HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-12-21 .. RESIDEITlAl" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie~d. Oregon 97477 Bui~ding Division 726-3753 r . Job Location: 4 13 ]) v;- J-e.. s~ IT S G/~IV,v N/A N/A Date of Application / '2-/ -=3-s:>5, Contractors GeneMl Ernie & Sons PlwnbingCorwins Plumbing i. eleotrioal Ralph Brown I Uochar.ioal Emerald Excavating, I COPlo9tJ"Uotima Lender ....,a,.... It is ths l'ssponoi.biZity of ths permit holder to Bse that alZ. i~peatio718 are 'made at -ens proper ti.m&~ t".at C!aCh ::ddrB88 is readaDZ. from tlul stl'set. and that the p""";t caM. ie Located at the fl'Cnt of the pl'opel'ty. ~Bui!ding Diuicior: approved plan shalZ remain on tha Bu-:.Zding Sitt; at aLl. timss. PROCSDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 126-3769 (recordsr) state your City dssigrt.:lted job number, job add:rcSB, type of in3pBc~icn l'aqucstcd a1"'.d when you tJil.Z. be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ol.mS!'B na.'71B and Fhor.e number. Requests l'Bceived before 7:00 a:t J.'iH bs made the same day, requests made afta' 7:00 am Llill be made the n:;:J:t :,)Orking 4ay.. All pl'oJ'ect ccmditions, such as the -tnstaLlation of street trees, co.~lDti,m of' the required landocc.pir:g, etc., must bo satisfied befol's t1'.s BUILDING FINAL can be J'aqu6Bt3d. Asoesoors Map II SlJJdi vision: Lochaven GUnel': Lochaven Partners Address: 1199 N. Terry Street City: Fll o-pnp _ OR UNP?) ~obile Home, Set up n n m Addition Concrete Stringers Remodel Accessory: See Plot .~fob-:.l~ Roma Reouired Tnsoecticns O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be nrzde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDeRSLAB PLUNBING. eLeCTRIC,lL & MECHA.'JICAL: .7'0 b~ made befol'e any wl'k is covered. '').. ..., f)(l POOTING ~ FIJuNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncr8t~. 'dO P UNDERGROUND P[.UMBING, SSWElfow,1TER, tLi.J DRAIIIAGE: To be nrute priOI' to fil.- lir.g trenches. O UIIDeHFLOOR PLU/.!BIoVG & MeCHAIIICAL: To be made pl'wr to inotal.Zation of ftoor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLZ.aticn of floor ins1.Olation or decki"(;. I.j ').. ri"7I 1!P.UGH PLCJ.IrnItJG~~~~cA'E)& MECH- ~ ANICAL: No :JOrk is 0 be cOL'ered .untiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. D FIREPLACE~ Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. I V I FRANING: Must be requeDted after ~ approva.l of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal. & mechanical. An 1'00fing ~,' bracing & chimneys, et". '"".lst be . completed. lIo wrk is to be con- ... ceaZed until thiD inspection has .b6~n made and approved. [l] o [K] o :)."j FIliAL PWf.f8I11G \0 (() FINAL BUILDING: Tho FinaZ Buil.ding Inspection must ba l'equeoted alter the Final Plumbing EZectricaZ, and Mechar.icaZ InspeotionD have been made and approved. FIliAL MeCHANICAL \.1~ FINAL eLF:CTRICAL T= Lot g Block !;"' Lot 52. .t?cce~Pt_~ _ / LCf) 7 'f~ S~Oa Phone: 688-6699 (\ I/) \'V Sigr.ed: Date: C-~ I Z - 2-/ - ~ g Zip: 97402 Lisc. Ii 41497 2393JP 20-213C/945S ExPires 2-2-89 Phone 688-8864 747-2500 344-DUU 345-1505 De8Cri~;;qe ~tf!/If " ''-Ii.' 00 Plan, Value:' (I. ~ , 4990 3677 1230 HOME VaZue Addres3 Morely Lp. Eugene, 'Garden H. 28th 4250 W. 5th Ave 75''75 /67',\' DENOLITIO!,' OR ;'.:OVE; BUILDIj/CS =:J Sani:ary Se'..Jer ;apped at p:.opcrt-:i l.ir.e ...' .=J Septi.:: tank Y..ll?od and fil.la~ L1ith ;;ra:Jet. ---, FinaZ - (/hen above items are ccmpZeted ---1 and when d~litior: is complete or 8tru~- Cure moved and pr~ses cleaned up. Nobile Hemes ::J BZocking and Sat-up ::J PlumbintJ connections -- SaJB1" and wa:sr ::J EZcctrical Connection - Blocking, sot-up. and pl.umbing connections rrr..:.st te approved b~fol'c requesting electrical. inspection .=l Accessol"".1' Building ---, Firul - AftiZr p~rcr.e8, sk'~rting, decks, --.J etc. are compZe:cd. D "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!f!'T TO BE /.~IjDE AT NO CaST TO CITY I Page! of 2 Inc. Your City DeDigr.ated Job Nwnb€r ID: ---""- U .1N$ULATION/VAPO.r? BARRIER INSPECTION: To be mad~ aft~r all insuktian aro.d . required vapor barriers ar~ in place but b~foI'e any lath, gypswn boarS. 01' wll covering is applied, and before any i7Z3ulation 1.3 concealed. . O DRYWALL INSpeCTION: To be made after all drywalZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel loaation, bo~d beama, g1'OUting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE.: After instaZlation is ccmpl.eted. D' CURB & APPROACH APRON: After" forms are crect~d but prior to pouring coruJre te. . eln fj I ' I Vf ;:,IDEWALK ~ DRIl'EWAY: For aU con- ~ crete paving within street ~ight- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub- base materia? in place. D PENCE: When co.'7!plGt~ -- Provide gates or movable sections through p.u.e. D r:::.gc l;: . IJOB ' '" NO,6'&/67>S' SOLAWCESS REQ,- L-COG'" I Zonc: LZ?7? //5? #:5 OccuvanCll ;:J: /1'?i T:.;ve/Cor.st: Bedroor.:s: , . Faces - ~r I EnarG:J Souraes Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot TilDe ~ ~f lot Coverage Interior I Setbacks I Heat I P.L. I House Caraae Acaess. I Water Hp.atp.r !I of Stories Cornel" INorth i 5''' II Range Total Height Panhandle lEast I II FireoZaae South I II Wood:;totie Topogl'Cphy Cul-de-sac Ir{est I /L:> r II I lITEM I Main I Ca:rac:e I Carvort I AccessorII I I IS.D.C. I 1 45"~---1 I I I I I, I 5~_:>o I '2 -5"3 I- :t- 53.~~I' I I i :?a-- 1 ~.<>'" I ~S"--I $?<: -=- ~S- 1 /f.::2::5! I &"7. :::i':s-I ' I CHARGE i I 1 I -=??~5Z> j-L.-f 1 /-~I I '3"7. '38l ' I I I I I 1 I I I j 'SQ.FTG x ~:i3c> 1.5 :r: {vat-ue} TOTAL VALUE lITEM I Futures IResidential 11 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Watt:tr Building Permi t State. Sla'charge Total CIta..-ges 57671'/'# ~h'. Total Charaes 1110'1 FEE I I I<~r ~J.5'",/ I I~~/S?' r 1 I Plumbing Pe=i t State StCl'ar.arge 110., FEE 7~.J/Y7.P:RE I I 1 I Ele:trical Ft:trmit Stats SU1'chc:roe Total Charces I NO, I I I I 1 FEE PeM'rTit I3suanca Me:hanical Permi t Stato Surcharac Ta1;nl r.Nrr~R.lJ Se~~ri.~ Daoo3it -- ENCROACHMENT -- Total ChaNoa I CUrbcut ISid_lk -:::: ( I IFen~a hR'5-"'../';f/7....,::;;:c' I Eloatricol Lobol I Nobi Ie Home Value CHARGE "'Z'Z$C:> /5": -e> CHARCE /3,/5'.- 5". - - - 1'1 cf'P17.e / Faes Building Value & Permit I ITEI,/ / Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/Ertend Circuit. I~......_tr""service IIT::M I }Won.:lce !!TV'S I Exhaust Hood Vent Fan JlOodsto:J6 Storage Maintenan.:!n I Permit I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' This permit iG granted on the expl"ess condition that the said construction shall, in all. respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and UDe of buildings, and m::y be suspended or revoked at c:r:y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~nce8. IPlan Cheak Fee,#!37 -g~ j"'- IVata Pai.d: /:<~/~-&g IReceipt 6: I'<&~ ISig>:ed: ~ f/'-'2. _' /-,,~ ;:;..-__, , ..- Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instal!, alter or change any r~w or e:isting plumbing or drainage 8Y8t~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ercept tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is O!Jned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State &alJ.l'equires tr.at the eZeatroical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eZectrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the Zabel has b~en signed by the Electrical. ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I l I. I I r I I, _4~-",,_2~~ .{~g.'ner { ~ /' /Z-/6~ va.. I HAVE CAREFULLY ::XANINED the camploted appliaation for permit, and do hereby certify that aLl i:-:foroma.tion hereon is tM4e and correct, and I f'.i.rther cerdfy that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall. be d.o:1e in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ Lcr..;s of tha State of Oregan pertaining to the IJOrk described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !Jill. be tmde of any structur2 witho:J.t parntission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:-:ly contractors and e:rrp'L?yec8 who are in 1~~PLiance with ORS 701.0St will be used on this project ~E~ Signad )j-~:;;..-~g Date ,