HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 7/19/2010 . . Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff ContactlDept.: StaffPbone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 7/1912010 Regular Meeting Mark Metzger, DSD 726-3775 15 Minutes Enhance Public Safety AGENDA ITEM SUMMt\I!\:: SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: STREET TYPE CHANGES FOR SEGMENTS OF S. 6SJH STREET AND S. 681H PLACE AND STREET NAME CHANGES FOR GLACIER DR. AND 68TH PLACE TO CORRECT STREET NAMING ERRORS ON ORIGINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT MAPS To conduct a public hearing to adopt/not adopt AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN STREET NAMES FOUND ON THE CASCADE HEIGHTS, CASCADE HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION, SOUTH HILLS AND KING SOLOMON'S ESTATE SUBDIVISION PLAT MAPS TO CONFORM TO EXISTING STREET SIGNAGE AND POSTAL ADDRESSING, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Discrepancies have been identified in the use of "6S"' Place" and "68"' Street" on subdivision plat maps and related address records that were approved in 1978. These discrepancies recently caused a delay in responding to a 9-1-1 call. The proposed action amends the subdivision plat maps and related address records by changing the street types (Street and Place) as necessary to conform with existing street signage postal addresses. The action also amends the names of streets on the subdivision maps that were changed long ago but for which there is no record of formal action. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment I: Staff Report Attachment 2: Adopting Ordinance In May, a 9-1-1 response delay occurred when caller gave the dispatcher a S. 68"' Street address. Dispatcher's database showed no such house number on 6S"' Street, just on 6S"' Place. The 9-1-1 database is linked to the County address records, which in turn are based on the street names found on recorded subdivision maps. In this case the caller's street type (Street/Place) on the subdivision plat map (and therefore the County address record) was not consistent The caller assumed that her postal address and street signage were her true address when she called for help. ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: When notified of the 9-1-1 incident, staff invited affected residents to attend a meeting on June Sib to discuss the problem and to identifY a course of action to correct the problem. Eight of the 25 affected households participated in the meeting. The consensus of the residents at the meeting was that changing the subdivision plat maps and other address records to match the street signage and postal addresses was the most expedient and least impactful means of resolving the problem. When researching a solution to the 9-1-1 addressing problem, staff found additional changes on the subdivision maps that are recommended as part of this action. On the old plat maps, Glacier Drive is called Orchid Lane and S. 6S"' Place, south of Jessica Drive, is called Kalmia Drive. There appears to be no danger of a 9-1-1 mishap with these streets, but the corrections are still recommended. As an interim precaution to avoid response delays while the problem is being resolved, staff contacted the fire department and the 9-1-1 dispatch center to make them aware of the issue and provided them with a list of ~~er.led addreJses. ? -lr-tO """''-"'w,, . Planner: MM . . ~ . . Staff Report - 68th Street/Place Street Naming Correction Ordinance Proposal: To formally correct street names on four subdivision plat maps in the vicinity of S. 68th Street, south of Forsythia Street. The proposed changes are technically street name changes, but will not change the existing postal addresses or street sign age in the affected neighborhood. Case Number: LRP2010-00003 I. Executive Summary Staff is recommending that the Council initiate and approve the amendment of four subdivision plat maps to rename streets on those maps to conform to existing street signage and postal addresses. The proposed action does not change current resident addresses or street names. The action is needed to correct a discrepancy between 9-1-1 dispatch address records and the street and postal addresses on S. 68'h Street. This discrepancy recently caused a delay in a 9-1-1 request for assistance. The ordinance amends four subdivision plat maps dating back to 1978. Over time current maps show that street names on the plats were changed but no record of formal action by Council could be found. Formal Council action has been requested by the County Surveyor to provide documentation of the street renaming for the affected subdivision plats. The lack of documentation for past changes recently contributed to a delay in a 9-1-1 response on S. 68'h Street. It was this incident that prompted this proposal to amend the subdivision plat maps. 9-1-1 dispatchers use a database that draws its addressing information from the original subdivision records. The old plat maps show portions of 68'h Street as 68'h Place. The affected streets and addresses and the proposed changes are shown below. The plat maps with the street to be renamed highlighted, are included in this report as Appendix A, B, C, and D. Proposed Plat Map Changes and Affected Subdivisions Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Maps Affected Subdivisions Orchid Lane, between 67'h Street and 70th Street is Cascade Heights (Book 57, Page 10) and renamed Glacier Drive. Cascade Heights First Addition (File 72, Slide 119) - .n " m . = - m . . .. .. - Attachment W Date Received: 7 -19-/D Planner: MM fil-I! . . Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map S. 68th Place, between Forsythia Street and Ivy Street is renamed S. 68th Street. Affected Subdivision Cascade Heights First Addition (File 72, Slide 119) ., r.,- '----- \ ~ \: )- ~ . ~ "' . . I ..0 t-"mi- .0 ~~2 :- ~ v--~ ~'---- III .'1- ~ ., .,)~~. .~ J L J (M M "0 x-r .0 ~., ( ';-;'~' ~' _IV. IU _ ':J: IDa SQ r--r-- "1:1_'" ".2 '1.._. .. ~ .,'- 11:/111I2 1172 ,o:..,_~m" -,..., Ul . _ M1.u r I_II 1-" Ii ~ r-- 'O"YT><~" - ~ ~~f;:.-1 'i\-,,~ ~~~ ~ "~. 1 '" .) .,~ \'M ?-fiE .. ".-J .,::;--- OM OM 8 -"'--....-l L I ~ ~/::)71~.1 #;Q~.u '?(-=-i~.: 13t ~~.". L C '- ~~ c,,,J;,c.;.n .'J G".:' "" '~A~\ ~ -'" . - 'r.;'-~<'o",.o- '" -, I \ ~ .11 ~1: !----J.l1 lit '""el'l ~ +- ~ -.~ k"'m:- r- If ,-" ftJ..... INS D' WI I" i --0. ~". '; r--- ~ .0 " ., Iiii" . .~, L.I M; ", EJ f.;J .::;.,. _\ ~51". .. -" J\.1l1 110 _ y., ~JC$ 41" u M 1"2\ J "I--. 1!/'"ioJ~i J~m HOLLYST ron~ ,. ., .," V!/' ~I D' ~w., ~ .'1 I... I ~1 '-'r- '-- .. .J .1 "'/11117::::' f! L.~t... .nl-L-- I". ~ ..2 - _.r~n ~ ~ l~m~ m \ .~ ~ l . , .. u 9J GL"ClER I I - f-- I r==r. I LJ!r-j ~Lj1- 7 ~ Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map S. 68th Place, south of Jessica Drive is renamed S. 68th Street. Affected Subdivision King Solomon's Estate (File 7S, Slide 465) Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map Kalmia Drive is renamed S. 68th Place Affected Subdivision South Hills Subdivision File 73, Slide 121 OM - OM O~ Attachment 1Q) . . The analysis provided by staff provides a sufficient basis for Council to find that the proposed subdivision map amendments (street renaming) meets the decision criteria outlined in Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code. The implementing ordinance contains a clause declaring an emergency as allowed by Section 2.110 of the Municipal Code. While interim action has been taken by staff to prevent a recurrence of another such delay, this action is necessary to resolve the problem. Council is requested to approve this request by emergency ordinance as allowed by the Municipal Code. Staff believes that the declaration of an emergency is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare as described in Section 2.110. II. Background Neighborhood and Agency Coordination When alerted to the 9-1-1 response confusion by the LCOG staff person who maintain the address records by dispatchers, Springfield planning and Fire and Life safety quickly compared plat map information, postal addresses and street sign age and identified 2S addresses on S. 68th Place and Street where resident addresses did not match the dispatch addresses. The mismatches each occurred on S. 68th starting just a few houses north of Forsythia Street on S. 68th Place and extending to the end of S. 68th Street, south of Jessica Drive near the top of the hill. Command staff from Fire and Life Safety contacted the dispatch center manager and alerted their staff to the problem. Planning staff provided the dispatch center manager with a list of the affected addresses seeking to prevent further 9-1-1 confusion while the problem was being resolved. The 9-1-1 incident occurred on May 3rd. The following week planning staff met with the resident who made the 9-11- call to discuss the confusion and to brief the resident on the interim precautions being taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident while the matter was being resolved. On May 141h, staff contacted the 2S affected households on S. 681h Place and S. 681h Street with a letter inviting them to participate in a June 8 meeting to discuss how to best resolve the problem in a way that minimized their inconvenience. At the June 8 meeting, about a dozen persons representing 8 households expressed support for amending the subdivision maps to match the existing street signage and postal addresses. Staff has consulted with the City Surveyor and County Surveyor, with LCOG, and with the Post Office Manager for the East Main Street branch to review the proposed subdivision amendments. Each expressed their support for the approach to resolving the problem. In addition to resolving the problem, staff asked whether changing the street names on the subdivision maps create any new problems. In particular, staff sought to answer the question of whether the proposed changes would have any impact on property deeds and descriptions that might complicate future transactions affecting residents' properties. The City and County Surveyor and a local title firm assured staff that the change would not confuse the residents' property description or ownership. The County Surveyor requested that documentation of Council action be provided to his office of the subdivision plat map amendments if approved. The Surveyor will coordinate with the County Assessor and other affected agencies. The proposed action will resolve the 9-1-1 response confusion by changing the street names to match the existing postal addresses and street signage and would trigger a change in the 9-1-1 address records. Attachment 1(3) . . Additional Changes Prompted by the 68'h Street Place Issue In the process of assessing the extent of the addressing problem using the original subdivision maps, it was discovered that other streets in the neighborhood had been renamed in the late 70's, but no formal action could be found for all of the changes. Ordinance 3790 (1978) changed some of the neighborhood streets in the 68'h Street area. For example, Forsythia Street was once called Dogwood Drive, and a segment of S. 69'h Street was once called Elderberry Court. These were officially changed by Council Ordinance 3790, and there has been no 9-1-1 addressing confusion with those streets. There are remaining street naming anomalies on the old subdivision maps that have not created a 9-1-1 problem, but nonetheless these are recommended for amendment as well. For example, Glacier Drive was once called Orchid Lane and S. 68'h Place south of Jessica Drive was originally called Kalmia Drive. These were subsequently changed but no record was found of Council action to formalizing them. III. Procedural Requirements Municipal Code Section 3.248-Street Naming Change of New or Existing Street Name, provides direction for both the process and considerations that should be made when changing street names. Typically, street name changes involve changing resident postal addresses and street signage. This proposal would change four subdivision plat maps to match existing postal addresses and street sign age. The procedure for amending the plats appears to be the same as for making a typical street name change. Council Motion to Initiate a Street Name Change Section 3.248 (1) allows Council, on its own motion, to request staff to process a street name change. Finding /11. In this matter, the 9-1-1 dispatching incident prompted staff to initiate the name change by incorporating a Council name change motion into the attached ordinance. Public Notice and Agency Consultation Section 3.248 (3) requires Council to conduct a public hearing when considering a street name change. Notice of the hearing is to be placed in a local newspaper and mailed notice is to be sent to property owners and residents abutting the streets in the area of the proposed change. The written notice is required to be mailed at least 14 days in advance of the hearing. Finding /I 2. A notice of the public hearing was published in the Register Guard on July 4, 2010. Finding /13. Mailed notice of the hearing was sent to property owners and residents on June 30, 2010, more than 14 days in advance of the July 19'h hearing. Section 3.248 (3)(b) also states that the Planning Manager may be advised by the Fire Marshal, the Community Services Manager, the Transportation Manager, and or the LCOG Road Naming Committee, as the staff report is prepared. Attachment 1~ . . Finding # 4. Staff consulted with the City Surveyor, County Surveyor, LCOG addressing staff, the Deputy Fire Chief for Operations, and the Postal Manager for the East Main Street Post Office concerning elements of the proposed subdivision plat map amendments. IV. Decision Factors for Council Consideration Section 3.248 (3)(c) lists the following factors that may be considered by Council to support their decision concerning the proposed street name change: '7he date of the original dedication of the street;" Finding # 5. There is evidence that some street name changes were made in the 1970's. The 68th Place/Street issue affects primarily the Cascade Heights First Addition, which itself dates back to 1977. A change in the street sign age and postal addresses subsequent to the original subdivision approval led to the mismatch between the 9-1-1 address and the current street address. The original street dedication dates shown on the subdivision plat maps are shown below. Cascade Heights Cascade Heights First Addition King Solomon's Estate South Hills 1969 1977 1997 1978 '7he length of time the street name has been used; The street names proposed for change were recorded with the original subdivision plat maps. The plats were recorded between 1969 and 1997. In some cases, it appears that the street names found on the subdivision plats were not used. The proposed subdivision map amendments do not change the street names that currently appear on street signs and do not change resident postal addresses. In some cases, the street names on the subdivision maps were never used. Orchid Lane The subdivision was adopted in 1977 but there is no evidence that Orchid lane was ever placed on a street sign. Glacier was used as early as 1978. Kalmia Drive The subdivision was adopted in 1978 but there is no evidence that Kalmia Drive ever appeared on a street sign. 68'h Place The subdivision was adopted in 1977. The affected homes between Forsythia and Ivy were built between 1993 and 1997. The street sign, "68th Place", between Forsythia and Ivy Street and south of Jessica was changed to 68'h Street in 199X. The signage was intended to resolve confusion of Street vs. Place as development 68th meandered up the face of the Thurston Hills over a period from 1977 to 1997. '7he number of existing addresses affected and possible inconvenience to residents, property owners and the public;" Attachment -0 . . Finding # 6. A total of 71 parcels are affected by the proposed subdivision map changes. The proposed amendments do not change existing postal addresses or street signage. In that respect, there is no change to residents. Maintaining the postal addresses and street sign age minimizes the inconvenience to residents. This is confirmed by the June 8th discussion with affected residents who indicated their preference for changing the subdivision maps instead of their street signs and postal addresses. '7he street naming policies af section 3.244 of this code;" The street naming policies for Section 3.244 are shown below. The policies have been followed to the extent possible given the steep slopes found on S. 68th Street/Place. 