HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/18/2010 . . Notice of Public Hearing before the Springfield City Council Street Renaming to Correct Original Subdivision Plat Maps to Conform with Existing Street Names and Postal Addresses Hearing Date: July 19th, 2010 TIme: 7:00 PM Location: City Council Chambers, Springfield City Hall, 22S Fifth Street When the original maps were drawn for the Cascade Heights First Addition Subdivision in 1977 and the King Solomon's Estate Subdivision in 1997, the segment of 68"' Street between Forsythia Street and Ivy . Street and 68"' Street south of Jessica Drive were called 68"' Place on the subdivision maps. The street signs and postal addresses on these segments of 68"' were subsequently changed to what they are today-68"' Street. The street signs were changed and the postal addresses were changed, but there is no record a formal action to change the subdivision maps. On July 19"' the City Council will conduct a public hearing on a proposal to change 68"' Place to 68"' Street for the segment of 68th Street between forsythia and Ivy Streets and on the segment of 68th Street south of Jessica Drive, on the Cascade Heights First Addition Subdivision and the King Solomon's Estate Subdivision plat maps. This proposal would change the subdivision maps to match the existing street signage and the existing postal addresses for residents on 68'" Street. Your street slgnage and postal addresses will n2! change. The proposed change will have no effect on the legal description of your property shown on your deed. This Is an administrative housekeeping matter that requires a publiC hearing before the City Council to complete. The change in the old subdivision maps is prompted by an error that arose last month when 9-1-1 dispatchers received an emergency call from a 68'" Street resident. Dispatchers but could not confirm the caller's street address because Springfield's 9-1-1 dispatch records are based on the original subdivision maps. Those maps showed the caller address to be on 68'" Place. instead of 68th Street. The proposed change will help avoid such confusion in the future when someone calls for 9-1-1 assistance. While researching the 68th Street naming issue, a street name error on Glacier Drive was discovered. On the Cascade Heights and the Cascade Heights First Addition plat maps, Glacier Drive is called "Orchid Lane." Orchid Lane was changed to Glacier Drive in the late 70's, but again, there is no record of a formal action being taken to change the name. The Council will also consider changing "Orchid Lane" to "Glacier Drive," between'67"' Street and 70'" Street at the July 19'" hearing. The proposed street name change corrects the old subdivision maps and does not change current street names or addresses. If you have questions about the proposed street name changes, please don't hesitate to call me at 541- 726-3775. I have scheduled a drop-in meeting time on Tuesday, July 13th from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM in the Jesse Main Room in the City Hall building. There is no formal presentation planned, but staff will be available to talk with you about the proposed street renaming on the old subdivision plat maps. This time is intended to allow you to speak face-to-face with staff about the changes if you feel the need to dose. Mark Metzger, Planner 541-726-3775, mrmetzger@ci.springfield.or.us Date Received: ,rlb/"I 0 Planner: MM ....... C) c .- Q) E > m'L: cO Q),- O::Q) _'0 ~~ l::(9 CJ)OQ) , -- " d H169 S C/) Q) CO -c- ffimCL E-I~ "C"Cco c:2<O Q) u 0 E'-- <(OQ) a. ::a .> m~O 2l::m c CJ) .- .o.c. E C/) ...... m >ffi~ "co .0- :J Q) CJ)u "C~ Q)CL C/).c. 0_ a. co 0<0 '- CL ~ . o ffi % Cl . a:: o <( u ;:; ii) = 13 ~ -, it U'l $ ill ~ t> '" ~. ~ a ~ J ~ i ;; a . ~ ::; !i ::; . !l ~ ~ I : ~ N t; ;!; . o N ~ N Ii ~ l'l :2 ~ :i ~ . . .l!J c Q) '0 .- m &! '0 Q) - o Q) ~ , () ~ ~ .. o ~ ~ .. ~ .. ~ OJ 41 LL 8 ~~ S;r ~~ 0=0) c: 2C: roro 00: o ~ <Il Q) en f/J U) W Q) f/J..... Q) <Il Q) Q) en U) ..... ~ (/) CI) Q)(u:g~~"" ~c<(O~Q) ~~llQj~~ ~~(/J.l:l(/J~Q)Q) '" '" Q) Q) a: a: .~ .~ ~ c75 ~=~~:5€ <o~e"e,,~~ 0-1-1