HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 4/7/2006 (2) Wa.ter Resou~ces Dept._6lt210 . Page 1 of 19 , }~ OREGON SECRETARY OF STATE l~#lEl~Z~Pl.;'~::~;,::~:~~~~:::~,~,~c~..j!l. . rt~~Kt~S:~i~~:];r;t:i:tRti~dJi\ilS:i<8i~ta~~_~~gen~y_~~~t~:roca_1;gOVf:~=W~tf~~"~lbit5:f~it()_u1i~::::#,' __,.,:'1 The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through March 15, 2006 WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DIVISION 210 WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Date Received: 4~ 1~{f/J Planner: Jb 690-210-0005 I ofl q fYlff1 Standards Apply to all Methods of Well Construction (l) The following well construction standards apply to all methods of water supply well construction.. The methods include, but are not limited to, drilling, driving, jetting, boring, and digging. . (2) Horizontal and Remediation wells shall be constructed under special standard approval only as described in OAR 690-200-0021. . (3) Additional standards will apply to some methods as specified in the following regulations. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0216; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0030 Placement of Water Supply Wells (l) No person shall construct a water supply well within 50 feet of any septic tank; 100 feet of a septic drainline or sewage disposal structure or facility; 50 feet of a closed sewage or stonn drainage system (except those in or underneath a building); 50 feet of a confined animal feeding or holding area; 50 feet http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS600/0AR690/690210.htm! - - - 4/3/2006 Water Resources Dept._6ge210 . Page 2 of 19 . of any animal waste holding area such as a pond or lagoon; 100 feet of any sewage sludge disposal area; or 500 feet of a hazardous waste storage, disposal or treatment unit without written permission of the Director. Rain water gutter downspouts and drains are exempt from the above setback requirements. The constructor should consider whether greater distances are required for the protection of the ground water depending on the topography and local geology. (2) A new water supply well may be constructed at the site of an abandoned septic tank or drain field one year after the septic tank or drain field is taken out of use: The abandoned septic tank shall be pumped by a DEQ licensed sewage disposal business to remove all contents. Following pumping, the tank shall be filled with reject sand, bar run gravel or other material approved by the on site sub-surface sewage pennitting agent. The delivery line between the building and the tank shall be permanently capped or filled with cement grout. A water supply shall not be constructed through an abandoned septic tank or septic drain line. The new water supply well shall be located to meet other setbacks as directed in section (1) of this rule. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: ORS.536.090 & ORS 537,505 -ORS 537.795 Hist.: WRD 3. f. & ef. 2-18-77; WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11- 1-86, Renumbered from 690-060-0015; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert.ef. 1-1-94;WRD7-2001,f.&ceri.ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0060 Explosives (1) If explosives are used in the construction of a water supply well, their use must be reported on the well report. The type and amount of explosive(s) used shall be reported. (2) In no case shall explosives other than commercially developed gun perforators be detonated inside the well casing or liner pipe without written permission from the Director. The request shall include the type of explosive to be used, how it will be placed, and where it is to be placed. In no case shall an explosive charge be dropped down a well or used to sever installed well casing or liner pipe Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0066; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0065 Hydrofracturing (1) If the water supply well is hydrofractured, the constructor shall so note on the well report. Information reported shall include methods and materials used, maximum pressure exerted on the fonnation, location of packers, initial and final static water level figures, as well as initial and final yield figures. . http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_ 690/690_21 O.html 4/3/2006 Wat.er Resources Dept._69WIO . Page 3 of 19 (2) In no case shall hydrofracturing allow commingling of waters within the well bore. (3) The well shall not be hydrofractured within 20 feet of the bottom of the existing well casing. (4) Clean sand or other materials (propping agents) approved by the Department may be injected into the well to hold the fractures open when the pressure is removed. (5) All tools and propping agents shall be disinfected prior to placelnent into the well. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0070 Injection Wel1s . No water supply well subject to these rules shall be used for the injection of surface or ground waters, or chemically or thennally altered waters, unless the injection installation, well design, and receiving fonnations are approved by the Water Resources Department. For additional regulations on the use of wells for injection purposes, contact the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats.. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-060-0030; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0100 Mineralized or Contaminated Groundwater All fonnations which yield contaminated or mineralized water shall be adequately cased and sealed off to prevent contamination of the overlying or underlying water-bearing zones. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Imp]emented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. ]-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. I ]-]-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0056; WRD 7-]988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 7-200], f. & cert. ef. ] 1-15-01 690-210-0130 Sealing ofWel1s in UneonsolidatedFormations Without Significant Clay Beds http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS 600/0AR 690/690 210.htrn] . - - - 4/3/2006 Wa:er Resources Dept._ 69.10 . Page 4 of 19 Water supply wells drilled into unconsolidated water-bearing strata overlain by unconsolidated materials, such as sand, silt, or gravel, without significant clay beds, shall have a watertight, unperforated well casing extending to a minimum of eighteen feet below land surface. An upper oversize drillhole, four inches greater in diameter than the nominal diameter of the casing, shall be constructed to.a minimum depth.of i8 feet. To prevent caving, a temporary surface casing, at least 18 feet.in length, shaH be used throughout the construction of the armular seal space. The annular space between the permanent well casing and the upper, oversize drillhole shall be completely full of grout in accordance with OAR 690-210-0310 thru 690-210-0360 after the penn anent well casing is set into final position. The temporary surface casing shall be removed from the well as the annular space is filled. (See Figure 210-1) [Figure not included, see ED. Note.] [ED. NOTE: Figures referenced in this rule are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: His!.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from .690-061-0126; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. &cert. ef. 11-15-01. 690-210-0140 Sealing of Water Supply Wells in Unconsolidated Formations with Significant Clay Beds Water supply wells drilled into water-bearing strata overlain by unconsolidated deposits of clay, or sand and gravel in which significant interbeds of clay are present, shall have a watertight, nonperforated, permanent well casing extending at least five feet into a clay or other impenneable stratum overlying the water-bearing zone. In all cases, an upper oversize drillhole, at least four inches greater in diameter than the nominal diameter of the pennanent well casing shall be constructed to this same depth. In the event thaUhe subsurface materials penetrated by the upper drillhole cave, or tend to cave, an outer, temporary surface casing sha1J be used to case out caving materials throughout the construction of the oversize drillhole. If the clay or other impenneable stratum is 13 feet or less below land surface, the watertight, nonperforated well casing and the upper, oversize dri1Jhole sha1J extend to a minimum depth of 18 feet below land surface. If necessary to complete the well, the single, pennanent well casing may be extended below the required sealing depth prior to sealing the well with grout. If preferred, a smaller diameter casing, liner, or well screen may be installed: The annular space between the permanent well casing and the upper, oversize drillhole shall be completely full of grout in accordance with OAR 690- 210-03 1 0 through 690-21 0-0360after the pennanent well casing is set into final position. The temporary surface casing shall be removed from the well as the annular space is filled. (See Figure 210-2.) [ED. NOTE: Figure referenced in this rule are available from the agency:] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.79 Stats. Irnplelnented: His!.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79, Renumbered from 690-061-0131; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14- 93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0150 http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wat,er Resources DePt_69i1i10 . Page 5 of 19 Sealing of Water Supply Wells in Consolidated Formations (I) Water supply wells drilled into a water-bearing rock fonnation overlain by clay, silt, sand, !,'favel, or similar materials, shall be constructed in accordance with one' of the following methods: (a) Method I (Continuous Seal): An upper drillhole, four inches greater in diameter than the nominal diameter of the pennanent well casing to be installed, shall extend from land surface to at least five feet , into solid, uncreviced, consolidated rock overlying the water-bearing rock fonnation below a depth of 13 feet Unperforated penn anent well casing shall extend to this same depth. The annular space between the casing and the drillhole wall within the rock formation shall be filled with grout The upper annular space between the casing and the drillhole waif shall be filled from land surface to at least five feet into an impemleable clay stratum below a depth of 13 feet The annular space between the upper and lower sealing intervals shall be filled with an impenneable sealing material. If necessary to complete the well, a smaller diameter well casing, liner pipe, or well screen may be installed. lf cement grout is placed by a suitable method from the bottom of the casing to land surface (Methods A, B, D, Appendix 3), the upper drillhole shall be at least two inches larger than the nominal diameter of the casing. (See Figure 210-3.); (b) Method 2 (Step-Down Casing): An upper drillho1e, four inches greater in diameter than the pennanent well casing to be installed, shall extend from land surface to at least five feet into an impenneable clay stratum below a depth of 13 feet Unperforated, pennanent well casing shall extend to, and be driven into, solid, uncreviced, consolidated rock overlying the water-bearing rock fonnation. A lower drillhole, equal in diameter to the inside diameter of the upper permanent well casing, shall be constructed at least five feet into solid uncreviced rock overlying the water-bearing fonnation. A smaller diameter casing, at least two inches smaller in diameter than the diameter of the upper permanent well casing, shall extend at least five feet into the lower drillhole and at least eight feet into the upper permanent well casing. The annular space between the upper oversize dril1hole and the permanent well casing, and the annular space between the smaller diameter lower casing and the lower drillhole, shall be completely filled with grout in accordance with OAR 690-210-0310 through 690-210-0360 after the pennanent well casing and the lower casing are set into final position. (See Figure 210-4:); (c) Method 3 (Under-Reaming): An upper drillhole, four inches greater in diameter than the pennanent well casing to be installed, shall extend from land surface to at least five feet into an impermeable clay stratum below a depth of 13 feet A lower drillhole, at least two inches greater in diameter than the diameter of the permanent well casing, shall be constructed at least five feet into solid, uncreviced, consolidated rock by under-reaming methods. Unperforated, permanent well casing shall extend to and be driven into solid, uncreviced, consolidated rock at the bottom ofthe under-reamed section following placement of the sealing material. The annular space between the upper oversize drillhole and the upper pennanent well casing shall be filled with cement grout using Method C or bentonite. The annular space between the lower under-reamed drillhole wall and the permanent well casing, shall be completely filled with grout applied under pressure in accordance with the appropriate Method A, B, or D,.in Appendix 3. (See Figures 210-5 and 210-6.) (2) In all cases, (Methods 1,2, or 3, above), if materials penetrated by the upper oversize drillhole cave, or tend to cave, an outer temporary surface casing shall be used to case out all caving material throughout construction of the oversize drillhole. The temporary surface casing shall be withdrawn as the annular space is filled with grout [ED. NOTE: Figures and Appendix referenced are available from the agency.] http://arcweb.sos.state.oLus/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690 _ 2l0.html 4/3/2006 Wat~r Resources Dept.~69~10 . Page 6 of 19 Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-198(\ f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0136; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; wRb 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef 11-15-01 690-210-0155 Additional Standards for Artesian Water Supply Wells (I) Water supply wells penetrating into an artesian aquifer shall have an upper oversize drillhole four inches greater in diameter than the nominal diameter ofthe pennanent well casing. Watertight unperforated casing shall extend and be sealed at least five feet into the confining fonnation immediately overlying the artesian water-bearing zone. In all cases, a minimum of 18 feet of casing and casing seal will be required. If cement grout is placed by a suitable method from the bottom ofthe casing (Methods A, B, and 0, in Appendix 3 and Figure 210-5), the diameter of the upper drillhole shall be at least two inches larger than the nominal diameter of the casing. To complete the well, smaller diameter casing, perforated liner, or a well screen may be installed. (2) When artesian pressures are encountered in the absence of a confining fonnation, casing and casing seal requirements shall be determined by the Director upon written application. In the alternative, the person constructing the well may construct the well in conformance with the minimum standards for artesian wells with a confining fonnation, set forth in section (I) of this rule. ' (3) If an artesian water supply well flows at land surface, the well shall be equipped with a control valve and a watertight mechanical cap, threaded or welded, so, that all flow of water from the well can be completely stopped. (4) All flowing artesian wells shall be equipped with a pressure gauge placed on a dead-end line. A petcock valve shall be placed between the gauge and well casing. (See Figure 210-7) (5) All flowing artesian water supply wells shall be tested for artesian shut-in pressure in pounds per square inch and rate of flow in cubic feet per second, or gallons per minute, under free discharge conditions. This data shall be reported on the well report. [ED. NOTE: Figures & Appendi'xs referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0156,690-061-0161,690-061-0166,690-061-0171 & 690-061-0176; Renumbered from 690- 210-0120 by WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-0! 690-210-0160 Additional Standards for Filter Pack Wells with Surface Casing http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 W at~r Resources Dept_ 69ij 10 . Page 7 of 19 If a permanent surface casing is installed in the construction of a filter pack well, a watertight, welded, steel plate at least 3/16 of an inch in thickness shall be installed between the inner production casing and the outer surface casing at the well head. A watertight fill port with threaded cap may be installed for the purpose of placing additional filter pack material in the well. (See Figure 210-8.) [ED. NOTE: Figures referenced in this rule are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implelnented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0141; WRD 8-1993; f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0170 Additional Standards for Filter Pack Wells without Surface Casing If a permanent surface casing is not installed in the construction of a filter pack well, and filler tubes are to be used, an oversize well bore having a nominal diameter of at least eight inches greater than the nominal diameter of the pennanent well casing shall be constructed. If tiller tubes are not to be used, an oversize well bore having a nominal diameter of at least four inches h'Teater than the nominal diameter of the pennanent well casing shall be constructed. A suitable plug shall be installed in the annular space between the filter pack material and the grout seal. A watertight fill pipe with threaded cap may be installed for the purpose of placing additional filter pack material in the well. The outside diameter of the fill pipe shall not exceed one-half the thickness of the grout seal surrounding the pem1anent well casing and shall be centered in the annular space. (See Figure 210-9.) . [ED. NOTE: Figure referenced in this rule are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: His!.