HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/23/2011 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . .1 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective A licant Name: Bill McCo Phone: 541-746-0303 Com an : Address: M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. PO Box 21733, Eu ene, OR 97401 Fax: 541-746-0302 Prospective A licant's Re .: Richard M. Satre, AICP Phone: 541-686-4540 Com an : Address: Schirmer Satre Grou Fax: 541-686-4577 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eu ene, OR 97401 Owner: Industrial Avenue Pro erties, LLC Phone: 541-689-9709 Com an Address: Fax: 541-689-9735 31 5 Industrial Avenue, S rin field, OR 97478 t.l- 0; 700 and 601 I Vc..tu.........;- ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Address: 7.32 Acres Acres [g] S uare Feet 0 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, piease attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: Final Site Plan E uivalent Ma Minimum Develo ment Standards and/or Site Plan Modification Existin Use: Truckin and Maintenance # of Lots Parcels: 3 Prospective Applicant: .~ :\J.~ ~~ l-..- Signature . 0- Bill McCoy Print du acre Date: 5/12/2011 . ,_.. Case NO/Yrc tf - t:.Cf) S 7...-1 Date: C) Reviewed b : A lication Fee: Technical Fee: 0 Posta TOTAL FEES: S 2.., . <:;\) Date Rec ~ECT NUMBER: MAY 2 3 2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 3 .. , . . Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist [8J Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. [8J Development Issues Meeting Application Form [8J Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. [8J Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. [8J Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" [8J Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' [8J North arrow [8J Date of preparation [8J Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number [8J Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area [8J Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points [8J On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained D Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions D Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots D How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review [8J Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height [8J Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces [8J Parking and circulation plan Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 3 .,""\. :nir" _,I Suhmittal . May 12, 2011 M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting . WRITTEN STATEMENT In accordance with SDC 5.1-120, Pre-Development Meetings, the applicant requests a Development Issues Meeting with the City of Springfield to gain a better understanding of applicable requirements regarding a) Site Plan Equivalent and b) Minimum Development Standards. To aid Springfield staff in preparing for the meeting, and to facilitate a helpful meeting conversation, the following information, along with the accompanying attachments, is provided. Requested Assistance The applicant, M. O. Nelson & Sons, is exploring options regarding improvements to its trucking company facilities on Industrial Avenue in Springfield. M. O. Nelson & Sons is a locally owned and operated company, now in its second generation of management. It is successful and growing. Current facilities are disbursed to a number of sites, in Springfield and Eugene both. The company would like to consolidate its operations to the Industrial Avenue property. Before making such an investment, it desires to better understand applicable land use requirements. Knowing what will be required will help the company make a decision to invest in Springfield or elsewhere. I. II. Subject Site 3115 Industrial Avenue, Springfield Map 17-02-31-22.l01 100 and Map 17-02-31-21.l01' 700 and 601 Image from Bing Maps Subject Site Final Site Plan Equivalent Map A. Applicable Code Section' SDC 5.17-135(8). "Final Site Plan Equivalent Map. In the case of developed or partially developed industrial properties of more than 5 acres in size that did not receive Final Site Plan approval prior to the adoption of this Code, the Director may approve a Final Site Plan , Springfield Development Code (SDCI citations are in italics and parentheses I" "). Date Received: - - PLANNERS + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIAUSTS MAY 2 3 2011 ~ + lAIIOItul.utMfTtm + -III: 0' , - ,- - - Original Submittal 375 Wesl 4th. Suole 201. Eugene. OR 97401 Phone: 541.686.4540 Fax: 541.686.4577 www.schirmersatre.com . . M. O. Nelson & Sons. Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Written Statement Mav 12. 2011 Page 2 of 8 Equivalent Map to allow the property owner to use the Site Plan Modification process specified in Section 5. 17-145 for future additions or expansions. " Finding: . The subject property is a combination of three tax lots. two that are developed and a third that is partially developed (and previously occupied). which together are over 5 acres in size. and which did not receive Final Site Plan approval prior to the adoption of this Code. . Thus it could be found that the subject site is eligible for Final Site Plan Equivalent Map. B. Applicable Approval Criteria SDC 5.17-135(B)(1)(b). "The approval criteria is compliance with the submittal requirements of Subsection 2, below. " "2. Final Site Plan Equivalent Map-Submittal Requirements. The Final Site Plan Equivalent Map application may be submitted concurrently with a Site Plan Review Modification application. The applicant shall submit a map based on City Geographic Information System maps at a scale not less than I" = 1 00' that contains the following information: a. The property lines; b. The location of all existing buildings to include their use and dimensions; c. Paved parking areas to include the number of parking spaces; d. The location of public utilities on the property, specifically stormwater, sanitary sewer, electricity and water; e. The location and identification of all outfalls, if there are waterways that abut the property. For properties that abut Water Duality Limited Watercourses the approximate location of top of bank, and the 150 foot required setback from top of bank; f. Existing landscaping along the frontage of abutting public rights-of-way; and g. Any additional information required by the Director that may be specific to a particular property. " Finding: . The enclosed plan diagram (Exhibit El - Existing Conditions Planl contains all cited information, except for (e.) which does not apply to the subject property as there are no outfalls, waterways or other features from the Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map abutting the site. . Thus it could be found that the subject site meets Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval criteria. C. Applicant's Understandinq It appears to the applicant that the plan diagram submitted herewith (Exhibit El - Existing Conditions Plan) meets all applicable Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval criteria, and upon submittal of the plan, along with other submittal requirements (including application, fee, deed, Date Recelvea: MAY 7 3 ?nll Schirmer Satre Group. 375 West 4- Avenue. Suite 201. Eugene. OR 97401 . 1541) 686-4540 . Fax 15411686-4577 Original Submittal . M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Written Statement Mav 12. 2011 . Page 3 of 8 title report and other information deemed pertinent to the particular property), that Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval could be granted. III. Minimum Development Standards A. Applicable Code Section1 SOC 5.15-I/OrA). "MOS applies: I. To developed properties that do not require either Site Plan Review as specified in Section 5.17-105 or a Site Plan Modification as specified in Section 5.17-145; and 2. Within Springfield's city limits only; and 3. Within commercial, industrial and public land zoning districts only, where there is an addition or expansion or a. Fifty percent or less than the existing building gross floor area and/or impervious surface area; or b. Five thousand square feet or less of additional building gross floor area and/or impervious surface area, whichever is less. c. Serial expansions shall be limited so that the standards specified in Subsections a. and b.. above are not exceeded in a 3-year period. d. A change in use of a building or property. " Finding: . Regarding "1" above. As specified in SDC 5.17-105(Bl(21(b), Site Plan Review is required for additions or expansions that exceed either 50% of existing building floor area or 5.000 s.f. of new gross floor area and/or impervious area. As the contemplated expansion is less than 50% or 5.000 s.f. of floor and/or impervious areal Site Plan Review is not required. As specified in 5.17-145(B). Site Plan Modification only applies to Site Plan applications approved after June 5. 1986. As the subject use does not have an approved Site Plan. Site Plan Modification is not available. . Regarding "2" above. The subject site is within the Springfield City Limits. . Regarding "3" above. The subject site is zoned industrial; there will be an addition or expansion of 50% or less of existing building gross floor area or 5.000 s.f. or less of floor area and/or impervious surface area within the specified 3-year period; and a change in use is not proposed. . Thus it could be found that the subject proposal meets Minimum Development Standards applicability requirements" 1 Cited Code sections herein are not necessarily the complete Code. Cited sections are those believed to apply to the identified request. Actual planning applications will address all applicable Code requirements. J Within the specified 3.year period. 