HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/4/2007 (2) City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II . . ~:~~~~~~~~~':j~~4~~:~~ :.i ~~.:-~.~,~.~ ~ ':~~!~~ ;~;.~~~~~~~:r ~:~~~~::.~(~.~~.~~:-::~ ~ _~~;~~~:'~~~.:~:l~~~~~i~ ~~ Subdivision Tentative:. Partition Tentative: ~ D Subdivision Replat Tentative: D Partition Replat Tentative: D [;~~~~~-;':~.~~;:;~~~~~.<:;.~ ~~~-~; ~=~5'-:_'~~L~~~- ~~~~~~~~~-~.~-:: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: TAX LOT NO(S): ?eG A"I-r. Property Address: f..\ fA Size of Property: Acres 0 Square Feet 0 P.r,oplJ.s,!c:1 ~C1me of ~u!>divi~i.o!,:. t7t{ L.H-.\E:: 60"f;.;m% -'?t1;.~;t-' .~-:...- .' ~ . . " ,. ;;,;' .__ '> ~. _~..-. .-.~'."';.,""':'~ '~"""'~\,,"',;:_o/Sr;. ~ol;:'<'....~.".,,,_,,,-,c_.." 'C.._,- ~.~""",."..",":,.".>,,,,-,....~,,,,.,..,,-.,.....,,,,,-,,,.~ ,,"..'>..,..,u,~_,~... -''''.""""""".- -'''~_;... ",.'.~.':. "''''''''''''''-'''''''''''_"' """,~~'-"""':" "_0_ - -"",,' j)escription of\l11bf:,e;: \ Proposal: Existing Use: LJ~~"\':fuJfeD LA~I) # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: " - ..', + .';, . .. _. ~ ~ 'F 'P_, _ _ ... ._ _.~ _. _. __'. _A l ~ ~ ,"-- --- -~. --- Applicant Name: Company: Address: Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: ,. ....,. ..,. " Property Owner: Company: Address: . ~: ,-Pl '.' . ;-.. -5.'1;'" ;\ j ~-rGPt..\""u & \?f:A\1W, '7 ~'f [...l0f ~-1' ~ LA..L \ 'S" WEHr ~ ~ ~1'~\~t:1~r) "":"." :, ""'.-';,;.- -- '. ," -. ';".,,'~.~ "'- ... -.. . - ~ .:;.-re:VI-le 0 G. )C.BA"-II-lt ~~, ~w ~1,.Jeel2-\~(, Phone: 74:I-l~/...<:j"lq4 Fax: 5'\ 1-12-~ -9"lQ" o~ 914-17 . .-..;.'" ; ,. Phone: '741.' z..~ 'i'9'1"l Fax: 5tl-7~/' .9"'1.'H :;. ';,'; ~;)::.'tr-:-"";':'-"-L.."(! ~" --';r"i~i;;'':W,''; ", .. .":' :,-'. ,. ~'''-. : .-:t';'!'.'" Phone: 't 1<] .. 8 '" ~ "1 Fax: <'ntH '_-f\~ ",-'_.,~ ,''>-, - ". :;r~~i'< - ;;'. ': .. . {_:"~t.j':':: ".-:-' ". <?~i L.\wlS ~'7-r~ LAA:: 17 0 ~ 0)'- I \l - Wt'jL.'f!?f.-'ltI/.-.L.E .. o~- - '~''::;: r .~;J;;';'~cr~-, ',. ~,;i:'&'i)C~:'J."~:'\~'"-'~':'3.-'! ;_.....~i;.":;-:,L 'S:-_';.:.~c -<:~~'_l;;;:;,fY':.";.; ..I't::;:::::'~;;~,::;~"', )":...c';"-"-:-'n' -~: ';_. ,_,~-~c,.' - :Jj..:""b. ''-:'\ ~r~ sf Density: dulacre Zoning: \...l)~ . Applic-ableRefinemenf'Plan: ..... Location: City LiiTiits 0 . overli}y'Oistrict: Plan :Oesignation:. . Url)ilriGrowth Boundary 0 Associated ApJ)lications: ;~~Q,., L';~ :',;:::' _ '-,,': ..:~. '::;:::-'~J;:,::'~: 3 ~~. .:~il:'d':'1E:{;"~H;-iE\:}~'!"t.f!:i;~' ::,'~.dl.i;;' t;'~2~11-W3~n:..~'j-:.,,;t:i~'ri:1r1.M!i~J~~b:~-.\.~:::.,~.1.2~-~:~':-': ~',1M'JI.~~;~:~:.t~~ 1r::~:~~<s~\-,~- '""I Pre-Submittal f Reviewed by: J Case No.: (~\-e_1vo1 - ~ I Date: I. L.f /01--.:.. (initials) ..J Reviewed by: 'f LJ--Ol . Case No.: Date: (iB~8W~eelved: /- ~Rf)J.~,~~t?r,..Fe~: . v""'''.''d.'''F'''.''.i,.."",~g~,t~~~,.~~~:.~"",,,,;,,;;i""TI",.W,",,',I"'."" .:T~~~:....;:,:.;,~"",.",.". b' \'V\-t20f\nd - ~&~ J ~6--vv-'~ \ '2 II; V\S) . . ~~. :::- '::~'i~: ~i::::='=iPiiiiiD~Ii~ii .~ubmittal: 0 lease Number: ~e Submitted: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application . Owo.' 'O~<-~. ~ . ~~'''-:::::''~~-::;;~-~;4;..~~;:':;';8."~''~':;:~::-:':,,-;1t':l:;.-__''- ~;-:,.-t~~~.~~:~__~.".,. Iii 1 Date 0 }-. "I J1)O, . Af(~% r Print G-v.o.v... ~....... " . Date Received: l-tf'D7 Planner: ..:::Jl) PR.€ - 5 \) 6/it l T1'f(/ . . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENTS Hillside Development Application Tentative Land Division Applicatiofl Type \I Detailed Written Information Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report Copy of Tentative Plat 8-1/2" x 11" Storm Water Management Study Traffic Impact Study Geotechnical.Report Tree Felling Permit Arborists report DRAWINGS Site Assessment Plan Tentative Land Division Plan Grading Plan . . -~.. +- .~---- _.._- ~_.- Keating Engineering LLC 188 West B Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: t -~- b 1 Planner. -J'D 1>tt -5ubMiJ'fr'(l/ . . DETAiLED WRITTEN INFORMATION . PROJECT NAME: Skyline Estates Cluster Subdivision PROPERTY OWNERSHIP: Skyline Estates LLC SIZE AND LOCATION: A. Area requested for annexation: 7.94 acres B. Located at south east edge of the top ofS 71" Street in Springfield, (see vicinity map) LOCA TION OF KEY URBAN FACILITIES: A. Storm sewer systems consists of two crossings of S 7 I" St, receiving water from roadside ditches and intermittent streams, and discharging to ditches and intermittent streams to north. It is assumes that pre-development and post-development flows must be the same, and no further additions of stormwater quantities or flow rates will be considered.. (City facilities in main St and northward to Cedar Creek are at capacity at this time) B. Sanitary sewer piping exists in So 7 I" St (reportedly 8") and will accept flows from this site C. Telephone, CATV and -. Project Location: The following tax lots are located south of the loop formed by South 71" street as it loops to connect with the South 70" Street at the intersection with S. Jessica Drive: Tax Map 18-02-02- 00: Lots 00500 (12.00 Acres) and 00600(9.13 Acres). Tax Map 18-02-02-24: Lots 01600 (3.4 Acres)and 01800(1. I I Acres). To complete the subdivision area, the area of tax Lot 500 that is outside the city limits, but within the Urban Growth Boundary must be annexed. Site Information and background: The site is surrounded (going counter-clockwise from the South) by: a) 94.24 acres ofunannexed, but inside the urban growth boundary, woodland property owned by Gordon Webb. ~) T_h--"J~r2I'eI:lY_tp..the.l;:astJ33~La.cr~~.<>.Lu_I1!'!1_Il~xed Gray/Jaqll!!.PI2P-ErtY,-"'h!s!! iscurren!)y__. _ _ under consideration for a segmented housing/commercial/City Park development. The portion of the property touching our property is believed to be the city "ridgeline" park portion destined for transferal to Willamalane Parks. c) Three residential properties border the property to the Northeast. Mike and Cecilia Tomcal own 4,66.acres.of-unannexed-land,-Next-to.the-Northwest,-and-annexed,is-Bra!i-&-Nancy-Anderson- with a home on-3.52 acres, and Don-& Pam Wheelerwith a home on'.53 acres faCing onto S. 7]" Street. d) Continuing along S. 71" Street are three lots, all owned by David Emery aIld completely - surrounded'by-Skyline-Estates-bandc0ne'home-is'present'on-the-lot-of-:-73-acres,wh i le-two--Iots of .2 I and .24 acres are wilhout homes. - -- e) Four properties abut the development on the West: Laura Dunn has a house and .36 acres on S. 71" Street; Shannon-Loper has-a-home on. 1.07 acres; Vic & -Janet-Hefner-have a.home-on their 1.07 acres, and finally Pet~ De Fazio and Mymie Daut!lwn three PliTcels, the l.argest of which has 1.87 acres and is -the only one of which thaI has a dwelling. - . Annexation history: Part of the Skyline Estates property, about half of an 11.72 acre lot formerly owned by Frank & Dorothy Light, is outside the city limits. The rest is inside of City Limits; Annexation shows to have occurred in the 1960' s. Date Received:.-l-<'{~DI Planner: ..:r 0 p(t~5V8M/77~ . . Zoning: Low Density Residential (LOR) . Comprehensive plan designation: LOR Property density: This proposed hillside development is on a combined lot with an average slope of slightly less than 25%. From City Development Code Table 26.1 this woold allow a maximum of III lots of 10,000 square feet for the I, II 0,344 square foot property. However, this proposal will limit development to 66 units within the same area, using 660,000 square feet of property and leaving the remaining 450,000 square feet for tree.retention conservation easements, park pathway extensions, site amenities and roadways. Procedural requirements: Subsection 3.080, Table 3-2 of the Code indicates that subdivision tentative plan is a limited land use decision that shall be reviewed as a type 11 procedure. Subsection 35.050 of the Code provides approval criteria to be applied to Subdivision applications. The applicable standards of affected overlay districts and concurrent applications shall also be applied as required by subdivision criteria of approval and corresponding articles. The Hillside development standards apply the this property since it is both entirely over 670 feet above mean sea level and the average slope of the land is greater than 15 percent. An application for Hillside Development and Tree felling will be required, since the e'ntirety of all four lots are wooded and shall be submitted with the Preliminary submittal. . Tree retention and screening: The purpose of using the cluster subdivision standards on the area that is less than 15% slope, will allow both the Northern (downhill) reaches of the property, which are some of the steepest, to remain wooded and natural, and retain their screening, and the houses to be "clustered" slightly in the areas where it is not as densely wooded, allowing great bands of the mature trees to screen the residential areas in all directions. PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATION: Stormwater Management (QUANTITY): The entirety of the Eastern border of the property drains back into the property. The very Southern boundary is the crest of the hillside and some of the crest runs \V~~.tw!ml !!!)<! Clff t\1~Jiite.. The.storm .water.from,the.roQftops,and impervious.surface.in.this.areawill be captured and piped to the project's storm water system, so.less water will run off the site than occurs today. We have protected all the trees and foliage in the 60 feet adjoining the adjacent properties, and with less surface water proposed, there will be less impact on the adjacent property.OntheWestem property boundary, again, the rooftop and impervious surfaces are collected into the storm water system so'less'rainwater'will're;1ch'~~jacent'properly1ls'currentlydoes:-Howeve-r,thnlewloperis. proposing a perforated pipe system ortthe Western property bOiJiidary:to,colhict'imy draiitage and. direct it tolhe Westernmost of the ~o na!!lral'<!rainage chll1lnels thjlt di:jjijj~th~eiitirepfopeny. Both~th~e~ecnaiinels will be developed into a series 'of natural-looking stair-step basihs that will calin thenillside flow and . meter the' resultingrainwateratless'than.the' existitJ.g storm'flClw:-Again 'on 'the' entire'No1t\j. sine of the Rrop,erty, the storm water from the roads and new houses will be collected to the new storm water system. Almost the entire northern boundary drains to the Easternmost of the two natural drainage channels, which willalso.bestair stepped to control the off'site'flowto below current rates. . Stc!'JJlwater Management(QUALITY): A street storm water system of curb, gutter, catch basins, pipes and water quality treatment Best Management Practices (including bioswale and retention systems) will . Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLe Date "~eelvecl; \ - Lf . 01 Planner: .:fD ? ~ -SDbl'\. (IT f'st,... . . . connect the storm water system to storm water discharge points. As described above, a system of perimeter collection systems and natural and stair-stepped flow channels will protect the quality of non- street runoff. The runoff from all rooftops and driveways shall be piped to the public streets through a sistern on every lot that can be used for irrigation, or fire protection, in emergencies. The cluster system allows for tree conservation zones and preservation areas to preserve vegetation that reduces and slows storm water run to public systems. The property is very high on a hillside and outside the floodways of the Willamelle and the McKenzie. No water-quality-limited-watercourses are present anywhere near the property. The property is outside the Zone of Contribution of any time of travel zones for wellhead protection. Hillside Sanitary Sewer: From Springfield Code 32.100, the sanitary sewer system meets the following criteria: a) All sanitary sewer mains are at least 8 inches in diameter. b) All sanitary sewer mains have a minimum invert grade which provides a minimum velocity of 2 feet per second at the design flow. c) A standilrdCity mann61e is provided afall changes of horizontal or vertical alignment. A city standard clean-out is provided at all dead-ends. d) All sewer laterals are at least 6 inches in diameter within the right-of-way, or within Public Utility Easements. All laterals shall be placed at right angles to the main and shall be connected to the main by a factory tee. All laterals transition to 4-inch lines on private property to provide services to homes. . Consistent with Section 7.03.9 of the City's EDSPM,.sewer design shall address specific problems and special design consideration for steep hillside development such as flow velocity, energy dissipation, turbulence in manholes and bends, restraints on pipe movement and trench drainage measures. Section 7.03.5 of the EDS&P Manual also states that up to four lots may use shared private laterals in private shared easements to eliminate the need for backyard sewers. Any small sections of backyard public sanitary sewer.or public storm sewer. will.be.provided.ina .l!bfoot.public.easemenLwitha 10-foot minimum all-weather maintenance'access roadway to all public structures (manholes, inlets, and outfalls). A rear-yard easement preventing all fencing, landscaping or other private improvements will not impede access along the maintenance roadway. 1t11-adjacern-properties-carrIre-deve-loped'or:arecprovidetlll=S'for roadways,anitutilities' tllat"Will-allow for their development iil accordance with the provisions of this Code. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION: Traffic generation and safety of proposed new and existing streets: According to the International Traffic Engineering Manual, 72 homes will create almost no. new trips on the proposed new streets and the existing single outlet on S. 71" Street Loop. New.traffic will'be.placeiLon S..?l" with a new intersection,.builtby.thisapplicant, to.City-Standards, and' using the 1980 City Design for 70th and 71" Streets as a point of departure for design. The new road . Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLe Date Recelvec1:.-l:1:D1-. Planner: :m ~E"-5Uf>t-\l1T~ . . . Water is available, and houses are to be fire sprinklered. Natural fuel breaks exist below the site in the developed residential areas Roadways provide natural fuel breaks Scenic view-sheds from sown-slope should be preserved An appropriate modification is to extend a primary protection zone 30 ft from all buildings, and to prune understory vegetation within 100 feet of buildings. The 30 ft distance will be restricted by individual property boundaries. It is proposed that these be placed in the conditions, covenants, and restrictions as "recommendations" foir fire protection, and rely On individual designs and review by city staff to allow for site-specific refinements, rather than remove most of the trees in the development area Tree removal can result in excessive wind-throw for the remaining trees, and new open cut areas suold not open into the west, where the strongest prevailing winds originate. CUT-FILL OUANTITIES FOR PHASE I CUT: 5800 CY FILL: 6800 CY TREE FELLING Trees to be removed at this time ar within the right-of-way and cut/fill areas. An arborist's report is included. Each site is to have tree removal considerations resolved individually. The Fire Department issues also affect this. . SANITARY SEWER All sanaitary sewers are 8" PVC (ASTM D3034) aligned near the centerline of the roadways, with stubs to all sites near their lower boundaries. Connection is to existing sewer facilities in S 71" St.. Gradient is not a problem on this hillside site.Some sewer lines need to cross lots to access, but all public lines will be in public rights-of-way STORM SEWER All storm sewer piping is to be 12"i'VC (ASTM D3034) installed 5ft"from the sanitary sewer piping and aljgnlOd-I'8"-aboveino:allowcrClSSings:-Gra<lientllfio capacity_ is .nof. a .prob1em .0n.tJiiifliiIIsiae sIte. Some of the lines cross open lana to take advaritage of slope. conditions. AIUotS wjIlhave a storm sewer Iljteranorrbofdtaifiage. . . n WATER SYSTEM DESIGN SUB has been consulfed and generally accepfs the concept ofplacinga.pump.station on S 71" Stfor Phase 1, and installing a tank and booster pump for Phase 2. . Skyline Estates Tentative Subdivision Application Keating Engineering LLe Oat& ~eeelvec1' J -Y-o 07 Planner: .:rD PR-t.-SVf}I"\~ . . . . . Form No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) ALTA Owner's Policy Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 1 Policy of Title Insurance \ .\ ,..,,.; ~ , +~ (: ~~~ ~~$ ~ ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon An assumed business of Title Insurance Company of Oregon SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B, AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, an assumed business name of Title Insurance Company of Oregon, an Oregon corporation, hereinafter called the Company, insures, as of Date of Poiicy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; or 4. lack of a right of access to and from the land; The Company will also pay. the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the @e, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. Title Insurance Company of Oregon dba FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON By: Secretary President Attest: Date Received: I ~ 4-, 01 Planner. ;:::J1> ~ -5(JI6M.1 IT"J'tZ/ . . . Fo,", "0.1402.92 (10/17/92) ALTA Owner's Policv . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Pi:lge 2. of B SCHEDULE A Date of Policy: December 12, 2005 at 11:38 a.m. Policy No.: 7191-701983 Policy Amount: $550,000.00 Premium: $929.50 1. Name of insured: Skyline Estates, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: Fee Simple 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: Skyline Estates, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: That particular tract of land in the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, as described in Warranty Deed recorded in Reel 2038R, Reception No. 95-08318, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the T. Maynard Donation Land Claim Number 37, as marked by a 2 1/2 " Lane County Brass Cap; thence following along the Southerly line of said Donation Land Claim, South 890 28' 51" East 430.58 feet to a found 5/8" iron rod; thence leaving said Southerly line and following along the Easterly boundary of said tract and along the remains of a fence, North 10 35' 12" East 791.67 feet to a found 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "BRANCH ENG L5 2609" set in County Survey File Number 32881; thence following along the Southerly line of the parcel described in Reel 2037R, Reception No. 95-07606, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and surveyed in said survey, in Rart, anc!,J!:Lp~ilr:t.along.the.50utherly-'ine._. . '--onhe~Partition No. 93:P0437 and-as'iecorded in County Survey File Number 31684, North 890 59' 23" West 518.37 feet to a found 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "ROBERTS PLS 1039" set in said survey; thence following along the Westerly line of said Partition, North 380 50' 25" West 10.48 feet; thence leaving said Westerly line and following along the Southerly boundaries of the parcel described in that Bargain and Sale Deed recorded July 3, 2000, in Reception Number 2000-037864, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, South 460 17' 01" West 249.73 feet; thence North 560 34' 16" West 33.80 feet; thence North 170 18' 16" West 237.10 feet; thence North 400 26' 30" West 97.42 feet to a found 1/2" iron pipe at the Northeasterly corner of that certain partition as filed in County Survey File Number 21965; thence leaving said Southerly boundary and following along the boundary of said partition, South 560 11' 05" West 214.14 feet to a found 5/8" iron rod set in said partition; thence North 860 28' 40" West 89.17 feet to a found 1/2" iron pipe referenced in said partition; thence North 570 56' 56" West 56.68 feet to a found 1/2" iron pipe referenced in said partition; thence North 12059' 50" West 93.98 feet to a found 1/2" iron pipe, referenced in said partition, being on the Easterly right-of-way of South 71st Street, said point being 20.00 feet from when measured at right angles to, the centerline of said South 71st Street; thence leaving said partition bD~{~~ing along '-'-1--01 said right-of-way, along a curve to the right having a radius of 636. ~r1jW'S/~'lIiStance or 47.56 feet (the chord of which bears South 23041' 52" West 47.55 ~~!;:poirit of tangency ..:J j) .pRE - SVe F;rst American Title . . . Form No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) AL T A Owner's Policy . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 3 uf 8 marked by a 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "G.E.S. PLS 2280" set in County Survey File Number 39576; thence South 250 50' 22" West 166.27 feet to a point of curvature marked by a 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic marked "G.E.S. PLS2280" set in County Survey File Number 39576; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 101.85 feet, an arc distance of 112.67 feet (the long chord of which bears South 570 31' 54" West 107.02 feet) to a point of tangency marked by a 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "G.E.5. PLS 2280" set in County Survey File Number 39576; thence leaving said right-of-way and following along the Westerly Boundary of the aforementioned tract, said boundary being the Easterly line of the parcel surveyed in County Survey File Number 17705, South 550 47' 22" East 229.08 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "CASWELL PLS 494", set in said survey; thence leaving said Easterly line and continuing along said Westerly boundary, South 00 00' 36' West 564.32 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marked "G.E.5. PLS 2280" set in County Survey File Number 34976, being on the Southerly line of the aforementioned Donation Land Claim Line Number 37; thence leaving said Westerly boundary and following along said Donation Land Claim South 890 28' 51" East 743.63 feet to the Point of Beginning, all within said Section 2, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the parcel conveyed by Frank Light and Dorothy Light, husband and wife, to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation, by that Warranty Deed recorded October 11, 1972, in Reel 607R, Reception Number 23148, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. APN: 0559821 APN: 0559847 APN: 0978294 l-4--(i7 Data Received: Planner. :TD ?R'(~ -SUb First American Title . . . Form'No. 1402.92 (lOf17f92) P'.L T A Owner's Policy . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 4 of 8 SCHEDULE B EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2, Any facts, rights, interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof, 3. Easements, claims of easement or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records, unpatented mining claims, reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water. 4, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. Notwithstanding this provision and in accordance with and subject to the limitations of Section 2.15 of the First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon rate filing, protection afforded to the Insured hereunder will be consistent with any coverage provided to a Lender pursuant to any Policy issued contemporaneous hereto. 5. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose. , 6. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 7. Easement, inciuding terms 'and provisions contained therein: -- Recording Information: 19063, in Book 83, Page 377, Lane County Oregon Deed Records City of Eugene, a municipal corporation Electric transmission line In Favor of: For: (Blanket easement) 8. An easement reserved in a deed, including the terms and provisions thereof; Recorded: From: To: For: May 3, 1961, Reception No. 30975 Atlee Asher Clarence M. Urey and Gladys Urey I ,j, / () t__ road easement _":~ _ .. ",-"l>\\'1lll" __- OS,e ~I:IY'" . 6P-.'-"--- p\anner. . r~/~\)'b First American Title . . . Form No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) Al Tll, Owner's Policy . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 5 ot H 9. An easement granted in a deed, including the terms and provisions thereof; Recorded: October 11, 1972, No. 23148 From: Frank Light and Dorothy Light To: City of Springfield For: access, ingress, egress and laying of a water transmission line or lines 10. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Loan No.: undisclosed Grantor/Trustor: Skyline Estates, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Grantee/Beneficiary: Frank M. Light and Dorothy J. Light, Co-Trustees of the Dorothy J. Light Revocable Living Trust dated March 30, 1994, as to an undivided one-half interest and Frank M. Light and Dorothy J. Light, Co-Trustees of the Frank M. Light Revocable Living Trust dated March 30, 1994, as to an undivided one-half interest Trustee: First American Title Insurance Co. of Oregon Amount: $450,000.00 Dated: December 07, 2005 Recorded: December 12, 2005 Recording Information: 2005-098320 Date Received: 1- '-\- -Dl Planner: j'D YU:-Slb First American Title Foem No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) A.LT/1. Owner's Policy . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 PClge 6 of S . PRIVACY POLICY We Are Committed to Safeguarding Customer Information In order to better serve your needs now and in the future, we may ask you to provide us with certain information. We understand that you may be concerned about what we will do with such information - particularly any personal or financial information. We agree that you have a right to know how we will utilize the personal information you provide to us. Therefore, together with our parent company, The First American Corporation, we have adopted this Privacy Policy to govern the use and handling of your personal information. . Applicability This Privacy Policy governs our use of the information which you provide to us. It does not govern the manner in which we may use information we have obtained from any other source, such as information obtained from a public record or from another person or entity. First American has also adopted broader guidelines that govern our use of personal information regardless of its source. First American calls these guidelines its Fair Information Values, a copy of which can be found on our website at www.firstam.com. Types of Information Depending upon which of our services you are utilizing, the types of non public personal information that we may collect include: . Information we receive from you -on applications, forms and in other communications to us, whether in writing, in person, by telephone or any other means; . Information about your transactions with us, our affiliated companies, or others; and . Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. Use of Information We request information from you for our own legitimate business purposes and not for the benefit of any nonaffiliated party. Therefore, we will not release your information to nonaffiliated parties except: (1) as necessary for us to provide the product or service you have requested of us; or (2) as permitted by law. We may, however, store such information indefinitely, including the period after which any customer relationship has ceased. Such information may be used for any internal purpose, such as quality control efforts or customer analysis. We may also provide all of the types of non public personal information listed above to one or more of our affiliated companies. Such affiliated companies include financial service providers, such as title insurers, property and casualty insurers, and trust and investment advisory companies, or companies involved in real estate services, such as appraisal companies, home warranty companies, and escrow companies. Furthermore, we may also provide all the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf, on behalf of our affiliated companies, or to other financial institutions with whom we or our affiliated companies have joint marketing agreements. Former Customers Even if you are no longer our customer, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to you. Confidentiality and Security We will use our best efforts to ensure that no unauthorized parties have access to any of your information. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those individuals and entities who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We will use our best efforts to train and oversee our employees and agents to ensure that your information will be - - ~haRGled.re5pon5ibly-aAd"in"acmrdance"with.this"Privacy"Policy.and-First"American's-Fair1nfarmation"ValueS.-We-currently maintaiiY . physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. @ 2001 The First American Corporation . All Rights Reservec . Date Reeelved: PlaMer: 3D f~-S\Jb l-L.j.-Ol First American Title Form No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) A.LTA Owner's Policy . . SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSION FROM COVERAGE . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 7 or 8 THE FOLLOWING 1'-1ATTERS ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED FROM THE COVERAGE OF THIS POLICY: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting (I) the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iil) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land, or any parcel of which the land 15 or was a part; or (Iv) environmental protection, or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental policy power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but known to the Insured claimant and not disclosed In writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate or interest insured by this policy, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that It is based on: (i) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the transaction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure: (a) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or (b) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a judgment or lien creditor. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED The following terms when used in this policy mean: ClAIMANT (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing subject to any rights or defenses the Company may have had (i) in case any litigation as set forth in Section 4(a) below, (ii) against the named insured, those who succeed to the interest in case knowledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any of such insured by operation of law as distinguished from claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause Joss or devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this _ate or fiduciary successors. policy, or (ill) if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is ~insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage. rejected as unmarketable. If prompt notice shall not be given c) ~knowledge~: or 'known': actual knowledge, not to the Company, then as to the insured aU liability of the constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an Company shall terminate with regard to the matter or matters insured by reason of any publiC records as defined in this for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that policy or any other records which impart constructive notice of failure to notify the Company shall In no case prejudice the matters affecting the land. rights of any such insured under this policy unless the (d) "land": the land described, specifically or by reference Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to in Schedule (A), and improvements affixed thereto which by the extent of the prejudice. law constitute real property; provided, however, the term 4. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS; DUTY nland" does not include any property beyond the lines of the OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE. area specifically described or referred to in Schedule (A), nor (a) Upon written request by the insured and subject to any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting the options contained in Section 6 of these Conditions and streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but Stipulations, the Company, at its own cost and without nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right unreasonable delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim adverse to (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or the title or interest as insured, but only as to those stated other security instrument. causes of action alleging a defect, lien or encumbrance or (f) -public records~: records established under state other matter insured against by this policy. The Company - .stntutes. .ut Date .of-Po:icy-for-the-purposeM'of-lmpartlng~ .-.sMiI.hi;v~therlghrtogeiw~cOi:iilSe'oflt5choice(su6]eatO- constructive notice of matters relating to real property to the right of the insured to object for reasonable cause) to purChasers for value and without knowledge. With respect to represent the insured as to those stated causes of action and Section l(a)(iv) of the Exclusions From Coverage, ~public shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other records" shall also include environmental protection liens filed counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, costs or in the records of the clerk of the United States district court for expenses incurred by the insured in the defense of those the district in which the land is located. causes of action which allege matters not insured against by (g) ~unmarketabj)ity of the tltleN: an alleged or apparent this policy. matter affecting the title to the land, not excluded or excepted (b) The Company shall have the right, at its own cost, to from coverage, which would entitle a purchaser of the estate institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any or interest described in Schedule A to be released from the other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to obligation to purchase by virtue of a contractual condition establish the title to the estate or interest, as Insured, or to requiring the delivery of marketable title. prevent or reduce loss or damage to the insured. The 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of CONVEYANCE OF TITLE this policy, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured this policy. If the Company shall exercise its lights under this retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an paragraph, It shall do so diligently. Indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action by a purchaser from such insured, or so long as such insured or interposed a defense as required or permitted by the .ve liability by reason of covenants of warranty made by provisions of this policy, the Company may pursue any such sured in any transfer or conveyance of such estate or litigation to final determination by a court of competent in st. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole purchaser from such insured of either (i) an estate or interest discretion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or order. in the land, or (ii) an indebted-ness secured by a purchase (d) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the money mortgage given to the insured. First American Title Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, the insured, at the Compuny's expense, shall give the Company aU reasonable aid (i) in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or proceeding, or effecting settlement, and (ii) in any other lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as insured. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any IlabllJty or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation. S. PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE. In addition to and after the notices required under Section 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the insured claimant shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after the insured claimant shalt ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof of loss or damage shall describe the defect in, or lien or encumbrance on the title, or other matter insured against by this Rol!g which constitutes the basis of~mage andsha!! state,to-the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the insured claimant to provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such proof of loss or damage. In addition, the insured claimant may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designed by any authorized representative of the Company, aU records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the insured claimant shall grant Its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control of a third party, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All information deSignated as confidential by the insured claimant provided to the Company pUrsuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to Oil" ~lIlae\ved;J::.i6'\. Plann@r; ..:JDylZt:'50lJ Form No. 1402.92 (10/17/92) A.L T,ll, Owner's Policy . . Policy No.: 7191-701983 Page 8 of 8 . unless, in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it The provisions of this paragraph 5h211 not apply to costs, perfect this right of subrogation. The insured claimant shall essary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the attorneys' fees and expenses for which the Company is liable permit the Company to use the name of the insured claimant ...~ red claimant to submit for examination under oath, under this policy and shall only apply to that portion of any in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or produce other reasonably requested information or grant loss which exceeds in the aggregate, 10 percent of the remedies. permission to secure reasonably necessary information from Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A. If a payment on account of a claim does not cover the loss third parties as required in this paragraph, unless prohibited by (c) The Company will pay only those costs, attorneys' of the insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of fees and expenses incurred in aCCordance with Section 4 of these rights and remedies in the proportion which said the Company under this policy as to that claim. these Conditions and Stipulations. payment bears to the amount of said loss. 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; 8. APPORTIONMENT If loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, TERMINATION OF UABIlITY If the land described in Schedule (A) consists of t;vo or that act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that In case of a claim under this policy, the Company shall more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses have the following additional options: established affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, insured against by this policy which shall exceed the amount, (a) To Payor Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance. the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment by To payor tender payment of the amount of insurance the Amount of Insurance under this policy was divided pro the insured claimant of the Company's right of subrogation. under this policy together with any costs, attorneys' fees and rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel (b) The Company's Rights Against Non-Insured expenses incurred by the insured claimant, which were to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent Obligors. authorized by the Company, up to the lime of payment or to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been The Company's right of subrogation against non-insured tender of payment and which the Company is obligtlted to pay. agreed upon as to each parcel by the Company and the obligors shall exist and shall include, without limitation, the Upon the exercise by the Company of this option, all insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by rights of the insured to indemnities, guaranties, other policies liability and obligations to the insured under this policy, other an express statement or by an endorsement attached to this of insurance or bonds, notwithstanding any terms or than to make the payment required, shall terminate, including policy. conditions contained in those instruments which provide for any liability or obiigatlon to defend, prosecute, or continue any 9. LIMITATION OF l.IABILITY. subrogation rights by reason of this policy. litigation and the policy shail be surrendered to the Company (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the 14. ARBITRATION. for cancellation. alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures the lack of a Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company or (b) To Payor Otherwise Settle with Parties Other Than the right of access to or from the land, or cures the claim of the insured may demand arbitration pursuant to the title Insured or With the Insured Claimant. unmarketability of title, all as insured, in a reasonably diligent Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration (i) to payor otherwise settle with other parties for or in manner by any method, including litigation and the completion Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not the name of an insured claimant any claim insured against of any appeals therefrom it shall have full performed its limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and under this policy, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and obligations with respect to the matter and shall not be liable the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service expenses incurred by the insured claimant which were for any loss or damage caused thereby. of the Company in connection with its issuance or the breach authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and (b) In the event of any litigation, including litigation by the of a policy provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters which the Company is obligated to pay; or Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall when the Amount of Insurance is $1,000,000 or less shall be (ii) to payor otherwise settle with the insured claimant the have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a flOal arbitlClted at the option of either the Company or the insured. loss or damage provided for under this policy, together with determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is in any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title as excess of $1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to insured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to insured. by both the Company and the insured. Arbltration pursuant to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to this policy and under the Rules in effect on the date the pay. any insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the insured in demand for arbitration is made or, at the option of the Upon the exercise by the Company of either of the options settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of insured, the Rules in effect at Date of Policy shan be binding .ed for in paragraphs (b)(i) or (ii), the Company's the Company. upon the parties. The aware may include attorneys' fees only tions to the insured under this policy for the claimed loss 10. REDUcnON OF INSURANCE; REDUCTlON OR if the laws of the state in which the land is located permit a amage, other than the payments required to be made, TERMINATION OF UABIlITY. court to aware attorneys' fees to a prevailing party. Judgment shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, All payments under this policy, except payments made for upon the aware rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered prosecute or continue any litigation. costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 7. DETERMINATION, EXTENT OF UABIlITY AND of the insurance pro tanto. The law of the situs of the land shall apply to an COINSURANCE. 11. LIABIlITY NON-CUMULATIVE. arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration rules. This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual It is expressly understood that the Amount of Insurance A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by the insured under this policy shall be reduted by any amount the upon request. claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of Company may pay under any policy insuring either a mortgage 15. LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY; POUCY matters insured against by this policy and only to the extent to which exception is taken in Schedule B or to which the ENTIRE CONTRACT. herein described. insured has agreed, assumed, or taken subject, or which is (a) This policy together with all endorsements, if any, (a) The liability of the Company under this policy shall in no hereafter executed by an insured and which is a charge or lien attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and case exceed the least of: on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule contract between the insured and the Company. In (i) the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A; or A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under interpreting any provision of this policy, this policy shall be (il) the difference between the value of the insured this policy to the insured owner. construed as a whole. estate or interest as insured and the value of the insured 12. PAYMENT OF lOSS. (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on estate or interest subject to the defect, lien or encumbrance (a) No payment shall be made without producing this negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to insured against by this policy. policy for endorsement of the payment unless the policy has the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting - -(b)~ln-the-event~the-Amrn1nt-of-Insurance-stated-in'-'been'4ost-OrlfestroYed,-'fn-whicli-ctise-prii6f-or-rossor-5UChcffiirTi;Si;alllie restncredlOi:hls polley. Schedule A at the Date of Policy is less than 80 percent of the destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be value of the insured estate or interest or the full consideration Company. made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto paid for the land, whichever is less, or if subsequent to the (b) When liability and the extent of loss or damage has signed by either the President, a Vice-President, the Secretary, Date of Policy an improvement is erected on the land which been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and an ASsistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized increases the value of the insured estate or interest by at least Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 signatory of the Company. 20 pe:rcent over the Am.ount ()f Insurance state in Schedule A, days.thereafter. 16. . SEVERABILITY. then th-is po"llcy.is subfectto the following: 13. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SElTlEMENT In the event any provision of the policy is held invalid or (i) where no subsequent improvement has been made, (a) The Company's Right of Subrogation. unenforceable under applicable law, the policy shall be as to any partial loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pro Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim deemed not to include that provision and all other provisions rata in the proportion that the Amount of Insurance at Date of under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the shall remain in full force and effect. policy bears to the total value of the insured estate or interest Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The 17. NOTICES, WHERE SENT at Date of Policy; or (ii) where a subsequent improvement has Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights All notices reqUired to be given the Company and been made, as to any partial loss, the Company shall only pay and remedies which such insured claimant would have had any statement in writing required to be furnished the the loss pro rata in the proportion that 120 percent of the against any person or property in respect to such claim had Company shall include the number of this policy and Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A bears to the sum of this policy not been issued. If requested by the Company, the shall be addressed to the Company at 200 S.W. the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A and the amount insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and Market, Suite 250 Portland Oregon 97201- expended for the improvement. remedies against any person or property necessary in order to 5730 0 . th ffi 'h.ch . ed' .hl II , r 0 eo Icew I ISSU spo cy. PoUkt-oR-Qwners1992.140z.n . Date Received: I-Lf -61 Planner. --:::rD pR-fJSD6 First American Title . . t T "------.:J? ~ ?; - - t. 18 02 02 24 DRIVE: w' s: - .., O'l V> tD "" MAP ::; 0 ..... 2 02 2 V> /....<T - ~.,. i.' / ~~Ab tl I OR. I '!,37~1 .7].' 4-30,1>7' '5. eq.Z.,'07"E: 600 9./3AC. t ii '" ~'.... H V> ...,' $6'-51'':. - <<. 'l)~l.IS .:2.,(.....4..'1;:,.(<1....0.) 5.i'\t~z.,,'d., Ii. -Z"S2."....(C.......Z17&O) SE Ole 8.7' 5 ) ~?;OAC I , ~ I I ~60~'~'+ - - ~ ..; ~ LOT 4 23.50 . 'I.$7.G.7' -- I I I -- r s.e'.~.4S..~. - 2'32.3'" I I . THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER TITLE COMPANY - N o ,; ~ ;; Iu . .:1 .~ , ~. '" ~ ~ , "'" { F , .' . ,,~ , .... ~~ ~'- ~ \L 300 40.00IlC. ~ --~- - '0 n ~ ~ THIS COPY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NO LIABILITY IS ,( iT ASSUMED FOR DISCREPANCIES IN THIS MAP AS OUTLINED AND THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESC~IPJ!9.N. 1_"1 ~D MAP # 1802020000600000 Date RecelVecl'-R Planner. J .v ?I2E-SJb . . --- . \ ""'.....<" 1>9 .09. -IS' 1503 <'8,,,, 0.53 AC. ():'\ ("( j>> { S.64B4 , 01- ,...~<( g..::> ~o. 1: "'. ~ . ,C II , - - . ., /~ ~ooo 0 18AC. ~ .... .So'"Q:)'C" -::-;l"l..J;: . . ~ ~~ ~ ". . 1/<1>, ~. '7~' ~ 'k,..)... ko '" ~ SEE MAP 18 02 02 . THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF WESTERN PIONEER TITLE COMPANY THIS COPY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO ASSIST IN LOCATING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR DISCREPANCIES IN THIS MAP AS OUTLINED AND THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESCRIPTJON. \ ~~ -cn MAP # 1802022401800000 Date Recelvea: Planner.1D 'PR~~Su b . ~iiH'i HUh . . 0 Iii h ~ ..~ . II ~ a~1 . h ~ ih ~ ~ I d, !l't~ ihi " --A' " /'--.;?-- " / ':0-"'--0 _ ~1~;>.. ,/ "~ ,,':, r. >- ., f',/ ./ \ ' / . '\ " / .-X'", ~\ //' \ \ '. . "~, \. . \ , <<, '. ,,~~ < ../ "l~~ <'/Y'" <<'.... - ",: . < , . , . r" .1 I . , , , , , ., , , , , , , , , , '. , ---;.-,..; h :! H ----- ------ ---. . '\\ , \ , """ ...,>... ..' -------,,-"'-'--- - ._-----, , i . , i" !"Ii Ht! , ~5 \ 1",__ --fi-~ iLh ail; !lll-:~ "1- ~! ~ I 3 ' I ~: ~ '~h~ bIn 3, 3, ~!i I, H h 3, i~ 1'.1 ~ ~~i 'I' ;~-'~ i!ij .~.. 3, ~!i ~~ ;, " H h " :~ i I j i h ", !.' " ! Date Received: Planner: j1:> Q,-S , )i ~~~ --~~------- -===-- --~-=:=~:_-------- ----- . 3, ;! ~~ :5 ;:~ ~! - .r,,- -----"V:=::~_ - ------ ------ I .1' L! . . . . . Date Received: 1-+01 Planner: -5D r ~J~>S06 . . . Skyline Estates A Residential Community in Springfield, Oregon Stormwater Study CONTENTS . Executive summary Stream Protection Report 10-Year Recurrence Interval Pre-development 10-Year Recurrence Interval Post-development IOF Curves SCS Soil Types " . . I...-Lf-D1 Date Recelved:- Planner: . -5P-. ...,g I of ~?P~ Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street- Springfield, OR 97477 - (541) 726-9995 Skyline Estates Stormwater Study Date Recelved1~.506v\(TI7\"U Planner: . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (Area bel"", this line filkdouJ by Applicant) - (Pieasereturn to Matt Stouder @City, of Springfield Public Works Engineering; Fax # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035.) Project Name: 0~'iv'LI~ 60"f~J \A.(. Applicant: _~0{,. F.:..J&I~I,J' L-U Assessors Parcel #: \'b-t?z.-ol--z..1l"~O er.fh.- Date: I It, Per.. 01:, Land Use(s): [.,012- Phone #: 9\-1 - lz.-Ir '1 "i"ll:; Project Size (Acres): Fax #: v v '1 "Y'l{" Approx.hnperviousArea.: E.~!lil:. .' ~..Jv e~~f1~,J'COM L :;:,....... : :~.. '-": ~,ox':. :<>~,::~<:;"','~~~~,"> - ._:!V_,.fu;:J'<",::;:.,.~ .;:~:,;,.."",o;:",,~~::tI.""~"'~' ~ ~ - ~;",_~;":},,,;,',:'i;fult,,"~ ,:~:.. ;1,'":",,,"'~":'~" .: ..,- . ,:.', .~ .':fr':U'J'~,"-';',,>,:,\;'~ :'~,:;:"---,.,.;. :,,!>?-: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): ~ A1"r~ 11~ \~-n..-01--- z1 1&00 111(0) \~OO '~-Qz..-OZ-" ~WI ~l?17 Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge locatiori(s}, etc, Attach additionaJ'sheet(s} if necessary: 0ee A--I--rc,o-\e)> '. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: c;;ee 41'1 4t;~e0 -"C(A;;o:~;:;~t~7~f~;lC:JI::~~;~i~O~~~~~~l;~~~;;'~~;Jj}1f*~~I~b,~Yfff.' ..- _ _ _ ~.1!,r~!,(appl!E9iJ.g!''iO:be2q{;iiijJl~teforS1Jbn!it(fJ.I;''fiI1Ijlf.VglJJ!.(hlrJl'Aq1JJre1r!~TJtSm'!>!W!';iJS/:e.fsf!ry.L. DraIilal!eStiidv Tvpe (EIiSPMSectioii-,.:03:2);;(NotCi'UHccmav-besubstitllted'for~R~!!onal'l\fetbod)- o Small Site Study - (useRationalMethodforcalcuIations) o Mid-Level Development Study~ (use UnitHydrograph Methodfor calculations) ~_ Full Drainage Development Study - (use VIiit Hydrograph MeiliOMor calclilations) Environmental Considerations: Of!iJJsid~p~y~lqpnH,rl'Ye<7 []FloodwaylFloodpimn: - ""0 Ej-Other-Junsdictions:-:!4.b---- o Wellhead Zone: i-J!?r, .. ,- , . '. 0 Wetland!Riparian: 1..J-re~;"I-r~ ~ D Soil Type I'Li(L.o~ - y)IXO.J"'Ul;te - - - Downstream Analvsis: )1 (N/A PUO€\f(;L,ofl\eu'f'" ft ,> t'C0'fl)6I.hofr-1E::N'I If /1 _ Flow line for starting water surf,ace elevation: o Design-HGL to use for starting-water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: . Return to Matt Stouder (a) City of-Sprinl!field, email: mstouder\aJci.sprinl!field.or:us, FAX: (541) 736-1021 Date Received: Planner. 1---4-01 c:J}2 . COMPLETE STUD~TEMS -I FocOff\CirJUseOnly * Based upon the information provided on the front of this sheet, the following represents a minimum of what is neededfor an application to be complete fiJr submittalwilh respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the Ctry '.'I Engineering De:';ign Manual. Compliance with these requiremenLs does nol constitUfe site approval; Additional site .'pecific information may be required. Note: Upon scoping sheet suhmittal, ensure completed form has been signed in the space provided be/ow: Interim Design StandardsIW ater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) ~'d N/A ):SJ 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious sutfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-<:hambered catchbasin wloil filtrntion media) forstonnwaterquality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impelVious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. o l'VrWhere required, vegetative stonnwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), r set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). o ;sa' For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treattnem o ~ If a stonnwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity. flow. side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. o 8 Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM o All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. (;(,!IeratStul!y Requirelnents (EDSPM'~estion 4.03) I 0 Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. o A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. . , 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year stonn event and overflow effects of a 25-year stonn event. . 0 The time of concentration ere) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) . 0 ~ A downstream drainage analy~is as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). o ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems wbere applicable. llesi of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) o Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. . , 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe structure. y O~:e:;~;~~;:;:~i:~i~~:=~) ~:~;~:~ ~~~-~~~e~:~~n ~b~or; ~:e~e~hall be designectro- Other/Misc '0' r:o f!-- > IP~ . ._._~ 0 =ng and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations, and site grades showing how site o 'pwPrivate stormwater eilsements'~hall be clearly depicted on plans.when private.stonnwater flows from one property to another ' . .- o ~DrY;"ells shall not receive ~&fffrom any surface wlobeing tre~tedby~~eor more BMPs, with the exception of _ _ _ .-residential.buiIding.roofs{EDSRSection3.03.4.A).-Additional.provisionsapply_to,thisasrequiredby_the DEQ_ .Refer _ to the website: www.deQ.state.or,nslwQ/groundwaluichome.hcmfor moteIDformatiOlt. psi 0 Detention ponds shall.be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events *Thisform shtilllHi mclUded as an attachment, inSide ihiiJiont Cover; of the iiorinwater study ~,;..._. ,~}:.,,_.,., . .- - i{iMroRii#l'~ENGtNEER;~iEAsiHmfii)iBEiowwm}si.GNi;:' '- --.: . -," ~~~)\;;;'-~,=""!'.'-'''''',",,,-,-''''/;::-';' - - ..".... ~~-':'''',,',.. .:=,' -..,;:.,'::-_:;f.~'i'- ,-,-,,,,,.'* ;, ".''''':.~ ..:u;o,~-,.~,:r~" "_" ~ -,- ~...-- . As the engineer of reeo study and plan set. Signature: Date: It? DeL <h by certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stonnwater Date Received: l-4-67 Planner. Jl) ___ . . . STORMW A TER REPORT EXE'CUTlVE SUMMARY Skyline Estates is a proposed residential community to be located on the upper reaches of South 71" Street in Springfield, Oregon. The site has not been previously developed, although access was made, and extensive logging operations conducted, approximately 45 years ago. Springfield Utility Board previously installed (and subsequently decommissioned and removed) a small water reservoir on the lower portions of the development area. Two small short intermittent stream reaches extend into the site. The western channel extends approximately 150 ft up into the site, where it dissipates in steeper terrain. The northerly channel extends up a sharp ravine to a bench approximately 550 ft up hill. Except in heavy or prolonged rainfall events, neither of these channels conducts much water. The hillsides vary in steepness from relatively flat benches to slopes approaching 45%. Timber coverage is dense over most of the area, with several open areas, especially whre depth to bedrock is shallow Stormwater flows were modeled using SBUH methodology with a 25-year event. City staff has indicated that downstream stormwater capacity is restricted north of Main Street, and the Skyline Estates project would need to moderate the post-construction stormwater discharge rates to be equal to (or less than) the pre-construction rates. The site was first evaluated for pre-construct conditions, with calculated times of concentration to determine peak flows and rainfall intensity. Calculations were checked using the Rational Method, . which is generally appropriate given the general uniformity of the site, the basin sizes, and hydrology. The areas to be developed were divided into Phase I and Phase 2 components, and separately modeled. Phase 2 contributes waterto Phase 1. To attenuate flows, a detention basin is proposed fora relative flat area that is to be confined by new road construction. This basin will discharge to the upper end of the north channel Pre-construct flows are determined to be 7.63 CFS Post-construction flows are calculated to be 7.66 CFS Phase I contributes some water back to the north channel, as well as providing most of the flows to the west channel. To attenuate flows, in-ground stormwater oetention tacilitlesare proposed1Oi'1liispliase ofthe work. Pre-construct flows are determined to be 5.97 CFS P;;it-crn;strU~tion flows arecalculateci'iobe S::rSCFS-'--- Since both channels join north of the site, well before flowing to Main Street, the slight excess flow of the north channd can-be offset by the reduced flow of the weSt channel. . Stormwater quality issues'can-be'addressed-by Best-managementpracticesfor residential-neighborhoods, . Skyline Estates Tentative Plan Keating Engineering LLC Date Reqelved: 1- Lj -b1 Planner. .JD . . . . . and by providing detention/sedimentation on-site. Particular care must be paid to erosion control during construction, so as not to negatively impact the detention systems. Impervious surfaces are to be minimized, with large areas of conservation easements to maintain the general hydrology of the existing site. lnfiltration deveices will not be used, owing to the clay soils and the steepness of much of the site. Generally water quality is addressed by the following: 1. Enactment of Best Management Practices (BMP's). This identifies events which can contribute stormwater contamination, and prescribes practices which minimize their impact. It is of course much more preferable to prevent contamination than to treat it. 2. Rerouting of upland water sources. The site is heavily forested, and woodland comprises the largest contribution to stormwater for the site. It is sensible to drain impervious surfaces directly to the stormwater system to avoid inclusion of colloidal clays and residential contaminants, such as fertilizers and pesticides.. . 3. Maintenance of stormwater conveyances. This will allow proper capacity and prevent infi ltration and allow the limited use ofbioremediation in the cascading stream flows. . 4. Installation of stormwater pretreatment facilities. The potential exists to install storm water filters in catchbasins, area vaults, or to construct biofiltration systems which will use natural processes to pre-treat. HYDRAULICS This stormwater hydrology study will analyze the current peak run-off from the site and compare that to the anticipated run-off from the developed subdivision. The increase in peak run-off rate will be detained on-site in piping and a pond. The outlets will-onlyallowwater to exit the site in a manner consistent with the present run-off conditions. The site is considered to be a small area, and the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method is used, with Hydrocad software, due to its-accuracy and'easeof-usewith-computerized-models~- - - -"-'-'.0'-'-- .. HydroCAD is a Computer Aided Design system for modeling the hydrology and hydraulics of stormwater runoff. It is based 'largely on the hydrology techniquesdeveloped.by the Soil Gonsef.Vation-Ser:\lic~(SGS!NRCS),-combin<:d-with-other_hydrology-and-hydraulics.calculations. For a given rainfall event, these:techniques are used.to:generate hydrographs.throughout a 'Vjltenl1ed. Typic(llly, t:Q.\.s all()'Y~fu~~~giJJ~en(J v~Iify II11\t agiy~nQf~L~g~;~y.s.tertl is a~equate for the area under consideration, or to predict where flooding or ero'si;)n is Hkely to occur. The Santa Barbara Urban HYdrogrnphIJiethod(SBUH)wasdeVeloped:by:th"t:"Sltiita Barbara County (California) Flood Control and Water Conservation District TheSBUH method'has many similarities to theSCS Unit Hydrograph.procediJre. Both tecliriiques employ tlie same SCS curve Iiiliiibers; runoff eqilatioi1 Skyline Estates Tentative Plan Keating Engineering LLe Date Received:.JA--01 Planner: 5D . . . . , and rainfall distributions. However, the SBUH method does not utilize a unit hydrograph or the convolution process. (Note that the "UH" stands for Urban Hydrograph, not Unit Hydrograph.) The basic SBUH runoff procedure is as follows: I. Compute the instantaneous hydrograph: The storm is divided into equal time increments (dt). At each increment, the SCS Runoff Equation is used to determine the precipitation excess. The difference between the successive values represents the instantaneous runoff at that point in time. 2. Compute the runoff hydro graph: The runoffhydrograph is obtained by routing the instantaneous hydrograph through an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the time of concentration. The following equation is used to estimate the routed flow at each point in time: Q2 = Q1 + w [ll + 12 - 2 Q1 ] where w = dtJ(2 Tc + dt) Q I, Q2 = Runoff at beginning and end of interval dt [CFS] I I, 12 = Instantaneous runoff at beginning and end of interval dt [CFS] dt = Calculation time increment [minutes] Tc = Time of concentration [minutes] w = Routing Coefficient hydrograph represents the flow of water past a certain point over a.givenperiod of time. For calculation purposes, each hydro graph consists of flow values (ordinates) that occur at a given Jime. increment throughout a certain .time SpaJ1.. -~ach-llY<.lr{)graph-hasa peak-flow-and a total volume. SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND CURVE NUMBERS . Soils are classified into hydrologic soil groups to -indicatethe-mihirtiuin tate of infiltration obtained for bare soil after prolonged wetting. The HSG's,vihichare A,EI, C, and-b, ar~one element used in-deterrrlinirig rurloff curvenUlnber. - '- The infiltration rate is the rate at which water enters the-soil at-the soil-surface. It is controlled-by surface conditions_ HSG also indicates the transmission rate "the rate at which the water moves -through-thesoiI. This rate is controlled by the soilproflIe: The-soil group usedJor tliis study is Group Dforpre-development in.thepasture land, and-Group C inthe-Iandscaped areas, which are much mope likely to contain amended-soils and pervious-landscape surfaces: HSG-D-has Skyline Estates Tentative Plan Keating Engineering LLC Date Received:J.::t-D1 Planner: ()t> . . . . . very low infiltration rates wheI1 thoroughly wetted, and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very low rate of water transmission (0-0,05 in/hr). HSG C soils have low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, and consist.chietly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, and soils with moderately fine to fine texture. These soils have a low rate of water transmission (0.05-0.15 in/hr). STUDIES The attached studies include the following: I. Pre-development analysis. This is based on pre-build conditions and calculates the maximum flow rates for the present site, and the maximum flow rate which can be discharged from the site after completion of construction activities. 2. Post-development/Goy; drainage basin. This moaersi..he desIgn event, a.'1d should function without impinging on roadways, or result in long-term standing water Maps of the basins are included in the pre-development and post-development sections Soils mapping and IDF curves are included at the back of the report CONCLUSIONS The-pre-development-analysis-indicates-acdrainage cbasin-of28c64,acreswith-l-3 :60-GFS - discharge to the culverts under S 71" St on the.norht and west boundaries of the site The post"development analysis,indicatesa drainage basin of27:40,acres.wi'th13.11 CFS dis_charge...8..sJighLvariation.iscthe.resulLofneglecting_a.small_drainag~lJa-that-dees.not-affeGt the site discharges. - Based on this study, the stormwater system as designed has the capacity to fulfill requirements set'forth'in.the'Gity'ofSpringfield-ehgineering~stan'dards: - . - - -- - -- Skyline Estates Tentative Plan Keating Engineering LLC Date Rec:elved: I At ,01 Planner: SD . . . Stream Protection Report SKYLINE ESTATES LLC Prepared by Keating Engineering using data takenfrom previous similar reports, consultation with the team Land~cape Architect, Soils Engineer and his agronomist, and texts referenced in the bibliography For the purpose of this report, the riparian ecosystem is defined as the landscape adjacent to drainage ways that exhibit vegetation, soil, and hydrologic capacities along topographic and moisture gradients that are distinct from the predominant land~cape surface types. Major plant communities to be initiated are described in the arborist's report, which is part of this submittal. Riparian management typically focuses on managing or restoring a stable zone of riparian vegetation adjacent to the aquatic system for the enhancement of water quality and wildlife habitat. Evaluation, design, and implementation of management strategies in riparian areas rely on many considerations, such as successional stage of existing vegetation, geographic location, soils, water regime, topography, and fauna. The normal functionalities of wests ide riparian-wetlands zones consistent with this intermittent stream are defined below. This report is also intended to provide the reviewer and subsequent owners/users of Skyline Estates with basic supporting information to encourage thoughtful management of the riparian resource, and to identify the functionality we want to support. Presently, the open, un shaded ditch is contributing thermal pollution to the nearby salmonid streams, and it does not appear to support significant plant, reptilian, amphibian, avian, or mammalian species. . This habitat is characterized by upland hydrology and soils and intermittent flowing freshwater. Currently ,the subsurface soils are moderately expansive clays and do not contribute significant amounts of water to the stream flows. The watercours~flowsonly"whhen storm"events"reslutin surface flows from the site. Gleyed or mottled mineral soils, organic soils, or alluvial soils are not evident in this zone. Floodingregimes are notpossible due to the steep gradient of the channel. This type of habitat typically occupies patches or linear_strips.withina .matrix "()ff'0f,estor-regrowingJorest.-Tht.)~Ji)9stjt~qll"el!t"ll1ll.tri~habiJat-is.Westside.. Lowlands Conifer. Hardwood Forest. If not forest, the matrix can)JeAgriculture, Urban, and/or Westside Grasslands. This habitat also forms mosaics with or includes sll!all p,atches of Herbaceous WetIands. ---- .. --Sincenparian conaifiOilis otte,!: !!proauct of thebioge'?Cj1emi9'll,;P!S'ge~ses occurring among a,qllatic, npari.an?and terrestrialcomm~ni?~~,Jll~llgement applied toc~y.o.n..t'..cif!hes~"eEosystems may sllbse.qut.)!itJy .atTectthe other ecosystems. This.isrspecially truewhen.management,occurS.in.upland'areas -because.results of the action (positive or negative)~iJl uIt!mately be realized at lQ';;~~~ei~yat;onsites. Since uplMd areas of lliis.site are largely-resiaential,and.~the riparianand aquatic ec()systemsareinterdependent, management practices shouli:lbe viewed in"liglitoftheimpacts they will haveonthe entire landscape of the complex, and the suburban areas to the east, :For tpis relison, we deterl)lined that we should distribute riparian fuiicti6nlilities throughout the site, takmgadvantage of policies w!iich ii/low"the slight reduction inseiback from the ditch if this is done, . . Skyline Estates LLC Riparian Area Protection Report Keating Engineering LLC Data Received:.J.:.i.QL Planner. \J1) . . . Goals for Riparian Area Development The following is an outline of riparian functions, and a review of techniques used for planning, implementing, monitoring, and measuring project success of creation/restoration efforts. Maintaining Temperature The present watercourse is deeply shaded and protected on the norht slope of the hillside. Since stream flows do no occur except during relatively intense rainfall event, summer temperature control is not seen to be critical, as sunny warm weather obviates heavy rainfall amounts. Thermal control is to be protected using shade, in the form of existing natural landscape material, or planted as saplings on the streamside, to allow for rapid and effective establishment. Since there are not needs for on-going maintenence, we are not proposing to plant at this time. Maintaining Channel Stability We are not altering the sides ofthe,channel, and the stream course has been functional without any reported maintenance in the past Providiug Flood Storage . No flood storage is planned. . Providing Groundwater Recharge The lociH soil profiles c6risisfof relatively iriiperviousclayss, atfd'water'Ojes not: percolate downward as much as flowing laterally in the stream. Removing Sedimeuts: The turbulent flowsexpected.inthtschannel section are not con<!!i~ivetos~djIi?~ntdep9sistion Reducing Contaminants Contaminant reduction is achieved by oxidation and eventual bioremediati<l.n. Habitat Formation . Skyline Estates LLC Riparian Area Protection Report Keating Engineering LLC Date Received: Planner: 1-4-.-01 Qt) . . . Composition. Bigleafmaple (Acer macrophyl/um) is the most widespread tree species in the north drainageway. Conifers that frequently dominate or co-dominate include western red cedar (Thuja plicata), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophyl/a), and Grand fir (Abies grandis). . Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is relatively common. Shrubs that commonly dominate underneath a tree layer include salmonberry, salai, vine maple, and cascara. Natural Disturbance Regime. The primary natural disturbance is intermittent stream flow during high-intensity storm events. Flows can vary, but will not exceed 5 or 6 CFS in the most intense period, and we will not experience the creation new surfaces for primary succession, erosion of existing streambank communities, or the deposition of sediment and nutrients on existing communities. Most plant communities are more or less adapted to a particular regime and by using native materials, the most adaptable types will predominate over time. Debris flows will not be an important contributor. . Succession and Stand Dynamics. Riparian habitats are extremely dynamic. Succession varies greatly depending on the hydro-geomorphic environment.. Successional sequences are not completely understood and can be complex, and often result in vegetation changes. . Effects of Management and Anthropogenic Impacts. Intense disturbance in mixed riparian or forests often results in establishment of red alder, and its ensuing long-term dominance. Increases in nutrients and pollutants are other common anthropogenic impacts.. Many other exotic species also occur. Outline of Proposed Riparian A~ea Establishm~lit The following items are needed to support riparian functions: . Infiltration of stormwa1er on.si~e.to.sustain.the,plantcommunitieswhich provides shadetothestream banks . location of stormwaterpretreatment upstream of the channel. . .' provide connectivity with the ditch and other wildlife mitigation areas throughout the site Bibliograpby: _O~Neil,~Thomas.A.,;David:H.~Johnson,cCbarleY.cBarrett;;Marla:Trevithic:I4:Kelly.A~;Bettinger ,.Ehr.is:Kiilsgaard,:Madeleine.. __ _ __ Vander'Heyden',Ev8'L. G-red~,Derek Stinson,"BruceG Ma~~t,:'PatrickJ.~Doran;Susan Tank, andl~aurie,_WuDder. Matrixes for Wlldllfe-Hl1:bitiit Reliitioir~hipin 'Oregon andWashiir"gi'oil. Nciribw.siHabitatInStItiite. foof. In D; II. Join;..;n and T. A. O'Neil (Manag. Dirs.) Wildi;je-Habitat Relationships in Oregon ~nd'WashiniJton. Oregon State Univer.ity:P~ess,Corvalli., Oregon,.USA.2ool. . Skyline Estates LLC Riparian Area Protection Report Keating Engineering LLC Date Received: Planner: I '4~Dl 0"D . . . . . .\&: ~ "Pre-;;d~f1e1qkfT1enFAn(lIY$i$---- 25-yr recurrence interval Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Springfield, OR 97477 - (541) 726-9995 Skyline Estates Stormwaler Study OatGl Rec;eivecl: Planner. I~t.\-~Dl JD_ . . . t,A-r1 0'--'41.-- : '71:;\14 ? ,V\ cf'<; ;.'tl cFS . I/..MWuat.- : <;'",01-\ 4.;4- cftj 4.;+ c-fs 0" '.. ':' "., ~J.I,'.liI'I',... . 1_ILtll Date Recelved:~ Planner.' ::fD .;~. .r~~i~f~~~'~'f-~r.~r ~:."~ 'f:-]. :' -"-.' It, t",' .. 1-" - , --'0 --.,.:.. '-T--~. -r' _...l_ ~..;.-~- T' ~ - i . ' '+-' : j i ii' 1 ' , ,'- T ~ri-I--T+ rr -, ',',.. I I' ' -'-r-:-' " 1'-1 ~ ' .. n.j~~+ .. ..-- - , " , ~ROJ~CT , ~~~l:IN~ ESTA1ES ADDRESS'! $)1'SJ -STREE-j: - SPRlt,rG~F(ELD--'OR.'--j .. SCOPE;' ~'stdRMWATER<ANAL YSIS 1 i Ii: j! ii, ~ J.. f' ~ -:..: : ! . ~ .. . !DESIGNER 1. STEVE KEATING .. . ~ ) .,. SHEET DATE ! Iii I~ _.;-;~..~" I ,..;:.~~.k""--==--: H3DEC06 ' ;. :. '-~---..,.. -",--<--..,.:-' " ' " . - +, ,". 1- '!"'.:-. '-: T'; j I Kirpich's equation ~2, 5 __ 1ft) = 1'000 t , '\: ooDGe~ ~ I~ :~ ~~4ttmr .- ,. ... ~I--l 1 , 1..1 , .""-'..-''''.- '=C=l_ '-t L;:: 1 : '. ,; ! ' ~ ! '. ,_ I ' I';" 'J.; 1-~Tlht-+:-t-:~ ! ' ;. ~ I , , , "'.- ......\ , I PROJ,ECT ADDRESS SCO~E I t-t- ! ~;I _ ' '( j ;" l , i' I r <.. ; [ t . -:- 1 j-"'f -1 f'-~T-t. --;... , '1"" , I . , , 'I '. -'-1" ',1 j : -+~l'-I-- + ,.' 1-1. t ~.,' I '-t ,-' I'." I' I" . ./ -'-; .'n.,._ -,.- i-'->-'~",-,,;-- ...,......+.....-t--'. r-i-l~-i-+-"- I 1 . ~ I ' ,I " 'I , i j ii' I ~ ! ,._, "i ...i. _,. -- -- .~~; msn.com "ejIJ0. SKYLlNE:ESWE.. , ! , , I I L J r' t , , , fl,.t S i1ST STREET - SPRINGFIELD' OR SHEET i(:1 STORMWA TER ANA~YSIS: - ~.' , I , : 16DECiii;' DATE, , , I: ' , l , l , ; , ! , , , L i. ;-( ,:}] i i r , , . . , t-h,\" i ,. i- ;""~ ~-_... i , , :1 STEVE'KEATING , I ..... .. ---.-- '" - ..'. .. " 'n' - - ,._~ , : !-~ -'- . -------- -- --~_.- -------_. --. ---_.._~ --- -.._---- ~..._~ . - -~--.-'-"--~ KEA:t"INGiENGIN <.~- -,-, -~- iNGiLLC i 8SWEin[ssiREET ' suriEI'p' SPRINGFIEW OREGON 974'77 PHONES41;726i999S; FAXs41-726'9996 i l' .,-:- ", -j" ! -: ~ ..- emall:~<--: ~ ,- keatm ~}Jh7:-'::'II:e;f:l0\ ;. . 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", j""c..,....,,)!'5 [1'1-.1) . ml~.rr -mu,L ,. r' " , :! i'th,i.t.i ~i ;-t I' I"': L,.:;'IT~,-,.i ('It ~ I L :U-rTI TI, i-t":-tt~ri" C1"~ I" . r Klnematlc equatlon ,I , I I I I ! 1 I j' ! r I I IT Lj , t J l- I t l t Tlme of concentratlon (minutes) = 1. 7 ~ 'ffi'- ~T i1:J=f- -+ tt l_':~(: "I -1 I ! I _ [Fr!+r-r ~ - . [~-J.--~ t~ ,- , ,- 1 d fl d t 1ft) ZOO 'l~ c-t LGI 1 I "I' I.J I 1 -l t 1 , , ~..;.. ~:~~l~~S oV~;la~~ ~~~~hness: ,01 I 1':1' ','i~ $*-I'~'t~', 1'r=~oR;J~1~++n+'--lr'::t+p-+~ 't ~'^ ::~~~:~~/:i~~="~y ,I~n/hr) 2'zm ,:{1}TTn,rrf~j~q' ~;rl~3~3-r t f~-;r~Xirfl~ 141~~-1fH-m' ~ f TI1,lff.~jtfj. ,~, - ~ t.-'r+(j;.J\A+~_ ...~. 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I ~>'1;;//// / / , I (~/ / '~-- " ___,,- J%"overland flow dlstance (ftl, ~ ~ ~ 8 r. ,-,- I t 1 r ,/,;';' ~,\/ _\- ......,........._"-,,. ... ------___--__1 Retardance Roughness Coefflclen . 1_1_ - [ ,....... / ;" ~- r' r- "'.-.../' ... --- ...."'1 4 --t T ~- .L i ' t \ I /...,1 ~..., J J I J 'Y...). /" /' _ ------- .......-'; Watershed slope:: . I I 1 ."... ,..J- _ \ I J I , I " ,/' .... -______- ... . _ ! + +J , I \ \ """" \ " \ J , I I I "'''.Il ,,/ ...----__........... 'I ~I - , l - - ,. \ \ I , 1 , I I / ;' /.... ..., I )'1 ' . -1.. lJ \ \ \ I I I I I I / "/",, ;';' ,.....----r<.... <,....- _ ' ' . , 1 ! l I, \ \ q oV: I I / I I I I /A' /~/.:' /....' r..-<f:r.=f'( ../.,.-(....- If .. I ' f ' \I I I I I I I I ............ ..."" I _ ~), I , I ,- \' I I , I I , I I ;4::-.""-::-f-....---........ -...., .- -rl tf1- I_t~ ,I I I I I I , III I r ~.~ ,-.... 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['if-c.'I' ':, if;l. :i;tj ".~ '''ft I l' i r r.:il' IT" - + "I I , t " J " 'r 1++'1'< =1' : ; - ~ ;.: 1 " ~ ' : " '" , ,.! j 'T '-;-~ , ! . , : tttttt:-tf-l ,1--il+~ rTT r -, ill ,--,-, 1 -,-t- J-~ ,-M-~-.+l ~-r--':., I ': I l-- '~~l I I.... I J, r_1-il-r-tT;.---r.1 .. , I I ~.....l, ' ,I ~-t- t +-1 ~..., oT' :.-r.-r+-!'-..--r-t-rr....'- ~i--oio''''1-1-1 I I I I. I j.-rj- _ -1-. 'o+- -.. ~ - r I 1_ . I, 1 i-I ~ 'I-I. ! t l- J. f li_ L.~ (). .t-+-4-- 1 1-. ~ i. . I '. l ILl h l., ,. I I It:, ~ , . . .. -;-tT-~-~-'. ~_h._... ~__~ ~~:~+L..~~1~ill"Cfil- ~ , , : , " , " h. SHEET DATE r : 16DEC06 . , , I , , 1 , . -...~ -.--..,.-- , .-., rT" , , I! t L~ ADDRESS SKYUNEfESTAT S'71ST'STREET: SPR'NG~IELb: OR STORMWA TER ANALYSIS e' SC9P'E , ' , " '.--,.-;-"" ,.. .' : I I L I =-- '1' ; I il:'t-ru:-+t' ; J ,IL.: ! :fj .14 i'.r. >1 : , r -: ~ -,', T-f _ ..1' , :- 1'-:1 r --.! -:-l-'n--;TITfTTr'~ .~ ~'"- . 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'm-=i-l~ , L II I' Watershed slope = .36 , 1"1-j-j1J'1 .\ J I I J , I I t:: 1 ,<.....ll 1// / /' / I I t-t-- rtl ['11 !.JJ-~~_ ~J-r -Lt::-tltl:..;!dJ...! "'''I'"I~I;/~''''''/~'::.''''.I;~/ . '-, /',<,'.'/ ~t I .t I III " .. ~. -"--"'_jl'I"'.T' Il~j-:.-,."""I ...=-r-":t.,,~~~v.""" " t t[1 , . " "f ,-++ r n f!m=--'--~ -. ...~~'h-, -'....-j-I-- .'''''H-K. ::i::t.+->-+-+-+-.L!-rr' ..-. ../ 1,111 ,'/' , I ,- -...~ ..Li--;tt ++!'~li:~ I I '_L-i_L-LJ.J_.t I, i !~Lb~~+I=;~=-HlcErr-:i~i1L.:;;,j~+-~t--;~t-:~' ~~~'-'~/lii'il"- I, I} : ~~~-J=tn~ ttii'[l-~1f..J1ffiJ,ti-H,,:ti\I;.i..lrl1flu' " "I I,.'", I, 1111_L'.!J.Ll...L..J 11Ldf//'_,,\~\,,'l: m:~c.:t f r ' 1 . J I , L) I ~PfI+ ., .,~I.++j V., c~_ ""1-1-' .' i '.' I' , 'd::G-, I - ~ +--.L...__-l----.l_._....._~___r____r_:_ ' , I 1_ LLJ. L j.~ . 1_ ~:.=.,... .~ l ! ir ,_.J.... _~ _'_ 1_ r ':--~.i--I!'.1 i )I~~! .1 J j' .J1. r'-'I' 1_ J.---I- l....1-] . Kerby '.5 ,equation : l I~; if.,. ... _ . 1 '.1 '; -,-' ,. I ! 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" 1. ., ' 1 ' I 1 r- (- LL,-tt- 11-1- -r, r-,l-l -t r~-r-l~--'-I-~Il-~I ,-r-rr-, r-r-~ h d 10 e:= ,35 r-TTfi-l '-j-j-l-- l-j-T}i-I-' ,--t-!--t-dT~irr-+T+"-~l-I-r-+;-I_~, j'Tt-I-'-I-I--4'.r+l-1~j~aters e s P l' H-+-ttrrtj-'--it-i1 ! r.r ~T it,",', 'I' ,-I '1'1'-1'.1 'I' fl' i hTf"'l T '-'IT: '-rr'T t i IT~, , "1' t' I'Y"ITI-~'''''lTTT;:j:-I:;: r ':I"~r' '~l' JT-r , I I I I I I I ffit' r I 1 1 I' I I I , 1 f I [ Ii, 1 "! , lIT, 11 I I I l' I, ,J. 11,1' I " 1 t I 1 ,1' J ~U 1! ! f.l T f - 1 1 r r 1 l 1- 1 ! r 1 J I T j' 1 j I ~ r 1 ! I . 1 1 r ~ T-1TT 1 ili- T T If 1 I ~ T -I '; T ~ 1 ] f 1 ' I t'J 1--1 F'q~qF~n- +' .JH~f--1 q~,::,I~I.p::T=! fr::rr -tTIL~Ilr; ~q n~L(::q:bliu-R-:.J..;;'liitd: -W r, ~;Or"+j:"t~! J:-n t-Il."-1 l!I-I'~~I-i-tl--1 -ttril+I+-IH~~-rt.+I-I-'llf~1 f-t-Il+f-~++-t- -~'r-Tf'~,-- -, t-t~,t-J 1-H' '_~.i,JITL; +~ "t 1+, +--: 1 t "~ttJ _1Jtq::!:..i:t!.L1.LftH~ I t 't;,.L~t:H+te~8-Hh-+ ~lr~r)liti iJ.I,ll t ~ , ~ 11 l_ll... L.Lf-. t- --'- I ~ l f 1% '"I ~ )[ '--11__lf-~-~ -~,+-\ l~ 1.:' J I;!+~H +-+':--1-11 j"-l. .!.-'--ITi+ ~---,-' I III I . t L [, r" .n i, ,'I If' , , II I r '-I' "L 1 I I 'I, I , I' " ' i ' ,I r I I I !' 1-1 I Ti' t" Ii' ",tt f I ,-" T]' .. ;- T[f "'--'j'--:' "t' ,--I "-"", " ,~, --.-r'T,,',-lj" I", 'T-IT 1~" -, 1 ',I,' , , , IT! "I, ii, ,--1-(' -ii i' I I - I , " I' , ' " It' H " ,t:' t lit r.I,-'-"I--, " ,I'" I " 1_, ," I "I ' , , ' ! '''''I' ", i" ,I.. 1'1" 1.,1" I ",""1 ttl"I' I "1111" " I, T' 1! I ! " 11. 1 -: J ~ " j U' I I I 1-1 f r T . I I ~ ft. I : ! IT - I' .-U --r I+Tr" ill T I I '~ I , , I -:-'~t~--+-tl-t1i~T-tt i .1...L~ltttt-l-t+ i!~'t il1Ti. LLi.j~Tt-;-t.~ j I ~~-i1~ .~t=l~~~-~ i~-+tttTt1 i ~ j } ~ trti ri-Ilt-:-t , ' email: I'" ' keatin e'n '! ! , I , ,. " , cl' SHEET , ! DATE 16DEC06 i , ,'." , , , ' , .. - , : : ; t ~ i ; -c'---;--f-, _i I', I 'J. I l.!.'r. -~- - ~_.- ----- -- , , , : KEATING.ENGI I....GLLlc" 1aS'WEST B STREET u; i .'SUITE'P! SPR'NGFiELD .. ,::OREGON'974;'7 . PH0NE5~ 1',126'9995 'FAxis41'726'9996' --.-.-.,--,--- ~------==-----'= ~~~-~ ~ ~ _'-'0 , , '-- . , , msn.com. , , . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 12/1712006 Area Listing (all nodes) Area (acres) eN Description (sub cats) 28.640 70 Woods, Good, H8G C (18,28,38,48,58,68,78) 28.640 . . Date ReceiVed:~ Planner:. --n-.. "'---!y-.--..........- -_... ~ . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 3 12/1712006 Time span=5.00-24.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 381 points Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: S81 Runoff Area=6.540 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=1 ,340' Slope=0.3500 '( Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=4.34 cts 1.308 at Subcatchment 2S: S82 Runoff Area=5.240 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=700' Slope=0.3500 '( Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=3A8 cfs 1.048 al Subcatchment 3S: S83 Runoff Area=4.630 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=1,400' Slope=0.3500 '/' Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=3.07 cts 0.926 at Subcatchment 4S: S85 Runoff Area=4.620 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=800' Slope=0.3300 '/' Tc=10.0 min CN=701O Runoff=306 cts 0.924 at Subcatchment 5S: SS6 Runoff Area=4AOO ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=1 ,050' Slope=0.3200 '/' Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=2.92 cIs 0.880 al Subcatchment 6S: S87 Runoff Area=2.610 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=670' Slope=0.3500 '/' Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=1,73 cIs 0.522 at Subcatchment 7S: S84 Runoff Area=0.600 ac Runoff Depth>2AO" Flow Length=190' Slope=0.3500 '( Tc=10.0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=OAO cts 0.120 at Reach 8R: INTERMITTENT STREAM Avg. Depth=0.23' Max Vel=5.99 tps. Inflow=3.07 cts 0.926 at n=0.050 L=400.0' S=O.3625 '/' Capacity=340.78 CIs OiJtflow=305 cts 0.924 at Reach 11 R: DITCH Avg. Depth=0.Q3' M'lx Yel=4.34 tps Inflow=OAO cIs 0.120 at n=0.012 L=150.0' S=0;1667 '( Capacity=154.28cts Outflow=OAO cIs 0.120 at Reach 12R: DITCH Avg. Depth=0:09' Max Vel=8.33tps .lnflow=3.06 cIs 0.924 at n=0.012 L=145.0' S=,0.2069 '/'Capacity=t71.87 cts OutfloW=3.06cts 0.924 at PeaKl:l.ev=8.24~85'~lntlow=3137cfs-1~1'6'8.at- 12;0".x.50;OCCuivert '0utflow=3.87 cIs 1.168 at .PoncC1 Of>::CutVERTIHEADW.A:tL: Pond 14P: CULVERT/HEADWALL Peak Elev=826.71' Inflow=5.97 cfs 1.804 at 12:0"'i(iro:ii:9i1fvert-:6jJtflow=5:97cts-1~80'lat. Link 15L: DISCHARG,E TO ADJACENT Inflow=1.73 cts 0.522 at Primary=1.73'cfs 0.522 at Link 17L: DiSCHARGE TO ADJACENT I nflow=.4. 3<1 cts 1.308 at Primary=4.34 cts 1.308 at Total Runoff Area = 28.640 ac Runoff Volume = 5.730 af Average Runoff Depth = ?.40" 100;00% Pervious Area = 28.640 ae 0.00% Impervious Area = 0.000 ae Date Recelved:J,Lf.v7 Planner: 3.0 . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HvdroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 4 12/17/2006 5ubcatchment 15: 5B1 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA Runoff 4.34 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 1.308 af, Depth> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv., Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 6.540 6.540 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area T c Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) . (feet). .(ftIft). (ftIsec). .(efs) 9.1 1,340 0.3500 2.47 Lag/eN Method, HILLSIDE 9.1 1,340 Total, Increased,to minimum Tc = 10.0 min 5ubcatchment 2S: 5B2 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED. SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA - DISCHARGE COMPUTED TO REACH AT HEAD OF DRAINAGE IN SB3 Runoff 3.48 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 1.048 af, Depth> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, SplitPerviousllmperv., Time Span= 5:0Cf.24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 5.240 5.240 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area: . Tc[engtn-Slope \7elocitrCapaciij .Descnptlon (min) . (feet) ,(ftltt) (ftIsec) (Cfs) '5;4.'-- 'YOb-:::()i'3500 '--:2J'( . '-~'LaQTCNiMeth()d;;HiIlSf[)E 5.4 70.0 toJ~I, Inc:reas.~ to minimum tc = 1Q.0'min StibcatchmEmt 35:5B3 VARIES SUGHTL Y FROM COMBINED KIRPICHiKERBY CALclJU\TIONS ,A,TTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA Runoff 3.07 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.926 af, Depth> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" 1--+01 D9te Recelved:- Planner. . 5'P . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 5 12/17/2006 Area (ac) 4.630 4.630 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area Tc (min) 9.4 9.4 Length (feet) 1,400 1,400 Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftlfl) (ftlsec) (cfs) 0.3500 2.49 Lag/eN Method, HILLSIDE Total, Increased' to minimum Tc = 10.0 min Subcatchment 4S: SB5 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA Runoff 3.06 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.924 af, Depth> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 4.620 4.620 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area Tc (min) 6.2 6.2 Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftlfl) (ftlsec) (cfs) 0.3300 2.16 Lag/CN Method, HILLSIDE Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 10.0 min Length (feet) 800 800 Subcatchment 5S: SB6 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA . = 2.92.cfs.@_7..B9.hrs,_\l.olume= O. 88b"af,_Depth>--2_40~ __Runoff Runoff by SBUH method, SplitPervibus/lmperv., TimeSpan= 5.00-24.00hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston'24-hr 25~yr-Rainfall=5;50" .. - --Area (ac) 4;<100 4.4ba CN'Oescription-'-' 10 Woods, Good: HSG C 70 Pervious Area . Tc (min) 7.8 7.8 Length Slope Velocity. Capacity Description -(feet) ---(ftlfl) (ftlsec) (cfs)- 1,050 0.3200 2.25 Lag/CN Method, HILLSIDE 1,050 Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 10.0 min Date Received:. l-L-f, D1 Planner: dD . . . . Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Page 6 12/17/2006 SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcatchment 65: SB7 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA Runoff 1.73 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.522 af, Depth> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" . Area (ac) 2.610 2.610 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area T c Length ,(min)___ .(feet1- 5.2 670 5.2 670 Slope Velocity Capacity Description . .(ftlft) (ftlsec) (cfs) 0.3500 2.15 Lag/eN Method, HILLSIDE Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 10.0 min Subcatchment 7S: SB4 VARIES SLIGHTLY FROM COMBINED KIRPICH/KERBY CALCULATIONS ATTACHED - SEE COMPARISON OF DISCHARGE DATA - DISCHARGES TO DITCH ON S 71 AND FLOWS TOP CULVERT Runoff 0.40 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.120 af, Deptr> 2.40" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 0:600 0:600 CN Description 70 Woods, Good: HSG C 70 Pervious Area Tc:J:engtn-slope - \7elOcity::--capaciiyDesciiption (min) (feet) (ftlft) (ftlsec)r (Cts) - 1:9-.:.,190'0.350b . ~f6j:;;. _.:.... . Lag/CN'Method,HILlSIDE. 1.9 190TCltal,lncr~,!~ed to minimum Tc = 100min . Reach 8R: INTERMITTENT STREAM [82] Warning:E.arly inflow requires eariier iime span Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 4.630ac; -lnflow.Depth > 2AO" 3.07 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 3.05 cfs @ 7.92 hrs, Volume= 0.926 af 0.924 af, Allen= 1%, Lag= 1.9 min Date Received: I ~c.t -b 1 Planner: .:JD . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PRE DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 800 sin 002262 @2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 7 12/17/2006 Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 5.99 fps, Min. Travel Time= 1.1 min Avg. Velocity = 3.22 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 2.1 min Peak Storage= 205 cf @ 7.90 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.23' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 340.78 cfs 2.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.050 Mountain streams wllarge boulders Side Slope Z-value= 1.0 'I' Top Width= 8.00' Length= 400.0' Slope= 0.3625 'f Inlet Invert= 970.00', Outlet Invert= 825.00' Reach 11 R: DITCH [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 0.600 ac, Inflow Depth> 2.40" 0.40 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.40 cfs @ 7.91 hrs, Volume= 0.120 af 0.120 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 1.0 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans meth'od, Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 4,34fps, Min. Travel Time=0,6.min Avg. Velocity = 2.47 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 1.0 min Peak Storage= 14 cf@7.90hrS; Average 8epth ai'PeakStorage='0:03' Bank-Full Depth= 0.50', Capacity-afBank-Full= 154.26cfs 2,00' x 0,50' deep channel, ri=0.012 Side.Slope.Z~value= "56.b-1_0':f~-Widtl:1=.2-7_50' Hfngtt1=150.0' SI6pe=0,1667'f ,. Inletl Iwert=850 :()Q', -OufleifJriverti,;S25:0Cl' :j: Date Recelved:~ Planner: .:::fD . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PREDEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HvdroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @2006HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rain;al/=5.50" Page 8 12/1712006 Reach 12R: DITCH [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 4.620 ac, Inflow Depth> 2.40" 3.06 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 3.06 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 0.924 af 0.924 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 8.33 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.3 min Avg. Velocity = 5.06 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.5 min Peak Storage= 53 cf@ 7.90 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.09' Bank-Full Depth= 0.50', Capacity at Bank-Full= 171.87 cfs 2.00' x 0.50' deep channel, n= 0.012 Side Slope Z-value= 50:0 1.0 '/' Top Width= 27.50' Length= 145.0' Slope= 0.2069 '/' Inlet Invert= 870.00', Outlet Invert= 840.00' :I: Pond 10P: CULVERT/HEADWALL EXISTING CULVERT UNDER S 71ST ST [82] Warning: Early inflow requires.e'arlier time span [57] Hint: Peaked at 824:85'(FloOd.elevation advised) Inflow Area = .Inflow.. .Outflow = ~P"rrl]l~ry = 5,840 ac, lIiflow,Depth> 2.40" 3:8n;ls-@-7:B.~'~olume- 3.87.cfs:@7:89.hrs, Volume= ~:~J;g~@ . ?~~;~rs, VoLum~", n68'"ilf 1.19?af, Allen= 0%, Lag= O,O.min .1. 16.8.af . -~Routir1g.by'Stor"'nd.me!hod;~~r:ime'Span=.5:00-24:00.t:irs,dt=.0'05'hrs.---.- ----- F'eakEleli='824.85' @.7:89 hrs . Device. Routing. #1 Primary Invert Qutlet.Deliices u. _ u... .... u' . __ . .... _. 823.00' 1.2:0" x 5.0:0' l.CJflg C.Ll'\(,llrt c;MP, mitllrlld to ,"priform ip fiU, Ke= 0.700 QUtletlnve'rt=-Bn.OO' S=0:0200 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= (),014 Primary OutFlow Max=3,86 cfs @ 7.89 hrs HW=824.84' (Free Discharge) Y=Culvert (Inlet Controls 3.86 cfs @ 4.91 fps) Date Recelved:_I;Lf;Dl Planner: -JD . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PRE DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HvdroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @2006,HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 9 12/1712006 Pond 14P: CULVERT/HEADWALL EXISTING CULVERT UNDER S 71ST ST [82) Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [57) Hint: Peaked at 826.71' (Flood elevation advised) Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 9.020 ac, Inflow Depth> 2.40" 5.97 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 5.97 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 5.97 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 1.804 af 1.804 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 1.804 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-24.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 826.71' @ 7.90 hrs Device #1 Routing Primary Invert Olltlet Devices 823.00' 12.0" x 50.0' long Culvert CMP, mitered to conform to fill, Ke= 0.700 Outlet Invert= 822.00' S= 0.0200 'r Cc= 0.900 n= 0.014 ~mary Outflow Max=5.96 cfs @ 7.90 hrs HW=826.69' (Free Discharge) 1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 5.96 cfs @ 7.59 fps) . Link 15L: DISCHARGE TO ADJACENT DISCHARGE SHEET FLOWS OFF SITE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES - UNDEVELOPED HILLSIDES BEHIND EXISTING RESIDENCES Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = 2.610 ac, Inflow,Depth> 2.40" 1.73 cfs@ 7.8.9 hrs, Volume= 1.73cfs@ 7.89hrs, Volume= 0.522 af 0.522 af, Allen= 0%, L~W= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span: 5.00-24.00hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Link .17L:DI.SCHARGE TO ADJACENT [)I$CHARGE SHE;P F,-QW~t9FF$ITE TO DITCHBELOVVSITE - DOES t)lOT FLOW TO CULVERT ATN-ENQOF DE~~<Lg~~5r-J.I~_R~ . . -----.lnflow.Area'=~6.540'ac,-"lnflow'0eplh,>-2AO~-- Inflow = 4.;jkdsj~ 789hrs, Volume", Primary = 4.34 cfs @ 7.8~ hrs, Volume= 1.308 af 1.308 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= O.Omin Primary outflow = Inflow~Tirrie Span'; 500-24.00hrs, dl= 0:05 hrs . Date Received:JA....61 Planner. JD . . . . . Phase 1 Post-deve/op-ment Aha1y.sis 25~yr .iecuri~ncejntental Keating Engineering LLe - 188 West B Street - Springfield, OR 97477 - (541) 726-9995 Skyline Estates Stormwater Study Date ReceiVed:~ Planner: . JD . . . . '" " , ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... " /-~ --- -- - "I( ... ,III . " . . . .. . )l. . . . ..............j , , " ., , , .....::;I:~- , ., , "/____:1 J.'