3.244 Street Naming-Naming Policies. The following policies will apply to the naming of all streets within the city and its urbanized area: (1) Where feasible, new streets running predominantly north and south shall be consecutively numbered and streets running predominantly east and west shall be lettered or named in accordance with the alphabet. (a) New streets that are in reasonable alignment with existing named streets shall bear the names of those existing streets; and (b) Names for new streets that are not in alignment with existing streets shall be determined by the planning manager in accordance with section 3.242(1) of this code. (2) New street names or changes to existing street names shall not duplicate the name of any existing street in the city or its urbanized area. [Section 3.244 amended by Memorandum, dated July 26,2005; added by Ordinance No. 6131, enacted July 5, 2005.] Finding # 7. The proposed subdivision map amendments modify the street type (i.e., Street, Place) for S. 68th which runs predominantly north and south. The change from S. 68th Place to S. 68th Street on subdivision maps between Forsythia Street and Ivy Street and for the short segment of 5. 68th south of Jessica Drive, better aligns the segments of S. 68th Street and S. 68th Place as 68th climbs the hill south of Forsythia. Finding # 8. Kalmia Drive, which also runs north and south, is changed to S. 68th Place. These changes are consistent with the provisions of Section 3.244 (1) for north-south streets. Finding # 9. Orchid Lane which runs east and west on the subdivision maps is changed to Glacier Drive. This change is consistent with the provisions of Section 3.244 (1) for east-west streets. "Whether there is a public need for the proposed change; " Finding # 10. The confusion and resulting delay in 9-1-1 response for the resident on 5. 68th Street demonstrates an existing public health and safety hazard that requires action to correct. Finding # 11. The corollary street name changes {Orchid Lane to Glacier Drive and Kalmia Drive to S. 68th Place may be less critical compared to the 68th Street issue, but are recommended for change since Attachment 1@ . . the existing street names on the subdivision plats are long out of date and appear on the same plats that are proposed for amendment to correct the 68'h Street/Place issue. nather issues raised during the public testimony and any ather factors deemed relevant by the common councir IV. Conclusion and Recommendation The analysis provided by staff provides a sufficient basis for Council to find that the proposed subdivision map amendments (street renaming) meets the decision criteria outlined in Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code. The implementing ordinance contains a clause declaring an emergency to allow for immediate implementation as allowed by Sections 2.lOS and 2.110 of the Municipal Code. While interim action has been taken by staff to prevent a recurrence of another such delay, this action is necessary to truly resolve the problem. Staff believes that the declaration of an emergency is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare as described in Sections 2.105 and 2.110. Attachment 1@ i.",,-J>l,f .-..'~~ - ~..---:-=,~c-:""--;7, --.,..--,----:-~-.~~ ~' , .,'~' 'I' ,/" ..,. ,',,,,I. -< t: '.. ,\"\ ,,'. ~\ ,I'. \ >'~ ' .../, t,'" . .'. ,,' ,I ..,.t :~.;~ 1 ,i /' ,.. --::;':. ,,\,_ ~ ':-;;' '\~" ,;\.. .' ".1> '1'.\ \ " 1- \1\ '1.:.'<1 (,. ~';' y--.! Jo< ' ~ - "-- '~'." . .,.i' t' , "', I,' ~ \ ,-. ,..-' '0' ,;<Z ...., . yr....... ._' ., ,'I \. .," l'i. ;;;. t. ~'1 ~ ".' o~.,,,,, .,. '1...,..~:r"""';",' "f ~ I" '3.\~, .-- \.~ ~. \ . ....~~l , II l" ''IN'''~'' " ...... \'0 . ~ :....-<? I;!........, _ 0 I' " L<~' ..". 'j ~ .....".. ...... ... .r;"h . \ \" .., .' ; " .", " '., ',.' ." 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AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN STREET NAMES FOUND ON THE CASCADE HEIGHTS, CASCADE HEIGHTS FIRST ADDITION, SOUTH HILLS AND KING SOLOMON'S ESTATE SUBDIVISION PLAT MAPS TO CONFORM TO EXISTING STREET SIGNAGE AND POSTAL ADDRESSING; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, the Cascade Heights (Replat of Block 1), Cascade Heights First Addition, South Hills and King Solomon's Estate subdivisions are lawfully filed and recorded within the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, certain street names shown on the Cascade Heights (Replat of Block 1), Cascade Heights First Addition, South Hills and King Solomon's Estate subdivisions in the vicinity of South 68'h Street do not conform to existing street signage and postal addressing; and WHEREAS, addresses used for dispatching emergency services are based in part on the names found on subdivision plat maps; and WHEREAS, the discrepancies between the street names appearing on recorded subdivision plat maps in the vicinity of South 68'h Street and the existing street signage and postal addressing has been a source of confusion and delay when dispatching emergency services; and WHEREAS, renaming certain streets on the Cascade Heights (Replat of Block i), Cascade Heights First Addition, South Hills and King Solomon's Estate subdivisions to conform to street signage and postal addressing would resolve the confusion in the vicinity of South 68'h Street when dispatching emergency services; and WHEREAS, Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code describes the process and criteria to be considered by the City Council when changing street names; and WHEREAS, the City Council received a staff report and conducted a public hearing on this ordinance on July 19, 2010 and is now ready to take action based on the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record demonstrating that the proposal meets the requirements of Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code for renaming streets as described in the findings attached as Exhibit A, and which are adopted in support of this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Springfield does ordain as follows: Section 1: That the following described streets in the City of Springfield shall be renamed as follows: 68'h Place in the Cascade Heights First Addition Subdivision, shall be renamed 68'h Street. The 60-foot wide street named South 68th Place running generally north and south between Forsythia Street and Ivy Street, as platted and recorded in File 72, Slide 119, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, shall be renamed South 68'h Street. 