4 The applicant understands that there is a contemplated modification to the Minimum Development Standards applicability threshold and would appreciate learning more about that possibility - in particular to its area thresholds and timeline and Date ~l!!ff~IV~ai: proposaL MAY 2 ~h2tiU Satre Group' 375 West 4'" Avenue, Suite 201. Eugene, DR 97401 . 15411686-4540 . Fax (5411686.4577 Original Submittal . . M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Written Statement May 12. 2011 Page 4 of 8 I ! B. Applicable Approval Criteria "SDC 5.15-120. SDC Standards Applicable to MDS Approval. In order to grant MDS approval, the Director shall determine compliance with all applicable standards specified below. Final occupancy is contingent upon the completion of required site improvements. A A 5-foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, with approved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants as specified in Sections 4.4-100 and 4.2-140 shall be installed between the sidewalk and parking areas or buildings. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Where there is an unimproved street, a 4-foot wide landscaped planter strip shall be required to be set back 1 foot from the property line. 2. Where there is insufficient space for the landscaped strip required in Subsection A, above due to existing buildings, street width. paved parking, changes of elevation or location of utilities including catch basins, the Director may approve: a. Decorative fencing located immediately behind the property line. The fencing may be wrought iron or masonry and shall be subject to the fence height standards of the applicable zoning district and the vision clearance setbacks of Section 4.2- 130; and/or b. Landscaping equivalent to the amount required in Subsection A, above may be placed at the property corners or other areas of the property that are visible from the street. B. Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a structure or enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in Section 4.4-110. C. Bicycle parking spaces shall be added to meet the numerical standards for the appropriate use or upgraded to meet the standards specified in Sections 4.6-140,4.6-145 and 4.6-155. EXCEPTION: In cases where the number of bicycle parking spaces cannot be met due to lot/parcel size or physical constraint, the Director, in consultation with the Transportation Planning Engineer, may reduce the standard without a Variance if a finding is made that the reduction will not have an adverse impact on public safety. D. Parking and circulation areas shall be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in Sections 4.6-100 and 4.6-120. Required paving and other impervious surfaces on the site shall comply with on-site storm water management standards as specified in Section 4.3-110 for required parking, circulation area and storage area impervious surfaces only. EXCEPTION: In cases where the number of vehicular parking spaces cannot be met due to lot/parcel size or physical constraint, the Director, in consultation with the Transportation Planning Engineer, may reduce the standard without a Minor Variance if a finding is made that the reduction will not have an adverse impact on public safety. E. Access to the public right-of-way shall comply with Section 4.2-120. 1. Where the property abuts an improved street, any non-conforming or unsafe driveways, as determined by the Transportation Manager, shall be removed and Date Received: replaced with curb, gutter and sidewalk. MAY 23 2011 Schirmer Satre Group. 375 West 4. Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene. OR 97401 . 15411686-4540 . Fax (541) 686-4577 Original submittal " . M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Written Statement May 12, 2011 . Page 5 of 8 2. Where the property abuts an unimproved street, any non-conforming or unsafe access points, as determined by the Transportation Manager, shall be: a. Removed by the use of fencing, extruded curbs or other method of approved barricade; and b. The property owner shall sign an Improvement Agreement guaranteeing future participation in a Local Improvement District. 3. If an existing driveway or access point is closed, the Director may require a joint use access agreement with a neighboring property as specified in Section 4.2-720. F. Concrete sidewalks shall be installed where the site abuts a curb and gutter street as specified in Section 4.2-735. G. Streetlights shall be installed as specified in Section 4.2-745. H. The development shall connect to public utilities as specified in Sections 4.3-705,4.3-770, 4.3-720, 4.3-725 and 4.3-730 and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where applicable. Easements may be required as specified in Subsection 4.3-740." Finding: (See Exhibit E2 - Preliminary Site Plan. I . Regarding "A". Landscape. Industrial Avenue is an unimproved street and a minimum 4- foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, set back 1 foot from the property line will be provided. . Regarding "B". Screening. The subject site does not abut a residential district, thus screening of outdoor storage areas is not required except where the storage area abuts a street. In that instance, a minimum 5-foot wide landscaped planter strip will be provided. Regarding trash receptacles, structural screening will be provided. . Regarding "C". Bicycle Parking. The current and proposed use (Motor Freight Garaging and Maintenancel is not listed in SOC 4.6-155 - Bicycle Parking - Number of Spaces Required. Thus the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces will be provided (3 spaces per SOC 4.6-145). A 6 ft x 6 ft space, with minimum 7 ft vertical clearance and a min 5 ft access aisle will be provided. . Regarding "0". Vehicle Circulation and Parking. o Quantity: The proposal is in regard to an expansion of an existing development. Thus, per SOC 4.6-11D(A)(1) new parking spaces shall be provided in proportion to the increase only. In Phase 1, the increase is a 5,000 s.f. addition to the main shop building. Per SOC 4.6-125, one space is to be provided per 1,000 s.t. of gross floor area. Thus, 5 vehicle parking spaces will be provided in Phase 1. In Phase 2, no habitable space will be constructed and thus there is no required parking (Phase 2 includes a 5,000 s.f. storage building, a 1,500 s.f. vehicle wash facility and a 1,500 Date Received: s.f. trash enclosure). In Phase 3, a new office building is proposed. As an office use, 1 parking space per 300 gross floor area is required. Thus, 12 parking spaces MAY 2 3 2011 are required. However, in Phase 3, 48 parking spaces are proposed (the plan being that the 26 Phase 1 and Phase 2 driver spaces will be moved to this area, this Original SubmittaL _.___...___ Schirmer Satre Group. 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 686-4540. Fax (5411686-4577 I . . M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Wrinen Statement Mav 12. 2011 Page 6 of 8 , freeing up Phase 1 and Phase 2 area for additional tractor, trailer or log truck parking should the need arise). o Location: In accordance with SDC 4.6-120, required setbacks, vision clearance, planting and screening will be accommodated. o Paving, Striping and Wheel Stops: The site is an existing pervious crushed rock surfaced industrial use. The required parking spaces will be located in an area of existing rock surfacing. Per SDC 4.6-120(A), a "durable, dust free surface" of "other material as specified in the Building Safety Codes" is provided. Wheel stops or a linear curb and striping will be provided. o Stormwater Management: Required parking spaces will meet stormwater management requirements per SDC 4.3-110. A landscaped bio-swale will be provided at the head-in end of parking spaces. o Accessible Spaces: In Phase 1, one assessable parking space will be provided as shown. In Phase 3, four accessible spaces will be provided as shown. o Regarding 'F. Access. The adjacent street, Industrial Avenue, is unimproved. There are two existing accesses to it. These two accesses will remain in roughly their existing location. Their current surfacing is crushed rock. The applicant is willing to sign an Improvement Agreement regarding the portion of these access located in the public right- of-way and will at that time improve the remaining portion of the accesses on the subject site. o Regarding 'F. Sidewalks. The street is unimproved and there is no curb and gutter. Thus the requirement to provide a concrete sidewalk does not apply. It is anticipated that a sidewalk requirement will be included in the above referenced Improvement Agreement. o Regarding "G". Streetlights. The street is unimproved. Thus the requirement to provide streetlights cannot be executed. It is anticipated that a streetlight requirement will be included in the above referenced Improvement Agreement. o Regarding "H". Connect to Public Utilities. For the Phase 1 and Phase 2 areas, there are existing points of connection