HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-6-21 .. RESIDENTIAL.. AP?E.':CATION/PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street Sp~:ng:ieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Divi3ion 726-3753 . ,~lQC) ''C\') f ~)\Oot) - \ f) D?) ale, A 4 To: wt # Job L.oc.::ti.on: Asaescorz .'.Iap ., 3:.bd~:;~sicn: ,...""'.\ ()l~ ~-ner: ~~. ~. \\ k \('(1 IHJ .~dd."es3:~::J~<; I llJ iJ f(J~ ~tfJh-() - Pr.one: Ci8:{')o~ifi) l l()]J J- -- Zip: qtJL/1J1 --.\ D I. 'It::!"J i I Describe r';or/(: Add-:. t-::cn D flJ\ ~ .~ R,z!'r1o.::.el .'~O;;~!2 .=loma =a=e of Appli~ticn VaZue Adcires3 C.;>n::rcc::ors General PZwnbinq"'~ ~~~ C~lt\{\_~\)cd:-~~ ) ::lectl"'~cd Me:h....-.,.:ic::. l ,,_..... , Co I f !:J-Cj _=?cce~p!; ~ '-,/ ~ vpoJ- Lisc.# Si""'dK~ . Date: ....., .. -lu..!19 J;+\ I ro Er.?ir~s) Phone Const~~cti~ Lender It is the responaibility at thB permit r..oZder to see that al! iMPections are :nade 'at the propel' time, that e:;ch .::dtboess is re~Ze from the street, and. that: the permt ca..."Ci is kcated a.t the f1'011t' of the property. .Eui!di~.g ~:Ji=io~ ap-;rot:ed ::?an sr.:::n l'emain on the Building Sit;; at an times. ?,,?OC:.'!)!JPE: .:-0[/ DlS?~CTIOII RE:QUEST:CAll 726-3769 (recorcer) state your City designated job numbel', re~~ested a~.d ~hen ,cu ~ilZ be ~ecay for ir~pcct~on, Contractcrs 01' Ck-ne~s r~e cr~ phone, number. :.'Ul be lr.ade the sc:r.:e day, request:s mde afta' 7:00 a'7l will be made the n=t :.;orking day. S ~\fJq,?\ ~~~~ir~d ~n~~~~t~c~~ o SiT~ I.'t'SP~,'::::]:V: To oe made ait.zr e:rCavCtivl1, bu-: prier t~ 3et up of forms. o UND~RSL';:9 rJr,UN3I.VC, EE2C7'RIC,lL ~ j'..~CH;';liC~~:' To De rr.ada be,f'cZ'03 any worK is ':o:Jcrea. o ,.t'(}CTr:;C 1 :OUtlDAT:C.~I: To be ~e af;er ;rencr.es =re ~cxJated ar~ f~rms ere ar€C~2cJ ~ut prier to pourir.g ccnc~et..;. ~""~.,."r:::J"'''''' ::;rr"",~s:-,~ '.) '>,,'1':-::J . v..;.I..:...'1.J...."J...... ___v:.........;... ,-H=.. "".1.._.., ! . DRA.I;'/AG2a. :0 oe " ... . r;o JO;"i,~- Zir.q ;l'er.cr.ez. o UNDERP!.:)CR ?!J];1.fBI:IC ~ M~':.!:!.4.VICA.~: To ~e ~-ce prier ~o ~n~~cL~=~on of j~oor insuLc~icn C~ ~eCK:r.q. [J ?'JST MID 3'GA!1: To be made pl""~or to insr:all.::-:icn of [7..001' ir.szoZ.a-:icr. or decking. o PC~.~CH ?~.!J~:E!."'!C. ~:Z:::P~C.:"~ .; .'.~C.1-' )HIC)'~: ::0 ~:Jri-;. :a =.:J ~~ co:'~el'€c. ..... . .. ur.:~~ ;r.C3~ :r~=ec:~v~s ~Vq ~~e =r~=??r?:;e~. FI:~::?!.)"CE: ?1"~or;o ~~~~r~ ma:;eriaLs c.rd :,;;/;,re J' =r">l tio1':. ~c~:.no {,nspec- =qer. o [] F~~~!~~: l~d3t ~e ~eque3~€d cf:e~ approu~i of r?Uqn ;l~~i~~, 2Zac~~- cal j :nec;.~i.:.:z~. Al! l"?of:.r.g brccir.g ~ ch~.T.r.~Ys, eta. ~~St be . co~Ze~cd. 50 ~rk is to bq CGn- ~ cea'Z..d u.r.