aaaress ..onrra'::~ors ';eneraL....:::;-~,~~~ A/l'),4. Plumbing !:lectrica7. ge::har.ic::l. Constl'"Ucticm Lcndel' " ' Rece;,: ~ /!; ~ 7 (f t../(/l (, r.!,(j""-' /".......... I\.~'\.v t I" .;.0 , f.J\i " J.iv~ , "flY Siar.ed: IL l'lou-Sfo Data: Lise. H i::~ircs fi':or:.: ?7~- '2/"// :-~ i.. ths 1'6sponnbility of ths permit holdezo to Bee ~hat al!. inspections are made at the pzooper timE:, that ~c.ch .:zdd:res3 is rea.::a.;:" -'"n::rm the street, and that the permit cCtt"d is located at the front of the property. .Bui!di~.g O-;ui::io'!": approved plan shc:l.'L rer.-.ain on tlu Bu~l.ding Sits at a"LZ: ti.inzs. ).70C~w~e FOR IllSP'ECTIOll RE'QUE:ST:CAll 726-3769 (l'ccordeI') state yOUZ' City design:lted job number, Joe aac.:rcss, type of ir.::pec:icn 'CUrUCST;ca ar-.a w,~en you ..,i.l.l. be ready fop ir.spcction, Con~actcrs or Ownezos nc:me end phone number. Requ.€:s~s receiced befera 7:00 :: .'il.L be made thE: same dt:.y, requests made afta' 7:00 a"1J will. ba made the next :.JOrkiYl-d day. y~ City Desigr.ated Job Nwnb<r Is: ~..:!!5?6ly' '~'Wirq,.; T7'l~~....,.+::ir.n.q ] SITE IllSPE:CTION: To be made after e:rcavaT;ion, but prior to se~ up of forms. J: UllD!RSLAE PLlH.fEINC. ELE:TRICi1L & .I-!ECHA,'JICAf.: To be made before any LXJrk. is covered. VI FOOTING ~ FOUllD.1TION: To be m:z.de ~ after trencnes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. ~ VI U!.'DERC.'?OW,'D PI.W.r&ING,' SSWER. W.1TER. ~ ~AI~k&~:~ To be made prior to fil- . t l.r.g ;;enches. ] ] UllDERFLOO.9. PLUl.!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaZ.z.ation of 11001' ~nsu"Lation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.ade prior to installaticn of floor insuLation or decking. ROUGH PLfP.!BD!G. ELECT.'?ICA!. & UECH- AliICAL: No :.JOrk is to be covered until these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve':. FI.r~EPLACE: Pr>ior to plaeir.g feeing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. \ ., FRA.'~IllG: kft:;t be reque:;ted after approval. of rough plwr.bing, alectl'i- cat & mechanical.. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, et.;!. nr..lst be . compZetcd. !.'o wrk is to be COJ1- ~ ceated until. thi:; inspection has eb6~n made and approved. ] ] ~ D INSULATION/VAPOR BAR.'?IER INSPE:CTION: To be made after atl insul~t~n ~~ .. required vapor ba:rr-iers are in p'Lace . but cefore any lath, gypsum board or UlU covering is appZied, and before any inauZation is concea"Led. o DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made- after an d..rytxzU is in pZ.a.ce, but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel "Location, bona beams, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ccmpleted. DE,'.jOLITIO!! OR ;;;OVE; E:''ILDI.-:CS ~ Sani:ary 8e'.J~r capped ct ~opo;rt":i lir.e :=J Septic tank p-...,""?cd and fitz2~ lJith ~a:;ez. ~ Pinal - flThen abcve ite.-:zs are cc.-:zpletcd .J '." 4 . and when ~~cl~~1.or. l.S c~~ete or s~~~- ~e moved ani premises cleaned Upe Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbir~ connections scwer ar~ ua:er ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u? ---.J and plumbing conr.ections nr..:st te tI?pr~:':c': before requesting e"Lec:rical inspec:ion ~ Accessol"".i Buit.d~ng ---, Final - I.ft<:r p:Jrcr.es, sk-:.rting, decks, ~ etc. are c~le=o;d. o FINAL PLU!.aJIllG All project conditions, suc~ as the installation of street trees, c~~lction of the required Zandscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BL'ILDI/.'G FI:ML can be r3quest3d. ] ] ] ~~ FIIIA.L l{E~HA::ICAL y,\ @ FIliAL BUILDING: The Finat Building Inspection must be requeoted c:.fter the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, crnd Mechar:ical Inspection:J halla been made and approv.?d. FINAL ELE~~~!C~L D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte=- forms are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK t. DRI!