//III"'./' .._-----------~-------- , ./ I / " I"' "- -I' --;-- , , ....I rUU>r4 \ "-..--.'--"'--" . J -L{/() '( Date Received: Planner: crP.- ........ J . . . . . -- - -- -- - .... .... .... " " " " " " " " " " , , , " " , , , .... " . . / ".( --- ::1. ............_~ : : " , ,. . . . , , , /------. ----....---------------- urwr4 'jpJ!.\: 7.tS ~[ol...l <;'\1W{:f" \)0-r./:f1..Jt?) q eft, S ,Oil GF-tj;. o ''5z.. cK . PHA 7 E. \ Date Received: Planner: I 3D 1~+Dl . " , ..' / ..., ~. '-- -- ~ / / / _/ ./ ./ ./ ..--// ..--/...............//....../ //////;:~:;;::,/ ./ ..--/ --/ / / / ~ / / // / . // / I I I I I I , \ \ , /-- / . I \ ,. , ,\' \ ,~... , \ \ , I I II I I \\ \ \ '\ ,,\\ \ \ \ -=. '!- -'..\- \ \ \\.....\~ \ '! '- \ / / / Date Received:~ -4-01 Planner: JD . ----- . -- ~ ~ ~ / . --\- -- ~- ~- -- -- -- -- -- -- --..- ..- - --- ..- ---- \ \ 1\ \ \ \ , \ , \ , . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (all nodes) Area (acres) eN Description (subcats) . 9.640 79 1 acre lots, 20% imp, HSG e (218,448,508,518,52S) 0.970 81 1/3 acre lots, 30% imp, HSG e (538) 4.430 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, HSG e (268,458,468) 15.040 . Page 19 12/17/2006 1- i /D I Date Received: Planner: 51) . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAO@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HvdroCAO Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 20 12117/2006 Time span=5.00-48.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 861 points Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 21S: SB liB Runoff Area=2.290 ac Runoff Oepth>3.13" Tc=10.0 min CN=74198 Runoff=2.22 cfs 0.598 al Subcatchment 26S: SB1A Runoff Area=1.860 ac Runoff Depth>3.47" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=2.08 cIs 0.538 al Subcatchment 44S: SB1 B Runoff Area=2.280 ac Runoff Oepth>3.13" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=2.21 cIs 0.596 al Subcatchment 45S: SB1C Runoff Area=1.440 ac Runoff Oepth>3.47" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.61 cIs 0.416 al Subcatchment 46S: SB1 D Runoff Area=1.130 ac Runoff Oepth>3.47" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.26 cIs 0.327 al Subcatchment 50S: SBII Runoff Area=1.780 ac Runoff Depth>3.13" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.73 cIs 0.465 al Subcatchment 51S: SB1B Runoff Area=2.280 ac Runoff Depth>3.13" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=2.21 cIs 0.596 al Subcatchment 52S: SBIF Runoff Area=1.01 0 ac Runoff Depth>3.13" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=0.98 cIs 0.264 al Subcatchment 53S: SBIG Runoff Area=0.970 ac Runoff Depth>3.32" Tc=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.02 cIs 0.268 <:II Reach 19R: INTERMITTENTSTRE~M Avg. Depth=O.OO' Max Vel=O.OO Ips n=O,O;;O L=500.0' S=0.3000 'I' Capacity=228:50 cIs Outflow=O.OO cIs 0.000 al Reach-49R:~~IRlNG . --;tivg-:-':[)fiptfi=0~2'1'--:Max-xrer=14~62nP51nflow=2.08 cfs 0.538al 0=12.0" n=0.011 L=400.0' S:=0,,1625-'I'Capacity=16:97cls 0utflow=2.07 cIs 0:537 al Reach 54R: (new Reach) _ _ Avg Depth=0.45' Max Vel=8.06 Ips Inllow=2.73 cIs 2.0H al . 'El=12:0"-n=;0:011-t=200:0'-S=0;0250"I'-CapaCity=6;66-clS-OOtflow=2:73clii-2:0:16al Reach 56R: PIPING T9:I:XISTING INT~RMITT Avg. Oepth=0.04' Max Vel=9.14 Ips Inflow=1.26 cfs 0.327 al ..D=12,0"n=0,011 'L=250,O' S=Oc3000'I'Capacity=1;289:52 cfsOutflow=1.26cls 0:326 al Reach 58R: PIPING Ayg. g~plIFO.~Q' .Max l,Iel;o17.38 fps Inflow0'3.18 cIs 0.859al D=8.0" n=0.011 L=200.0' S=0.1750 'f' Capacity=5.97 cIs Outflow=3.18 cfs 0.859 af Reach 59R: PIPING 0=12.0" n=0.011 Avg. Oepth=0.26' Max Vel=13.83 Ips Inflow=2.21 cfs 0.596 al L=190.0' 8=0.1316 'I' Capacity=15.27 cfs Outflow=2.21 cfs 0.595 al Date Received: I A'H~7 Planner: J1> . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 21 12/1712006 Reach 61R: (new Reach) Avg.Oepth=031' Max Vel=9.43 Ips Inllow=1.98 cis 2.016 al 0=12.0" n=0.011 L=1000' S=0.0500 'f Capacity=9.42 cfs Outflow=1.90 cfs 2.016 af Pond 48P: STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=981.92' Storage=0.231 af Inflow=6.01 cfs 1.601 af Outflow=1.57 cfs 1.601 af Pond 57P: (new Pond) ( C 17 \" ') l \ S'" S-r ) Peak Elev=842.58' Inflow=5.45 cis 1.454 al 12.0" x 50.0' Culvert Outflow=5.45 cis 1454 al Pond 60P: STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=987.23' Storage=0.231 al Inllow=2.73 cfs 2.016 al Outflow=1.98 cis 2.016 al Link 55L: DISCHARGE TO PHASE 2 FLOWS Inflow=1.90 cis 2016 al Primary=1.90 cis 2016 af Total Runoff Area = 15.040 ac Runoff Volume = 4.068 af Average.Runoff Depth = 3.25" 74.05% Pervious Area = 11.138 ac 25.95% Impervious Area = 3.902 ac / . Date Received: Planner: 1~+Dl crD . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5 50" Page 22 12/17/2006 Subcatchment 215: SB liB DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 2.22 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.598 af, Depth> 3.13" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 2.290 1.832 0458 CN Description 79 1 acre lots, 20% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (fUft). (fUsec) . (cfs) _ ,__,__ . Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 265: SB1A DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 2.08 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.538 af, Depth> 347" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 1.860 1153 0.707 CN Description 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10:0 Length (feet) SloRe Velocity Capacity Description (fUft) (ftlsec) (ds) Oirect;Entry,.TYPICAI...SMALL AR!=ATc Subcatchment'MS?SB;1B . -------bjRECT'ENTRYTc . Runoff 2.21 ds @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.596 af, Depth> 3.13" = RunoffbySBUH meth()d,Split Perviousllmperv., TimeSpan=.5;00-48;00hrs, dt= 005hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (a c) 2.280 1.824 0456 CN Description 79 1 acre lots, 20% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Data Received:~ Planner: JD . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 23 12/1712006 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftlft) (ftlsec) (efs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 45S: SB1C DIRECT ENTRY Tc 1.61 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.416 af, Depth> 3.47" Runoff = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 1.440 0893 0.547 CN Description 83. 1/4acreJots,.38%-'mp,HSGC_ 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ftlft) (ftlsec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc . Subcatchment 46S: SB1D DIRECT ENTRY Tc 1.26 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.327 af, Depth> 3.47" Runoff = Runoff by SBUHmethod, Split Pervious/lmperv., TimeSpan= 5.00-48.00'hrs, dt= 0:05hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 1.130 0701 0.429 CN Description . . '83 1!4ai:.:relots, 38% imp, HSG.C 7~ Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area T c: Length Slope Velocity Capacity b'escriplion . - - --(min)--(feet)-~(ftlft)-(ftlsec):--(cfs)-:- ------- 10.0 Direcf'Entl'}l,TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment50S: SBII DIRECT ENTRY Tc 1.73 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.465 af, Depth> 3.13" Runoff = . Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv" Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Date Received: Planner: IJ Y--Dl .:n:> . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area (ac) 1.780 1424 0.356 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) DIRECT ENTRY Tc Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 24 12/17/2006 CN Description 79 1 acre lots, 20% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 51S: SB1B Runoff = 2.21 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.596af, Depth> 3.13" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviouslimperv., Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 2.280 1.824 0456 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) DIRECT ENTRY Tc CN Description 79 1 acre lots, 20% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (ets) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 52S: SBIF Runoff = 0.98cfs.@ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.264 af, Depth> 3.13" RUffofftfySBlJlrmetfioa;-Sj5IifPerviousllmperv.,-rlme Span- 5.00-48;00.hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr R~ihf~lIio!i.50" Area (a c) eN 1.010 - 79 0:808 74 0.202 98 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) " ?.' -6escriBiibh -- 1"acfe:li5ts;'20%~irrip, I;iSG-C Pervious-Area Imper'viousArea S-'CJ~fi! '{~_Qcity CclR!3city Description (ft/ft) (ft/see) (ets) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc IA--Ol Date Received: Planner: cJP . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAO@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 25 12/17/2006 Subcatchment 53S: SBIG DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 1.02 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.268 af, Depth> 3.32" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 0.970 0.679 0291 CN Description 81 1/3 acre lots, 30% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/fl) ..(ft/sec) .. Cefs)_ Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Reach 19R: INTERMITTENT STREAM [43] Hint: Has no inflow (Outflow=Zero) Outflow = 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.00 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.0 min Avg. Velocity = 0.00 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.0 min Peak Storage= 0 ef @ 0.00 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.00' Bank-Ful'-D~Rth= }..QO', C:;i1P'a..cjtyatBcink-f:ull=.228.50cfs 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.050 Mountain streams w/large boulders Side Slope Z-vcilue= 1.0 'j' Top Width= 7.00' . Length= 560.0' Slope= 0.3006 'j' ,. Inlet Invet!: 975:00', Outlet Ihvei:t= 825.00' Rea~h49R: piPING [52] Hint: Inlet conditions not evaluated [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span Data Received:J~Lf ~o 1 Planner: :J1> . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 26 12117/2006 Inflow Area = Inflow " Outflow " 1.860 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.47" 2.08 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 2.07 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.538 af 0.537 af, Allen" 1%, Lag= 0.9 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 14.64 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.5 min Avg. Velocity = 8.00 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.8 min Peak Storage= 57 cf @ 7.88 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.24' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 16.97 cfs 12.0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0.011 Length= 400.0' Slope= 0.1625 'j' Inlet Invert= 1.035.00'. Outlet Invert= 970.00' . Reach 54R: (new Reach) [52J Hint: Inlet conditions not evaluated [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [81J Warning: Exceeded Pond 48P by 0.15' @ 5.05 hrs Inflow Area = Inflow = OutflQV\I = 7.370 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.28" 2.73 cts @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 2.73 cfs'@ T9.1hrs, Volume= . ,. .. 2.017 at 2.0.1E3at, Atten= 0%; Lag=0.8 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans. method, TimecSpan= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Max. Velocity" 8.06 fps,~.irt Tr'!.Y~!:Time= 0.4 min Avg. Velocity" 6,10Jps, Avg. .Travel Time= 0,5.min Peak'Storage" 68ct @ 7:90:hrs; --Average Depth at 'Peak Storage: 0.45' Bank-FLJJFQ<:>pth= MO',. CapaCity:afBarik'Full" 6,66 cfs .. .. . . ., 12.0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0.011 ---[engm,,' 2ob;o'-Slope= O~025()'i' Inlet'lnvert=970:00', Outlet-rnvert=965:00' . Date Received: Planner: 1..-tf'D1 ~ -~ . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Page 27 12/17/2006 Reach 56R: PIPING TO EXISTING INTERMITTENT STREAM (WEST) [82) Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [85J Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 1.130 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.47" 1.26 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 1.26 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.327 af 0.326 af, Atten= 1%, Lag= 0.9 min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 5,00-48,00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Max, Velocity= 9,14 fps, Min, Travel Time= 0,5 min Avg, Velocity = 5.48 fps, Avg, Travel Time= 0,8 min Peak Storage= 34 cf @ 7,88 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0,04' Bank-Full Depth= 2,00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 1,289.52 cfs 3.00' x 2.00' deep channel, n= 0,011 Side Slope Z-value= 1,6 4,0 '/' Top Width= 1300' Length= 250,0' Slope= 0,3000 '/' Inlet Invert= 920,00', Outlet Invert= 845,00' . Reach 58R: PIPING [52J Hint: Inlet.conditionsnot.evaluated [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [61J Hint: Submerged 1% of Reach59R bottom 'Inflow-Area = .--.--ll1f1ow-= Outflow = 3.290ac, Inflow Depth> 3,13" 3:-1-ll'cfs'@-'i'~"hrs;-,V()I\jnw= 3, 18'cfs @ 7,89 hts, Volume:: 0:859'81 0'859 af, Alten;: 0%, Lag;; 0.4 min Routing byStotctnO+ti'aiisCmettio'a, TimeSpan=5:00-48;OOhrs,df=0,05hrs _. __Ma)C,_V:elo.city=ll.3.8_fps,_Min,~Travel~Time=.c0,2,min Avg, Velocity = 9'88 Ips, Ayg. Tral!t:ll 1il11e= O,:3min Peak Storage= 37 cf@ 7,89hrs, Average Depth at PeakStorage= 0,35' Bank-Full Deptli= 0:67', Capacity at Bank-Fuil='-S.97 Cfs ... . 8,0" Diameter_Ripe, n= O,Oll Length= 200,0' Slope= 0,1750 '/' Inlet Invert= 875.00', Outlet Invert= 840,00' . Date Rec:elved:.J ,'1 'bl Planner: J'j) . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfaf/=5.50" Page 28 12/17/2006 Reach 59R: PIPING [52] Hint: Inlet conditions not evaluated [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [85] Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>1 Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 2.280 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.13" 2.21 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 2.21 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.596 af 0.595 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.5 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity= 13.83 fps, Min. Travel Time= 0.2 min . Avg. Velocity = 7.67 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.4 min Peak Storage= 30 cf @ 7.88 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.26' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 15.27 cfs 12.0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0.011 Length= 190.0' Slope= 0.1316'J' Inlet Invert= 900.00', Outlet Invert= 875.00' Reach.6:tR:-(new-R~h) [?~] Hint Inlet conditions not evaluated '[8i]'Warning: Exceeded~POi\a'6ijptiy5.05' @ 2615 hrs . Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 7.370ac, Inflow Depth > 3.28" 1.98 cis @ 9.~'6tirs, Volume= 1.90 cf~(@ 9:90 hrs, Volume= 2.016 af ~,01(3af, Atten= 4%, Lag= 0.2 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans.method; Time Span= 5.00-48.00:hrs; dt= 0.05 hrs Max. Velocity=-9.43.fps, -Min. Travel.-Time=.0,2-min Avg. Velocity = 8.04 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 0.2 min Peak Storage= 20 cf @ 9.90 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.31' Bank-Full Depth= 1.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 9.42 cfs Date Received: 1-4-D1 Planner: <:J 1> . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 29 12/1712006 12.0" Diameter Pipe, n= 0.011 Length= 100.0' Slope= 0.0500 'J' Inlet Invert= 970.00', Outlet Invert= 965.00' Pond 48P: STORAGE PIPING [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span [93] Warning: Storage range exceeded by 1.92' [61] Hint Submerged 18% of Reach 49R bottom Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 5.930 ac, Inflow Depth> 3.24" 6.01 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 1.57 cfs @ 9.45 hrs, Volume= 1.57 cfs @ 9.45 hrs, Volume= 1.601 af 1.601 af, Atten= 74%, Lag= 93.9 min 1.601 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs . Peak Elev= 981.92' @ 9.45'hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage= 0.231 af Plug-Flow detention time= 72.8 min calculated for 1.599 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 72.7 min ( 834.6 - 761.9 ) Volume #1 Device RoutirlQ #1 Primary Invert 970.00' Avail.StoraQe .StoraQe.Description 0.231 af 96.0"0 x 200.00'L Horizontal Cylinder 5= 0.0100 'J' Invert QutletDevices 968.00' 4.0" Horiz.-6rificeiGrate Limited to weir flow C= 0,600 Primary'9utF1owMax=1.56 cfs @ 9:45'hrs.I-iW=981;84' (Free Discharge) t.,,1 =Orificlli~rate-(Qr~fiGe.Gontro'S-1"56'Gfs.~-1.7.,.9~:!p~) .. . ".-,. PoridcS7P: (riewP6nd) . "....., '~'C'_".' ;'_.,,; .' ~c_ c. ..~'~O.,L' ,;-~:.'---'-"'-.~--_ . -[82]'Warnil'lg--Early-inflow'requires-earlier'time'span'_..~. [57-] Hint Reakedat842.58' (F'loodelevatio'n.advised) [61] Hint: Submerged 7% of Reach 58R bottom Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow' = Primary = 5.390 ac, Inflow'Depth > 3.24" 'S.45'cfs'@7;89'hrs, Volume: S:45cfs'@ 7:89'hrs; Volume= .5.45 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 1.454 af 1:454'af; Atten='O%; tag= O:O'min 1.454 af . Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Date Received:' Planner: 1-L\--D1 TP . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 1 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAO@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAO Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfatt=5.50" Page 30 12/17/2006 Peak Elev= 842.58' @ 7.89 hrs Device #1 Routing Primary Invert Outlet Devices 840.00' 12.0" x 50.0'long Culvert CMP, end-section conforming to fill, Ke= 0.500 . Outlet Invert= 838.00' S= 0.0400 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Primary OutFlow Max=5.42 cfs @ 7.89 hrs HW=842.56' (Free Discharge) 't....1=Culvert (Inlet Controls 5.42 cfs @ 6.90 fps) Pond GOP: STORAGE PIPING [93] Warning: Storage range exceeded by 12.23' [85] Warning: Oscillations may require Finer Routing>l [63] Warning: Exceeded Reach 54R inflow depth by 16.89' @ 9.90 hrs Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 7.370 ac, Inflow Depttl > 3.28" 2.73 cfs @ 7.91 hrs, Volume= 1.98 cfs@ 9.90 hrs, Volume= 1.98 cfs @ 9.90 hrs, Volume= 2.016 af 2.016 af, Atten= 27%, Lag= 119.4 min 2.016 af . Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 987.23' @ 9.90 hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage= 0.231 af Plug-Flow detention time= 105.1 min calculated for 2.014 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 105.1 min (923.3 - 818.2) Volume #1 Invert 965,00' Device_ Routing #1 Primary Avail:Storage Storage Description 0,231 af96:0"D x200.00:L Horizontal.Cylinder 5= 0:0100 '/' Invert__oOutlet,oevicesn u_ _ . -965,00' -'4:0"Horiz.orific'e/Grati:i' Lihlitecflbwei(flow C= 0_600 PrilTlary Outftow Max=1.98 cfs @9..90 hrs HW=987.23' (Free Di::;charge) ~=Orifice/Grate (Orifice:Controls;1.98.cfs @-22:70 fps) - . - . --- l,.in_k~51;:: -R!_~CHARGE T():f?HMg;!F!,.OWS Inflow Area = 7.370 ac,lriflowDepth > 3.28" - - - - --Iiiflow-=-- -1:90'CfS"@----'9:90'tirs;-Volume=-----2:016:af----- Primary = 1.90cfs-@ -9;90hrs. Volume= 2:016.af,-Atten= 0%, Lag=O,Omin Primary-outflow= Inflow, Time:Span=:5:0048.00:hrs, dt= 0,05hrs. . Date RllIClelved:. Planner: IJt{---01 dt> . . . . --_..__.---~Pflase-2----- . .1J!Jl~t~g~veJcrn'lI~nJ AI1~lysi$ . . 25-yr r.ecurr~i1c_ejilte1JlaL___ ___ . . Keating Engineering LLC - 188 West B Street - Springfield, OR 97477 - (541) 726-9995 Skyline Estates Stormwater Study Date RecelvedJ-L\-Dl Planner. . 0l:> . . ... . 0&),\ -'2:i,f6g a(7 0fJvft: 2..11:.- (fs \0-<01.--- Y iZ-e - <'o-l4f]1.Jvr '9 1.1.- S> c-Fs ~ ,q:; tl, 12--+ Lqo ~ l 'b[,; c IE-fC@-7? rUl<oJ 0,0(.. (f'.. (:;.1f.J6) "~,J .._---.~ -- TH/,(Jf' . p~\~~ Z- Date Received: Planner: l''-\--Dl J"D ~~I / ~_II -~/ / ,0.--=-;1 I , -7 / I. / / \/ ....- 'c:" ~ -T-~7 / //;'/'- --- ./ ___....- ....... / I / I __;::::::: I / / / / / / .......- t.../ / / / / / -1\ / I I / / / ----...........,,:/1 II ;/;/ 11/ _-- "I / / / / / _ / '"\ I II / / / I ....... \, I I / I I -- .......\ / / / / / _...............-/ Xx II / / I / //,/ / II I I / I / / - _/ / / I / r---/.....,..; I I --___/ .....", I I -_ ....' I I - ----" / -----'"' / ------------.:-S . . --- --- --- . --- //-=====--- /-~-- I __;;;;.__-- / / / II I I / / I / / / I" . ~011.J /'7~~1L "i). ~ <L~ .:b~A l. '71 A G 1.1)3>1 0/1, o,~b- . /" / "/ I I / I / / / / I / / .... --- -- -----~ , , , , 1 1 I / I 1 '7'bJl, "~ I-Olb~ -rc.: I" --I . /--- Ik---""'-..---- r"~---"i / I -f U_ ""(;. c;: I,L~~~L_ O-.~O=-" ~t.-\- cc- ("r-?-__ .-.:?1"lAU- 4'f(; A<:Js,Jf1t?) t1,..j -r CO' z.~.~ - \. <fi 1.1 b I I 0,'" l,;. O. Received: Planner: " I , I 0 -rMAl, U11.}f~i-\ V4-r1(0) IQ '11>-j I J \ ~t.\-I 0< :::n) \ \ \ \ \ , , , I , r \ \ \ ,.} --- . -,~ . ~ /~ / -/ ~ / / / ~ / ./ , . . . , / / " " " / ~ / /,/ /"-"//// ////",//.// /. /. // ;' /. /. // ,/ --\ -- ..........-\,1 _-_..J \ ~ I / / / ~ I / / / ~ ~ / / - - - ............. ---.--.... -I. I I ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ -------- --- /-:--:-_-.:-:--=--- / / / I7'A01i--l 1'1- r __ ~ .' .. .. }-,-if-IIJIi:l:fL::'-:-~~1t- eFt, \ .. )-'-7\ 1 . ~ ..- -t J '5 ~ \--L\'J..o1 AUA- ~ ../ '% !l--~ f G .- -I.g 44Z _~,'~~ J --w ~-iij.-- .--~--- l' .. @.tfp ---r--- Data Re ~Ived: Planner: - / \ \ \ \ \. \ I I , I I I , , \ .,J- ....... O'D ~ '74 UfS r~ (~ ~\J"h1I1--')) . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST.DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Area Listing (all nodes) Area (acres) eN Description (subcats) 6.364 70 Woods, Good, H8G e (398,428,43S) 4.580 74 1 acre lots, 10% imp, H8G e (228,278,288) 3.710 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, H8G e (38,218,258,268) 14.654 Date RElcelved:-'~4--D1 Planner: Jj) Page 34 12/17/2006 - . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 35 12/17/2006 Time span=0.00-48.00 hrs, dt=0.05 hrs, 961 points Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv. Reach routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method 5ubcatchment 35: 5B IIC Runoff Area=0.930 ac Runoff Depth=372" Te=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.04 efs 0.288 af 5ubcatchment 215: 5B 110 Runoff Area=0.380 ae Runoff Depth=3. 72" Te=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=0.42 efs 0.118 af 5ubcatchment 225: 5B IIG Runoff Area=1.780 ae Runoff Depth=2.78" Te=10.0 min CN=71/98 Runoff=1.41 efs 0.412 af 5ubcatchment 255: 5B liB Runoff Area=1.030 ae Runoff Depth=3.72" Te=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.15 efs 0.319 af 5ubcatchment 265: 5B IIA Runoff Area=1.370 ae Runoff Depth=3. 72" Te=10.0 min CN=74/98 Runoff=1.53 cfs 0.424 af Subcatchment 275: 5B IIF Runoff Area=0.910 ae Runoff Depth=2.78" Te=10.0 min CN=71/98 Runoff=O.72 efs 0.211 af 5ubcatchment 28S: 5B liE Runoff Area=1.890 ae Runoff Depth=2. 78" Te=10.0 min CN=71/98 Runoff=1.49 efs 0.437 af 5ubcatchment 395: PARTIAL SB1 Runoff Area=3.190 ae Runoff Depth=2.41" Te=10.0 min CN=701O Runoff=2.12 efs 0.642 af Subcatchment 42S: PARTIAL SB1 Runoff Area=2.580 ae Runoff Depth=2.41" Te=10'0 min CN=70/0 Runoff=1.71 efs 0.519 af Subcatchment 43S: PARtlALSB1 Runoff Area=0:5.94 ae Runoff Depth=2.41" Te=10:0'min CN=70/0 Runoff=0.39 efs 0.120 af . Reach 19R:INTERMITTENT'STREAM Avg: Depth=0,26' Max Vel=5.40fps 'Inflow=1.80 efs 1.654 af _.lJsQ;J!~.Q_ k=j;().O~O' ..5:,0.3000'r _Capaeity'3228: 50efs. ..Gutflow=1.80 efs...1.654 af .. Reach 40R: ROADSIP!: PIT9H Inflow=2.12 efs_0.642 af OUtflow=2.12 efs 0:642 af Pond 18P:DETENTION:BASIN Peak Elev=1 ,042.01' Storage=8,564 cf....'nfl.ow=5.84 cfs 1.654 af 5.0" x 300.0' Culvert Outflow=1.80 efs 1.654 af Pond 311": STORAGE PI RING Peak Elev=1, 170,02' Storage=O:OOO af Inflow=1.53 cfs 0.424 af Outflow=1.53 efs 0.424 af Pond 321": STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=1,158.04' Storage=OOOO af Inflow=3.72 efs 1.031 af Outflow=3.72 cfs 1.031 af Date Received: 1- Lf-D7 Planner: .J t> - .. .1 . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 36 12/1712006 Pond 35P: STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=1,128.04' Storage=O.OOO at Intlow=3.72 cts 1.031 at Outflow=3.72 cts 1.031 at Pond 36P: STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=1,113.04' Storage=O.OOO at Intlow=3.72 cts 1.031 at Outflow=3.72 cts 1.031 at Pond 37P: STORAGE PIPING Peak Elev=1,097.06' Storage=O.OOO at Infiow=5.12 cis 1.443 at Outflow=5.12 cts 1.443 at Link 20L: (new Link) Inllow=1.49 cis 0.437 at Primary=1.49 cts 0.437 at Link 41L: DISCHARGE TO STREET Infiow=3.58 cis 2.293 at Primary=3.58 cis 2.293 al Total Runoff Area = 14:654ac 'Runoff Volume = 3;490af Average'Runoff'Depth = 2.86" 87.25% Pervious Area = 12.786 ac 12.75% Impervious Area = 1.868 ac Data Received: H-t ~ D1 Planner: .::Jj) - . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 37 12/17/2006 Subcatchment 3S: SB lie DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 1.04 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.288 af, Depth= 3.72" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 0.930 0.577 0.353 CN Description 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length .(feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 21S: SB 110 DIRECT ENTRY Tc . Runoff . = 0.42 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.118 af, Depth= 372" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs ThUrsI6n24=h('25-yr' Raififall=5.50" . .' . . Area (ac) 0.380 0.236 0.144 CN Description 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, HSG.C 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10,0 Length (f~et) SIQp'~ V~locity Capac:ity Qfjscription (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) Direct-Entry; TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment22S:;'SB:IIG DIRECTENTRY Tc Runoff 1.41 cfs @ 7.88 hr?, VollliD.e= oARaf, Depth= 2..7'8" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Hainfall=5:50" Area (a c) 1.780 1.602 0.178 CN Description 74 1 acre lots, 10% imp, HSG C 71 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Date Received: 1- * VI. Planner: . -;J D . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 38 12/1712006 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (f1Ift) (f1Isec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 25S: SB liB DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 1.15 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.319 af, Depth= 3.72" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" Area (ac) 10030 0.639 0.391 CN Description .83 1/4 acre lots, .38% imp, HSGC 74 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (f1Ift) (f1Isec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL &MALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 26S: SB IIA DIRECT ENT'RY Tc Runoff 1.53 cfs @ 7,87 hrs, Volume= = 0.424 af, Depth= 3,72" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv_, Time Span= 0_00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0_05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5_50" Area (ac) ..1_370 0_849 Qt521 CN Description 83 1/4 acre lots, 38% imp, HSG C 74 Pervious Area 98, .Il11peNious:Area Tc '-(minr- 10,0 Length Slope V!,!I()city Capacity Description -(feet)-(ftlft)-(ftlsec)"'--(Cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 275: SB IIF DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 072 cfs @ 7_88 hrs, Volume= = 0_211 af, Depth= 2_78" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviousllmperv" Time Span= 0_00-48,00 hrs, dt= 0_05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5_50" Date Received:J-4-~b7 Planner: (Jl) . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 39 12/1712006 Area (ae) 0.910 0.819 0.091 Tc (min) 10.0 DIRECT ENTRY Tc CN Description 74 1 acre lots, 10% imp, HSG C 71 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/fl) (ft/sec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 285: S8 liE = 1.49 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.437 af, Depth= 2.78" Runoff Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfall=5.50" . Area (ac) 1.890 1.701 0.189 T c Length (min)--- (feet) 10.0 DIRECT ENTRY Tc CN Description 74 1 acre lots, 10% imp, HSG C 71 Pervious Area 98 Impervious Area Slope Velocity Capacity Description -(ft/fl)- -(ft/sec) . -(cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICAL SMALL AREA Tc Subcatchment 39S: PARTIAL S81 = 2.j2cfs,@ 7:89-hrs, Volume= 0:642 oaf, Depth= 2.41" Runoff _._-....._~. - - -~-~ RunoffbySBUf+methoq,Split-Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= O.05hrs nI:J:1urston J_4"hr_:2.!i-yrll'linfall=5'2-0~'.. __ _ H_n.___ _ _ __ ~__~._H . ,___ __.. n_ Area (ac) ~.f96 3.190 Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) . CN Description -70 Woods,Good;HSG C 70 Pervious -Area Slope -Velocity Capacity Description (ft/fl) (ft/sec) (efs) Direct-Entry; TYPICAL SMAl:L AREA-Tc Date Received: Planner: I "!.\-,D"1 crD . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD<ID 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 40 12/17/2006 Subcatchment 42S: PARTIAL SB1 DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 1.71 efs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.S19 af, Depth= 2.41" = Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= O.OS hrs Thurston 24-hr 2S-yr Rainfall=S.50" Area (ac) 2.S80 2.S80 CN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area , Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) Direct Entry, TYPICA:['SMATL A:REA'Tc Subcatchment 43S: PARTIAL SB1 DIRECT ENTRY Tc Runoff 0.39 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= = 0.120 af, Depth= 2.41" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/lmperv., Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= O.OS hrs Thurston 24-hr 2S-yr Rainfall=S.SO" Area (ac) 0.S94 0:S94 eN Description 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 70 Pervious Area Tc (min) 10.0 Length (feet) Slope Velocity Capacity Description (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (efs) birectentry, T.Y-PleAL SMALL AREA Tc Reach 19R: INTERMITT!;tfT:~TRI;AM [79] Warning: Submergea PoifCJ'18P Primary device # 1 ouffET;5YO:26' Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 6.020 aC,lnflow Depth = 3.30" 1.80 cfs.@ 8.32hrs, Volume= 1.80cfs@ 8.37 hrs, Volume= 1 :9S4af 1.6~.E1f, A!!en= 0%, Lag= 2.9.min Routing by Stor-Ind+ Trans method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt=O.OS hrs Max. Velocity'" S.40.fps, .Min,.:rravel.Time= 1,S.min Avg. Velocity = 3.61 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 23 min Peak Storage: 166 cf @ 8.34 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.26' Bank-Full Depth= 3.00', Capacity at Bank-Full= 228.S0 cfs Dat@Reeeived: I-Y-oL Planner: 51:> . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCA[)@ 8.00 sin 002262 @2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 41 12/17/2006 1.00' x 3.00' deep channel, n= 0.050 Mountain streams w/large boulders Side Slope Z-value= 1.0 '/' Top Width= 7.00' Length= 500.0' Slope= 0.3000 '/' Inlet Invert= 975.00', Outlet Invert= 825.00' Reach 40R: ROADSIDE DITCH [40] Hint: Not Described (Outflow=lnflow) lriflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = 3.190 ac, Inflow Depth = 2.41" 2.12 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 2.12 cfs @ 7.89 hrs, Volume= 0.642 af 0.642 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-lnd+Trans method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Pond 18P: DETENTION BASIN NEW DETENTION BASIN CONSTRUCTED BESIDE ROADWAY Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 6.020 ac, Inflow Depth = 3.30" 5.84 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 1.80 cfs @ 8.32 hrs, Volume= 1.80 cfs@ 8:32 hrs, Volume= 1.654 af 1.654 af, Allen= 69%, Lag= 26.4 min 1.654 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, TimeSpan= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 1,042.01' @8.32hrs Surfhea= 2,502 sf Storage= 8,564 cf PlugcFlow detention time= 42:2 min calculated for 1.65.? af (100% of inflowL_.__..__ . -'-"-Center-of-Mass det.time=42,3 min'( 779.4 - 737.1 ) . Volume #1 . .Avail.Storage ..Storage,.Description 17,500 cf Custom ~~"ge Data (Prismatic:;) Listed below J~ecalcL____ .Invert . 1,037.00' Elevation (feet) 1,037:00 1,039.00 1.9..4J,Q0 1,043.00 1,045.00 Surf.Area (sqcft) 800 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,500 Inc.Store (cubic-feet) o 2,400 3,800 5,000 6,300 Cum.Store ( cubic"feet) o 2,400 6,200 11,200 17,500 Date Recelved:~ Planner. J D Device #1 Routing Primary Invert 1,037.00' Outlet Devices 5.0" x 300.0' long Culvert RCP, groove end projecting, Ke= 0.200 Outlet Invert= 975.00' S= 0.2067 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 42 12/17/2006 Primary OutFlow Max=1.80 cfs @ 8.32 hrs HW=1,042.00' (Free Discharge) L1 =Culvert (Inlet Controls 1.80 cfs @ 13.18 fps) Pond 31P: STORAGE PIPING Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 1.370 ac, Inflow Depth = 3.72" 1.53 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 1.53 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 1.53 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 0.424 af 0.424 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 0.424 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 1,170.02' @ 7.87 hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage= 0.000 af Plug-Flow detention time= 0.0 min calculated for 0.424 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 0.0 min (713.6 - 713.6) Volume #1 Invert 1,170.00' Avail.Storage Storage Description 0.014 af 24.0"0 x 200.00'L Horizontal Cylinder S= 0.0600 'f' Device #1 Routing Primary Invert Outlet Devices 1,158.00' 12.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=13.11 cfs @ 7.87 hrs HW=1,170.02' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 13.11 cfs @ 16.69 fps) Pond 32P: STORAGE PIPING [79] Warning: Submerged Pond 31P Primary device # 1 by 0.04' InfloW Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 3.330 ai;, Inflow Depth = 3.72" 3.72 cfs@ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs@ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs@ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 1.031 af 1.031 af, Allen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 1.031 af ---_.-- . Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs PE1i3k.Elev= 1,158.04' @ 7.87:hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage=.O:OOO af Plug-Flow detention time= 0.0 min c~lculated for 1.030 af (100% of inflow) '-Centef':-dfcMass aeCtime=O:O miii-C713:6-.713:6T n. -_. - Volume #1 Invert 1,158.00' Avail.Storage Storage Description 0:007'af 24.0"0 x 100.00'L Horizontal Cylinaer S= 0.1500 'f' Device #1 Routing Primary .._Jnvert_Outlet.Devices.. . 1,143.00' 12.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=14.67 cfs @7.87 hrs HW=1,15804' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 14.67 cfs @ 18.67 fps) Date Recelved:~ Planner. . JD . . . . . SKYLINE ESTATES PHASE 2 POST-DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAOO 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 43 12/1712006 Pond 35P: STORAGE PIPING Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 3.330 ac, Inflow Depth = 3.72" 3.72 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 1.031 af 1.031 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 1.031 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 1,12804' @ 7.87 hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage= 0.000 af Plug-Flow detention time= 0.0 min calculated for 1.030 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 0.0 min (713.6 - 713.6) Volume #1 Invert 1,128.00' AvaiLStorage Storage Description 0.007 af 24.0"0 x 1 OO.OO'l Horizontal Cylinder S= 0.1500 'I' Device Routing #1 Primary .. . I nvert Outlet Devices 1,113.00' 12.0" Horiz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=14.67 cfs @ 7.87 hrs HW=1, 128.04' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 14.67 cfs @ 18.67 fps) Pond 36P: STORAGE PIPING [79] Warning: Submerged Pond 35P Primary device # 1 by 0.04' I nflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 3.330 ac, Inflow Depth = 3.72" 3.72 c:f~ @ 7.~7 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs @ 7.87 hrs, Volume= 3.72 cfs@ 7:87hrs, Volume= 1.031 af 1.031 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 1.031 af Routing by Stor-Ind method. Ti~eSRan= 0.0.0-48.0.0 hrs, dt=.0.05hrs peakElev= 1,113.04' @ 7:87 ii~s' SuiiArea= 0.000 ac Stori!ge= 0 000 af Plug"Flow detention time= O,Omin calculated foct.Q3.0.at(JOO.%_otinflow)_u . Center"of-Mass del. time=0,0-min('713,6 - 713.6 ) Voiume ~1 Invert 1,113.00' A vail[Storag~~StorageDe~cription..._ 0.007af 24.0"0 x 1 OO.OO~L Horizontal Cylinder S= O. t5.0.0":1' InvertOutiet Devices 1,097;'00' 12.0"Hbrlz. Orifice/Grate Limited.toweir flow C= 0,600 Device Routing #1 Rrimary Primary Outl1low Max=15,1. 5cf.s@ 7.,87 hrsHW=1, 113:04' (Free'Elischarge) 't..:.:1 =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 15.15 cfs @ 19.28 fps) Date! Receiver!: Planner: 1~4-/D1 :JD . . . SKYLINE EST A TES PHASE 2 POST -DEVELOPMENT Prepared by Keating Engineering LLC HydroCAD@ 8.00 sin 002262 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Thurston 24-hr 25-yr Rainfal/=5.50" Page 44 12/17/2006 Pond 37P: STORAGE PIPING [79] Warning: Submerged Pond 36P Primary device # 1 by 0.06' Inflow Area = Inflow = Outflow = Primary = 5.110 ac, Inflow Depth = 3.39" 5.12 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 5.12 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 5.12 cfs @ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 1.443 af 1.443 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min 1.443 af Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-48.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 1,097.06' @ 7.88 hrs Surf.Area= 0.000 ac Storage= 0.000 af Plug-Flow detention time= 0.0 min calculated for 1.442 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass del. time= 0.0 min ( 731.4 - 731.4 ) Volume #1 Invert 1,09700' Device #1 RoutinQ Primary Avail.StoraQe StoraQe Description 0.Qa7ar 24.0"'0 x 100.00'L Horizontal Cylinder S= 0.1500 '/' I nvert Outlet Devices 1,082.00' 12.0" Horlz. Orifice/Grate Limited to weir flow C= 0.600 . Primary OutFlow Max=14.67 cfs @ 7.88 hrs HW=1,097.06' (Free Discharge) L1=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 14.67 cfs @ 18.68 fps) Inflow Area = Inflow = Primary = Link 20L: (new Link) 1.890 ac, Inflow Depth = 2.78" 1.49 cfs @ 7.?8 hrs, VQlume= 1.49 cfs@ 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.437 af 0.437 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = 'Inflow, TimeSpan= 0~00~48:00hrs, dt= 0.05 h-rs _lnflow.Area = Inflow = Primary = lirik 41L: DISCHARGE TO STREET 9..194.ac,lnflow-Qepth.=-2~99" 3.58 cis@ 7.92h'fs, V61ume= 3:58 cfs (g) 7:92'h'rs, Volume= ~- .....---..---- _. . 269::1 ilf . 2-2~~~'1,__A.!leri=ODfo,~a~=0:0r1lin -primary outflQ.w = Inflow, Time SRan;= 0.00-48.00 h[!;"dt,::Jl.05chrs . Da~ Recelvecl:~ Planner: aD . . . . IlJ)F Curves . SCS soil t ..~. es ". ....y~.. . Keating Engineering LLC - /88 West B Street - Springfield, OR 97477 - (54/) 726-9995 Skyline Estates Stormwater Study Data Receivect j-l-{--bl Planner: 3D . . -.--b .,J~' .-:r '1--7f . ..-- ---~~- I.~ \" -.----- \f' /.') -, - ~ .~ '\~ . - '- ~ . . . · ~'j/ IV ~ ~ II I III "- I I~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II J / / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II /1/ /1 I ' ~ 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I II I I '1/ / Y / / I I~ \" III I I I I I I II III II 1/ /1/1/ I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II V I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , /I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I / I / I I ~ I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I / !/ If / I I ~ <'" III I I I I I I II I I III ry IT I I <\:) , III I I I I II I II /1/1/ I /1 I I 1III I I II I I I V, /1 I I I.~ <> I I I I I I I I 1'1 I '1/ I I I I ~ . .... :::t l:2 - III I I I I I II I [ If I I I J "" :::t IIII I I I I I I ' f I I I I I ~": ; III I I I I I IIIJ f II II I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I /1 I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I II / 1/1 1/1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT / / ~ I I II I I ~ II I I I I I I VV I / IV I I I I I S;; 0 .Si I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "'- i:::: - I I I I I I I I I 11/ / I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I . / / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / /1 I I I I I I I ~ ~ I I I 1 I I / / /1/ 1/ II I I I I 1 I II I I I I I oJ. ~/I/ " .If II I I I I I I I ~ III1 I I T /7/ r I III I I I I I I / ~ III I I I ^~ ~. ~/l~i. I I I II I I I I .f:l " II' I I W'ff} ! )1'11 I II II I I \ I "\J AI' If -1- - ::. - - -. -. - -.-- - _. -------- - 'i -- ----. ~~~ -~~---- A ' . I I I I Iz ~'l" T . 1'" I I I I I "- I I I S2 "!-r'ITlr '711 - ". "~ I'r I I II I I I I I I I \l) "- -'-_"'-~"- '- . .-.-- '..+-1+. - -I /4-/"" 4- ---1-1- -I-.-I.+H-:l:-H- ---1-"----1--- __3D :-~- -~ , . II 1-. f / /1/ I I I I I II I I II I I f'- - IlIA / L /A ,. III I III I J 1.1. J I I ~ '" \0 "'''' \(\ \:l Ie) '" IlJ 'I) \() 'V ~ ~ ~.~ ---.. 1,4'01 '<i ~<\jR~/;;;Ali INTE~/TY(hch~~~~IVed:\:l 3D I fl (jURE 4./ ~,.c I ( . :-~ . ~R~~'TtC~S. ~ C. I /lo/n fo II 1f7/ens;!!:!; DUiO 1/0/7 om - - ' Frequency CUiVes /a- EUgens W?g0f7 incorpo.,rated I '~SW~~Il.cIlt""~G~;::J~,'>W,:..:-,:.o11 101 E SfI SlrnI. ~ _ ~ j?:'fl) 59";;~~: A.-3D 11~ ~ S"...., '7:~_ e..,'.......... ...~ w.o;.. ~~I '':S \.J.o.C J l This unit is used mainly as pasture and homesites. It is also used for wildlife habitat If this unit is used for pasture, the main limitations are slope, the clayey texture of the soils, depth to rock, droughtiness, and cobbles on the surface, which limit the use of equipment Use of proper stocking rates, pasture rotation. and restricted grazing during wet periods helps to keep the pasture in good condition and to protect the soil from erosion and compaction. If this unit is used for recreational development, the main limitations are slope, the susceptibility of the soils to compaction when wet, the sticky surface layer, and depth to rock. If this unit is used for homesite development, the main limitations are slope, depth to rock, and shrink-swell potential. The Hazelair soil is subject to severe slumping when cutbanks are exposed. Cutbanks on this soil need to be reinforced'by providing retaining walls with proper drainage to prevent them from slumping when the soil is wet Wetness of the unit can be reduced by installing drain tile around f90tings. Suppon and-stability for buildings can be provided by placing footings on bedrock. The effects of shrinking and swelling can be minimized by using proper engineering designs and by backfilling with material that has iow shrink-swell potential. !. Permeability of the Dixonville soil is slow. Available , Erosion is a hazard in the steeper areas. Only the pan water capacity is about 4 to 7 Inches., Water supplying of the site that is used for construction should be capacity is 17 to 23 inches. Effective rooting depth is ,20 disturbed. Excavation for roads and buildings increases : to 40 inches. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion the risk of erosion. It is also increased If the soils are left is high. exposed during site development Preserving the existing The Philomath soii is shallow and well drained. It plant cover during construction heips to control erosion. formed in colluvium and residuum derived dominantly Topsoil can be stockpiled. and used to reclaim areas from basic igneous rock. Typically, the surface layer is disturbed by cutting and filling. very dark brown cobbly silty clay about 6 inches thick. Plans for homesite development should provide for the The subsoil is very dark brown cobbly silty clay and clay preservation of as many trees as possible. In summer, -'irrig.ation is required (9.JI,?w.ogrEiss_es, shrubs. vines, about 8 inches thick. Weathered bedrock is at a depth of . . . -- _. -. __Hinches.-Depth_to.berJrOGk .ranges -from +2-to-20 shad e.tr.ees ,.and.ornamentai-tfees~Selectlon'of"adapted-- inches. vegetation is critical for the establishment of lawns, Permeability of the Philomath soil is slow. Available ^, shrubs, trees, and vegelat5legaraenS water capacity is about 2 to 3 inches. Water supplying Thls':map uniHs,in,.capabllit5lsubclassVle. capacity is 13 to 15 inches. Effective rooting depth is 12 , ' ..,to'20-inches:Runoff'is' rapid, 'alld-the 'nazarifofwater' -- .. ----.---...- erosion is high. i The Hazelair soil is moderately deep and moderately well drained. It formed in colluvium overlying sedimentary rock. Typically, the surface layer is very dark brown silty clay loam <Jbout 11 inches thick. The'subsoil is dark brown silty clay about 4 inches .thick. The substratum is dark brown and light olive brown clay about 21 inches thick. Weathered bedrock is at a depth of 36 inches. Depth to bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. Permeability of the Hazelair soil Is very slow. Available water capacity is about 4 to 7 inches. Water supplying capacity is 18 to 22 Inches. Effective rooting depth is limited by a high water table that is at a depth of 1 foot to 2 feet from December to April. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of water erosion is high. . . . . i : I I , 43E-Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair complex, 12 to 35 percent slopes, This map unit is on rolling foothills and toe slopes. Slopes generally are convex, bul swales and drainageways are in some places. Areas are irregular In shape and are 10 to 200 acres in size. The vegetation in areas not cultivated is mainly scattered, clumpy stands of Oregon white oak, Douglas-fir, and ponderosa pine interspersed with open grassy and brushv areas. Elevation is 400 to 1,800 feet. The average annual precipitation is 40 to 60 inches, the average annual air temperature is 52 to 54 degrees F, and the average frost. free period is 165 to 210 days. This unit is 35 percent Dixonville silty clay loam, 30 percent Philo math cobbly silty clay, and 20 percent Hazelair silty clay loam. The components of this unit are so intricately intermingled that it was not practical to map them separately at the scale used. Included in this unit are small areas of Ritner and Witzel soils and Rock outcrop. Included areas makeup about 15 percent of the total acreage. The Dixonvllle soil is moderately deep and well drained. It formed in colluvium and residuum derived Irom basaltic rock. Typically, the surface layer is very dark brown silty clay loam about 14 inches thick. The. subsoil is dark brown silty clay and cobbly clay about 12 inches thick. Weathered bedrock is at a depth of 26,- inches. Depth to bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. . Date Received: Planner: I-lf-bl ::51) . . . 113E---RittllH cobbly sllly clay lomn, 12 !O :)0 percent slone' rhis deep. WBIl dra~r.ed is on fOOlhW5, ii formed in conoly eoiluv.iUfP denved bmstC luneous fQCi~ !\rem; are irr4i1Julur ,n shupe ;lnt 5 to 100 Heres or P10Te In size, The vegetatH)f) In Br not cuflivatf3d is inainiy Doug!as~f1r, biglei:li map!€: OrHQOn whlte Qa~" wHstern breckentem. f\€i2elnuL pOison.oak, and grasses. Elevation :3 400 to t ,500 {.~ 'Jrhe avorag0 annual pn?cipitation IS .:10 to 60 d1CtHJS. tho? i~yerage Brnua! air tcrnperature is 50 te 5<': degrees F, f~Jid the average tfost~ffea period 1$ 165 to 2 H) days. ,~,.~Typically, U'\02 surlace is (;ovared wllh a niBt (;1 l1\e'Eidles, leaves, and Iwigs about 1 inch th,ck. The j'sO'ttac€ layer is dark reddish brown CObb!: silly dfiY IQan F~~~ut 7 In~h.es thick. The ~Ubs~jl !$ dark reddish brown \'aoel yellowlsn red 'Jery CObDly silty ciay loam about 25 Umcttes thich:. Highly fractured basan is at a deplh ot 3~ Jihthes, Oepth to bedrock ranges trom 20 to 40 inches, ~;inncluded m this unit are small arGas at JOrf, Nekia, ~hO)VjtZElf soils. Included areas make up about 15 ~rFenl or Ihe lotal acreage, ~,:Rerm8BbliiIY of this Ritner soil is moderately stow, k~y<ii.labfe waler CZipacity is about 3 10'6 inches, Waler ~$\lRplylng capability is 16 1023 inches. Effective rooting fllIlpth is 20 to 40 inches, Runoff ;s medium, and the f.;~~rd of water erosion is moderate, " os1 areas of Ihis unit are used lor limber prOduction - Hdlile habitat. A lew areas are lIsed for'Dasture, ' ~ ds, recreation, and homesites. . unit is suiled to pasture and orchard crops, it is mainly by sloniness and steepness of stope. In , i"igallon is required lor maxim,lm production, Irngalion is a suitable method 01 applying water eeds to be applied slowly to minimize runoff ~nd , Trees and grasses respond to nitrogen, and , respond to phosphorus and lime, Proper g rales, pasture rolation, and restricted grazing 'r:tf~-'mtrpasIITfFin gQOUcOT1(iiiiof!--rrna~t(r proteG! .'lJmm erosion, ' iJ'!nH is suited to the production of Douglas-lir. On - of a 100-year site Gurve, the ffiE1a n site index as~lirjs_ i.3..1. ~l!:LEUlQlll.oli"Lpro.dhtctiQl1.per .acte_ -cubJcle"t from an even-aged, tully stocked trees 60 vears old or 76,770 board feet ional rule: one-eighth-inch ireri) from an ~en- rl slocked stand of trees 80 years old. ,!I.methods of harvesting timber generally are but the soil may be compacted il it is moist i'lVY equipment is used. BecBuse Ihe clayey soli " n wel. most planting and harvesling Gan be used only durin.g dry penods, Roads gs can be protected from erosion by 19 waler bars and bv seeding cuts and Hils, ,-reparation is not adequate. cornpelitton from 8 p~ants can prevent or r9tart! natural or 5tabl!shmon'j OJ trees. Competing vegeiation oiled by proPH srte preparation and by rUng. or g1Pj!P1g to eHmif'iiH€ vn\"''anted , or irBOS. ReforeStation can be (j by planting DouglasAir seedhilgS I IS useo for recreational development, me ions i1re steepness ot slope\ smail stor1es, SQB wXlure. Use aeneraliy is umit9d to oaths FF;:Which should exmnti across the s!op,~ H -tillS unit IS used for h()ji:th1de:-'dewelopm8ill !hlC; rnair. tirnltaHonB are Steepness of siope, [~epth to bedrock, lovl SOil cobbles, and modaf:at~iy slow p,grmeahiH!y dec'p cuts needed 10 provida 8b'Sal1l1atty 'evel sitB$ caIn axpuoo Spedallcundatons lor dwellings witholJt basements may be "&OtHi!d 10 overGorn& the low son strength. This map Wlit is in capilbfifiy subclass Vis, , , . . Date ReceIVed:~ Planner: JD KEATING ENGIN.NG LLC 188 WEST B STREET SUITE 'P ADDRESS SPRINGFIELD - OREGON - 97477 PHONE 541-726-9995 FAX 541-726-9996 . email: keatingeng@msn.com ISEDIMENTATION CALCULATIONS FOR STORMWATER PRETREATMENT DETENTION BASIN PROJECT SCOPE DESIGNER EXTENDED DRY BASIN DESIGN . SKYLINE ESTATES S 71ST ST - SPRINGFIELD - OREGON STORMWATER PRETREATMENT BASI DATE 12/16 PROJECT NO Steve Keatino REVISED USES EPA APPROACHES RELATING SIZES OF SUP ENDED SOLIDS TO REMOVAL EFFICEINCIES OF TREATMENT SYSTEMS DRAINAGE AREA 35()000 RUNOFF COEFFICIENT 0.80 DESIGN PEAK FLOW (Q\ 10208 BASIN WIDTH 30.00 BASIN DEPTH 6.00 BASIN LENGTH 100.00 POND EFF. PARAMETER 3 EQUATION VALUES SQFT CFH FT FT FT GOOD DYNAMIC REMOVAL 1-(1 +(l/n)'(Vp/(Q/A)))~ QUIESCENT REMOVAL ' (Vs'A'TIEWo TIE (interevent time\ 123 HRS A (pond surface area) 3000 sa ft pool volume Vb 18000 CU FT mean annual storm vol Vr 508200000 CU FT DESCRIPTION AVG CV shape factor 2.65 NNUAL NUMBER OF STORMS 71 0.15 kinematic viscosity (v) 0.000328 ft'/sec DURATION (HOURS 15.9 0.8 os = oarticle density = 150 oct -. .INTENSITY.(IN/HRl 0.35 . 0,73 'p":.. densitv of water - 62:5 -oct VOLUME (IN) 0.5 1.09 basin ratio nQ/A 10 STORM SEPARATION (HRS) 123 1.5 Q/A 0.29 SURFACE OVERFLOW RATE PARTICLE DIAMETER (MICRO %lWTl %lTTLI Vp Cd Re dynamic buiescen D+C VOL 1000 100 1 5.2101 2.20 52.00 -0.147 0.03 -0.12 -0.0012 707 100 5 5.2327 2.18 35.35 -0.148 0.03 -0.12 -0.0059 595 95 5 4.7754 2.62 28.56 -0.136 0.03 -0.11 -0.0055 420 90 5 3.2246 5.74 13.44 -0.096 0.02 -0.08 -0.0039 297 85 5 2.4856 9.67 7.43 -0.075 0.01 -0.06 '0.0031 177 80 5 1.6487 21.98 3.01 -0.051 0.01 -0.04 -0.0021 88 75 25 0.8507 82.54 0.79 -0.027 0.00 -0,02 -0.0055 44 50 25 0.4213 336.60 0.19 -0,014 0.00 -0.01 -0.0028 16 25 . 25 0.1580 2393.72 0.03 -0.005 0.00 -0.00 -0.0011 8 O. 0 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0 0.00 0.0000 . TOTALV0LUMEREMOVED "0:0310 - - TYPICAL VALUE OF STORM EVENTS PARTICLE SIZES (Fram City of Portland) Stormwater Management Manual rev. 9/02) . STOKES SETTLING VELOCITIES ITERATIONS partlcle'SlZe (microns),.,. 1000 Re=DV/v= for V Cd=24/Re+3/0.5Re+0.34= Vp=(4g(ps,p)/(3)(Cd)(p))'= REMOVAL RATES Iteration V- fpm 5.2 52 2.2005 .5:21 at =0.08683 fps smaIFpool'YJohimEflimits;usefUlneSs'of uiescent'settlement. _ partide size (microns)= 707 iteration V= .,fpm 5 Re=DV/V= for V '~'35"35 Cd=24/Re:':3/0.5Re+0,34~=-2C.1816 - _ _ ____ ___ __.Yp-=(~g(PkP)!@(9..9)(p))'= 5.2327. =_0.Q872UpS.__ _ _.. particle s_iz~ (microns)= 595 iterationV= fpm 4.8 Re=DV/v= for V 28:56 Cd=24/Re+3/0:5Re+0:34; . '-2:619'\" Vp=(4g(ps_p)/(3)(Cd)(p))'= 4./754 = 0.07959 fps . 420 iteration V= fpm 3.2 13.44 5.7448 3.2246 = 0.05374 f s ate ReceivedJ - Lf ~61 Planner, JD . . . STOKES SETTLING VELOCITIES ITERATIONS . partIcle size (microns): 297 Re=DV/V= for V Cd=24/Re+3/0.5Re+0.34= Vp=(4g(ps-p)/(3)(Cd)(p))'= particle size (microns)= 177 Re:QVfv= for V Cd=24/Re+3/0.5Re+0.34= Vp=(4g(ps-p)/(3)(Cd)(plj2= particle size (microns)= 88 Re=DVIv= for V Cd=24/Re+310.5Re+0.34= Vp=(4g(ps-p)/(3)(Cd)(plj2= particle size (microns)= 44 Re=DVIv= for V Cd=24/Re+3/0.5Re+O.34= Vp=(4g(ps-p)I(3)(Cd)(plj2= particle size (microns)= 16 Re=DVIv= for V Cd=24/Re+3/0.5Re+0.34= V=4 5- /3 Cd '= iteratIon V= fpm 2.5 7.425 9.6687 2.4856 = 0.04143 Ips iteration V= fpm 1 .7 3.009 21.975 1.6487 = 0.02748 Ips iteration V= fpm 0.9 0.792 82.537 0.8507 = 0.01418 Ips iteration V= fpm 0.44 0.1936 336.6 0.4213 = 0.00702 Ips iteration V= 0.17 0.0272 2393.7 0.158 = 0.00263 I s . Date Received: Planner: t... It ~61 3D . . . . . Date Received: Planner: I-Lf-D7 ~t) I I -- . ,'- i . . :I +" ... 1'\ '.- "'"". TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR r'.-: 1$:... " ,J." r if# "-~'" . 'h. '/'1:; ,." l"~~, ..;~,.t..~ S~yline Estates Residential Subdivision Springfield, Oregon t~'._ -~. l' ~ L...!l:'JlW", '4 l. 1 :'4''':) :~!j , -- ~- ;:;,;,."",,,,,,,,,,,~,,*,,, J}~~._.\ ~':ffs\~~:'; .....< . ...,'- ..r'~;~ -' F'i>. - -'t.... , r.."',.' .. ":';'.: : : '__'5,-c.~.. :\..r;'-':"'-' -, ~:~~4-' ~. 'I.~',,:" " December 21, 2006 Prepared For: SKYLINE ESTATES, LLC P.o. Box 117 Walterville, Oregon 97478 '~rE:lE>,!red.Bv: :....--------.':.:. ~..,~:..~~~~F -_~. ~ fli'~ c'--,~~':':.. .[. -: i. ". ': '. :1. - - ,.~ ~ '-" ..._.r." " --;,' ,- " _ - . c c' '_.~>' . [ ., ...~~:~ BRANCHE.t\lGINEERING,INC. 3tO;Fifth Street 'Springfield; Oregon 97477 Phone.(541) 746,0637 Fax(54~)746'0389 Project. No. 06-216 \--L\'-01 Date Recelved:- Planner: J D . . . TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR Skyline Estates Subdivision Springfield, Oregon ~trr~""'''<n~.'ff<''''',~!'"'''''''"'''''''*''':''~''''''''''',~~"",_",.1'=''''":.":!_'~"~;"~:"""""';",,,,,",~~~~,","""''''",,,,''''''1'.=!,*,~.:1''':,._.,,,.;~!tM''H1'~!c:S=''''t<P.",,,,;T-"~""'"'": ';!'r! December 21, 2006 Prepared Bv: . Exp. JUNE 30, 2007 BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 06-216 . Date Received: Planner. . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS .~""""'~-~""'~."."".".~--- ~'~"-""""'" ~""""""""",.,.",,,..... 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................2 Site Access ..................................................................................... 4 Site Circulation ............................................................................ 4 Off-Site improvements .................................................................... 4 Non-Motorized Facilities............. ............................ .........................4 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS......................................................................6 Street Network ......................................................................... 6 Intersections. ...... ...... .................. ..... ... ....... ................. ...... ...............6 Traffic Control Devices................................................................... 6 Accident Analysis ............................................................................ 6 Transit Facilities .............................................................................. 7 Non-motorized Facilities..... ........ ......... ......... ............. ......................7 5. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES .......................................................... 8 Seasonal Adjustment .....................................................................8 i. 6. FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUM~S ..........................................................10 Growth.. ........ ...... ...... ........... ......... .... ... ........ .......... .... ............___......10 Trip Generation ...............................................................,.............12 Trip Distribution & TrafficAssignment..........................................12 Construction Traffic.. ................ ........ ................ ....... ..................... 15 7. INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE ....................................................16 Level of Service........... ............ .................................................. 16 Vehicle Queuing.............. ............ ..........................................17 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................18 . Date Received: Planner. . . . LIST OF FIGURES .."'........~~."......__.; "............._._-~"""""""'--.~........."......-.. ''".,..~~-'.''''''=:1''",','',~.,'''_'<l.y<'"'''''''''"'''''*"'''--ll;.'o)\..cA;.:g..(''''':'_...'?..'''''' Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Vicinity Map ...................."..................."................................ 3 Site Pian ............................................................................. 5 Year 200 'Existing' Traffic Volumes .......... .".."".."......."......9 Year 2010 'No Build' Traffic Volumes ...."...........................11 Assignment of Site Generated Traffic.................................. 13 Year 2010 'Build' Traffic Volumes........".............................. 14 LIST OF TABLES k""".I'>'~,.~.,....1"=".,:,..;''''>JO~,...~'''"=. _ .....~Tl""."!.=="""',..,!"~;:<'~-:<.j~~_"""'..;.""...,_,.,."""-~~~"'.......".".,,.......~.....,._~~,~,~t....~""........~':""'~~, Accident History .................................""....."......................... 7 . Trip Generation ..................."."............""............................12 Trip Distribution ........................... .................... ..................... 12 Level of Service Criteria.................................................".... 16 Intersection Performance Results ..................................... 17 LIST OF APPENDICES 1-_'~'!1'"'~-~"',~"~!.~:-7~... ~~..-:.:'_,... "1':",,...,.."'r.":''"'::':<.'..._~~:~~=_~'"'h~~~~.'''''...,.,..;..m~!O':~.=='~~i'~.i.'J::::'.f_~.~~.E-"'!.'::1~,"',~~~JiI.,.,:..;=-.."_;""'_...",~;",,.j _.: Appendix A: City of Springfieid Traffic Impact Scope Appendix B: ODOT Crash Data Appendix C: Transit Schedules Appendix 0: Traffic Count Summaries Appendix E: Lcog Growth Data Appendix F: ITE Trip Generation Data Appendix G: Intersection Performance Calculations . Date Received:_ Planner. . Ie . . I · TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL YS S: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PAGE 1 OF 18 1. Introduction Brimch Engineering inc. has been retained by Skyline Estates, LLC to prepare this Major Traffic Study as required in Springfield Development Code 32.020 to meet the criteria of Springfield Public Works Department policy S.O.P.P. #T-6.1 and the Traffic Impact Study Scope of Work, dated October S, 2006 (see Appendix A), prepared by City of Springfield Transportation staff for the proposed Skyline Estates Residential Subdivision development in Springfield, Oregon. Included in this report is a summary of existing and proposed transportation infrastructure, existing 'no build' traffic volumes, post development ('build') traffic volumes, accident history and analysis, and an evaluation of operating conditions at nearby relevant intersections. The following is a list of scenarios analyzed in this report: .:. Year 2006 'Existing' .:. Year 2010 'No-build' .:. Year 2010 'Build' ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. Date Received: Planner~ December 21,2006 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL yl: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION · PAGE 2 OF 18 . 2. Project Description The proposed Skyline Estates 70 lot residential development is located along South 71 ,\ Street in the Thurston Hills, in southeast Springfield. The 26.5 acre development is planned to be constmcted in two phases. The first phase will include approximately 37 d\vellings within the 18.6 acres of the site that is already annexed to the City of Springfield. Phase II will include the balance of the site, and. approximately 35 residential lots. The development proposal consists of single family dwellings, open space, and supporting public infrastructure. Construction of Phase I is planned for summer, in 2007 with full occupancy anticipated in 2010. The propelty is identified on Assessor's Map 18-02-02, Tax Lots 500 and 600, and Assessor's Map 18-02-02-24, Tax Lots 1600, 1700 and 1800. The site is generally mountainous in terrain, densely vegetated, and is currently undeveloped. Figure I illustrates the location of the proposed development. . . Date Received: Planner: 1@Branch Engineering, Inc. December 21, 2006 . '. . I ~I ~ i': c.o 0j . MAIN STREET 1--/ t;jf 2: Cf) ,iF Co'O CO' !;j 2': V) IVY STREET "" JESS/C4 iB N.T.S. co . VICINITY IvIA? SPRINGFIELD. OREGON I McKENZIE HIGHWA yl I tJ '" 6:' I-- !;j I-- 2': !;j V) f..- Lu 2': ~ kJ co f': V) "- V) '" 0j 'in ~ '" r::: 0j 0j - Ci) c.o 0j Date Received: Planner. FIGURE 1 ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. . . I , . I , TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALY!: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. PAGE 4 OF 18 Site Access Vehicular access is proposed via a public street connection to South 71" Street. The proposed street location is immediately north of Jessica Drive, south of the crest of South 7lS1 Street. <:i+o r"irl'" r1~til"\n ........... _.....................,.. The proposed public roadway will extend to the southeast corner of the property and will provide future interconnectivity between adjacent undeveloped properties as identified in the Springfield Local Street Plan. Access to the new dwellings will be provided by a series of private and public streets. Off-Site Improvements The proposed development includes upgrading a portion of South 71 51 Street to current City standards from the proposed site access point, south and west to South 70th Street at Jessica Drive. Non-Motorized Facilities Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations wi II include public sidewalks, and shared on-street vehicle / bicycle lanes. The proposed site plan is illustrated in Figure 2. Date Received: Planner: r@'1 Brandi Engineering, Inc. December 21, 2006 '.I'jV.,.lr'....i...'