=iZ thio ir.soec:icn has 'been ,~,z end ~??l"?t:ed. Your City. Desigr~ted Job Number Io: o INSULATTON/VI1PO."! BARRIER I.'ISP::CTICN: To be made after all insuZc.twn ar~ rcauired VaI)Ol' carriers are in olace but before $:y lath, gypsum ccdre or wall covering is applied, crr~ before any insulation is concealed. job adcress, type of ~n3pecticn Requests l'eceived i;~fcre' 7:00 ~.. , DElIOUTIOH OR XOV:;:; 3UILDI.-IGS :=J Sani-tary se"..Jer capped at p~op;;"!'ty line ~ Septi.: tank'p~~ed and filled ~~th ;ra/eZ ---, Final - r;lhen chcve ite..~s CU'e ccrr.-oZetec ~ and when ~e~cZ~tio~ is co~iete or 'st?~~- ture moved ar~ ?r~ses cleaned up. Mooi Z~ HC,il2S o DR'!WALL INSPECTION: Tc be made a.fter all Cr,jOJaZ-Z is in pZ.ace, but priOl' to any taping. ~ Blocking ar~ Set-u.p ~ Plumbir.q ,connections -- s;;wer ar~ watel' ~ EZect1"'~caZ Connection -....Blockil".q, set-up' --.l and plumbing connections ",..st !::e G.?P"!'ovec befol'e request:.ng e!ectri.:aZ ins?eatio~ :=J Ac:esso<i BuUdir.g ~ Fi~l - Aft~r ~~rc~as, eta, are acmplat;;d. 3 K":..!'=:.ng ~ dec;:.3 , o location, bond or verticals in U,B.C. Section MASONRY: Steel baam3~ grouting accordance ,n,th 2415. 'iiOODS'!'O'IG: Aftar instalZ.ation is cc....rpiete:d. o All pro.feat cor.di=i.ons~ G:.4ch c:s the ,,-'.n~=aLZat:.on of street =r.3es~ .:'~.-:;;!e~~Qn. :J; :ftS required Zandsccpi~q~ etc., .~st be sa~isfied bC;Qre the 3UILDI~G ;I~~L ~cn be r2~~gst~d. D. PINAL ?LU'.~3r:;G =:J. FI.'lAL :',IE;:':::":IICA[, :=J ?!.'IAL ZI..EC':'.',IC:":' :=J o D o CUPB ,!i Al'PROACH .4P_oON: Afte.... forms are "l'eated but pzoiol' to pcuri,.,.g .:on;:!l'ete. SIu'Gr>lALX cl DRD'EfiAY: For aU con- crete paving within stl'eet l'ight- of-~y, to be made after al! ezca- vatina comvlete & fo~ ~rk d suO- base ,;ateM:al in ?Z.a::e. o o :'ENCE: !/haY: complete -- Provide gates or movable" secticns thl'ough P.U.E. o PINAL BUILDING: Electrical, c:nd The F~nal 3uildir.g :ns~ection ,~st be requested ~!tar tr.e ?~r~l ?l~bir~ Necr.ar.icc.l In.specc-:.cn:; ;-:avc fJeen 177ade ar..d ~;;prcva:i. I' :>~~e . , of 2 .ALi:, MANHCLES AND .CLEANCUTS ..lUST BE XCESSIBDE, ADJUS7,'S,'!T ':0' 3E ,'.~1D'G AT !lO ;::S';' TO OI?'! . ,. P.::.qe 2 I JOB NO. 83Jr;QsSOLAR HCCESS REQ.- 1 Z=-r.a: Lot Sq. Ftg. l~ ~f lot C~ve~~q~ ; # of 5tor;es I TotaL Heigh: i Topogra:;ny I I;:'D! l,\k::in l':"~=ce. i t C.:rr:'~r,= i. t .-tc~eS3~r'~1 I.::.... :-"'r'! .....~... ...J 7.~~.~!: 'l AL[;~ Is..? C. ! 1.5 = I Vc.~~~) cuiZding Permit State Surcharge ':'o-=a I Cr.a.:-gea II':'::N I E'i.::t-.u'e s I., .. . 1 I b hJ ' .,es-z..::2'fltta~ ,1 et. Sc:r.ita.r"j SelJ€:t_ ~ 1::0. I I I I I I I I "e"::e:!" PZumbing Perr.:i. t State Surcr.arqe T::ta! cr.a.