to public utilities for electrical service, water service, sanitary sewer and stormwater. These will be maintained. For Phase 3, there are adjacent public utility points of connection for electrical service, water service, sanitary sewer and stormwater. These connections can be coordinated with either Phase 3 development or future street improvements, whichever occurs first. o Thus it could be found that, given the 3-phase timeline, the subject proposal meets Minimum Development Standards approval criteria5. C. Applicant's Understandinq It appears to the applicant that the plan diagram submitted herewith (Exhibit E2 - Preliminary Site Plan) meets applicable Minimum Development Standards approval criteria, and upon submittal of the plan, along with other submittal requirements (including application, fee, deed, 5 The applicant acknowledges that its interpretation that crushed rock surfacing is a "durable,9uft1~e ~IraPee~y,~g~r material as specified in the Building Safety Codes" will need verification. MAY 2 3 2011 Schirmer Satre Group 0 375 West 4~ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 0 (5~\\fcj~lS1JtMiltWl6B6-4577 \ . M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Wrinen Statement Mav 12, 2011 . Page 7 of 8 title report, written explanation and other information deemed pertinent to the particular property), that Minimum Development Standards approval could be granted. IV. Attachments A. Exhibits El. Existing Conditions Plan. E2. Preliminary Site Plan. B. Attachments The following attachments are provided to assist staff and the applicant in evaluating the requested assistance herein. 1. Letter to Applicant, Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan, dated April 22, 2011. 2A-2F. Air Photos of the existing site. 3A-3C. Detailed Property Reports, RLlD, dated December 1,2010. 3D-3E. Tax Lot Maps, RLlD, December 1, 2010. 4A-4D. Plan and Zone Maps (MetroPlan, Draft 2030 Plan, Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan and Springfield Zoning Map). 5A-5C. Transportation Plan Maps (Street Classification Map, Conceptual Local Street Plan, and TransPlan Projects Map). 6A-6C. Water Quality Maps (Wellhead Protection Areas Map, Water Quality Limited Water Courses Map, and Local and National Wetlands Inventory Map). 7A-7B. Utility Information (Storm and Sanitary Infrastructure Map, Domestic Water Facility Map). V. Questions 1. Does staff concur with the applicant's understanding that, upon submittal of a complete Final Site Plan Equivalent Map application, with sufficient information documenting compliance with applicable criteria, that Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval could be granted? 2. Does staff concur with the applicant's understanding that, upon submittal of a complete Minimum Development Standards application, with sufficient information documenting compliance with applicable criteria, in particular given its proposed 3-phase time line and belief that the long-existing crushed rock surfacing is a "durable, dust free surface" of "other material as specified in the Building Safety Codes", that Minimum Development Standards approval could be granted? 3. What is contained in the in-process proposed modifications to the Minimum Development Standards and how could it apply to this proposal? What is the contemplated timeline for a MDS code amendment? 4. Given a) the information presented herein, the applicant's desire to consolidate its various Eugene and Springfield business locations to the Industrial Avenue site, b) the applicant's intent to comply with DWP, LDAP and Stormwater Management, c) the fact that 2/3 or the site is has long been surfaced with crushed rock and dl that it is financially impractical and Date Recei:YJe~nmentally unnecessary, what can staff share with the applicant regarding it's t.1AY 2 3 2011 Schirmer Satre Group. 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . 1541) 686-4540 . Fax 15411686-4577 Original submittaL ---- - - -- - . . M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Development Issues Meeting - Written Statement Mav 12. 2011 Page 8 of 8 I understanding that the long-existing crushed rock surfacing is a "durable, dust free surface" of "other material as specified in the Building Safety Codes"? 5. The applicant understands that, beyond Final Site Plan Equivalent Map and Minimum Development Standards, there would be other approvals/permits required in advance of or concurrent with building permit issuance, including Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development and Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. Are there any others or is there anything else the applicant should be aware of related to its proposed investment in Springfield? VI. Conclusion Based on the information contained in this written statement and associated exhibits, the applicant believes: A. That it should be able to receive Final Site Plan Equivalent Map approval given submittal of a complete application, including sufficient information demonstrating compliance with applicable criteria. B. That it should be able to receive Minimum Development Standards approval given submittal of a complete application, including sufficient information demonstrating compliance with applicable criteria. If there are any questions regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact Rick Satre, AICP, at Schirmer Satre Group, 541-686-4540 or rick@schirmersatre.com. Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal Schirmer Satre Group. 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541)686-4540 . Fax (5411686-4577 . . '. April 22, 2011 M, O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. PO Box 21733 Eugene, Oregon 97401-0411 Attn: Bill McCoy Re: Industrial Avenue Property Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Ste Plan Dear Bill, . Attachment 1 We have concluded our review of applicable planning, zoning and land use requirements for the subject property on Industrial Avenue in Springfield (Map 17-02-31-21, Lots 601 and 700 and Map 17-02-31-22, Lot 1001. The results are presented below. I. Physical Scope of the Review It is our understanding that you are contemplating a combination of short term and long term improvements to the M. O. Nelson & Sons facility on Industrial Avenue in Springfield. Possible improvements include an expansion of the existing building on the site; in particular adding an additional bay along the west side of the structure and building out the southeast corner of the structure. The bay to the west would be new structure. The buildout to the southeast would be a combination of replacing existing structure and constructing new structure. Industrial Avenue Property Aerial View Looking North Bing Photos In addition, you are considering building a vehicle wash facility, perhaps along the eastern edge of the site, and improving overall truck access, circulation and parking. Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 ,~ Original submittal ... ..-aI'l-.nas + I II I 375 West 4th. Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 I PlANNUS + lANDSCAPE ARCHntCTS + EJfYIIO.IlEJlTAl. SPECIAlISTS _541.686.4540 Fax: 541686.4577 ~~.~, www.schirmersatre.com I M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. - Bill Mceo' Industrial Avenue, Springfield - land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 . . Page2 of 11 Thinking long term, you are contemplating acquisition of the vacant tax lot to the east (shown in the dashed yellow border in the photo) for future vehicle parking and equipment storage, and you are considering constructing an office building on the site, perhaps in the northwest corner of the property. Thus, these three tax lots encompass the scope of our review. Tax Lot 700': 1. Map and Tax Lot: 2. Address: 3. Size: 4. Planning! Zoning: 5. Land Use: 6. Improvements: Tax Lot 700: 1. Map and Tax Lot: 2. Address: 3. Size: 4. Planning! Zoning: 5. Land Use: 6. Improvements: Tax Lot 607: 1. Map and Tax Lot: 2. Address: 3. Size: 4. Planning! Zoning: 5. Land Use: 6. Improvements: Map 17-02-31-22. Lot 100 (the westernmost tax lot). 3115 Industrial Avenue. Springfield. OR 97478. 2.72 Acres (118,483 sq. ft.). Heavy Industrial! Heavy Industrial (HI). Historic: Sawmills. Planning Mills. General Manufacturing. Current: Motor Freight Garaging and Maintenance. None. Map 17-02-31-21, Lot 700 (the middle tax lot). 3115 Industrial Avenue. Springfield. OR 97478 2.63 Acres (114.563 sq. ft.). Heavy Industrial! Heavy Industrial (HII. Historic: Sawmills. Planning Mills. General Manufacturing. Current: Motor Freight Garaging and Maintenance. Industrial building, approximately 6.575 sq. ft. enclosed area. Map 17-02-31-21, Lot 601 (the eastern tax lotI. 3265 Industrial Avenue. Springfield. OR 97478 1.97 acres (85,813 sq. ft.). Heavy Industrial! Heavy Industrial (HI). Historic: Scrap and Waste Materials! Wholesale. Current: Vacant. Unused. Undeveloped Land. None. II. Requlatorv Scope of Review We included the following plans, documents and database sources in our review: Planning and Zoning: 1. Aerial Photographs (Google Earth and Bing Maps). 2. Regional Land Information Database (Detailed Property Report. Tax Map Mf@cR~~;ved: 3. Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (MetroPlan). 4. Springfield 2030 Plan (DraM. MAY 2 3 2011 I Tax lot Data according to the Regional land Information Database (RUD) Orillinal Submit\L,_.