HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 4/7/2006 (2) . ., ~I II . ": ,;;; Date (jAT'l Planner: \. J Y I Df2f)r~ IL Ii . . ~I IL I Access Port wells must have a port to allow access to the well hole for measuring. To Water Delivery System ." -~WeIlHead ~ The well head must be capped and ':'~'~:~~~J:'~~' must extend slleas! one foot above .', ground surface. . ~~~~.'r::;~~~'c' ~l:_~~'':~?;.~; . ','. . :7':~~i.~~ ~, . '. , ;'." ~ : . ,', "''''to.:-.....:,,~ "':~ . ':.: ~. . Well Seal The seal prevents surface water from entering the well. The well must be sealed 10 at least 16 feet. '.<: l.I".v.....v.. Sands and Gravels Water Bearing Sands and Gravels f.::~' ~'...:...,:;. ':0 .... .. "'" _ :~o':--'...; '.6:~e::;;;'~b~ OQ;,O(/4., ~:I:i~} :'I;?f:f: . ~,t'? &"o;~;-:?()' :~'i."~J:::; '.p:,~. ~'.~' 1'.O'.:c..o"c ..o'~O' eiQ;c' -0 . cj c,.o e "',' ~. ~ -a . . ~o'~;)~;'cC:; :.~f~,.~~~f~., . ~.(q~. ~; .,Ct'""o.~. (>'~D ~~" 7.'~'! ,>d.;~-~ ,,,,:>0"0 ~""t7~Non Water~Bearmg Conglomerates ::::;0',0,0 cr C)\Vl_=.e;'<:;: ,q" ."~t?-..;->-ty r - :':;o.c'.'?o' Static Water Level ,06 '(>0(1 h,," ,....00 0'''' ~o,_~>~;">~'>~~f~ r,~_~.~v<:>..::1 ~ ~...~~.. ~.,WAy.:.'.j.lr.'.1~?#j/ ~ .1~gI%, .~. Impenneable Layer Water cannot penetrate this layer which prevents the upper aquifer from commingling with or contaminating the lower aquifer. Sealing the well belOW this point is required to prevent commingling. Casing The casing supports the sides of the well and prevents the well hole from caving. Perforations Holes in the casing allow water to enter the weil. Riser Pipe and Pump Wiring Water-Bearing Zone Pump Sometimes the pump is mounted on the lop of the welL Generally, domestic wells use submersible pumps. II Ir-:- ~I II . . IL This booklet provides general hrformation about well construction, maintenance, and abandonment laws and practices in Oregon. The information included is primarilyfor those individuals l-vho .wish /0 construct, abandon, or c~ntractfor the construction or abandonment of a water well in Oregon. It may also be helpful to people wanting to buy or sell property, and ta people who awn land on which existing wells are located. This illformation is subiect to change.' Please call the Water Resources Department (WRD) to verifY its current applicability. Finding Ground Water .111e amount and quality of ground water in an area can depend on yearly rainfall, geologic conditions, topography, distance to nearby wells, and surface water supply. You can learn about the quantity and quality of well water in your 'area from local water well constructors and neighbors. A local well constructor can help you estimate well depth, yield, and cost. WATER WELL REPORTS (WELL LOGS) Another useful tool for learning about your local ground water is the water well report, often called a "well log." Well logs are prepared by the well driller as required by Oregon water law. Well logs provide infonnation on geologic formations encountered in a well and list details concerning well design, construction, and yields. They are a basic tool used in checking for ground water availability. WRD has well logs for most of the water wells drilled in Oregon since] 955. However, the likelihood of finding records for wells drilled after] 970 is much higher than for older wells. Ii __JI II . . IL Well logs are available on the Department's Internet website: WWlv.wrdslafe.or.us From the home page, select "Access Well Logs" or "GRID-Web." There are numerous ways to query the information. One of the most useful ways is to search under Township, Range, and Section. The data for all of the wells in the section(s) will be displayed on the screen. For effective searches, use a unique identifier, such. as the original owner's name, tax lot information, street address, or age of well. You may view an image of the well log if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader@ on your computer. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at www.adobe.c0l11. WATER WITCHES Water witches or "dowsers" claim to predict the presence of water with hand-held tools such as forked twigs or metal rods. Since there is no scientific basis to dowsing, most geologists do not recommend the practice. Although most water witches charge only a modest fee, the U.S. Geological Survey and National Ground Water Association advise against employing a water witch to search for ground water. Estimating Your Water Needs Once you know ground water is available, you must estimate how much water you need. To estimate your daily peak water demand, add the appropriate quantities of water for all uses which would likely occur on the day of the year in which water needs would be highest. Peak demand in the home normally occurs at the. beginning of the day, at bedtime, or during laundry or irrigation uses. The following guide will help you detennine peak demand. 