..Id'..<!>!:i!U il"!!I!!'I'!: ~I ! ,,!, j,... ..J lIL ! ~ ' lor, 1'1"',; "!ll.1;;'<( 0i~' i ,r,1{" ",,~ " . tl''''~ w (, fl. :, . . O,~9 .jflfj '\;'?~ j<.~~~ ~ ...l . . Z <C ... a. I.IJ ... - en _)----0-- . ..J !m<( WWCD Z~0' Ii.;ro... >-""0 S;::u)D::: U) W 0...; ! "' I- o ..J ill 1= U) w U) . -",w :cz CL-I ~. I COI (1)1 W, 0' 01 <( ~ I- o ..J co '" ,- o ..J \ ,\ \ r-- "l -l- I- ,~ 0 ,"l \ ..J f- 0 '..J \ 0' "l '", 1-' '" "l 0' "l. W ..J l- t:: 0 (!) ..J ------ . 0) I- a ..J . I I Iii 63 >- (I) I ' ~~ I I -~ o i i _>...1' U)lU [L ~_ : D Z ~- co o ~r: co) <{ S2;:::: <.( (C_'....JZO_LJl~:[ (L[L<.([~<.(2tL 'jl ,< ~; i > .~ <DL.: Q:lIl <DC ....C tUtU 00:: ~ \ \ <D en 0 ." v '" "' i~) ". ,- I- ,- "' - "' I- 0 I- ,- 0 0 0 f- --' .--, -' --' 0 0 --' --' co <D ". "l "' "' l- I- I- 0 0 0 ..J ..J ..J "' f- 0 --' m '" I- o ..J w U) <t: I 0.. , ,- ~ <D f- o ..J "' I- o ..J "l 'D f- a --' . illl ;1!! '[. !: "' f- o ..J '~[I r-- I- 0 -. 0 r-- I- 0 ..J en <D 0 ..J 0) <D I- 0 ..J r-- .0 f- 0 --' eN UI a: :::) " - .... o <D ,- o --' CD .n I- o ..J . :e I i I Ie I . . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PAGE 6 OF 18 3. Existin~ Conditions Street Network The relevant roadways for this study are: .:. Main Street (McKenzie Highway) . .:. South 69th Place .:. South 70th Street .:. South 71 sl Street' Main Street is functionally classified as a major collector roadway, and has a posted speed of 45 MPH in the project vicinity. It is a five-lane east-west running roadway with two vehicle travel lanes in each direction, and a center left-turn lane. Abutting development includes a mix of commercial and resid~ntial properties. South 69th Place and South 70th Street are functionally classified as collector roadways, while South 71 Sl Street is classified as a local street. These streets have post(:d or statutory speeds of 25 MPH, and abutting developments are residential in character. Intersections With City concurrence, the following existing intersections were evaluated for potential operational issues associated with the proposed development: .:. Main Street at South 69th Place .:. Main Street at South 70th Street .:. Main Street at South 71" Street Traffic Control Devices The Main Street / 69th Street / South 69th Place intersection is controlled by a traffic signal. The other two intersections evaluated under the existing conditions scenario are two-way stop controlled. Accident AnaJy~is An analysis of crash history was performed for the relevant existing studied intersections. The most .recent-three-full-years-of-accident-datawas evaluated (-January I, 2003 through-December 31,2005) as supplied by the ODOT Crash Analysis and Reporting-Unit. Date Recelved:_ Planner: 1~ Branch Engineering, Inc. ~ December 21, 2006 . . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PAGE 7 OF 18 . During the period of analysis, there was one angle type property damage only (PDO) accident reported at the 71 st Street I Main Street intersection, and no reported crashes at the South 70th Street I Main Street intersection. There were six reported crashes at the 69th I Main Street intersection, as summarized in Table I. ~--'--'- -:---Main~Streer@ -69tW-~----:------------= - ". Year Crash Severity Crash Type Total .PDO Iniurv Fatal Angle Rear Tumina Ped 2003 I - - - - I - I 2004 1 I - I 1 2 - - - 2005 2 I - - - 3 - 3 As indicated above, there were a total of six reported crashes at the Main Street I 69th Street intersection . during the three year study period. This results in a calculated accident rate of 0.33 per million entering vehicles which is generally considered an acceptable rate. :. The ODOT crash data is inCluded as Appendix B. Transit Facilities The proposed development site is serviced nearby via Lane Transit District (L TD) Routes 8x, II, and 91. The bus stops that are regularly served by these routes are located on Main Street, approximately threeCquaitersuOf a nlileawilYAClaitionally, tfieTnrustonFark~ana~nae StatioiiulsTcicatedwltiiin two miles to the west of the site. LTD route schedules are included in Appendix C. . . It is expected that transit service will be extended closer to the subject site, via South 67th Street, as the nearby Mci untaingate developlUent.is. constructed. Non~l\i1otorizedFacifitjes .. The vast majority of relevant off~site roadways are not currently improved with exclusive bicycle or pedestrian accommodations. . Data Received: Planner. l@i Branch Engineering, Inc. December 21, 2006 . . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PAGE 8 OF 18 e 4. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes were obtained from the City ofSpringfidd 2004 ADT . Map. Traffic counts are based on typical weekday 24 hour counts. The available published ADT in the . project vicinity is as follows: Roadway Main Street South 69'h Place South 70'h Street South 71" Street ADT 15,900 3,700 900 1,900 ADT for South 69tl' Place and South 71 st Street was estimated to be ten times existing peak hour traffic volumes, as no existing published ADT data was available. Ie Exi~ting PM peak hour traffic volumes were determined by manual traffic counts conducted by Branch Engineering staff in October, 2006 (see Appendix D). The counts were perfonned between 4':00 and 6:00 PM on typical weekdays. Results of the counts indicate that the PM peak hour generally occurs between 5 :00 to 6:00 PM in the area of analysis. Seasonal Adjustment Traffic volumes typicaIIy fluctuate throughout the year. To account for the fluctuation, an adjustment was made to the observed traffic volumes in accordance with ODOT's seasonal adjustment I methodology. The adjustment was based on data obtained from ODOT's Automatic Traffic Recorder ~ __.~{ATRJ-#20,,008Jocated.on.lnterstateJ05(EugeneoSpringfield.Highway),"near~1nterstate..s7 .The traffic .. --- counts were performed in ()ctober, and the peak month is June. The resulting seasonal adjustment factor was 1.06. The adjusted traffic count summaries are included in AppenCiix D, and illustrated in Figure 3. i I /e l@iBranCh Engineering, Inc. Date Received: Planner. December 21,2006 YEAR 2006 'EXISTING' TRAFFIC VOLUMES (PM PEAK HOUR) e S. 7151 STREET , I .1 .", ~ ~ u '" I I 5"", S. 70lh STREET ie S. 59th PLACE I 445 35 I 4 ~+l., 37 j t. 5 30 --+ +- 14 79 t . 75 .~t r+ 148 92 793 482 . 16 .~ t.3 .22 tsr 797 ate Received: Planner. I I Ie I N.T.S. FIGURE 3 463 H. t. 24 . r23 t~ 681 ..~ ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL yl: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. PAGE 10 OF 18 . 5. Future Traffic Volumes Growth Future 'no build' conditions were estimated by factoring existing traffic volumes by the projected Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR) as published by Lane Council of Governments (see Appendix E). Eugene/Springfield metropolitan population is projected to increase at an average AAGR of 1.17 percent oyer the next 25 years; however, AAGRs have reached 2.5 percent in the past 25 years. For this analysis, existing background traffic was factored at a 3 percent per year growth rate. Figure 4 shows year 2010 'no build' traffic volumes. Ie I r I I 1-" I I Ie I 1@J Branch Dat$ Received: Planner: Engineering, Inc. December 21, 2006 '. '" N Cii '" v '" I' Ie YEAR 2010 'NO BUILD' TRAFFIC VOLUMES (PM PEAK HOUR) S. 71s1 STREET S. 70lh STREE I S. 69th P~ACE 501 39 I 5 . . . _______ _ __n_~...J_L~___ _____ 42 j l. 6 34-+ +-16 89 t t84 ~t~ 167 104 893 I I I Ie I FIGURE 4 521 ~l t.27 t26 t[ 767 6", 543 -Lln- l.3 ("25 t6( 897 '6 Date Recelv '. ....- Planner. ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. -. . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL Y~: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION PAGE 12 OF 18 . Trip Generation Peak hour trip generation values for the proposed development were estimated based on Trip Generation, 7th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The referenced data is included in Appendix F, The following table summarizes the projected vehicle trips entering and leaving the site: ----------- - --",---.-- ..-- -------.._--------;---.....~--~----- - - -. .. ., "~, ':"TABlE 2:~,Ti'ip.Ge~era~ion ~' " " -, .. . __4____~ - . Land Use: Rate Number Trips Entering Trips Leaving Total Single,Family Detached Housing (fTE Land use 210) Per Unit of Units # % # % Trips PM Peak Hour 1.01 72 46 63% 27 370/0 73 Daily 9.57 72 345. 50% 345 50% 690 i. Trip Distribution & Traffic Assignment The site generated traffic was distributed to the adjacent road system and assigned to specific intersection movements based on existing operational characteristics in the project vicinity. For the purpose. of providing a conservative'analysis, 100 percent of the traffic was distributed each way at the proposed site access location, Additionally, 100 percent of the site generated traffic was distributed to each of the relevant intersections, as recommended by the City. It should be noted that based on the proposed site access location, alignment, topography and the unimproved status of South 71 st Street, little (if any) site generated traffic is expected to utilize this roadway as a link to or from Main Street Table 3 summarizes the trip distribution assumptions. . ., , -- ,- TABLE 3:_ ',Trip. Distri_butioil n_ _. - -_. , - -- - Desti~aiion - Percentage of Site Ge~erat~d-T~affic Trip Origin I .,... .-,---- _. ...- . -- North '1'0% - , - ---- East ]5% .. West 75% , Total 100% . Figures 5 and 6 conservatively illustrate the assignment site generated traffic and year 20 I 0 'build' tfaJfic volumes, respectively, 1@iBranch Engineering, Inc. Date Received:- Planner~ December 21, 2006 . ASSIGNMENT OF SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC (PM PEAK HOUR) 6 l. -L4 r23 r+ 40 . S. 71st STREET Ie ~ f5 '" '" S. 70th STREET 27 46 -J ~ t (46 I I 5-.. 6 ~ -L4 +-3 r20 ~ 35 6 l. -L4 ,23 ~ r+ 40 I I /- I ate Received: Planner: FIGURE 5 NOTE' SEE REPORT FOR TRIP DISTRIBUTION ASSUMPTIONS "'-_ N.T.S. ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. . YEAR 2010 'BUILD' TRAFFIC VOLUMES (PM PEAK HOUR) 521 ~t ~31 f"49 tar- 767 S. 71st STREU "" !:i! !;! ::> :e S. 70th STREET . S. .69th PLACE 27 46 ...J V 6--..... 27 c... {46 "6 501 39 I 1.1 ~. t L., 42J -LID 39-.. +-19 89 -.r f" 104 ~. t. r"" 167 139 893 543 ~'( ~7 f"48 11' 897 ate Received: Planner: . "....... N.T.S. FIG URE 6 ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL yl: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. PAGE 15 OF 18 . Construction Traffic As required in the City's scope of work statement, the potential impact to the neighborhood was considered and potential routes for heavy construction traffic were evaluated. The site is currently surrounded by developed residential neighborhoods and some streets are not improved to current City standards. These neighborhoods will likely be sensitive to any heavy vehicle traffic. Therefore, all construction traffic should be confined to one of the three collector streets extending up the hiB from Main Street, as these streets (when improved) would be expected to have the thickest pavement section, should be fairly wide, and usually have sidewalks. A typical improved collector roadway should be capable of accommodating the heavy construction traffic that would be associated with this development. The nearby collector roadways include South 67th Street, South 69th Place, and South 70th Street. Based on the project Civil Engineer's construction quantity estimates, approximately of2,800 one-way dump tmck loads are anticipated over a five month constmction window for each of the two phases. Based on the width and observed pavement conditions on South 70th Street, it is not recommended that constmction traffic utilize this street. ie South 69th Place is for the most part improved with sidewalks, curb and gutter, and appears to have . pavement in reasonably good condition. There is a traffic signal at Main Street that would provide a safe departure for loaded trucks leaving the site. However, this street meanders through a residential neighborhood and multiple stop/yield controlled intersections in steep locations. This stree(would likely be :rhe safest available route for loaded trucks departing from the site when considering the speed~ of traffic on Main Street. South 67th Street does not have a traffic signal at Main Street; however, it is the most direct route classified as a collector. street available to construction traffic, and it has likely had recent construction activity on or near it from other nearby road and utility projects. This route is recommended for construction traffic entering the.site, and should be available for any empty (non-.backbaul) truck traffic leaving the site. I I I- I Date Received: Planner: l@1 Branch Engineering, Inc. December 21, 2006 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL yl: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION. PAGE 16 OF 18 . 6. INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE To satisfy the City of Springfield sta.Tldards, and potentially ODOT interests, intersection perforn1a.l1ce was evaluated to detennine Level of Service (LOS) based on delay and Volume to Capacity (VIe) ratio. Unsignalized intersections were analyzed with the computer program Highway Capacity Software (HCS+) Version 5.2, by McTrans. The signalized intersection was evaluated using the computer program Sigcap2, by OOOT. Level of service, based on vehicle delay, is classified by a letter scale from 'A' to 'F'. LOS 'A' represents optimum operating conditions and minimal delay. LOS 'F' indicates overcapacity conditions causing unacceptable delay. LOS '0' is considered the minimum acceptable level of service by the City of Eugene. Mitigation measures are often necessary when the level of service is below' D'. The LOS determined by average delay per vehicle as established in the Highwav Capacity ManuaL 2000 (HCM) is as follows: I. r I Level of Service Unsignalized Signalized A < [0 see < [0 see B >10 and S 15 see >10 and S20 see C > 15 and S 25 see >20 and '0 35 see D >25 and '0 35 see >35 and S 55 see --"-- ..--------.------ . --~---~ E >35 and '0 50 see >55 and '080 see F > 50 see > 80 see [ [ ;. ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. ~ Another measure of congestion is perfonned by dividing the number of vehicles utilizing a transportation facility by the calculated capacityoftlie facility, resulting in a volUme to capacity (vie) ratio. Based on the 1999 Ort':gon Higbway PlaI!, !he mobility standard (maxiJl1um ily,,~ptabl~ voltLme to capacity ratio) within a Metropolitan Planning Organization is 0.90 for district/local interest roads, and u. _ _ . . _.. ~___ _ ___ _. _ _ _ . 0.80 for Statewide Principal Arterial Freight Routes. Main Street is a PrinCipal Arterial Freight Route, Date Received: Planner. December 21, 2006 . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAL yl: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION- . PAGE 17 OF 18 while the remaining facilities were evaluated as district/local interest roads. Vehicle Queuing In addition to capacity and delay calculations, vehicle queue calculations were performed and the length of queue for each applicable approach movement was projected in number of vehicles. Results of the intersection performance analysis calculations are documented in Appendix G, and the results are summarized in Table 5, . . TAB[E-S: . INTERSECTIOr,rPERFORMANCE RESULTS ,- -. - ---~--------:__- -----TPM Peak Hour) --- ---:--:~ ---- ~-,--- 2006 'Existing' -2010 'No~Build' _~Q10 '~I!i!d' ._ _. ... _. _ __ c___,..______.__. INTERSECTION I Movement LOS VIC 95% LOS V/C 95% LOS V/C 95% Queue Queue Queu~ I Main Street @ S. 69'h Place I 69'h Street Northbound Left C 0.04 2 0 '0.05 2 0 0.06 3 Northbound Through/Right A 0.01 1 A 0.01 1 A 0.02 I Ie Eastbound Left C 0.09 5 0 0.10 5 0 0.10 5 Eastbound Through C 0.22 9 0 0.25 10 0 0.25 to Eastbound Right A 0.05 2 A 0.06 3 A . 0.08 3 Southbound Left C 0.02 1 0 0.02 1 0 0.02 I Southbound ThroughlRight A 0.06 3 A 0.07 3 A 0.07 3 Westbound Left . A 0.01 I A 0.01 1 A 0.01 1 Westbound Through A 0.12 5 B 0.14 6 B 0.14 6 Westbound Right A 0.Q2 1 A 0.02 I A 0.02 t Main Street@.S. 70'h Street Westbound. Left A 0.01 B 0.01 B 0.02 Northbound'Approach C 0.08 C 0.11 C 0.21 MainStreet'@:S.7.1"'Sireet' (ives.l.bo_undLeft . A 0.01 A 0.01 B 0:02 . . . Northbo,iiidApproa'ch B o.n C 0.14 C 0.23 S. -7-1=-t.Street-@-Site-Acc,ess- . S.6uthb9UhifL~ft-. nla nla nla . . nla A 0:03 . I nla nla WestbOurii:lAjjproach . A 0.06 1 I /- 1@Branch Engineering, Inc. Date Received: Planner: December 21, 2006 . . . TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALY~: SKYLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION . PAGE 18 OF 18 . 7. Recommendations and Conclusion Transit Facilities The devdopment site is not convenienUy served by pubiic transit however, as [filS area continues to develop, it is expected that L TD wiU be extending service to the southeast Thurston neighborhood. Non-motorized Facilities No special pedestrian or bicycle facilities, other than those required by code, are necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Trip Generation The proposed development is projected to generate an average of 73 PM peak hour, and 690 daily new vehicle trips on the public roadway system. Ie Construction Traffic The recommended route for construction traffic between the project site and Main Street is South 67th Street, via Jessica Driv~ to South 69th Street to Ivy Street. However, heavy' equipment and/or' loaded trucks removing materiai from the sit~ should'utilizeSouth 69th Piace, via Jessica Drive to' 69th Street for the benefit of using the traffic signal to enter onto Main Street. Level of Service & Capacity All studied intersections are projected to operate at acceptable levels of service and within the mobility standard under aU scenarios through the planned build-out year of2010. Queuing All applicable 95th percentile queue lengths were calculated to remain the sanle, or increase by a -.-- maximum of one yeliiEle.or less. Tliese lengtl1s are.considerecrreasonabli ana are.not expectedOtoO- I ~ exceed the avail~ble storage. . . - - -... -. - . Conclusion In surrunary, the.resultoHhisanalysis indicates, the proposed development will not cause significant adverse impact on theojlerating characteristics ofth~existing adjacent roadway syst(':m. No:sR(':cial mitigation measures are necessary to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. l I- 1@lBranch Engineering, Inc. Date Received: Planner: December 21,2006 APPENDIX A i ~j , , ~ ~ r- ~ " I , r , -'I J CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY SCOPE OF WORK , ~ L I" .~ ",j .~ ~--.-' . " .1 L . ie, ...' -( .. ~",. -:.~ 1 , ) .'''''..... -"""~ "'-~~ -<.'. ... . !c"Or-"'-S-:;".F~"""'T - --'-~.'- _~.,.;.~^"".;c,~,_ ~~'~~> ' - 'i;~"-"""":-:-~ ~~~;f:,::;.:;c_ :~' -'-i,~-::'-~ -~ . >;..,),I ..,. :--.,~. ~,~ '[ C,' ;::-''''''.; . ." o;t-'~~.~_~ _ ",- :;A.'- 04 G'2-i;~"~,-~' ~ ..~ ~_ ;:"...,~;;.:-.-.,:;,...,.._,~,.- ~::z:;:::~:.:~(:::::_~:-:. " t . ; ~-~ J" --I.," ~ ,"i-. i..':"""':' , > _~~ ' _ ~. ,+-...-_~;:::~~...._- ->~: ~:..~ --.- ~_. -;~ -. -'. .'. ,,_.- ~~:=:;~..~;. ':c~.~-'.~ -. ,. -1 '-c I c.. ., Data Received: Planner: 1 I \ I , ",~~;:'::~'~'"",,""'~""--~r".- . \e r- I . . PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRA TlON ENGINEERING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 MAINTENANCE DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION www.ci.springfield.or.us/depCpw.htm www.ci.springfield.or.us October 5, 2006 Damien Gilbert Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Steve Keating/Skyline Subdivision Dear Damien, Enclosed per your request is a Traffic Impact Study Scope of Work statement for the Steve Keating/Skyline Subdivision. This scope is based on the information'provided with your letter of September 25,2006: Please give me a call if we may provide additional infonnation. Sincerely, ~ 'l7/? ~ ~,~ Gary McKenney, P.E.' U Transportation Planning Engineer Data Receivecf: Planner: ADMINISTRATION / TECHNICAL SERVICES / ENGINEERING' (541) 726.3753 ' FAX (541) 736,1021 MAINTENANCE,' (541) 726.3761 0 FAX (541) 726.3621 TRANSPORTATION: (541) 736.1006 FAX (541) 726.3781 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: (541) 726.3694 . FAX (541) 726.2309 . . . TRAFFIC IMP ACT STUDY SCOPE OF WORK Date: October 5, 2006 Consultant: Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project Assumptions: Project Name: Steve Keating/Skyline Subdivision Location: South of Jessica Street east of South 70th Street Land Uses: ITE Code 210 - Single-Family Detached Housing Size: Approximately 70 Dwelling Units Access: Via new street system from South 70th Streets south of Daisy Street Completion Date: Estimated 2007 i. I General: The proposed development will impact city streets; therefore the supporting traffic impact analysis will need to address Springfield Development Code (SDC) requirements. Because. the development is anticipated to generate more than 500 vehicle trips per day, it will require a "major traffic study" per SDC 32.020. The study should address all the criteria . outlined in Springfield Public Works Department policy (S.O.P.P.#T-6.1), except that certain elements of the study may be confined to the'scope outlined below. Trip Distribution and Assignment: Site traffic would have three primary routes available for access to/from Main Street: South 69th Street, South 70th Street and South 71 st Street. The distribution pattern of existing traffic at local street intersections near the site is a reasonably reliable indicator of future site-trip distribution. However, the trip contribution of the site would be minimal at anyone location if the total PM peak hour volume were spread over all three routes. It may be appropriate to consider a set of worst-case conditions by assigning all site trips 'to each of the three intersections in tum. - -.-----Stuay.cocations: r' . SIte access point on South 70th Street I . Main Street @ Soutli69th Street, South 70th Street mid South 7lst Street Traffielmpacts andLQS Analysis: LOS Analysis Methods Use 2000 Highway Capacity Manual methodology. . Period(s) - Analvsis Year PKfFeakHour - 2007 (or assumed build year for individualphases) Scenarios No-Build Build Date Received: Planner: Page 1 of2 . r. i . . Signalized LOS Analysis Assumptions ldeal Saturation Flow Rate = 1,800 vphpl (per ODOT practice) Peak Hour Factor = 0.95 for all movements . Area Type = Other (Not CBD) Construction Traffic ROlltinglImpacts The scale and location of the proposed development requires that potential impacts of construction traffic on neighborhood safety be considered: The TIS should include an analysis of preferred routes for construction traffic access and estimates of the type and volume of heavy truck traffic that would be required to build the public infrastructure to serve the proposed development. Include this Scope of Work in the appelldi>: oft/Ie Traffic Impact Study r- I I- i I I I. I Date Received: Planner: Page 2 of2 ! >" , ~ ;:-" ~~ r F ~ !1 t, re' APPENDIX B ODOT CRASH DATA '~ '--""-."" ";; .;:,. ~ ~ . -,- . .... ~-~~'-":;:.:- ~~'::.~ -'~ .-. ~ ~~f;:"~.. ~_ T "'-.....,..... ~~ . '.- . ?,:~\~ '-~.-' +' -.. - . Date Received: Planner: z o u; :> Of- t- Z I z.=> We> :;;z 0.._ Of- m --' '" " Wo " >a..w 0::' LUWa.. .c 0-", >-. 0; Z 01- CDl(') Ozz ;;8 ~<CO 5N ~!:2 ~ rn . e:::: C/)....J.:;::. M o>-....J lD.... a.....JQ ~.8 U) ~u Uj. 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I . . 1-105 Thurston Middle Schoof THURSTON RD '" ..!. _I Thurston ~ II High School fJ MAIN STREET [lJ ~ N ;5 '" en ~ a: 6th ~ 7th ~ rn ""'""" \ 6~ ~. [J)~ ~~ ~h Wth Soc"dH,an ~[i] Medical Center ~ 14th . UOStation Kincaidat 14th z '" "' a: w 1= <( ~ '" 15 z ;;2 '" a: ~ :I: a: w '" ~ <( Thurston Station II 8x Thurston Station ~ LTD Station iii LTD Park & Ride AM Routing PM Routing -A"f From: Thurston Area From: UO/Sacred Heart, Eugene Downtown To: Eugene Downtown, Sacred Hearl/UO To: Thurston Area Name: 8x UO Name: 8x Thurston Station LEAVE LEAVE ARRIVE Thyrston 69th Thurston Pearl ARRIVE UD Sta. Oak Thurston 69th Main Station at ,Station at UO Kincaid at Station at at Bay B Main Bay A 8th Station at 14th 10th Bay B Main 58th @] -[IJ @J [i] ~ ITJ @] 6:40. c6:46 7:40. 7'50 PM 3:45+ 3:50 4:03# 4:12 4:17 5:10+ 5:17 -5:30# 5:40 5:47 . Does not serve bus stops on 13th Avenue between Pearl Street and Patterson Street. +Ooos notS~ive~us slops on llt!iAveiiuelietween-patlerson Street and Pearl Street. #Startingal'ThurstonStation, changes to express service and only dnipsoff customers. Ends at Main a! 58!h after co-mpletiiigth8Thurston lo'op. - - . . Date Received: Planner: . . n . N 11 Thurston ~ LTD Station m LTD Park & Ride - This portion of the route will b< r<pla<ed by EmX in December 2006. See page 31 for d<tails. Sac~d H~art Medica/Center >- >= '" "- ~ w w Z o 0:: Thurston ~ M~&e ~ School ~ THURSTON RO -el ~I" .sr:::J ~ ~ mt HI9h5ch~Olffil [J) =-'r41-~ ...L-.:-lliJ ~ g:\ Papa'sPino ~ '" ~ '" ~ ~ MAIN:E \ .s::> AdmlflOmel:' Springfield 101 Station Bay ... Walnut & Franklin From: Eugene Downtown To: Thurston Area via UO/Main Street Name: 11 Thurston ARRIVE LEAVE UDSta. ffaI1klin ARRrJE LEAVE MaIn Malo ThurslUo 69~ Eugene Klncaid at Sp1ld S~1d at at Sta~on at Station al13th Agale Station Station 21~ 42'" BayB Malo lEI [jJ ~ If] If] I] III [ill [ill .' 0 From: Thurston Area To: Eugene Downtown via Main Street/UO Name: 11 EugeneStalion LEAVE 69~ Thumon Malo Malo at Station at at Malo Say A 42'" 23'" [ill [ill III I] ~ ~ AM - - - - .. - - 7:25 7:28 7:32 7:35 7:43 7:43 7:48 7:52 7:56 8:05 .. . - -- -- 7:55 7:58 8:02 8:05 8:13 8:13 8:18 8:22 8:26 8:35 .. - - - - -- 8:20 8:23 8:27 8:31 8:39 . 8:39 8:45 8:50 8:54 9:04 8:30 8:35 8:37 8:47 8:"50 8:53 8:57 9:01 9:09 9:09 9:15 9:20 9:24 9:34 9:00 9:05 9:07 9:17 9:20 8:23 9:27 9:31 9:39 9:39 9:45 9:50 9:54 10:04 --9:30-9:35-9:37-9:47"-9:50-9:53~9:57-10:01-10:09~ -10~09-10:15-~10;20-'0:24--fO:34 1P:90 1_Q:05 10:07 10:17 J.Q:?.o,19~?3 10:27 10:31 fO:39 :fO:39', :10;45 fCl:SO 1'0:54 "11:04 10:30 10:35 10:37 10:47 10:50 '"10:53 10:57 11:01 11:09 11:09 11:15 11:20 11:24 11:34 11:00 11:05 11:07 11:17 "11:20 ,11:23 11:27 11:31 11::?9 ';11}9 "."1f~ .11:50 11:54 12:04 11:30 11:35 11:37 11:47 11:5011:53 11:57 !~:91 n:09 12:09 12:15 12:20 12:24 12:34 PM 12:00 12:05 12:07 12:17 12:20 12:23 12:27 12:31 12:39 12:39 12:45 12:50 12:54 1:04 12:30 12:35 12:37 12:47 12:50 12:53" ,12:57 1:01 .1:09 _ _1:09 "_.1;15 -1:20" -1:24 '1:34 Too 1:05' -;i:cI7 1:17 "1:20 . 1:23 1:27 1:31 1:39 1:39 1:451:50 1:54 2:04 1:30 1:35 1:37 1:47 1:50 1:53 1:57 2:01 2:09 2;09 2:1~ ~:_20 2:24 2:34 2:00 "2:05 2:07 2:17 2:20 2:23 2:27 2:31 2:39 2:39 2:45 2:50 2:54 3:04 2:30 2:35 2:37 2:47 2:50 2:53 2:57 3:01 3:09 -3~09 3:15 3:20 3:24 3:34 3:00 3:05 3:07 3:17 3:20 3:23 3:27 3:31 3:39 3:39 3:45 3:50 3:544:04 3:30 3:35 3:37 3:47 3:50 3:53 3:57 4:01 4:09 4:09 4:15 4:20 4:24 4:34 4:00 4:05 4:07 4:17 4:20 4:23 4:27 4:31 4:39 ,4:39 4:45 4:50 4:54 5:04 4:30 4:35 4:37 4:47 4:50 ''':53 4:57 5:-01 5:09 5:09 5:"15 5:20 -5':24 5:34 5:00 5:05 5:07 5:17 5:20 ,5:23 5:27 5:31 5:39 5:39 5:45 5:50 5:54 6:04 5:30 5:35 5:37 5;47 5:s{) 5:53 5:57 6:01 6:09 ~~~~ !:.!~ ~,--29 6:24 6:3:4 6:00 6:05 6:07 6:17 6:20 6:23 6:27 6:31 6:39 6:39 6:45 6:50 6:54 7:04 6:30 6:35 6:37 6:47 6:50 6:53 6:57 7:01 7:09 7;09 7:15 7:20 7:24 7:34 7:00 7:05 7:07 7:17 "7:20 7:23, 7:27 7:31 7:39 . 7:39 7:45 7:50 7:54 8:04 7:30 7:35 7:37 7:47 7:50 7:53 7:57 8:01 8:09# .. _ _ _. .. __ # Servlceendsat69t1latMain, Drop-oft only service on Main Street Irom 691h Street to 581hStreel. Date ReCfllvecL Plann8r. 1i1~ ThU/ston Station ." ~ -<- ARRIVE Spfld Station lEAVE SD'" station """', at Agate ARRM Eugene Station Iill Iill o . 8:10 "8:16 8:25 8:40 8:46 8:55 9:08 9:14 9:25 9:38 9:44 9:55 10:08 10:14 10:25 10:3'8 10:44 .10:55 11:0~ 11:14 "11:25- 11:38 11:44 11:55 12:08 . ~12:14 ~1~:2.5 ,12:38 12:44 12:55 1:08 1:14 1:25 1:38" -1:<<- --1:55' - 2:98 2:14 "2:25 2:38 2:<< 2:55 3:08 ~:1." ~~~.~ 3:38 3:<< 3:55 4:08 4:f4 4:25 4:38 4:44 4:55 5:08 5:"1~ .5:25 5":38 5:44 5:55 6:08 6:14 6:25 6:38 6:44 6:55 7:08 7:14 7:25 7:36 7:<12 7:5(1 8:06 8:12 8:ib .. u .. . . From: Eugene Downtown From: Thurston Area To: Thurston Area via UOIMain Street To: Eugene Downtown via Main Street/ua Name: 11 Thurston Name: 11 Eugene Station ARRIVE LEAVE LEAVE UOSla. Franklin ARRIVE LEAVE Main Main Thurston "" ,9th Thurston Main Main ARRIVE LEAVE Franklin ARRM Eugene KincaKi at Spfld Spfld al 'I Station aI al StaliorJ aI at Splld Spnd at Eugene Station at131t1 Agate Station Station 21st 42nd BayS Main Main BayA 42nd 23rd Station Stltion Agate Stltion rw ITJ III [f] [f] ill Ii) ill !Ii !Ii ill Ii) ill !ill !ill III . pI AM. 4:58 5:00 5:04 5:08 5:14 5:14 5:19 5:24 5:28 5:34 5:35 5:42 5:55 5:28 5:30 5:34 5:38 5:44 5:44 5:49 5:54 5;58 6:04 6:05 6:12 6:25 5:52 5:54 5:58 6:02 6:08 6:08 5:13 6:16 6:22 6:32 6:35 6:42 5:55 6:00 6:05 6:07 6:15 6:15 6:18. 6:22 6:25 6:33 6:33 6:40 6:46 6:50 7;00 7:05 7:13 7:25 6:33 6:36 6:40 6:44 6:51 6:51 6:58 7:04 7;08 7:18 7:20 7:28 7:40 6;30 6:35 6:37 6:45 6:45 6:48 6:52 6:56 7:03 7:03 7:10 7:16 7:22 7:32 7:35 7:43 7:55 7:03 7:06 7:11 7:15 7:23 7:23 7:30 7:36 7:42 7:50 7:53 8:00 8:10 7:00 7:05 7:07 7:15 7:15 7:18 7:23 7:27 7:36 7:36 7:43 7:49 7:55 8:03 8:05 8:12 8:25 7:25 7:28 7:33 7:37 7:46 7:46 7:53 7:59 8:05 8:13 8:15 8:22 8:35 7:15 7:20 7:22 7:31 7:33 7:36 7:41 7:45 7:53 7:53 8:00 8:06 8:11 6:20 8:22 8:29 8:40 7:55 8:03 8:03 8:10 8:16 8:20 8:32 8:35 8:42 8:55 7:30. 7:35 7:37 7:46 7:49 7:52 7:58 6:03 8:13 7:45 7:50 7:52 8:02 8:05 8:08 8:12 8:16 _8:22 8:22 8:29 8:35 8:39 8:48 8:51 8:58 9:10 8:00 8:05 8:07 8:17 8:19 8:22 8:26 8:30 8:37 8:37 8:44 8:50 8:54 9:03 9:06 9:13 9:25 6:15 8:20 8:22 8:32 8;34 8:37 8:41 8:45 8:52 8:52 8:59 9:05 9;09 9:18 9:21 9:28 9:40 8:30 8;35 8;37 8:47 8:49 8;52 8:56 9:00 9:07 9:07 9:14 9:20 9:24 9:33 9;36 9:43 9:55 8:45 8:50 8:52 9:02 9:04 9:07 9:11 9:15 9:22 9:22 9:29 9:35 9:39 9:48 9:51 9:58 10:10 9:00 9:05 9:07 9:17 9:19 9:22 9:26 9;30 9:37 9:37 9:44 9;50 9:54 10;03 10:06 10:13 10:25 9:15 9:20 9:22 9:32 9:34 9:37 9:41 9:45 9:52 9:52 9:59 10:05 10:09 10:18 10:21 10:28 10:40 9:30 9:35 9:37 9:47 9:49 9:52 9:56 10:00 10:07 10:07 10:14 10:20 10:24 10:33 10:36 10:43 10:55 9:45 9:50 9:52 10:02 10:04 10:07 10:11 10:15 10:22 10:22 10:29 10:35 10:39 10:48 10:51 10:58 ~ 1 : 1 0 10;00 10:05 10:07 10:17 10:19 10;22 10:26 10:30 10:37 10:37 10:44 10:50 10:54 11:Q3 11:06 11:13 11:25 10:15 10:20 10:22 10;32 1O;]A 10;37 1O:4j 10;45 10:52 10:52 10:59 11:05 11:09 11:18 11:21 11:28 11:40 10:57 11:04 11:04 11:11 11:17 11:21 11;31 11:36 11:44 11:55 10:30. 10:35 10:37 10:47 10:49 10:52 10:56 11:02 11:14 11:14 11:23 11:30 11:35 11:44 11:49 11:57 12:10 10:45 10:50 10:52 11:04 11:06 11:09 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:30 11:37 11:43 11:48 11:59 12:07 12:15 12:25 11:00 11:05 11;07 11:19- 11:21 11:24 11:30 11:35 11:45 11:45 11:52 11:58 12:03 12:14 12:22 12:30 12;40 11:15 11:20 11:22 11:34 11:36 11;39 11:45 11:50 12:00 12:00 12:07 12:13 12:1.8 12:29 12:37 12:45 12:55 11;30 11:35 11:37 11:49 11:51 11:54 12:00 12:05 12:15 12;15 12:22 12:28 12:33 12:44 12:52 1:00 1:10 11:45 11:51 11:53 12:05 12:07 12:10 12:16 12:21 12:31 12:31 12:38 12:44 12:49 1:00 1:07 1:15 1:25 PM 12:00 12:06 12:08 12:20 12:22 12:25 12:31 12:36 12:46 12:46 12:53 12:59 1:04 1:15 1:22 1:30 1:40 12:15 12:21 12:23 12:35 12:37 12;40 12:46 12:51 1:01 1:01 1:08 1:14 1:19 1:30 1:37 ';45 1:55 12:30 12:36 12:38 12;50 12:52 12:55 1:01 1:05 1:16 1:16 1:23 1:29 1:34 1:45 1:49 1:57 2:10 12:45 12:51 12:53 1:05 1:07 1:10 1:16 1:21 1:31 1:31 1:38 1:44 1:49 2:00 2:04 2:12 2:25 1:00 1:06 1:08 1:20 1;22 1:25 1:31 1:36 1:45 1:46 1:53. 