~ces , II'Df I Hes. Sa. fta. I N=!E=tend CirC"J.i ts I Tempercry Ser"Jice 1.'iO. I I I I I '1 I I I . EZectr-.;caZ ?er.:-rit State Surcr.a.T~e Total cr.a:!'ces r7'-:"" I ;:::. I I I ?-.L.>>r.a.ae ?TU' S I E:::haust Hood Vent p:zn I ";'odsto:;e I Pe!"':!':i t I33U.::r..c2 Mecr.anic.::.l Perm-:: t State Su:rchc:...~a€ T,,~.-::! ~"..cr'7t:?:J ~:.'C.='CAC;;:;'..'~:.''':' !Se~~~:t~ 'z=csit Storaqe t~a~nt€7"..c:r~e p{JrrT'~ t Tct~l C"1tC'f''7Cg C'urbC"J.t , SideLla l~ I" I .4~n~e i E!ec:;ric~ Z L~eZ ; .\{obi le H.:;me I TOT.~': ..t'.!OU.'1T DUE::. ~C~.i.=c.7'.c"..J fJt'O"..J.=: WT ':':?:: Ir:t2riol' Corner' PenhaPA Ie c-",Z-de-sac x 'la lue Cr~.L=?GE 10.00 I I I I IJ(),OO I .WO IfO,LfO c.;.~_=tGZ CH,JJiCE fIl/lo/Ji) , L - C 0 G~ T;:?e/CoY'.S!;: 3ed..!'.,or.-:s: I I ::Y'.e"!'p.J j I I I I I I I II II ::'or; ?a.C2S"- SOu.!'~e3 T:r: e .3etC(l:J.v..s ?~. I nQ~38 I Carc~e I A~cess. INortn [as!; Soz.;:;h . I;';est o=:Oe::.t :';at~!" ..=?anq~ _=-:'q:z-;~!, li!'eoiaC2 f.t'ooc.~ =0-:; a P.ees Building Value & Permit This permit is grented on the e=:press condition that the sa'id. const"!".Jc::ion sh~Zl, in ~2l respects, confo~ to the Jr'dinance adopted by the Cit~ of Spr"'~r..gf"~e~dJ "'~ncZiAdirtg the Zoning Crd:.nar!ce, regulc.tir:g ti7.e acr.3t:r:I.C:"~cr: and !'c'se of' bulldings, end m:::y C~ 3uspert.aed or revokec at cr."d. t:','"ne ~(;~r: vic- lation of xr.y provisions of said CTdir~nces. . IPlan Check ICate ?aid: IRec.;:ipt #: IS~ed: Pee: Plumbing Permit No person Ghall construct, instalZ, aZter or change eny new Or' e=istiY'.a plumoir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the Zegal possesso~ of a valid plumber's license, e=cept that a pe"!'son me~ do plumbing ~ork to properp~ which is ow~ed, leased or opereted by the appli- cant. ./ Electrica I Permit Where State [,GLJ requires tr.at the eZect1"'~cal wo~k be done by an ElectT"":cal Cont!'(lctor, the electrical port;ion of this permit shall roOt be valid :mti~ the ~el has been signed by the Elec~ical Contrector. I I I I · Mechanical Permit . Pian Z=-"'"'?1iner t-'a=~ ! I I · I HAVE CAREFULLY E~~NED the completed c~pZication for permit, crLi do hereby certify that aLZ ir.jo~at~on ~ereon is true erA correct, .::.r~ ; further ce"!'tify that any er.d a~l :.:ork ;:erforrned 3hall, be dO:1e in accor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City ~f SpringfieLd, end t;h= L~~3 of tha State of Oreeon Dzrt=ininc to the work cescr-:bcd herein, and that NO OCCU- Pt.NCY wiz: b~ made oj any. structure without ?8rmis3ior. oj the ~uiZdir.q Di- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o~ly ~ontra~-;o~s ai.d ~Z~yees who ~-g in co~p~iance with ORS ?Ol_05~ will be used on this project ~~) - - (/." ". o -~/- iZ~ Date