68'h Place in the King Solomon Estates Subdivision. shall be renamed 68'h Street. The 50-foot wide street named South 68'h Place running south of Jessica Drive, as platted and recorded in File 75, Slide 465, Lane County Oregon Plat Records shall be renamed South 68'h Street. Orchid Lane in the Cascade Heights First Addition and Cascade Heights (Replat of Block 1) Subdivisions shall be renamed Glacier Drive. The 50-foot street named Orchid Lane running east and west between 67'h Street and 70'h Street, as platted and recorded in File 72 Slide, Slide 119 (Cascade Heights First Attachment 0 Date Received: 7-;c(-;0 Planner: MM fer t-/# . . Addition) and Book 57, Page 10 (Cascade Heights Replat of Block 1), Lane County Oregon Plat Records shall be renamed Glacier Drive. Kalmia Drive in the South Hills Subdivision. shall be renamed South 68th Place. The 60-foot wide street named Kalmia Drive running south of Jessica Drive, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 121, Lane County Oregon Plat Records shall be renamed South 68th Place. Section 2: The City Recorder is hereby directed to deliver certified copies of this ordinance to the Lane County Clerk, the Lane County Assessor, Lane Council of Governments Road Naming Committee and the Lane County Surveyor. Section 3: The Common Council hereby declares it to be expedient and necessary for the public welfare and interest that this ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor, and that an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _ day of July, 2010 by a vote of _ in favor and _ against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this _ day of July, 2010. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder Attachment 2Q) I. . . EXHIBIT A Staff Report - 68th Street/Place Street Naming Correction Ordinance Proposal: To formally correct street names on four subdivision plat maps in the vicinity of S. 68th Street, south of Forsythia Street. The proposed changes are technically street name changes, but will not change the existing postal addresses or street signage in the affected neighborhood. Case Number: LRP201O-00003 I. Executive Summary Staff is recommending that the Council initiate and approve the amendment of four subdivision plat maps to rename streets on those maps to conform to existing street signage and postal addresses. The proposed action does not change current resident addresses or street names. The action is needed to correct a discrepancy between 9-1-1 dispatch address records and the street and postal addresses on S. 68th Street. This discrepancy recently caused a delay in a 9-1-1 request for assistance. The ordinance amends four subdivision plat maps dating back to 1978. Over time current maps show that street names on the plats were changed but no record of formal action by Council could be found. Formal Council action has been requested by the County Surveyor to provide documentation of the street renaming for the affected subdivision plats. The lack of documentation for past changes recently contributed to a delay in a 9-1-1 response on S. 68th Street. It was this incident that prompted this proposal to amend the subdivision plat maps. 9-1-1 dispatchers use a database that draws its addressing information from the original subdivision records. The old plat maps show portions of 68th Street as 68th Place. The affected streets and addresses and the proposed changes are shown below. The plat maps with the street to be renamed highlighted, are included in this report as Appendix A, B, C, and D. Proposed Plat Map Changes and Affected Subdivisions Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Maps Affected Subdivisions Orchid lane, between 67th Street and 70th Street is Cascade Heights (Book 57, Page 10) and renamed Glacier Drive. Cascade Heights First Addition (File 72, Slide 119) ~ .. - - m . m ~ - . .. - .. .. .. - - ., - - ., - - Attachment @ . . Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map Affected Subdivision S. 68'h Place, between Forsythia Street and Ivy Street Cascade Heights First Addition (File 72, Slide is renamed S. 68'h Street. 119) ., f-..- ., ..) ~ ~. .':\ J L - - \ :.l(l.)-- ~.. ., ~ :i! MI"I aa;;-( J-~ l..- ., 5tr.. - ~ - .~~ r~ ., ,~ - ". . j'1. .. .1'" ~ .. l.... .., .1' au 11 ~ i ~ ~ ---. ~ - )- ~ ~ m j"' 'fl-','u ~ l;~ ~ r--~ L . m ~ l ~ - " ns'1l JIll ~\.to ~i! '/11 ~. . no ~ r _ ....9.....::.:...... .L. " fill 111 711 '" .. .. f-.,-- , ~\Wm ., Q~ .~ I .,. _ ... a24 ~~\__ o'.u M - !II 6...); an Co .. ""~~ ." .~~~, -',,:' P&.:::n::!~ t --1. L ~ ~ '---- ~. ....8'r:..-. ~;. -:' ~-I-I-I- <>-^"'" 1 II ..I_t ., 'T'" 'II" -..-~-~." --,~ ., ., - ~ !.-\' -[FE ~ ,n l:J - --., WI 1Ii.e. '- M ---.r- 2 - ~ ., k -gWj/!f!cl HO~Y5T ~ Y .. I ];" ~\' ., "' \ ;: ." .~.. ~w" j L $1 1 ~ .u Jar- .. a:' .1 ."f~/_ ~ .I-L...I-I." _!-; -.r- = .) f-,( Lit - n1.n M1M21.z I... Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map S. 68'h Place, south of Jessica Drive is renamed S. 68'h Street. Affected Subdivision King Solomon's Estate (File 7S, Slide 46S) .. Affected Subdivision South Hills Subdivision File 73, Slide 121 Proposed Street Name Change on Plat Map Kalmia Drive is renamed S. 68'h Place .u .. Attachment 2~ . . The analysis provided by staff provides a sufficient basis for Council to find that the proposed subdivision map amendments (street renaming) meets the decision criteria outlined in Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code. The implementing ordinance contains a clause declaring an emergency as allowed by Section 2.110 of the Municipal Code. While interim action has been taken by staff to prevent a recurrence of another such delay, this action is necessary to resolve the problem. Council is requested to approve this request by emergency ordinance as allowed by the Municipal Code. Staff believes that the declaration of an emergency is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare as described in Section 2.110. II. Background Neighborhood and Agency Coordination When alerted to the 9-1-1 response confusion by the LCOG staff person who maintain the address records by dispatchers, Springfield planning and Fire and Life safety quickly compared plat map information, postal addresses and street sign age and identified 2S addresses on S. 68th Place and Street where resident addresses did not match the dispatch addresses. The mismatches each occurred on S. 68'h starting just a few houses north of Forsythia Street on S. 68'h Place and extending to the end of S. 68'h Street, south of Jessica Drive near the top of the hill. Command staff from Fire and Life Safety contacted the dispatch center manager and alerted their staff to the problem. Planning staff provided the dispatch center manager with a list of the affected addresses seeking to prevent further 9-1-1 confusion while the problem was being resolved. The 9-1-1 incident occurred on May 3rd. The following week planning staff met with the resident who made the 9-11- call to discuss the confusion and to brief the resident on the interim precautions being taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident while the matter was being resolved. On May 14'h, staff contacted the 25 affected households on S. 68'h Place and S. 68'h Street with a letter inviting them to participate in a June 8 meeting to discuss how to best resolve the problem in a way that minimized their inconvenience. At the June 8 meeting, about a dozen persons representing 8 households expresses support for amending the subdivision maps to match the existing street sign age and postal addresses. Staff has consulted with the City Surveyor and County Surveyor, with LCOG, and with the Post Office Manager for the East Main Street branch to review the proposed subdivision amendments. Each expressed their support for the approach to resolving the problem. In addition to resolving the problem, staff asked whether changing the street names on the subdivision maps create any new problems. In particular, staff sought to answer the question of whether the proposed changes would have any impact on property deeds and descriptions that might complicate future transactions affecting residents' properties. The City and County Surveyor and a local title firm assured staff that the change would not confuse the residents' property description or ownership. The County Surveyor requested that documentation of Council action be provided to his office of the subdivision plat map amendments if approved. The Surveyor will coordinate with the County Assessor and other affected agencies. The proposed action will resolve the 9-1-1 response confusion by changing the street names to match the existing postal addresses and street signage and would trigger a change in the 9-1-1 address records. Attachment 2~ . . Additional Changes Prompted by the 6S'h Street Place Issue In the process of assessing the extent of the addressing problem using the original subdivision maps, it was discovered that other streets in the neighborhood had been renamed in the late 70's, but no formal action could be found for all of the changes. Ordinance 3790 (1978) changed some of the neighborhood streets in the 68'h Street area. For example, Forsythia Street was once called Dogwood Drive, and a segment of S. 69'h Street was once called Elderberry Court. These were officially changed by Council Ordinance 3790, and there has been no 9-1-1 addressing confusion with those streets. There are remaining street naming anomalies on the old subdivision maps that have not created a 9-1-1 problem, but nonetheless these are recommended for amendment as well. For example, Glacier Drive was once called Orchid Lane and S. 68th Place south of Jessica Drive was originally called Kalmia Drive. Theses were subsequently changed but no record was found of Council action to formalizing them. III. Procedural Requirements Municipal Code Section 3.248-Street Naming Change of New or Existing Street Name, provides direction for both the process and considerations that should be made when changing street names. Typically, street name changes involve changing resident postal addresses and street sign age. This proposal would change four subdivision plat maps to match existing postal addresses and street sign age. The procedure for amending the plats appears to be the same as for making a typical street name change. Council Motion to Initiate a Street Name Change Section 3.248 (1) allows Council, on its own motion, to request staff to process a street name change. Finding # 1. In this matter, the 9-1-1 dispatching incident prompted staff to initiate the name change by incorporating a Council name change motion into the attached ordinance. Public Notice and Agency Consultation Section 3.248 (3) requires Council to conduct a public hearing when considering a street name change. Notice of the hearing is to be placed in a local newspaper and mailed notice is to be sent to property owners and residents abutting the streets in the area of the proposed change. The written notice is required to be mailed at least 14 days in advance of the hearing. Finding # 2. A notice of the public hearing was published in the Register Guard on July 4, 2010. Finding # 3. Mailed