2 Ir:- ~I II . . IL Type of Use, Gallonsperday, DWEWNGS Single falnil{...........::....,............;...... Some domestic water systems are designed to store water during times of low demand (such as night time). This stored water can be used later to supply water during peak demand (laundry. lawn watering). An experienced pump installer or plumbing contractor can plan a water system based on your needs and water source. In contrast to a domestic well, an irriga~ion well must be able to produce water at steady high rates for extended periods of time. Irrigation systems must . be carefully designed to minimize pumping costs and to prevent excessive drawdown of the well. Locating Your Well Water well constructors have local knowledge and experience with state regulations; they can help you site your well. 3 Ii . ~I II . IL The following standards apply to the placement of wells: Locate the well away from septic tanks, sewage disposal areas (such as a drain field), and other sources of contamination such as stock yards, stonn sewers, privies, or refuse dumps. WRD requires a minimum distance of 50 feet from septic tanks and 100 feet from sewage disposal areas. Soil type and topography in your area may require greater distances. . Increase the distances in areas of highly permeable formations (i.e. sand and gravel). . Run drainage away from the well on all sides; divert up-slope drainage away from hillside wells. . Locate the well above (higher in grade) disposal areas if possible. Locate the well far enough from buildings to allow easy access during maintenance, repair, testing, or redrilIing. Remember to plan future well construction or repairs before building a shelter around the welL Locate the well in an area free from flooding or plan extra precautions to protect it. . Site your well as far as possible from neighboring wells. When wells are close together, they can interfere with each other and produce less water. . Site your well a safe distance from your property line. This will prevent difficulties with neighboring septic systems and boundary line inaccuracies. . State law requires two business days notice if you dig deeper than 12 inches. Call the Oregon Utility Notification Center at (800) 332-2344. Be aware of transmission lines and of overhead powerlines where the drill rig will set up. 4 Ii ~I II . . IL After legal, health and safety requirements, the main consideration in locating your well is convenience. If conditions allow, locate the well near where you will use the water and near a power source. Contact your county health and planning departments for additional well location and permit requirements before you drill. Obtaining Water Rights Under Oregon law, all ground water is considered a public resource. With the exceptions listed below, anyone intending to use ground water must first obtain a water right permit from WRD. In general, a water right permit must be obtained before using water from any well. The following uses of ground water do not require a water right permit.. . Group and single-family domestic use up to 15,000 gallons per day. Stock watering. Watering any lawn and/or non-commercial garden totaling one-half acre or less in area Down-hole heat exchangers. Any single industrial or commercial development up to 5,000 gallons per day. These exempted uses are on a per-property or per-development basis and cannot be increased. For example, you cannot double the amount exempted by adding a second well. If you have' questions regarding your ground water use and the requirement to obtain a water right permit, contact WRD's water right infonnation group at (503) 986-0801. 5 Ii ~I II . . IL A number of Oregon counties also require permits for certain developments. Contact your county government for local rules. For uses requiring a water right, you must file an application with the Department, including a map of the proposed site to be developed. The application review takes about eight months. This time allows the Department to examine the application and allows an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed use. Application forms, a list of Certified Water Right Examiners, and state well construction and maintenance standards and regulations may be found on WRD's website at 11'11'11' 11'rd.slale. or. us. The Oregon Water Resources Commission is responsible for managing ground water to prevent depletion of the resource. In many areas, high demand on the ground water supply has , required that new uses be restricted or prohibited. The uses which may be affected can also include those for which water rights are not required. Before making any expenditures on a planned well, you should consult with the Department to. confirm that your planned lIse of water is permitted by the Department. (District watermaster offices are listed at the end of this brochure.) Well Construction Standards Oregon's well construction standards are designed to protect the ground water resource and the public. They help prevent contamination of the well or aquifer by surface and subsurface leakage which may carry harmful chemicals or bacteria, and they help prevent physical injury and waste of water. A copy of the well construction standards, OAR 690-200 through 690-230, may be found on WRD's website or by contacting the Department. 