1:59 2:04 2:15 2:19 2:27 2:40 1:15 1:21 1:23 1:35 1:37 1:40 1:48 1:51 2:01 2:1I1 2:08 2:14 2:19 2:30 2:34 2:42 2:55 1:30 1:36 1:38 1:50 1:52 1:55 2:01 2:06 2:16 2:16 2:23 2:29 2:34 2:45 2:49 2:57 3:10 1:45 1:51 1:53 2:05 2:07 2:10 2:16 2:21 2:31 2:31 2:38 2:44 2:49 3:00 3:04 3:12 3:25 2:00 2:06 2:08 2:20 2:22 2:25 2:31 2:36 2:46 2:46 2:53 2:59 3:04 3:15 3:19 3:27 3:40 2:15 2:21 2:23 2:35 2:37 2:40 2:46 2:51 3:01 3:01 3:C8 ".1" 3:i9 3:30 3:34 3:42 3:55 2:30 2:36 2:38 2:50 2:52 2:55 3:01 3:06 3:16 3:16 3:24 3:30 3;35 3:46 3:51 3:59 4:10 3:13+ 3:21 3:2:1 3:45 2:45 2:51 2:53 3:06 3:08 3:11 3:17 3:22 3:34 3:34 3:4-3 3:50 3:55 ~:O3 4:06 4:14 4:25 3:00 3:06 3:08 3:21 3:23 3:26 3:32 3:37 3:49 3:49 3;58 04-:05 4:10 04-:18 4:21 4:2-9 4:40 3;15 3:21 3:23 3;36 3:38 3:41 3:47 3:52 4;04 4:04 4;13 4:20 4:25 ,4:33 4;36 4:.44 4:55 3:30 3:36 3:38 3:51- --3:5'3-r56-4:02---"470i'-4;19 ~4:19'- 4:2-8 4:35 4;40 4:48 4;?' 4:59 ~:10 3:45 3:51 3:53 4:06 4:08 4:11 4:17 4;22 4:34 4:34 4:42 4:49 4:54 5:03 5:07 5:'14- 5:25 4:00 4:06 4:'08 4:21 4:23 4:26 4:32 4:37 4:49 4:49 4:57 5:04 5:09 5:18 5:22 5:29 5:40 4:15 4:?1 4:23 4:36 4:38 4:41 4:47 4:52 5:04 5:04 5:12 5;19 5:24 5:33 5:37 5:44 5:55 4:30 4:36 4:38 4:51 4:53 4:56 5:02 5:07 5:19 5:19 5:27 5:34 5:39 5:"48 5:52 5=59 6:10 4:4-5 4:51 4:53 5:06 5:08 5:11 5:17 5:22 5:32 5;32 5:39 5:46 5:51 6:01 6:07 6:15 6:25 '5:00 '5:06 5:08 5:21 5:23 '5:26 5:32 5:37 5;47 5:47 5:54 6:01 6:06 6:16" 6:f2 6:3-0 6:40 5:15 5:21 5:23 5:36 5:38 5:41 5:47 5:52 6:02 6:02 6:09 6;16 6:21 5;31 6:37 6:45 6:55 5:30 5:36 5:38 5:50 5:52 5:55 6:01 6:06 6:15 6:15 e:2~ 5:2S "..,. 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After serving Thurston Station, changes to express service and only drops off customer::, Ends at Main at 58th alter completing lite Thur::ton Road loop, + Bus sign reads "11 Spfid Sta" until bus reaches 69th al Main, where it changes to express service and only drops off cusiomeffi. Does not serve Thurston Stalioo and ends at Springfield Sttdon. Does not operale during specific School Districl 19 holidays, breaks, and summer. Seepage 6fordetaTIs. # Service ends af 69th at Main. Drop-off only servicll on Main Streelfmm6Slh Streellrl 58th Street Date Received: Planner: . . From: EugeneDowntown To: Thurston Area: via UO/Main Street Name: 11 Thurston lEAVE UOSta Eugene Kincaid Station at13tfl Franklin " Agate ARRNE Spnd statiori" LEAVE Spnd &""" Main " 21st Main " "'" Thurston "''''' BayB [fj] [jJ ~ o o !II [iJ ~ ." AM 625 6:55 7:20 7:50 8:20 8:50 9:20 9:50 10:20 6:28 6:58 7:23 7;53 8:23 8:53 9:23 9:53 ~O:2J 6:32 7:02 7:27 7:57 8:27 8:57 9:27 9:57 10:27 6:35 6:43 7:05 7:13 7:31 7:40 8:01 8:10 8:31 8:40 9:01 9:10 9:31 9:40 10:01 10:10 10:31 10:40 . 7:30 8;00 8:30. 9:00 9:30_ 10:00 7:47 6:17 6:47 9:17 9:47 10:17 7:35 8:05 8:J~ 9:05 9:35 1Q:05 7:37 8:07 8:37 9:07 9:37 f(J;07 10:30 10:35 10:37 10:47 10:50 10:53 10:57 11:01 11:10 10:45 10:50 10:52 11:02 11:05 11:08 11:12 11:16 11:25 11:00 11:05 11:07 11:17 11:20 11:23 11:27 11:31 11:40 11:15 11:20 11:22 11:32 11:35 11:38 11:42 11:46 '1:55 11:30 11:35 11:37 11:47 11:50 11:53 11:57 12:01 12:10 11:45 11:50 11:52 12:02 12:05 12:08 12:12 12:16 12:25 PM 12:00 12:05 12:07 12:17 12:20 12:23 12:27 12:31 12:40 12;15 12:20 12:22 12:32 12:35 12:38 12:42 12:46 12:55 12:30 12:35 12:37 12:47 12:50 12:53 12:57 1:01 1:10 12:4512:50 12:52 1:02 1:05 1:08 1:12 1:16 1:25 1:00 1:05 1:07 1:17 1:20 1:23 1:27 1:31 1:40 1:15 1:;<0 1;;<2 1:32 1:35 1:38 1:42 1:46 1:55 1:30 1:35 1:37 1:47 1:50 1:53 1:57 2:01 2:HI 1:45 "1:50 1:52 2:02 2:05 2:08 2:12 2:16 2:25 2:00 2:05 2:07 2;17 2:20 2:~3 2:27 2:31 2:40 2:15 2:20 2:22 2:32 2:35 2:38 2:42 2:46 2:55 2:30 2:35 2:37 2:47 2:50 2:53 2:57 3:01 3:10 ~ ----.~ --2:45'--2:50-2:52-3:02--:3~ci5--3:08_-3_;t2-3;j6~"""1:25-- .- '3;00 3:05 -3;07 3:17 3:20 3:23 .3:27 -3:31 3:40 3:15 3:20 3:22 3:32 3;35 3:38 3:42 3:46 3:S5 3:30 ~j~5" "~:;J7 3:47 3;50 3:53' 3:57 '4:01 4:10 3:45 3:50 3:52 4:02 _4:05 4:08 4:12 4:16 4:25 ';00 4:05 4:07 4:17 4:20 4:23 4:27 4:31 4:40 4:15 4:20 4:22' 4:32 4:35 4:38 4:42 4:46 4:55 "4:30 -'4:35 '4:37 "4:47 '4:~0. .~:~.. 'fS7 5:01 5:"10 4:45 4:50 4;52 5:02 5:05 5:08 5:12 5:16 5:25 -5:00 5:05 'S:iii S:1i 5:20 '5;23 5:27 5:31 5:40 5:15 5:20 5:22 5:32 5:35 5:38 5:42 5:46 5:55# 5;30 5:35 5:37 5:47 5:50 5:53 5:57 6:01 6:10 6:00 6:05 6:07 6:17 6;18 6:21 6:25 6:29 6;40 6:30 6:35 6:37 6:47 6:48 8:51 8:55 8:59 7:10 7:10 '7:15 7:17 7:27 7:28 7:31 7:35 7:39 7:48 7:45 7:50 7:52 8:02 6:03 8:06 8:10 8:14 8:23 8:15 8:20 8:22 8:32 8:33 8:36 11:40 8:44 8:53 8:45 8:50 8:52 9:02 9:03 9:06 9:10 9:14 9:23 9:f5 9:20 9:22 9:32 9:33 9:36 9:40 9:44 9:53 . 9:459:50 9:5210:0210:0310:0610:1010:1410:23 10:15 10:20 10:22 10:32 10:33 10;36 10:40 10:44 10:52 10:45 10:50 10:52 11:02 11:03 11:06 11:10 11:14 11:22# # SefVk:e ene's at69t11 J( MJirr" Drop-oft only service an Alain Snet from fi9ltl S~el to 58m S~et ARRIVE ''''' " M"" From: ThurstonArea To: Eugene Downtown via Main StreetAlO Name: 11 Eugene Station LEAVE ''''' " Main [6J @J 6:43 7:13 7:40 6:10 6:40 9:10 9:40 10:10 10:4~ 6:48 7:18 7:46 8:16 8:46 9:16 9:46 10:16 10:46 11:01 11:16 11:31 11:48 12:01 12:16 12:31 12:~ 1:01 1:16 1:31 1:~ 2:01 2:16 2:31 2:46 3:01 3:15 3:31 3:46 4:01 -4:16 "4:31 4:-46 5:01 5:16 5il~ 5:46 11:10 11:25 11:40 11:55 12:10 12:25 12:40 12:55 1:10 1:25 1:40 1:55 2:10 2:25 2:40 2:55 3:10 3:25 3:40 3:55 4:10 4:25 4:40 :4:55_ 5:10 5:25 5:40 ~:10 6:-40 7:10 7:53 8:23 8:53 9:23 9:53 10:23 10:52 6:16 6:46 7:16 7;5~ 8:29 8:59 9:29 9:59 10:29 10;57 Thurston Stanon BayA ~ 6:21' 6:51 1:21 8:04 8:34 1:04 9:34 10:04 10:34 fi:02 . Main " 42nd Main " 13" ARRIVE SpI1' Station LEAVE Spftt1' &>tiO" "".. " Aaate Ii] !II lID lID ~ 6:52 7:22 7:51 8:21 8:51 9:21 9:51 10:21 10:51 11:06 11:21 11:36 11:51 12:06 12:21 12:36 12:51 1:06 1:21 1:36 1:51 2:08 2:21 2:36 2:51 3:06 3:21 .3:36 "~:.51 4:06 --4:21 4:36 4;51 5:06, 5:21 ~~8 5:51 6:56 7:05 7:10 7:16 7:25 7:26 7:35 7:40 7:46 7:55 7:55 8:04 8:08 8:14 8:25 6:25 8:34 8:38 8:44 8:55 8:55 9:04 9:08 9:14 9:25 9:25 9:34 9:38 9:44 9:55 9:55 10:04 10:08 10:14 10:25 10:25 10:34 10:38 10:44 10:55 10:55 11:04 11:08 11:14 11:25 11:10 11:19 11:23 11:29 '"11:40 11:25 11:34 11:38 11;44 11:55. 11:40 11:49 11:53 11:59 12:10 11:55 12:04 12:06 12:14 12:25 12:10 12:19 12:23 12:29 12:40 1~:25 12:34 12:38 12:44 12:55 12:40 12:49 12:53 12:59 1:10 12:55 1:04 1:08 1:14 1:25 1:10 1:19 1:23 1:29 1:40 1:25 1;3-4 1:38 1:44 1;55 1:40 1:49 1:53 1:59 2:10 1:55 2:04 2:08 2:14 2:25 2:10 2:19 2:23 2:29 2:40 2:25 2:34 2:38 2;44 2:55 2:40 2:49 2:53 2:59 3:10 ~:~5 ~:?4 3;08 3:1;4 3:25 3:10 3:19 3:23 3:29 3:40 3:25_3:34_3;38_3:4-4_3:55__ 3:40 _3:49 3;53 3:59. -4:10 3:55 04:04' 4:08 -4::t~ 4:25 4:10 4:19 4=23 4;29 4:40 .iqs 'i:~4 4~38~:44 4:55 4:40 4:49 4;53 4:59 5:10 4:55 -5:04 5:0"ii 5:14 5:25 .5:10 "5:19, 5:23. 5:29~ .5:40 5:25 5:;J4 5;38 5;44 5:55 5:40 5:49 .5:53 5:59 6:10 5:55 6:04 8:08 6:14 6:25 6:25 6:55 7:25 8:08 8:38 9:08 9;38 10:08 10:38 11:06 6:34 1:04 !:3.4 8:17 8:47 9:17 9:47 10:17 10:47 1;;15 6;38 7:13 7:43 8:23 8:53 9:23 9:53 10:23 10:47 6:44 7:19 7:49 8:29 8:59 9:29 9:59 10:29 10:53 8:55 1:30 8;00 8:40 9:10 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:00 Date Received: Planner: ARRIVE Ellgene Station McKcMie Bridgr: I1Q] ~ II]] McKenzie Riv~r Ranger Star,on . . 91 McKenzie Bridge ~ lTD Station iii lTD Park & Ride n ~ V Alternate Routing (see timetable) 1'\1 M@j ~:~;, Nimrod "l"'~~' M"'P"\3S~~~ 4 "n' ~izJ;x v-?..J).o WOlt(~m( ~''''''''''''f ~ ~g~k I - ~"A ~I K \1-105 HWY 126 ~<"" @fI Leoburg 'Kl~ [21112;: MAIN~i3I~ ~ ""'_~= ~ 1.:1_ Eugene ..;:,; oL..o StaticnBay ~(>'1- \ ~I.. 1!f.A~ Thurston Station McKENZIE RIVER DR_ L,o;~ Rt5CNOlr 91 Limited Trips This map reflects routing between Eugene Station and Thurston Station at 6:14 a.m. [trip leaving McKenzie Bridge) and 5:30 p.m. (trip leaving Eugene Station). On these-trips, the bus will only selVe those timepoints-indicated on the timetable. Eugene. ~ Statio.n Bay 10th~ 0-: ~I ij Popas Pizza -'t;:~ BROADWAY c"'o ~ "" 1'\'J'~'l.L\~~;'OA -ITJ -:3 - UniVe{5ityOf'~1 ~ . n...nnrJ ~ ~I -',- '" iiJ \ ~'" ~o"~ -s:~ /<,~ MAIN 2 .~ I~~ Springfield ,f':'t Station Bay'U Date Received: Planner: ~ IE "' 12 ThUf5ton Station . . . From: Eugene Downtown To: fJighway 126 to McKenzie River Ranger Station Name: 91 McKenzie Bridge ARRIVE LEAVE Franklin Thurston HWy 126 McK. River Eugene at Spftd Station at Waiter- Finn Blue McKenzie Ranger Station Agate Station Bay B Thurston vilie Leaburg Vida Nimrod Rock River Bridge Station [f] [jJ [QJ 0 5J ~ ~ [ill W llil ~ ffQ] [ill .ll!Ii AM 4:47 5:00 5:04 5:09 5:17 5:25 5:34 5:3B 5:43 5:54 6:00 8:20 8:34 8:38 8:43 8:52 9:01 9:10 .9:14 9:20 9:33 9:39 PM 2:20 2:.34 2:38 2:43 2:52 3:01 3:10 3:14 3:20. 3:35 3:41 5:30+ 5:36+ 5:42+ 5:55 5:59 6:04 6:13 6:22 6:32 6:36 6:43' 6:58 7:04 AM 8:30 8:44 .8:48 8:53 9:01 9:11 9:20 9:24 9:30 9:42 9:48 PM 4:30 4:44 4:48 4:53 5:01 5:11 5:20 5:24 5:30'" 5:45 5:53 , Serves McKenzie River Drive between Blue River and McKenzie Bridge. See alternate routing on map. + Limited stops between Eugene Station andThurston.Station. See limited-trips map. Ie From: . McKenzie River Ranger Station via Highway 126 To: Eugene Downtown Name: 91 Eugene Station LEAVE McK. River Hwy 126 Main Ffanklin ARRIVE Ranger McKenzie Blue Finn Walter- at at Spftd at Eugene Stalion Bridge River Rock Nimrod Vida Leaburg viile Thurston 58th Station Agate Station [ill WJ !ill [[J [l [] ~ ~ "'"' [j] [QJ L1J liJ AM _--'-T-'_.~__"_'_----:-__"""""_.'~""_ .. 'II 6:14 6:17' 6:30 6j~ 6A1 6:51 6:.59 7:1,07:15#7:20 9:49--9'52'-10:Q7-10:12":"-.10'17-1O'27--:-:10'35:::-10:<l5..10:50# ..10:55. ~- .-:~~ -~.. _'~_., '.1... __. _,_ ...i.............. --'-__-"-'.0. "'-'=''''' 4,00 <1:93:' 4:14~:18 4:.23 4:31 ~q~ 4:474:52# 4:57 7:16.' :1:1~-:. -:(30- :7:34, ,7:39 7:41 "7,:55 ',8:04~' ...8:09#. '8:14' ..'~'- ~ ~'~.-:. , ,~ .' .~':" ~ -~\"~_.. -- ..:-..~._- - -'_'," , ..,..~.,~ _C"o-:C'_ - ""-~."".'~ 7:33+ 7:39+ 7:49 '.11:17 ' ~20 8:32 'PM PM 9:59 10:02' 10:17 10'f? 10':2710:37 10:45 10':55' 10:59# 11~ii4 ~- -~ 6:03 'S:OS' '6,11' "6,22 6,27 "6:36 '~:44 ~~.3 ,6:57# 7:02. '~rvE.M,8<_e.hPIBjyer:privebetweenc Blue 'River and:McKenzlecBridge. :See.a~ernate routingon;mapc + Limited stops between Thurston Stationan~Eugene Station. See lirnited'tripsmap. #.B~~'9P.eliltes in,express service. between 69th Street'and 58thSifeet and only;wi/l.drop otf.customers a/bus stops: 11:25 7:23 . Data Received: Planner. :eo ~~ j , :j ." '1 I I , ,.l I APPENDIX o TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARIES "~~~~7;c~:r~,:;;~,;~~~:Y'''~~C'~:'''fi:f.J..)~~' Ci .:'~f';,"',~:~',"' ,1;'- -,,~"'" :~- i-~I ~~'. ~~ ,. ~,,:o~ ~~+::-,..p --,":,,-' ,....,-~." --- =.^" "".cO', .,'~ Fj~:~::} ~ .~c," ~ ',,\ i-r~ .>-;: ~ .'C. -;;:;...~". L;~: ~-';;~~:.. ~:;,j;', -'~- - .... -~ -' ... - . -~--~'-"- ~~.,o;:::",,"-:':'-:' ",,'. . ---.-- """ - ,. ----:;j ;.- , I L." ;f:;,?_;'::;;::'",-' _ .' '" -.~ Data Received' Planner: . . .!: c:o roNO 200 .x c:o N ~"-ro .eN,... ~c:o__ 0100 COO"l""""~ Q) Q) Q) E"01U 0 roOOZ Z()t:Q) Q.)n\_al ._ :e ~ ctf lJ..(J)(J)D.. () C 0) f::: I .C ..,. .- .... '- ...... 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Location: ORE126 MP 43.66, FLORENCF.-EU:;ENE HIGHWAY, NO. 62 2.7 miles vest of Elmira Recorder: Installed : NOT!, 20-005 Novell:lber. 1959 HISTORICAL TRAFFIC DATA Percent_of_ADT Average HISTORICAL AADT BY YEAR Daily Max Max 10TH 20TH 'orn 8000 Ye= Traffic Day Hour Bour Hour Hour 1996 .51413. 1&3 14..6 13.0 12.3 12.1 6000 1997 6026 172 19.2 13.1 12.8 1:2.5 199"8 6057 163 14.7 13.5 12.9 1:2.3 ,'coc !13!: 153 15.3 ,." .... 1.2.7 12.3 4000 2000 5914 **** ~**. ..... ._.* 2001 6090 151 16.3 13.6 12.9 12.6 2000 2002" 6223 157 14.8 13.6 13.0 12.7 2003 6230 158 15.6 13.5 13.1 12.6 2004 6431 17. 14.B 13.5 12.9 12.7 0 5. n.S8 .. 00 01 02 03 O. 05 2005 6593 153 14.2 12.8 12.6 12.4 2005 TRAFFIC DATA Percent Average Percent Average Percent Classification Breakdown of l\DT weekday of Daily of Passenger Cars............,.......... . 39.1 Traffic l\DT Traffic l\DT Other 2 axle . tire vehicles.. . . . . . . . _ 50.8 January 5261 80 S430 82 Single Unit 2 =1. . tire............ . 2.5 February 5701 8. 6'063 .2 Single Unit 3 axle................... . 1.7 March 5834 88 -6306 96 Single Unit . ~le or more............ O.l April 5592 85 SSI20 .0 Single Trailer Truck . axle or less.. . 1.3 May 6062 92 6631 101 Single Trailer' Truck 5 axle.......... . 2:2 June 6867 10. 709S lOB Single Trailer Truck , axle or more.. . 1.2 July 7913 120 8439 12. ObI-Trailer l'ruck 5 axle or less..... . 0.0 Augus t 7671 H' 8404 127 ObI-Trailer l'ruck . axle............. . 0.1 September 6781 103 7140 108 DbI-Trailer Truck 7 axle or more.....~ 0.3 OCtober 6047 .92 6390 S7 Triple 'I'r~i1e:;: Trucks............... .. 0.0 November 5746 87 5932 .0 Buses..........................._.... . 0.2 December 5525 .. 5367 . Bl Motorcycles . Scooters.: ',' . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5 .' Location: I-105 MP 2.82_,- E:OGENE-SPRING?IELD HIGHWAY, NO. 227 0.70 mile west of 15 in Eugene per'cent_of_ADT Recorder: Installed: WILLAKENZIE,- 20-008 November, 1.960 HISTORICAL' TRAFFIC DATA HISTORICAL AAD'I' BY YEAR Average Daily Max Max 10TH Year Traffic Day Hour Hour 1996 56312 126 10.6 10'.3 H97 57427 124 10.6 10.3 1998 57292 124 10;8 10.3 1999 56290 ....* **** **.. 2000 5650B *.. *..** ..*'" 2001 56733 *** .**. 2002 57635 ***. ..... 10000 2003 59168 128 10.8 10.3 10.1 10.1 ',: ~ 2~0_4_59]61_._125_10..7_1,0,,:,4_10.2._10.1_._ -....2..-,:9h'~~~o'2...:,.;.I13~-4;..,"'ri':5-- . _2,8~5 -58393 l~~ ';0.4 'l.~:-l ,9'.'9 '9-.8 . - -. -'.- -' -------. --- __v._____.__ .-- -January February .March ~ril May ---?-,::JUne J'Uly August September _? October November December Average Week.day' Traffic 63354 64436 65000 66800 64300 66400 60000 60800 64200 63300 61300 62300 Percent ~;of' l\DT Average -~Dai'ly- Traffic --57640 5n7:i! _~oio.o ~ GT,f60 ~9aOO .:61500 55000. 55700 58500 59000 56500 55800 -lOB HO 1;1,1 114 110 114 103 10. 110 l08 .105 lO' 20rn Bour 10.2 10.2 10.3 60000 30TH Hour 10.2 10.~ 10.2 50000 40000' .... 30000 ",,*. **.* 20000 2005 TRAFFIC D~~ Percent of l\DT Percent Classification Breakdown of ADT 'n ~Passeriger'.~l:'s:~:... =-. :;-:-..----::-:-:-:-:-:~S5";"5 .Other 2-axle 4 tire vehicles. ... ......39.4 ~gg -Single Unit 2 axle6..tire., , . 102 103 io's 102 lOS .. .5 100 101 '7 9. . Single ,Unit 3 _axle', . . .. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . 0.5 Single Uriit_4.axle.or mare...., ....... 0.0 .~irigle Trailer-'Truck' 4 ~l~e or less... 0.4 Single Trailer Tru~k 5 axle........... 0.8 $irigle Traile~:Truck 6 axle,orrnore... 0.6 Dbl~Trailer Truck 5 axle or less...... 0.1 Dbl-Trailer Truck G axle.. ............ 0.0 ObI-Trailer Truck 7 axle or more...... 0.1 Triple Trailer Trucks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.1 Blises.:...... .,........................ 0.3 Motorcycles & Scooters. ......... C.] 37 Date Received: Planner: . .~ <0 IllNO ;200 <ON o!S--ro. .eN..... ~<O..... moo COOT"""'t""'" (!) (!) (!) E-oCilO 1ll00Z Z0t::<1l ~2wOl ._ ._ .... co LJ...(J)(J)[L o c O'l :::: c ..,. I .._ t- ~ ......CDr- ..Ol ~ 5~ I (J) .= 010 . C (f) ~cb I .- ""0""--' O)ii:l -~ Co:!2~ ~Ol"" LU '" '5,~ c ..c .~ o en C ro ?- m CD o ..... r' ! '5 ~ .0 ~ c..> III LJ... I I. I ~ c (!) E ~ (/) ::J :0 <( ell c o (/) ell (!) (J) (/) (!) -0 ::J 13 c . 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APPENDIX F ITE TR.IP GENER.ATION DATA , r,~"~~-:;~"';<o;-'"~": ""~;':.";-"'~~~~;'~'~~'''''~-'';;:':';l;>:':'~~ _':_,~'\'" ' , "';;';","W ~;;;,,;;;;;r' , .__'~i:b;'" I .- ;c -'~'l", .,. '" ,.". ~,. ~-". I :: y~-"",",_e"'-.-" ~ I.. ....-: " ,~:::;-. -':- ',.-; g-:Z~~~1t.'~.~2:: ..~ " -,"- -r" l';j ~ '~ 1= l. ~'-':.~::- "-.-. - ~-"c~~i:'~:;~'~' -~ .' --- . ," ;*-0 _.;t;r-:.z.;'~.:T:si:' ~' '-, -. - . - ~~~-~~-:~--~" .....-.-.---- ~;..-: '~-::" L 1:1 (,/ I -~ ~ -- Date Received: Planner: . Ie I ! . . . Single-Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. Number of Studies: 302 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 214 Directional Distribution: 63% entering, 37% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 1.01 0.42 1.05 2.98 Data Plot and Equation '" -g 2,DOO -' . - w "- ~ Q) TI :c Q) > Q) Q) '" (;; > <( ~_1,OOO . . I- 3,000 "."..,. X . , x. ,,,;'-: x x x x../ .~ -:. x ' o o 1000 2000 3000 x = Number of Dweliing Units X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve ------ AverageRate Filled Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.90 Ln(X) + 0.53 Date Received: R'J _0.91 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 271 Institute of Transportation Engineers . Ie l_. I I . . Single-Family Detached Housing (210) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Dwelling Units On a: Weekday Number of Studies: 350 Avg. Number of Dwelling Units: 197, Directiona.l Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Dwelling Unit Average Rate 9.57 Range of Rates 4.31 - 21.85 Standard Deviation 3.69 Data Plot and Equation '" 12 20,000 Ljj .9- i: '(J) C3 1: (J) > (J) '" iO' ~ <( _lJ-10000 f-- ' 30,000 " . ~,...-,,,,,-: - ",,,,,,,,, x x x , x ---........ ....../......;;( ...?/"'. , x x o o 1600 3000 2000 x = Number of Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points Fitted Curve - - - - - - Average Rate fl' = u.'l"6 Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.92 Ln(X) + 2.71 Trip Generation, 7th Edition 269 Institute of Transportation Engineers '!; 'k~ ..~ I. .' I ';'9 ;: [.3 " i" ~ I', >- . l'OfL..:..._ ~"'~~"-.-" ~.c.;.~ 11~ D~:-[~~,~:~~' ~ . '= I "--""""'''.~-------- ;;;;.;: ":.:. -~. ',." ~ ~;:::7':" a 1= r:::S'" i I "",<.-,-~, ~.~--'-.:.. 1! ~~ .~... ~.'" ~. ~-1.--' ~-.. APPENDIX G INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE. CALCULATIONS I ...... .~-~ _.'-.-.-._....._~,-_._-~.-_. Data Received: Planner: I DATE/TIe 12/20/2006 INTERSECTION = 1 S~IO - 1 10:00:43 AM Gilbert, I PROJECT: Skyline Estates ANALYST: O. P.E. File: C: \SIGCAP2\ 69 _MAINE. sig PEAK HOUR: PM CITY: Springfield POPULATION: 20,000 TO 100,000 reSCRIPTION: 2006 'Existing' INTERSECTION LOS = C I 69th Street I SATURATION = 71% 1.061 .021 Ped v/e ~~9 37 .~94 L C= 60 G=48 Y= 12 I l L-35.019 I ~223 .124 I _223 .124 Ped vie =. .110 I' .002 6 ~ I .085 14.8 Ped vie :::: .110 .220 397 ~ I .220 397 ~ SIGCAP 2 .051 92 I I. ---C1 l li"C'" . . N-S V/C._ = .194 Pea vie 75 19 E-W V/C = .320 I .19.4 .043 .011 TOTAL AMBER = .200 MINIMUM V/C = .100 I xxx =. Adjusted Volumes .XXX = vIe MOVMENT VOLUMES MOVE SATURATION MOVEMENT LOS I APPR L T R TOT L T R L T R SOUTH 75 14 5 94 71% 23% 23% C A A I NORTH 37 30 79 146 71% 36% 36% C A A WEST 14S 793 92 1033 64% 71% 32% C C A I -EliST- -4--4:4-5-35~4'S'4- -2n-4'9:%--:-2-5% A A A . I TRUCKS PEO LANE ..APPR. ...%. ,. _.OIST. , .WIDTH. . , PHASING - .. SOUTH 5.0% 42ft 12.ft N-S -LEFT TURNS NOT PROTECTED I NORTH 5.0% 42ft 12.ft ~ST 5.0% SOf.t .12.-ft E-W -LEFT TURNS PROTECTED WITH OVERLAP EAST 5.0% SOft 12.ft ~_. .... .......- Planner. LEG VOL TIME AVAIL (see) REO TIME (see) MOVE STORAGE (ft) LEG AT LOS C APPR L T R L T R L T R ... SOUTH 231 SOUTH IS.1 1S.1 1S.1 37.9 37.9 37.9 44 11 11 NORTH 360 NORTH 1S.1 1S.1 1S.1 37.9 37.9 37.9 22 63 63 WEST 1713 WEST 9.3 20.5 20.5 46.7 35.5 35.5 104 217 50 EAST 13S4 EAST 9.3 20.5 20.5 46.7 35.5 35.5 3 122 19 II. INTERSECTION = 1 S IO = 2 DATE/TI 12120/2006 10:05:58 AM I i . I PROJECT: Skyline Estates ANALYST: D. Gilbert, P.E. File: C:\SIGCAP2\69 MAINE.sig PEAK HOUR: PM I C:rTY: Springfield POPULATION: 20,000 TO 100,000 i~SCRIPTION: 2010 'No build' I I . INTERSECTION LOS = D I 69th Street I SATURATION = 76% , , , "~.,. "." J Ped vIe I . 123 42 .213 L C= 60 G=48 Y= 12 ~ L I I , L39 .022 II __________ 251 .139 I ____ 251 .139 I , Ped vie '" .121 ~5 .003 /:\ I ~ I .096 167 . Ped vie = .121 I .248 447 ~ I .248 447 ~ SIGCAP 2 [ .058 104 I I . . I l I~"~' Ie N-S v/e = .213 .~ Ped vie S4 22 E-W V/C = .348 I .213 .048 .012 " TOTAL AMBER = .200 I MINIMUM vie = .100 I I xxx : Adjusted Volumes .xxx ~ vie I MOVMENT VOLUME S MOVE SATURATION MOVEMENT LOS APPR L T R. TOT L T R L T R I SOUTH 84 16 6 106 76% 23% 23% D A A , NORTH 42 34 89 165 76% :>11% 38% D A A , WEST 167 893 104 1164 74% 76% 33% C-D D A I EKST- --5 5.0'r-3~9-545- -2'2.% 51.%. . 25'" A B A. , . I. TRUCKS . PED.. .LANE'" APPR.. .:%.. DIST,_ .Wl'DTH,.. PHASING SOUTH 5..0% 42f.t. 12.'.'ft N-S -LEFT TuRNs NOT 'PROTECTED I NORTH 5.0% ~?ft 12.ft WEST 5.0% 80ft 12...ft E-W -LEFT TURNS .PROTECTED WITH OVERLAP EAST 5.0%. 80ft 12.ft Date Received: I ....a'"'.... LEG VOL' TIME.'AVAIL (see) RED TIl1E.(sec) MOVE STORAGE (ft) Ie LEG AT LOS C APPR L T R L T R L T R SOUTH .. 240 SOUTH .. 18.2 18.2 18:2 37".8 37.8 37.8 49 13 13 NORTH 372 NORTH 18.2 18.2 18.2 37.8 37.8 37.8 24 71 71 WEST 1769 WEST 8.6 21. 2 21. 2 47.4 34.8 34.8 119 240 56 I EAST 1430 EAST 8.6 21.2 21.2 47.4 34.8 34.8 4 135 21 Two- Way Stop Control . . TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General Information Site Information Analvst D. Gilbert, P.E. Intersection 2 Aaencv/Co. Branch Enaineerina, Inc. urisdiction City of SDrinafield Date Performed 12/19/2006 Analysis Year Year 2006 'Existina' Analvsis Time Period PM Peak Haur prOlect Description Skvline Estates EastlWest Street: Main Street NorthlSouth Street: S. 70th Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrSl: 0.25 I Ivehicle Volumes and Adiustments. MiiTor Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 I L T R L T R Volume Ivehlh) 797 59 6 482 , Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 '838 62 6 507 0 vehlh) Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 5 - - , Median Type Two Way Left Tum Lane j RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 2 0 1 2 0 I Configuration T TR L T I lJostream Sional 0 0 :. Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8. 9 10 11 12 , L T R L T R "olume Iveh/h) 22 3 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0:95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I Hourly Flow Rate, HFR vehlh\ 23 0 3 0 0 0 I Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 i Percent Grade (%) -5 0 . Flared Approach N N I Storage 0 0 I RT Channelized 0 0 ~ [anes' - '0' ... '0 0 .' - "0 0 0 I Configuraiion LR . Delav, 'Queue Lenathandle\lel of Service - , Approach . - Eastbound "Westbound 'N6ilhb'60na' , , d. _ . 'S6utfioouno" .. . . Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 .; Lane Configuration L .. LR .. Iv (vehlh) 6 26 . C (m) (vehlh) 726 312 .. !vlc 0.01 0.08 95% queue length 0.02 0.27 . Control Delay (slveh) - 10.0 176 LOS A C ,,-.- ~pproach Delay - -- 17.6 Planner: 1'1/'11/'l(\()t:. Two-Way Stop Control . . TWO-WA Y STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General Information Site Information Analvst D. Gilbert, P.E. Intersection 2 Aoencv/Co. Branch Enoineer/no, Inc. unsdiction City of Sorinqfield Date Performed 12/19/2006 o,nalvsis Year Year 2010 'No Build' Analvsis Time Period PM Peak Hour Proiect DescriDtion Skvline Fstates EastlWest Street: Main Street North/South Street: S. 70th Street Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 vehicle Volumes and Adiustments Maior Street Eastbound Westbound I Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! L T R L T R , Volume (veh/h) 897 66 7 543 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 944 69 7 571 0 veh/hl Rercent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- - 5 - -- I Median Type Two Way Left Turn Lane RT Channelized 0 0 I Lanes 0 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration T TR L T I Uostream Sional 0 0 ie Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R I "olume (veh/h\ 25 3 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h\ 26 0 3 0 0 0 I Percent Heavy Vehicles. . 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) -5 0 Flared Approach N N I Storage 0 0 I RT Channelized , 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 '0 ~ .~O 0 I ., Configuration ~ LR , . Delav:- Queue Lenath, arid (evelof Service I .- ~pproach' -Eastbound - Westbound "Northbound .. Si5@i!5oulfd . Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR I (veh/h) 7 29 I . C (m) (veh/h) 656 -~267 ~ /c 0.01 0.11 I 95% queue length 0.03 0.36 . . Control Delay (s/veti) 10.5 ~ 26.1 1- - . I LOS B C lual\1 J IApproach Delay - - 20.1 11I'J1 1'J(j(jt; Two- Way Stop Control . . TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General Information Site Information Analyst D. Gilbert, PE Intersection 2 Aqency/Co. . Branch Enqineerinq, Inc. urisdiction City of Springfield Date Performed 12/19/2006 Analysis Year Year 2010 'Build' Analysis Time Period PM Peak Hour I Project Descrintion Skyline Estates EastlWest Street: Main Street North/South Street: S. 70th Street , Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 I I Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Maior Street Eastbound Westbound i Moyement 1 2 3 4 5 6 , L T R L T R Volume (yeh/h) 897 106 13 543 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I Hourly Flow Rate, HFR yehlh) . 0 944 111 13 571 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 5 -- -- I Median Type Two Way Left Turn Lane RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 1 2 0 L I Configuration T TR L .T I Upstream Signal 0 0 !. . Minor-Street Northbound . Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R I Volume (veh/h) 48 7 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 50 0 7 0 0 0 (veh/h) , I Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 I . Percent Grade (%) -5 0 r . Flared Approach N N I Storage 0 0 EU ChanneJized 0 0 I . Lanes 0 0 0 0 "' 0 0 . Gonfiguration' . 'I' LEi .. Delay, Queue l.enqth and Level of Service I - ... R-pprOacti - .- Eastl5ouna-- , Wesll5ounC!- - - --NortlibounC! - ---..- -Soutlibound . . -,..- , . Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 . LaneCoflfig~@.ti()fl . L LR , - ...,.- ! v (vehlh) 13 57 C (m) (veti/Ii) 632 267 - - r vlc 0.02 0.21 I 95% queue length 0.06 079 . Sontral Delay (s/veh) 10.8 22.1 I LOS B C Date Re celved: 22.1 Planner: Approach Delay - -- 1'1/'11/'lflllt:. Two-Way Stop Control . . I TWO-WA Y STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General Information Site Information ltInalvst O. Gilbert, PE ~I~ersection 3 It\OenCV7Co. Branch Enaineerina, Inc. urisdiction City of Sorinofield Date Performed 12/19/2006 nalysis Year Year 200B'Existina' ltInalvsis Time Period PM Peak Hour III , prmort Dt::>cr-riotion Skyline Estates : . .......... ............... "., EastlWest Street: Main Street North/South Street: S. 71st Street I Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs); 0.25 i !vehicle Volumes and Adiustments MaTor Street Eastbound Westbound . I Movement 1 '2 3 4 5 6 I L T R L T R lVolume (veh/h) 681 39 8 463 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 ! Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 716 41 8 487 0 veh/hl I"ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 5 -- - I Median Type Two Way Left Turn Lane RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 2 0 1 2 0 I Configuration T TR. L T , Upstream Siqnal 0 0 Minor Street 'C- Northbound South bound I. .. Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 I L T R L T R I 'Iolume (veh/h) 23 24 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0,95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/hl 24 0 25 0 0 0 I . Percent Heavy_ Vehicles 2. 2 2 2 2 2 . Percent Grade.(%) -5 0 . Flared Approach N N I Storage 0 0 i RT Channelized 0 0 , l::anes' 0 '0 , '0 0 .. 0 0 , I ' Configuration . .. ,LR ... Delav.QueuliTencth; 1incn:evel cifService , .--- Approach' " '-Eastbo!1nd'- "'Westbound .. 'Northbound 'Soutl\l;)oUiy,r . I : Movement 1 4 7 , 8 9 10 11 12 .; Ume Configuration L LR' -..- I (veh/h) 8 49 .. C (m) (veh/h) .. 824 44{ - . --- -- Ic 0.01 0.11 I. 95% queue length 0.03 0.37 Control Delay (s/veh) 9.4 .., '14.2 - I LOS A B I"\~., ,- !Approach Delay -- - 14.2 Planner: n17117nn,; Two-Way Stop Control . . TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY . General Information Site Information Analvst D. Gilbert, PE Intersection 3 Aoencv/Co. Branch Enoineerina, Inc. urisdiction Citv of Sorinafield Date Performed 12/1912006 "'nalVsis Year. . Year 2010 'Build' Analvsis Time Period PM Peak Hour , Proiect Descrintibn Skv/fne Estates EastlWest Street: Main Street North/South Street: S. 71st Street Intersection Orientation: East-West StudY Periodlhrs): 0.25 I I Vehicle Volumes and Adiustments I Maior Street Eastbound Westbound I Movement . 1 2 3 4 5 6 I L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 767 84 15 521 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 I Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 807 88 . 15 I veh/h) 548 0 I"ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 - - 5 - - I Median Type Two Way Left Turn Lane RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 2 0 1 2 0 , Configuration T TR L T I Urlstream Sianal 0 0 I. Minar Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R , Valumelveh/h) 49 31 I Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Houri;) Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 51 0 32 0 0 0 I . Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) -5 0 Flared Approach N N I Storag e 0 . 0 RT Channelized 0 0_ - Lanes 0 . - 0 0 0 .0- 0 I . Configuration . -:~ LR - I . -. - . -- -- . , Delaii.-Que.uel':encrth,-aridTeveriifServii:e I -, IApproach.-- .. - . . - .Eastbound-" -Westbound"~ Northbound-. - --- .Southbouhd u_. - Moveme.nt 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ Lane Configuration L LR I " (veh/h) 15 83 . C (m)(veh/h) ti9 -358 /c 0.02 0.23 l_. 95% queue length 0_06 0_88 Control Delay (s/vel)) fO.O .-. 