HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-5-30 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICAT IOJJ1.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ... SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . .........v.,.... " . ,I \ 3C~L- . ~ Job !.ocation, 3 r.; b- ~ ~"M... If) /L, ~ fa." Aoa.ooor: Map K ~70;) 2-7 ! 3/0~~ d Tc:r!.ot 6 8 3D 0 . Subdivioion, nCJC' nC\.l.-J2f\ " ~ n Additicn n Remodet n !/ob-: Ie lIor.r~ ~.':2{\, ~0\ I Data of IlppZicaticl1 - ~Cont rac tors General Plumbing ~t'lechanical [;J.ectrica 1 Supervi_sing Elec t r.ic i:lfl Deocriba 11'01"1,: $ ~ \.UY)~O . ~\ ~ ~ Value Siqr.'d.;1I~ ) c=.,- ~O-~ Data' '-../ , ^drlrp~s Lise. II 1l1drs Board Re\t. p1'0np Your Ci ty Deoigr.a tad Job Ntunbcr Io: o INsur,A'!'JON/VANJR BARRn:n rNSpt:CTION: To be lnade after all inuulati~n and raqu.~J'ed J.lapar barriors QJ'O in plaoo but boforo any la th, (lypDwn board or wall oouering is applied, and boloro any inDulation is ooncealed. gxp1res It ia ~hs r6Dpon~ibility of tJ~ pormit holdor to BOO that all inopoctions aro mado at tha proper tim&~ t~at ccoh ~sss is rca~a~:? }100/1l th41 otrest. an.:! that the pel'mit card is ~xat(Jd at thB /J'Ont of the property. 4!:1ui!di.'1tJ [r:vi=io~ ap?J'ol.:ed F~an 91u.:ll pemaill on thz Ou~lclbl!' Sits at all times. P:WCEDURE FOR INSPECTlON RS.OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) Dtata your City deB~gnated job nwr.bel', job address, type of in3poc;iclI l'OCll.W9ted ar:cI when you wal be ready for inspcct~on, Contractor8 or CUrlers ncmo and Fhone nwnbcr. RequE:sts receiuad bsfcl'e 7:00 C':'J ~iLl be made the oame dcy, re~188ts made after 7:00 am will b~ made tho next ~rki~ day. ffi(~J 5 \ :=\ I_R,.mli1"pr{ Tnpnl'f'tT:r.'1.'l '0 SITE INSrgr.;"'~JON: To bO! r.r.1.de aftel' , cxcav.:Jtion, but prior tc 8e~ up of forms. I '0 UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC, ELECTRIC,1L & NECHA.vICA~: To be loodt1 befol'a any work is ~ovcred. o FOOT IHe ~ FOU,vD.1 T lCII: To be m:zea aftcr tl'e11chas ar'e excavated and forma arc eractO!d, but priolo to pouring ccncret.:. U.\'DSRCROU.~'D P:"UM3[NC. 5~r"r.R. II.1TE3., DHAINACl:.': 1'0 be ua:.fe pr'io}' to fi l- Zir-a trenchae. o o I b UNDERFLOOR pr.m!DING ,~ MEC!lANICA[.: To be made priOlO to irwtallaCion of [7.001' inoulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floo~' in::rdation or deckinq . RDUClI pr,u:!Rr;~.J P[,fX"I.P!CA!. ,~ MF.ClI- ANICAL: No :.)01-1:. i:J co be /.Jot-oered ur.ti l theBe inspec..tio1:9 hmJ(!: beer. made a1rd app!'ove:!. FI~r.PLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and bCfOl'lJ fr'wning inopec- tior.. o D o FRA/![NG: Mu::;t be reqllc:Jtcd after appl'ov.:zl of rouah plwr.billlJ. slactri. cal & mechani.=al. Al! roOfing bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~st be : completed. no work ia to be con- . ceclod until tlliD in:Jpection has 'bten mad~ and approved. l- iD D D o ~, o DRYf/M,f. INspeCTION: To be mado aftel' aU dt'yuaLl io in place, but prior to any ttlping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam:J, grouting 01' vertioals in accol't!anca lJith U. B. C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: Aftar installation is ccmpl/;!ted. DfllOLIT ION OR !,JOVED 8UILDINCS ~ Stini ~aJ'Y seuer oappBd ~t p:.opcrty lir.a =:J Septio tank pumped, and fillad Llith a""n! ] Final - >>~en above ite~s are completed ar;d when dsmolitior. is oomplete or 8tl"lI~- tUrD moved and pr&misos olsanea up. /oJobi to /lomoS :==J 8!ookina and Sat-~p :==J Plumbing connections .- SelJar and wa~or ---, Eleotrioal Connootion - Blooking~ sot.u; ---1 and plumbing connDotions lrr.lst ];0 approved boforo requosting Gloo~rical in8peo~io~ =:J AO:J0880ro",' Building ] Fi7U1l - Aft~l' p;rohos, ote, aro oomploted. skirting, decks, o o o CURD ,.