~vAY: For all con- ~rete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub- base material in pla..::e. -ALL I1A!.'HCLES AND CLEANOUTS !IUST BE ACCESSIBLE:, ADJUsr:!E:/T TO BE nl\[)E t.'!' /:0 C~ST TO CI'!'Y I P~ge ! of 2 D D !'ENCE: M'her. compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable se~tions through P.U.E. o I I 1 ts-;-1/272.-/ I/&" - I 7'2<>. -I I I ~--_~ W?92.-=-I/ IIV~. I. I I '3'2S~J I. -;?OI./ ').. I;:?g" .861, JOB NO,it6:>SCJ'I Zono: -m~ Lot Sq. Ft:;;. : :Jf l;;;t C;mcrc.g:: if of Stories Total Heigh: Topogr~hy LeT TYPE Ir.tcric.,. Corner Panhandle CUt-de-sac !'!'E.'! I SQ, F~C ~/aluc x .~tt::.i.r: ~a::c Ca~c:': ,;~,)..... .4CCCSSOI":1 ~~ 1 7'2 i S.D.C. TOTAl: VALUE' IIX:.l.;"lC) J.5 = BuiZ:iir:r Permit St:::.te S:a'cnxrpe To-:a.! Cha:'ges "~"'.' :L-:-.J'cs I'''' I /....... I I CF.ARGE ~esiC.entiaZ f1 beth) ~c:r.i~~.J se'....c:' "c.te'!' Plu::-:bir.g Pe!'i.:i t Sta~e Surcr.arge I I, "':;.",.-"..,~ I I , I I I I I 1 I I. c.:;',':.R::::; Tc~::! cr.crocs ";" i::..:. ; ?es. Sa. ft::. :G:J/E=tend Ci:oC"..l:' ts '~crary Sa~Jice EZect:,ical Permit St=te Surcr.a:rae Total C"r.arces "';':"" ~".ac.;! ETU'S =haust Hood I "0 I ,"V, I FE~ ent Fan ':)oasto:Je Pe1"1':'i';t I3SU:mC2 /o!e::,...:::r:ic::Z Permit Stctc Surchcrac Tot~Z cr~:,a~[J Ej.'CRaACHf.!E~ ."!C".4r1.t:J D;:po:;it ;orr:oa :int;P.T'.ar.~." ~rrnt Tct.::Z Ci:arncs ~"!}(:'.l~ :dC"..J:J,Zk 'n.::r. cctricaZ Lc....~1 'bi la H:Jme I :-':Z; AN~U"::: t!15" f . '1"$ Lot Faces - I I P,Z;. North IEnst IS""th IWo"t Fees T":fPe/CoP"'..st: T"J"::'i! L-COC-o::, Be::.roo~s: Setbacy.r: Houne I Caraal? I I I II Il.ooe"". I : I I I E'n:?rt'7:J SO:lr~(':; i.jea: Wato!'" H~'1~,"!' Han.pc Fircniace Wooa:::oL,'c Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaZZJ in all respcctsJ conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of SpringficZdJ includi.ng the Zoning CrdinanceJ regulc.ting the ccn:JtT"'.l~ti.cn and uze of buildingsJ and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr:y time upor. vie. ration of any provisior,s of said Ordir~ceB. \ I Plar. Check Fee, '21.13 ICato Paid,BI/),-r<lb IReodpt #: 12.--"-'(".0 I Signed: c.c., Permit Plumbing No perzon shall constructJ instal!J a~:er 01' change c.ny r.e~ cr c=~=t~r.? plumbing or drainage syst~ in whote or in partJ ,unless ~uC'n person i:: tr.~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except tr~t: a pe~sor: ~a? co pl;u::bing !Jork to property which is ol.,"rledJ leased or operar:ed by the a;;;;i.i- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical work be done bu an Ele~:r~c;: ContractorJ the electrical r;or"t;ior: of this oermit s;..all r:ot:~ be v,::Zid w::::Z the Zabel has been signed by the Elecr:ricaz" :::ontr.:::!t:or. . 1 j I I I 1 j I I I I I I Mechanical Permit ~t:1;?cfR:~~ /'2 - /e>- a:;;;, LJa~e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'1INED the completed appZicatimt for pe1'mit~ end do hereby certify that all i-::fo=-r.'.ation hereon is true and ccrrcctJ cr..:f I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk performed sh;ZZ be do:1e in ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of SprinaficZdJ and th,;: Ie..:;; of the State of Oreg~n p~rt~ining to the work described hcrc~n. er:d tr~t NO OCC~- PI.NCY !Jil.l. be rrn,ic of any structure without parmis3io:1 of the 3ui.Zdir.g rr;- vision. I further certif:.! that O:'1Zy contractors Cll~d c.71pZ;;;yecB z.;}:o are ir: co:::pZiance w~th ORS ?Ol.N.5 1.)1:1.7. r,.. ~,;>,"1 0:"1 this project 2d~~ ) , 5rgnz{ /~ /Z-/I-fb J fu'e .. RESIOE4tTlAL" ,. APPLICATION/PERMIT 246-North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' L-/,;<, S- x:k~ ~_r- ~.A-LJ ~7?"r1-i ~ 7 .G~ ~ T= Lot # //d~ Job Location: As.oeS80rz Map Subdivision: Clmer: xi,;J .)fuILA-?G k Ii. ~I 1;;0-c2/7/ 9?t(7Jl Address: 5oC}tj~ -1~ I V City: n Nm,J n Addi ticn n Remodel Phone: Zip: ~~es~~ ~ ~ r;L/Jf~~ 17L Jfobile Rome Date of AppZication ~ //-JtJ --Yb (:on t.ractors Genel'al Plumbing Electrical Mechar.ical ~ Construction Lender Value (I;":.-~~ro Adtb>es3 ,cce:Pt !i 0"73&'7 -:JJN.-rlv ).IV" I ( , r") 1111 9-.,\ (~\ Signed: Date: ~ I 1- /~-y", Lise. # Phone Eroi1':JS J-j t. '-I7.;;ltJ-<J .Your City Deoigr.ated Job Numba' Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU inBUZ~ti::m ct"'.d . 1'equired vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypswn bomod or LXZlZ covering is appUed~ and before any in8u.lation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywall is in place, but prior to any taping; . O MASONRY: Steel location~ bmuJ beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is '7 () ccmpleted. SJ. CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afts:, forms are erected but prior to pouring t;1-.. concrete. ./ o o SIDEWALK & DRlt~vAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-f..JC.Y, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base "",teri-al in place, '-I.t; It is ths reaponsibiUty of ths permit holder to Boe that an inspections are made at the proper time., that each .;:;ddrOS8 is l'ea.::ao:e J1:oom the street, and that the parmi t card is 1.ocated at the front of the proper"ty. ItBuiUing Divicio:-: appl'ur.:ed plan ahclZ remain on t112 Bu::.lding Sits at all,. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City design:lted job nwnbel'" job adCrC88, type of ir.3pec=icn requested ar:d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Owner's ncme a.nd phone number. Requests l'eceived before 7: 00 c::; :..'iLZ. be made th~ same day, l'equests made after 7:00 am wizt br; made the next :JOl'king day. g(/709t~ Rp.~Ji~fln T"~~~~tir."~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be made aftel' excavation, but priOl' to set up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAl:: To be made before any WOl'k is .:Jovered. [J FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be nrule after trenches are excavated and forms aJ"'6 erected, but pl'iol' to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND Pr.UMEING? SEWER., W.1TE.'t DRAINAGE: To be ma::J.e prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. D [J UIIDERFWOR PWNBI'vG & MECHANICAL: To be made pl'iol' to instalZation of flool' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.adc proio1' to installation of floor inskZatior. 01' decking. ROUGH PLlP.!BIllG. ELECTRICA[, & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approve'::. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. '0 FRA.'fIllG: Must be reque3ted after approval of rough plwrhing, electri- cal & mechani.:Jal. AU roofing bracing t1 chimneys, et;:. rrr..tst be . completed. No work is to be can- . ~ ceeled until this inspection has .be~n made and approved. o o D o !'ENCE: Wher. complete -- Provide gates 01' movable se'?tions through P.U.E, <9oLj r DE!!OLITIO!! OR :~:OVE!:i BUILDriiCS ~ Sani~y se'.Jer capped c;t p:.opo:rt;':j' l.ir:e ~ Septia tank p~~ed and fille~ with sra~a~ I Pinal - rlhen above ite:~s are cc."':'f'Oletcd ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or 8t~~. ture moved and premises cleaned up. . Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~Plumbir~ connections sewSl' ar~ wa~er V1 Electricel. Conr.ection - Blocking, set-up .::::..J and. plumbing conr.ections TTr..st ce approJ;ec. before requesting eZec~rical inspec;io~ ~ Accessory Building' ~ Final - Aft;r p..,rcr.es, ~etc. are comple;cd. ski~ting, decks, o D All project conditions, such as the installation of s=reet trees, cc.~lction of the required Zandscc:pir:g, etc., must be satisfied befol's the BUILDING FINAL can be raquest;zd. :=J FIliAL PW/.!BIIIG =:J FINAL MECHANICAL ::=J FINAL ELEC~RICAL :=J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection. must be requeated atter the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar:.ical Inspectio1UJ haVC3 been made and approv.:d. /tALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEllT TO BE M.1DE AT /.'0 CfJST TO CITY. I Page :1 of 2 JOB NO,S (,67!3 Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. s ~f 7.ot C""erag< ,II of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I Main I Gc:raae I Carport I Accessol'u I I Is.v.c. SOLARGrAI. ESS Occu:oancl./ WT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandLe Cut-de-sac SQ. FTC I I I I I I I 3'15. 17--0 x VaZue TOTAL VALUE {va/,uc) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total c:ha......ges I ITEM II NO, 1 FEE CHARGE ,I I Fi=tures Residential (J bath) I I I Sanitaroy Sewer fs:J-:;o I I I ~O, ~ I IWater L,~~ is: (J-O I I~t./.,f~ ~ do. 0-0 I ~A I I I -7l)'UU Pl:unbing P-=i.t IInJ. ~ !.<S: (/?J'..-.-'-' -I .::a. ria I 'l.., \ '-'7 ~. Po I, I CHARGE 1 I I I I I/C/KJ I I /~~ l~oO I I ().... () I 131..)Q,I, I I I I I I I , 1-, I I I I State Surcr.azoge Total CharQes lITEM I Res. Sa. fto. 1/{.tlJIExtend Circuits FEE State SUI'~ha:rQe Total Charces ITEM l furnace PTU' S I E:::haus t Hood I Vent FC01 i ' I Woodstove I ; IIC., I I I I I I I I FCC CHARGE Permi t Issuance Mechanic:::.l Permi t State Sureharoae T"t;al Charrum I I SeC"~rit1! DSp03it I Storage I Ma.i"t~e I Permit I -- EIICROACHf..'ENT -- . -~. - REQ.- L-COG"'" . Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INOr'th East ISouth IWest I Enarou Sources I Heat Access. I Water Yf'.atf!T' I Range I Fireplace I I Wood'; tove II ""'''De ~ Setbacks House CarQ(1e Fees j I I I I I ~") Building Value & Permit This pernr~t ia granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confoI'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance, reguU2ting the ccnst~~~ticn and une of buildings, and m:lY be 8unpended 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . I I, IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Pe r m it No pereon shall construct, instal!, alter 01' change any r~w cr e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing lVOrk to property which is ozmed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this per.mit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. '.,j... Mechanical Permit Fl.an Exam'/..ner uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, end do hereby cel'tify that all ir.foT'mation hereon is tl'"Ue and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all- lVOrk perfo:r:ned shall be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and th;;: La-""s of tho ~ State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work described herein, end tr~t NO OCCU- I I PANCY will be made of any structur2 without parmis3io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ar~ empl~yee8 who are in 31.4 ~_I~ compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project "" Total Characs t Curbeu~ ! Side41alk 0/f ( ,q~' : Fe~e ,Electrical Label Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT V~~:4 I 13 5: (}.-O I I :II> :5 y?l. Lj ~ I- \"'\ I 1tj~J{ / /_ /0-)'0 Date (ji#;X~~'~/;!wl~.:.:!:.._. . ,-(y~Pff.~[rY'W'y'1}\\1, , - ;.-- .",,'", ,..,I.......J.t--r..,I.", ,t.: ~.". CHAVEN LOT. #57 . ." 97,lb property lin!? ~ ~I ~ ..... _Ifo <:l - II St6ra'Je ',.... .t II) ..... ~ ~----- property line property Car- port '5~ ,.,''1.26' 28'X48' mobile hom~ EJO'., ':. (J ~ 1,2' Drive, way " I ~ 'Ul ,>( ... <0 :> Q) 'tl .... <Il ~ ()-. ',-..1 ~~ ~ ;>~ , "./ property line ;, 1/4" = 5' " ;, .'" , ;'" ,.,~ .'.It. . _~_, 1-... _.-m _..____ .__, .-~~_.-- _ '~___-'----l""-"~"'.:"V~-~-"'~~~ ...--~-~----~-..,._~---.----- . _.."V-.;:-;r.~""""-lf1- .~_...,.~- I . ,. _ .... ',_. '>,~ _"( .;.... ..... ::)~~__::'i'>~1.;t.'~'''.'''':'-~~''i~.~.,....'.;.,.,.';.-:...t'"'~''::">'t!~.,./.l.>f;;~>',-:" ':8.Hi1~)';;,i'Nt','.!.t'f~. {~~~\.~~~' ~l' .- (tri,1 j'. '" " '.: ", .'.:','. .'.~4...::., ..' 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