HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous ENG 9/13/2006 09/13/2006 WED 08:56 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING Ii1I 001/006 . .. '~CE'NEO SE'P 1 3 21168 Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Engineering Surveying Planning 310 Garfield Streef Eugene, Oregon 97402 Phon.: (541) Be7-0542 Fax: (541) 1!a7-07J9 E-mail: sco~@go.b.l.n9.com FACSIMILE To: Jim Donovan Company: City of Springfield From: Pamela Goebel Fax No. 726-3689 Date: 13 September 2006 Re: Legacy Estates GES No.: 02414-2004-C No. of Pages ..2- (Including cover) q_I!YO& Date Recelved:- Planner: . 0" D . I rrt 7 f~ Ple('\~1I!I rlt:ll:.flj .;..ndeT' iF -l:.hi~ tT"l:m~mi~~iol"l i'i,iMCOmplck 01'" to inc:orn....ct.loc(.l-l;ii;m in e't'T'Q'T'. 01 k,l,k \joOJ. oooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo Jim - We just got back from the specialist In CA. When I waS asking my administrative manager about the LLA for Proden/Kopperud and the Record of Survey, I found out nothing was ever sent to you. I even have David's check, waiting for your approval. I have had them replot the Record of Survey today and will have it delivered to you. First. per the attached paperwork, is the Record of Survey all you want to see at this time and, if so, do you only want one copy? HELP! ~~ -\.. ~ It. kAP )JA.l- ..\. ~ Llk.l-e~$. :j~h Thanks. M.'.P,lr!~.D,(\f\ .1,\I::(II!)v\L{.".1~1r::y Eslmo:; (02'11Jj)\1 F.llt,~~\Chy\C!l'r' ChltHlVnll r~OG wf"}rl IiiI 002/006 09/13/2006 WED 08:57 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING . . PROJECT NAME: Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Engineering Surveying Planning TRANSMITTAL LETTER Legacy Estates Subdivision GES PROJECT NO.: 02414-2004.C CllY PROJECT NO.: TO: FROM: Jim Donovan City of Springfield ScottlPamela Goebel DATE: 13 September 2006 TRANSMITTED IS THE FOllOWING: Jt... enclosed .(-9c under separata Cover ~. -.. delivery Via: FOR YOUR: f THE FOLLOWING: if' CI CI o COMN!ENTS: review comment approval use '" ',' No. 0' ~ 1 Plot' Date B S:eptemb!,r 2006 '. 1 B" x 24" ~ecord .of Survey Appllealiori'Fee(VISAf . . Deed/Preliminary Title Report Property Line Adjustment Oeed (DRAFT) Exhibits A, 8 & C Jim - Sorry for the delay. We had a mis~~m.munl~tion about where this went next. 1 BELIEVE it goes to you, then.to Jon Qriston;then.to,tbe CountY. 'If that is not correct, let us know and we'll proceed accordingly. We have the check for recording and Survey Submittal Checklist prepared and waiting for direction. ~HANKS! 310 Ontlield _. . . Eugene;Onogon 974112 l'h...c: (541) 687-'J542 Fa><: (541) 687-'J739 e.mall: ooebelliiooebeleno.com 141 003/006 09/13/2006 WED 08:57 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING . I ~-(q(,- TYPE I pROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT REVIEW, STAFF REPORT & DECISION SPRINGFIELD Case Number; 8U82006-00045 Project Name: Corey/Proden and Kopperud Property Line Adjustment Nature of Application: The applicants are requesting to adjust a common property line between two residentially zoned properties. Project Location: 3285 16" Street, in Springfield. The parcels involved are commonly known as Tax Lots 500 and 300 on Lane County Assessor's Map #17-03-24-31. Z<:Jning: Low Density Residential (LOR) Metro Plan Designation: LDR Application Date: July 20, 2006 Decision Issued Date: Aug. 11,2006 Appeal Deadline: Aug.28, 2006 Site Information: The subject parcels are residential properties. Tax Lot 500 is a vacant property with tentative subdivision approval. Tax Lot 300 has an existing residence. The proposal is to adjust a .cOmmon boundiuy line to create additional setback between existing and anticipated residences. DECISION: This decision grants Approval of the Property Line Adjustment. The standards ofthe Springfield Development Code applicable to each criterion of approval are listed herein 'and are satisfied by the submitted plans. Final Property Line Adjustments must conform to the submitted plans. This development approval decision is made according to city code and state statutes. The decision is .rmal unless and until the applicant requests a Type II or III review.. Please read this docllment carefully. , \. . 'I. , j~ . OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION; None. Future development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations. 09/13/2006 WED 08:58 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING 14I 004/006 . . .