HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-9-9 rl .. RESIDi:'JTIAL" APPLICA-'/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I-z.. 2--<i?(o' :, Rcce-:.pt fl Job Location: 40"1 SLa1lc c::./~MJ J) Y'"1.le... As.aes3or= Map # Hid ) \3 Tc:xLot # AlIA Subdivision: Loc.hA\J~tJ LoT 69 B/oc,J(. ft ~,"~ ,'/ Mode { ~ OIJner: Lo<"-h....v ~ tJ ~"V"-nJ-E!I~ Address: I I q C; JJ. 'T''t'.''l'"'/ City: E v..q t! de.... n n n n 1117:,) - ~ S" --- 1/\0 ~ -( ;::;;"11 Zi' ~'''1D~ .~ ---l DescP"~be rl'Ol'k: e~ q=ri' mcb'.\....~.q, &!;r-lLP I!.Jz:> IJ Ctt.-1' ~ L~ <tCC~(lf: .se~ ploT" q_/- rtl ....~Ul(' r.;...._AJ......""1 RA-I/\\.. P.:.rowotl I:J~{) uJ. ~f1'~ R~....r.Jd G'J.-C&..V~ -=..11r:'. Addi ticn Remodel ,'.1obi le Home Date of Application Contl'Qc::oI'S GeneraL Ef6&!l-t: Plumbing Electrical Mec:har.ica 1. Construction Lender ~?XSb ' /I ". P!A,..; )' VAIw.. ~.150 ~ iI.:;O. qfS c #om e.. Value Addr'es3 Lisc.fI Eroil'es Phone I./'ieta MJ.v, ~ ~^ "-~'''d!! t./I'ff('? ?D-"H1C 1.l~~S _~~o It is the l'esponoibility of the permit hoLder to Bee that all inapections are made at the proper tim€~ that each ~eB3 is readab:e f1'Onl the street, and that the permit oa:r>d is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!di~ Divi::wr: approL'ed plan shcZl. remain on the Bu~lding sit;; at aZl. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City designated JOG mu;;ber" job a.di.:ress, type of ir.::;pec-:ic1; requested ar;d when you will be ready for inspection" Contractors or Oz.mers name and phone number. Requests recei;;ed before 7:00 c::: :..'iZZ be made the same dc.y, requests mc:.de afta' 7:00 am will be roode the next :JOrking day. pl'!'l'!J1:":P~ TTt"qn..,~t1:r.nPl O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation" but prior to set up of foPms. O UNDERSLAB PLU/fBING, ELECTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ~oVcred. ~ ~.'?J I FOOTING & FOU/lD,1TIOI/' To be ""de after trenches are excavated and foPms are erected" but prior to pouring ccncret., ')0 \ .)10. TI :-:vl WWERGROUND PLUMBINC, SEWER. W.1TE.rr, ~ DRAINAGE: To be made proioI' to fil- Zir.g trenchee. ~ UIIDERFLOOR PWl,fBIIIG & MECHANICAL, To be made prior to inatallation of f100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking . R()T/GH PUP-!RIllG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No '.JOrk. is to bc covered until these inspections have beer. made and approved. FJ.f?EPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRA!!INr.: Must be requeDted after approval of rough plwr.bing" electri- cal & mcchani~aZ. AlZ. roOfing bracing & chimneys" etc. Tn'.J.st be completed. No wrk is to be cor.- , cealed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. [] o ~ :=J ::J ::J ::J 1:=1 I FIlIAL PWMBIIIG FIliAL MECHANICAL o FIliAL ELECTRICAL Your City Desigr.atcd Job Number Ia: 8Y, 0 10 to O INSULATION/VAPOR B.4RRIER I1JSPE;CTIOII: To be 17'.ade after all insulation ar.d " required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath" gypswn board or wU covering is applied" and before any in3uZatiort is concealed. I DEUOLITION OR :~:OVEZ; BUILDIi.'GS ~ Sani :ary S6".Jer ~apped =t p~op~rt:i line =:J Septi~ tank p:i.-:-:ped and filled Llith g2'"a:;eZ o I Final - flher: abcve ite:71s are cc.-rrpletcd ~ and when demclition is complete or 8t~w~- ture moved ani pr~ses cleaned up. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place" but prior to any taping. D:MASONRY: Steel location" bona. beams" grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 'Nobile Homes 241&. O WOODSTOV& After instaLlation is ~O:zJ BLocking ar.d Set-up ccmpLeted, PZ.._.' .' " . ~2, ~ WIW'Ln;} connec....ons -- sc:wer ar..... wa..el' O CURB & APPROACH A~qoN: After forms ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking" set-u? are erected but prior to pouring ':;I.LJ and plumbing connections rrr....st /;e appr:Jl;;1d .zoncrete. before requesting elec:rical inspec;io:: D SIDEWALK & DRIl'EflAY: For all con- """"Yl Accessory Builc::,ng crete paving within street right- ~\ ~ of-IiK:.Y" to be made after all exca- . vating c01lI?let~ & form work & cub- :vl Final _ After :'Ql'ches" base matenal "Ln. pZa::!e. ~i ~ etc. are comple::ed. skirting" decks, o :'ENCE: h'hen compl;;:te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U,E;, o o All project conditions" Duch as the installation of s~reet tr2es" co.~lat~on of the required l.a.ndscapir..g" etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL CQn be l'aquestcd. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reque3ted c:.fter the Final Plumbin.;; Electrical" and Mechar:ical Inspectiona have b"eeY! made and approv~d. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANQUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!!E,',IT' TO BE /.:'1DE /!7' NO C~ST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 , ,'. -.<"t' . ~',':'."' .,. . I JOB NO, 'g''8817b I Zone: t.P7? ,-M,J;t<5 , Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~ of Zot C""erago fI of Stories Total Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Oaauvanc!{ G.~/..c4or J/~."~ Type/Cor.at: WT TYPE I Lot Faces - A1f,.,,,.N' I ~ Setbacks I p, L, I House I Caraqe Worth ;:Ja.' I IEo!;t I.A; .r I ISm,th I I IWest I I L-COG~ ~ Bedrooms: I I Enerau Sources I Heat I Water Hp.atp.1' I Range I Fil'ev laae I I Woodotove 5' II 1 I IITEf.! ' SQ.FTG X I Main I Gc:raae Cal'DOl't I~?" Acacssol'u 1/2C'9" kf'/..v.....s I TOTAL VAWE IS.D.C. {val-UC} 1.5 :r Building Permit State 8w'charge Total Cha..""ges lITEM ~r1'T!_ ~" NO. ~,r~ / I Resident;;'Z (1 bath) I Sani rory SeweI' I Water II I 16-~~ l,Iq~~d:- Plimlbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.apge Total Cha:l'oes 1ITEU I Res. So. fta. !Naw/Extend Circuits I !F---q-......~:! C:ervice l~t::Ip 1/ I NO., I I II I 1/ 1 State Suraharqe Electrical Permit Total Cha:r>c;es IITEf.! l Furna:ce ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan WOodsto:Je Perorrrit Issuance Meahanic:zl Permi t State SUrcha.rac Tnti'll r.ha:pnt:m I NO, I I I I I I I I 1 I I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- lse~~ri~ Deposit r Storage ! Maintena~e I Pcrmit ! Tota 1. COOMOS Cu:rb~t Sidewalk F(m~e Electriaal Label Mobil. HOOle ~~G" r--9'7... TOTAL AJ.!OUNT DUE: It Interior Corner PanhandZe ..x.. Cul-de-sac ., TilDe I Access. I I I -- Fees , I I I 1 I //5"'"0.-1 I I IS/'I- ~3 '..0-7'")-- Z&'. --e> /s;:. --. -::?.:o. -:- 7~~1~".,\ 1 - '3'~1 I ?3':.9=>I, I I I I I /'S:' ..-. I/~-I I '50. - -7-'" I /..s:? I "3'/. ~l, I CHARGE i I I I I I I I 1 I FEE FEE FEE I I I I , ' I I ! I I I j I I 1 ~s: -.:t> I-I J /.~I . 1 ~ '('{\ \.tiC\.J\d I Value ~cP. 5""<=' - ')- /.e.Y -:</ ~:5"3 I ' CHARGE /'>.ac> I .1 1 CHARGE I I /..0~ I I I <</76;?$. '2/ .. auilding Value &, Per;.nit This peI'mit is granted on the express condition that the sciid construction shall~ in all respccts~ confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and USe of buildings, and may be I!uspended or revoked. at c.r.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . " r Iplan Check Fee: ,/;;( - :3 S Dat. Paid: . Cf-::J.-f'1' I Recdpt H: /1. 2.51/ I Signed: '/'..C " , Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instalL, alter or change any r~w or e:isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a person may do plwr.hing work to property which is owned~ leased ,or operated by the appli- cant. '. . . . , " . ',' Electrical Permit Where State LCIlJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleotrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~~ 9 .;;-' J!a. J",," I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INED the compteted application for per>mit, and do hereby certify that all info:>mation hereon is true and correct, and I T.,lrther certify that any ar.d all work pel'formed shall bs do-:1e in ac~or- dance ...nth the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and th;: L<r..;s of tha * State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nnde of any structure without pl3rmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certifd that o:'lly contractors ar.d G.7rpl,;)yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project CV:1-~ Sign2d Dat. ---' .. RESID~NTlAL" APPLICA.N/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 " '" Job Location: 40"l 5La1l<: "vIA- Lo""nA\I'uJ AsoesGol'Z Map # Subdivision: ~/~MI \ -::' Lo'l ~ Y""i.le... T= Lot # AI/A. $'1 B Ioc.Jt.. S' ---- ~_ ~.,-"Jy~ , I q C; AJ. 7'~'f'rY CLA.q~ile.. . / :( ':; :;~~ md;)1\~ ~~ \!.D I.J Ct-t....t St't" I ~ a:N~(l1-: Sel:- ploT GeneraL E~/"<,: .... ~lJ'(' PLwnbing r-~ "-l...... 4-1 fi&\.pl.. P>row.cJ l,j,,~ uJ. aR'~ /4eahar.ieaL R"rY'>P-rl!:l1d ~~ -=...,Ir'. ! Construction LendsI' CUneI': LD'" \I\..'''I':~'~'' ,,-' Awes3: City: n n n n llt:1'!,l Addi ticn Remodel .~!obi!e Homo Date of Application c;_/- rf t COnt:l'acr:ol'S Electrical Descl"';be fl'01'k: , ~-u.p ~?XS~' f/ "" PIA,.; J VAIw.. ~ 150'~ IJ :A 0, crfS .won! (L Value 4dd....es3 ~~0 <U!I:Ft:1 Rcce::Jt fI. / -z.... ?- g &, Mode ( 1bw -~ I./<feto ~~L3 c - - .. C{.r- .-/ !' '\-J " fiX"!! (2(7 - q-q-ri' J. .. ~~~ Lise. Ii Siqr.ed: ~R Date: _ ff c "- ton- U'f' Expires Phone "7_?..~ ~s _~'I~o It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all. inapectiona are made at the proper timf:, that &cch =dd:re88 is renA"'~:" from ths street, and that the pcrrrrit card is Located at the front of the property. .Eui?di~ Di.vi::ion approt:ed plan shczt remain on thE Building Sit~ at azt times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorde]") state your City desig1Ulted job number, job adC.!"css, type of ir.~pec-;ic,; raquestcd ar-.d when you 1Ji"lZ be ready for ir.spcction, Contractors 01' OI.me;os ncme and Fhone numbCI'. Requests receit:ed befcre 7:00 c:. :..'ill be made the Bame day, requests mc.de aft::r 7:00 am wil1. ba made the ncxt :.JOl'king da'ij. JEl'1JJi....pr) T7'I!':n"l.f!t1.r.tJ$J O SITE INSPEC'!'ION: To be TTKlde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,lL & NECH.J....JICAL: To bB made before any work is covered. ~ jgJ FOOTii/G" ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after tren.ches arB excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. ") () , ..) ~ '); UNDERCROUND PLUMBINC, SEWER. W.1TE.~ DRAIllAGE: To be nrLie prior to fil- Zir.g trenches. ::J UIIDEHFLOOR PWI,!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01' deeki"!;. RO!!GH PLllHBING_ Er.ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :JOrk is to bc cOL'ered - until these inspectior.s have been made and approved. _ FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.c.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FRA"~I!lr;: Must be requeDted after approv~l of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. ALZ roofing bracing & chimneys, et.::. TrT"..lst be completed. No work is to be con- , cec.led until thin inspection has 'bG~n made and approved. ~ =:J =:J =:J Your City Deoigr.ated Job Nwribez> Io: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be Tr,ade after all insul.A.tian a:".d .. required vapor barriers are in place eut cefore any lath, gypsum board 01' wU covering is applied, and before any inauZation is conceaZed. O DRYWALL I!ISPE:C'TION~ To be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. D.MASONRY: Steel location, bo1u1 beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241~. O WOODSTOVE.: Aftor installation is ccmpLet<<i, ~o1r;to I DEl-10LITIO.~/ OR gaVE; BUILDI.':CS =:J Sani ta:ry S8".Jer ::apped :::t p:.op~rt:i tine ~ Septi:: tank p:.c:':pcd and filZ2d r.tith gra;;ez. I Final - flhen above ite::fs are cc..:r~letcd ---J ar~ when demolition is complete or st~~~- ture moved and premises ::leaned up. Mobile Hemes i' ~ Blocking and Set-up /j'- ..LJ .'. ~ ' Plumbing connections -- sc:wer and water ._.r} ~ CURB & APPROACH A~: Afte~.forms ~~ ~ Electrical Connection _ Blocking, set-up a:re erected but prior to pOUM-ng .-.) / .LJ and plumbing connections 11i~st ce approt:01.c concrete. before requesting electrical ins?ec:io~ o O SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete po:ving within street right- of-liX:.y, to be made after aU exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material. in pla::e. O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movabZe sections through P,U.E, o , , . ,\ ~ Accessol'b. Building 171 Final. - Aft<1r p::rl'cr.es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. a:re compZe:<:d. o All. ppoject cop.ditions, such as the installation of street trees, ~a~lotion of tnc required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDII,.C FINAL can be rzquestsd. :=J FIliAL PLUf.!BIIIG ~ FIliAL UE(;HANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after thc Final PLwnbina ElectY'ical, and Mechar.ical. Inspections hava been made and approl)~d. ..,' "'ALL /.!A!.'HCLES AND CLEANCUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJllST!!E.'