HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 1/4/2007 r . ... PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: I-L-j--DI. Date Recelved:- Planner: .:n M. P PR~-S\l6j.tl1T/Q. {l<\f.VF1 l~tDp~ Date Distributed: / - 1- - 0 7 /' Dave Puent - Building ../ Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire /' Gary McKenney - Traffic ./ Matt Stouder- Public Works/Engineering (/" Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering v Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying . Planner,. ~~ ./ - .. .' ~"'; ".-::~-":: :~...; -. . -. o..""_'_-'~'._':"_' '_.oJ'>.. . . . t'.'.,~" ..' .... . ,,--.- . ..._ -.,,~ . ,,i .-........." - l.;;i Y' City of Springfield . Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax . Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00001 Date Submitted: 1/4/2007 Proiect Name: SKYLINE ESTATES SUB 66 LOTS Project Description: Pre-Submittal for Tentative Subdivision for a 32 lot cluster subdivision (Skyline Estates) Application Type: Subdivision Tentative Job Address: Souther portion .of So 71st Street Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1802020000500 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to conlirm the meeting date and time. ~ PlanJobPrint.rpt 1/4/2007 10: 18:00Arv . . Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, January 12,2007 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2007-00001 (SUB TENT) SKYLINE ESTATES $325 Assessor's Map: 18-02-02-00 TL 500, 600 . Assessor's Map: 18-02-02-24 TL 1600, 1800 Existing Use: Vacant . . Address: Southern portion of South 71 sl Street Applicant submitted plans to create Phase l' (32 lots) of a 66-lot cluster subdivision (Skyline Estates) Meeting DatefTime: Friday, January 12, 2007 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Jim Donovan City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Land Division Application, Type II ~J;t~~:~:r?r~~>~;~~'~~;~~~~:;f~~;~~;~~j:;:~Z:~;~;~t;~~-;;~~~~:~~ Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: ~ o Subdivision Replat Tentative: Partition Replat Tentative: o o ~_~~'~~j,-!~:~TI"~-;:}j~:::~~ Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: - 4rrG?l-\~u & \tf;AT\W~ ':i'?--'{LJ0( ~-f"~ l/u:. \'8" WEHI \Z, t.rr 0Yf?-\>-'tt:l~0 ";:"::\, ",', - ",-.. ..-.'~- -?Tel{~;J G. )C..~"'II-lt ~u~ t2'-' u.li--lee::f2--u-J& Phone: '5"4--I-lU" -'1"l'i.l:]" Fax: ':7'\ 1":12-~ -q"l"l ~ C'~ 91f17 " .' ., .. "." Phone: 511 -1 z..~ '1'1 '1" Fax: 54l-7~1. .9''[.C\/' Applicant Name: Company: Address: -. . . ' \'<,':' :: ,'''-; .' j.:, ~. .' . '-"';;'-'7_-~-':.. /' "c,' .......';.. ::;.-.;~ Property Owner: Company: Address: <?~i l...Iw~ ~'7-(~ vW:: Phone: iI7-t"'~1 Fax: {7 0 ~ Of III - Wt\Lrf~"lUk -- 012- - Cj 7tH ....' "._ _,. 'i"_ : - ~/. .:~., ;_;,:;:-.;.:.- ,\,~:~~:: <;. :,:.-~,.;~.(~.. '-r ,-.~"'.;"'~.;. . 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Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete ~:::tIOOO~G~ D't'~ ", &OO[ . ~ AR~ r Print ~ C-\rQ.0.- .. ~ ~--. , _".~ __'__'_'~'_~__.__' _. ,.._._. - __._ .__ - ._.._ __0- ~~_____~_ ..____"._ _._~. _ _, ._ _._. __ . . SKYLINE ESTATES TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENTS Hillside Development Application Tentative Land Division Application Type II Detailed Written Information Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report Copy of Tentative Plat 8-1/2" x 11" Storm Water Management Study Traffic Impact Study Geotechnical Heport Tree Felling Permit Arborists report DRAWINGS Site Assessment Plan Tentative Land Division Plan . Grading Plan Keating Engineering LLC 188 West B Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . DETAILED WRITTEN iNFORMATION PROJECT NAME: Skyline Estates Cluster Subdivision PROPEKTY OWNERSHIP: Skyline Estates LLC SIZE AND LOCATION: A. Area requested for annexation: 7.94 acres B. Located at south east edge of the top ofS 71" Street in Springfield, (see vicinity'map) LOCA TlON OF KEY URBAN FACILITIES: A. Storm sewer systems consists of two crossings of S 71" St, receiving water from -roadside ditches and intermittent streams, and discharging to ditches and intermittent streams to north. It is assumes that pre-development and post-development flows must be the sanle, and no further additions of stormwater quantities or flow rates will be considered.. (City - facilities in main St and northward to Cedar Creek are at capacity at this time) B. Sanitary sewer piping exists in So 71" St (reportedly 8") and will accept flows from this site C. Telephone~ CATV and Project Location: The following tax lots are located south of the loop formed by South 71" street as it loops to connect with the South 70" Street at the intersection with S. Jessica Drive: Tax Map 18-02-02- 00: Lots 00500 (12.00 Acres) and 00600(9.13 Acres). Tax Map 18-02-02-24: Lots 01600 (3.4 Acres)and 01800(1.1 I Acres). To complete the suhdivision area, the area of tax Lot 500 that is outside the city limits, but within the Urban Growth Boundary must be annexed. Site Information and background: The site is surrounded (going counter-clockwise from the South) by: a) 94.24 acres of unannexed, but inside the urban growth boundary, woodland property owned by Gordon Webb. bY Tl1epr()p"rty t()th~E_a~tI33.J I a~res ()fu~ann~"e.slQr.ay/~aqg'!.p!.