___. _.._ 1 The Springfield 2030 Plan is being generated by the city of Springfield in response to House Bill 3337 which requires the cities of Eugene and Springfield to separately update their buildable lands supply and establish their own Urban Growth Boundaries IUGBsl and adjust their city-specific UGB if it is determined to be necessary to meet a 20-year land supply need. Although not .' . M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc.11I McCoy . Industrial Avenue, Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 5. Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. 6. Springfield Zoning Map. Transportation: 7. Springfield Street Classification Map. S. Springfield Conceptual Local Street Plan. 9. Springfield Bicycle Master Plan. 10. Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Page3ofl1 Natural Resources: 11. Springfield Wellhead Protection Area Map. 12. Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourses, Wetland Inventory and Soils Maps. Utilities: 13. Springfield Public Works - Wastewater and Stormwater Utilities. 14. Springfield Public Works - Stormwater Master Plan. 15. Springfield Utility Board - Water Facility Map. Development Standards: 16. Springfield Development Code - Chapters 3, 4 and 5. III. Findinqs3 Planning and Zoning: 1. Jurisdiction: 2. Land Use: City of Springfield. MetroPlan: Heavy Industrial. 2030 Plan: Heavy Industrial. 3. Neighborhood Plan: Heavy Industrial. 4. Zoning: Heavy Industrial. Transportation -Industrial A venue: 5. Jurisdiction: City of Springfield. 6. Classification: Minor Arterial. 7. Current Condition: Not improved to city standards. Improvements will be required upon development. 8. TransPlan: Project #930 -Improve to full urban standards from 28m to 35m. ~I _ -.D~"""" - ..- 1_-- I~=== . :---- l-~-- . a . I .,. " - land Use Map Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan City of Springfield yet adopted. the Springfield 2030 Plan provides an indication of which lands may receive Planningtland uDSltenReceived: changes. Dur subject ". 3 Findings relate to all three tax lots unless noted otherwise. ,: MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal . . M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc. - Bill MCC' Industrial Avenue, Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22, 2011 Natural Resources: 9. Flood Plain: 10. Groundwater: 11. Goal 5 Resources: Utilities: 12. Stormwater: 13. Wastewater: 14. Water: Zone X: SP Wellfield: Wetlands: Private: Public: Projects: Public: Public: Springfield Development Code': Chapter 3 - Land Use ~istricts: 15. SDC 3.2-410 - Schedule of Uses: Existing and Proposed Uses: Page 4 of 11 Outside the 500-year floodplain. Within 5-Year Time of Travel. None. On-site surface runoff. Roadside drainage and inlets. Main Facility - in street - 54" line flowing westward to open facility between 28th and 30th. None. Main facility - west of Tax Lot 100 - 42" line flowing northward; continues northward in 30th Street. Branch facility - north oj tax lot - 8" line jlowing westward in Industrial Ave. Main jacility - north of tax lot - 8" line jlowing westward in Industrial Avenue. Transportation Equipment (Trailers/Trucks): Permitted. Maintenance Facilities (Motor Freight Veh.): Permitted. Fuel Facilities (Key/Card Lock): Permitted. Outdoor Storage (Related to Permitted Use): Permitted. Business Office (Related to On-Site Usel: Permitted. Wash Rack: Included under Maintenance Facility. 10,000 sq, ft. 75 feet. Limited only is specified elsewhere. As defined elsewhere (parking, setbacks, screening). Front Yard: Building: 10 feet. Parking, Drives: 5 feet. Storage, Trash: 5 feet. Side, Rear Yard: Building: 10 feet from residential. Parking, Drives: 5 feet. Storage, Trash: 5 feet. Bldg Height: None (35 feet when abutting residential). 16. SDC 3.3-200 - Drinking Water Protection (DWPI Overpay Distrid: Application: Required with Site Review, Min. Dev. Stds. or Building Permit. Minimum Lot Area: Min. Frontage: Max. Coverage: Min. Landscape: Setbacks: 4 This is not a complete review/outline of the Springfield Development Code. Focus here is on land use and basic site layout requirements sufficient for initial feasibility determination. S We will seek clarification of regarding specific DWP requirements for this property at the reco~f~ Re~~~d: IDevelopment Issues) meeting. MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal M. D. Nelson & Sons. Inc'ill McCoy . Industrial Avenue. Springfield - land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 Page5ofl1 Chapter 4 - Development Standards: 17. SDC 4.2-105 - Streets6: Improvements: Improvement of Industrial Avenue to full standards may be required. Scope: A Traffic Impact Study (TISI may be required. Standards: Right-of-Way: Min 70 feet. Curb-to-curb: Min 48 feet. 18. SDC 4.2-120 - Site Access and Driveways6: Access: Mitigation of off-site impacts may be required. Driveways: Locate, design to minimize traffic conflicts. Pan-Type: Width: Min 24 feet. max 35 feet. Depth: Min 18 feet. Transition: Driveway flairs min 8 feet. Curb Return: Width: Min 24 feet. max 35 feet. Depth: Min 60 feet. Radius: Min 15 feet, max Separation: Driveways: Min 200 feet to nearest intersection. 19. SDC 4.2-130 - Vision Clearance: At Driveways: Min 10 feet measured at property line. 20. SDC 4.2-135 - Sidewalks: At Street: Required with street improvements. Setback: 5 feet from face of curb. Width: 5 feet. 21. SDC 4.2-140, -145 and -150 - Street Trees, Street Lights and Bikeways: Trees and Lights: Per standards. Bikeways: Required if on Spfld Bike Plan. Bike Plan: Bike lane to be provides on Industrial Avenue upon improvement to full standards. 22. SDC 4.3-115 - Sanitary Sewer: Requirements: Connect to public system. Sized for current and future needs. 23. SDC 4.3-110 - Stormwater Management: Requirements: Stormwater Management Plan. Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Public System: Must be sufficient capacity. Run-Off: Must connect to public system. Stormwater Management Practices: Minimize amount and rate of run-off. Minimize impervious paving. Pre-treat 100% of run-off; min 50% vegetatively, remainder mechanically. Follow Portland BES or CWS Manuals. 6 We will seek clarification regarding streets, driveways, sidewalks, utilities. landscaping anq lightirti)at& rQeeeW~ \ application (Development Issuesl meeting. ! MAY 2 3 20111 Original submllte! . M. O. Nelson & Sons. Inc. - Bill MeeO" Industrial Avenue. Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 24. SDC 4.4-100 - Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards6: Landscaping: Scope: All setback areas. As required for parking lots. Other areas if required elsewhere. As required per Minimum Development Standards; not to exceed 10% value of new development. Living material 65% coverage w/in 5 years. Per 1.000 sq. ft of req'd area: (2)2-inch caliper trees. (10) 5-gal shrubs. Screening as req'd Lawn and/or ground cover. Parking areas: Per 100 sq. ft: (1)2-inch cal tree. (4) 5-gallon shrubs. Setback areas. 5% of parking lot area, if located between building and street or are visible from street. Minimum: Coverage: Setbacks: Irrigation: Screening/Fencing: Scope: Material: Page 6 of 11 Scope: Required. Where abutting residential zoning or uses. Outdoor mechanical devices. Outdoor storage areas. Trash and recycling areas. Vegetation, earthen or structural. Vegetative: Evergreen, continuous, 6 feet high in 4 years. Earthen: Combine with fencing and/or vegetation. Max 8 feet high. Other specifications apply. Structural: Fence or masonry wall. At street: Non-metallic and subtle color. Height: Max 8 feet high. Max 3 feet in front yard setback. Max 2.5 feet in vision clearance. Security: Barb/razor/electric fencing may be used on the portion of the above 6 feet. 25. SDC 4.5-100 - Site Lighting Standards6: Required: With any Site Plan Review. General: Minimum necessary. Shielded away from adjacent properties. Directed downward. Height: Max 25 feet; 12 feet when within 50 feet of residential. 26. SDC 4.6-100 - Vehicle Parking and Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards: Vehicle Parking and Loading: Date Received: Required: All new development. All expanded development: Required for expanded are'MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal ., . , M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc.i11 McCoy . Industrial Avenue, Springfield - land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 Page 7 of 11 Size: Optional for existing area. Standard: 9 x 18. Compact: 8 x 16. Aisle: 24 ft. Overhang: 2 ft. Trucks: Size as necessary. Paved, drained, curb or bumper (2 ft from front of stall). Striped, signed (compact and accessible signage). Offices: 1 space per 300 sq. ft. gross floor area. Warehousing: 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. gross floor area. Compact: Max 30% of total. Accessible: Min 2 spaces. Reductions: Can reduce quantity with a parking study. Can reduce 1-for-l to busiest shift, if landscape reserve. Round up to next whole number. Off-street, in addition to parking. 250 sf for buildings up to 20,000 sf. 10ft x 25 ft x 14 ft clear height. Vehicles: Improvements: Quantity: Loading: Fractional Qty: Location: Min size: Oimensions: Bicycle Parking: Min Dimensions: 2 ft x 6 ft x 7 ft clear height. 5 foot access aisle. Each bike accessible without moving another bike. At ground level. With direct access to public right-of-way. Separated from vehicle parking by curb, barrier or other. Out of way of pedestrian movement and access. Short-term parking: None required. Long-term parking: Sheltered from precipitation. Securely fixed to ground or bldg. Both wheels and frame can lock to rack. Convenient to, visible from, main entrance to bldg. Proposed Uses: 1 space per 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area. Type: 25% long-term (with shelterj. 75% short-term (shelter optionall. Fractional Qty: Round up to next whole number. Location: Shelter: Bike rack: Quantity: Chapter 5 - Development Review: In order to accomplish the project objective (short-term: building expansion, improved truck access, circulation and parking; long-term: future truck parking and equipment storage, office building), a number of land use approvals will be required. Outlined below, in suggested sequence of occurrence, is a brief synopsis of those. 27. SDC 5.1-120(AI- Development Issues Meeting (DIM): Purpose: Opportunity to review/discuss limited number of development issues/questions with staff in advance of submitting an actualllBtieJ~eceived: ..~ MAY 2 3 2011 Original submlttfl~_ ... M. D. Nelson & Sons, Inc. - Bill MCCO" Industrial Avenue, Springfield - land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan Aoril 22. 2011 Voluntary. Generate and submit application, address all checklist items. Include: Signature and City Fee ($521). Project description and up to 5 questions (the more specific the more staff information received in reply). Site Plan (showing existing and proposed development). City reviews application, description and questions. Distributes application package to relevant staff. Staff reviews material. conducts research, prepares for meeting. Meeting: DIM meetings are held every Thursday. Generally within 3 to 4 weeks of submittal. 1 hour long. Receive responses to questions. Opportunity to ask follow up questions. Record: No staff report, may receive handouts, take own notes. Appeals: Is not a land use decision and thus has no appeal process. Expiration: Is not a land use decision and has no expiration. 28. SDC 5.17-135(8)- Final Site Plan Equivalent Map: Purpose: An alternative Site Plan Review process available in certain situations. Applicability: Existing developed or partially developed industrial sites. Greater than 5 acres in size. That did not receive Final Site Plan approval prior to adoption of the current Springfield Development Code (SDC\'. Reviewed under a Type I process. Type I processes include staff review, Planning Director (or designee) decision and written notice of the decision. There is no public notice, public comment or public hearing. Decisions include approval. approval with conditions or denial. Issued decisions are the final local decision and are concluded within 120 days of an application being deemed complete. Generate and submit application, address all checklist items. Include: Signatures and city fee ($3.761). Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report. Project description, including findings of compliance with applicable criteria. Site Plan documenting existing conditions. Applicable Criteria: Applicable criteria for a Final Site Plan Equivalent Map is a Site Plan. Process: City: Reviews application for completeness; schedules, hosts and facilitates a Pre-Submittal Meeting. Attends meeting, receives staff completeness review comments, asks follow up/clarification questions if desired. Revises (completes) application and re-submits for processing. Applicability: Application: Process: Review: Application: . . Page 8 of 11 '. Applicant: Date Received: 7 The current Springfield Development Code ISDC) was adopted in 1986. MAY 23 2011 Original Submittal , M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc..1I McCoy . Industrial Avenue, Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22, 2011 Page 9 of 11 .' City: Receives re-submitted application, determines completeness. If/when complete: City: Distributes application to staff, receives staff comments. Generates and distributes staff report (and decision). Issues decision (approval, approval with conditions or denial) within 120 days of completeness. Decision: Based on applicable criteria. Includes conditions to satisfy criteria. In effect upon mailing of the decision. Next Steps: Decision includes a determination of next steps. Next Step will be either: Minimum Development Standards, or Site Plan Modification. Appeals: A Type I decision is the city's final decision. The decision may be appealed (within 21 days of decision) to land Use Board of Appeals (lUBA). Expiration: There is no expiration of a Type I decision. 29. SDC 5.15-100 - Minimum Development Standards8: Purpose: To support economic development by providing a simplified review of proposed minor additions, expansions or changes in use in certain situations. Applicability: Existing developed properties. Within existing city limits. In commercial. industrial or public zoning districts. Includes addition/expansion of: 50% or less of existing gross floor area and/or impervious surface, or 5,000 sq. h. or less of gross floor and/or impervious area. Review: Reviewed under a Type I process. Same as for Final Site Plan Equivalent Map above. Application: Generate and submit application, address all checklist items. Include: Signatures and city fee ($726). Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report. Detailed written statement, including description of existing conditions, proposed additions and findings of compliance with applicable criteria. Site Plan: Existing conditions (to remain, to remove). New development (clarity addressing all applicable standards). Applicable Criteria: Minimum 5 foot wide landscape strip between the sidewalk (or right-of-way) and parking, circulation or buildings. Screening of trash, recycling and outdoor storage areas. Required bicycle parking. Required vehicle parking and circulation meeting improvement requirements. Stormwater management requirements for all paving and impervious surfaces. 8 The City of Springfield is in the midst of a citizen. initiated process to expand project eligibility for the Minimum Development Standards process. It is scheduled to be adopted sometime mid-20ll. Should the timing work out. thiDiMEI Mt'eiVed: to utilize the minimum Development standards process. MAY 2 3 2011 Original submittal M. D. Nelson & Sons. Inc. - Bill Mceo" Industrial Avenue. Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan April 22. 2011 Non-conforming driveways and access points shall be brought into compliance. Connect to public utilities. Sign an Improvement Agreement regarding future street improvements. Same as for Final Site Plan Equivalent Map above. Submit a Final Plot Plan within 30 days. Submit Development Agreement within 45 days of the Final Plot Plan. Commence construction within 90 days of the decision. A Type I decision is the city's final decision. The decision may be appealed (within 21 days of decision) to Land Use Board of Appeals ILUBAI. Expiration: There is no expiration of a Type I decision. 30. SDC 5.17-145(CI12) - Site Plan Major Modification9: Purpose: Site Plan Modification exists to allow certain adjustments to an approved Site Plan. If a project qualifies for a Minimum Development Standards process, an approved Site Plan can be modified via MDS and Site Plan Modification is not required. Applies if there is a proposed increase in building or impervious area greater than 50% of the existing or 5,000 sq. ft. Site Plan Major Modification: Review: Reviewed under a Type II process. Application: Generate and submit application, address all checklist items. Include: Signatures and city fee ($4,074). Copy of Deed and Preliminary Title Report. Detailed written statement, including description of existing conditions, proposed additions and findings of compliance with applicable criteria. Stormwater Management Plan. Traffic Impact Study. Set of Plans: Detailing all existing to remain, existing to remove and new improvements. Drinking Water Protection Plan. Land and Drainage Alteration Plan (Erosion Control Plan). Applicable Criteria: MetroPlan, Refinement Plan, zoning compliance. Street and Utility capacity and requirements. Parking and driveway requirements. City: Reviews application for completeness; schedules, hosts and facilitates a Pre-Submittal Meeting. Attends meeting, receives staff completeness review comments, asks follow up/clarification questions if desired. Revises (completes) application and re-submits for processing. City: Receives re-submitted application, determines completeness. If/when complete: Process: Next Steps: Appeals: Applicability: Process: . . Page 10 of 11 '. Applicant: 9 A primary objective of the Development Issues Meeting and the Final Site Plan Equivalent Map appli~m~l~iMed: project within the Minimum Development standards criteria. Should the Minimum Development Standards process not apply. the Site Plan Major Modification process will be utilized. MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal M. O. Nelson & Sons, Inc.tll McCoy . Industrial Avenue, Springfield - Land Use Analysis and Preliminary Site Plan Aoril 22, 2011 .' Appeal: Expiration: Final Site Plan: Review: Applicant: City: Expiration: Page 11 of 