6 II ~I II . . IL In some cases, due to site conditions, it may not be possible to construct or abandon a well in a manner that meets the minimum state standards. When the minimum construction standards cannot be met, the person responsible for drilling, altering, or abandoning the well must obtain a "special standard" from the Department. The special standard allowing exception from the standards must be obtained before completing the work and must adequately protect the ground water resource. The cost of a well is not a compelling reason ,to grant the special standard request. The following are so'me items you should track as your well is constructed. WELL DEPTI1 can be measured by using a weighted line. The depth should be close to the depth recorded on the required well log. CASING is steel or plastic pipe installed to prevent the borehole from caving in and to seal the upper portion of the well. The total length of casing used should be the same as that recorded on the well log. SEALING the space between the borehole wall and the casing helps prevent commingling or contamination of the aquifer. The seal should be placed in one continuous operation from the bottom upward. A proper seal consists of neat cement (cement and water) or bentonite (a dry clay) which extends from the ground surface to the depth required by the construction standards that apply to the particular well. State standards require a minimum I 8-foot seal. COMMINGLING occurs when a well draws water from more than one water-bearing fonnation. In no case shall a well be constructed to tap into multiple water-bearing formations. DEVELOPMENT involves vigorously pumping the well to help clean out drill cuttings and to 7 Ii ~I II . . IL maximize production of the well. Development should result in a well which produces sand-free or mud-free water when operated properly. OPENINGS - All wells must have an access port for measuring the water level or a pressure gauge for measuring artesian pressure. The access port must be unobstructed. If an airline is installed for measuring the water level, it must not block the access port. Make sure the access port is capped and that all other openings are plugged, sealed, or designed to prevent surface water from entering the well casing. TOP TERMINAL IIEIGIIT - The casing head or pitless unit of any well must extend at least 12" above the finished ground surface or pumphouse floor, and 12" above the local surface run.off level. YIELD TEST - The driller will conduct a yield test to see how much water the well produces. One of these methods is used: pump, air, or bailer. The static water level, the date, the drawdown at the end of the test period, the pumping rate, and the length of the test period are recorded on the well log. Note whether the water level stabilized during the test. A one-hour .minimum yield test is required upon completion of every well. Oregon law requires owners of wells requiring a water right (usually large industrial or irrigation wells) to conduct a well pump test once every ten years and report the results to the Department. WELL IOENTlFJCATION NUMBER - A stainless steel label, preprinted with an assigned number, should be attached to the well casing within 30 days of well construction. This uni.que number identifies your well and will be used to track any future modifications to the well. Please do 110t remove or cover this label. WELL LOG - You should receive a copy of your water well report (well log) from the water well constructor. You may also be able to obtain 8 Ii . . ~I IL a copy on the Department's website under "GRID-Web" or by contacting the Department Keep your copy of the well log. This is one of the more important records of your property. Selecting a Water Well Constructor Be sure to choose a water well constructor who is licensed and bonded to construct water wells in Oregon. Names oflocal water well constructors are available from the following sources: Through the Department's website WH'lv.lvrdstale.or. us . The Oregon Ground Water Association. Your local telephone directory. Your neighbors. The Water Resources Department's central office or your district watennaster. The Department maintains files on all licensed constructors. The public is el)couraged to ask for references and check them. Department records show bonding. licensing and may also include fonnal enforcement proceedings. Questions to ask before selecting a constructor: Do you have a valid Oregon water well constructor's license and bond? How long have you been in business and constructing wells? Do you have references? Do you provide a written agreement or contract? Does it cover the work to be performed? Does it incl ude details and costs of well . construction? 9 II Ii ~I II . . IL Are the following items in the checklist mutually agreed upon? CHECKLISf This checklist will help ensure there is agreement between you and the well constructor about what is to be done. All of the items below should be addressed. _ hole diameter, changes in diameter with depth; _ casing material and diameter, cost per foot; . _ who will identify location of drainfields, septic tanks, and other sources of contamination; _ drive shoe, if necessary; _approximate depth of well (set limits based on geology and individual needs) and cost per foot; _liner pipe, if necessary; ~ sealing method; interval and costs; _ well development - duration, rate per hour or per day, completion criteria (for example, sand-free or mud-free water); ~ intake diameter, perforated casing material, or screens; _yield test - length oftest, method of test, water level drawdown; well disinfection; _additional costs if the well is a flowing artesian well; _abandonment procedures-if the well is unusable; _pump and installation costs (if the constructor provides this service); _ itemized costs; _guarantee of materials and quality; _projected completion date; well identification number; _additional specific items. 10 Ii ~I II . . IL Drilling Your Own Well .' A water well is much more than just a hole in the ground. To prevent ground water contamination, a well must be constructed using proper methods and equipment. Licensed and bonded water well constructors have the equipment, knowledge, and experience required for proper well construction. For this reason, the Department discourages landowners from drilling a well by themselves. If you decide to construct, alter, or abandon a water well by yourself on your own property, you will have two responsibilities: . I .Obtain a Landowner's Water Well Permit from the Department. You must submit an application, file a $5,000 landowner's bond, and a $25 application fee. , 2.Construct. alter. or abandon the wen . according to ground water law and the general standards for construction and maintenance of water supply wells in Oregon. You may obtain an application for a Landowner's Water Well Permit, a bond form, and a copy of current state well construction standards and regulations from WRD's website at wlFw.wrd.slale.or.us. A landowner who desires to deviate from the minimum well construction standards must obtain a "special standard" (allowing exception from the standards) from the Department prior to completing the work. Purchasing and Installing a Pump Well pumps are sold by pump dealers, some water well constructors, plumbing supply dealers, '11 Ii . . ~I IL and various retail outlets. The water'well constructor can tell you the well production and drawdown of the yield test. Using this information and the well diameter, you can select a pump to meet your water needs. The delivery system should produce enough water while using as little energy as possible. Selecting a pump with a capacity greater than the well yield can cause problems, such as muddy or sandy water, pump failure, or even well failure. . Several types and sizes of pumps are used in domestic wells. Each has certain advantages, depending on the depth to water, the size of the well, and the amount of water needed. Your pump supplier can recommend the best type and size for your needs. Selection of a pump too large for your well has no advantages and may damage your well. Maintaining Your Well Some simple well maintenance and reeord- keeping will help protect the quality of your water and your well. WATER QUALITY - Have a water sample analyzed for bacteriological quality at least once a year. Have a sample checked for chemical quality (such as hardness or specific conductance) every five years. Changes in water quality provide early warning of defective surface casing, seals, or contaminated aquifers. Many local water treatment or conditioning businesses, and some local Health Department offices or independent laboratories will perfonn these tests for a fee. WATER LEVEL - Keep a penn anent record of the depth to water from a reference point such as the top of the well casing. These measurements will provide an 'early warning of water supply 12 II Ii ~I II . . IL problems. Measure the water level at least twice a year and record the time and date. Measurements should be made on approximately the same dates each year, usually in the spring and fall. Let the well sit without pumping for at least one to two hours before measuring. If you have any questions about how to do this, ask your constructor. SlIEL TER - Do not store poisons, pesticides, petroleum products, or other hazardous materials in your pumphouse or near your well. Do not use the pumphouse to shelter animals. COVER - Periodically check the sanitary seal! well cap on top of tile casing (well) to ensure it is in good repai r. The landowner has the ultimate responsibility for maintenance of their well(s). If well constructi~n problems are discovered that may contribute to contamination or waste of the ground water resource, the Department may require repairs or abandonment to eliminate the problem. The Department will look first to the well constructor to detennine if the standards were adhered to. However, if the constructor is unable or unwilling to perfonn the repairs, the landowner must assume the responsibility. Problems with the well, due to age or a change in site cotiditions, may require repairs or abandonment of the well, which.are the responsibility of the landowner. Abandoning Your Well . Unused wells that are not properly abandoned can cause ground water contamination~ waste,. or loss of artesian pressure. Ultimately, landowners can be held responsible for harm to the ground water resource resulting from old or unused wells. Oregon's well abandonment standards are designed to prevent contamination of the well or 13 Ii ~I II . . IL aquifer by surface and subsurface leakage which may carry harmful chemicals or bacteria. The standards also seek to prevent physical injury, waste of water and loss of artesian pressure. WRD has minimum standards that describe the acceptable methods for two types of well abandonment. TEMPORARY ABANOONMENT - A well is considered temporarily abandoned when it is taken out of service. Owners oftemporarily abandoned wells intend to bring the well back into service at a future date. Temporarily abandoned wells must be covered by a watertight cap or seal which prevents any materials from entering the well. PERMANENT AIlANnONMENT - A well is considered permanently abandoned when It is