HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-3 Rcc:e~pt .'1 IStJ,i'3 ~ .. ~P~~~~,I!!E~e;" 225 North 5th Street Springj'ield, Ol'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~ Job woo'io", CjJ~ ,,~{'ntt.z '\ h L2 fl.. OV AmBDo"" Ma~ ~ J \ () n ~ ~ n I'.:) - - j'~ r.,t /I 5Ubdivision.r=J\{Jt ~) ~o(lj)O J fJ7 / Cft drif1 ./ CAme", ("'ll f}Q ~~ <u~ 0 e ') AddNS"~' '~C\ \\~,' _ l f\~u:)p};one' City' \f\ r \CJ.O Zip' C\l4'\ I \ . ) - - III Nm' n .1dditiCll ~":~:;':;:~ ~1~~~~~'IO~I(X) ~;~':'~~':~~~l f\\],\ \ st ~,~(~(\Uf1) ~~'~~ \:))Ll44\{a~\~~~; l.\y P- ),)x~~V\IJ?_ Plumbing('0Y1l-1Li\ \J~t)"\ lj l\ i r'lechan:ic<ll e. ' I q"crrj'ca 1 ~C'\.\l.UX\ {. Jtt"lr A,}\ c:e:~~ d-o .-;)1 ~c:. I SIIPer-n"Hing Elect\.,!" [all ,/~~ ~-""-- '7'F.5- S It ia the reDpon:;ibility of tlza permit 4:oldc'1' to see that all in/JpeiJtions are made at tIle pI'oper time" that :Jcch =.ddres:J is readab:e prom the Dtl"Cet. and that the PCI'mit card io t.:Jcated at thn f1'Ont of the propel"ty. .Bui!.di."I!J tr:ui:.;ior. ap?:rot:ed plan slu.:ll pcrnain on thz Building 5it;; at all times. P!WCSOURE FOR INSPE[''TfON REOUE8T:CALL 726-3769 (r'ceoT'dep) state yOUI' city deoigrzated job nur.:bel'. job addroeso, type of irI3pec~ic'l requested ar.d when you will be ready for' inspection, COlltroactO:rs o:r OLmers name and p}Jonc nwnbcl'. Requests :received befol.e 7: 00 c:".7 :.'ill be made thr; aarne day. :requests ml::.de aft;J1' 7:00 Irll will b3 rnade the next :.JOI'king day. Aq~~J(o .I?(!mn:.,.pr! T11.rmf'(!t1:r;m: o o SITE IN8PEC'/,]'O/v: To be nude afte)' excavation. !JIlt priol' tc set up oj' fOr>n1s. UNDERSLAB PLU,~fBING. ELECTRIC,lf. ..; MECHMl[CA!.,: To be made befol.e ,.my wo:rk is ~ovc:rcd. r-;r'" FOOTING!} FOUND,1TION: To be rooC;! l2::::J after tl'crwh(Js a:re excava ted and forms arc erected" but priol' to pouring cene:rete. i-l."A:iNDSRGROUND P[.UM3INC,' SgWER. W.1Tf:R, ~ DRAINAGE: To be /oo:1e p:riOl' to [i l- l ir.g trenchc[;. o UNDERFLOOH ['LUt.:BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instal-lat'ion of floor imwlation or decking. POST AND BE.4N: To be mad,; p:riOI' to instaUc:tian of floor insz.lation or decking . ROUGH PLU,'!BJ!lG. Er.EC'J'RICA!. ,~ MECH- ANICAl.: No :Ja:rk iD to be cOl....el'tJrl ur..til. theDe inspectior.s h.-we bem: made muJ appl'ove.:.!. FIREPLACE:: ?:rio:r to pLccir.g facing matel>ial.s and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA}~INr;: Muat be :requeDL'ed after app:roval. of rough pl.wr.bing, 8l.cdl'i- cal & mechanical. AU r'oofing bracing & chimneys, etc. nr~st be completed, No LX):rk is to be con- cealed until thiD inspection has . been made and approL'cd. o o o o De:w:ribe /l'Ol'k: You:r City Desigr.ated Job NumbGr I:;: o INsur,A7'ION/VIlPOR