HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 12/1/2005
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The WelllD Program came into being in May of 1996. All wells drilled, deepened, or altered after that date will have a WelllD
Tag (label) attached to the well casing by the driller. The tag will have a unique number that will tie together all well reports for
the well. In order to tag older wells that were constructed before the program began the landowner can apply directly to the Water
Resources Department for a tag by completing the WelllD Application Fonn. A tag will be mailed out to the landowner, along
with directions on attaching it to the well casing. Also enclosed with the tag will be a "Well Infonnation Fonn" with directions on
filing that form with the County Clerk Office, which is to be done within 60 days after property changes hands
Wltat is tlte purpose oftlte program? To infonn landowners, through property deed records, of the presence ofa well and to
inform landowners of their limited rights and basic obligations regarding ground water use and monitoring, including well
maintenance and abandonment
WIll/tis tltelegal basis for tlte program? Oregon Revised Statutes 537.788 - 537.793.
Wltat ~I'pes of wells are boulld by tlris program? All existing and new wells including but not limited to domestic, irrigation,
industrial, municipal, commercial or monitoring wells. This includes dry wells that haven't been abandoned.
Call/app(1' for a well tag 1l0W or do /wait Ulltil tlte proper~1' cltallges oWllersltip? Yes, you may apply for a well tag now or you
may wait until the property changes hands to make application for a well tag.
/ sltare a well 011 my Ileigltbors pfllper~, Do / camplele litis process wltell/ sellll~l' proper~I'? No. The owner of the property
that the well sits on is the only one involved in the process and only when they sell their property. Neighbors sharing his well
aren't involved in the process at that time nor when they sell their own property.
Wlto is respollsible for illitiatillg lite process? The landowner who owns the property where the well is located may apply for the
well tag or the buyer may also apply for the well tag.
Will tit is delay tlte properly Irallsfer if/am sellillg my prope~l'? No. It is not necessary to apply for or obtain a well tag before
closing the property transfer. The seller, buyer or their agent may make application for the well identification tag by completing an
application. .
I'm sellillg ~I' proper~, Do /Ileed 10 app(l' for a Ilew lag if~1' well alreat(l' Itas olle 011 il? No..
Wltat is a Well Report or Well Log? A well report or well log is the same document The well report is description of how Y9ur
well was constructed. The Oregon Water Resources Department maintains a database of all well reports submitted since
approximately 1960.
How is lite illformatioll provided 011 lite Applicatioll for Well/delllifiealioll Tag used? The Water Resources Department uses
this infonnation to link a water well report to your well. If no well report is found for your well, the information you provided is the
starting point of a database specific to your well.
Wltal is lite Deed Recordillg Number? The Deed Recording Number is the same as Volume and Page Number or Instrument
Number which is obtained from your local county assessor's office.
Wlto is respollsiblefor recordillg lite Well/Ilformatioll Formwillt lite eoull~1' clerk? The legal landowner is responsible for
Call lite Well/Ilformalioll Form be Ilolarized by all OUI-of-slate Ilolary? You should contact the county office where your well is
Date Recelved' 12.- (-0 5
You should contacfi~nR~ of~ce wnggour well 1::1
Does lite Well/Ilformalioll Form ,reed 10 be siglled by bollt oWllers?
Does lite Waler Resources Deparlmelll verifl' tlte well cOllslruclioll durillg litis process? The Department does not review the
well construction prior to the issuance of a Well Identification Tag, however, if you have specific problems or concerns about
your well, please contact the Department directly.
Wlto do / cOlllacl if /ltave questiolls cOllcemil'l! mv well? Additional information regarding well maintenance, abandonment and
the Wellld Program is available in ORS 537.747 to 537.795 and OAR Chapter 690, Division 200-240 or from the Water
Resources Department, 725 NE Summer Street, Suite A, Salem, Oregon 97301-1271, www.wrd.state.or.us. 7-04