completely filled so that movement of water within the well is permanently stopped. With the exception of hand-dug wells, a permanent abandonment must be performed by a licensed water well constructor, or the landowner under a Landowner's Water Well Permit. The appropriate permanent abandonment method will depend on information obtained from an examination of the well log and an onsite investigation of the well. Generally, a drilled well with steel or plastic casing will be abandoned by eith~r removing or ripping the casing and filling the borehole with cement from the bottom up. Any pump, wiring, or debris in the well must be removed before the cement is placed. If a review of the well log indicates that the well is a filter or gravel-packed well (where pea gravel is used to screen out loose geologic material in the well), the Department must preapprove any abandonment method. A greater potential exists for harm to the ground water resource from incorrect abandonment Ofthis type of well due to the artificial gravel-pack material. 14 Ii ~I II . . IL If a hand-dug well is to be abandoned, you must notify the Department and obtain approval for the abandonment method before beginning the abandonment. Typically, a hand-dug well free of debris may be abandoned by filling the well with cement or concrete to above the water- bearing zone and then clean fill (not gravel) to land surface. Hand-dug wells containing debris may be subject to other abandonment methods. For more specific information about well abandonment, contact a well constructor or the Department. Sharing Water If you plan to construct a well 'to serve more than one household, a carefully drawn agreement should be negotiated. Generally, legal advice is sought for such an important document between water users and well owners. The agreement should address these questions: Who will maintain the well? . Who may access the well for maintenance? . Under what conditions can the property on which the well is located be bought and sold? How will power costs and water availability be shared? What is each party's interest or right to use the water? What type of organization 'will manage operation of the well now and in the future? How will costs of well reconstruction or pump replacement be shared? How will the J /2 acre of irrigation exempt from a water right be divided among the parties? 15 , II . . ~I IL Consult with your lending institution about . their restrictions on lending for shared wells. If the wel(serves more than three households, it is considered a public water system. Public water systems are regulated by the Oregon Health.Division, Department of Human Resources. The Health Division should be contacted for further requirements. Lending Institutions If you need help financing your new well, check with lending institutions in your area before you look for a well constructor. Some lenders have specific requirements for well production, water quality, and well depth, and may have standards for sharing wells with one or more neighbors. Several types of loans for well construction are available. The cost of a well may be'included rn a loan for construction of a home. Sometimes interim loans are needed to cover the cost of the well unti I you receive financing for home construction. These are available from a variety oflending institutions. Additional Information Oregon Water Resources Department 725 Summer Street NE, Suiie A Salem, Oregon 97301-1271 Tel: (503) 986-0900 Fax: (503) 986-0902 Web: W\.vw.l1/rd.stale.or. us Oregon Health Division 800 NE Oregon Street Portland, Oregon 9720 I Tel: 1 (800).422-6012 Drinking Water Section: (503) 731-4317 16 II Ii . ~I District Watermasters . IL Greg Beaman District 1, TiIlamook (503) 842-2413 x119 FAX (503) ~2-2722 Michael Mattick District 2, Springfield (541) 682-3620 FAX (541) 746-1861 Larry Toll District 3, The Dalles (541) 298-4110 FAX (541) 298-2459 Kelly Rise District 4, Canyon City (541) 57s..0119 FAX (541) 575-2248 Tony Justus District 5, Pendleton (541) 278-5456 FAX (541) 278-0287 Shad Hattan District 6, La Grande (541) 963-1031 FAX (541) 963-9637 Rick Lusk District 8, Baker City (541) 523-8224 FAX (541) 523-.7866 Ron Jacobs District 9, Vale (541) 473-5130 FAX (541) 473-5522 ~I June Miller District 10, Burns (541) 573-2591 FAX (541) 573-8387 Jeremy Giffen District 11, Bend (541) 388.6669 FAX (541) 388-5101 David Poe Districl12, Lakeview (541) 947-6038 FAX (541) 947-6063 Larry Menteer Distric113, Medford (541) 774-6880 FAX (541) 774-6187 Bruce Sund District 14, Grants Pass (541) 471-2886 x222 FAX (541) 471~2876 David Williams Distric1 15, Roseburg (541) 440-4255 FAX (541) 440-6264 Bill Ferber Distric116, Salem (503) 986.0893 FAX (503) 986-0903 Del Sparks District 17, Klamath Falls (541) 883-4182 x223 FAX (541) 885-3324 17 ~,/". '^' ~~\ f.ASrKRN REl;;ION if' ( -- i\ i\ lJ Darrell Hedin District 18, Hillsboro (503) 846-4881 FAX (503) 846-4887 Mitch Lewis Distric119, Coquille (541) 396-3121 x253 FAX (541) 396-6233 Mike McCord District 20, Oregon City (503) 722-1410 FAX (503) 722-5926 VemChurch District 21, Condon (541) 384.-4207 FAX (541) 384-2167 Ii . ~I #-"-~ f~J 'fNt} 6;1 ), ~"'..." 'm;;~ , State of Oregon WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMEr>T 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A Salem, Oregon 97301,127] (503) 986,0900 wlhv. wrd.state. or. u.s II . IL Ii