HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1997-5-14 (2) " ~'SIG[iJ PERMIT APPLJCAT. 225 Fifth Street (I)', Springfield, OR 97477 I ~.~ LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK::)I t:) () bC+e ".(,.J~ lDnp [1 O'h~~ to s~ . NUMBER C\ 1 t1o'L q Inspection Line: 726,3769 Office: 726,3759 I, ... {)~(ho PHONE '72(P- (PSI \, ,;;,:. ASSESSORS MAP: ~i' (( 11~O~~ER: +-hrA(l :f11)E'.x) ~t Iv'ltui ors f~~:~:~~<S: - jJ 1 SD hC-kvlau Ixno !"',::;;i:'cir:ti": '.' ,'gar; nO- f.;. f'J rt' 1 STATE: tB.~~> ~- i '-.1 j ;f BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC,: 9 A'nC,n A II-Gn t~\<. ." n~':.~. 111;~ DESCRIPTIO TAX LOT: Of?... ZIP: q7L177 \ :~1 . PROPOSED SIGNISI:- (please check and complete all approprialc illlormationl '.,:~ WCj _ Freestanding _ Projecting 1I00f Marquee , Sing~ ~UZ 9ft V Billboard - Other (21/ 11---) S4UO'O ,ootage: _~ {O?JJ~L~;\.., Total Height above Grad', iE- /,__ _m '. "";,,, "."';00" ,;," i":""'C' ,j ~~ )''';''~j;'"'' .~_ . Dimension fro":, Grade ,,~, ~callnstallation: ~ _ s N to bottom of Sign: I, (If yes additional permit is' VALUE: 5 CXJO ..., ' Material Sign IS constructed of: I-\i,sh LRf) si t:J ~u rYl I '.' ....' ~; ." ,,' i~~L: ':"',' ' ,~." ",' " l' ~~~~,~l,.ALL eXl,stlng s'gnage aryd attach a photograph of aach sign:' ~~ >"lalType\fee.stuOr);n a SQ, Ftg, SY (bJ Type irJ c.. \ \ ~11CI Type%.pl".<:;tn()()i~, SQ, Ftg,)OO Idl Type ~~'." SQ, Ftg, ,85' SQ, Ftg, -;11.": 'oi"CONTRACTOR/lNSTALLER: ' ~i! \'~'~ . ;.h':DDRESS: F::Si-A ,,,)(', I 12/0 nA 1(, PA"iGH- Y?D ~\.)jf'np ,CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION "'UMBER: PHONE l.;f5S - s ~ "-ICo 'CITY: ST A TE: tYL ZIP C;7Lfo~. EXPIRES 2- - '2::-_~:6. EXPIRES: l, ~ ?JO- C), ,CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: 1l\7_~(,., qSQ:n::L_ ~,,' OFFICE USE " Sign District: 1>0 cO ~vci tJ La:c, Use: 01JtrtJ )~/onin,g: ~,(!) Code Section:i)~"1" I ~ (n.. I?:!~r?rmit Fee: X () '? Approved By: fN rulA- l r~ I~~t;~i~~~ :'I~ip~CTIONS:' ~~i~'::' ", ~.j/';" ~ Site F~oting ,~7~to';be' made prior prior to place~ent ~~!1~to sign' placement of concrete .,'- ~:~t~dditi.onal Comments and/or Conditions: JE< ~" , ;~lBY~Signatu'e, I state and agree, :hat I ha~e carefully examined the completed appliCation and do hereby certify that all inl0rl1111tion herein ~/is true and correct, and I further'certify that any and all work performed shall be done lr1 accordance with the Otdinanccs of the City at "\~~Springfjeld. and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only corwactors and );-employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this proiecl. ;~f:I'!lurther agree to ensure tha~~1I required inspections are ,eQuasted at the Ploper t"nc, Ihol project address is readable Irom II", sueet, thai ~. . r ' 1~:~'Jt'le permit card is located at ~he front of the property, and the approved set of plans wil! remain on the sile at all times during [11(: Installation ,', of the signlsl. I ',Sigl1ature~~ ~~ :'.;r-j,' ~.;'-:". ,~.., f~~~-!:!~:3},io,n:, '.t-;:~~~.. ~~:~:; - . t~iIJ''''1'''''':- .~:r~2.~ . !.t.....l.,..... ~ '"p:'..... " Quad Area: I ~tJ rJJ DATE: /?---,Ij-Q1 ,/, Attachment after fasteners are instal!edlprior to cover Electrical prior 10 energizing V Flrli"1l completion of sron installatior"'\ Date S(qJ9i Ii ~mount Received: :r , Receipt Number: Received By: C;---{Cj -~) ~ 2qlLf () .;<5Tr'-t / DZlle PCiid' .. . . I~'::' -' <t'.".. " i"':~":fl'\(-' ',1-;J -{~,. ....iol;l~:,.i:~. . ,t~.... ....~..,:.:.~ . "~~'::..\ '-,- .- i:'~: . It;::.: .. [;,. SIG N PERMIT APPLICATION . . .. . . Tli~'.;:)ppiicrllior,.on the reverse. side needs to be CornplE!ted entirely. If you are'the sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring" cOI"rictor, you nee8 to make sUle <hat both the City of Springfield Business License Numbe, and the Registration 'Nurnbt'!( (rum the State of Oregon ConslruCtion Contractors Board Dre listed on the application along with the expiration UJW 01 Gael"1. ' II It\C sign you are p,oposing is illumin~'tCd, an cleCtribal permit application also needs to be completed and signed by eithe' (,I supervising electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in whict, you are occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. ~ If ttlcre are existing wall and/or freestanding signs, a photograph{sl of 6ach existing sign needs to be attached to the "pplicatiol1, Thel size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application, , PLANS .,.. "",,,,,< 'or J si6n pennil. you "ccd It) ~,,,p'\lC twO complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and J IJIOI pli.:1(\ 1I1uicating where the proposed sign will be located. II you are installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 kc:t in toWI tleight, the footing detail needs to be prepared and stamped by,aJegistered engineer. After the plan review plocess is completed, and, it you, sign!,) is opproved, one set will be ,et'urned to you, The approved set of drawings need to be ot the site when an inspection is req<JlJsted for the inspectors reference:,' Ir,'~;",~, '''''''<''':.''i-.;a..-:-:o'_.'' ~... w,..,", l" iit;L:~.. .','..:.'~,..'; ,.' . :~~. . INSPECTIONS ..Dcrii;'lidi;\U on your sign!sl, you may IJC rcquire:d'IO rcqucst one or all ot the following inspections during the installation "lll-your-siUrl: . Site: To be requeSted after indicClting on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed lor the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a Question on the location 01 the proposeu sIgn. FOOling: To be requested al ter excav<llion and the forms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed ill the tooting, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ...\ltJctHl'll.:ll\: To be requested when all fusteners are installed but prior to cover. E!8cuical: To be requested after the electrical connection to the sign is made, but prior to energizing. , I FlnDI: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. , I TIle inspectia..ns that are required for your specific sign will be indicated on the application during ~he plan review process. Fwlure to rCQuest~ ANY of the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required illtcrvJls of work. To request on inspection, phone 726.3769, This is a 24 hour recording, On the recording you will need to leave your City Design"led Job Number, location of whe,e the sign is being installed, the type of insp,ection you are requesting, and when "..:.-:!:,:.,, .; ',you will':Gc"e'6d~ fOr-the i'nspection, All inspections called in to the recorder prior to 7:0D a,m, will be made the same ~';~~t~~':i",~,~~.~~i,~~_d?;~:,~~1 ir~~.~ct~ons phon~d H1 a.lte' 7:00 ~',,!,, :-:viII be made the following work day, IrtP;:':" II y~~ have a~y q~estions (eg~rdlng the application, ,equired plans or inspections; please feel free to phone ,the, Building -..-......;!'\o'-\n~ . , . . . ~~.-. -.. Salety DIVISion at 726.3759. , , I.? ", 1\ \. ,I i~:"" , , I , . ,. , . . I Cily 01' Spl'in~fi~ld lloildin~ S"l'cty Divjsion 225 Finil S~'cct ~ SJlrin~ficld; OR' 97477 " ,< .I ,,~. .... : ........ I . ~ .' ,- .~ :