HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PWE 6/6/2005 . . Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: June 6, 2005 . Kitti Gale, Planner II Gary McKenney, P.E., Transportati~n Planning Engineer q Ifl! PRE2005-00036 - Corey/Legacy Estates From: . Subject: This is follow-up to our Pre-submittal meeting on 6/3/05 where there were unresolved issues about the street system proposed for Legacy Estates. After discussing this matter with Ken V ogeney and Brian Barnett, I am providing this statement of the staff position so that you may . forward it to the applicant. The Conceptual Local Street Map depicts Vera Street to be extended and connected to Hayden Bridge Road in a manner that is not feasible due to existing platted subdivision streets in Grand View Estates east of the Legacy site. The section of Vera Street to the west of the Legacy site ends in an alignment that, if extended eastward, would require removal of existing structures on Tax Lot 200. Thus, a clear plan for extending Vera Street to provided needed corinectivity is not available. Given these facts, Transportation Division staffis comfortable that the basic street layout presented in the Pre-submittal documents would provide for future neighborhood street J;.onnectivity. However, the following elements ofthe proposed layout need to be addressed for completeness and SDC compliance: 1) The 50-foot centerline radii ofthe two curves through the partial cul-de-sacs do not meet the 100-foot minimum for local streets established in SDC 32.020 (7). 2) Full development of the proposed partial cul-de-sac in the northwest corner of the site would conflict with an existing residential structure on adjacent property (Tax Lot 100). 3) Additional information is required to completely depict what is being proposed at end of 16th Street. If access is being proposed at this point, .it appears that the width of 16th Street would not be adequate for two-way traffic. 1fno access is proposed, then some form of emergency vehicle turn-around would be needed. PRE.~I1RMlrrAL REC'D fo~ &= 05"