HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-11-6 I INSPECT lOll LHlE 726-3769 .- . . Job Address ',414 Scotts Glen Lochaven Subdivision CITY UF SPRlliGFIELD CD/1BIIIATlON APPLICATION/PERMIT E!IERGY SlJ~RCES: . " Heat Electr~c Legal De5cription INFORItATlON LINE 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. I.iain ~q. Ftg. Access. Sa. Ftg, Other Ilel< Add Alter Pep. Fence_Demo _Change/Use _Other I ~ ~ JeA I Hater Heater RanQe ValuE of Hark: bIM.K- ,=<, Owner Gene & Bernard Hiatt & Robert Address L.ocnran hh' w rFnrpnni~l Springfield LOT ~s Construction Lender Address Dc> llill I cAli (namel Primary St!"'lJct~:,,:)l Electrical :-=-=":.:.::~.:.! : --~--.--- -- -- -;:,.-;;. Genera 1 Hiatt Bros. r"~!.:"":1r:~ '::jer:tr"ic~i Pense1in Electric ..~--.,_.:: . ?l...'.::~S!:;:; , , '__I I CHARGE I I I I I I ~=:~ ~:~ie ftx~ure I Relocateo:l building I (new fix. <ldditional) IS.F. Residence (1 bath I Duplex (1 bath) each Add i t i Qna 1 ba th 1~later service 1 Sewer I Storm Sel.Jer 22,600 , BUilriina Permit Info: Describe t'/orklLe.. Fa~;ly nesidence With Attached Garaae) Mobile home set up with improvements Sui ld Single 741~h't~20 Phone (address) (lics.no.) (exnires) (ohone no.) { ~ddress ': (px~irp,,) : 1 i::<;. :':0. J (ohonp no. Springfield 741-1420 Springfield 20-48C 741-1186 :LE:CT?ICAL MECHMIlCl,L NO I Residence of I r!-lAQ(;F I New circuits alts. or extensions ! li='H I furnace/burner to I BTU's I Floor furnace and ....ent Recessed wa 11 SOrl(':P hPiltpl'" iln!1 vpnt no. I=F~ I rJ-IARr.;: I sq. FT. SERVICES Temporary Construction Chanoe in existinQ rp<;irlenrp ~ multifamily. comm. or T.nrltJ<;trial I Appl iance vent SF'ot1l"'ateo I Stationary e....ap. cooler Vent fan with sinole duct Vent system apart from I heatino or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hnod and dur.t Wood stove/heater Of amps. CDi1I,I./fND, FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate did.rih. fppdpr<; Of .mp:;,1 I I I I ISSUANCe OF PFR!HT TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE L'W REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical rortion of this pe~it shall not be va1iJ until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Oi....ision I HAVE CAREFULLY EXN:HlED the completed apr1ication for f.lermit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of OrelJon pertaining to the work described herein. and that HO OCCUPArlCY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by DRS'701.055. that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and er.mloyees who are in compliance with OP.S 7f)1.055 \.Jill be used on this flro,iect. Units Occy Load Occy Group SIGI1ATURE If) ~ w>> ~ FOP. orrICS USE OilLY Sq. Ftg. r1ain Sq. FtIJ. Access Sq, Ftg. Other DATE/I_ t ~ iO UAf,lE(please print) De a ""1 Uh~UC DG-/<- Zone Fire Zone Flood Plain Tyoe/Cons t, Bedrooms Stories x Value Value Value VALUATION x x TOTAL _____tjO~o_Q_ ~~~~B~~~ Plan Ck, 3D%/Bldo -----L5~[l9.- Fence , fou I D~mo !'Q 00 'Sidewalk ----- ~-YO A/C Paving BUILDING PERI,IIT Charges an': Surcharges PLU'1BING PER'~IT Charges and Surcharges ELECTR I CAL PERr:IT Charges and Surcharges 11ECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges COnlnl! nd Per >:t)., Res - Per Fee I -, I I I Syste~sDevelopment Charoe (l.s~) 3~9,OO Total Comb. Permit Curb Cut 405,00 TOTAL --.-- , r ~ I I I ~ ~ t ~ ~ r~ P~ANS"~EVI~E\';ED BY: i ~ d 4 , " oj !i -, :1 " ~ ,. 'J I .1 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ l I I I. " ~r-;tta.; .~.;. ,..n '-,-. ~ 't .; ..,"j ,~ . "'-"'","44~ .- I . \ 1 PERMIT VALIDATION I , I CITY Of SPRINGfiELD f, 1~(1 City Hall Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Work. f OFFICIAL RECEIPT _ No, B 55101 ( //- (e 19~O Rec'd ~'om /-bo~tt- q. R.I..'&'LI {'.odll(U1f Address (d,::j tU, CZ,x.:iz'nrz.t.aV ..;' u~ ".... .... Dote ( Received For: L/ {i.....j /!, & fr.__ <) (lj)f-f-=, ( '" IV, .:...1'.1..:.... .:~;nl":' lCO. Lane County I-!ap Refer \~ - -j-~J . . . .~~j.._ lot 1. Slock. 3. 2nd Addltlon to :;;l;l:];icld Estdtes . ';J=-e. !!:'c. of owner and constructlon lender ). t:ncr"IJY S~urces I. ~x~~oJe- heat/electrical ceilinQ/or forced 2. e~J~~te- waterheater/eJectrlcal/or solar E. Square footage or va 1 ua t i on. ete. 1. examDle- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot 2. exanole- if new project, check:ruew - if add cheer. add. etc. . = :~:l:jr.; ce~lt infor~~tion: ~~=~:ie - ccnStruct singie family house wit ~ .u:Jcned garage -' -;:.~~7.~ie - rer:loaer existing garage into fam; .- ~:~:::::je - c~n~en: si~gle :amily residence ~i " -:!:=~~~n: ;~~a~~2 Jj use} \ -- :.= ::.:~ cf .....arK as ceri ned inSect i on 303 (a) of . Struct~ral Specialty Code .;. ::::5i;;:: T::;";.; A::D CO:1Ti'{ACTORS . -;-0 a'''OlC design OJ' construction delays. 3uildinc ( Oivision St~ff r.USt be able to contact approprii ;=~SJ~S ~e9arair.g design infor~ation or job sitf cor~cctions. etc. ':':::-e',"':,?;::=c ~1~::::Jlr.<;. :':e~h.:nical, [. Electr;c31 Sene.:: ~ :.. .:.~,==:r; ~'::1ere :Jicfi;; SiJaces OCcur in the descrio:~ ::~:::~ vf :~e ~~~r.~:11cal and Electrical Sched~J :~e !:~iic~n: n~~a fill-in only the No. Soxes ac r' ~~ :~e a~cro~ria~e item(s) to be installed , ~. !='~11 Plu:::~in~. :';2ch.1nical. and Electrical Schedu ~~e ~valiQ~;e at :ne BU11dino Division 1 -;-0 c~r.sefve soace on the-oermit form the scn have been J,bbreviated . ( 2_ !f :he item(s) to be installed are not cover ~he =~oreviatEd schedules you should consult fui J scneduies C, BUILali;;; Dl'!ISro:; STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES A; ( CHARGES 0:; THE SCHEDULES O. As noted on the CAP. the label must be delivered electrical contractor for signature by his electl suoervisor. The general contractor is not authOI fd to sign the electrical label. - Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be u~ a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division will preoare a type written copy and return it to the appl icant at the time the actual permit is issued for signature. Fees and Charges ( Plan check fees dre due and payable at the time of tr. application, and no 'plans will be processed until the+-: fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. 1:1-,k <<0 ov /5 1)0 . !r) () /(;. c:O Lit) 339,00 ( V, FOR OFFICE USE O:ILY ( ____co I ' 'c '--I Ie' ( ..JL..p '-/7,. ~'S U(' , ( ( Amount Received '-los- CO {'~d~ c/'-- ( 'ft I.' "' ~ AUTIoIORlZ!:D SIGNATURE 5"~L10"'TU~"IIUU ..~,..'I:.S . llUGI"1: Oil .UOl '.."'5 (~. c I 1 J Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: I Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: ""~ .. Additional Project Information: '_1 ._ ..0_._..... ,..J" name signature '''o-h ..... .. .. II' .. , ......._. ......_.,. """" .. . .~_. .. "11.'.- date 1 ~ ,; ". ";';":<~;'...iIt. :.~t'tf~-:-;- . .," ',_ ::"'fj(}'Jf?':?f.<!'ll.tl.:;.;:_~_;'~~ ~ , , , 414..Ssotts Glen_, Loch~~en Mobile Home Subdivisinn Lot_3.5._Block 1 Ow... Robert Cochran, Gene&Bernart Hi att Add.... 663 West Centennj1l1 Pho.. 741-1420 I INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 I Job Add,... I hgol o~~~O" I , ....spr:.ingfie 1 d ,_0r:egOIL-9JA1.7 Con,',ut!i!'" lend., Add,." CITY OF SPRINGfiELD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (NERGY SOURCES: Heat Woter Heahtr I Sq. Ftg. Mair'!-240___ Sq. ftg. Aceoll, -7.(. Sq. Ftg. Other LNew_Add -_Alter_R.p. _Fence _Demo_Change' U~. _Other 1HJOIMAUON liNt 72"-37,u Ronge Yalue of Work; co o - - W CO 1908.00 Building Permit Info: Describe Work (i.e.. Buil~ ;;n91. Family. Residence With Attached Garo~.l ~IlQrt P, iitiachpri s ta.r:a.gE!-She.d_ ~~~~}~_HOme Plumbing and Electrical ~r'v I(;~ Phone DESIGN TEAM (name) (address) (lies. no.) (expire,) (phone no.l Garret Maupin, P.O,_B_01C846, SQringfi,eld->. Oregon P,imo,y S""'("",ol EI_uricol Mechanicol CONTRACTORS (nome) ~;att Rrnth..r~ rnndrllC'tion 663 West Centennial Rlvri, Sprngfiplri 741_14?n I I I I I I I I I 1 ~ nnl I I I I 15. 001 TOTAL CHARGES G."",ol Plumbing EI.ctrical Mechanical PLUMBING NO. i FEE I CHARGE NO. Each ,inqle fixture RelocOTed building (n...... fix, additional) S.F. Residence 11 balh) Oupl... (1 bOlh) each Additional both Wate, ,en,ice S.wer StoIm Se...., I MO.bHeJloIT1P Service J " TOf~L C"A.CU L41i-R~l 4 (address) (lies. no.) (expires) (phone no.) ElECTRrCAl MECHANICAL FEE I CHARGE NO, FEE I CHARGE ResidenC9 of I furnoce/burne, to ____.$0. ft. DTU', New circuits, alterations I Appliance vent or exton,ions ,.parote I Stationary evop. I SERVICES cool.r I Vent fan with I Temporary Construction sing I. duct 1 I Vent system apart from I Amps. haoting or A.C. I I I Mechanical exhaust I hood and duct I I I Wood stove/heater I I FEEDERS I I Heat Puma I I I I Air handler to I Amos. 10.000 CFM I M"hilp I I I Air handler over I I-4nmp , 10,000 CFM I Servi ce 110.001 I I I I I I I I I I I I ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 10. 00 I TOTAL CHARGES "WHnl STATE LAW REQUIRES Ihol Ihe Eloctrical work be done by the Electrical Contractor, the electrical portian of this permit .hall not be valid until a I. Iok/ ha. ..... .....d by on "."d<<') Con"."o, .nd .tto....d ,. ,h. .r.".;,ol pon.1. j I HAVE CAREfUllY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify thot 011 information hereon is true 'ond correct, ond I further te",fy Ihot any and all work performed .holl be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Law. of the State of Oregon p.rtaining to Ihe work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. made of any structure without the permi..ion of the Building Divi.ion. I further ~tlJfy rhot my registTotion with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect o. required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basi. for exemption i. nol.d h.,on, and that only subcontractors and employees who or. in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. !ku;. for Builder's Boord exemption" Lv i Y Ie rJ vJ.-. NAME (please print) p",,,.. zo.. MHS Fire Zone flood Plain S'GNATURE iJQ;;>, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1dd ?-L OATE /'L_//- /[' TypeIConst.~ Units Sq. Ftg. Main Z40 .5.10 Value 1224.00 .Bedroom. ':>ccy Load Cjq. Fig. Acce.. 72 .9.50 Value liR4 on ~tori." ,""ccy Group M-l e,. Ftg. Olh... . Value TOTAL VALUATION l~U!