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0146; WRD 8-1993, f.12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0180 Additional Standards for Driven or Jetted Wells All drive point wells or jetted wells shall have nonperforated, watertight casing meeting the minimum specifications shown in Table 210-1 and extending a minimum distance of 18 feet below land surface. Drive casing greater than 3-1/2 inches shall comply with the minimum specifications in OAR 690-21 D- O 190. An upper drillhole at least four inches greater in nominal diameter than the permanent casing shall extend at least 18 feet below land surface. The.annular space shall be filled with grout. If temporary casing is used during construction, it must be removed during placement of the grout. (See Figure 210- 10.) [ED. NOTE: Tables and Figures referenced are available from the agency.] http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wat:r Resources Dept._ 69i11O . Page 8 of 19 Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.:WRD9-1978,f 12-12-78,ef.1-1-79;WRD 13-1986,f 10-7-86,ef 11-1-86 ,Renumbered from 690-061-0186 & 690-061-0191; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0190 Steel Casing (1) All steel casing installed shall be in new or like new condition, being free of pits or breaks, and shall meet or exceed the minimum American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM A-53A or B) specifications for steel pipe, for the sizes as set out in Table 210-2. (2) All steel casing having a diameter larger than 20 inches shall have a wall thickness of at least 0.375 inch. (3) Steel casing installed in a well greater than a nominal diameter often inches, having a wall thickness of 0.250 inch and meeting or exceeding ASTM A-53 A or B specifications must not exceed the following depth limitations (Diameter - Maximum Depth, respectively): (a) 12 inches -- 500 feet; (b) 14 -- 16 inches -- 250 feet; (c) 18 -- 20 inches -- 100 feet. (4) Steel casings of other ASTM specifications shall not be used without written pennission of the Director. A written request to use casing of other specifications shall be submitted to the Director. This request shall include a description of the casing specifications and the. reason for its use. [ED. NOTE: Tables & Publications referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.:WRD 9-1978, f 12-12-78, ef.- 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986;f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0006; WRD 7-1988, f & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f & cert. ef 11-15-01 690-210-0200 Steel Casing Joints All steel casing joints shall be welded or thread coupled and shall be water tight. lf welded casing joints are used, the weld shall be a full penetrating weld at least equal in thickness to the wall thickness of the casing. Welded casing joints shall have a tensile strength equal to or greater than that of the casing. http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wa:er Resources Dept._69WlO . Page 9 of 19 Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12~12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0016; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11.15-01 690-210-0210 Plastic Casing (1) Plastic casing shall not be driven and may only be installed in an oversized drillhole. . (2) Plastic casing may only be installed after drilling has been completed. No drilling is allowed inside plastic casing. (3) Such casing shall be of polymerized vinyl chloride (PYe), type 1120 or 1220, SDR 21 (Class 200) or SDR 26 (Class 160) or greater wall thickness, meeting the standards of the "National Sanitation Foundation" and the specifications of ASTM F-480 or ASTMD-2241-73 and D-1784-69. The well casing must be clearly marked by the manufacturer showing: nominal size, type plastic material, Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR), ASTM designation, and National Sanitation Foundation seal of certified approval. The maximum depth to which this plastic casing may safely resist collapsing forces is a function of the "Standard Dimension Ratio" (SDR), i.e., the ratio of the outside diameter to the casing wall thickness. The maximum depths have been com]Juted for readily available SDR and are cited as: (a) SDR = 21 .