\ 'Conclusion: Considering these findings offact. the Property Line Adjustment complies with the I criteria of Article 33. Section 33.060 ofthe Springfield Development Code. in accordance with SDC 33.070-90, the final plan shall comply with the requirements of-the SDC and the Oregon Revised Statutes. The final plan shall otherwise be in substantial confonnity with the tentative plan reviewed and if conditioned herein a final survey plan shall be re-submitted for final review by the City within 90 days of this preliminary approval. (Because this application was not conditioned, this decision constitutes final approval. Th+ .1 r1an shall be filed at Lane County within 30 days ofthis decision and three copies of the I {lied plan and documents shall be returned to the City.., ~ OTE: NO LOTS CAN BE TRANSFERRED OR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED BASED ON DJUSTED PROPERTY LINES UNTIL A FILED FINAL PLAN IS RETURNED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFffiLD. Appeals: This Type 1 Development Approval decision is made according to city code and state statutes. The decision is final unless and until the applicant requests a Type II or III review (ref: 3.070(2)). ' Questions: Please call Jim'Donovan in the Development Services Department at 5411726-3660 if,&~gMdmgm;'~=. , j' 'I.J r, .. .' ,~) \ '?1 ,.' /. " CoroylProdcn & J(opp"",d PLA SUll2006-00045 ../ 4 09/13/2006 WED 08:58 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING Ii!I 005/006 .' . , . . (5) Deuimenmlly alter 1be availabiliry of existing public; and/or pr1V31e uIilities to eadJ lot or pared in 1he applial1ion or TD abutting lots or pan:els; or (6) Inc;rease 1be degree of non-ronfonnity of each lot, parcel or s\rul:lUnl thaI is non-conforming at 1he time of application 33.070 PRELIMINARY APPROV AI... (1) If1be Din:'dor determines thal1be Preliminary Survey salisfies 1be ai1l:ria of approval in Section 33.060 oftlris Artide. or 1hatc;anditions are n=lII)' to satisfy 1he requirements of this Code, dliln1he applic:ant shall be no1i1ied in writing and TlIIIY I"~ wi1b 1he preparlllion of1he required Final Survey. (2) If1he Director determines that 1he Preliminaly Survey does nOl romply wi1h 1be provisions of 1bis Code, 1b1,'l11he applic.alicn shall be denied and the applicant so notified in wriling. 33.080 CONDmONS OF APPROV AI... (I) The following conditions of approval shall be requin::d (a) The submiual of a FmaI Survey; and (b) Property Line Adjustml,'l1( deeds as specified in Section 33.090(4) of1his Artide. (2) The following condi1ion of approval may be required; (a) A public; or private utility easemenl may be required to be vacated, relocated or o:eated. (b) A joint use/access and/or parking lII$1ee<nenl . (c) The signing of an Improvement Agreement for frontage improvements. 33.O!lO FINAL SURVEY SUBMITI'AL, COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND RECOlUlATION OF DOCUMENTS. ...- 1P"''''' (1) A Final Survey shall be prepared, stamped and signed by an Oregon registered Land Surveyor in accordance wi1h ORS 92.010(7)(b). ORS 92.060(3) and ORS 209.250. (2) One copy of1he Final Survey shall be delivered 10 1he Development Service O"J-titt......d toge1ber wilh any Cllllditioned docwnents. - ?f2..l~ 'Th 'kc..O~t>fN~- 33-5 ~l - " 09/13/2006 WED 08:58 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING IiZJ 006/006 (3) . . Once the Director and City Surveyor have cenified that all c:mdilians listed \IlIder Prelirninmy 'Survey approval have b=1 met, 1I1e Final Survey may be recorded III 1he Lane COlBlly Surveyor's Office. (4) The owner.;; of the 101S or parcels included in the applic:alian sha1I /llCOrd wi1l1 Lane COIIlIly Deeds and Records Property Line Adjustment deeds, as specified in ORS 92.190(4). The Property Line Adjustment deeds shall c:an1.ain the names of the parties, the description of the adjusted line, reference to original recorded documents and signanrres of all parties with proper acknowledgmart. The Property Line AdjIlSl:lnmt deeds shall also idlS'lliiy 1I1e Plarming file number and shall canlain a s1lltement declaring tha1 the purpose of the deo1s is for a Propeny Line Adjustment Reference to the affected propenies by map and tax lot number shall be in addition to reference by legal description. In the case of serial Property Line Aqius1ments processed under Type II procedure, each Property Line Adjustmenl deed for 1he lots or pan:.els in 1he series shall be recorded separa1e!Y, in the sequence of City approval. (5) A copy of the recorded Final Survey and delilds shall be deliveml to 1he Development Service; Department together with any o1her m:orded documents that may have been required as a conditioo of approval. 33.100 EXPIRATION OF APPROVAL. The Property Line Adjus1mf:nt preliminazy approval sha1I becolDl null and void if (1) The Final Survey and any c.onditions of approval have not been submitted to the City in a oomplete form within 90 days of the dale of Preliminary Survey approval; or (2) The Final Survey is not submittal to the Lane County Surveyor wi1hin 30 days of 1I1e City approval; or (3) The Property Line Adjustment deed or other conditionoxi documelIls have not b=1 recorded wi1h Lane Counly Deeds and Records wi1h 1I1e Final Survey. 33-6 , 09/13/06 WED 10:10 FAX 5417263689 RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS, RESULT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 ****'***'****'*"**** . *u RX REPORT *** s*ss****************, 7504 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERI 09/13 10:08 02'10 6 OK