notice of the hearing was sent to property owners and residents on June 30, 2010, more than 14 days in advance of the July 19th hearing. Section 3.248 (3)(b) also states that the Planning Manager may be advised by the Fire Marshal, the Community Services Manager, the Transportation Manager, and or the LCOG Road Naming Committee, as the staff report is prepared. Finding # 4. Staff consulted with the City Surveyor, County Surveyor, LCOG addressing staff, the Deputy Fire Chief for Operations, and the Postal Manager for the East Main Street Post Office concerning elements of the proposed subdivision plat map amendments. Attachment 2@ . . IV. Decision Factors for Council Consideration Section 3.248 (3)(c) lists the following factors that may be considered by Council to support their decision concerning the proposed street name change: '7he dote of the original dedication of the street;" Finding # 5. There is evidence that some street name changes were made in the 1970's. The 68'h Place/Street issue affects primarily the Cascade Heights First Addition, which itself dates back to 1977. A change in the street signage and postal addresses subsequent to the original subdivision approval led to the mismatch between the 9-1-1 address and the current street address. The original street dedication dates shown on the subdivision plat maps are shown below. Cascade Heights Cascade Heights First Addition King Solomon's Estate South Hills 1969 1977 1997 1978 '7he length of time the street name has been used; The street names proposed for change were recorded with the original subdivision plat maps. The plats were recorded between 1969 and 1997. In some cases, it appears that the street names found on the subdivision plats were not used. The proposed subdivision map amendments do not change the street names that currently appear on street signs and do not change resident postal addresses. In some cases, the street names on the subdivision maps were never used. Orchid Lane The subdivision was adopted in 1977 but there is no evidence that Orchid lane was ever placed on a street sign. Glacier was used as early as 1978. Kalmia Drive The subdivision was adopted in 1978 but there is no evidence that Kalmia Drive ever appeared on a street sign. 68'h Place The subdivision was adopted in 1977. The affected homes between Forsythia and Ivy were built between 1993 and 1997. The street sign, "68'h Place", between Forsythia and Ivy Street and south of Jessica was changed to 68'h Street in 199X. The sign age was intended to resolve confusion of Street vs. Place as development 68'h meandered up the face of the Thurston Hills over a period from 1977 to 1997. '7he number of existing addresses affected and possible inconvenience to residents, property owners and the public;" Finding # 6. A total of 71 parcels are affected by the proposed subdivision map changes. The proposed amendments do not change existing postal addresses or street signage. In that respect, there is no change to residents. Maintaining the postal addresses and street sign age minimizes the Attachment 2{J) . . inconvenience to residents. This is confirmed by the June 8'h discussion with affected residents who indicated their preference for changing the subdivision maps instead of their street signs and postal addresses. '7he street naming policies of section 3.244 of this code;" The street naming policies for Section 3.244 are shown below. The policies have been followed to the extent possible given the steep slopes found on S. 68'h Street/Place. 3.244 Street Naming-Naming Policies. The following policies will apply to the naming of all streets within the city and its urbanized area: (1) Where feasible, new streets running predominantly north and south shall be consecutively numbered and streets running predominantly east and west shall be lettered or named in accordance with the alphabet. (a) New streets that are in reasonable alignment with existing named streets shall bear the names of those existing streets; and (b) Names for new streets that are not in alignment with existing streets shall be determined by the planning manager in accordance with section 3.242(1) of this code. (2) New street names or changes to existing street names shall not duplicate the name of any existing street in the city or its urbanized area. [Section 3.244 amended by Memorandum, dated July 26, 200S; added by Ordinance No. 6131, enacted July S, 200S.] Finding # 7. The proposed subdivision map amendments modify the street type (i.e., Street, Place) for S. 68'h which runs predominantly north and south. The change from S. 68th Place to S. 68'h Street on subdivision maps between Forsythia Street and Ivy Street and for the short segment of S. 68'h south of Jessica Drive, better aligns the segments of S. 68'h Street and S. 68'h Place as 68'h climbs the hill south of Forsyth ia. Finding # 8. Kalmia Drive, which also runs north and south, is changed to S. 68'h Place. These changes are consistent with the provisions of Section 3.244 (1) for north-south streets. Finding # 9. Orchid Lane which runs east and west on the subdivision maps is changed to Glacier Drive. This change is consistent with the provisions of Section 3.244 (1) for east-west streets. "Whether there is a public need for the proposed change; " Finding # 10. The confusion and resulting delay in 9-1-1 response for the resident on S. 68'h Street demonstrates an existing public health and safety hazard that requires actiofl to correct. Finding # 11. The corollary street name changes (Orchid Lane to Glacier Drive and Kalmia Drive to S. 68'h Place may be less critical compared to the 68'h Street issue, but are recommended for change since the existing street names on the subdivision