HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 8/17/2009 . ~~~ GUA~ PUBLISHING COM~NY t'e3~<?6(-IOO -(,,?4irJD P.o. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 'VL ;j :#=-1 [9f.?'1'1 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 eg~ 4351455 NotIce Legal Notice Advertising CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 # RECEIVED h0G 172009 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Ghio Imburgia , being first duly affirmed; depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Oay(s) in the following issues: August 1 0, 2009 ,\,,0\ sr 1:\V. ~" Subscribed and affirmed to before me this August 11, 2009 ~Io-:, ~./\ Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: July 24, 2010 Account #: 1000218 4351455 September 1, 2009 $125.00 INVOICE Case: Amt Due: j~A Iif>T. ICE.O..F.PUBUCHEAm.-. NG II .. . PWlIung CommiSsions I . ).,_andJoint~ectedOfficiafsofEugene 'I' -;"ts nnQfield and'lane County'~'., ' ; $.,~p.!J!l~chearing'l.sl.scheduted'forsep;.1 Jte~bt!rt.~:'2009-:at)'5:JOpm--:bi!rore a Joint ~meetlng,.of1tffe..;:Eu!Jene..:Sprln~l!ld and ~~r9MrtJt~:CtllluTllssionS hI i ~tonsIder'a,City-;:of~Rgfield'initiated : ~e~aineirt.it~_P.o~{#lJ.Il:ttf Chapter I _11I-0 of the Eugene-SprmgtJeld'Metropall- 1 ..taJ1__~!"f!!l,_~_n~raJPIan ,(Metro _P~);,The , amendrri~nt 'wouJcl iufd .language to. PoI~" :#O.l1',that ,~es;an, exception .to S_ t wide. ,; P!ann~!,g t~,,,, :15,!, (Willainettel !Greenway}~to'arlow,praceriJent of. fill ina-,j ~~~~ ~~.Il!!!re..~rnaJrlette~GreenwaY-for .:constru.~l?n.il?f,a!blcYcii!lfeifestriinVia: d~~.~n _<<!~ ~~bai1kiif.tfIe WIlJamette' ~Ri~~r.,beneath;the 1751Bridges, (Flle:num- i bers: .LRP2009-0005 . Siiiirigfil!ld;; MA; 09,4 ,tEUge.~~;:PA~g,.~R~n~~~~unty.},ll 1 j' ,The JoInt ~1~,DJng ~~mrniss.-ilon hearing will be'held~!n;Hams;HaJl~'aUthe Lane CouRtyCourttiOuseat125'East8th'Ave"'ili Eugene:~ '. .frr;ilN!lR""....' .. . ~~1:p_~bnt:.~h~ariligJfor ~the'rsame.1Metto ,Plail'amendment:wlllbe!held before~the 'Euge~~:q:_lty "'~ouncil': ',Springfield City . CounCIl' and"ttJellane:'Cotinty.'BOatd' of c.ommissio~ers:o~'5ePtember 22,2009 at ,7.00pm,:ln.the, llbrary,'Meetlng;lRoom-at ',the ~ Springfield "Cityi HaJJ;': 225.i. rlfih 'Street; Spnngfleld.~,Iti"<:-'1-\-'1t~,_.;ll!t.;ti"il' T.!!.e. MetrorPIan~amendlTlt!nt"pf!lposal,' -the.applicable'':appriivaJ:'Ciitei'ia'.:iild:,-a' cop~,ofJ_l!.e ~!!J~P~ aieavaJlable for it ~1.-,nt~ectlon.,-and,.C!:lPiEt!~iII,:lie--:aVail" 'Ill! e,~ ~!e~.!lilble cost from',the Sprln ,field Dev~lo~me.~t~~hilcesj:Depaj1ffie:: 225 ,f.Jfth ,St., In.~piingffeld;-:the ,Eugene ,.Planmng,,_Divislonat:gg1W:=lOth:.'Ave ,in Eugene andffr1?inithe-.lil.ne:_County tand :~Manag~ment.DJvlslon,officeiaU25 E.-8th 1, Aver In , Euge-"~'l For I inore: information I or . for ~ ADA~. accommodations,- contact' Malt Metzger;!Planner,1CIty:of,c.nrl..-.:.:......t 'n6-lnS" ,,_,"\I "!ill"''',. ""..i~.,&.l\1,1b4f.- ;::.'ri II ~~'!i~IW,. ,'N'Of4]51455~Ahusn ~'-4N~'I~.~~t '_,'_., ~,ug .,_O,~O,~...." ..,tit~ ~ ~ OFFIctAI. SEAL BABS FORD NOTMY PUBUc.oREGON COMMISSION NO. 407232 IIY COI'''''SJOII OO'iIESJUly 24, 2ll: