HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/11/2006 " ". ...~ . , vv '~ ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE . ,. Yltrlw- dh ~ Date Received: B - 1\ - 0 Co Planner: J D I o-F Gf~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lime ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. '2. 1 state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I ~repared and cause~, ~~0 mailed copies of SUBz<=G-",oo<f5 No+zce.~ ~~ PLA - ~ ~ (See attachment nAn) on ell ( .2006 addressed to (see Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. ~b)Oc~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane M( ~. II . 2006. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program echnlcian, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: My Commission Expires: -.:1JA~ ()7 ~(JO t , . omr, h ,,:oAL . ': (4.{f ~Ii 1,\ .,lC~~ES \,,) NOTA" L ,~.OR.EGON . CQ~'r.: -" '.' ;:.;, J79218 "Y ('n' 'o'U ",'oES MAY 27 2008 ~".1 .....1~,,',1~~<:;.:..~:.,:1 !.. , OFFICIAL SEAL ' .' BRENDA JONES . J NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON ", COMMISSION NO, 379218 , MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27. 2008 -~.~.:=" t.....:.; ">". r~ / . " .. TYPE I PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION SPRINGFIELD Case Number: SU82006-00045 -. Project Name: Corey/Proden and Kopperud Property Line Adjustment. Nature of Application: The applicants are requesting to adjust a common property line between two residentially zoned properties. Project Location: 3285 16'h Street, in Springfield. The parcels involved are commonly known as Tax Lots 500 and 300 on Lane County Assessor's Map #17-03-24-31. Zoning: Low Density Residential (LOR) Metro Plan Designation: LOR Application Date: July 20, 2006 Decision Issued Date: Aug: II, 2006 Appeal Deadline: Aug.28, 2006 Site Information: The subject parcels are residential properties. Tax Lot 500 is a vacant property with tentative subdivision approval. Tax Lot 300 has an existing residence. The proposal is to adjust a common boundary line to create additional setback between existing and anticipated residences. DECISION: This decision grants Approval of the Property Line Adjustment. The standards of the Springfield Development Code applicable to each criterion of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans. Final Property Line Adjustments must conform to the submitted plans. This development approval decision is made according to city code and state statutes. The decision is final unless and until the applicant requests a Type II or III review. Please read this document carefully. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. . . .. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM NAME Jim Donovan Ga McKenne Steve Barnes Matt Stouder Gilbert Gordon Dennis Ernst PHONE 736-3660 726-4585 736-1036 736-1035 726-2293 726-2095 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION NAME MaiIin!! Address Owner (TL 500): Joe & Patricia Proden 2290 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield OR 97478 Applicant: David Corey 3956 Mirror Pond Way Eugene OR 97408 Owner/Applicant: Arlen & Marceil 3238 N. 16th Street (TL 300) Kopperud Springfield OR 97478 Consulting Scott Goebel PLS 310 Garfield St, Ste.30 Surveyor: Eugene OR 97402 REVIEW PROCESS: This application is reviewed under Type I procedures listed in Springfield Development Code Section 3.080 and the Property Line Adjustment criteria of approval SDC 33.060. Procedural Finding: Staff has reviewed the proposed plans (1 Sheet, Goebel Engineering and Surveying, dated July 19,2006) and supporting information. Criteria of Property Line Adjustment Approval listed below are satisfied by the submitted plans unless specifically noted with findings and conditions necessary for compliance, Procedural Finding: In accordance with SDC 33.070-90, the final plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC, Oregon Revised Statutes and the conditions imposed by the Director in this decision. The final plan shall otherwise be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan "reviewed and shall be"re-submitted for final review by the City within 90 days of this preliminary approval. Upon final approval by the City, the plan shall be filed at Lane County within 30 days and three copies of a filed plan and documents shall be returned to the City. Corey/Proden & Kopperud PLA SUB2006-00045 2 . . ,':; Criteria of Approval (Ref. Section 33.060 ofthe Sprin2field Development Code): Staff shall develop Findings of Fact demonstrating that the lot line adjustment docs not: (1) Create a new lot or parcel: Finding: The plans demonstrate that no new parcels are created and the two remaining parcels have legal access to public rights of way, therefore this criterion has been met. (2) Create a landlocked lot or parcel: Finding: The plans demonstrate that no 'new parcels are created and the two remaining parcels have legal access to public rights of way, therefore this criterion has been met. (3) Reduce an existing lot or parcel below the minimum size standard or.reduce setbacks below the minimum established by the applicable zoning district in this Code; Finding: The minimum lot size in the Residential Districts is 4500 square feet. The plans demonstrate that both lots exceed the minimum size and setback requirements in the proposed' configurati on. (4) Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the lots involved in the application; Finding: Tentative Subdivision Approval has been issued for Tax Lot 500 (SUB 2005- 00047, April 7, 2006). No conditions of approval are affected by the proposal therefore this criterion is met. The Final Plat for the subdivision will still be in substantial conformity with the tentative decision after revision for consistency with this approval. (5) Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/or private utilities to each lot or parcel in the application or abutting lots or parcels: or Finding: PUE 92-30674 remains unaffected by the proposed adjustment therefore this criterion is met. (6) Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non-conforming at the time of application. Finding: The submitted plans demonstrate that no non-conformities exist therefore this criterion is met. Corey/Proden & Kopperud PLA SUB2006-00045 3 . . v Conclusion: Considering these findings of fact, the Property Line Adjustment complies with the criteria of Article 33, Section 33.060 of the Springfield Development Code. In accordance with SDC 33.070-90, the final plan shall comply with the requirements of the SDC and the Oregon Revised Statutes. The final plan shall otherwise be in substantial conformity with the tentative plan reviewed and if conditioned herein a final survey plan shall be re-submitted for final review. by the City within 90 days of this preliminary approval. Because this application was not conditioned, this decision constitutes final approval. The plan shall be filed at Lane County within 30 days of this decision and three copies of the filed plan and documents shall be returned to the City. NOTE: NO LOTS CAN BE TRANSFERRED OR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED BASED ON ADJUSTED PROPERTY LINES UNTIL A FILED FINAL PLAN IS RETURNED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Aooeals: This Type 1 Development Approval decision is made according to city code and state statutes. The decision is final unless and until the applicant requests a Type 11 or III review (ref: 3.070(2)). Ouestions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Development Services Department at 541/726-3660 ;fyt1~og,ro;"g fu;, proc= . Corey/Proden & Kopperud PLA SUB2006-00045 4 ~ . . Joe & Patricia Proden 2290 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, OR 97478 VI I If'''''''''' fL.LU, V'::::JI<+II David Corey 3956 Mirror Eugene, OR Pond 97408 Arlen & Marceil Kopp~r1\d 3238 16th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Scott Goebel PLS 310 Garfield St, Ste 30 Eugene, OR 97402 CbttcUi.l.N'vU ,J(R "6 ' I