HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/13/2006
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County of lane )
I. Karen laFleur, being first duly sworn. do hereby depose and say as follows:
1. I state that I am a Clerk III for the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department. City of Springfield. Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacity as Clerk III. I prepared and caused to be mailed copies
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o L..","",..."lb r6>'llE'{ 1<," 7"IMI:;://~ 3V{2,. ee attac ment on
2/13 '. 2006 addressed to (see Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be
placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon.
STATE OF OREGON. County of lane
.0 . 2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur. Clerk III.
who ackno dged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: .
~'on Mlf
My' Commission Expires: 11112-/0&
Date Received: l~ I ?'O &;
Planner: 'SD
'.' COMMISSION NO. 385725
I o-t:5 p~
Mr. David Corey
3956 Mirror Pond Way
Eugene, OR 97408
(547) 726-3753
FAX (547) 726-3689
www.ci.springfield.or.us .
February 13, 2006
RE: Review Timeframes
Dear Mr. Corey,
This letter is to confirm our recent e-mail conversation regarding the ORS 120 day time
frame for review 01 Subdivision File SUB2005-00047. Per a waiver and request for 30
day extension from your representative (Goebel, 22Nov05, attached) the ORS 120 day
time frame was extended by thirty (30) days to allow time lor a meeting and discussion
about a private well adjacent to proposed improvements. Pursuant to City approval 01
the requested extension the ORS review period was extended to 150 days. After
meeting with staff to discuss the aforementioned well and other issues raised during the
public comment period, a "hold" on the review process was requested and approved,
interrupting the ORS timeline until additional materials were prepared and re-submitted,
allowing 1"4 days for review and acceptance prior to restarting the clock (See Goebel,
. ~
30Nov05, attached). The hold was requested and approved on the 72 day 01 the ORS
review period and the re-submittal occurred on February 1, 2006; therefore the clock
will "re-start" on February 15th, constituting the 73'd day 01 the (150) day timeframe.
Accordingly, the ORS review period will expire on May 9, 2006.
That is the status of the review t1melines as I interpret the attached extension letters.
Please let me know if you have a different interpretation. I have distributed the new
inlormation to affected staff lor review and will be sending out the 14 day public notice
shortly. I expect to issue a tentative decision in approximately 30 days.
RespectibH~, '
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; . /James P. Donovan
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\....../-- Planner II
C: Joe Leahy, City Attorney
Scott Goebel
310 Garlield St. Ste. #17
Eugene, OR 97402
Bill Kloos
375 W. 4th Street, Ste. 204
Eugene OR 97401
Goebel En2ineerio2 & Surveyin2, Inc.
'Engineering Surveying Planning
310 Garfield Street Eugene, Oregon 97402
Phone: (541) 687-0542 Fax: (541) 687'()739 E-mail: scott@geseugene.com
22 November 2005
Mr. James Donovan
City of Springfield
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Re: Legacy Estates Subdivision
City No. SUB200S-00047
GES No. 02414-2004-C
Dear Jim:
Pursuant to your requests, our telephone conversation yesterday, and my email (yesterday) to you, I
hereby (on behalf of my client, David Corey) grant a 30-day extension to the 120-day rule and assoCiated
city time lines.
cc: David Corey
M:\Pers-Oir\A~ C\Corey\Legac:y Estates (02414)\Letlers\City ~ Time Ext Ilr01.wpd
Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Engineering Surveying . Planning
310 Garfield Straat Eugene, Oregon 97402
Phone: (541) 687-0542 Fax: (541) 687-ll739 E-mail: scott@geseugene.com
30 November 2005
Mr. James Donovan
City of Springfield
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Re: Legacy Estates Subdivision
City No. SUB2005-00047
GES No. 02414-2004-C
Dear Jim:
The applicant for the above-referenced project acknowledges the fact that additional information is
required relative to the existing irrigation well that is located on Tax Lot #200 (to the west of the
proposed subdivision). City staffhas also requested clarification of data submitted in the storm drainage
study. The requested information may be extensive and require some time to collect, compile and submit.
Based upon the above-stated information, the applicant has agreed to stop the clock for the 120-day rule
and all associated City codified time lines. The clock will begin to "tick" 14 days after all associated data
has been submitted.
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Mr. David Corey
3956 Mirror Pond Way
Eugene, OR 97408
Scott Goebel
310 Garfield Street, Ste 17
Eugene, OR 97402
Bill Kloos
375 W 4th Street, Ste 204
Eugene, OR 97401
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