()p~rty,-'Y.hicl! is.~grreryt]y under consideration for a segmented housing/commercial/City Park development. The portion of the property touching our property is believed to be the city "ridge line" park portion destined for transferal to Willamalane Parks. . c) Three residential properties border the property to the Northeast. Mike and Cecilia Tomcal own . --4,66-acres.of-unannexed-land-.--NexHo-the-Northwest;-and-annexed;.is-Brad-&-Nanc)~^nderson- ..- - - -. - --_... with a home on 3.52 acres, and Don & Pam Wheeler with a home on .53 acres facing onto S. 71" Street. d) Continuing along S. 71. Street are three lots, all owned by David Emery and completely surrounded by Skyline Estates Land. One home is present on the lotof .73 acres, while two lots of .21 and .24 acres are without homes. e) Four properties abut the development on the West: Laura Dunn has a house and .36 acres on S. 71" Street; Shannon Loper has a home on 1.07 acres; Vie & Janet Hefner have a home on their 1.07 acres, and finally Pete De Fazio and Myrnie Daut own three parcels, the largest of which has 1.87 acres and is the only one of which that has a dwelling. Annexation history: Part of the Skyline Estates property, about half of an 11.72 acre lot formerly-owned by Frank & Dorothy Light, is outside the city limits. The rest is inside of City Limits; Annexation shows to have occurred in the 1960's. . . Zoning: Low Density Residential (LOR) Comprehensive plan designation: LDR Property density:. This proposed hillside development is on a combined lot with an average slope of slightly less than 25%. From City Development Code Table 26-1 this would allow a maximum of 111 lots of 10,000 square feet for the 1,110,344 square foot property. However, this proposal will limit development to 66 units within the same area, using 660,000 square feet of property and leaving the remaining 450,000 square feet for tree-retention conservation easements, park pathway extensions, site amenities and roadways. . Procedural requirements: Subsection 3.080, Table 3-2 of the Code indicates that subdivision tentative plan is a limited land use decision that shall be reviewed as a type II procedure. Subsection 35.050 of the Code provides approval criteria to be applied to Subdivision applications. The applicable standards of affected overlay districts and concurrent applications shall also be applied as required by subdivision criteria of approval and corresponding articles. The Hillside development standards apply the this property since it is both entirely over 670 feet above mean sea level and the average slope of the land is greater than 15 percent. An application for Hillside Development and Tree felling will be required, since the entirety of all four lots are wooded and shall be submitted with the Preliminary submittal. Tree retention and screening: The purpose of using the cluster subdivision standards on the area that is less than 15% slope, will allow both the Northern (downhill) reaches of the property, which are some of the steepest, to remain wooded and natural, and retain their screening, and the houses to be "clustered" slightly in the areas where it is not as densely wooded, allowing great bands of the mature trees to screen the residential areas in all directions. PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATION: Stormwater Management (QUANTITY): The entirety of the Eastern border of the property drains.back . into the property. The very Southern boundary is the crest of the hillside and some of the crest runs Westward and off th~.~te. The.storm water from.the.rooftops and. impervious surface inthis.area will.be captured and piped to the project's storm water system, so less water will run off the site than occurs today. We have protected all the trees and foliage in the 60 feet adjoining the adjacent properties, and with less surface water proposed, there will be less impact on the adjacent property. On the Western property boundary, again, the rooftop and impervious surfaces are collected into the storm water system - --so..less-rainwater.wi II-reach-the-adjacenr property"as-currentlydoes:-However;th~l:!eveloper is proposiirg.-.. a perforated pipe system on the Western property boundary to collect any drainage and direct it to the Westernmost of the two natural. drainage channels that draih the entire property. Both the~e channels wili be developed into a series of natural-looking stair-step basins that will calm the hillside flow and meter the resulting rainwater at less-than the existi.ng stonn.flow. Again on the entire North side of the property, the storm water from the roads and new houses will be collected to the new storm water system. Almost the entire northern boundary drains to the Easternmost of the two natural drainage channels, which will also be stair stepped to control the offcsite flow to below current rates. Stormwater Management (QUALITY): A street storm water system of curb, gutter, catch basins, pipes nnd water quality treatment Best Management Practices (including bioswale and retention systems) will Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLC . . connccttnc storm water system to storm water discharge points. As described above, a system or perimeter