HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/31/2011 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective A licant Name: Com an : Address: Sims Metal Mana ement Phone: 541-525-3188 Fax: 3600 Commercial Ave. S rin field, OR 97478 Prospective A licant's Re Phone: 541-525-3188 Sims Metal Mana ement Fax: 6312-;' fJ~.d ~J ~~ <c Address: 3600 Commercial Ave. S rin field, OR 97478 Owner: Don Davis Phone: 54]-744-6854 Fax: Com an Diamond Street Investments, LLC Address: TAX LOT NO S : 600,700,800,900 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17 02 31 1 Address: 3600 Commercial Ave. Size of Pro e 7.67 Acres ~ S uare Feet D Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposai description to this application. Pro osal: See attachment Existin Use: # of Lots/Parcels: 4 Prospective Applicant: , Lot/Parcel Size: 83,635 du/acre Date: 5/26/2011 Print Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) 11 L- Case No.: w'(L [I - r:::po / t;?A . SD Date: /l Reviewed b : A Iication Fee: $ Technical Fee: $0 Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ ~ .SU PROJECT NUMBER: MAY 3 1 ,2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 I"'lr\nlnal submittal . . Sims Metal Management 3600 Commercial Ave. Map: 17023113 Lots: 600-700-800-900 Development Issues Meetin!! 3 Questions: 1. What development factors trigger an automatic site plan review? 2. What is the current average time frame for site plan approval? 3. What is the largest electrical line distribution voltage in the area (not including a sub- station)? A. Dw P ("e.ql ",,'ye..{J , Development Summary cJ. Wa.Jld. Q c,u be r-e.q<Jiye,) -tw Auto L-0\"e&G(5? Lots 600 and 700 of 3600 Commercial Ave. are developed with asphalt surface, multiple structures and storm water collection and run off system. Lots 800 and 900 are not developed, with a ground surface of compacted gravel and piled fill. Sims Metal Management proposes the following development of lots 800 and 900: "Total development area for lots 800 and 900 equal 3.41 acres. . Installation of impermeable surface, concrete and/or asphalt, in their entirety. . Installation of storm water collection and run off system, to be tied in with existing system if feasible. . Installation of storm water treatment equipment. . Installation of scrap metal shredder. . Possible new electrical utility service (size T6D) Sims Metal Management proposes the following for lots 600 and 700: . Installation of 75' truck scale . Installation of nonferrous metal baler Date Received: MAY 3 1 2011 Original Submittal . . . MILLER Liz From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: MILLER Liz Wednesday, May 18, 2011 2:40 PM . 'andy.anthony@simsmm.com' 3600 Commercial Avenue Location Development Issues Meeting 3.20.2008 bj.doc; DWP Overlay District Development 1.15.09.ddk.doc; User.Friendly.Fees.OnlineVersion.08.01.1 O.pdf Andy, I spoke with the Planning Supervisor who recommended a Development Issues Meeting to be able to make a recommendation on the correct and least extensive review process. The site is zoned Heavy Industrial and is in a 10 year Time of Travel Zone for the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. I have attached a Development Issues Meeting application form. A plot plan should be prepared showing the specific uses and functions.proposed and which portions of the lot they will occur. Please include information on whether portions ofthe lot are paved or u[1paved. Once the application is submitted the meeting is scheduled within three weeks. I have also attached a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District application.. The need for a DWP application review or an exemption can be discussed at the Development Issues Meeting additionally. Also attached is a fee schedule. ' Please give me a call if you have any questions. Liz Miller Urban Planning Division City of Springfield (541) 726-Z301 PLease note my new emaiL address effective immediateLy: 1m iIIerCcv.sori nqfield-or. q ov City website www.sprinqfield-or.qoV Laserfiche website www.sprinqfield-or.qov/weblink7 Date Received: MAY 3 1 2011 Original Submittal 1. . . ~~ . SIMS ,... METAL MANAGEMENT 600 South 4'" Street Richmond, California 94804-3504 USA Telephone: 510-412-5300 Facsimile: 510-412-5421 info@simsmm.com www.sirnsmm.com City of Springfield, Oregon Operational Summary Company Sims Metal Management is the world's, as well as North A[T1erica's and Australasia's, largest metals and electronics recycler. Sims Metal Management today has over 230 locations on five continents, and over 5,600 magnificent employees. . Sims Metal Management operates two primary businesses, a traditional metals recycling business and an electronics recycling business called Sims Recycling Solutions. . Business Sims Metal Management (SMM) will operate a full service recycling facility, open to the general public. SMM will purchase, process, package and ship various grades of ferrous and nonferrous metals, and may include other recyclable materials such as paper and plastic. Initially, SMM will employ approx. eight people, incr~asing to . approx. thirty people within the first two years of operation. Processes SMM will purchase and collect recyclables from the general public, commercial and industrial businesses, and municipalities. Recyclables will be processed for packaging and shipment by one or more of the following methods: . Shredding o Shearin9 . Baling' . Torching . After processing, products.will be shipped to market by tractor/trailer and/or railcar. Date Received: MAY 3 1 2011 Sims Metal Management Original Submittal . . Equipment During collection, processing and shipment SMM will utilize a large fleet of equipment and rolling stock including: . Shredding system . Hydraulic stationary shear . Hydraulic mobile shear . Hydraulic baler . Hydraulic material handler . Lift truck . Wheel loader . Tractor/trailer . Roll of truck . Various roll off and forklift steel containers . 70' truck scale Date Received: MAY 3 1 2011 Original Submittal spr_map . . Page 1 of 1 ~ :"1", :r .:; ~. ~'~ ::o.~l :~';in. , lfrlji1' ."W ~. II,: f"," "lI:. ,". ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ , 9=Qr Date Received: MAY 3 I 20fl Original Submittal http://spifs020/mapguide2009/mapviewerphp/printablepage.php?SESSI ON=a 1 e2ce84-ffff-... 5/12/2011 ~~ j ':SoC\ ~~~ ~ ~: .q, , .... ~~- \i . ~~ .(( 0( ~ - ~ 0 a ! ~ ~ ~ ~~ \i\ W <: ""'c . 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