$.UU 20.00 Systems Development Charae (~_5%) , l~alO wltn MOOllf Home setuP perm t: I I I 70.80 I I I Plan Ck. Cammllnd 65%/Sldq Per Fee I Plan Ck. Re. 30%/ Bider Per Fee I Fence I Demo I'Sidew~lk 80 I ! Alc Pavinn I Curb Cut ._-------1 BUilDING PERMIT Charge. and Surcharge. .OU, PLUMBING PERMIT Charge. and Surcharges 15.00 .OU ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charge. and Surcharges 10.00 .'tU MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharge I 6.00 I Total Comb. Permit 8.00 I I I I TOTAL 70.80 1 10.00 I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Description ' , '" 1. exomple-tax lot 100. Lane County Mop Reference 1703 43 2. example-Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield - C. Name, etc. of owner and construction lender O. Energy Sources 1. exomDle.heat/ electrical ceiling.' or forced air gas 2. example-water heater/electric'ol :or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. example-1250 sq, foat house. 500 sq. foat garage 2. examole-if new project, check ~-if addition, ehec .. .""::Jt. add, etc, ' .. F. Building permit information: 1. example.construct single family house with on otto garage :1' 2. example-remodel existing garage into family room ... 3. example-convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structurol Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction delays, Building Divisi i Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons rege design information or job site corrections, etc. COMBINA nON APPlICA nON/PERMIT (CAP). II, Abbreviated Plumbing. Mechanicol & Electrical Schedules A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description po' of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicc need fill-in only the No. Boxes odjacent to the approp item{s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing. Me<:honical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedule~ have been abbreviated 2, If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the oted schedules you should consult the full schedule C, BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES M CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III. Applicant to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as worksheet only, Where possible, Building Division Stoff " prepare a typewrit!en copy and return it to the applicant the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV. Fees ond Charges Pion check fees ,ore due ond paya~le at the time of th~ a Jicc and no plans Will be processed untd these fees are po.d. L' other fees and chorges ore due ond poyoble when the perm" is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ::: PERMIT V ALIDA liON . ~ ~ j CITY OF SPRINGFIELD (, City HolI Springfield. Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT f t No~ 8, 55'384(" Dote I?~ - IG 19)V)'. :::~e~~ld~[:2&r:; ffljof)~ ~( , Received For: ~~? LiCi?) ( /-C ,G'U - 9\0 Ie) .rn Ion yp '. :\. )0 e() - ~~n 'in ~('+ k!'Q[L <n,o(~ ,Su)r.c- ) r-) ,00 I (] ( ~\-J ( tP)n .E' ... 'f (' ( c C Amount Received~) .2{() ('~ --- .. -_.~_. (] ( ~I (ljO (I - rUTHORIZEO SIGNATURE !lHIHO...TU.....JLL ..'''..n.... IUGE"E, 0.. .7.0' ....... ( \" Permit CierI-- 9., , - -- ~ - ii -'1 '" ' , . .-J .~ " , ;:-';1 5 foot wide setback sidewald to be in~tMllpd with City standa~~ :urEEut ,(..~'!.;...! :_~ 1 . ;'i I".l ~j . .-~,?, , \ -' ..; Additional Project Informotion: ... PLANS REVIEWED BY: -~ " " '~J) ',I .'1 f' name LClr:nf! Pl eoer signaturo. .~~~~ ~ote 12-11-80