BIIRRIF:R INSP,r;:C'rfON: To be made after' all insul.:ztion a~.d :requi.:red vapo:r car:riel's al'e in place but befo:re any Lath. gypsum boal~ or LXlll cove:ring is applied, and befol'e any inaulation ia concealed. Sigr..ed: /IA)A /r-3 rq 1) D DRyr';AU, INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all drylJall is i,t place. but prio:r to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grol/ting 01' ve:rticals in acco:rdance with U.B.C. Section 2415. Date: p.honp I_~)<,- xLI I L ',"1 'DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDII1GS :=J Sani:Gl'y Se'..Je:r aapRed at pr:.opc:rty Ur:o ==:J Serti:: tank V~cd and filled with gra,el I Final - rlhen above ite:.7s arc completed --1 ar.d when demolitior. is complete or stru-'- ture moved and p:remises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~Locking and Set-up ~l.umbing connections scwer and ~a:er ---, F;lcct:r'ical Connection - Blocki'lfl. Bet-lip ~nd plumbing connections nr.4st te approved before requesting elec::rical inspec:io~ ~ AcaessoP!i Bui l.aing ---'~~al - After p~:rer.es, .....::::r etc. arc eompl.et;:d. skirting, deckD, o o WOOD8'/'OVl-:: ecmpletcd. Aftel' instaZlation iD o All pI'o,iect conditions, such a$ the -installation of S!;l'cat tl'eeB. co::tpletion of t~e I'cquir.ed lalldacc.ping, etc., nmst be satisfied before the BUILDINC PINAL can be r2quest2d. o FINAL PLUi~:BU!G o PINAL MECHANICAl, o FINAL ELEC1'RICI.L o O CURB ,I; APPROACH APHON: After> formD arc ."?:rl~~ted but pl.ior' to pou:ring .:!on:Jr'ete. ~ ~DF:r{Af,K & DRIl'EI.;t.Y: Po:r all con- ~ crete pavi~J ~ithin street right- of-wcy, to be made after' all exca- vatillg complete & form LX)rk & :;ub- base material in pla:Je. o ~ENCF.: When c~~pZete -- Provide gatea 01' movabZe sectionD througJ: P.U.g. (0/ PINAL Dun.DING: The Pinal. Buil.ding Inspection must be :requested afte:r the FinaL Plwnbin;) El(,!(!tl"i~al, and Mechar.ical. Inspections have been made aM app:rovad. 00 1../ S\'fed +u-es .AU. /1ANlIOT-ES AND CLEANOUT$ NUST BF. ACCESSIBLF:. ADJUST!!f.'NT TO BE r.f.~DF. AT NO COST TO CfTY I Pa!1e 1 of :1 L-COe" \ 1 1 I ) I JOB NO, EflI'6llos0LAR A~SS REQ,- I Zone: I \) ~ OCCUDanC" Grou~ -::l- _ " ' ....J I Lot Sq. Ftg. WT TYPE &at Faces - ,; of tot Coverag;; Interior I ,q of StorieD Corner Total Height Panhmuile Topography cut-dc-sac I I I {!-} I).a:- TOTAr, VALUE ...J~~ 0 IVd~,~ ry.~ .ld~ ' , r'J/\~)1 -T,h~1 &l53J ' I ITEM SQ.FTG o.u~ ~::..~ - r,r'Y'm::;p Carnort I AccessorII. '+fD/ Is~c. 1.5 x Buildin.g Permit State Surcharqe Total. Cluz:"gea I ITEM NO. I ".....".~ \1\. \-\ I Residential. (J bath) I sanital'Y Sewer WCM-mrn ~ Plumbing Pendt State Surcharge Total Characs I ITEM NO. I !,"U". "".....r\\ ~ I Haw/Extend Circuita Electrical Permit State SUr'chrzrqe Total Charges I ITSM I F'urnace ETU' S I Exhaus t Hood l.vent Fan I WOOdsto:J6 NO. Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State SurcMl'ae Total CharaeD I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~"l'it~ Depoait I Storage I Ma.intena~e I Permit Total Charqas Cu1'bcu~ I SidewaLk f)IOJ '1~-- lp(m:::e I Electrical Label I~~t-o ,...~1\ } I ~Olr) . I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.4 x Valuo (9!) lP-- C; } . I FO'E I CFIAW 11'0. FO'E JJ( HJ..J 1 ~ . DO rQD.oO I -' '^ 00 I rJr), R ,5f:i I ,rId,&) I, I CHARGO' ~ I\~,CU FEE l'G PU (~( ) ,LX) ( , ~<::::[J La.ULlJ ' I CHARCE .. B,,,',.oo",,": ~ ~l 1':1I:<1'tn/ SO:1l'CC3 F- r .-# I I !Ieat ACCC3S, I I?: f"atcl' Hmtcr I =S- ~:~'~~l'~ - ;:~'o"e Ti/[le 'type/Cor:s t: P.L, INorth East !sou th I"eut Setbrwk3 I Ifou:;e Ca1'a(JrJ I I -- fees I )() Building Value & Permit Thin permit in granted 0/1 the (Jxpl'e:;:; condition that the :;';Iid, C0113tructiml shaUJ in all reupcct:;J confor11l t'O the O'1'dinm:ca adopted by thB City of Spt'ino.field, incZudin(1 the 20ni:lIO Cl'd~1lflllcaJ reaulctil:rl t.J:e cC1!ntT'lwticll and una of builrIiYl!1r;J wul m:::.y be l:ul;flrmdad or revoked at r;I:Y time upor. vic- lation of (lny [!'1',?Vi:J1:0ii!J of !udd (J/y!i..':nllcen, INoH Check Fee: .~ ~ 'J...'3. ~ II-'nk Faid: .fr!,). /;..L . .'t\t. IRecdpt II: I 1EX5-&J ISi",:cd: ('){ I j)(] ). Plumbing p'E;(mit No pm'con Ghall COllntl'/lci;J inn;aU, aUer or cJumge eny nebJ el' e::::isting plwnbina or draina(f@ 3U:;/;0:1I in w/ZoLe 0'1' in [JQ1.tJ udeD:; GlAdl person is the legal pOSSC3sor of (l vaUd pLumhel' ':; ZiccnufJJ except that a pc;,uon may do plumbing work to prol'm'ty whidl in O1.<:/ICdJ leased or operated by the appli- cant, Electrica I Perm it Where State [,aM requil'e:; that the dGctrical LJol'k b..3 done by (m Slectrical Contractor~ the electrical, pO'1'tion of thi:; permit ahaLl 1:0t b~ valid until the label }uzs b;;en :,iOllrul by the t.'Lectl,ical [:olltr,:.ctor. Mechanical Permit \ ~I, __ , I ,}~~~"::~l:,,~~;:l:~:::: hereby certify that aZL '~":':fo:~matioll hCl'eon it; t'1'WJ muI ccn'cctJ and I further certify that any aY'.d alZ I.JOl'k pe'1'for:ned shaZZ be dO:1P. in accor- dance with the Ord~n::mce3 or the City of sp'1'inafiddJ and t.Jl<: [q,,;s of the State of Oregon p:;;rt.:zilling to the IJ01'k described 11C'1'(J::~IJ end that NO OCCU- P/l.NCY will be rrtlde of any structUJ',~ IJitho:Jt p2rmi:;;;io~ of the Building Di- vision. I further' ceri'ifii that o:ll_!J contractorn and c:nplcyccfl wl:o are in co;npliance with CRS 701, 05,~ wiLl be ut:ed on this p'f'O,j~ct \\Y,,)I ' b"' I I ..,th C1---- '\ I ffi~~ I~.'J'" . $,61~ tp \4.331 ' IduI #~ t - 3 - '70 D..Jte. Sign3d I I