HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 4/11/2006 ,"~UBUC'HE. I ~LANNIN~O~;;MIS~ION I CITY OF SPRINGFIElO, :DATE OF HEARING: April I 10,2006,.: .; .~. ," . APPLICANT:" Potential' ~ " NATUAE=.OF THE APPLI. CATION: . _. .', ;',; Appeal of April 7, 2006 Director's . Decisio"n',- for SUB2005.Q0047...di.;'. and SHR2005-00008,: which' grariied, ,;,;,"_,- 'Tent~live.: Subdivision Appr6val" with I' Conditions and Flood Plain .Development."Pl .Permit Approval . for' Legacy Estates Subdivision,' mll3t besubrnittea by April. 19, , 2006, at 5:00 p.m. ' SUBJECT PROPERTY, LOCATION: .' " '. ' 3285-' ~16th Street. Spnngfleld, Map 17.03.24. . 31, Tax Lot 500. ,- DATE'IIME PLACEAr-m :LOCATION, OF THE ~:-'.' . Tuesday;' May '2>:2006, 7:00' p:m.;" at:' 225 . Fifth i Street in" Springfield City I .Hall Council Chambers. . . , ADDITIONAL INFOAMA- 'TION" . .. The application, all docu-, ,ments:and'~evidence sub- , mitt,ed by or On behalf of the . a'ppellant.and: the.appliea- ' ,tion criteria are available lor ~ la_ free inspection at-the' Development,,,.'~Services . Dep~rtmerit, '225'" Fifth ,Street" Springfield; Or'egon ; '97477 '.. . .'" -.. . , A copy of ttie staff, report i ;for this request will be avail" ' :able ion;'A"prU'-24, 2006. I ,'Copies ~ 01.. all documents : may be purchased at a cost 01 $0.75_ lor;,the ,firsf page -and,:.$0.50fo{ each"addi.; tionaLpag'e:_:::, ':':. - ~ CONTACT PERSON:l Cal1PJim Donovan at(541) 72&-3660 after :Aprill"19, 200610 confirm whether an ' appeal was -received:-Il no . appeal is fiied, this public hearing'will not be'held. You may send a written' state-' 'ment to: the ~Plannjng COf!'lmission_ 'befo're',,_'the, . I meeting "'c/o'''' <'the, . Deyelapmenf : Services Department, 225- -Filth r . Stre?t, Springfield; Oregon , '97477, or attend the meet- ingsand state your views. Galin'Stephens, Planning Supervisor . 'Publish dale: April...,14, 2006. . a.14 (2391) . Affidavit of Publication ST ATE OF OREGON County of Lane ss CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I, Theresa Willmann, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the legal clerk of The Springfield News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Springfield in the aforesaid county and state, ,!S defined in ORS 193,010 and 193,020, that the legal description re: Public Heraring; 5/2/06 a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was published in regular issues of said newspaper for one time in the following issues: 14 Apr 2006 Date Received: !..\--( I-of J'D \ o-r 2. p~ Planner. .....--.......... The Springfield News by: 'c../-t/'1e41i. 14/111/1-/?/1...I-"-- Subscribed and sworn to me this /4 1--.1) day A I of ,(),-, ,2006 by: Theresa Willmann ;f;/ . - , . t/r;,.-;__:'{Z/ L )1-7,a... ,/) II ;7c'cce, Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires Sept. 26, 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LEGAL ADVERTISING, lESLlE WILSON 225 51h St Ste 2 . Springfield, OR 974774675 OFF!CIAL SEAL LINDA MAE REED NOT ARY ~ OREGON COMMISSION NO. :385185 ~...'MY corviMISSION EX~..::.~~l~~~6, 2008 I ~ (\ 22017158-2391.15 . . PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - PLANNING COMMISSION , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: April 10, 2006 APPLICANT: Potential Appeal NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Appeal of April 7, 2006 Director's Decision for SUB2005- 00047 and SHR2005-00008, which granted Tentative Subdivision Approval with Conditions and Flood Plain Development Permit Approval for Legacy Estates Subdivision, must be submitted by April 19, 2006, at 5:00 p.m. SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 328516'h Street, Springfield, Map 17-03-24-31, Tax Lot 500 DATE, TIME. PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: Tuesday, May 2,2006,7:00 p.m., at 225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chambers ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the appellant and the application criteria are available for a free inspection at the DE'lvelopment Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. A copy of the staff report for this request will be available on April 24, 2006. Copies of all documents may be purchased at a cost of $0.75 for. the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. CONTACT PERSON: Call Jim Donovan at (541) 726-3660 after April 19, 2006t to confirm whether an appeal was received. If no appeal is filed, this public hearing will not be held. You may send a written statement to the Planning Commission before the meeting cia the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meetings and state your views. Colin Stephens, Planning Supervisor Publish date: April 14, 2006