- Maximum Depth = 150 feet; (b) SDR = 26 -- Maximum Depth = 100 feet. (4) IfPYC casing is to be used, it shall be protected from physical and ultraviolet light damage using one of the following methods: (a) By use of an upper protective steel casing meeting the requirements of OAR 690-210-0190. The protective steel casing shall be a minimum of2" larger in diameter than the PYC casing and shall overlap the Pye casing. The protective steel casing shall extend at least six inches above the top of the plastic well casing and shall be sealed at least four feet into the ground within the annular seal and shall be fitted with a lid; or (b) By use of a wellhead bunker. The bunker shall be made of concrete, hard plastic, fiberglass, wood or other structurally sound material that will protect the casing from both physical damage and ultraviolet light damage. The bunker shall completely surround the well and be fitted with a lid. The bunker shall be constructed so that access to the wellhead is maintained; or (c) By other appropriate methods as approved in advance by the Water Resources Department. (5) Pitless adaptors or units are not recommended in conjunction with PYC casing. If a pitless adaptor or unit is to be used, the constructor should take care that the weight of the pump and pump column do not exceed the strength of the casing. [Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.] http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690 _21 O.htrnl . 4/3/2006 Water Resources Dept._ 69~1 O. . Page 10 of 19 Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0031; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0220 Plastic Casing Joints All plastic casing joints shall be watertight. Either "bell" type, threaded, or coupling hubs are approved. Hub couplings shall be of material meeting the specifications for plastic casings as set forth in OAR 690-210-0210. Joints shall be made by solvent cement in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Newly assembled joints require careful handling until the initial set has taken place, which varies with the temperature and the pipe size. The recommended initial set times are from manufacturer's recommendations (See Table 210-3). [ED. NOTE: Tables referenced are. available fi'om the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0036; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef. I i-I 5-01 690-210-0230 Inner Casing Inner casing installed into a well must meet the minimum requirements of well casing (OAR 690-210- 0190). The space between the two well casings shall be sealed so as to prevent the movement of water between the two casings. Inner casing installed in a well shall extend or telescope at least eight feet into the lower end of the well casing. The inner casing must be centered and must be a minimum of one inch smaller in diameter than the outer casing if an under reaming method system is used. If other methods are used, the inner casing must be a minimum of two inches smaller in diameter than the outer casing. The b'fout must be placed in a positive manner in accordance with method A, B, D, or E (see Appendix 3). [ED. NOTE: Appendix referenced is available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 . Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-02310; WRD 8-1993, (12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94 http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wat.er Resources Dept._69WIO . Page II of 19 690c21 0-0240 Casing Shall be Centered In all instances, casings shall be centered in sealed intervals. Casing centralizers may be used to ensure centering. When sealing a well by Method E, casing centralizers shall be used. (See Figure 210-11, 1986) [ED. NOTE: Figures referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 13-1986, f 10-7-86, ef 11-1-86; WRD 7-2001, f & cert. ef 11-15-01 690-210-0250 Top Terminal Height (I) The casing head or pitless unit of any well shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above the finished ground surface or pumphouse floor, and a minimum of 12 ihches above the local surface runoff leveL The ground surface immediately surrounding the top of the well casing or pitJess unit should be graded so as to drain surface water away from the welL Without pennission of the Director, no casing shall be cut off below land surface except to install a pitless unit or during penn anent abandonment of a well. (2) Application to the Director to reduce the top tenninal height of casing shall include: (a) A description of physical characteristics of the well site which' make the requested change necessary; and (b) A description of additional steps to be taken over and above the minimum standards in these rules which will assure adequate protection of the ground water resource. (3) The Director may approve a reduction of the top tenninal height ofthe casing only upon a determination that the additional precautions to be taken and specific physical characteristics ofthe site would prevent contamination of the ground water resource. . . Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f 12-12-78, ef l-i-79; WRD 13-1986, f 10-7-86, ef 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-004]; WRD 8-1993, f 12-14-93, cert. ef 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f & cert. ef 11-15-01 690-210-0260 Openings in the Casing There shall be no opening in the casing wall between the top of the casing and the bottom of the required http://arcweb.sos.state.oLus/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Water Resources Dept._69WI0 e. Page 12 of 19 casing seal except for pitless adapters, measurement access ports, and grout nipples installed in conformance with these standards. In no case shall holes be cut in the casing wall for the purpose of lifting or lowering casing into the well bore unless such holes are properly welded closed and watertight prior to placement into the well bore. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10~7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered.from 690-061-0046 690-210-0270 Pitless Well Adapters and Units Surface seal requirements for well casing set forth herein shall also apply when a pitless adapter or unit is installed in a :well. TIle seal shall cover that interval occupied by the pitless case from the point of casing connection to land surface. A cement grout seal shall not be allowed within the pitless unit or pitless adaptor sealing interval. The pitless adapter or unit sealing interval shall be sealed with unhydrated bentonite as described in OAR 690-210-0330 and 690-210-0340. The pitless adapter or unit, including the cap or cover, pitless case and other attachments, shall be designed and constructed to be watertight to prevent the entrance of contaminants into the well from surface or near-surface sources. Pitless units shall be vented to the atmosphere. Refer to OAR 690-210-0210 if the pitless adaptor or unit is to be used in conjunction with pve casing. NOTE: Prior to installing pitless well adapters or units on public, community, municipal, or public utility water supply wells, contact the Department of Human Resources. (See references to Healtl1 Division regulation in Appendix 1.) [ED. NOTE: The Appendix referenced is available from the agency.] . Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-051; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert: ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0280 Access Ports and Airlines All water supply wells shall be equipped with a usable access port with a minimum diameter of 1/2 inch. In addition, an airline with a pressure gauge adequate to determine tl1e water level iri the well at any time may be installed. If an airline is installed, it must enter the well in a location other than the access port. Unless it is located inside the well casing, the access pOli or airline shall be capped and be a minimum of twelve inches above finished ground surface or pumphouse floor. If the well constructor does not install a pump in the well, the landowner will be required to provide the access port. (See Figure 210-12.) http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Water Resources Dept. _ 69W 10 . Page 13 of 19 [ED. NOTE: Figures referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef.II-I-86; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0290 Liner Pipe Liner pipe installed through caving fonnations and installed without driving, may be of lighter weight than specified by Table 210-2 under OAR 690-210-0190. Such lightweight pipe shall have a wall thickness equal to or greater than 0.188 inch. All liner pipe shall be of steel, in new or like new condition, being free of pits or breaks; or shall be of polymerized vinyl chloride (PVe) type 1220 or 1120 and SDR 26 (Class 160) or greater wall thickness. Liner pipe installed in a well shall extend or telescope at least eight feet into the lower end of the well casing. In the event that more than one string ofliner pipe is installed, each string shall extend or telescope at least eight feet into the adjacent larger diameter liner pipe. Liner pipe shall be removable. Liner pipe may be welded or hooked onto the penn anent well casing but shall not be pennanently fixed to a well casing or borehole wall using packers or grout which would prohibit the liner's removal. (See Inner Casing, OAR 690-210-0230.) Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-06]-0011; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0300 Drill Cuttings or Chips In no case shall drill cuttings or drill chips be used or allowed to fill, partially fill, or fall into the required sealing interval of a well during the construction or the completion of a well. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f.12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-61-110 690-210-0310 Cement Grout http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wa~er Resources Dept._69WIO . Page 140fl9 When using' cement l,'Tout as the sealing material in a well, it must meet the following requirements: (1) Cement grout used to seal a well shall be composed of a uniformly mixed slurry of Portland cement or High Early Strength Type 1I1 Portland cement and potable water, or High-alumina cement and potable water, mixed in the following proportions (Type of Cement -- Gallons of Water Per Sack of Dry Cement, respectively): (a) Portland Cement -- 4-1/2 to 6; (b) High Early Strength Type 1I1 Portland Cement -- 5-112 to 6-1/2; (c) High-alumina Cement -- 4-1/2 to 6. (2) Additives to increase fluidity, reduce shrinkage, or control time of set may be used in a cement grout mixture. Expanding agents such as aluminum powder may be used at a rate not exceeding 0.075 ounce (one level teaspoonful) per sack of dry cement. The powder shall not contain polishing agents. The addition of bentonite clay to a cement grout mixture is pennissible but shall not in any case exceed five percent (5%) by weight of dry cement. Calcium chloride may be added to a Portland cement grout to accelerate the set but shall not exceed two pounds per sack of dry cement. High-alumina cement and Portland cement of any type shall not be mixed together for use in a well. (3) Cement types other than those set forth herein shall not be used as a sealing material in a well except upon written approval of the Director of the Water Resources Department. (4) In no case shall sand or aggregate be added to cement grout seal mixtures. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0086; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0315 Concrete Concrete for use in the construction of a dug well, or for filling the annular space or well bore of a well, shall consist of clean, hard, and durable aggregate, and not.Jess than five sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete. Concrete will be allowed only when the oversize drill hole is a minimum of eight inches larger in diameter than the well casing used in construction ofthe well. The maximum diameter of aggregate particles shall not exceed 1-1/2 inches, but, in any case, shall not exceed 1/5 or 20 percent of the minimum width of the space to be filled. The ratio of coarse aggregate to fine aggregate (Passing No.4, U.S. Standard Sieve) shall be approximately 1-1/2 to I by volume, but, in any case, shall not exceed 2 to I nor be less than I to 2. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0211; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88, Renumbered from 690-0210-0430 http://arcweb.sos.state.oLus/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wa~er Resources Dept._69WIO . Page 15 of 19 690-210-0320 Methods of Placement of Cement Grout or Concrete Cement grout or concrete used as a sealing material in a well shall be placed or forced upward from the bottom to completely fill the annular space to be grouted and shall be placed in one continuous operation without significant interruption. If temporary outer surface casing is used in the construction of the well, it shall be withdrawn as the grout or concrete is placed. (For acceptable methods of placement, see Appendix 3 and Figure 210-5,1986.) [ED. NOTE: Figures and Appendix referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0021 & 690-061-0096; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15- 01 690-210-0330 Unhydrated Bentonite . Unhydrated bentonite used in construction of casing seals for water supply wells shall be specifically designed for sealing wells and be within industry tolerances for dry western sodium bentonite. Bentonite shall be free of polymers that promote bacterial growth. Placement of the bentonite shall conform to the manufacturers specifications and result in a seal that is free of voids or bridges. Powdered bentonite and bentonite grout or slurry shall not be used as an annular seal material. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 12-i985, f. 12-6-85, ef. 12-7-85; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0087; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert:ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0340 Method of Placement of Unhydrated Bentonite (I) An upper oversize drillhole, four inches greater than the nominal inside diameter of the permanent well casing, shall be constructed to a minimum depth of 18 feet. The use of unhydrated bentonite as a surface casing seal shall not be allowed below 50feet from land sUljace. In the event that the subsurface materials penetrated by the oversize drillhole cave, or tend to cave, an outer temporary surface casing shall be used to case out the caving materials throughout construction of the oversize drillhoIe. The temporary surface casing shall be removed before completion of the well. (2) In the event water is present or encountered during the construction of the oversize drillhole, only bentonite chips manufactured to be greater than 1/4 inch or tablets shall be allowed in the sealing interval. A maximum of 25 feet of water may be present within the sealing interval. Granular bentonite' may be used if the annular space is dry. http://arcweb.sos.state.oLuslrules/OARS_600/0AR_ 690/690_21 O.htrnl 4/3/2006 Wa~er Resources Dept._69.1O . Pagel60fl9 (3) Placement of bentonite shall conform to the man~facturer's specifications and result in a seal that is free of voids or bridges. (4) After placement of the pennanent casing, the annular space shall be filled to land surface with bentonite. The annular space shall be kept full while drilling or driving casing. A sounding or tamping tool shall be used in the sealing interval during pouring to measure fill rate and to break up possible bridges or cake fonnations. Care shall be taken to minimize the introduction of bentonite dust into the sealing interval. (5) Pour rate shall be three minutes or slower per 50 pound sack in the water-filled portion of the annulus. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 &.ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. [mplemented: His!.: WRD 12-1985, f. 12-6c85, ef. 12-7-85; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-[-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0097; WRD 8-1993, f. [2-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0350 Resumption of Construction Following Placement of Cement Grout The time needed for the final set of a cement grout mixture varies greatly in accordance with cement- water ratio and temperature. When cement grout is used to seal a well, construction should not resume until after the final set of the cement grout mixture. Perfonnance of all cement grout seals shall be the responsibility of the person responsible for the construction of the well. Under no circumstances shall construction resume within six hours of the placement of the cement grout seal. Recommended periods of time for the final set are: (1)If Portland Cement is used -- 72 hours; (2) If High Early Strength Type [[[ Portland Cement is used - 48 hours; (3) [f High-alinnina Cement is used -- 6 hours. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. [mplemented: His!.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. ]-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. ]0-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0101; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0360 Movement of Casing after Cement Grouting In no case shall the penn anent well casing be moved or driven following the placement and initial set of . the cement grout. Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-]978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-06 I -0106 http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006 Wat~r Resources Dept._69.10 . Page 17 of 19 690-210-0370 Well Test Upon completion, every well shall be tested for yield and drawdown either by bailing, pumping, or air testing for a period of not less than one hour. Any testing method that does not provide for drawdown measurements during testing is not an accurate or reliable test of yield. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0081; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690.-210-0380 Disinfection of a Well Prior to or after being placed in the well, pumping equipment, sand, gravel and well casing shall be thoroughly hosed or sluiced with water, and shall be disinfected with a solution containing at least 50 parts per million chlorine. All water introduced into a well during construction shall be clean and potable. Upon completion, the well and its equipment, including the interior of the well casing, shall be thoroughly swabbed and cleaned to remove all of the oil, grease, and foreign substances. The well and its equipment shall be disinfected by thoroughly agitating and mixing in the well a solution containing enough chlorine to leave a residual of 25 parts per million throughout the well after a period of 24 hours. Disinfection should also occur following the installation of pumping equipment. (See Chart Recommendations for Disinfection of Wells, Appendix 2.) NOTE: Other public agencies may have jurisdiction over the discharge of chlorine in certain areas. The constructor should contact the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the appropriate city public works department for further infonnation. [ED. NOTE: The Appendix. referenced is available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9"1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0116; WRD 7-1988, f. & cert. ef. 6-29-88; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7- 2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0390 Completion of Wells A well constructor or pennitted landowner constructing their own well shall not remove the drilling machine from a well site, unless it is immediately replaced by another drilling machine in operating condition prior to completion or abandonment of the water supply well in compliance with OAR 690- 210-0005 through 690-220-0140. Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.090 & ORS 537.505 - ORS 537.795 Stats. Implemented: http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_ 690/690_21 O.html, 4/3/2006 Wa~erResources Dept._69i110 . Page 18 of \9 Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. \2-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-.061-0121; WRD 8-1993, f. 12-14-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0400 Construction of Dug Wells Dug wells that are between 12 feet in depth and 21 feet in depth shall be constructed with a watertight surface curbing extending from a minimum of 12 inches above land surface to within three feet of the . bottom of the well. Dug wells greater than 21 feet in depth shall be constructed with a watertight surface curbing that extends from a minimum of 12 inches above land surface to a depth of at least 18 feet below land surface. Open wells, sometimes called sumps, which exceed ten feet in average diameter are exempt from these construction requirements, but are subject to all the requirements covering the use of ground water. (water right application). Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10:7-86, ef. 11-1-86; Renumbered from 690-061-0196; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0410 Buried Slab Construction In a buried slab type well, the slab shall be at least 18 feet below land surface and shall be at least three inches in thickness. The slab shall be reinforced to withstand all stresses. The slab shall be sealed with cement grout at least one foot thick, and the well bore backfilled with grout or concrete in accordance with OAR 690-210-0300 through 690-210-0360 and OAR 690-210-0430. (See Figure 210-13.) [ED. NOTE: Figures referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 &ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0206; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 690-210-0420 Surface Curbing (I) The surface curbing required in OAR 690-210-0400 shall be of concrete, concrete tile, or steel. If concrete is used, the concrete wall thickness shall not be less than six inches. In the case of buried slab type wells, well casing meeting the minimum specifications given in OAR 690-210-0190 through OAR 690-210-0220 shall be used. (See Figure 210-13.) (2) If precast concrete ~ile or steel casing is used for the surface curbing, the well diameter to the bottom of the surface curbing shall be eight inches greater than the outside diameter of the tile or steel, and the annular space shall be completely filled with grout or concrete in accordance with OAR 690-210-0310 and OAR 690-210-03 I 5. (See Figure 210-13, 1986.) http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/rules/OARS_600/0AR_ 690/690_21 O.html 4/3/2006 Wa:er Resources Dept._69i1jI0 . Page 19 of 19 [ED. NOTE: Figure referenced are available from the agency.] Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, ORS 536, ORS 537 & ORS 540 Stats. Implemented: His!.: WRD 9-1978, f. 12-12-78, ef. 1-1-79; WRD 13-1986, f. 10-7-86, ef. 11-1-86, Renumbered from 690-061-0201; WRD 7-2001, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-01 The official copy of an Oregon Administrative Rule is contained in the Administrative Order filed,at the Archives Division, 800 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. Any discrepancies with the published version are satisfied in favor of the Administrative Order. The Oregon Administrative Rules and the Oregon Bulletin are copyrighted by the Oregon Secretary of State. Tcnns and Conditions orUse A!p-hahcticallndcx by Agency Name Numerical Index by OAR Chapter Number Search the Text of the OARs 9ucstions about Administrative Rules? Link to the Oregon Re\'iscd Statutes (ORS) Return to Oregon State Archives lIome Page http://arcweb.sos.state.oLus/rules/OARS_600/0AR_690/690_210.html 4/3/2006