11 City: Provide public notice (300 ft. 14 day comment period). Distributes application to staff, receives staff comments. Generates and distributes staff report (and decision). Issues decision (approval, approval with conditions or denial) within 120 days of completeness. Decision: Based on applicable criteria. Includes conditions to satisfy criteria. In effect upon mailing of the decision. Appeal decision to Planning Commission (within 15 days of decision mailing). Decision is valid for 90 days from date of approval. Reviewed under a Type I process. Generate and submit application, address all checklist items. Must be submitted within 90 days of initial approval. Participate in City Pre-Submittal process. Generate and submit complete application. Review application for completeness, provide comments at Pre-Submittal meeting. Receive re-submitted application, determine completeness, If/when complete: Issue Decision (approval. approval with conditions or denial) within 120 days from completeness. Decision based on applicable criteria. Conditions as necessary to satisfy criteria. Final Site Plan Approval is valid for 2 years. IV. Preliminary Site Plan The attached site plan illustrates how the proposed project can fit the site while satisfying the above requirements. V. Conclusion and Recommendation The above information represents a brief regulatory outline of known applicable planning, zoning and site development requirements for the contemplated project. It is recommended that the City of Springfield's Development Issues Meeting provision be utilized to clarify and/or confirm the findings herein as well as ask any other project questions that may exist. It is hoped that this initial land use code review proves helpful. We are available to discuss any of the findings herein or assist with other project needs that may arise. Sincerely, Richard M. Satre, AICP, AS LA, CSI, Principal Schirmer Satre Group Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal . . '. 00 ~ '" r- D Cl. .. . ...,. '" CO -0 r- -C :2: CD en c:: - Cl > - )( Q) ex: co c:: 0 6508 i:D .~ '" Iii .. - ......"'t::il""'--E "'" :::: c Q) 'E 0 U - (I) a '" Q)Q)-\- 0:: (.) '-'- 0_ .c ..c C, ---J OJ ~ ~ "'c:: Cl CD '" 0 U) 'C ..- co ~ en 0 CI.."';J E - .l:: C/)~_ (tJ Iii - "" C c 0 cD N '51 .Cl '" .l:: c:: D '\:: 0> Q) ...:. 0 '0; > Z <{ Cl. co co I 'C :2: 0 - '" -c - '" 0 c:: .l:: -c co a.. E D - l!'l D cc ~ ~ - I "" 0 --' ~ N - ":' c .. 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N~(QCO ICJ")-g~ CD a:: CO C) 65 0 D .!: . 0 CD t)~"""'E .~.~ ~ 0 -C 0,..3 ..= J5.!: ~ OJ ~ _ en c.N '" U')~E aiC?- :::>N cO Q) , >.... <l:- _ c. '" '" 'E~ '" :::>"0 "0 c c '" lI)g -- Me -' N ~ M N o , .... -t:i Q) - > - '0) = C'i <.J ~ Q) ..., OC ..... "E ~ ~ .c ::] cu ~ (/) 0 iii C 'm 'C 0 E c C N I .. ,~ - u .. Co en - .. a.. - en .. w I c - c .c a.. - < I ... N - = .. E .c u .. ~ c. '" ~ Regional Land Information Datee (RLlD) . Attachment 3A Detailed Property Report Site Address 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE I Springfield, OR 97478-5563 Map & Taxlot #17-02-31-22-00100 SIC N/A Tax Account # 0119162 Property Owner 1 INDUSTRIAL A VENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Approx. taxlot acreage 2.72 Tax account acreage 2.67 Improvements No improvements associated with this tax account. Site Address Information 3115 INDVSTRIAL AVE 1 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5563 House # 3115 Suffix N/ A Street Name INDUSTRIAL Street Type AVE Mail City SPRINGFIELD State OR Zip + 4 5563 Create Date Feb 10, 1984 Land Vse 2421 Sawmills & Planning Mills, General / Mfg VSPS Carrier Route N/A Pre-directional Unit type / # Zip Code Update Date N/A I 97478 N/A General Taxlot Characteristics Geographic Coordinates State Plane (X-Y) X 4268854 Y 880088 Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City SPRINGFIELD Limits Vrban Growth Boundary Year Annexed Annexation # Springfield Latitude/Longitude Latitude 44.0549 Longitude -122.9819 Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Parent Zone HI Heavy Industrial Approximate Taxlot Acreage Approx Taxlot Sq 118,483 Footage 2000 Census Tract 1902 2000 Census 1.. 1960 N/A 2.72 Date Received: MAY 23 2011 Land Vse General Land Use Code Description Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II: 12AM using www.RLlD.org Page I of5 Regional Land Information Database (R. F Transportation Related Detailed Land Use Code Description 4222 Motor Freight Garaging & Maintenance Facility tslUCK lJroup Plan Designation Eugene Neighborhood Metro Area Nodal Dev Area Eugene Historic Property Name Historical Landmark? National Historical Register? Service Providers Fire Protection Provider City of Springfield Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central L TO Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone UPPER WILLAMETTE 1 0 Emerald People's Utility District N/A Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone(s) Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039CI161 F (!jf I I!!!D Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes . Metro Plan Map N/A No N/A No No Soils Soill\Iap Unit Number Soil Type Description % of Taxlot Ag Class 1 101 OXLEY-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 65% 3 6 A WBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 35% 4 Schools School Code Name School District 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School559 Yolanda Middle School 542 Briggs High School 561 Thurston Hydric No Yes ~ Date Recai'Jed: r MAY 2 3 20\1 Political Districts Original submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11: 12AM using www.RLID.org Page 2 of5 Regional Land Information Da.se (RLID) . Election Precinct City Council Ward City Councilor 102402 SP4 Dave Ralston 2 State Representative District State Representative State Senate District Springfield State Senator 12 County Commissioner District County Commissioner EWEB Commissioner LCC Board Zone E. Terrv Bever 6 William Morrisette Bill Dwver N/A 3 Liens None Building Permits None Land Use Applications RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction Petitions RLlD does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements (current and previous tax years) ACCOUNT#: 0119162 View tax statement(s) for: 20 I 0 2009 Ownerffaxpayer Owners Owner Address City/State/Zip INDUSTRIAL A VENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Taxpayer Party Name Address City/State/Zip INDUSTRIAL AVENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL A VE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Date Received: Account Status none Remarks none Special Assessment Program N/ A MAY 2 3 2011 nricinal Submittal Data source:L~ County Assessment and Taxation Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II :12AM using www.RLID.org Page 3 of5 Regional Land Information Database (RL. . . General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage 2.67 Fire Acres N/A Property Class 300 INDUSTRIAL, VACANT Statistical Class N/A Neighborhood Code 90201 Category Land and Improvements Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Township-Range-Section / Subdivision Data Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Subdivision N/A Number Phase N/A Lot/Tract/Unit # TL 00100 Recording N/A Number Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value (RMV) Total Assessed Value Tax Year Land Improvement Total 1201011 $308,00211 $0 II $308,00211 $129,367 II $2,224.801 1200911 $389,87711 $0 11$389,87711 $125,599 11$2,169.161 1200811 $357,6861 $0 $357,686 1$121,941 II $2,133.131 1200711 $357,6861 $0 $357,686 1$118,389 II $1,930.751 1200611 $331,19211 $0 II $331,19211 $114,941 11$1,876.23\ 1200511 $295,70811 $0 II $295,70811 $111,593 $1,834.891 1200411 $257,13811 $0 II $257,13811 $108,343 $1,799.711 1200311 $238,09111 $0 II $238,09111 $105,187 $1,748.041 1200211 $238,0911 $0 $238,091 1$102,123 $1,597.051 1200111 $235,7351 $0 $235,735 1$99,149 1$1,566.721 1200011 $170,6101 $0 $170,610 1$96,261 II $1,528.871 1199911$139,84011$0 II $139,84011 $93,457 11$1,545.581 1199811$117,51011$0 11$117,51011 $90,735 II $1,502.481 Date Re~eived: 1199711 $114,09011 $0 11$114,0901 $88,092 $1,496.87 1199611 $104,67011 $0 II $104,6701 $104,670 $1,631.81 1199511 $97,880 II $0 II $97 ,880 II $97,880 II $1,536.371 MAY 2 j 2011 Current Year Assessed Value$129,367 Original Submittal Less Exemption Amount * N/A Taxable Value $129,367 Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/112010 at 11 :12AM using www.RLID.org Page 4 of5 . Regional Land Information Dat.e (RLID) . Frozen Assessed Value · Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts Lane County Assessment & Taxation Billing Rate Document Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year Taxing Districts for TCA 01900 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Image Analysis Multiple Grantor(s) Grantee(s) 02/20/1990 Yes CHRISTIAN INDUSTRIAL A VENUE CLOSEN F JR TE PROPERTIES LLC data not CHRISTIAN, I data not available I available CLOSEN F JR data not CHRISTIAN, I data not available I available CLOSEN F JR data not CHRISTIAN, I data not available I available LYDIA G 01/15/2002 05/31/1994 03/01/1990 Commercial Sales Data Image Sale Date 0119162.pdf 01/15/2002 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Date Received: I \ MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11 :12AM using www.RLID.org Page 5 of5 --- l . . Regional Land Information Datee (RLID) . Attachment 38 Detailed Property Report Site Address 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE Springfield, OR 97478-5563 Map & Taxlot #17-02-31-21-00700 SIC N/A Tax Account # 0118768 Property Owner I INDUSTRIAL A VENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Approx. taxlot acreage 2.63 Tax account acreage 2.62 Improvements Photos & Sketches for Tax Account Site Address Information 31I51NDVSTRlAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5563 House # 3115 Suffix N/A Street Name INDUSTRIAL Street Type AVE Mail City SPRINGFIELD State OR Zip + 4 5563 Create Date Sep 25, 1986 Land Vse 2421 Sawmills & Planning Mills, General/ Mfg VSPS Carrier Route C030 Pre-directional Vnit type / # Zip Code Update Date N/A N/A 97478 N/A Date Received: MAY 23 2011 " .~ " :'; General Taxlot Characteristics Original submittai Geographic Coordinates State Plane (X- Y) X 4269155 Y Latitude/Longitude 880049 TaxIot Characteristics Incorporated City SPRINGFIELD Limits Urban Growth Springfield Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II :14AM using www.RLID.org Page 1 of6 Regional Land Information Database (Re Latitude 44.0548 Longitude -122.9807 Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Parent Zone HI Heavy Industrial Land Use General Land Use Code Description F Transportation Related Detailed Land Use Code Description 4222 Motor Freight Garaging & Maintenance Facility Approximate Taxlot Acreage Approx Taxlot Sq 114,563 Footage 2000 Census Tract 1902 2000 Census 1.. Block Group Plan Designation Eugene Neighborhood Metro Area Nodal Dev Area Eugene Historic N/A Property Name Historical Landmark? National Historical Register? Boundary Year Annexed Annexation # Service Providers Fire Protection Provider City of Springfield Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central L TD Service Area? Yes L TD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone UPPER WILLAMETTE / 0 Emerald People's Utility District N/ A Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone(s) Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039CIl61 F(!!fIlli!D Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit Number Soil Type Description 101 OXLEY-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 34 COURTNEY GRAVELL Y SILTY CLA Y LOAM 6 A WBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX . 1960 N/A 2.63 Metro Plan Map N/A No No No Date Received: MAY 2 3 ?~., Original submih~'; ..-'- % of Taxlot Ag Class I 84% 3 1% 4 16% 4 Hydric No Yes Yes Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11: 14AM using www.RLlD.org Page 2 of 6 Regional Land Information Datee (RLID) . Schools School CodeName School District 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School559 Yolanda Middle School 542 Briggs High School 561 Thurston Political Districts Election Precinct City Council Ward City Councilor 102402 SP4 Dave Ralston 2 State Representative District State Representative State Senate District Springfield State Senator 12 County Commissioner District County Commissioner EWEB Commissioner LCC Board Zone E. Terry Bever 6 William Morrisette Bill Dwver N/A 3 Liens None Building Permits SPRINGFIELD Building Permits Log NumberProject Description 820781 TRUCK GARAGE Land Use Applications RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction Petitions RLlD does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements (current and previous tax years) ACCOUNT#: 0118768 View tax statement(s) for: 20102009 Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Owner/Taxpayer Owners Original SUbmittal Owner Address City/State/Zip INDUSTRIAL AVENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL A VE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II: 14AM using www.RLlD.org Page 3 of6 Regional Land Information Database (RI8 . Taxpayer Party Name Address City/State/Zip INDUSTRIAL A VENUE PROPERTIES LLC 3115 INDUSTRIAL A VE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Account Status none Remarks none Special Assessment Program N/A Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage 2.62 Fire Acres N/ A Property Class 301 INDUSTRIAL, IMPROVED Statistical Class 422 TRUCK & HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR Neighborhood Code 90201 Category Land and Improvements Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Township-Range-Section I Subdivision Data Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Phase N/A LotlTractlUnit # TL 00700 Subdivision N/A Number Recording N/A Number Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value (RMV) Year Land Improvement Total 2010 $303,2831$230,190 11$533,47311$297,418 2009 $383,9031 $291 ,380 II $675,28311 $288,755 1200811 $352,20511 $277,500 II $629,70511 $280,345 1200711$352,20511$264,290 1$616,495 $272,180 1200611$326,11611$218,420 1$544,536 $264,252 1200511 $291,17511 $195,020 11$486,19511 $256,555 Total Assessed Value Tax Date Received: MAY 23 2011 II $5,114.881 II $4,986.941 11$4,904.101 1$4,438.851 1$4,313.491 II $4,2 I 8.461 . 'na\ submittal Qng\ Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/112010 at II: 14AM using www.RLID.org Page 4 0[6 Regional Land Information Dat.e (RLID) . 1200411 $253,19611 $169,580 2003 $234,4411$157,020 34,4411$137,740 2001 $232,120 1$151,360 12000 I $206,680 $162,050 119991 $169,410 $132,830 119981 $142,360 ,380 119971 $138,210 $140,170 1199611 $126,80011 $144,500 1199511 $96,590 11$128,440 II $422,77611 $249,083 I I I 1$368,73011 $221 ,307 1$302,24011 $214,861 1$286,74011 $208,603 1 $278,3801' $202,527 II $271,30011 $271,300 II $225,03011 $225,030 11$4,137.571 I I I II $3,514.911 II $3,553.351 $3,454.25 $3,441.34 II $4,229.551 11$3,532.161 $391,461 $241,828 1$4,018.79 $372,181 $234,784 1$3,671.67 $383,480 $227,946 1$3,601.93 Current Year Assessed Value$297,418 Less Exemption Amount * N/A Taxable Value $297,418 Frozen Assessed Value · Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts Lane County Assessment & Taxation Billing Rate Document Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year Taxing Districts for TCA 01900 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Sales & Ownership Changes Sale Date Sale Doc # Price Image Analysis Multiple Code Accts? EJ ~ EJ ~ Grantor(s) Grantee(s) 01/1512002 $625,000 2002-3786 05/31/1994 $0 1994-41781 03/01/1990 $0 1990-10563 02/20/1990 $0 1990-10564 IV II Yes I CHRISTIAN INDUSTRIAL A VENUE PROPERTIES LLC CLOSEN F JR TE 6 data not CHRISTIAN, I data not available I available CLOSEN F JR 6 data not CHRISTIAN, I data not available I available CLOSEN F JR 6 data not CHRISTIAN, data not available available LYDIA G - .... Commercial Sales Data Image Sale Date Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11: 14AM using www.RLID.org Page 5 of 6 MAY 2 3 2011 Regional Land Information Database (R. . . 0119162.Ddf 01/15/2002 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation r I I Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II :14AM using www.RLID.org Page 6 of6 Regional Land Information Da.e (RLID) Detailed Property Report . Attachment 3C Site Address 3265 INDUSTRIAL AVE Springfield, OR 97478-5645 Map & Taxlot #17-02-31-21-00601 SIC N/A Tax Account # 0118750 Property Owner I WELTCH TIMOTHY J PO BOX 308 LOWELL, OR 97452 Approx. taxlot acreage 1.97 Tax account acreage data not available Improvements No improvements associated with this tax account. Site Address Information 3265 INDUSTRIAL AVE SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5645 House # 3265 Suffix N/A Street Name INDUSTRIAL Street Type AVE Mail City SPRINGFIELD State OR Zip + 4 5645 Create Date Sep 25, 1986 Land Use 5193 Scrap & Waste Materials / Whsle USPS Carrier Route N/A Pre-directional Unit type / # Zip Code Update Date General Taxlot Characteristics N/A N/A 97478 N/A Geographic Coordinates State Plane (X- Y) X 4269416 Y 880019 Latitude/Longitude Latitude 44.0548 Longitude -122.9797 Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City SPRINGFIELD Limits Urban Growth Boundary Year Annexed Annexation # Approximate Tax/ot Acreage Approx Taxlot Sq 85,813 Footage 2000 Census Tract 1902 2000 Census 1.. Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Parent Zone HI Heavy Industrial Land Use General Land Use Code Description Springfield 1960 N/A 1.97 Date Received: '~ ..~ ;~ 411 \ MAY 2 3 2011 Original submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11 :16AM using www.RLID.org Page 1 of5 Regional Land Information Database (RL. V Vacant Detailed Land Vse Code Description 9100 Vacant, Unused, Undeveloped Land tllOCK \Jroup Plan Designation Eugene Neighborhood Metro Area Nodal Dev Area Eugene Historic Property Name Historical Landmark? National Historical Register? Service Providers Fire Protection Provider City of Springfield Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central L TD Service Area? Yes L TD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons, Dist/Zone UPPER WlLLAMETTE 1 0 Emerald People's Vtility District N/A Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone(s) Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039Cll61 FMI@ Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes . Metro Plan Map N/A No N/A No No Soils Soil Map Vnit Numher Soil Type Description % of Taxlot Ag Class I 101 OXLEY-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 75% 3 34 COURTNEY GRAVELLY SILTY CLAY LOAM 24% 4 6 A WBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 0% 4 Schools School Code Name School District 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School559 Yolanda Middle School 542 Briggs High School 561 Thurston Hydric No Yes Yes , Date Received: r MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II :16AM using www.RLID.org Page 2 of 5 ~egional Land Information Datab+LID) Political Districts . 