HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 5/24/2011 ... ~... . . b(M Fw- 20NlOOg~OQ035 LAFLEUR Karen From: Sent: Subject: Attachments: DOWNING Andrea [andrea.downing@state.or.us] Tuesday, May 24, 2011 3:59 PM WD#2010-0356 Concurrence WD201 0-0356final. pdf We have completed our review of the wetland delineation report that was prepared for the' Hvland Business Park. . The report was submitted to the Department for approval, given the file number WD 2010-0356, and assigned to Jevra Brown for review. The results and conclusions from that review are explained in the attached pdf document. If the attached document is illegible or difficult to open, you may contact the Department and request a paper copy. Otherwise, please review the attachment carefully and direct any question or comments to Jevra at (503) 986-5297. Thank'you for your interest in this project. . Andrea Downing Wetlands Support Staff Oregon Department of State Lands 775 Summer St. NE #100 Salem, OR 97301 Phone 503-986-5235 Fax 503-378-4844 andrea.downina@dsl.state.or.us www.oreaonstatelands.us RECEIVED MAY 24 2011 BY:~~~ . ~v .~ ItJPSp~ 1 6 ,::. t.i. . , John A Kitzhaber, MD, Qwcmor Department of State Lands 775 SiIinmer Street NE, Suite 100 Sa lern, OR 97301-1279 (503) 98&-5200 FAX (503) 37&-4844 www.oregonstatelands.us May, 23, 2011 Hyland Business Park, LLO Atln: Shaun Hyland 1941 Laura Street Springfield, Oregon 97477-2183 State Land Board John A. Kitzhaber, MD Govern,or Re: Wetland Delineation Report for Springfield,. Lane County;' T 17S R 2W S 31BB TL 4900 & 5000;. WD #2010-0356; Springfield Local Wetlands Inventory wetland M"25 & M-6 Kate BroWn Secretary of State Dear Mr. Hyland: Ted Wheeler Sta~e Treasurer The Department of State Lands has reviewed the wetland delineation report prepared by Environmental Science Associates, Inc. for the site. referenced above. Based upon the information presented in the report, a site visit on May 10,2011, and additional information submitled upon request, we concur with the wetland and waterway boundaries as mapped in revised Figure 6 of the report. Please replace all copies of the preliminary wetland map with this final Department-approved map. Within the study area, two wetlands (totaling approximately 2.66 acres) and one waterway (Q Street "ditch") were identified. The wetlands and waterway are subjElct to the permit requirements of the state Removal-Fill Law. Under current regulations, a.. state permit is required for cumulative fill.or annual excavation of 50 cubic yards or more in the wetlands or below the ordinary high water line (OHWL) of a waterway (or the 2 year recurrence interval flood elevation if OHWL cannot be determined). Additionally, a "stormwater ditch" was identified on the southeast edge of TL 4900 parallel to 30th Street. This ditch is not state jurisdictional per OAR 141-085-0515(10). This concurrence is for purposes of the state Removal-Fill Law only. Federal or local permit requirements may apply as well. The Army Corps of Engineers wiH review the report and make a determination of jurisdiction for purposes of t~e Clean Water Act at the time that a permit application is submitted. We recommend that you attach a copy of this concurrence letter to both copies of any subsequent joint permit application to speed application review. . Please be advised that state law establishes a preference for avoidance of wetland impacts. Because measures to avoid and minimize wetland 'impacts may include feconfiguring parcel layout and size or development design, we recommend that you work with Department staff on appropriate site design before completing the city or county iand use approval process. . . . -',r' This concurrence is based on information provided to the agency. The jurisdictional determi[lation is valid for five years from the date of this letter, unless new information necessitates a revision. Circumstances under which the Department may change a determination are found in OAR 141-090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). In addition, laws enacted by the legislatureand/or rules adopted by"the Department may re?ultin a change in jurisdiction; individuals arid applicants are subject to the regulations that are in effect at the time of the removal-fill activity, .or Complete permit application. The applicant, landowner, or agent may submit a request for reconsideration of this determination in writing within six months Qf the date of this letter. Thank you for having the site evaluated, Please phone me at 503-986-5297 if you have any qLiestions. Sincerely, V!Pll/)'~~ ~.. \.i-,ll! v--:f) v- , Jevra Brown Wetland Specialist Approved by . ~ Jan C, Morlan, PWS Wetla ds Program Manager Enclosures ec: Allen Martin, Environmental Science AssoCiates, Inc. Springfield Planning Dep?rtment (Maps enclosed for updating LWI) Brian Wilson, Corps of Engineers, Eugene office Gloria Kiryuta, DSL " . ;.. . '4 \ ~ , MiireolaRd ;.- ~ StiilC1Hwyl16. /" 1 i i l j r 1 -I I i k/ ~---"--~ ~' . - - Ce;'i-ennla'ielvd JSt .-....-,-- " I . . . 1 ,s< I t Hil , ;:l'" I .~ I i , I :Mi;.iriStr~1 w , " " ~' ~ . ~ . '~ '::jMair;5t , . I -'--'---.,--- / ~........ - ~---- c/ ' -'-~_~ /" '. -- -----~--~ --- , ' I ' ~.-<--'-.~ . w ". ~' . HYLAND PROPERTY /' / I t 1 t ! _.........1_._++ w S . -+,-"-,;",,---,---,"'7-o,~,,__~_,-___,~,~___,-;,,,,__. C~rnm(ltciaIAve._ " ~ . . . ~ ~, ~ ~ .~-~ " . . ~ c."'" '" ..--+--~"':":-~....,...-~-:"~-:'--:~:..--:-.}~-.-;"-.:.,::L._~~,~, J<l~,,;. D HYLAND BUSINESS.PARK. LLC Tax Lots 4900 & 5000 Lane County Map 1702 31 Springfield, Oregon 97478 . . \;\} L>'n: ZO lo--[)'35b 1200 ,~-~--- o 1200 EnVironin~ntal.Sdence Asso~ate,s~ Inc. Feel Sc:ile: 1':19.200 FIGURE 1: LOCATION Scale: 1" =' 1,600' Source: Maplnfo SlreetPro Drafted: 8/20/10 2400 ..-... NORTH - I [ ", l ? 9 ~. , " ~ - '" . ,,~~ ~H J?~ ~~ HH~f ~r i!~Hi D~~~'" p~~' ~ L* ~ .. . J. . . . f.~~ ~ 0 z if"'" 0 ,5:;;2: og~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ . 0 ~ g~ , ~ f ~ 2 " .'," \i '~"". ".'~' "" :;;: ....c '~",><1~ :'<:0 ~. Q: ,,::..;~::[ .. . '," :",;.,0:,._ . ~",~-,?~'7: ~ ""~':~O~:';;g "~.".;J~ ,.", 1'...... ,"",:":;(0 ,:-'1 ::.~,~ ....e- :in , :T' " .. D,J ',Ji .-J,' ~\ \) .' ~ " 'J; ., . j , 'G