plats are long out of date and appear on the same plats that are proposed for amendment to correct the 68'h Street/Place issue. Attachment ~ . . UOther issues raised during the public testimony and any other [actors deemed relevant by the common council" IV. Conclusion and Recommendation The analysis provided by staff provides a sufficient basis for Council to find that the proposed subdivision map amendments (street renaming) meets the decision criteria outlined in Section 3.248 of the Springfield Municipal Code. The implementing ordinance contains a clause declaring an emergency to allow for immediate implementation as allowed by Sections 2.105 and 2.110 of the Municipal Code. While interim action has been taken by staff to prevent a recurrence of another such delay, this action is necessary to truly resolve the problem. Staff believes that the declaration of an emergency is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and welfare as described in Sections 2.105 and 2.110. Attachment 2@1 , _' ""._~.-,J'::::'1~-,~~<,-,~-,,,,--,,-,~- : ~,,-Io,),~ ~.: ..Jii .,:,..t",.", " \,"", :,.,\ ..>, \' :\\ \ ., " " r' '/ ,,' '.' '.' '. " 1"' . , ;, . .~:~ ~ '\~ r .... ~ ~~;. __..,,,, .. -:-:" .~....."' k"~\' ~' ",JJ', \~1.\ \ . ~.... e" \' 'tl .. t. .~ '1 1",1" ~ ~ '-- :::.,." .,,;,"':~'14~'" .~11!'\ q, \~!-. . ,:' ~.,-:.~i".'~ ." _....,_' ",", ' ,r ,/;;:.. .\- . \..1 ..:: .?0' .-" -1, ..Iii. .~;:;...... ,,,,.' . ... .,' ". ..~:...f"l \ 'It ..~... ~. 1:0 It :. '1."'1 1~' ;',l' I ~I c!~). ~ '; .......~ ..;......... -- ( \'. ..' . ~ '. I' "'i "Y ~ \ X ,~V~. '. > .".... ~' . , ......:;.. ~l Vi ._-:. ~~ 'l'"lf-~"-$I'I" . { .u'.'~'. ,.,..t.....y)" " " 'i:'.> "",,,"-' ."" .._ .. .,' /~". ...:,:J"/."~ ..,r."..' , ...r ~ ".-" l> ' /' .....-r' .,~ ,\ " ".' "\' ,:/'.", ...... \ :".. \ ,.;..:~.,~ '~:.., .1," .,.,;,;f;<1': ,'I 'J.''''' ;";,, /,.~,;.r,.>.,,,, ,', . _. . 'r , _ r 0 ." .~. ..' ..' OJ ;iou" ,,~ ".." ~~. ." ~ I ,.~',?-;~~....... 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I . a 4. ,~~ t. i ..... ~ ' "l'l I L ~:;II, l 1.\ . i' ,~':I; : 'd"~ = : c r:r}.-:j:~-:, . --1.-/:-.- '" 'HtJi.: ! ~ i. t.. . 'J. 1: \ " ,,""~,',,' 'j .'1 .. ;~ .:' I I" ...:~ t .~ ~ . ,,' a~ '. '. I:: l. I ,j. ,1,- n)~ ,i I t' hie ?, 'I.... :,';,t \t .~;:p. I~ t.-t.- .__ =.~.~--. : 0 ~I .~.. \ II ." ... ... " ~ :'. . \, '. i ',> I ., I, " "" i ',', \ l ' " ~ I;: .. , . , I hI ,: ~, t I _~ _ it ~ ~.... ",,"3P I.~:_ 3~-~'-' 'i~~~ (':~0' . 'Ii~ 'II ~\;' '1! \" h ~ ~ , \'.' .J L '~, . \ ~~~iVi ,- ,..' -~---,""-- t..~ -.. ~. )( ~"t~ -I--l~.~- '~. ",,:-. ihg.~~\~ u.__ L :"'---l~. ~~\.-- . ~~,.,. , \ 'W 1'1 . ,,' <;)... ,,~ tV::.: ~~~ ~ . ~:-i ~~ '", l,~... (Jj,"'I I m'lrlll~ !u.l'~l.'I!,lR !!l,~i!((~lil\:;:l!~ ~~;-. ~ ~ '~li : ," A I' 1 < '!'~'ll'l ,ll"'ll~. "'~) :;!{!l~lll~ i;li lH~ I !Jl~!lli!ml!;;:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:1' l~ i !"li:l:l~ .:' ~ lii.\ l:llld;!II~ 0:> ~ iil:k: !!I...,i~!~1. ! ., ~ it! HI!l',')llil,!,; ~ W:l'"i . I,' ~ l!i ~'llll'!'ll!:l,l ",J'" I l!!.;L ' ~ ,., , ,11 ,.,., I!.l 1/lh.1 . 1';";1 I ii' '1!IIlJ,!l~:1 : tU~ !~! I~:ih~ ~ j~ : l~!.~lf'~~' II'; ;ll~ll!! ~: ,~~:ll. i ~ !~ l!lllji'l!:;~i I . ~ 'Illl';: p 'I!iil; j' .~ ~llll~ ll~ l 'I Ii. i'll"l .' !!j;lll' !; Illl~I\\II~tl ll' ""~l;; :\,11". '4 l!t'lll!.l'j' :i~\ -tl;f:l1 !. l!i:l1j' ilj hl!'@li!i; ~~. ~l:lli,i It!' !l:l:;:,.j',:i! i~ 1;!II!ll!!I~I;I; !' . .j:~i.l!; ."Illl! I i! i~llh~!i~!;! '.: I!!!!" I I! . ll;i:rrl,;! ~~ i. .r;1 . ~l\l!j.! l!ll'im;~llil I~t . ~ ,i i ! , Attachment 2-6)> APPENDIX B r h i' ~ . '- o ; . · 'i' . . , :, ~ i 11 "I _ I ~:- U -I' hi .. (~i ~ ::: z c c ~ .e .. :J ~ & ; i 13 ~ C C IE I .. c ~ ill q ~ n d Pig ~ - - '- ~ ~~;~~~' ~ > :J ~ :: i i : 9 '"' III .. : ~ - !~~!~~~ S~~;.a.~ ~ .. . .. . ~ !i~ " , i- t ;~ ~1~i ~;~~ ~;;;~ :1" ~:~i 1)'1 \ 1 ;1 :)c . 1'1'1 ~s!i ~..,~ ~-. 1'- ,l" ii! l~! a:r r :., !t lll. 'l~ .1. ~i= H ~Il !I .-- I ;.f '1i I ", i lQaooX" ('" - I i .1_ i 'i... ~H . i. ~~~ '1/ "'")' 'rA:t~l 5:: !!I ~[~n ~?~~i -..... 'l( -0:. 1, ~I .. I.~ . S: n ~U'IJC' . "~ :. ;i Attachment 2-W . .,. "I j!; ! l il,;O- Iq~~;'" _f - "' ..' .~; ;;: ~ r"::::::::'~ ", ;!lc ~ ... ... --; - "(~:r . I.,:.: 1 ;= ,. '" ~ :: z o ;0 i . . " , ;; ; -$ r--_ -XORTH /' APPENDIX C > z ^ ~E; z ~~~ () r-~.,c ~ooz III ......L::;~ 0 ..C; r 8!-~ 0 - 0 ~~nF ~ ~:;;z~ 0 - . 0...... Z 0<- ~~Lo.O III 8~-"""" o ~'l fTl Z~~.., IJ') ~,~ ~ ~" --t . - '" ~ ~:J, ~ .., , 1\. ,_ rill t ,. 10;:, ~;;: ~ rrI 'C 1;0.0 ',," b r '" -.l (Jl to r B '" ~ 0'1 U1 !",~,. '! ' L ~1 i j1 ,\,. t I i~';~. ;1,: ., t' 1 ", ; " ' " " . { ~ " ' (, ' i~, ~ I . f' !L i ~~ i " ' 't\ , f :1 ;! ,; !i L , " i, <,- ,1 j\ t i: I " !~ " H ., '" 0, . >' i: , " !, , . f~ ~j " i, " ~ i , ' " " ~' " 1\ ~i ',' " jj " !i 1 ~ ~l q 'I " '~ i ~ " =! P H " ~! il " " I; " p !f ~p .' " ,i ~' . !) R " 1f n .': ~, " ',; I~ i:l l~ ' ~ ~ f ." ~ 1: Pi ", . ~ l ii I'" I, ~: " .<~ Ji. :~l ~ , ....~ ,-....'.-.......". ..~~~5'.......;.~ ; ~~~~:::~: I :~... ; ,.~....,..J. { , "" , J ~ -~~~ ,.-:;!~":::'::::~/ . ' ..----.,. L_ _~-.!.__~~' .5. 1 C,fH' ( I Pi l . ::1 fHpf tii , ~\! ~ i :.....fi H'"lr d :.!~ .1 :r: ~. 1: I . Ii II', ~11 " ~ If: 1 .!, 'i H f'I;'1 l': ~ " 1] ~ ; ~ f "1 " l ~_ .' , !; i ~ IP 0: " I'!'" ,- it ! ~ ;~iH! . ~ 1 ~- .., .i ~; ; ,. , ~i:~ " ;'1 !!! " " r H ...~..~-,. -"-... ". .4."':;' ,r::~'4' ..~ '. . ----..~~...--- l;;:-~::_..:'.::..... ': -... , \. I' tr: i' ..- \ :1 ~l 1-;::-;=--. -----.. . ''!'; i _:S~,_.:::_...:~~, ...... ~.. .....,.1.-. ....,' !'... ". Attachment 2~ APPENDIX D ~~ ~~ ~ n (f) %~ 0(;0 ~~c p -J N_ . ~ - .~ ~f" n ,~ 0- i: :t ~. - ~ . ~r ON ~~r ,., ~ (f) ". g~ ! i' r! r.!! if I ~l t! "!{\\ t" I~J ~ ~~~' ;" ~ . I: , ",' ~!!': r~ : tll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ N . .