collection systems and natural and stair-stepped flow channels will protect the qualitiof non- street runoff. The runoff from all roof!ops and driveways shall be piped to the public streets through a sistern on every lot that can be used for irrigation, or fire protection, in emergencies. The cluster system allows for tree conservation zones and preservation areas to preserve vegetation that reduces and slows storm water run to public systems. The property is very high on a hillside and outside the floodways of the Willamette and the McKenzie. No 'water-quality-limited-watercourses are present anywhere near the property. The property is outside the Zone of Contribution of any time of travel zones for wellhead protection. Hillside Sanitary Sewer: From Springfield Code 32.100, the sanitary sewer system meets the following criteria: a) All sanitary sewer mains are at least 8 inches in diameter. b) All sanitary sewer mains have a minimum invert grade which provides a minimum velocity of 2 feet per second at the design flow. c) A standard City manhole is provided at all changes of horizontal or vertiCal alignment. A city standard clean-out is provided at all dead-ends. d) All sewer laterals are at least 6 inches in diameter within the right-of-way, or within Public Utility Easements. All laterals shall be placed at right angles to the main and shall be connected to the main by a factory tee. All laterals transition to 4-inch lines on private property to provide services to homes. . Consistent with Section 7.03,9 ofthe City's EDSPM, sewer design shall a.ddress specific problems and special design consideration for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation, turbulence in manholes and bends, restraints on pipe movement and trench drainage measures. Section 7.03.5 of the EDS&P Manual also states that up to four lots may use shared private laterals in private shared easements to eliminate the need for backyard sewers. Any small sections of backyard public sanitary sewer or public storm sewer will be. provided in a 14-foot public,easementwith a 1O-foot minimum all-weather maintenance access roadway to all public structures (manholes, inlets, and outfalls). A rear-yard easement preventing all fencing, landscaping or other private improvements will not impede access along the maintenance roadway. '- -.- "-AlI'adj acent'properties-carrblnleve !op<:d'oTllWpfovidetl"ac=s"fbr'roaQways an-dlifilitiesiliaf'wil I 'allow' for their development in accordance with the provisions of this Code. TRANSPORT AnON INFORMA nON: Traffic generation and safety of proposed new and existing streets: According to the International Traffic Engineering Manu'al, 72 homes will create almost 720 new trips on the proposed new streets and the existing singleoutlet on S. 71" Street Loop. New traffic will be placed on S. 71" with a new intersection, built by this applicant, to City Standards, and using the 1980 City Design for70th and 71" Streets as a point of departure for design. The new road Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLe . . Water is a~ailable, and houses a~e to be fire sprinklered. Natural fuel breaks exist below the site in the developed residential areas Roadways provide natural fuel breaks Scenic view-sheds from sown-slope should be preserved An appropriate modification is to extend a primary protection zone 30 ft from all buildings, and to prune understory vegetation within 100 feet of buildings. The 30 ft distance will be restricted by individual property boundaries. It is proposed that these be placed in the conditions, covenants, and restrictions as "recommendations" foir fire protection, and rely on individual designs and review by city staff to allow for site-specific refinements, rather than remove most of the trees in the development area Tree removal can result in excessive wind-throw for the remaining trees, and new open cut areas suold not open into the west, where the strongest prevailing winds originate. . CUT-FILL OUANTlTIES FOR PHASE 1 CUT: '5800 CY FILL: 6800 CY TREE FELLING Trees to be removed at this time ar within the right-of-way and cut/ftll areas. An arborist's report is included. Each site is to have tree removal considerations resolved individually. The Fire Department issues also affect this. SANITARY SEWER All sanaitary sewers are 8" PVC (ASTM D3034) aligned near the centerline of the roadways, with stubs to all sites near their lower boundaries. Connection is to existing sewer facilities in S 71" SI.. Gradient is not a problem on this hillside site.Some sewer lines need to cross lots to access, but all public lines will be in public rights-of-way STORM SEWER All storm sewer piping is to be 12:' PVC (ASTM D3034) installed 5 ft from the sanitary sewer piping. and . '--aligned'IS "'aboveitto'allowuo5sings:-OradiehnfiiU'capacitY'rs .nol aprolilefi1oYlillis'liillsiae .srre.-.---.'--------- Some of the lines cross open land to take advantage of slope conditions. All lots will have a storm sewer lateral for roof arainage. WATER SYSTEM DESIGN SUB has been consulted and generally accepts the concept of placing a pump station on S 71" St for' Phase I, and installing a tank and booster pump for Phase 2. Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLe