HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-13 ~ Rcce~pt .'1 I h f6L1 .. RESID~T1AL" , APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZdJ Oregon 97477 BuiZding. Division 726-3753 ' -rt4h e. 37'7 .scotls (J",~ N/4 \'7(')~~'lI~ ~ 2;~~' 10, ~ 'i'L4- p~~ iJJJ.u J( 1."1'-f5"Da ~ 'lfte, 4')7)"1- Dats of App Uca tion Contractors Aqdr.."" ' ,Li"c. II Bldrs Board Re'I. General 6-,u~ <>L.5cn.:S <199.0 /iJaof(.. 1I''!C}7 i Plumbing ~".;..., Pf...-/..'.u- .7'-77 C.MJ.._ I Hechanical" <'........ ~ t- I 05:;;! </1"7 I EJ,ectrical f:W,,1, AY1JZait/" I) Supervi'sing Electr;ician ~v fJ1.t'U/V'-/ I It is the l'ssponlJibi1.:f.ty of ths permit holder to Bee that all. inopections are madG at tits proper t1.m~;J. that each ~eB8 is l'eadah7.8 [room ths street, and that thQ plJ1*mi,t oard is located at the front of the property. .4BuiZding Divi::ior. approt:sd plan, shaH remain on th.s Building sit;; at all' times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R=':QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number" job address" type of in3pBc-;icn requested and w,l:en you. lJiz.z. be ready for inspection, Contractors 01' Owners name and phone nwnbcr. Requests 1'6ceil:ed befor6 7:00 c:'I ,.,~lL be rmde the same day, :requests made aft~ 7:00 am win be made the ncrt :.JOrking day. , , ",'" y:mr City Dseifl".ated Job NwnbDr Ia: 89 log ( 0 ~ Job Location; ASGessprs Map # Subdivision: L.Dc..Jt.4ve,.,,/ QJnsr: L,.,c f",AJ,p,./ LoT PAr + f-J ot.s Addrs.s: I/'iq ;() - Texr<f , City: E <..<.A€A.J'C.- ,{)....... " QNmJ n Addi ticn In n . ' Remodel. . . Ci.,C(,('. . ........J !.Iabile Homo' . 1"un,11:r.pt!. r"'!Jf\''''t'!tin1J-!J 0, SITE INSPECTION: To be nrzde after e:z:cavation, but prior to Set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made before any . l1IOrk is covered. ~TING & FOUNDATION: To bs rrr;zds L...::J after trenches are e:z:cavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. n...<r.'IDERGROUND PLUMBING; SSWER. w'ITERJ ~ DRAINAGE: To be m:ute prior to fit- .lir.g trenches. D ' UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to instalZat1.on of fioor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To bs mode prior to instaHation of floor insulation 01' dscki"lj. D RO!JGH PLW!BING. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- . ANICAL: No lJOrk is to be covered ~ ur.ti Z. those inspections have beer. j' mads Cr.ru1 approved. .. . " ' D PIR'E:PLACE: Prior to p7.acir.g faci"lj materials and bsfore framing inspec- tion. r-J...--"iRAMING: Must be requested after L..:::J approval of rough pl.wr.bing, el.ectri- ,oal .. msohanical. All rooofing . bracing If chimneys, etc. must be )'.completod. No work is to be con- ,........cealed until this inspection has ',~bB~? made and apprqved. ,".-' Expires ..2-70 dl??.'f ....Jf' , /-70 ::2~- .2{'2, (..6' {( n- Ta Lot H JV IA ()qq{Yi) ty ~~ SiW.Sd:G10aJ If). /..::s' C'!R Date: Phonp c.0?- w,,~ "7 'f';z --1 "'. .:.., .50/<1_, ~ " L.J ,I DEMOLITION OR gOVED BUILDINGS =:J Sanitary Be.Jel' ~apRt~d at rn:.opcrt-:i 'Lir:e :=J Septi~ t~~ p:o::ped and fi lle~ wi th gra~6l. ] Pinal - r{hen above ite.'1ls are cc."rrpletcd and when demolition is complete 01' stru~- ture moved and pr~8es ~l6aned up. Mobile Hcmes Wlocking and Sat-up ~wnbing connections -- saver and wa:Br ~ ~lectrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~and pl.wnbing conr.ectiono 11r..lst ];e approved . before requesting elec:l~ical inspec~io:1 ~ Accesso1"i Bui1.ding ~. - IiftlJr p,-,rcr.es, skirting, decks, ~etc. are completed. o ALL project conditions, such as the instatlation of street trees, c~~lation of the required "landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL cat! be requested. .r-/" FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Bui'Lding Inspection must be requeDted alter the Final Plwnbin:; V Electrical, and Mechar.ical. InspectionD havo been made and approved. .. , 1 " o FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o G3 g ~L<. 5" ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSI~LE, ADJUSTHENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 ProOtle: 62;;' _ 'i"1k-S zip: 9-, '/od-. Describe fl'ork: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIEH INSPECTION: ' To be made after aU insulati:m ar.d .' '. required vapor barriers are in place . '.;' . ~ but before any lath, gypSWTl board or : '. w:l.Z. covering is applied, and before . ~y i7UJuZation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To bs rrr;zde J after aU drywa.U is in place, . but prior to any taping. O. MASONRY: Steel location, bomI beams, grouting or vertica~~ in , accordance with U. B. C. Section 2415. / 01 WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. fJ]...euRB & APPROACH APRON: After forms ~ are created but prior to pouring COMrete. r:I_SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- ~crete paving within street right- . ,.of-way, to be made after an e:r:ca- } "vating ccmplete/&'form' work & sub- . baDe nrzteriaL in plaae. O PENCE: When compl.ete -- Provide. gates 01' movable sections through ,~~~ ' . btud:;~ ~", , I"~~~ N~~tfiJCR(P SOLAR ACCESS REQ,~---_._- Izone: I n f"__ (}r?""Pancy G1'OU"'-~ 1 Lot Sq. Ft(;. LOT TYPE S of lot Caverag~ Interior .II of Stories Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography CUI-de-saa I lITEM l/otzin GcPaae I I 1 I I I TOTAL VALUE .~ j I'/Jtf5. u.. (vaLUe)// 4c:.^ I DA/ _ n~ ],5", ~ ,){J ~. ,.oq .~ I .I4~ (~).qB . x Value I SQ.FTG Carvort IAcoeSBoru I I Is. D.C. {'M:5 Bui lding Fermi t Eta to Surcharge Tota l Charges lITEM NO. FEE C/lARGE 1..Pi.~~"t> m~ lS.CO I I Residential (] bath) I Sani tarw Seu>el' ..,'In cD I Water I~.()Q l rttneffi ~(') .CO Plumbing Perrr.i t ljn.CO State Surcr.apge ~.501 Total ChaNes 1.03.5C) ,. IIT/..M NO. FEE I CHARGE flu r~ 1'-1<-,. l'<\t4 \7\.00 New/EXtend Circuits Temporary Service is r'::':'al P~t State Suroharqe , 1~.Cf-J (~(). CLJ I I, SO ] ~J .5() I, I Total Cr.arges lITEM I Furnace ETU' S E:r:haus t Hood FEE C/JARCE NO, Vent Fan I JlOodsto'TJe Permi t Issuance Mechanical Permi t State Surc1uzroe J It {LLJI ' Total C1ttraes -- ENCROACHMENT -- IS6curit~ DeDOsit I Storage I Maintena7U!e I permit VI. iCJ..-- J, ~\()J I .a I An Total ChaNDa Cu1"bcu~ , I Sid_Ik I FeMe 1 Electrical Label I M,?bile Home OJ{\t~.~I\~ , " cdro t 'fOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" '1~' PQ.Q.S- 1'5.le::; ':'? . ~ oJ~.C8 L-COG-lt I Lot Faaes I I P.L, Worth lEast ISouth IWest . Bedrooms: I Enerq)/ Soul'ae~J _ I I Heat. r---- Access. I I z:.... WateY' HP.atp.p I I~, ,Range I r" FireD lace I I WoodGtove I Tuve 'f'..rve/Cor.st: / Setbacks I House Carage Faes Building Value &. Permit This permit io groanted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall~ in all re8pcct8~ conform to the Ordinance adopted Hy the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Cndinance~ regutating the construction and uce of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cn.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ondinances. I Plan Check Fee: IDate Paid: ._. \~ IR~aeipt #: ~ t~l IS'"9"ed: / V Plumbing Permit No peroon oOOll construct~ in8tall~ alter or change any nezJ or existing plumbing 01' drainage BYBten in whole 01' in part~ unleBB Buch person is the legal poBsessor of a valid plumber'B license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is OLJned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. --' Electrical Permit Where State Law requiroes that the electroical work be done by an Electrical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~fte~~) ID. \~.31 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted application for perrm:t, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and C01Tcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in accor- danae ,nth the Ordinances of the City of springfiald, and the La:.1s of the State of Ol"eg::m pertaining to the work describad herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be m:zde of any structure without pornrission of the Building Di- vision. I further certir-~ that O":1ly contractors and errptayees who are in compliance lJith ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl"oject ~~ p j VY\illO/Ld, IO-ll'~ Date