12 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/20 I 0 at II: 16AM using www.RLID.org Page 3 of 5 Election Precinct City Council Ward City Councilor 102402 SP4 ~ Ralston 2 State Representative District State Representative State Senate District Springfield State Senator County Commissioner District County Commissioner EWEB Commissioner LCC Board Zone Bill Dwver N/A 3 Liens None Building Permits SPRINGFIELD Building Permits Log Numberproject Description 870246 TEMP ELEC Land Use Applications RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction Petitions RLID does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements (current and previous tax years) ACCOUNT#: 0118750 View tax statement(s) for: 2010 2009 OwnerlTaxpayer Owners Owner Address City/State/Zip WEL TCH TIMOTHY J PO BOX 308 LOWELL, OR 97452 Taxpayer Party Name Address City/State/Zip WEL TCH TIMOTHY J PO BOX 308 LOWELL, OR 97452 .....,>-- l. Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Account Status none E. T eITY Bever 6 William Morrisette Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 . " Regional Land Information Database {R" . Remarks none Special Assessment Program N/A Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage data not available Fire Acres NI A Property Class 300 INDUSTRIAL, VACANT Statistical Class N/ A Neighborhood Code 90201 Category Land and Improvements Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Township-Range-Section / Subdivision Data Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Phase N/A LotlTractlU nit # TL 0060 I Subdivision N/A Number Recording N/A Number Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value (RMV) Year Land Improvement Total 1201011 $132,291 II $0 II $132,291 II $93,422 1200911 $167,45711 $0 II $167,45711 $90,701 1200811 $153,63 I II $0 II $153,63 I II $88,059 1200711 $153,631\\ $0 $153,63111 $85,494 1200611 $142,251 II $0 $142,251 II $83,004 1200511 $127,01011 $0 $127,01011 $80,586 1200411 $110,44411 $0 $110,44411 $78,239 1200311 $102,26311 $0 11$102,26311 $75,960 1200211 $102,26311 $0 II $102,26311 $73,748 12001 II $101,25111 $0 II $101,25111 $71,600 1200011$82,340 11$0 11$82,340 1$69,515 1199911$67,490 11$0 11$67,490 1$67,490 I 199811 $64,890 II $0 II $64,890 II $64,890 119971 $63,000 $0 1$63,000 11$63,000 I 19961 $60,000 I $60,000 II $60,000 I 19951 $76,340 1$76,490 II $76,490 Total Assessed Value Tax II $1,606.631 11$1,566.451 II $1,540.421 11$1,394.281 $1,354.911 $1,325.051 $1,299.641 $1,262.331 $1,153.311 $1,131.401 $1,104.07 $1,083.51 11$1,043.151 11$1,039.661 11$935.41 I II $1,200.611 Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at II :16AM using www.RLID.org Page 4 of 5 Regional Land Information Dat. (RLID) . Current Year Assessed Value$93,422 Less Exemption Amount * N/A Taxable Value $93,422 Frozen Assessed Value · Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts Lane Countv Assessment & Taxation Billing Rate Document Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year Taxing Districts for TCA 01900 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Sales & Ownership Changes Sale Date Sale Doc # Price 08/25/19941 $60,000 11994-61944 08/15/19941$60,000 11994-77479 07/10/1989 D 1989-30454 Image Analysis Code ~ [!] ~ Multiple Accts? Grantor(s) Grantee(s) IV I data not CRESS, MICHAEL J data not available avaIlable IK I data not CRESS, MICHAEL J data not available available IK I data not CLEVELAND, HAROLD data not EUGENE available available Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Date Received: MAY 23 2011 1 ,I .1 \ , 1 Original Submittal Report was generated by Satre Associates on 12/1/2010 at 11: 16AM using www.RLlD.org Page 5 of5 . . "0 Q) > 'Q) o Q) a:: Q) - l\l C - - CI '" (T) '" ~ ~ .2l - 'E .c :J (f) (ij c '01 .;:: o o ....IN WN u.~ <.9'" z8J -,.... n:::~ 0- (f) c ~ C') - ] C <~ " .. ~ E a~ .t: "" '" ~~ U U z < co ~ U ... < ;; ! , ! ! 8 l 1* II r~ I "-- <N "';;; ",N ",i< 00_ ; '- l I I I I 10 ~I ,:' ,or I 1'1 " ~ s ff ~ p . , /f .. /'/.; 4-- " ~ iil ~! i! , i i Z\.. i v- i '~ , '\.\.,. ;' ~/ Ii \...V !i . , ~Tr~rTr 'TTr"T'r'T"r,~J ili I i. i~ i~ i i i i i i .. .it , if .'" v- 'L\.. -.) \Y .:'1, % ?\.. o L\.. "-- <M "'~ ",N ~~ ~~ , , ; , , n , q Ii f .... Nil. l "~' t.tut.t.7f't_---- , .. 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''', > ~ '.I <.D ~ t~~ ,r- . i ,,9 j ~1 . . m . t ... o ~ <lJ ~ ~ n 08'~~ <9 ~ ~ 8):'(:T -.J -'" <( 8n::- f-- '" (/) ::J a z '" . e<~ N I > 9 '9Q,'JI1 ,,9 U) 0---;;:; " , ~ OJ I I 09 It;' ~ ," vL,~ ~;o 8' ? I I _ <-LL~~>~t ~ - .L -.'.\ ':'~ T . ~ 0; . '" '') ~ , > N " L I > "',- n~r > ro,> ,.> , '.1) .t ~ ~ ') 0, ,- .r, [1; o " '" ~ ~m '" ~ <( LZ2:~ <;llf" , <;:9ZT ro N I > N ~ ~ ~ o N~ C I > 11 Hi <;~ , ee o I -- - o n o !~.'IJ ..1.\ <9 o o ..J "C Q) > '~ Q) 0:: Q) j,~ ~ _m u'" \f) '0 " e " C . e I-I e 1:., .~ - - C) C'I ...., C'4 ~ :2: ~ 's .a =' en Iii c: '61 'C o 11,;,'1.) "ll J~ ~ Za 'f ]~ '0 '" "_> C" . . I~:. ".',l . . Supplemental Attachment Agreement btwn Applicant and Owner of TL601 Applicant has Approval to Submit Application Lease Agreement This lease of 3265 Industrial Ave. Springfield Or. 97478 made January 1,2011 by and between Timothy J. Weltch, whose address is PO Box 308, Lowell OR, 97452 hereinafter called Lessor, and Nelson Bros. Trucking Inc., whose address is PO Box 23308, Eugene OR. 97402 hereinafter called Lessee. Witnessed: That Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee from Lessor, subject to the terms and conditions herein ser forth, the following (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Property"): Lessor hereby leases to Lessee said Property for the purpose of, equipment parking and storage. Lessee will make all improvements to said property so as to facilitate said purpose designated for property The term of this lease is for 5years, beginning this day January 1, 2011 and ending December 31, 2016. In consideration of said lease, Lessee covenants and agrees as follows: To pay Lessor for the possession and use of said Property for the purpose aforesaid, a) During the first year of contract Lessee agrees to pay taxes due on property in the amount of $7290.19 plus any interest that may accrued and past due utility fees due the City of Springfield in the amount of $1127.84. Also each month Lessee agrees to pay monthly utility fee ($56.56) assessed by City of Springfield. Taxes due Lane County will be paid directly to Lane County Tax Department in four equal payments. And amount to City of Springfield will be paid directly to City of Springfield in four equal payments. These payments will begin January 15, 2011 b) Beginning with the second year (January 1,2012) and each year after Lessee to pay Lessor two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per month plus monthly water fee assessed by City of Springfield. c) Beginning with the third year (January 1, 2013) until end of lease Lessee is to pay Lessor three hundred dollars ($300) per monthly plus monthly fee assessed by the City of Springfield. Date Received: MAY 23 2011 Original Submittal . . ,-' ) Further more it is agreed that at the end of lease contract, Lessor will give Lessee additional rights to renew or extend lease for a period and price (reasonable market value) mutually agreed upon by both parties, Also should Lessor make a decision to sell property, it is agreed that first rights will be given to Lessee to purchase property. Lessee agrees to except property as is and to pay for all necessary improvements to property. Should all terms of this contact not be followed by Lessor, all improvements to property will be reimbursed to Lessee. While Lessee accepts property as is, Lessor acknowledges and accepts full responsibility for any and all possible environment damage that may have resulted from previous industrial use of said property. Lessee shall be responsible and liable to Lessor for, and indemnify Lessor against, any and all damage to the property, which occurs in any manner from any cause or causes durina the term of this lease or until return and delivery of the Property to Lessor. Lessee shall be responsible and liable for, indemnify Lessor against, hold Lessor free and harmless for any claim or claims of any kind whatsoever for or from, and promptly pay any judgment for, any and all liability for personal injuries, death or property damages, or any of then, which arise or in any manner are occasioned by the acts or negligence of Lessee or other in the custody, operation or use of , or with respect to said Property, in the amount of million dollars relative to personal injuries and/or death and one million relative to property damages It is mutually agreed that in case Lessee shall violate any of the aforesaid covenants, terms and conditions Lessor may at his option without notice terminate this lease and take possession of said Property. . LJ: ~ ~50.~ LESSOR LESSEE LESSEE DATE Date Received: MAY 2 3 2011 Original submittal