18_1 LOS B C I IApproach Delay 18.1 Date ~eceive t - I P n er: la ]'Jf')lf')()()!; . . . . . Date Received: Planner. . . January 3, 2007 Mr. Steve Keating, PE Keating Engineering, LLC 159 E. 16'h Avenue Eugene OR 97401 RE: PRELIMfNARY GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT, SKYLfNE ESTATES PUD Dear Mr. Keating: I am writing this letter to present a summary of the preliminary findings of our assessment of foundation and slope stability conditions at the proposed Skyline Estates PUD at the south end of S 71;t Street in Springfield. A more detailed report is being prepared, but has not been completed as of today. Completion is expected within the next few days. The subdivision is located on several irregularly shaped tax lots totaling approximately 26 acres, located to the east and southeast of the south end of71;t Street and its intersection with Jessica. The elevations of the area range from approximately 825 to 1185' above mean sea level. Review of historical air photos on file at the University of Oregon's Aerial Photography Collection shows that timber harvest occurred over much of the subject property and surrounding area shortly prior to the 1952 air photos. As a result, tree cover on the 1952 photos is relatively sparse, allowing relatively detailed geomorphologic examination of the area. Based on stereographic review of the 1952 photos, significant portions of the area surrounding the subject property both to the west and east have been subject to deep-seated slope movement and earthflow type movements in the recent geologic past. The air photo interpretation indicates that the southeastern and eastern portion of the proposed PUD shows evidence of earthflow movement in the vicinity of the swale running in a northwesterly direction from the central portion of the south boundary of proposed Phase 2 of the PUD. The remainder of the PUD does not have geomorphic indications of existing slope movements. On December 4 and 5, 2006, a total of ten test pits were excavated on the site using Delta Construction's Cat 315 trackhoe. Test pit locations are shown on Figure 2 (attached). Test pit logs are attached. The depths of the test pits ranged from I foot to 20 feet with an average depth of II feet. All test pits were excavated to partly decomposed, hard, in-place rock. The test pits show significant variation in depth of hard, in-place rock, in the depth of weathering, and the soil materials covering in-place rock. Much of the transported soil on the site and portions of the completely decomposed rock consist of, or remold to a sandy fine-grained soil which has very high dry strength, high toughness, and no dilatancy. (541) 607-5700 Data Received: IA-01 Planner; (f b fe..tS~ ~ CCB # 127073 P.O. Box 2238, Eugene, OR 97402 FAX: 607-5701 . . . . . Mr. Steve Keating January 3, 2007 Page 2 As a result, using ASTM Method 0-2488 (Visual-Manual Procedure) the soil and portions of the completely decomposed state (CDS) rock are classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System as sandy fat clay (CH). This material is expected to be expansive, shrinking and swelling in response to changes in moisture content. The presence of this expansive material is partly responsible for the earthflow-type movements which have affected the eastern portion of the proposed PUD and portions of the surrounding area. A total of 10 distinct soil units were identified, of which soil units -C, -D, and -E are interpreted to be part of the earthflow sequence in the eastern portion of the subdivision. Other soil units are either a topsoil or the result of colluvial processes on the slopes of the proposed PUD not subject to earthflow type movement. The rocks underlying the subdivision area consist of marine or continental clastic sedimentary units ranging from siltstone and interbedded fine-grained sandstone to coarse-grained and conglomeratic sandstone. ' Based on the observations in the' test pits, the area of the subdivision has been divided into three distinct design areas (shown in yellow, green, and blue on Figure 5, attached). Design Area A (Blue) is an area where hard, in-place partly decomposed state to stained state sandstone underlies the surface at relatively shallow depth, ranging from 0.5 to 3 feet. In this area, there are few geotechnical constraints regarding construction of infrastructure and foundations. Design Area B (Green) is in areas where no slope movements have occurred in the past, although soil or completely decomposed rock with characteristics of expansive soil extends to depths greater than five feet. In these areas, depending on slope and other factors, roads may require some over-excavation and residential structures may require installation of deep foundations or post-tensioned concrete slabs on grade. Design Area C (Yellow) is the portion affected by earthflow deposits. In this area, road construction may require deep (on slopes up to 20') over-excavation and replacement with high-shear-strength material, and residential structures may require similar treatment. None of the area is subject to shallow-rapid slope movements, and the presence of the earthflow movements can be mitigated, although this will require expenditures in excess of those normally planned for subdivisions. The first phase of the subdivision is mostly located outside Design Area C and the only potential impact may be that the main access road for Phase 2 might be more cost- effectively installed in the southern portion of Phase I than up the northwest-facing slope in the northern and central portions of Phase 2. In conclusion, the area proposed for the Skyline Estates PUD in Springfield is suitable for the proposed residential development, provided the capabilities and constraints of the site are considered in the planning of the infrastructure and residential foundations. \-' L~D'1 Date Received: ". Planner: . -j't> 1'lW ~Sub . . . . Mr. Steve Keating January 3, 2007 Page 3 . As outlined above, a detailed report regarding the findings of the geotechnical assessment for the Skyline Estates PUD will be available in the next few days. Until that time, the enclosed information should serve to illustrate some of the findings sufficiently to allow a preliminary review of the proposed project. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 607-5700. Sincerely, GeoScience, Inc. {]:t;U?ict;/ JcitdtJ . /,:g~~~ar Schlieder, Ph.D., CEG att.: Test Pit Locations, Test Pit Logs, Design Area Map Date Received:_ \~*~1 Planner: .::] b pe..e-SG6 [-L{--Dl .::fb pRE-Sub Date Received: Planner: .c c c:a. rIJ ~ =:I ;;l .c:l a. c:a. rt.l GI .. .. ... DC GI '"' 1:1 ... ... rt.l = CI f;I;l ...... .c:l .... a. .. .... 1:1 rt.l - ... GI - 1:1 - ;... CI .. .llI ... .. rIJ ... -< GI ~ .. ... ... 1:1 r;,l 1:1 ..:l .. ..:l E! ... ... .... rt.l a. III rt.l .. ... CI'I rt.l rt.l .... rt.l ~ a -< - .. CI GI .... cl:: .. ... .. .. 1:1 .. rt.l .c:l :l GI .. DC = .. ... ... f;oo CI Gi .. - ~ GI .. ;... rIJ .. CI GI 1:1 ... ... ... a CI ... Z - .. .. a. GeoScience, .... Skyline Estates, Spfld. ~st Pit #: TP-1 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1185' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Elev. Rec. Est. Grad. Depth In. Unit Description USCS Moist. Plast. Coho Cons. G S Me . . . .-. 0-1' P.,t'~'~'~,.. ML - 48 52 Moist APL C Soft J_ - tttf+i~!ti~ SU-8 Brown sandy SILT w/ roots. Topsoil. 1184- 1- . . . .-. Rapid dilatancy. ,,;C::..::..::..: - "EEEE 1-3' CH - 20 80 Moist APL C Stiff - 1183- "EEEE 2- ~~~~~ SU-C Brown sandy CLAY. Very high dry - - "EEEE strength, high toughness ,no dilatancy. "EEEE 1182- 3- ",i"~~~ - ~~ggg 3- 10' CH - 10 90 Moist APL C Stiff - !;$-jf~~~ ...,...... . Gray sandy CLAY. Very high dry strength, 1181- 4- :$-"..... ...~.... .. high toughness, no dilatancy. - - ~~....... 1180- :$-;...... 5- ~;.... :$-,....... - - g,....... 1179-- :$-,....... SU-D 6- ...;.... .. - ~;""" - :$-;....... ~,....... 1178- 7- :$-t~~~ ...," .. - - :$-;....... ~;..... 1177- 8- ~;"" :$-"...... - - ~j... 17&-- :$-,...... g- ~;....... ~;..... - - :$-t~~~ 117fT- 10- ......... :$-;...... - :$-;...... 10.19.5' CH 10 10 80 Mois APL C Stiff - 1174- 11- ~III~ Van-colored sandy CLAY wi CDS to PDS - - ~j..... angular rock fragments to 6 inches. Partly 1173- 12- :$-~~~= igneous, partly sedimentary. Increasing t~7'; sedimentary rock fragments with depth. - - ~~~~~ Rock fragment content increasing from 10 11 7'C-- ~~. % near top to 40 % or more near bottom. 13- "i"~~~ - - ",gEE SU-E "'E=== 1171- 14- "';,;.. ",:f~-~ .~... - , - ;;:;;,,== ",.. .... . -- 1170- 15- "EEEE "EEf@ - - ".~;,. g .... 1169-- ~.. 16- ""~ - - ~~:~ 1168- 17- ,,~= .. ~..';""';' - - IF . .. " . 1167- 18- F.'~~ ~"." - F.,.... - . "f'j~= 166- 19- ~fE~ CH 40 10 50 Moist APL C Stiff ~~== - - .:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- ......... Light gr~~~sh tan siltstone to very .......... RU-40 \- .-.-.-.-. " ..-0 ......... f;n-~_ ' one: ho;A ~. I.. ~ 1165- 20- .......... . . . .-. Bottom of Hole @ 20'. No water ..... f"'" r~e encountered. PI ~nnE r: - 2-: \Jt:J GeoScience, _.... (541) 607-5700 . Date: 12/4/06 l=xcavation Contr..: Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1185' Depth Rec. In. Elev. - - 1184- 1- - - 11 83-- 2- - - 1182- 3- - - 1181- 4- - - 1180- 5- - - 1179- 6- - - 1178- 7- - - 1177- 8- - - 176- 9- - - 1175-- 10- - - 1174- 11- - - 1173- 12- - - 117'C- 13- - - 1171- 14- - - 1170- 15- - - 1169- 16- - - 1168- 17- - - 1167- 18- - - 166- 19- - - 1165- 20- .. ":r" ~~+i+i+i+~ ---- ".o.""+".o.II:I-o-'lI ---~ ~~~~~ 9.0."+'11'.0.9+" ---~ ~~~~~ !:t~~~! "'+"'.0."+"." _:"'0'__ ~~~~~ ""."."."'000" ---- ~~~~~ ~~~~! .+""00-"'+'11'.'1' -~-- ~~~~~ "<lo"'."-o."o" ---- ~~~~~ ".".0.<:'.l1:li",. ---- ~!..t~~~ ~~~~! ".";)"+'11'+'" ---- ~!::~~~ "'."+'l'oOo"'." ---- ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "'.o.'lI.".""l''' ---- ~~~~~ ""+""+"'."'.0.9 ---- 'I.'l'.o.'l'+'J'+'" g~~~~ ~~~~~ :g?"II'.:L'l'..t..'lI~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~2~~.J:.."II' Skyline Estates, Spfld. Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe I Operator: John Unit Description o 8" SU A Black sandy Clay w/ roots. T opsei!. - 1\ll-<n<: '-IT Nn 8" -7.5' Angular PDS siltstone fragments to 8 inches in sandy SILT matrix. Light gray to tan. Rock fragments initially granular, remold to APL. SU-G 7.5 - g' As SU-G but stained rust-brown. SU-H .......... .. ... ......... ----- . . . . . . . . . . .-.-.-.-. i:~:t:.::::~~:::: CDSiPDS siltstone, fine-grained to ~~C:~C:f.~C: RU-401 medium-grained sandstone. Tan to light t+ff:L';:':L~ greenish tan wlbrown clay skins on i~~~i~~~~ fractures. Hard. g - 11.5' Bottom of Hole @ 11'. No water encountered. est Pit #: TP-2 Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Logger: Gunnar Est. Grad. USCS Moist. Plast. Coh. Cons. G S Me CH 20 GW-Ml 70 10 GW-M' 70 10 80 Moist APL Stiff C 20 Moist NP- APL Stiff NC 20 Moist NP Stiff NC DatE RebeivE d: 1-4- D1 Plan er: .: 1-1:> ~E~--SO~ GeoScience, I.,. Skyline Estates, Spfld. est Pit #: TP-3 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1175' T Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Elev. Rec. Est. Grad. Depth In. Unit Description uses Moist. Plast. Coho Cons. G S Me .-.-. .,;< 0-1' "-;;l;;l;;l;;1:.:. ML - 48 52 Moist APL C Soft - - i';:'~'~'~'" SU-B Brown sandy SILT wi roots. Topsoil. 1174- 1- i.~:t~:t~:t~li Rapid dilatancy. ............... .. . .. ;;.:....:....:....:. '-2' - - ;:g:g:g:g SU-C Brown sandy CLAY. Very high dry CH - 20 80 Mast APL C S1iff 1173- ;............ strennth, hinh touahness ,no dilatancv. 2- ......... ;~;,;,;,;,;,;, 2-3' - - ;............ SU-D Gray sandy CLAY. Very high dry strength, CH - 10 90 Mast APL C. S1iff ;:g:g:g:g 1172- 3- ......... hinh tounhness no dilatanc"- ;~;,;,;,;,;,;, 3-10' , CH 10 10 80 Mois APL C S1iff .- - ;.... 1171- 4- ~~=="'"~ Vari-colored sandy CLAY wi CDS to PDS - ~~~~ angular rock fragments to 6 inches. Partly - ign~ous, partly sedimentary. Increasing 11 70- 5- ~~EE sedimentary rock fragments with depth. iM~' - . ... Rock fragment content increasing from 10 - ~?;.......... % near top to 40 % or more near bottom. 1169- 6- ~?;.~ ~j;.....;..... - - ~:g~ ~j" . 116B- 7- ~!-'..~~ SU-E ~~;;.;;. - - g~...:.;;';;' 1167- 8- Ii~ - - ~r- 166- 9- g:~;;i~ ~;;.~~~ - - r 1165- 10- "~~ - - ~~"'0 1164- 11- ~~.... - ~,;:..,~ . - ~~...... CH 40 10 50 Moist APL C S1iff 1163- . ";""';"';'""';"';'""';"":"":' 12- .......... Rust-brown siltstone to very .-.-.-.-. RU-40C ......... "M_ . CTC ~^_... - - .......... .. .. . ......... 1162- 13- Bottom of Hole @ 12.5', No water - - encountered. 1161- 14- - - 11 60- 15- - - 1159- 16- - - 1158- 17- - - 1157- 18- , - - 156- 19- R8C fl: l- tt-/C 1 - - .~ ate ive rt;. 1155- 20- lan' er. -.:. ":'-SO b pPi GeoScience, I~ Skyline Estates, Spfld. .st Pit #: TP-4 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 l=xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1155' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Rec. Est. Grad. Elev. Depth Unit Description USCS Moist. Plast. Coho Cons. In. G S Me :'.'.lil.'..{.c:~ 0-1' ML - 48 52 Moist APL C Soft - ............... Brown sandy SILT wi roots. T opsai!. - .-.-.-.-. SU-B 1154- +:t~t~:t~j': Rapid dilatancy. 1- ............... . . . . . 'ff....... 1-4' - - ,,~.... . SU-I Red-brown to light red-brown sandy CLAY. CH - 10 90 Moist APL C Stiff 1153- 'i-~~~~ Very high dry strength, high toughness, no 2- ~F:::: dilatancy. - - ,,~..... . ~~....... 1152- 3- :$-~""" . E'~~~ - - :$-~'"'' .. ~r"'" 1151- 4- :$-~' .. :$-~"" . 4-16' CH 10 10 80 Moist APL C Stiff - - 'f~~~ Vari-colored (mostly red-brown to brick 1150- :$-~ . .... red) sandy CLAY wi CDS to PDS angular 5- ~~....... :$-~"" .. rock fragments to 6 inches. Sedimentary - - E'~~~ rock fragments only. Increasing 1149-- :$-~~ sedimentary rock fragments with depth. 6- ~f~;~ Rock fragment content increasing from 10 - - :$-r.... % near top to 30 % or more near bottom. ~r'" SU-E 1148- 7- :$-~'" - .~~~~ - *f.... 1147- 8- :$-r"~ ~~.... ~f" - - :$-~~Ei 146- 9- :$-r...... 'fC... - - S~ 1145-- 10- '-~Q - - :$-~~~~ 'ft~Q 1144- 11- ~~iOF. - - :$-~;c[1 'i-P== :$-~'''' . 1143- 12- :$-~"'''' . :$-~"" . - - :$-~" . 114~ 'ff~~~ 13- ,,~... .. :$-f..... - - 'ff..... ,,~... . 1141- 14- ,,~ ..... ,,~.. ..... - - ,,~...... 1140- 15- "'"....... ~~~~~ - - ~~...... CH 30 10 60 Moist APL C Stiff 1139-- 'i-~~~~ 16- ~;~:~~~j~: 16-18' - - CDSIPDS Conglomeratic Sandstone -Oo.~.:.!.:.!.:.!.' 1138- 17- ~;~;~;~;~;. RU-40' interbedded wi minor sandstone and ~::. '. '. '.. .-.-.-.-. siltstone. - - ~;~;~;~;~;. "',:.!.:.!.:.!.:.!: 1137- 18- :0............0.. Bottom of Hole @ 16'. No water - - encountered. 136- 19- \- +1 1 - - ate Ree ~iVE d: 1135- 20- Ian ~er: f'R ~~ )6 ....- p~ IJ GeoScience, In. Skyline Estates, Spfld. est Pit #: TP-5 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Suc ket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1150' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Rec. Est. Grad. Moist. Plast. Cons. Elev. Depth Unit Description USCS Coho In. G S Me . . . '0! 0-1' 87+',+.,+.,.;;.;. ML - 48 52 Moist APL C Soft - - P"7"-'-'-' SU-B Brown sandy SILT wi roots. Topsoil. 1149- 1- ~tt.tt.tt+-t.~ Rapid dilatancy. . . . . . ..~;,;;,;;,; 1-12' - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. SU-I Red-brown to light red-brown sandy CLAY. CH - 10 90 Moist API. C Stiff 1148- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. Very high dry strength. high toughness. no 2- ~~~~~ dilatancy. - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1147- 3- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1146- 4- ~~~~~ ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1145- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 5- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - '- ~~~~~ 1144- 6- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1143- 7- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1142"- ..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 8- ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 141- 9- .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. - - ~;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 1140- .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. 10- ~"..... ~j;"'" - ~;... - ~," 1139-- 11- ~,... ~,," - ~ ~~... ~~..... 1138- 12- . . . . . . . . . :o.::.!::.!::.i::.!:' 12 -12.75' CDSiPDS Conglomeratic - - ~ ;~;~;~;~;. RU-40' Sandstone. ~:~:~:~:~:' 1137- 13- Bottom of Hole @ 12.75', No water - - encountered. 1136- 14- - - 1135- 15- - - 1134"- 16- - - 1133- 17- - - 1132- 18- - - 131- 19- 4~ ~( - - ~ ate Rec aivl d: \. 1130- 20- Ian er. (] D ~--s prt ?R GeoScience, l"e Skyline Estates, Spfld. est Pit #: TP-6 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1120' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Rec. Est. Grad. Coho Cons. Elev. Depth In. Unit Description uses Moist. Plast. G S Me ,;i,,;i,Ti,T;i,T;i, 0-1.5' ML - 48 52 Moist APL C Soft - - .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. SU-B ............... Brown sandy SILT wi roots. Topsoil. .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. 1119- ............... '-'-.-.-. Rapid dilatancy. 1- ............... .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. - . - ............... . . . .-. 1118- ..................:..::..; 1.5- 3' 2- :i~"~'ff.~ff:~. RU-40, CDS Fine- to medium-grained Sandstone. - - Light brown to tan. STS at 2'. Hard. 1117- 3- - - Bottom of Hoie @ 3'. No water 1116- 4- encountered. - - 1115- 5- - - 1114- 6- - - 1113- 7- - - 1112-- 8- - - 111- 9- - - 1110- 10- - - 1109-- 11- - - 1108- 12- - - 1107- 13- - - 11 06- 14- - - 1105- 15- - - 1104- 16- - - 1103- 17- - - 1102- 18- - - 101- 19- \--1; -{)- - - DatE Re :eiv d: 1100- 20- Pla~ ner: :fD be:> ~ ~-s GeoScience, l"e Skyline Estates, Spfld. est Pit #: TP-7 (541) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1070' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Rec. Es!. Grad. Moist. Cons. Elev. Depth In. Unit Description USCS Me Plast. Coho G S . . . .. 0-0.5' tsrown sanoy "'Ll Wtroots. ............... SU-B .-.-.-.-. ML 48 52 Moist APL C Soft ............... I Tr; ~" D_' . - .-. . . . - - ............... . .-. . . 1069- 1- ::.::::.::.::::.::.::::.::.::::.::.:::: RU-402 0.5 - l' STS Fine- to medium-grained Sandstone. Light brown to tan. Hard ~ - 1068- Bottom of Hole @ 1'. Trackhoe refusal. 2- No water encountered. - - 1067- 3- - - 1066- 4- - - 1065- 5- - - 1064- 6- - - 1063- 7- - - 106;>--- 8- - - 061- 9- - - 1060- 10-- - - 1059- 11- - - 1058- 12- - - 1057- 13- - - 1056- 14- - - 1055- 15- - - 1054- 16- - - 1053- 17- - - 1052- 18- - - 051- 19- 0 te I ece Ive~ . [-- 1.\-0 H - - ':'t> p ann r: '-- 1050- 20- ~. .-su ) GeoScience, ... Skyline Estates, Spfld. est Pit #: TP-8 (541) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 ~xcavation Contr..: Delta Ganstr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1000' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Rec. Est. Grad. Elev. Depth In. Unit Description USCS Moist. Plast. Coho Cons. G S M,C . ... . 0-1' ............... .-.-.-.-. ML 48 52 Moist APL C Soft ............... - .-.-.-.-. Brown sandy SILT wi roots. Topsoil. - - ................ .-.-.-.-. SU-B ............... .-.-.-.-. ............... .-.-.-.-. Rapid dilatancy. ............... .-.-.-.-. 999- 1- ............... . . .-.-. ~;... 1 - 4.5' CH 10 30 60 Mois APL C Stiff - - '~.'~~ SU-F Vari-colored (mostly red-brown ~, ..... 998- 2- ~,"" toyellow-brown) sandy CLAY wI CDS to ~~~~~ PDS angular rock fragments to 6 inches. - - ar Sedimentary rock fragments only. .b. __ Increasing sedimentary rock fragments 997- 3- ~~ with depth. Rock fragment content - - increasing from 10 % near top to 30 % or 996- 4- .~~ more near bottom. ...... ==::: CH 30 20 50 Moist APL C Stiff - - . ..... ::.:"::.:'::.:"..:.,"..:.: 4.5-12.5' 995- 5- ll!~:f:JJ! - CDS Fine- to medium-grained Sandstone. - Remolds to clayey Sand, APL. 994- 6- Interbedded wi minor conglomeratic - - sandstone. .....:......:.... :..:....;:..:....::.': RU-401 993- .:.:....:.. 7- :.:.;..:.:..:.;..:.....:. - - ::::::::~:{:::::::::::::::::::::~: 992- 8- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?::::: - - :.':..:.':.':.' 991- 9- :::::::::::}{::::::::::::::::::: ............... - - ::'.::::..::::..::::..::::..:. '.:'.:'.:'.:'.. :.:.:.:.:. 10--- .............. 990- //:}}~(; - - ............... 989- 11- ::.:':::.:':::.:':::.>::.:.. .............. ............... - - ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 988- 12- .:{:(:~:t:}::~: - - -- ---------------------------- ----- --- --- -- - - -- - - -- --- ----- PDS@ 12' - - ............... 987- 13- Bottom of Hole @ 12.5'. No water - - encountered. 986- 14- - - 985- 15- - - 984- 16- - - 983- 17- - - 982 - 18- - - 81- 19- /D- - - )at' Re ~Iv bd: I \-1.\ 980- 20- 'Ian ner: \' f/-e.... D\)Y( GeoScience, ...- Skyline Estates, Spfld. lest Pit #: TP-9 (541 ) 607-5700 Date: 12/4/06 loxcavation Contr..: Delta Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx. Elevation AMSL: 1000' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Elev. Rec. Esl. Grad. Coho Cons. Depth In. Unit Description USCS Moisl. Plasl. G S M,C ..~;,;.;,;.;,;. 0-2.5' - - ..::;::;::;::; SU-A Black sandy Clay wi roots. T opsai!. CH - 20 80 Mcist APL C Stiff ..::;::;::;::; VHDS, HT, ND 999- 1- ..::;::;::;::; ..::;::;::;::; - - ..::;::;::;::; ..::;::;::;::; 998- 2- . . . . . . . . . ..~;,;.;,;.;,;. - - ..;;....... ..~;,;.;,;.;,;. 2.5-5' 997- 3- ..::;::;::;::; CH - 10 90 Mcist APL C Stiff ..::;::;::;::; Brown sandy CLAY. Very high dry - - ..::;::;::;::; SU-C strength, high toughness, no dilatancy. 996- 4- ~~~~~ ..::;::;::;::; - - ..::;::;::;::; ..::;::;::;::; 995- 5- o . . . . . . . . ~F 5-7 . ... Stiff - - Gray sandy CLAY w/STS angular igneous CH 30 10 60 Wet APL C 994- 6- II ,~" rock fragments to 1 B inches. - - ... . 993- 7- W.. ~,..... 7 -15' Stiff - - CH 10 10 80 Moist APL C 1$1.... . Greenish-gray Clay wi CDS sedimentary 992- 8- ~~...... rock fragments. Very high dry strength, ~j""." - - ~~...... high toughness, no dilatatancy. ~~~ 991- 9- ~~...~~ ~~~~~ - - ~1.'.'" 990- 10-- ~j". ~~...... - - ~,... ~j"'" 989- ~,.... 11- ~i""" SU-D - - ~~~~ 988- 12- ~!.I, "'''' ~,. .... - ~ ~j"."" ~,....... 987- ~j""" 13- ~~~ \ - ~ ~,. ... ,,;... 986- 14- ~~... ~~... - - ,,~~ ~,"~:-;-'" 985- 15- .";'""7-;-;'":-:,':"":' .......... Brown to tan siltstone to very . .... RU-40C ......... ----- flne-nrained sandstone. - .......... STS hard. - "-.-.-.-. ......... 984- 16- Bottom of Hole @ 15.5'. Total - approximately 1 to 1.5 gpm from seeps - in SU-J and SU-D 983- 17- - - 982 - 18- - - 1- tf-,[ 1 B1- 19- DE eR I3cei ed p:t> - - PI nnE 980- 20- ?r.. :;--5 56 Get)Science, .- Skyline Estates, Spfld, .st Pit #: TP-10 .. (541) 607-5700 , l=xcavation Contr.,: Della Constr.1 Cat 315 Trackhoe Date: '12/5/06 Method: 4-ft. Smooth-edge Bucket Approx, Elevation AMSL: 965' I Operator: John Logger: Gunnar Elev. Depth Rec, Es!. Grad, Mois!. Cons, In, Unit Description USCS Plas!. Coh, G S Me r/'."'""'"",.",. 0-" Mcist NP Dense .............. GW 85 10 S NC - "."'...."."'. - ............... FU-1 1.S'-minus crushed rock, "'""'""""0"'. ............. 964- 1- ",-","",.",.",. 1~i~~1 1 - 3' PDSlSTS Fine- to - - medium-grained Sandstone. Ught brown RU-40, 963- 2- to tan. STS at 2'. Hard. -- - 962-- 3- - Bottom of Hole @ 3'. No water - encountered. 961- 4- - - 960- 5- - - 959- 6- - - 958-- 7- -- - - 957- 8- - - 956- 9- - - 955- 10-- -- - 954-- 11- -- - 953 -- 12- -- - 952- 13- -- - 951- 14- - - 950-- 15- - - 949-- 16- -- - 948 -- 17- .. - 947 -- 18- - - -t-C 1 46-- 19- " Da eR ~cei ed' -- - :: t7 PI nnE ~~ 945 -- 20- ~ b < \~l.\, 01 Date Received: Planner: .:J D ~~B-SO ~ -c:i c l:l. rI.l =- OJ C. ..c:l l:l. 01 ... 011 Cl .. Cl ..c:l C. '" .. .. 01 .. '" ~ .. 1:1 '" - .... " as o;.:-C ~<< ~ 1:1 ... i:jJfu .. '" ..:l a .. '" ~ N '" III ~ Iii ~ '" .. a < ... _ = Cl 01 011....... .. - .... ~ G,) 1:1 '" ..c:l 01 ~ = .. Cl .. ~ ~ ... 01 .9 a .. - .. ... c. Ii - 01 .. rI.l Cl .. .. Cl Z 'I . I . I II . I :1 II II I: '! I ,I , II II II I[ . I[ I[ Ii Ii II :1 I II II Ii 'I . II Date Received: I~~-Dl " I Planner: CfD I II II City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (54l) 726-3689 . SP.GFIELD . Tree Felling Application lrypell ApplicantName '1fG:Veje~ &, ~~wc. P~ddress +~~ ~--1?-"~ I ~\'PIhl'I1P-I~liI), Of?. Property Owner N~e ?~t;.-10~ ~<?1"'~ l.-(d. ---Address-'~0'-::!7i)-X-H~~-~i/fE:'FVi'l:i.E7"-OF'-' 'l~tl'g' -- . Phone:~/r:::; -8'52, Phone: 1U -,,\?)q~ "l1111 P.roperty Address So 11 ~ c.-1f 0~\o-.l6i'el)) Assessor's Map No. I ~ ; 02- -Oz - !, . L Tax Lot No. ~ 0 0 Specific Description of Proposal _ ~t.11) Wit{ GL--I? ?If!- II-J{, fv LV ~ 110'7 err) '?J-f;oDlvl?;710,...) -ro ~IrBl-If) z.c, vr E:Ao.j 0\D~ at. ~~j2-L.t,.J( . or ~1.hV~ ~D TI:IC undersigned acknowledges that the information in tbis application in correct and 8tturate. Applicant Signature Date If the applicant is other than the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Owner Signature Date For Office Use Only: Journal No. Map No. ~_ Date Accepted as Complete ~~V Received By . Date ReceiVed;~ Planner: 0-]) &b;&:6 . '~~ur ~gIH! . !" iI! L -0---@----- . ~ ~ , .; ~, ~i II i I I I , I I I I I , I "" /' :=::: .~- i e----L~_1_~Lc.J ~ I ~, -~--~,,". r--'-j " 1\ f?~\LU[\\~ '\i, /- tS.:"", U /-.'., j VI /- ~ cs: >-."-. -'. I ///-~- \. '. ~ - /" ',,", ~. 'l(I- \" ;/~ "J ~~, .C.l/\\-- \, \ ,~F~~, ~ . / ":cfl.c~r'( I' I '--\~,\~. ~"/~ ~// --i /()r))'~\ .-, ~'-- .. ~" ~~, "~ '-. \ '.v ,\ . , . \\, ~ /&: "'-'~ ~ '''!ili~l '1, . , ./, -', .' J. / ~ I .---------: , , .'r----\ t.n.. , i , ! , i ~!~~ ~~ii " ./f' 'y I.: ',~,: ., ./" ., ,~' " , , , -"'-- . -,.,,;,c' "_ , , I . :''''::::~iU- .~~h" "'.-,' a!. ~i~~ ~~~:: ~~h , , ~~;~ ~!i~~ H~~ 3f$~ ~!ii: t~H h :9 ~ ~ a!. ~:h5 ~3'H~ --- -=-~ -- -~-== ~ ~ i , I l ; ~ ~ i. '. H , , .~~ ~~ ,! ~i~ , ! , , h . . . . . RESPONSE TO TREE-FELLING STANDARDS 1. Trees are generally healthy and well spaced in an even-aged stand approximately 45 years old. Tree felling will be accomplished by experienced contractor and public safety will be addressed. 2. The proposed felling is consistent with the Metro,Plan (LDR zone being developed for its intended use) and protects nearby trees by opening only the width of the road and cut slope areas, protectIng remaining trees from effects Ofwindthrow. Arborist (Nathaniel Sperry) indicates.thatthin'cut:rforroaas wiIr not aaverseWiiIfect wind' damage to . -- . . remaining trees, as wind will be directed.overtops;ofcrownsby.adjacentdense'canopy. Streams are not affected'by this, and intermittentchinnels will remain in tree cover. . :\. It is necessary to cut trees to construct the roadway. d. Tree felling will only be undertaken after development plan approval. S. No replantingisproposea williin the road area. 'Righi-of-way is to be constructed, residential access, utilities, and setbacks are to be located within the tree cutting zones 6. No slash will remain on the property. 7. Oregon Forest Practices Rules address re-forestation and timber stand management, which are not a part of this work. Methods of felling and log removal generally conform to the guidelines, excepting that roadway construction will render erosion control measures under Forest Practices Rules less restrictive than the City of Springfield LDAP standards. 8. Access will be taken in the right-of-way, without disturbance to nearby neighbors Date Received: \ -L\--01 Planner: J!> p~-&b . . . ......., '''.11 4....<..1.... tJ.J.....J :JL.fi-.OJ.t.It:1::JJ PAGE 02/04 ~~~KKY I~cc CAKe . . 605 HOWc.11 d Avenue fusene, Oregon 97404 . Phonc.154114(,i-I7J7 Fax 15411461.0091 Keating Engineering Ann: Steve Keating IR8 West B St Springfield,OR97477 December 6, 2006 - ..-:-' Re: Tree stand:nssessmcnt ofSkyliilc Estates, Springfield, Oregon. Dear Steve, Following is the report J prepared for the assessment of the tTees of the Skyline E,tates. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to conloct me by calling our office at 461 1737. Introduction and assignment: On December 6, 2006, I was retained by Steve Keating of Keating Engineering to assess the health and condition ora forested area known as the Skyline Estates in Springtield. Oregon. This particular area is slated for future development; my assignment was Iimitcc1to describing the general health ofthe trees and identify the ~pecies as well as the characteristics of the hillside in relation 10 the existing vegetation. The outside conditions to perform tbese observations was ideal, with clcar skies and nO rain. Observations were done from ground level, without the help of specific tools or instruments and were completed the same day. Observations: Skyline Estates is abutting the highest part ol'South 71" street. in the southeast pan oftlle town of Springfield. Historically, the entire hillside was logged in the 50'5 and 60's and apparently left alone, allowing the remaining trees to re eol.oni1.e the area via seed dispersion and sprouts from stumps. At first impression, the dominant species appears to be Douglas-firs (/'selldol,I'U{?O menzie.l'ii) with a DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of24 inches, at least in the larger portion of the site; the westcrn slope. As the [)ouglas-tiTS matured, they started to choke Date ReceivSD ') -'tf~Dl Planner. ~~ . . . ... L' <""-" "UVU U.:J......:J ~~~~XY I~~~ CARe PAGE 03/04 ;,;....r.L.tO.1()(J::ll . . [ __ cer m6t5.5(!lr,w:Mw~ ?~p1e flhe mapks arc still clustered in areas. and ffoea~~~p~Jl;i=m etition for I1gh\. C ~f,e \ 'Bstofiey vcg~~I~f11~!-Y~\Illi~;lggieally expecled in a forest of Douglas-firs oflhis e~~~~" ~Y2?lm~1~s (Acerr6!ft!WIP4l![1'-boWple filberts (C.orylus cornU/a), Cascaras ,_ -{C=,a.pw;IhUlJi~l.l~w(l(ldS-fC- nus nul/allll;, PacIfic yew (faxus hrev{folia), Sword fern (Pnlystichum munilUm), Pbison oak (Rhus toxicodendron), Red eurranl (Ribes sanguineum), Oregon grape (Mahol1ia aquifolium) and mulliple varieties of mosses and mushrooms. Although.suppressed - i n.numbers, there ,was_cnough .seedlings.of the ,speci es to.. indi<:.atc_ _ __ the presence of Grand firs (Ahies grandi.~) within the Douglas-firs_ The fact that the forest was likely left alone for arlt;astJlluf decades allowed thelrees to' develop naturally through competition and soil preferences. Some ofthe contours of the h.ill created natural drainage (i.e.: een(erpart - taneri,ng in the intermittent stream and north east part) favoring the growth of Bigkafmaples almost exclusively with the presence of Douglas-firs on cad, edge. A grove of Oregon white OallS (Quercus ganyana), apparently the only ones on Skyline Estates, is surviving on the south central pUlt of the' hill-where the soihsreported,to'bevery-shallowand rocky, These trees show signs of struggle due to harsh conditions, however, they are alive and doing fine considering the species in relation with that kind of soil. As I progressed towards the eastern part of the Estates, I witnessed a noticeable difference in tree diameter, where the DBH (of the Douglas-firs) averaged 12 inches. Then, as 1 came closer to the top of the hill, there were two areas where the steady slope changed to a fairly flat spot before climbing again less than 60 feet further east. The trees growing in those areas were as healthy ns the ones growing everywhere else on the hill; the only difference being that they nppeared to grow further from each other, as if somc thinning had happened in the past, although there was no evidence Suppo\ting that theory. Conclusion and recommendations: The overall health of the trees growing on Skyline Estates is good_ At this time, the integrity of the forest brings a lot of advantages especially on a moisture retention stand point. The steepness of the slope called for the present design of the pHTposed road construction. Along with the design, the nalTowncss of the road shows awareness of the _moisture issue by trying to minimize stolm water velocity. Another important issue is the wind factor. Apparently, this forest - oriented west - has survived recent and past windstorms extremely well for one reason: lack of disturbance: the trees relying on each other for support. Since most windstorms come from a southwest direction in winter, one should be pl'lldent not to upset wind dynamics too much by creating wide corridors oriented southwest - nOl1heas\. Once again, the proposed "tree preservation area", if respected, should provide a good buffer in snme of the most sensitive areas being in this case the top of the hill where the proposed road construction is oriented southwest - northeast. Date Received: ~--' a..\>..O 1 Planner: 5D P(tG "6J6 ~~c~~y I~~ CA~~ PAGE 04/04 . . . ;',..,-.., -' 605 ,.towtlfd Avr',ue . 'ted ar~gl!i1~.g))~~~r tb proposed residential construction. If good RW i!/%~rac\ices ar~l1s~iq!mf~.H;;<:9Pt~. ne protcction, minimizing soil compadion Ce~~~rnwJ#lf\~ater dynjl!lJ,if5\41iW6i:p~t)i'fl) tb' remnant orthe trees should be thriving. Assumptions and Limiting ConditionR . L Care bas been taken to obtain all informalion from reli{lhlc sources. The consultant can.neither_guaran tee. nor.be.regponsib Ie for. the.accliracy_of. in tcnnatioh .pnlVided. hy. others. 2. Consultant shalllJot be. requircd to gi ve testimony or to.'altcnd, court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arr~ngemel1ts 8remade. including payment of addi tional-fccs. ." Any legal description provided to the consultant ;.5 assurn.i:d to be correct No responsibility is assumed for matters legal in character. 4. Missing pages or alteration of this report invalidates entjre report 5. Possession of this report does not imply right of publication or use for any pUIlJose by any other.than' the-persoll.tO' whom-if! s'addressed~ withoutthc' prior'ex presscd'wri tlen' or verbal consent of the consultant. (" Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report, nor copy thereof, shall be cOllveyed by anyone, including.thc,c1ient, to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the expressed written or verbal consent of the con~uhal1t. 7. Infonnation comained in this report reflects the conditions present at the time of inspection, R. Inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no wall'anty or guarantee, expressed or implied, tbat problems or del:iciencies urlhc plants Or property in question may not ari.se in the future. Respectfully submined, Alby Thoumsin Certified Arboristl'N # 1168 . Oats Received: 1- 4- D7 Planner: ...Jl) PR-E' -see