HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies ENG 5/20/2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendments and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Springfield, Oregon Date Received: 5 ~ 2/J-(J!J Planner. <:J D . . . ..-"- . f J o-r~3 p+ Expires 6/30/06 May 20,2005 . . Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Summary .................................................... I I. Purpose of Report/Study Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 2. Executive Summary ................................................... I n. Proposal ................................................................... 3 I. Location and Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Property Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. Current and Proposed Plan Designation and Zoning .......................... 3 III. Existing Conditions ......................................................... 5 1. Study Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2. Area Roadway System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 b. Traffic Volumes and Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 c. Transit Service ................................................. 6 d. Railroad Crossing ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3. Intersection Capacity Analysis ........................................... 7 a. Mobility Standards .............................................. 7 b. Intersection Capacity Analysis ..................................... 7 N. Projected Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1. Background Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Site Trip Generation ................................................... 9 3. Site Trip Distribution ................................................. 10 V. Traffic Analysis ........................................................... 11 I. Anticipated Transportation System Improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 2. Intersection Capacity Analysis .......................................... II a. 2006 Operational Analysis ....................................... II b. 2020 Operational Analysis ....................................... 12 V. Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................... 15 . . List of Tables Table I: Current and Proposed Site Development .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 2: Seasonal Factors for Traffic Data ......................................... 6 Table 3: 2003 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Existing Conditions ........................8 Table 4: PM Peak Hour Trip Generation; Hammer Industrial Subdivision Development .... 10 Table 5: Design Hour LOS Analysis; Existing Conditions vs. Proposed Development . . . . . . 12 Table 6: 2020 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Current vs. Proposed Plan. . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table 7: 2020 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Current vs. Proposed Plans with Mitigation. . . . . 15 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study I. Introduction and Summary 1. Purpose of Report/Study Objectives This Traffic Impact Study is prepared for the proposed Metro Plan Amendments and zone change requested for the Hammer Industrial Subdivision located on 42"d Street south of Olympic Street in Springfield, Oregon. The purpose of the study is to address the requirements of the Transportation Planning Rule with regards to plan amendments and zone changes. The study will determine the traffic impacts of the potential developments under the proposed plan compared to the developments allowed under the current plan. 2. Executive Summary The property is currently zoned HI (heavy industrial) and has been subdivided into 16 lots and a common tract used for water detention. Lot 4, in the southwest corner of the site, has been developed by Mt. Hood Beverage Co. as an office/warehouse/distribution center. The subdivision was supported by the January 2002, "Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis;' that has been approved by the City of Springfield as the development plan (Current Plan) for the site. However, the Current Plan no longer includes a home improvement superstore or a drive-in bank in addition to general light industrial land uses. The proposed plan amendments and zone changes (Proposed Plan, see Table 1 below and Figure 2 in Appendix A) affect tax lots along 42"d Street (lots 11,12,13,15, and 16) and lot 9 along 40th Street which would change plan designation and zoning from heavy industrial to commercial. Tax lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the west side of 40th Street would also change zoning from heavy industrial to mixed use employment (MUE). The remaining lots in the subdivision would remain industrial. .. The study area has been designated to include the 42"d Street corridor from Marcola Road to the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and the Olympic Street at 40th Street intersection. Future year (2020) background traffic growth in the study area was projected by LCOG at about 1.25% per year. The Proposed Plan was found to generate 344 peak hour trips compared to 282 peak hour trips generated by the Current Plan. An operational analysis of the study area for the PM peak hour in the horizon year 2020 was conducted assuming the TransPlan programmed projects are in place; 42"d Street improved to a three-lane urban standard, signalization of 42"d Street at Marcola Road, and signalization of 42"d Street at the Eugene-Springfield Hwy. Westbound Ramp intersection. The results of the analysis show that all study area intersections will operate within the mobility standards ofODOT and the City of Springfield through 2020. A mitigation plan has been presented which would relieve the Access Engmee~ing May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 2 queuing problems at the closely spaced Olympic Street and E-S Hwy. EB Ramps intersections 'along 42"d Street. The mitigation plan would be required under the current plan and zoning, and would not require widening of 42"d Street beyond what is planned in TransPlan. The mitigation plan includes: 42"d Street from 250 feet south of Olympic Street the E-S Hwy. WE Ramps - Utilizing the programmed 3-lane section, change the center-turn-lane to a northbound through lane and allow left-turns from this lane at Olympic Street and the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps intersections. Provide protected-permitted left-turn phasing at those intersections, leading at Olympic and lagging at E-S Hwy. EB Ramps. North of the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps, the center lane would become a left-turn only lane approaching the E-S Hwy. WE Ramps intersection. At 42"d and the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps - Provide an overlap phase on the existing single right- turn lane. o At 42"d and' Olympic - Change the striping on the eastbound approach to a left-turn lane and a left+right-tum lane. o At 42"d and Industrial - Provide a traffic signal when warranted. These improvements provide additional capacity and storage at the study area intersections which would accommodate the development traffic from both the Current and Proposed Plans. Based on this analysis, we conclude that the proposed plan amendments and zone changes should be approved with the following conditions: o the development of this site be limited to the general land uses and sizes under "Proposed Plan" shown in Table 1, o the mitigation measures listed above be included in the future plan for 42nd Street, and . the traffic signal at 42nd and Industrial Avenue be specified as a developer-funded improvement required when warranted. Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 3 . II. Proposal 1. Location and Vicinity Map The location of the site on 42nd Street in east Springfield is shown on the vicinity map, Figure I in Appendix A. The study area includes 42nd Street from Marcola Road to the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and Olympic Street from 42nd Street to the west boundary of the site. 2. Property Description The Hammer Industrial Subdivision is located on the west side of 42nd Street between the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and Olympic Street. The property is bounded on the north by a triangular property at the southwest comer of 42nd and Olympic, on the west by 39'h Street and a lumber company log yard, and on the south by the Southern Pacific Railroad. The property is currently zoned HI (heavy industrial) and has been subdivided into 16 lots and a corrunon tract used for water detention. Lot 4, 11.31 acres in the southwest comer of the site, has been developed by Mt. Hood Beverage Co. as an office/warehouse/distribution center. The Mt. Hood Beverage Co. development also constructed two public streets serving the site, 40th Street running south from Olympic Street and Industrial Avenue running west from 42nd Street. Lot 14 is currently occupied by Lane Forest Products. Lots I, and 13 through 16 are served by a driveway access onto 42nd Street south of the Industrial Avenue intersection. Lot 10, a 11.75 acre parcel in the center of the site, has an access easement from 42nd Street across an adjoining property to the northeast comer of the parcel. All other lots have designated driveway accesses on either 40th Street or Industrial A venue. 3. Current' and Proposed Plan Designation and Zoning The tax lots along 42nd Street (lots 11,12,13,15, and 16) and lot 9 at 40th and Olympic Streets are proposed to change plan designation and zoning from heavy industrial (HI) to corrununity corrunercial (Ce). Tax lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the west side of 40th Street would change zoning from heavy industrial to mixed use employment (MUE). The remaining lots would remain heavy industrial (see Figure 2 in Appendix A). The lots on 42nd Street are being designated corrunercial to accorrunodate a large car dealership. The original land use assumptions for the site were found in the January 16, 2002 "Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis" by Access Engineering. However, the Current Plan no longer includes a home improvement superstore or a drive-in bank in addition to general light industrial land uses. The anticipated levels of development for the site under the current and proposed plans are provided in Table I below. Access Engmeermg May 20, 2005 . . Hammer 1ndustrialSubdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic [mpact Study Page 4 . Table 1: Current and Proposed Site Development Current Plan Proposed Plan Lot Size # (a.) Land Use" (ITE Code) Size Zoning Land Use (ITE Code) Size 1 5.07 General Light Industrial (110) 5.07 acres HI General Light Industrial (110) 5.07 acres 2 4.62 General Light Industrial (110) 4.62 acres HI General Light Industrial (110) 4.62 acres 3 2.08 General Light Industrial (110) 2.08 acres HI General Light Industrial (110) 2.08 acres 4 11.31 Existing Development: Mt. Hood Beverage 5 1.29 General Light Industrial (110) 1.29 acres MUE 6 1.34 General Light Industrial (110) 1.34 acres MUE Business Park (770) 5.31 acres 7 1.34 General Light Industrial (110) 1.34 acres MUE 8 1.34 General Light Industrial (110) 1.34 acres MUE 9 0.38 General Light Industrial (110) 0.38 acres CC General Office Bldg. (710) 8,600 SF 10 11.75 General Light Industrial (110) 11.75 acres HI General Light Industrial (110) 11.75 acres 11 1.30 General 'Light Industrial (110) 1.30 acres CC Car Sales (841) 17.500 SF 12 1.68 General Light Industrial (110) 1.68 acres CC 13 1.48 General light Industrial (110) 1 .48 acres CC 14 3.52 General Light Industrial (110) 3.52 acres HI General Light Industrial (110) 3.52 acres 15 0.70 General Light Industrial (110)" 0.70 acres CC Inel. In Lots Car Sales (841) 11-13 16 0.70 General Light Industrial (110)"" 0.70 acres CC I * Land uses are taken from the Jan. 16,2002 Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis~ .. Lots 15 and 16 were not included in the Jan. 16,2002 Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis~ The size of developments were determined by using site utilization, parking requirements and lot coverage constraints on each tax lot. The total acreage of the proposed changes are as follows: Zoning H.I. M.D.E. C.C. Current Plan 50.06 acres 0.00 acres 0.00 acres Prooosed Plan 38.16 acres 5.31 acres 6.59 acres Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 5 . III. Existing Conditions I. Study Area The scope of the traffic study was determined by the City of Springfield and the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The following intersections were designated to be included in the study area: . 420d Street @ Marcola Road . 420d Street @ Eugene-Springfield Highway Westbound Ramps . 420d Street @ Eugene-Springfield Highway Eastbound Ramps . 420d Street @ Olympic Street . 42nd Street @ Industrial Avenue . Olympic Stre~t @ 40th Street 2. Area Roadway System The 42nd Street is a city minor arterial running north-south connecting Marcola Road to E. Main Street and continuing south to Jasper Road. In the study area, the roadway currently consists of a single lane in each direction with auxiliary turn lanes at the major intersections. There are no curbs, gutters or sidewalks on 420d Street within the study area. A pedestrian!bicycle path was constructed in 2004 on the embankment on the east siqe of the roadway the entire length from Marcola Road to the railroad tracks. A stairway at the intersection of 42nd Street and Olympic Street connects the south crosswalk to the path. This is the only connection to the path between Marcola Road and the railroad tracks. The posted speed on 42nd Street is 45 MPH from Marcola Road to south of Olympic Street where it changes to 35 MPH from there to E. Main Street. The intersections of 420d Street with the Eugene-Springfield Highway (E-S Hwy.) Eastbound Ramps and with Olympic Street are signalized. The distance between the northbound stop line at the E-S Hwy. Eastbound Ramps and southbound stop line at Olympic Street is 420 feet. The E-S Hwy. overpass is just north of the Eastbound Ramps intersection. The columns for the overpass restrict any widening of 420d Street as it passes under. The intersections of 42nd Street with the E- S Hwy. Westbound Ramps is currently controlled by a STOP sign for the ramp traffic. There is a northbound left-turn pocket on 42nd Street and wide radii southbound and eastbound allowing right turning vehicles to move separately. At Marcola Road, 42nd Street ends and is controlled by a STOP sign. There are separate left- and right-turn lanes northbound and a westbound left-turn lane on Marcola Road. Industrial Avenue has separate left- and right-turn lanes on its approach to 420d Street which is STOP sign controlled. Olympic Street is a city collector street running west from 42nd Street to Mohawk Boulevard. It has been improved with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bike lanes, and a continuous center-turn-Iane throughout the study area. Theposted speed on Olympic Street is 35 MPH. The intersection of Access Engmeermg May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 6 . Olympic Street and 40th Street is controlled by a STOP sign for 40th Street. On the 40th Street northbound approach there are separate left- and right-turn lanes. b. Traffic Volumes and Conditions Average daily traffic and peak hour turning movement counts were obtained from the City of Springfield and supplemental turning movement counts were performed by Access Engineering staff The City supplied PM peak hour turning movement counts for 42nd @ Olympic, taken on 8/24/04; 42nd @ E-S Hwy. Eastbound Ramps, taken on 8/25/04; and 42nd @ Marcola, taken on: 8/26/04. Access Engineering counted 420d @ Industrial Avenue on 11125/03 and Olympic @ 40th on 12/01103. Summary sheets for these counts can be found in Appendix B. Design hour volumes (DHV) are used by ODOT for planning level analyses and are defined as the 30th highest hour volumes for the analysis year. In urban areas the DHV usually occurs during the peak hour on a weekday of the peak month of the year. Based on the traffic counts, the peak hour of traffic on 42nd Street was found to be from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. To convert the PM peak hour counts to DHV a seasonal factor must be applied. To determine the seasonal factor, the 2003 ODOT Seasonal Factors Table was consulted. The seasonal factors are compiled from data at ODOT's automatic traffic recorders (ATR) throughout the state. The nearest ATR is located on the E-S Hwy., station 20-008 located 0.7 miles west of 1-5 in Eugene. This station was used to find the factors for the peak (minimum factor) period and the factors for each ofthe dates of the traffic counts listed above. The minimum factor was found to be 0.9298 on May 15th Table 2 below shows the peak factor, the count date factor, and the resulting seasonal factor (Count Date factorlPeak Factor) for each traffic count used. Table 2: . Seasonal Factors for Traffic Data Location Count Date Count Date Factor Peak Factor Seasonal Factor 42" @ Marcola Rd. 8/26/05 0.8927 0.8118 1.100 42"' @ E-S Hwy. EB Ramps 8/25/05 0.8923 0.8118 1.099 42"' @ Olympic SI. 8/24/05 0.8920 0.8118 1.098 The seasonal factor, 1.10, was then applied to the peak hour counts to obtain the existing DHV's. These DHV's were balanced among the intersections and are shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. c. Transit Service There is no current transit service on 42nd Street in this area. Access hngmeerzng May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 7 d. Railroad Crossing The existing railroad crossing on 42nd Street at the Weyerheauser plant driveways is an existing source of traffic delay at the south boundary of the development site. The City of Springfield has contacted Weyerheauser and is working with them to schedule usage of the tracks to coincide with off-peak traffic conditions as much as possible. This development will generate a minimal amount of additional traffic at this crossing. 3. Intersection Capacity Analysis a. Mobility Standards There are two jurisdictional authorities for intersections within the study area; the E-S Hwy. ramp terminal intersections on 42nd Street are under ODOT jurisdiction, and all other intersections are under the City of Springfield jurisdiction. According to the 1999 Oregon Highway Plan Mobility Standards, the maximum volume to capacity ratio (V/q for the ODOT ramp terminal intersections on 42,d Street is 0.85. For the City of Springfield, the adopted Transportation System Plan specifies that intersections must operate at level of service (LOS) "D" or better. For those movements that are found to exceed the mobility standards under the current plan and zoning designation, the proposed plan will require mitigation if it further degrades the movement. The mitigation must bring the VIC back to the level of the current plan designation. b. Intersection Capacity Analysis Operational analyses for the intersections within the study area were performed for the existing DHV's in 2005 and the intersection geometry shown in Figure 3 in Appendix A. The Highway Capacity Manual defines the methods by which level-of-service (LOS) is calculated in this analysis. For unsignalized intersections, only the LOS on approaches where movements are required to STOP or yield are reported. The Synchr06 software was used to evaluate the operation of all study intersections. The existing peak hour factors (PHF) from the traffic counts were used where counted. At signalized intersections, a saturation flow rate of 1800 vehicles per lane per hour of green, 4 seconds oflost time, and minimum pedestrian walk and crossing times were used. The VIC, delay, and LOS values reported are the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) value for the intersection as a whole. Table 3 displays the results of the analyses. The Synchr06 worksheets can be found in Appendix C. Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 8 . Table 3: 2003 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Existing Conditions . Intersection vie Delay LOS Movement (Sec.) 42" Street @ Olympic StreeqSignai) 0.85 21A C 42"' Street @ E-S Hwy. EB Ramps (Signal) 0.71 19.1 B 42" Street @ E.S Hwy. WB Ramps Northbound Left turn OA4 10.0 B Eastbound Movements 1.55 384.8 F 42" Street @ Marcola Road Westbound Left turn 0.18 8.7 A Northbound Left turn 0.56 42.7 E Northbound Ri9ht turn 0.66 21.9 C 42" Street @ Industrial Avenue Northbound Left turn 0.Q1 OA A Eastbound Left turn 0.22 181.7 F Eastbound Right turn 0.12 25.1 0 Olympic Street @ 40" Street Westbound Left turn 0.02 8.0 A Northbound Left turn 0.02 12.9 B Northbound Right turn 0.12 10.3 B Two of the intersections do not currently operate within the mobility standards. The intersection of 420d Street at the E-S Hwy. Westbound Ramps has a vie greater than I for the eastbound movements. A traffic signal is currently in the design stage for this intersection and funds for construction have been committed. The intersection of 42nd Street at Industrial Avenue has a LOS of"F" based on unsignalized average delay for eastbound left turns. Since this movement has a low volume (6 left turns in the peak hour) and there is a alternate route via 40th Street to Olympic Street to northbound 420d Street, this LOS is not a concern at this time. The intersection will be tested for signal warrants as development traffic is added. Access Engineermg May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 9 . IV. Projected Traffic The proposed plan amendment and zone change requires traffic projections for 15 years in the future or for the planning horizon of the TSP which ever is greater. The TransPlan horizon is 2015, so assuming the plan amendment is adopted in 2005, the horizon year for the analysis would be 2020. The Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) was contacted to obtain the latest TransPlan forecasted growth for traffic in the study area. 1. Background Traffic Future background traffic growth on 42nd Street and the E-S Hwy. interchange area was projected by LCOG using the 2025 land use scenario that reflects the latest Lane County population targets they received from the State OEA. The EMME/2 model was used to calculate the annual average growth rate from 2002 to 2025 on all system links in the study area. The EMME/2 plots are found in Appendix D. An inspection of the projected growth rates on 42nd Street links in the study area shows a range from .8% to 2.2% per year. The average of the growth rates in the study area was 1.2375% and this value was used as the average annual growth rate in this study. This corresponds to a 15 year(2005 to 2020) straight line growth factor of 20%. Therefore the growth factor for background traffic in the study area for 2020 will be 1.20 2. Site Trip Generation The trip generation computations for the Hammer Industrial Subdivision development were made using the Seventh Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trio Generation Manual. The existing heavy industrial zoning allows certain commercial uses in this zoning district including financial institutions and warehouse retail and wholesale uses. The 2002 "Hammer Property TIA" prepared for the Mt. Hood Beverage development (lot 4) assumed the remainder of the site to be developed with light industrial uses, a home improvement center on lot 10, and a drive-up bank on lot 11. The full development of the property and especially the home improvement center and drive-up bank are not anticipated in the traffic analysis zone (TAl) in the LCOG transportation model. As a consequence, the future traffic levels under the existing plan and zoning of the property will use industrial development only. Future trips from the site were generated for the land uses under both the existing zoning (Current Plan) and proposed zoning (Proposed Plan) shown in Table 1 above. Traffic from the existing Mt. Hood Beverage development is captured in the existing traffic counts. Trips were generated for the PM peak hour separately for each use using the following land use codes in the "Trip Generation Manual". For the Current Plan: 110 - General Light for the entire site. For the Proposed Plan a mix of: 110 - General Light Industrial; 710- General Office; 770 - Business Park; and 840 - Car Sales. Table 4 shows the PM peak hour trips generated for the Current Plan and the Proposed Plan. Access Engineering May 20, 200S . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 10 Even though the proposed plan amendments and zone change would result in a mixed-use . development site, no adjustments are made for internal trips. There would not be a significant attraction among the uses on the site. Car sales could be expected to attract pass-by trips from 420d Street, but no data has been published in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook for this use, hence no pass-by adjustments are made. As the Table below shows, the proposed plan amendments and zone change would result in only a 20% increase in total traffic generated by over what would be expected from the Current Plan's light industrial uses. Table 4: PM Peak Hour Trip Generation; Hammer Industrial Subdivision Development Facility (ITE Code) Units Size Rate Trips 'loIn %Out Enter Exit Gen. Licht Industrial '110\ Acres 38.9 7.26 282 22% 78% 62 220 Current Plan Facility (ITE Code) Units Size Rate Trips %1" %Out Enter Exit Gen. Light Industrial (110) Acres 27.0 7.26 196 22% 78% 43 153 General Office (710) 1000 SF GFA 8.6 1.49 13 17% 83% 2 11 Business Park (770) Acres 5.3 16.84 89 20% 80% 18 71 Car Sales (841) 1000 SF GFA 17.5 2.64 46 39% 61% 18 28 TOTAL NEW TRIPS, 344 61 263 Proposed Plan 3. Site Trip Distribution Trips to and from the general light industrial, business park, and office uses during the PM peak hour are mostly work to home trips and will have a different distribution pattern than the commercial trips. The employment based trips would tend to have destinations that encompass the entire metro area while the commercial trips would tend to draw from the Springfield half of the metro area. As a result two distribution patterns have been identified for traffic generated by the site. The employment trips have a slightly higher distribution toward the freeway heading west. Figure 4 in Appendix A shows the expected distribution of traffic from the lots in the proposed plan amendment/zone change areas. The general office and business park uses are shown as employment trips and the car sales are sown as commercial trips. All car sales trips were assigned to the 420d and Industrial Avenue intersection. No additional access is asslimed to be taken from the driveway on 420d Street south of Industrial. Access Engi/leering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 11 V. Traffic Analysis 1. Anticipated Transportation System Improvements . 420d Street @ E-S Hwy. Westbound Ramps - Traffic Signal (in TIP for FY 2005, assumed completion in 2006) The following projects are currently programmed or have been identified in the TransPlan "Financially Constrained Roadway Projects" list for the study area and are assumed to be in place in 2020: . 420d Street @ Marcola Road - Traffic Signal (TransPlan project 712) . 420d Street, Marcola Road to Railroad Tracks - Reconstruct to 3-1ane Urban Facility (TransPlan project 713). 2. Intersection Capacity Analysis a. 2006 Operational Analysis Operational analyses for the intersections within the study area were performed for the PM peak hour in 2006 with the plan amendments and zone change approved and the proposed developments completed on those lots. The expected traffic volumes and intersection geometry are shown in Figure 5 in Appendix A. Because of the close spacing on 420d Street of the E-S Hwy. intersections and the Olympic Street intersection, the existing signals and the new signal are assumed to be coordinated. The Synchr06 outputs are available in Appendix E. Table 5'on the following page shows the results of the operational analyses of the study intersections for the site development plan compared to existing 2005 conditions. The Synchro program was allowed to choose the best coordination plan for all signalized intersections on 420d Street. The program selected an 80- second cycle for the system that included the three signalized intersections. The results of the analysis show that the ramp terminal intersections will operate within the ODOT mobility standards. The 420d and Olympic Street intersection will operate at an acceptable LOS "c" even though the HCM VIC is 0.92. The left-turn movements at the 420d Street and Industrial Avenue intersection will experience extremely long delays. The intersection was checked against ODOT's preliminary signal warrants but did not meet any warrant (see Appendix F). ADT's were assumed to be 10 times the projected PM peak hour volumes. Access Ellgilleerillg May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 12 Table 5: Design Hour LOS Analysis; Existing Conditions vs. Proposed Development 2005 Existing 2006 with PAlZC Intersection Movement V/C Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS (Sec.) (Sec.) 42" Street @ Olympic Street (Signal) 0.85 21.4 C 0.92 26.7 C 42" Street @ E-S Hwy. EB Ramps (Signal) 0.71 19.1 B 0.75 18.1 B 42" Street @ E-S Hwy. WB Ramps 0.69 19.4 B Northbound Left turn 0.44 10.0 B Eastbound Movements 1.55 384.8 F 42" Street @ Marcola Road Westbound Left turn 0.18 8.7 A 0.18 8.7 A Northbound Left turn 0.56 42.7 E 0.61 47.7 E Northbound Right turn 0.66 21.9 C 0.68 22.8 C 42" Street @ Industrial Avenue Northbound Left turn 0.01 0.4 A 0.05 1.6 A Eastbound Left turn 0.22 181.7 F 2.17 >1000 F Eastbound Right turn 0.12 25.1 0 0.22 32.0 D Olympic Street @ 40'" Street Westbound Left turn 0.02 8.0 A 0.04 8.1 A Northbound Left turn 0.02 12.9 B 0.05 13.8 B Northbound Right turn 0.12 10.3 B 0.15 11.0 B b. 2020 Operational Analysis For the 2020 operational analysis, the developments under the proposed plan amendments and zone change were compared to the developments allowed under the existing plan and zoning. Since the TransPlan model included industrial development for the Hammer property, the annual growth rate for streets in the study area from that model includes the industrial traffic from the property. The effect of the plan amendments and zone change then will be the difference in traffic generated by the proposed land uses compared to the traffic generated by the industrial uses as shown in Table 4 above. Figure 6 in Appendix A shows the distribution of the additional traffic generated by the proposed changes. Figure 7 shows the PM peak hour traffic at the study area intersections for 2020 with the existing industrial zoning. The Figure 7 traffic levels were calculated by applying the 1.20 growth factor to the 2005 DHV's from Figure 3. Figure 8 then shows the resulting PM peak hour traffic calculated by adding in the traffic from the plan amendments and zone change from Figure 6. Access Engineermg May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 13 For the operational analysis in 2020 the anticipated programmed projects listed above are assumed to be in place. It is assumed that no new connections to the pedestrianlbike path east of 42nd Street will be made at the E-S Hwy. Ramp intersections. Since current pedestrian. traffic crossing 42nd Street in this area and is low and is expected to remain so, no pedestrian timing was assumed at the ramp intersections in this analysis. The analysis also assumes that a signal will be installed at 42cd Street and Industrial Avenue by 2020. ODOT preliminary signal warrants are met for that year under the current plan and zoning (see Appendix F). The Synchr06 outputs are available in Appendix G. Table 6 on the following page shows the results of the operational analyses of the study intersections for the site development plan allowed under the current and proposed plan designations. The Synchro program was allowed to choose the best coordination plan for the three closely spaced signalized intersections on 42nd Street. The program selected an 80-second cycle for the current plan and an 85-second cycle for the proposed plan. Table 6: 2020 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Current vs. Proposed Plan Current Plan & Zoning Proposed Plan & Zoning Intersection. Movement V/C Delay LOS V/C Delay LOS (Sec.) (Sec.) 42"' Street @ Olympic Street (Signal) 0.97 25.7 C 0.97 26.6 C 42"' Street @ E-S Hwy. EB Ramps (Signal) 0.83 22.3 C 0.84 23.2 C 42"' Street @ E-S Hwy. WB Ramps (Signal) 0.67 10.4 8 0.69 11.1 B 42"' Street @ Marcola Road (Signal) 0.68 16.1 B 0.68 16.1 B 42"' Street @ Industrial Avenue (Signal) 0.80 8.5 A 0.82 10.6 B Olympic Street @ 40" Street Westbound Left turn 0.04 8.1 A 0.04 8.1 A Northbound Left turn 0.10 14.6 B 0.10 14.9 B Northbound Right turn 0.19 11.2 B 0.21 11.5 B The analysis indicates that all intersections will operate within the ODOT and City of Springfield mobility standards under the current and the proposed plan and zoning. The proposed plan amendments and zone change will not significantly impact any of the study area intersections. However, due to the short distance on 42nd Street between the Olympic Street intersection and the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps intersection, there is insufficient storage for the queues that form between the intersections, even during the 2005 DHY's. Access Engzneering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Page 14 . The current development plan for the site proposes a lower intensity than proposed in the 2002 Hammer Property TIA. A home improvement store and a bank, both of which generate more trips than the currently proposed commercial uses, were included in that proposal. In addition, the impacts to 420d Street are somewhat less than those identified in the 2002 TIA because subsequent LCOG modeling of future growth in this area, which now includes the Jasper Road Extension project, finds that traffic on 420d Street will grow by only 1.2375% per year instead of 2.5% previously modeled. The 2002 Hammer Property TIA identified a number of projects to mitigate the impacts of the proposed development as well as their funding source. The 2002 TIA also looked at an option to re-route the Olympic Street collector through the subdivision in order to eliminate the traffic signal at 420d and Olympic. That option is not favored for the development, but may be considered as a further mitigation measure, if future high traffic generators are developed on the site. Since the traffic impacts are less than found in the previous study, the measures now needed to bring the study area intersections into compliance with the mobility standards with the revised traffic levels are as follows: . 420d Street from 250 feet south of Olympic Street the E-S Hwy. WB Ramps - Utilizing the programmed 3-lane section, change the center-turn-lane to a northbound through lane and allow left-turns from this lane at Olympic Street and the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps intersections. Provide protected-permitted left-turn phasing at those intersections, leading at Olympic and lagging at E-S Hwy. EB Ramps. North of the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps, the center lane would become a left-turn only lane approaching the E-S Hwy. WB Ramps intersection. . At 420d and the E-S Hwy. EB Ramps - Provide an overlap phase on the existing single right- turn lane. . At 420" and Olympic - Change the striping on the eastbound approach to a left-turn lane and a left+right-turn lane. . At 42nd and Industrial - Provide a traffic signal. The operational analysis of the current and proposed plan were rerun with these mitigation measures in place. Synchro found an 90-second cycle length to be optimum for the system. The Synchro worksheets are in Appendix H. Table 7 on the following page shows the results of the operational analyses of the affected study area intersections. The mitigation measures identified above. were the minimum improvements required to bring the 95th %-tile queues within the limits of the available storage. These improvements are required to accommodate the queues resulting from the current development plan for the site. Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic In1Pact Study Page 15 . Table 7: 2020 Design Hour LOS Analysis; Current vs. Proposed Plans with Mitigation Current Plan & Zoning Proposed Plan & Zoning Intersection Movement V/C Delay LOS Queue V/C Delay LOS Queue (Sec.) (Sec.) 42"' Street @ Olympic Street 0.81 14.4 B 0.82 14.8 B Northbound Lanes 142. 138. Southbound Lane 400. . 384. Eastbound lanes 127 133. 42"' Street @ E-S Hwy. EB Ramps 0.73 21.0 C 0.76 21.3 C Northbound Lanes 136. 143. Eastbound RT 429. 468. 42" Street @ E-S Hwy. WB Ramps 0.68 11.3 B 0.69 11.5 B Northbound L T 235. 150. Eastbound L T 82. 82. V. Conclusions and Recommendations The plan amendments and zone change are being proposed for the Hammer Industrial subdivision in order to accommodate a car dealership on 42'd Street and to provide expanded employment opportunities on the site. This study finds that the plan amendments and zone change proposed for the site can be accornmodated without major traffic impacts and should be approved. All study area intersections will operate within the mobility standards of ODOT and the City of Springfield through 2020. A mitigation plan has been presented which would relieve the queuing problems at the closely spaced Olympic Street and E-S Hwy. EB Ramps intersections along 42'd Street. The mitigation plan would be required under the current plan and zoning, and would not require widening of 42'd Street beyond what is planned in TransPlan. The mitigation plan would require re-striping of the northbound lanes through these intersections and would require signal modifications to provide protected-permitted left-turn phasing. The original development plan, specified in the 2002 "Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis" and allowed under current zoning, would have additional significant traffic impact on the state and local transportation systems. The 2002 "Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis" identified a number of mitigation measures, publicly and privately funded, that would allow that development plan to be constructed and meet the ODOT and Springfield mobility standards. The City of Springfield has accepted the development plan and would allow development consistent with the 2002 "Hammer Property Traffic Impact Analysis" without further study. The publicly funded improvements have been adopted in the transportation system plan for the metropolitan area. The remaining improvements were to be funded by the d'evelopers at the time of development. These improvements may yet be necessary if a major traffic generator is found for the 11 + acres of lot #10. Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study . Appendix A Figures Access Engineering May 20, 2005 Figure 1 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Vicinity Map .. N M-~ Access Engineering VlI::lnlty :.:.::.MUE.::.:.::.:.:..... ....::1.OT 8.:::...... .::i:34 ACREifi::. :::::MuE:ii :.:.:::.::LOT .;:.::.:.:.:.:...... :i~.3.4.~~ll#s:i :X~~~t .:.:1.34 ACRES.:.::: ---~---..... :iii::::::jiUE:i::i:::.:. i::iiii LOT 5::::::::ii: ".:.:::.:.1.29 ACRES::.::: ---~'"~'.:,':.''''''' H.I. LOT 4 11.31 ACRES Figure 2 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Proposed Zone Change Propolled Zonlne ~CC' Ed HUE' [:=] H.t H.1. LOT 10 11.75 ACRES u Auto Sales LOT 13 1.48 ACRES e i : , I " H.l. ,: ,LOT 3 J 2.08 I ! ACRES, i : , I , : H.I. LOT 2 4.82 ACRES AUto Sales Auto Sales LOT 15 LOT 18 07 0.7 ACRES ACRES ( ~ Access Engineering Figure 3 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study 2005 PM Peak Hour Volumes Existing Geometry 9,537 5,844 ~ou. 5503' .O~ 75 226 .. ~ ..t 85 690 12,047 .. r 1 03 356 7,960 '9003' 119~ 1,11 725 .. ~ ..t 76 585 I I I ~ I I \ , 840 .. ~ ..t 5 655 I I L_ -~ SOJJ"':"'~ =-- - - <==---k """",, P4C1J'/C B.B. I M-~ Access Engineering Emp. 2% Com. 5% Emp. 60% Com. 40% Emp. 12% Com. 15% "'(') -r" (J:..... f " 10 " Figure 4 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study PM Peak Hour' Traffic Commercial + MUE Uses Emp. 1% Com. 5% (1)0" ~ I I I ~ I \ "UE Ughl Induslriol Uses LEGEND 100< - Employment Trips (XXX) - Commercial Trips (5) ~ (7)12" t , " (') (14) IrIc..- """-Ilp... -cFi8LD II1G8rAY Emp. 10% Com. 15% (15) o J (22)Oj L. Ughl Induslriol Uses =---~ SOliTBiiiN PAClYl~~=-- I Emp. 15" Com. 20% M-~ Access Engineering Figure 5 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study 2006 PM Peak Hour Volumes Commercial + MUE Uses, 142 247 J ~ .. r 109 362 +'90 .r'9 1 MUE I Business ~ p,~ I \ 2B6'" 10,. L__ =---- =-- Sorf'l'rr-.---;'; - - =- .,..... PAClP/C R.R. ..~-- 76 237 J ~ 256j t 657,. .. 98 756 ..t 14 663 I M-~ Access Engineering Figure 6 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Additional PM Peak Hour Traffic From Commercial + MUE Uses. Exist. Prop Emp. 1~1-2 1-2 Com. 5~ 0-0 1-2 . LEGEND xxx - Industrial Exist. Prop Emp. 2~ 1-4 1-4 Com. 5~ 0-0 1-2 , ~ '-,. , t " . Prop t . " Exist. Prop Emp. 12~ 7-26 7-27 Com. 15~ 0-0 3-6 Exist. Prop Emp. 10~ 6-22 7-27 lUc"- Com. 15~ 0-0 3-6 ""~-Sp/lJJ{1117RuJ ll1C~~r , " J~ "..it-, t '-,. . t8 ~. -#"" :~, r -,. , 11 I J I.lUE I Business ~ Po" I \ 15 J "..it-, '-,. . Light Industrial Uses Light Industrial Uses L__~ --=----=- SOVTIIEiiN PACl1!c R.R. r= Emp. 15~ 9-33 Com. 20~ 0-0 Prop 9-34 4-8 bi-~ Access Engineering Figure 7 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study 2020 PM Peak Hour Volumes Industrial Zoning ~ou. 170 290 J ~ ,t 6-40 490 30003 750" ~ .... ... 200 280~ -r4. 14" I I I ~ I I \ I I L__~__ SOIlT1Jjjjj -PAClFl~ ~~- 90 270 J ~ ,t 100 825 230j 145" 24 986 J ~ 85j .. t 54" '. 14 705 ( b1-~ Access Engineering Figure 8 Hammer Zone Change Traffic Impact Study 2020 PM Peak Hour Volumes Add Commercial + MUE Uses w.: ~ou. ..j 75~ 170 292 .. ~ ,t 660 495 .205 .r.7 I NUE J J ~ J J \ 285-+ 21~ , f 33 120 L_ -~- -~ -=-- SOIlTlliRN PAC/JjC R.ll. ~ -~=---. 39 986 .. ~ ,t 20 705 I M-~ Access Engineering . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Appendix B Traffic Data Summary Sheets Access Engineering May 20, 2005 MRR-4-2005 12:09 FRoM:SPRINGFIELD TRRNSPoR 541-725-3781 . . ~UU4 I UHN vUUN I;; TO: 94853253 P.4/4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No ; 42nd_Marcola_PM ; 00000359 : 08/26/2004 ; 1 Grouns Printed. Cars. Trucks & Buses Mareola Road 42nd Street Marcola Road From East From Snuth From West Stan Time Thru I Left I Peds I Ann. Tatal Rlnhtl Lell I Peds I Ann. Total RTrihtT Thru"1 Peds I Ano. Total Int. Total I Factor 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 I 1.01 1.0 1.01 04:00 PM 30 55 0 85 49 14 0 63 39 61 0 100 248 04:15 PM 34 45 2 81 90 21 0 111 41 66 0 107 299 04:30 PM 29 41 0 70 74 21 0 95 28 53 0 81 246 - 04:45 PM 29 56 0 85 n 22 0 99 32 60 0 92 276 Total 122 197 2 321 290 78 0 368 140 240 0 380 1069 05:00 PM 37 42 0 79 67 17 0 B4 32 49 0 81 244 05:15 PM 45 63 0 98 101 15 0 116 43 78 0 119 333 05:30 PM 33 32 0 65 90 39 0 129 35 82 0 117 311 05:45 PM 21 47 0 68 B6 23 0 89 43 88 1 132 289 Total 136 174 0 310 324 94 0 418 153 295 1 449 1177 Grand Total 258 371 2 631 I 614 172 0 7861 293 535 1 829 I 2246 Apprch % 40.9 58.8 0.3 78.1 21.9 0.0 35.3 64.5 0.1 Total % 11.5 16.5 0.1 28.1 27.3 7.7 0.0 35.0 13.0 23.8 0.0 36.9 Marcola Road 42nd Straet Marcola Road From east From South From West Stan Time Thru I Lelll Peds Aoo. Total Rlnhtl Left I Peds I Aon. Total Rlohtl Thru I Peds I Ann. Total Int. Total I Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM . Peak 1 nf 1 Intersection 05:00 PM Volume 136 Percent 43.9 05:15 Volume 45 Peak Factor High Int. 05:15PM Volume 45 Peak Factor 174. 56.1 53 o 0.0 o 53 o 310 324 94 775 22.5 98 101 15 05:30 PM 9B 90 39 0.791 04:45 PM 332 335 93 78.3 21.7 05:30 PM 98 90 39 0.847 o 0.0 o o 418 153 295 34.1 65.7 116 43 76 05:45 PM 129 43 88 0.810 05:00 PM 428 153 295 34.1 66.7 06:45 PM 129 43 88 0.829 I 449 l1n 0.2 0 119 333 0.884 132 0.850 Peak Hnur Frnm 04:00 PM 10 05:45 PM . Peak 1 of 1 By Approach 04:30 PM Volume 140 192 0 Percenl 42.2 57.B 0.0 HI9h Int. 05:15 PM Volume 45 53 0 Peak Factor o 0.0 1 0.2 449 o 132 0.850 MAR-4-2005 12:08 FROM:SPR4IilIELD TRANSPOR 541-726-3781 .c:::vu~ I unl''J '-'~UI"" I C' . TO: 94853253 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No P.Y4 : Hwy126EB_42nd_PM : 00000355 : 08/25/2004 : 1 - . Grouos Printed- Cars. Trucks & Buses 42nd Street 4.2nd street HWY. 126 EB Ramp .. From North From South From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds App. Right Thru Left Peds App. Right Thru Left Peds App. Int. Total Total Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 27 56 0 0 83 0 160 34 0 194 134 0 57 0 191 468 04:15 PM 18 49 0 0 67 0 138 18 0 156 .ML 0 40 0 188 411 04:30 PM 12 45 0 0 57 0 T3::1" fr 0 150 136 0 ----7+r- 0 183 390 04:45 PM 13 52 0 0 65 0 155 18 0 173 136 0 61 0 197 435 Total 70 202 0 0 272 0 585 88 0 673 554 0 205 0 759 1704 05:00 PM 26 44 0 0 70 0 175 19 0 194 152 0 52 0 204 468 05:15 PM .17 59 0 0 76 0 193 26 0 219 154 0 ..1lL-. 0 224 519 05:30 PM 19 44 0 0 63 0 149 29 0 178 153 0 79 0 232 473-' 05:45 PM 18 50 0 1 69 0 159 25 0 184 145 0 45 0 190 443 Total 80 197 0 1 278 0 676 99 0 775 604 0 246 0 850 1903 Grand Total 150 399 0 1 550 I 0 1261 187 0 1448/ 1158 0 451 0 16091 3607 Apprch % 27.3 72.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 87.1 12.9 0.0 72.0 0.0 28.0 0.0 Total % 4.2 11.1 0.0 0.0 15.2 0.0 35.0 5.2 0.0 40.1 32.1 0.0 12.5 0.0 44.6 4:~-S'\"'A 6'6 t;5'G 8'1 57fo Start Time RI9ht Peds App. Right App. Right App. Int. Total Total Total Total Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 05:00 PM Volume 80 197 0 1 278 0 676 99 0 775 604 0 246 0 850 1903 Percent 28.8 70.9 0.0 0.4 0.0 87.2 12.9 0.0 71.1 0.0 28.9 0.0 05:15 Volume 17 59 0 0 76 0 193 26 0 219 154 0 70 0 224 519 Peak Facial 0.917 High Int. 05:15 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM Volume 17 59 0 0 76 0 193 28 0 219 153 0 79 0 232 Peak Factor 0.914 0.885 0.916 Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 011 By Approach 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 04:45 PM Volume 80 197 0 1 278 0 676 99 0 775 595 0 262 0 857 Percent 28.8 70.9 0.0 0.4 0.0 87.2 12.8 0.0 69.4 0.0 30.6 0.0 High Int. 05:15 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM Volume 17 59 0 0 76 0 193 26 0 219 153 0 79 0 232 Peak Factor 0.914 0.885 0.923 MAR-4-2005 12:08 FROM:SPRWIELD TRANSPOR 541-725-3781 . TO:94853253 2004 TURN COUNTS P.2/4 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : Olympic_ 42nd_PM : 00000353 : 08/24/2004 : 1 42nd Street .. .-,-.- 42nd Street .-- ..._-~.__. '." .--.-.-------..- Olympic street .' From North From East From South From West Start Time Righi Thru Peds App. Peds App. Thru Left Peds App. Right Left Peds App. Int.I Total Total Total Total Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 30 118 0 148 0 0 132 19 0 151 36 58 0 94 393 04:15 PM 24 186 0 210 0 0 122 18 0 140 35 28 4 67 417 04:30 PM 33 162 0 195 0 0 139 17 0 156 26 55 0 81 432 04:45 PM 22 171 0 193 0 0 111 22 0 133 25 44 1 70 396 Total 109 637 0 746 0 0 504 76 0 580 122 185 5 312 1638 Grou~s Printed. Cars - Trucks & Buses 05:00 PM 30 173 0 203 0 0 162 18 0 180 29 37 0 66 449 05:15 PM 36 186 0 222 0 0 138 21 0 159 33 40 0 73 454 05:30 PM 26 165 0 191 0 0 110 12 0 122 20 48 0 68 381 05:45 PM 30 152 0 182 3 3 98 18 0 116 26 40 0 66 367 Total 122 676 0 798 3 3 508 69 0 577 108 165 0 273 1651 . , Grand Total 231 1313 0 15441 3 0.: I 1012 145 0 11571 230 350 5 5851 3289 Apprch % 15.0 85.0 0.0 100.0 87.5 12.5 0.0 39.3 59.8 0.9 . Total % 7.0 39.9 0.0 46.9 0.1 30.8 4.4 0.0 35.2 7.0 10.6 0.2 17.8 From East App. Peds App. Thru App. Right App. Int. Total Total Tolal Total 692 0 813 0 0 550 78 0 628 113 176 1 290 1731 65.1 . 0.0 0.0 87.6 12.4' 0.0 39.0 60.7 0.3 186 0 222 0 0 138 21 0 159 33 40 0 73 454 0.953 05:15 PM 3:45:00 PM 05:00 PM 04:30 PM 36 186 0 222 0 0 162 18 0 180 26 55 0 81 0.916 0.872 0.895 Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 By Approach 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 04:30 PM 04:00 PM Volume 121 892 0 813 3 3 550 78 0 628 122 185 5 312 Percent 14.9 85.1 0.0 100.0 87.6 12.4 0.0 39.1 59.3 1.6 High Int. 05:15 PM 05:45 PM 05:00 PM 04:00 PM Voluma 36 186 0 222 3 3 182 18 0 180 38 58 0 94 Peak Factor 0.916 0.250 0.872 0.830 .... c: ~ o U C)c: 3:E O::Cll tli~ 3::i: C)Cl a1'~ (1)5 f31- US u:;:; '0:(0 Cll 11l ... 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Mo'vementi'~!?~;;1At0f;!'\Li{',~!j,ffi!;;iJ?'$Y11\EBI1~i;ffi;;);EBR'iI~NB.l5~NBTi%\Siwt:SBT~~v;SBRt:1i0[iJ2~Jf}*1E~'Vi4~\1!i~f.~t1Ql!~1fi';t!1t9Ityf;.i1.w*,ruH4S'?:t1%t~i*!Y~';K::vi Lane Configurations 'I.'" 'I + fo Ideal Flow (vphpl) '1 BOqf:!~\~,1~09~E~,,~ .1800~.::/:: 1800 ::~." '1800 ;jE1~89q~:'~~~~;ilik{!il1~;'~~j~~~~t~~r;}lt:L41;;~iE::i;;:2~Ett~1:;,~~e't:::',~~~~~.'~.,:;.~:;~:: Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane'Uti!. Factor .00iH:;..100;'::,,1,OO :!;;..,1':0q", 1 Frt .00 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.97 Fit :Protected "j:A;: ;$~~rtt:!j~';.,~:O:952:S::1:.00}~ii::O:9~ t~:;, ~1.:0Q0'/':' f 1':9o..r~~t;:~~lt(~W~:~~;t~il~~D'~til;tlt%t~qZt8):2~~*~l~1fE{fi:f:.;;l1';l~f~5ST{~r;~r~~N~M:: Said. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1657 FIt ,:Permitted' ,t>-.:_;;;'~lim',-:iK1~@j!O~9~'0t;Bf;:.1 ':OO;~~:lt,.:O; 95:r;:K~:1'~OD~T{~~,1 .Oog;',~l~1:~~'5~mi;0~Sl~~1~igt~1,~@'~~t!~~t'i~;;~g;i~~~ti;~r~~1~~~~~~~~~xr~i;Y~:;, Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1657 Volume (vph). ",:::::~~.!;*tJWll;~;:: 25~i~~f{;~630~Li'. ;B5i~~D::,690f~<':_': 229 \1~';~~A75f~~M!;r:i;;t~~:;&~JiBGi0:~?"m~tr:rr~~t~~;2i?j~1%;:~~s~m:J~$,;~~~i;': Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 Ad)'. Flow (vph) <.."',:~!!\:i'P"f"i~['-266',#W;663'('I):,,'. , ""~,-,'-,,,,,,:,,"'f,ih",,' ,""i;',' " , " ',~'., ,. RTOR Reduction (vph)'" .. 0 239" Lane' Groupo;F.low:(vph)~~"t:J2"{;;266E'''~:l,li'424~~~j':''~ ", B9t":f,;::'~!~726fY,,; ; 322,::tI~:~:~~}Ot:,;~;jffi;~1:i;1~~;~tHli~i;~~~Y;~r~q;fi}J~2Jf~},,~;~Y~E1i<';;~'ytL~?i~t~t~~. Turn Type pm+ov Prot ProtectedtPhases;:0;f:A5\;j'r","'-,~I~.r$t1i;i~4~'~m~t,t~4sgH;;iG,' , ,"ndD':'-"'-O;""",l~, ,~b~.:th,t,"':"" ,.':,",. "'. '.,.....L,'o'~'" Permitted Phases 4 Actuat~~ Gr~_~~fqJ(~)i~~~fb~f:~[1t~'~liai'~2~,t7di~Di13'{~};~5f:~~;~~J3~:'~;~fi0~~~~m!2~1}?ill*~i~1,t~1~!lEirt$l~~~k~ii~~~1Wllir~!;~~~~[ Effective Green. g (s) 13.6. 52.9. 35.3 .' A~tuated~g/C:~~!i~!~;It~r~~;!:Q:,t~;~!~~.9~.~,<<~.~tQt~ ~;:~~(Q;~z:15111{f19;:4.~;~~~ifb~W~1rf::l~~f;1Lliti~Iti~1t~~i~JB~I~~~frlilf~t~?t~~~ttiji Clearance Time (s). _.... _ ...4.0 ..... 4.0... .4.0.. 4:0 4.0. _ ..... ._'. '" .. .. .... .. . .... _... _ .. .. '. ... .. VehicleiExtensiohr(s)Yf,i~i~.{itiE~~'i::2!5~_f!~:~'-2~5~#ff[:'~.-2~5?;~;:';'~2:5~t:Wt'2:;'5~tYi~:r;~:,~:tr.'*~~~pr~~J:l~1l!:~\~~~,;i;~~Nh~%1f;{it:q:~!'fji(~~~?t~T€i!;Jli~;1tn'~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 306 616 295 1209 780 y{s:,~Ra~io":P.rC?t ;~:~~2~~:~i~~~1~1r~~;~1:0j~1~:~~9q;~1.'?:ili~?;f9!9?~E~r1~r~~~p :;1 ~i~~m~1?l~x~';~li~~il:~f~i~~~~t~,}~t~~1};t~~ilti~,#l~1~$~J~r vis Ratio Perm 0.17 Delay Level l-nt~ers~=on'S-um'mary_~.''''i#'~~.:liIlsW~''~IJ!t~fW''''''''~~J!\!~'.W~'W~"'l _ -- enS5CtIOUf;" "+ ,'i/i"-,-,, __ ' , . 6',,; '.. _it" /;Jil-,:'~1f?,;r!\m __ __ __, __ _,%'j~Il'MH0>L ..H~',,, ~,., ',4'-", 3iii, .... ,.' --"",3-;""_""h.. HCMAve~ageCo~tr?1 Delay _., ..._ .,19.1.,._ _ t:lC!'1Le,ve~~fServic,,,_.. ""_"_' __ B __...... ... ......... HCM'Volu meta. ;'c-' " "-"'~ty''''''''' ->>'t' '''":',)f~~::i"7,,/e,-t'');:t;:;:;f;,..f:~!"~ 0 :,:'71y.t}~~lirlIf.!1,t~J!:i;'..~,~:I,!(,/r;:;;;":('il$:";',-E<fi~'-',;r,~;";'~/^i;Fc)~"P,,,!,!:t,j:"7'~ itflf;' ",,:;<til;;,;1l;;,~\t}v0(ii0(::t!'';:t~;t,'':;;,'_~: t;j~;,~~,"1; , apacl ,ra lo""^"-"''-'f,,,>.,,,",,..,,__,,-,^,-,),,~," "I,~ ;,;,"--'-'~~"'1i'I",,,,;l,~,,,,,,..__,,,,,.,;;l:;:~,,,",..,,,,,,,,,,,,,...-'~"""'A"~,,,~,,,-..,);;~ry>;'A'i""N' '''''';''~' o-"m~'r::""""",L__"__.-_."__M:."",,, --,0 " ""~-I',l -' , ,- _" .'" .. ,:-~ ", -',..' " "..,.",~""1"~;:"~I.,'<:;""',"]i,'T,:":',,,,,>w;,;..,, . '\.,_.~~',l':;_ti.>-':'j,'.<,.,I.;,c,..'.(;.~;';,,7,"J,'::~~,:,;:;p.!,;!0c:~J",,_';'Z"'''Z'iii}''1f';i0n~V'' ';;- a:,' ,;Wiii:\; ,t_'t'N',J.J;.-.;."",~-".,."<""',";'O::.;,",;.;::.;~'I;~""..,,,,,';;I.:,f~:~, Actuated Cycie Length (s) 75.0 Sum of lost time (s) .. 12.0 Intersect.ion\CapaciJYi'M~!~~tJ9,i!J1W'tL~;t.'jjfP]~1~~;'2.;~:~;i1_~~'~~~~!.9qi.~.~v..~,I.r~fL~~~fYi~I~:B;'~0;:ttl~~~~W1ffgn~,~~~~~&~1;~3h~~~iW~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 c ; Cr!t,ical"L'ane;:<;;r~tiplt{~1~t.}:J~j:j~;21f:~A~~:!~ij])l~4~~:~;~;G:::,:~*t\t&~r~}~~~';;}ii<::;~i\:Hii;;$K%~~~f;~~i~f;J*m~1~~JlV,1t1~~f~~11!t~~~;~1~1;1ili;~~1l!#~fJ~;f5~y~;~~,~~j~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 1 . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2005 PM Peak Hour - Existing / "'). '\ t + ..; M' '-'--_.-'~'t'lf'fTiY\l""""'f~fj!,'0!>iIE'B"I'fl!"""E"B""R-N' B.t.lli'ljN'B"']"1i"fS',,*,lIl"'"SB'R't~,"f''':i'lRc~~~''',--_"_, ovemen ^,<:::;;(<,~i(:i;-~l;)tf"118.,"~,;,,,,~ L:f4!iiiJ1I, ~'%Jh L;:;t,:c@ ,.F~tY, , Di.I;<<,,,dM ,,;"}Eiijj~lZ:iffii'i'i't';i '0, ~,,"\iN ,.;"j<(;Ey~y;r,*{;;ii~;#,j(t.(}1fffif',jSim!jfi~j~!L:;~'i'f ~ Lane Configurations "i'" "i '" f- Ideal Flow (vphpl) :.i!,{,\<::i'i!'1800TI':-t1800'\, 1800"..:,1800':: "1800:.' _,.."_._...~.....",.:_,_ . ...., ..:.",,,,;,, .".. ' "~,,,....,.. ,.. ..." . -,_I, ~ . . Total Lost time (s). . '" .. . 4.0., 4.0. 4.0. 4.0. 4.0 Lane Uti I. Facto, : "v.--:1Sf~f~i;;,1.00".1i'!.j'.09';::<.1.00.tCJ"".1.00':.J 1 Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.98 Fit Protected '" .... ~:';?::I;~r~~:1:1~tt~~,O.95i~A>:;.1,.OO.:;J: ";,O.95r~f0,1:0o.;r:~;:'? t:oq;~,:~;~t,~j~~t~\]l:~;J~~~~;~1~&iM(itt~fi\~~~~;1~i~?~E(t~~~~::~~1:il~r-.g~,1;.~!?iJ: Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1679 Fit Permitted :'; /;: ~;il1.;!t:t\:D>tf.::o; 95:~~;:tf.,1 ;OO~:;,'~ ,:0 ,95':r;;~};\~1,:OO:'~~>~'-:1 . OOt;f:;!:~Fr,~,/~;~r?~s!f,'1~fif;;;~~if&~~0':~~~\;?}'"-l~~1;;~~~btffij~~.",.;~;;tr(b~./:;~7~~1~~ 1~~:,1f~t:. ._'_~ ,- "~__~"i,..,~,.~."."...l,. ~ .\",..-",,' "..:)'. - J'''~...... .- 'Nt --, .,,<. ;!it-'.dl""?"'r'c""'''ba,,_, '''10 .,'....,.'""'.~.~,1". ~~"\j-c~~.;".:.-'i.".t~".}..',...;,.,~."t .l:.,L'''r... U'''''~":J: .~.'\.'~. Satd Flow (perm) .. 1'629 1457 1629 1714 1679'" ". . ... .... -.. ..... . - ... ,,- Volume (vph) . "~::'~';':;$.::';i~I~2.?:f;19q::\!rt~i!.1,1 ~:~;:,<L~' ]~,:~;i!;~:i~58!?~~;k:, ,725 ~~;i)~:ii1 .~,1., :;.;:t1t~~fiJtt~~~~~i~~f~~~i~~~~;~~~~~~f,L~i;~f;~~:_~~ti~f1:?;ti~,t~~?i.f~) Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 Adj.'Flow"(vph), :-::;(l;-~)t~,~~1~:~.t2,t1l;~t~t~~,,132.~q!';' RTOR Reduction ("ph) ,- .. 0' - . 112 Lane' Group Flow~(vph)'~?'f~1ii~ 2:1\1ii~WT;~~;:20~0t~~ -:;841i~;~.J'650i~i~;"t'893~{);';~f;1b~!~~!~~4R'gtT;;~1l,~f.j~~l~~~ttI5~;~~~1~mj~~~;:~J~r~;~:!~i Turn Type Perm Prot Protected Permitted Phases Ac;tuate~lGre~ri;:,GJ(~Y.ll1j;~,~~~~t1:,$:~.f;~~1J'1~rr~~,~;A~'2.f&~D59:'?f:i1i0:r4 7.~5.j~~:~1@i~t:~~~;~g~Jj!;~~i~~'~~@!XH[~1Li\f~f~~&lli~Z~1~~Ir1l~.~1H~:jJ Effective Green, g (s) 11.3 11.3 4.2 55.7 47.5 Act'uated glC Ra'tl'o'~'~y.';~ft;ri'i~;'O' C1'5-'t;{}!8-0-:;Z15-"t8,1ir~0'061.r,~j~:0;;74-~1~f,~)!0'63- {i;~:-:;~i~}F?~0ilitiiz7j!Vii;;-fi~1zYIF:*G[tgi.?,:g.hi,ii#~')6::~~lf,j;~;;;+!~;;Y.fDl::i';Y<!f i~i\:-;'~~*~m;r. , .' - , . _ ~'#:Z:~"1;4~h" ,\ . .,E.t,,,J,,,-,,::~~';'l~l-~. L:'."~'I.{':>,<,,,. :, .'. ...~1~",. ',,:;;"1'"1.x~n:,~,~:'i-1.~~';l!91;;{;t.kllib:iiM~!,\l;;;~'~';!;1\-t'!'1I4!.>ii~trgt!.ilit8.0'l;Ai;: ;i!-X:-?:!f?;i;,;,:}~k~;1;-;"i'$;.lj Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Vehicle:Extensionl(s)'&~}f:"f?f<{i;"~i2'!5n~;07.;;2j'5~~*.;~,.2t5:~rn~:;.'~'2I5?rNt2'J215R1\~~0:~,~~';tra~;j~1;~~:~ilti::~1~iti~~j!~~11:;ii~7:ifJ[t~~1~';~i~}f,;i~~1'r~~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 245 220 91 1273 1063 v/s~Ratio~F?rof~i;~~ii~,'A)#.J%.g1'ilr,;sif'cQ>13~v;1t~~rt~~;WcO:05~l,Dlo.~38~1;{~COi53~~"",.~m\\~t~ir\iVgIifJ;i0~\~'t~1iDilf1$k!~;~!~~R1~~,1{j~:rffit~~,,{1m~7fr01S'~l:rJ~B:i~~. . -.. ---,..,,,~,,,;,,,,,,,,,,',.""".i'''_'~., ....",.... ..',,,.....,..""" ...., ,,,,,",*,",..,,,,,,, ,,,,,. ,',"h~ "''''_-'.,~,~ ..;.~,>-l~ '..,. ,.."),,,. """";.',,,,,,",,:j;-'.1"'..1,",,,,;,,,,,, ,,,,,,,",,...'(";;r,~,\lh\-(f;.,,,,,,,,"~~",,,,,,<,,,,...,...1M~';i1.;,,,,,..... ,_~~""_"'''_'d;~'-!''',''.'";;>",,,,,, vis Ratio Perm 0.Q1 Uniform Delay, ,~.r6gr~s'sl!?!l~:F,a~~_~1~~\~~vlitE;r:10~qQ2~1!~~.qqJ~~~~1:'IQ.Qj!~f4it~,Qql~Ef:fiQ:~_?ltIls'i~~#;~~~~~~t;~~+lt~;~~l~~M0i~t[~~;~1[1~€~~~r~G4Y!~ Incremental Delay, d2 25.0 0.1 69.1 1.5 5.9 p~;lay' (s'Y, ,~: '~-'ht:$~~;tr~~:li~~~~t~!.?~}1J~i;?Z~~'ft~119~t3~d~~1~~.9.[~{t1.~t-Ji'j~~i~1b~r~~~1~kh1i1i~\'~:~fU;}~~~~WjJ~~i;~E~'~&~l~l~{mS;tl:~~f~~;f Level of Service E C F A B Approach LOS lntei'SeCiii5'i1fSUri\'1i1Sry,Illl1l'fJl~~i1~llIt1!r~~4'ii!~1/i1Jr1~1Il&~j,~~#?"~'IiI~\l!!i~~_~~ HCM Average Control Delay 21 A HCM Level of Service C .H.9M:'Yolum.e:"tq_(~,~P~RtfY.~L~~i'~l}tt:%~';:~~~1jE~:~tf2f9~~5;t~;i~~~lr1~~~~i;;K\~('~J?:L~:~1&#~~~}~~*1uj~Tli~4ilia~l~f~iJ~1111giljP~lill'~Jft1@1~1l'rL~;~~1~~~Ti-t~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 75.0' Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection -9apac!tYL41tm#itiifdt:tr~}U:;Yrf~}f:~J~J-~7~~2%1.~11~t;$;lmC"~1.~.e.veW~rLSe:rYj~~,f~litYd8I1il7~~~~~:~;~~dHf.r~~IT~~m1~!7Z1W~;?;?JEt~1~~;t~11J~~4 Analysis Period (min) 15 ~;. :-::Critj~.r. Lane::~tqgpiY::~!~:k:.01t~~~Ht!m~:?0:;jiif~~I?~l~";~iEtt11WHC~~;2;:!!~{~~:.i';1~?}\~t};m~ff~~l!&~;i~~~~k;~1~~~f~f~q~nfiit~~~;;[tBv!ji;iilif{y$%~:k1tkt~~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 2 . 1: Marcola Rd & 42nd Street HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2005 PM Peak Hour.. Existing -+ " .. - ..., ". Movements'~Z_4\;~~IlEB;r~~EBR1!tmWBI2'f~WB:rill'!ll:NBC!',J;i.1iNBR~_~i1&~illlll~i.Jiji},j';~~1i'~- LaneConfigurations,,_ '.. ~.".. "I" .,." "I""" "." ",,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,__,,, '. "''', Sig n C ontro,l l:~. ,;.;;}:~,'t;;~JzK~fF ree~~~ji~J;;:,\m~E;:~'~:. : .:'~Yt~':(\~- ~ ree_c :'.;' .; Stop' Y :;:[~.:.~~:, ;', . :It'!i~.:Bij;~:,~~f:~~::~jJ;~;~(;'I~';~~};A~~~:;t:~!Lh;;':.h~~)\,'~~Ji~ ti~~"~:;;:~/J~~~'fu Grade 0% 0% 0% Y,olume (veh/~j;' ::,~:j:~-~;~~t;~R~~1~~~:325IDb'<..1-68:~~:~~~!.~:J 9t1~1;~;:;;1 ~q:,~ Peak Hour Factor 0,90 0,,90 0,,90 0,90 0,,90 Hourly flow rate;(vph)iir'cftliii!il361'i';'-'i,'J 8Tiii""212 ::::'1::,167.1:1,':' ',1 . " ." ,..~ ",.:_\";"ju,.)."..,.,,,..._.. . .",-.,-.I"j ,,' ',., y.; ""d, .' ,_, ,.;.~,<"..~". '." .."t.. Pedestrians Walking Speed Percent Right turn flare Median type: " Median storage platoon vC 1, stage 1 conf vol 2 stage W'(s) , , pO queue free 'M . '''J C . .. ,-v""'.'"'rlo""C'\'$~t-~'P""''''"'''>''~:''.'~"tf:~"'' C. .,'capaclty,; (v.~h/h)tq~rre;:;::",,:-")h*J:}:\~;;~;~:';'',;;:\.1f~N{,.~i\;:(11;1 , . . .,....... L>t_,W.~'""",>,_"",,,, ..,... ....,'~i.c.,..__>.. ...,_..... ..=. lDli'eclion.~ane:'#'f!!!l.~\itfEB~iffiiwBr2iiSNBF:1lilii'1NBI2ii~~~mi~~!tiI&'$;:""~"iW"~ Volume Total!'''' "~^"~~.I'v'v1'~'$j:.";';''<'i' r 548'~9o;.:';:212;'i;;';';'':'''~167:W}-;>\';Ll114;~}''':''.396;:;;;'"''~''';''~ 'C~'::'''J$t;-/)'iV'i'-t'\':{;.';'!i:i:.-;'g .:,~;,;j:{...)1'jm~"i"h -!r:;~,;;,::;tF,-~:,,j..~~Ii~;''''46;;''':'t~ -"~' : . 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" ..lWth;;;{\:::lt;;:;47J.\\~i~b;!o.t18;,tii4~\;h;,;;t-;Bii:),~-,: %;"~~t?}lt{;;~.J::!..~I.,tt'i:J~;:~,:~::~~;glt\t,i;;t.;t!b,\:i1i;; cSH 1700 1181 1700 205 599 Yo~urri~ -t6:1~~p'a~CiW1:~~~t~;~~fi(iL9l~?]1'1ci},;QI1~IM~Q!::1Q#Xr~:Q:::,2~~nttO)6~~2~~~~~.~iJtf~g%f~ID~i;~f1l~'~j~~~*W~fi)rm{i1~~!1~~~4~~~~~%~ Queue Length 95th (ft) 0 16 0 75 122 Cpntrol;Del"ay:j(*)~?j~~)W~1t~~Jf~Q:Q~~~~18~Z~~~t?f9i.9.Fi~.g]!i:~;:'t1:fJl~g~fl!i[~~~!Rt;.t~~;tTI~~ffi;1i~J1i~:~~~~~j:fut:~~tf2k~ilifJ:l&~~%;~~~~~ Lane LOS A E C LOS lmemedronr$umm~4{~~~.~i;~~~~Bti~f~1~fl~M~~~~~<<<<~~A~ Average Delay. 10.7 ' . '''',:; Analysis :C."",;,"',,:, CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 3 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2005 PM Peak Haur - Existing .J- ,. "\ t + ~ M" '-~'-"'-'t'"'l~'''''!1;~'iJ!j~^'''''~EB'i!'''!1CEB''R'' :~;,jN"S'ir--B~itN'BT"~S' 'ST".V'1ii'7S'S"R' ~'1'?,W"?!,_"~.,~""",~,,j'iJ!j_~,,,,,,,,,,. ovemen ,~""A~S:~.i),,y.3\h:::'h.,,,,,'rt~!fX':'T ,J.:'W;tJtiF ..j_~," ' J,:~);", llfi\~t'J{,I,*:1"~';i ",' \iiiilk1~'B;.r~~;'k1;WY;\.Wi(;C1:.'r.:;;'~\W'k4W::01\"k'),jtf.Y!!:'U:r#,iTY'Siii"'W, Lane Canfigurations , '... 'i, '{f ,'i" +, To" ..,. .,_...... .__,".". . Sign Control '.~, ,/:~~~~~H~~.:}~l:".,~top:~<'.;';~~i.;;j;';' ",i,:t;!,.;! F.re~:_:,I~'fr;re~?~;~j:K:,:;(i':~~1;X:f16:~y~g(;;gAi~~~f;;:1~ij;;1~~1,'tU: ':.'..: :'{i~ir11::~.\':';-t Grade 0% 0% 0% :Valume (veh/h) .:.:tii~:~;'f:"- ,55,-~{:'60 i:'. 534H:)."<l09: -;;':24 t4L:,;1'40, Peak Haur Facta,""'"'''''O.90''' '0.90" '0.95 . 0.95 . 0.90" . '0.90' Hourly f1ow.,rate:, (\fpbH~~~~~ftti::~ ;_l?~ il1{.: 6?,::/{~::~9?~~:',";{~~J~;~m;t;2~.?J(Jf;;:{~1,9~9.:Jlffl~~1~\'t'3!!ti~,iss'i#";r~:~:~1t~i:1~'b:~;;;~~,lt~liiii~:~;~1-?~:::~':~~' Pedestrians Lane Walking Speed Percent Blackage Right turn flare Median type' Median storage pX, plataan vC, vC 1, stage 1 canf iDlr8cti0'iW!l!1lnel#~Eet1l\1BI\IB~1"i'!lBj2ii1!!sI:rh:1~~tt",_1.Ai~j,r,...~ ."~ ,;1Y,"~\l/J$ Molu.!T1e ',J" ot~JL?~I-:~jWtt{<<m.~t~!J0j:f~t?&~L~id~i96~~fit:~:1~Jlwf!:;JA!?~~~Xf;~i~i,~;;jf8'!E~j~i~~@}~&~lrf:%:i~X~l:6i);~kIf~:,~~~'~1l~:~]:f,t~k;ftZ~~::~~ Valume Left 61 562 0 0 Appraach LOS ImerseClI(in~Sl1mma'. Average An~lysis,~eriad CMW Access Engineering Ine Timing Plan: Default Page 4 5: Industrial Ave. & 42!Street HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2005 PM Peak Hour - Existing ./ .. ~ t + .I "' ~'~~'-"'-"'_!Y1"~"-" .... ... ",l'im"EB""R" ",,,"". "!7<''''''N-B'''1r"''''SB''''''~'S'' ~''"'''''_._i!l~''l.l;.~~''_"'''i>'~'''''*"'' Movementi;~~t~_4:;w,'6i1)Ry"]~kG:*?t~EB.!'i::l';;!TI - - -_~!ITikNBL~!\i - jl~(,~' _ :Hf~~\:i~ BR.'x,~t,ill>11!A3~iH$\~i}!1$jwtf:jm%t~~_~_~ii€<~;s,~N~?ibi~}'%Wh!;t,)iF<l';!t~ ~~gn: g~~~~lura"t.i~:~:~iit:~l;~L~{~;StO~,_i~;~~~j :-'-~~S:~~f:' ~.,:!t~~i~re~::~~,~tr!;kfE;_:~3~;Y:;:j,:1L)'t~fi::ti~Uf~H#~tffi;~:~;~~~~I~':R;;~::j1i~'~.ti,f~~1F~lii~;',,;~~~~;r Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume (veh/h) - - ":5:;i;~:C 21;'j:;:l' "'~.-\~51:t~1\q5_5f:~;?j~40,,~~)~~E~t1~t~t~M~~4~{~1i;~t~li-i&@10Jilii'~1!it~~~;;;~;Mi~;~tt:;';~~S~;lli1Q~;' Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 Hourly.flow rate'(vph),"",;,""F:~ii,"6'2.~! "23~'" . . ,. "';<' ;'.t:;:;':"'1',$~"':."'~"..A;.,;~~.,~,\.',_";,tJ;;',',,,:' Pedestrians Lane Walking Speed Right turn flare Median " Median storage "'-'''''''''''''l!r"'"''I''''""'''''''''-''''~'''"B-r2-.iB''''--'''B'~-~-",,"~~''!1'''.~'''' ~lrewIOn;Jane/,1ttgjm;~Ws.u::Dk'JW~4t: '.'1 "!Jt-JAll"H'~lz~~ )ilflfu;~&~fjj;;11;'Wt!!;l5ijJ'tf$1~t;;!r~,,~Wii " ,..,9..",-" ~, ,,' J!}:~0'lfiffln"9i:ll;hV~~4~ y'oILJme.J~taJ\~,~d~~!j*f!~1rr\1-llii;~~~~,,9J.;1i:itkrk,~p..m:,~'sc;L?_:?,~~%~~:?,,~ttlrm~tfrfilit1~li!ft~[K~}m~~itf~~;~:in(~~~~i~~iil~tlJjj}i~~{~lK~:&D~:~~)ti,~~ Volume Left 6 0 6 0 An:IY~,~~"Period J_' . '"~ '_' CMW Access Engineering inc Timing Plan: Default Page 5 6: 40th St. & OlymPiC' HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2005 PM Peak Hour - Existing ..) "'t ~ ~ '\ ~ MavemenfJ1lil!:Jf~~~~*EB~EB~NBi!2~NB~(fSER!ll1!SER2~?~~1I:;'#~~1l'ilillIW1ilW9'1!i'jli~1l<!\~~] Lane Configurations 1Ij 7' 1Ij 1Ij II Sig n Co ntro ,I. ',_ :JL.J~ ::;~f~r:;,:-i:~~,;~iH; Sto Pt\\;~;'~ ",' ,jfJ;1~~~~ '7~{~1t}.~ r~e ~':,T:' I:~ G.r~e,{,~:~~-_;~~H~~:;(~H!:!~j-;:~~~r.;;;f~j:~;n~;:1~n~~.:~~;i;,l ;;i~,;,?t~~:~i?fj19;~~;:: f:"~~~(:i;1;i~~~' Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume' (veh'th)'"":i;i~_~_3(cJ!~~;Jii~{1~'. ,.': ~ ~'E;tT;.: 2~}f.~t, : '24:i!'~'~~.1 ?~\t~:: ';;:280'~~'~~'::;~,:~;~f:tiii~:;iJ;:;,f)r~~~'li~'~{~1~{~f~i'~~;33!~!~~f;:~~~,;l';W;;jt~'~%r::t~~b03:H-t~ \: Peak Hour Factor 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly flow. rate:(vp!1)';:;:;'refl~~;' Pedestrians Right turn flare Median type- '. Median storage f:jirealot1!!~~EB~EB'2"'N~Eil2lJi1SE~1illit.~~ii1l\1!Y~~~~ 'Yol~me:fTot~J;~)&,:;~;~~;ti~~t~li~~~~iL8;*i(~~;???,0;l:})[~;~g?A~~'gP!~Ui~.t;:.~.;t~~-i4~,~[~tl~~;I1):\~~~f~~~~~@J![14'iL~~;ttj~;it~1~:mtf~~~\S;~~~~~ Volume Left 8 0 27 0 0 ~n.alysis CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 6 . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study . Appendix D LCOG Modeling Results Access Engineering May 20, 2005 11/06/2003 18;39 FAX 541 68411635 LCOG WF BLDG . @003 . 11/06/2003 18:39 FAX 541 68411635 LCOG WF BLDG . @004 w ~ <u <u<u ~ ", '" ?[~[~(~I~I '" '" 0 0 mill ~ """, '"' ~ ill c:0'--- om ::;~'::o ..(\J ~'" "'~ 00> B:-, ill ~ S "' "''" 0..0 '" z - , wz z~ "'~ -" UI-- W - ~ <u _ ~o E_ -"- <roc ~ ,,~ ~ - CO> '" ~ IW a: on'" , 011; , ~"- '-' <u on ,",0 a: CD "- '" '" 0"0 OJ B1J '" " ~1I2 "'" "" 595 "'@ '" 9J< <if; " JJ 1" it' ti.?14 " Qj ~ fu "", ~ " [?cl) ."-."",";c,,=..~,,, '^ ~ ~ -;: is HlaS "'~ ::~ "" is " , H18;-- "'-. 0 (() ~ '" W ;;:::: .:::> L .-J ~ r ~~ , 0 > " 0.. 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I ~~ -- '" " ~ '" z j!; " ..;...; ~ '" ...:...: , ~ '" ~ " '" . '" , , . 7" , ,. S' is Q~" " n, ""0 m~ o>"~ a"'''' o~~ z" "'~ - .", 0> ~ . """ N V' 'U , fu u ~ 1S fi!j006 "'M~ V'~o .n ~ N .0 ~ '" 0 I W Z ~-'o _ ~ '" 'ow MOO: 0"00 L I , "" n. r n. ~ ./ M '" or: o~ NO> ~ 0 c ~ ./ <n r ~ -' . or: ~ z . 0: 0 ~ ~ or: 0 " c " => <to C or: ~ 0 w n. Z . W C '" 0 => . w~ ~ V' <nN wo 3N >--V' UN ,~ 0 -,'" a <to ,,-a NO: ,'" wz >::W ru W~ . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study . " Appendix E 2006 Synchro6 Reports Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2006 PM Peak Hour - w/PA & zc ./ "'). ~ t + .; '''''~''-''",.,,-~,,~~~,- . ""'~. ."""",r ."""""., ~. '. '''OJ'''''' ..!__"',""_,.~,"'.~.._ Movement:*"l~f"'iliii'''''w'',~~,$EBI!''!''J~EBR""",NBl!",,,,,NB,,~,SBT"'",lSBR'_TI'~B",~,,,,,,,~.0li,,~,~tMi,,,,,,,,,,,,',,,"f,,,j Lane Configurations "i 7' "i '" '" 7' Ideal Flow (vphpl):;:;~~~~:ii:~1:';~_~.~ _?99;;!}:K;.180.~3\L:180qi{L:';1 ~oq '[;~ . ",1800"'.i}~"180q !.t~~tI~]flli;~'UIf;~{~~f~~?~~i~}~~~;E,:,~~c~~%J$2\~1.;,3t~!1~t~.;X~;'... Total Lost time (s), ,. . 4.0,.. 4.0 4.0, 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util, F actor.';~~:;ill:j~1:;:0~~~:t}11,:OO~it~nf:1'.Oq.r;t;~~1' :.OQ~,~j~k~.