( APPRCAClI AP,rlON: After' forms are are~ted but prior to pouring .:xJn.:ll'ete. D FIliAL PWI-!8111C .'All p"rojec:t c:ollditions. auc}: aD the i.nBtallation of s't:'oct troes. cO:':Jplotion of tile' J.aqt4ircd lam!sccpir.g, etc., mUB~ be aatisficd before tho BUILDING FINA4 c:~n .bo rsquo8t.3d. FI!lA~ J.1E~I/A:/JCIl/. o PINAL 8Ulf.DTNC: 'l'he Pinal Bllilding Inspection muot bo roqueotod alter tlJ(! Final Plwnbitlg Elcctri~al. and Mcchar.ical Inspeationo }la1.lo bun made and approv:d. FINAL ELECTRIC.:L 4Af.L '.It1NllCU:S AND C[.l~'AlIOU'J'S Nl1!;"7' m: ACCf.'S!JIOLF.. ADJU$T!fE:NT TO BE }.L1DF: I1T N~ COST TO CITY I Pa!lC of ~ r--- JO[J NO. SOLAWCCESS occunancqtm: WT TYPE Interior .: Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot Coverage .f of StorieD Total Hai.ght Topography Corner' .' Panhandle Cut-do-aGe I rTF-II 1 "'(Jill I CrJ'nr.e I S~.F'TG I I 11CCC3!10rll I I I I I I I I x Valuo <, Car'ncrt I I Is. D.C. TOTAl, VAWE rue ru.e) 1.5 x ;' Building Parmi t .StatG SuJ"cnaJ'"f16 Tota! Chargss I IITm I NO. , FEE I I rixtl.(1'/JO I I I Rf10idtmtiat (1 bathl I I I :;anit.1ry SelJer I I I Watf!T' I I I I I Plumbing P6nr.i t I Stats SU1"C~.arg8 I Total CM.roes I I IU:II I NO./ FEE I / R(!f!. Sa. fto. I N~/Extend Circui to I I I I Temporary Servic8 I I I I i I I Eloctrical Permit I Stat6 SurcharcR I Total CharcDe I 11T.':1< I NO./ FEE I I Furn.'Ice !!TV'S I f.:::hauot 1/ood I I I I Vent Fan I I I I W;Jod(ltov(J I I I I i I Permit IS8Ua1'lOIl I HBchanica l PBrmi"t I Stato .~ohaJ"Oc I Total Cha;'(f~n' I CflARGE CIIAUGf.' CIIARCE I ISt!C":lridl D~'0?3it ,..., '.''''~''''r''l''.' -- ENCROACHMENT -- ':1.. ~ .......t '...' " I""" ~ ; "t', r '~', .1,'......,".. ".',r, Storag" Ual:n tenance I Pcrmit Total Char-flOB I Curbcu~ ISi.d_lk ,t'cn::11 I ~CO I I I I # S 00 Electrical Labgl I Hobi Ie Homo R EQ.- L-COc;"t . T:ina/Cm:r. t: Bodl'oo:::a: I Dot Face" - I I P.l,. Worth leant ISouth IWeat I I f)lp.rnll SO;O'(':I':(j I I !leot II II I I II II T:/I"'c Sa tbackn lllOUn(! : r.m'Qaf! I I I I I I I t.ccc:;n. !.'atm' .'/r.atf'l' Rallri(! Fi,'r.f1lm:.' r"ood:; tOl;q F:MR Building Value & Permit Tllio pCl'mit l:n (P'(11lt(:d 011 "tll(! a:J:"pr(!ll(J conJitt:<?fl t.hnt. tiln n.lid, COIl:::."~C't.i.I; nl1all, ill all I'nll{l,~ct::, cOIl[onll to t.hc Or,Hu,II;(:(! :[(/or.r.,~,1 h'!I t.llI? CiLy of Sprinafinld, l:I1C~ud~lla t.he ~OJ1i'la el'd~'lmWf':. rC:lllkt.,:Il:/ t.h.: c:cll:itr:l.:tl:CII mId IIGf! of Imildl:II(7::, mid m;;y bo llla::pclldc.1 01' 1'(!lJokcc .:l. Cl:Y t~I.1<: IIpOI: ui lation of allY pr~l)i,1iOl;n of nclid 'Ordt:,:mIC(!:;, I PLall Chock I Cate Pa~d; I UfZc~ipt 1/: ISia"led: Far.: Plumbing Permit No pf1rCOII nhnLl CO/lOtl'IICt, inD~al~" alter or chilI/go ~1l!J IleW CI' e:i.Dtin!] plwnbina or dJ'ainnga nyntr..ll ill i.1hoLa or in part, w:le$:; :;uch pCJ'oOl1 it: tJ:( leoal pOGtlcnnOJ' of n ualt:d plumber'G Lican::e, except tl:c.t a 1'C:"5011 ma~1 do plUJ:1bill(J /Jork to IH'Opl'?l'/;Y rJllich iv or.Jw']d, Lcrt:u:d or opcl'atlJd by the c.ppLi cant. I, I I I I I I , ' - Electrical Perm it W}wre SlAto !,mJ l'cquiJ'cfJ that tho alnctricaL "'01';': b'1 aOIlG by all Elc::trical Contractor, thl! aLectl'ical Fortioll of :;hi:; (l1':1"lnit GJl.tll..L root be ualid wltil the Labal haD be(m ni!Jllqd by the Electrical ::"Olltl'acto:', Mechanical Permit , I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINED tho complBted applicatio11 fol' parmit, and do Iloreby cartify tllat all i..";fo:-matioll l1erooll ill trwi alld corl'cct, tmd I furtllBl' certify that any a,..d all. lJOr~ parfol':11ed ahaI! be d0:141 in aeO'or- danc6 with the Ol,di,l.:znC(JD of tho City of Spril1oficld, and th~ Ur.J8 of tha A State of OrcG.:Jll p:;.rtoJil1ill!l to tho work cencl'ibcd heroin, cnd tlltlt NO OCCU- PANCY wiLl be rrudo of any ntructura without p3rmin3io:1 of t110 !Juildin!) oi. vioiott, I furt1lnr cnl'tifii that o:1ly contractor:) a::d c'11pl.7yeeB 1..11:0 aro ill ccr.lpl~ance with eNS 701. OSt witl be uoed 011 thio pT'oJ'~ct PLall f:xr.mLIICl' LII1"1: ~P/),U1 (] ,1. fJJL;'^>- Sinn,.1l Y;(3 rfr 1 ~