!'!' TO BE MADE /'.'!' NO C~ST TO CITY I Page 1 of :: I JOB NoS8817b I Zon., L.P7?>M_~ Lot Sq. Ft,;. s ~f Lot CJlJerage # of Stories TotaZ Height Topography I lITEM I Main I Gerace I Cat"DCrt I ACC6SSorU k17#......S I SQ.FTG I I~~I 1/2C'9' I i I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE lvc.t.uc) 1.5", Building Permit State SUrehaJoge TotaZ Cha."'!Ie. L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- -- Faes -- J I, I ] I 1 1//~o.""'1 1 I I :V~.~;:3 I... ')"')- I I ~~. 5"'.:> I -- -)- I /.~3" I I =</~-S3 I, I ITEN 1110'1 ~c.___ ~A'~I/ I Re.ident;;'Z (J bath) 1 1 I Sani tary Sewep I / I II ~"" ~~A'..;:-d-:- Water PZwnMng Pe""": t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes IITEf.f I Res. Sa. f'ta. I Nw/Extend Cil'cuits 1!1' --:: .C:ePVice ~~p Ele:trical Permit State Sur~harQe Total Charc;es ITEM Purn:zce ETU' S E:::haus t Hood. Vent Fan I ' I Woodsto~e , Permit I3suance Me::ha.nical Permit State 5ur'charae Tota l CharQfl9.. Occuvancu G~/L~...'%: 40": Type/Cor.st: LOT TYPE Lot Faee. - ~?'J'''''# Setbacks Hause Caraqe ~a. r b' 1110'1 I I II 1 1/1 I NO, I I I I I 1 FEE FEE FSE Interior Corner PanhandZe x Cut-de-sac x Value CHARGE IS: en:> :2:~_ -... /$7 -...., ":2d=>. -I . 7~-1-""\ ~~I -:75:.9=>1 . I I I 1 ,/<-, 1 /~-I I ~. -1-'),- I /. .5:P I 3./. f9:> ' I I 1 I CiiARGZ C!lARCE -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"..lM- t~ D2POsi t I I Storage : Maintertaru!6 ! PclWli t I Total Charopcs Curbcu: SidewaZk Fanae Elect~ical Label Nobile Home 7)~~€ - r97... TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" I j I I I I I#;.zi= I I I f# 76/1$. '2/ I . I I I 1 :;;.;5:-= -; 'j /. ?.5 " P.L. INopth lEast ISouth IWe.t . J Access. j I II II 5' II Water Hp.atl!l" Range Fil'eDZaCe WoodatOVB Bea-ooms: I Enerou Scr.J.1"CBS Heat T-<J'(lB Building Value &, Permit This permit io granted on the e%pl'eBB condition that the s.aid. aonstruction shalZ, in aZl respects, conform to the Ondinance adopted by the City of SpPingfield, incl.uding the Zoning Ordinance, roegulating the ccnstructicn and use of buiZdings, and m::y be suepended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. -;:;O,'Mj i- Ip7.an Cheek Fee: 1;;(, 3 S- Date Paid: ' tl-:::J.-f'T IReedpt #: /ZZ5l/ I Signed: /'.c Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, t.nstal.Z." aUer 01' change any new cr e:::isting plumbing 01' drainage systen in whole or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessoro of a valid plumber>'s license, except that a pe:oson may do plumbing tJOrk to prooperty which is OIJned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. ", ' , ", Electrical Permit Wh.erte State LaLJ roequiroes tr.at the electrical work be done by an EZe~tricaZ Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall root be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical [;ontroctor. Mechanical Permit I I , . [ ~-<' _;e~_~ 1 /pft~1.nir-1.2 --p:7 ~ '9 S"t!S~ ,{"e I HAVE CAREFULLY EiWIINED the eompZeted appUeation fop pel'mit, and do heroeby certify that all info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I r.u>ther eertify that any ar.d al.l work perfor:ned aha'Ll be do:'1e in ae~ol"- clanee rdth the IJrodi=e. of the City of SpPingfie1.d, and the Ltr..;. of tho State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the IJOrok deseribcd herein, c:n.d that NO -OCCU- PI:NCY 1Jil.l be TTr:zde of any struetura withou.t permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'thel' eertif:; that o:tly contractol's ar.d e:npl"yees who Cll"e in ~liance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this pl'oject ~ 'ffi \.tiOJ\d ({-q-~ Date Signzd