~oo:' ;.;L,:~:OQ5~:,~ 1'.09~;~i~i1ttt~~~jR~~:~~f~~~~tf;Hh~'i:11z~~{i:~'~1l~~I~f~;tt;:~~~;~H~~u~:-;( Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Fit iProtected' >': :~~:j(!_~~~l:~~~hkj9;fJ?.~.hKt';!~oqt~(t,O. 9~im~:,"~:.1'.OO~&';L,';~~ ~Oq}ltt~:.1.90 ~~I;!j~~~:~:~}1:~~~~;~~;}1\~i1~~~t~0;~~~~~~:j~~u~t*~~~:~~1;Pa,; Satd. 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Adj ..'Flow;{vph) ~C;}:2{t:;~~;:~f~\.~;.li{~~~~2.]~illlJ~: )~3':t.;f~~ 632.~1ii<~2 ~;;,::~ .',:2? 4.t~;~~:'158)~:~M~~;~~,~~~[~~\~l!~~~~~~1.[~~1t!fflJij;i~&;;t~t~7: RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 69 0 0 0 103 Lane: Grou'ptFlowi(vptiY::~Wf~;~5;ii ";62';j:1It?:YW~4:~i'iJ?:~ '632J~;'j~442:iJ~(" ~"2741(,j:~ :55C:'l;i~i\7~~~J~~~?~:t*attt1J,}:'0~rt~~~1:g:?i;~l~~;f~~R~~~;1~F!1!t1i~gl~; Turn Type Perm Prot Perm Permitted Phases Actuated': Gre~Q.~^t9j(~)~tJl~~21i1~~:r~t~j;1n~~~t?i;i~~&I;~~~~~~~~?;~i.~~;R?8'}tk~I~8~ltJi1t~t~~~E{fl!i~~J~;~Sl~~mIillEJ[~:~rW1~lT~'it;%3 Effective Green, g (s) 4.5 4.5 35,4 67.5 28.1 28.1 ,'.' . ;-.- .,_'."",..",t<l-:tn"~~~"';-- f -'-''''}'?'-:!0'!'' 'I.....--"'ii.:..w. . --""r;;;,T,~' ", ,"_~...~~., '_W'(;").' '., - n;'"~'/':'?'';''F.b'T;;;';;'':~;T1';7~-;'ij;J''' ;-:<M';V-1'1(;:'M!r :;;'-,>'\'-c',;"'''>;'~:;'@\~';'~'':'\'~'c'''~<::''.;l Actuated'g/CRatlo.n .d4""'0'06"~''''0 06", "0 44"'I.k"0'84"l"'0'35.~.'l '035 .-, "'~l'"".,,'"'~''''''' , ," 'l,'l ".,...'''....e'''.'' 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"_,Ji,e!,,r . ..3b_?;:fe.,' _ _'.lli:1;i,;"~ , ^_,:-:'5ii: .:'_.i,I1i~Ef;i~~~tJ'f&l1it~fut,":',!.,~;,;i;a.;;!:;{d~j"::;~'0XE0',,,'tr,: ag@~if;iktn'1P;:ilAitttJ:ffi- Uniform Deiay, d1 37.0 35.7 20.3 1.3 20.0 17.5 F?rogr~~sio~,:F:,?,st.9?\IL~~i~[i[~t'1:;Q.q~~t~~11~9R~K~9.~??~~1~~::P~~~h\~~;~,1':99~~~i~1.(~9.'~%:F~~f~~i[~~1~~&~l~'~1ir'~~~~lf~~'Ji~~~j~;:k~WW;[\ Incremental Delay, d2 16.2 0.2 9.5 0.4 0.4 0.1 D~J~Y~'(s)8~:~f;f;I~tf;f4~~fl]i~~~\t;~9'?}~~~E~2L~r~fi~~?I~Blk1.'I9ft~W~9.;,~;iift~i1lJRt~f[~\~!_r~1~~~%~~l~illri5j~~~~tl!~~hill[~~ti!~Htf~ Level of Service D DCA C B ImerSeCllOnfSliiiiffiarY_<df'~il:~.f__"!\,,,~?1J(4i!li!ilii>,~~'[~Iit~"".!M~~""""~l1Ifjisfjj;41Iil~,I[l HCM Average Control Delay 19.4 HCM Level of Service , B t:iC.MiYol~~.~;,~QI9~[~~tY~11t@J~~1illf~p.:~1ThW,j~il~'Q($_~:~]J1\\f:~[~lritk:~~f2~~ili)~!!;4f-~i';;1~1~trJN~~~~~r~~~~t:J;f~l;{t~mill~Y6~~~1jj#:t!~~i~!~f Actuated Cycle Length (s) 80.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 .If1ter~~ct,ion'!Capa.gity!ig!i,lg~ttqQ~~11~it#i?ilL~~}1%~;~~:~1~.I.~g,lJ;eY~L:?{.~~tyj9~10t&1~~~d!~~t~~tr~1~~~~~~i~t%1l?ij~il~~fiffiiE~~t::?iH~ Analysis Period (min) 15 S'; ,,~;Criticalitari~,;~Gr.9~"RJK;~j1~;~jj't~U,~~~~;K;:';,:2;_~~b~gi~\~:~~~~rt%?;~~;ii~0t:tr~;:fF~J&i:~~1:~;;~J~frf~;~~;~f~~e~f~~~?:~f11~tw\~rmf&lf~~~~~[~~111:~~tti- CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan, Default Page 1 . 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2006 PM Peak Hour - w/PA & zc ~ t '\ t + ..; M' '-~"'~',11'~?1!L'f,!";!:;~".'m!q-E"Bi,,,i1'JE'B'R'''''14'N''' 'B'll'-'N'B'T~~sB"'mJ'fIIJ"'s"B'R";~--~~'~ ovemen 1:ii!0k'!1:JYi!fM,',*0~r;:,;gIfW . L::::82 ,.1.1;;':,1'1 " L:,';;.:JJ;:;'I(ii. 'it~n;! , wr.tbilh ,f'I'+*,..>~"'2f\~~mff4;:"'i~J5,f:~t!i:h-h~Jf!}jl+~%;1:;1t~lt,,)!AT2)iL, , lane Configuralion_~"" _, , " ~". 7' "''' ~, t., , to, Ideal Flow (vphpl):,,~;;~ii'fl8.;;~1800):;),}180q:i!'{180Q,';'i-1,800:0' ,1800":r,1 Tolal losl time (s)",.,.. ", 4,0,,,. 4,0., 4,0" 4.0", 4,0. 'h '" ","" " ,__, .. _ '. Lane Util.. F,a~C?(:;:H;?~lMt~;iiH€:~t,~~1 :90.,FflJ4~~\QQ::~;'f~1':Oql~~M,'.99i'~it~:\,1 :oq1:~~;i~4:'~~a~1~}E~;1~~:~1f;1f;R;j!lt:c:~1Js'~B.{}n*i":~~)JPJ~~t'ti0; '~i'~o/~'l~~~f~:i,~;t,: Frt 1,00 0,85 1.00 1.00 0,97 ,FIt :Protected,:.:;:,:~,~:~..;;1;;h0i~~~E O;~,q:iH~1ii1~qo11!~j~O ;~tj];1*14~09.;:n~:;:,:1 Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1658 .FIt,Permitted :';:"h~~~I~~~i*Ji~~;Q :9~,'~~~j-1 ~oqtllil~o :95~~ij1!~OQ~;1I,1 ':OO~:J&~fMfJ-i~~t~~~Hl~'~'fE~'i~ID_;E~~lttt~~tt~?i~~ii~:t1rztt12~J(:~~~:, SaId. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1658 Volume (vph) {~;i:";.i~~.~:~iU;.~'i_~2q95I~+~:~16!?7#B,~:;,59?;~:~"Il6~,;~~&: ~::237;S'1n~jf,ff9.::s~~i:~JE~~Kif:f1;~~~'f1i~5IE,Jilt1;~R~f~,;~&~~5i,;jK!~~~~~~~;i\(~,\- Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,95 0,95 0.95 0,95 0,90 0.90 , Ad' Flow (vph)'" ~ X}';:;~':t:i-''{::nu'.x'q'269'''':'/-'~.;/69'2'' '~--;;:l'(<"1<1 0'3-ttl\~l::t'8 05';~~''.-M:263' I1tu&\<';\1-"8' 4:,'!:rkrit~!\k:;';~'h"f:!:;m:"k$\~j;;:"1il!~":''';~'',1j,'''fJ{~! 10:.';;:::i':ir;;!'4;~<~/:'i1'!trt"";(:j"e,ql;: j.', ; ;:~;:;~~:~ii;(fj?:;-:~:ft~..:,~W,. _j0%\.~/ ' _f&~'t ;!';;5~~:tJ_" -H~::(t, .JiJ;~,Y;;.L.,. .~i'j';;;+tfftW;:5J.Ji;{'~i6kf{.~%tl;;~~G~}~;~~tfi,;1M(:Fi:/;'ii:tRi1o~21'<~filif1}~'::; RTOR Reduclion (vph) 0 222 0 0 11 0 Lane Group; Flow":(vph)~:~~1t~~'269B{iWP;_4 70;;81/'::1 03t;}~!;:805:;i{~':':':336'N~-!~'ft~JrO.~ .:~~E~'~27~1}~v~?iWsl~4J4~~i~"B;~fs]~i;:!;~~%~~}t}~:~;~trl~i4 Turn Type Prol Permitted Phases ACtu,ated;Gre~rt,~i~i,(~ )j[~1fEM;191:qA%fili!:),$Ji1Z{f:~gfk!2t~~lt5z~q,~\~~~,@~,~~i~1~!~~HP![;~~!1~iD:i2!f\\!fffi~ihgI~f&)~~;4t~~ib~ji~!~1:}!i'fAlJk~:d~%; Effective Green, 9 (s) 15,0 31,7 16,7 57,0 36,3 '^ 'ct"- "I d':c' I-C' :Ra'I' . '-:'W!&1:5f}\~t2~[~WO. 'i:1"--9-~:(S;;--,XO" ::'4'0'"i~tr~X1Y:0' ~2"1'-~P:'0"!,;7'1'~~Q*.;:.0:'4' 5"jr:r:\~tb~>';ff,,'fie~%11~r~~~;~:~k1.!;1:~T4&~~~s~~~:t?'2:~:*fP;;PJ ii?:r~I%;'b~1Nfi~Fi~E:';: M. _ ua e "g ,.' _ ...... ,}.9~i'~'8:)v;fu.?}.<;i;L.,," "..<a-sr""....,;.,:,. "",i'ih"lj:L.:".;" ~"'i.(~-.",: ,,;;~.,1:,l-l'iZ~f:", . :_",,'>!;;:lti!jJ:::;t.:b:f&'J-~~r;;.,,;;:,:t&.<_WbW?;;i$..%]ll}; ~~;t\i;.~_~}b:f~.J''':;.oE:-1!,;i;~;t,~1~~;~'~''1:;-'' Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Ve h'lc le';t::~e' n's';o"' 'n' ((s"")--:tY;dJti';rr:iHi!i72" -c:5"-:4t.:i:;f"-~~'215'8;~~tJ'\J2}5V;FrX.:2i5-.M'\0';\\~.;'2!5' :-\~':~:~,;~~#ri'!NI~m~3(!jW~itJ'~*i;r:j)!~.Hl,' '1~~,l',\SM:,;;~fJ;::;' ff;';lfr,,{l:5L;;;~,~;g~i4llf};r;*,;r';#4 , '~l I " ,,,. ~1.\',*:'hj,_,,,... . t>1-f:~ "", . "",:"".., . """"+"" '. c""....., .. h,_",".,-"ii:~l::_<,,,,,''''''fI. ",~,"-~"'_'!i-.,~,:-,',t,,,,,+,,:~,,,,jr*,(i1;:....--:.;"t':,~,,,,',"',' ,J",\:~,~";.'0,,, ',._""~~- lane Grp Cap (vph) 305 650 340 1221 752 '1 . R I'R I'"~ I i,:-::lt~'j0,i';;1':;:q~':t:~,i;'f':i~"'0 17M;~r"0":15:?rr!~'~0'06't;tf; 0!'47u'~"/O'20~,;,r,;h\;<.t#:(;';''it\%'i!I\''(,8l:'J1'tjMPlt;;:r;::'&\'qW;J.i;ii\~.;;1'~'!'fi'';':F\~''~Yf" )'fi.~' c "~-<<t!.'?-J.r'-:;::'r ;$.~!;';:, ~.::\"':: V 5, a lOt ro, -,.",+,"" ,-fj,"'T~' __'c,,,;.,,,y'" C ',- ~.'",~C ".' ,_'{:, "., 'tl'."" C . ',"1>''''-.-1 "'('T"'"'S";;;"'~il!_ht);;. '('..,.,-:fi1"-'-',a:"\4"rH'..it',_,,,,,, 'C"k:~"''''''' ,,".',, ~,,,lt\.),, ,'^ H..,., '.-t>O" .,"'.'"'1'''", ." ..-.". .' ' , ,-- , -. ;'. ,. .- "h~Si"~:";"O'{ :_\~>:.R>>"""!"';' ,,' _;"..~.~:;.::~.." - 7_ .,_...y;i'-,A:;;~.<,';. _...;41', ,,,,,\.;,;,,-,~,,~,fu,'\;,, ,;... '" ~;L~(ii,,"h><.ii;>;~,;ilhl4H;\~,-:-"':i,C ;;,-";:iit;;;~kii::.;-!'.S'ii:';;''iSi:..dGu1,'.l~,'t,:iJ!f~%;;",} ,;:;~,~(~;;.rDll.,t;:', ,;;...;J vis Ralio Perm 0,17 . IR t. '~1; "~""""';-R~)r~;~~~ic:;;dt~~?,,'10'88f~'r,,)'::f0 '72'-i'1";~'{)0;30":'';'i''\t066' i>Jf"~'Y 0"45'1{.1!' "'!-"',\.\l-'j,i""",jmV';;;'k.:;)$ml~?i"{f;:;::1im,!-SMr:Olff"i,ii0l~i!"i'.:i!':''$? ;';'l<ot'J:'"r'::'",~"",,;,"~"',",,~y:t-'n V c a IO,.::,.n'~'J"I""~,~,,,<d{";~""1lil.'" w,jO>{'--' ,- """~' >~,H98" """~:;l' t,y, ':1'T~"../'i'~;HJtf"C".:fit'U~""''',:;,I'-''i,'~-''''''y.,,,,,,",,t"'.-,,":$i-", '~\h',ir,r~\r-+";a;;:';;,li;''' '"''~,!l'\' " , '- "'", ,,,,-:tt'\:';'ii;<',,.-::.'iiJ;'ili,,j,1.0;;,<';,j,;;,:;;-,,' ",,,,,';,,>.:i',\L -: -,~_. ..M:ii,,1.: . ;';:'';'oli>i.; _ ~,,i{,\:-;,,,.-. _" "..~;\o1';'h,~"""c"z:~:[r~\~-f!3;JIiL;'0i-'-l i\i:iS,:;:\,l~i-~':;~Ld~Es;,.!a::ZS}:,."t:i.,.;,iiP",,(X'si:",; Uniform Delay, d1 31.6 20.4 26.7 6.2 15,0 ".",.' -', ~ """-"",V::",,,'-,tV,"!''''-''' """,!"",,- """,,Jt', " ">e'fi'~" ':.' -.ttir:'"" '", ~,\>.o,j"",''',,^'-:'''''-:r-~''''''''''"~':~''''Mt'-''c''''''--~''''''''''~;''''''''"~,,,,,,,,-,~-"m; -,.,.-!?:';>";o;:tn";"'Th',1'I'~"""',,,,,,,, Progression'lF.actort~Yh';'?Vt"'/;'~1 ),1"00 "lfidr-1.'OOt!,V~O;84'" ;>,';:O;61;f,,,,.,Ll,JO'1'33'it...,""\':Ylf.t)!f:J,. ':;;!:"i@:'f'iift.-."o '+&w,';",,:}Tfdi.;""~H&-~1;,~l.-:l;j~'ii"-;l;'I"'\"t;, ,~;,~~'t~>~\iV'i .;';,)<;;,'1)'.-'; ,.: .... . '. " .._~,,' " "M_l1t;_:fLF..6d-::;~~':i\~, ,:",~",3'H\~";i'"..: ,. ,,,,1;:Htlf.,,,,' .!...(~t;a:,., :.Lir!ffi.l!L,;', :,,";t:E'ib'-i.i:;t:__::);;~"l1!- .:..i);~ii,~::.'imr7j;"~~sLi'(:1:~i l!rig;~"\i.. >>;;'~;,.L~':':'~0.-Jd!~~i!'E: Incremental Delay, d2 24.3 3.7 0,3 2,1 1,8 D I.... ',( )::'1(i.'''~;:-'''l:"(ii7i)i';;~~\;';:'1tz''}?'!0/56 '0. -'\S.~F-'2-4- '_2-W,fR:.r22" "9--"'1f:2"';:'-5 :9',,!n2'iiti~3-t:6- .f{^~:"'1~2r~;)'."'-tii:::i;~''li')9;;rtrr.rw'-'';G:'-]:i~;j\1 ;;r~-:n:'.i~.''''.;''~;~'~T70W;;"'iFJ';l'1S';;';Off'0f;:!>'i":Y>i,J';; , e ay" 5 ,'k,J,cl,\.",tYi*-if~"',,'."",YiS~i""-';;~'~ : i!,~";':;9 ... 1 ';;,"~ . ;~"!".:h' , !t{,\t'f':'r.; . 'f,;.%~,~,~:~lt;':,'li;t';'A;:i"\.~'1~!1in4\;"-'f"""'~;*';"\"'''''i:\f.h;,;;o,~.",.~,;\ ;:"it;'f",!*,.)J~I,-,~;;a,.,.f'"" .-' ,,-- '." ",,,;;!'~"",^,",~,,,,,',,,=<';_%i,d%':,,,,~., "..,,, -".....",."","",', ",,,,-",,,_,,,\<,..,,__,,,..,,,,~,,,,,,,,,...,-..,<,~,,,.~,;:,,,,,,=~,,,,~,,,,,~",l.."_~.-,"'i'.,",fu,,,,,;;w",,,, ,,,,,""_n=,,m'''''/J...,,,,,,,,__,,,~~il.:......L,,*,w."'..O::""'~~~'W-"'_"""U!_"'-_~~<".,i level of Service E C C A A .' 1l\lersect1Qi1;''SumniaJj~1!i''w_~_~i1'Ji1'J~'l'J$!''''~N4.'A>.'_~~~!i!i1IIl:il'''''~~~1i!',l"j \.. """,, '. """..~~.\"",._ .:......".,"',,, """ '.., :" ,?:;\tf'~j%9l\j..<'\l.."",,". J1 ^ ,,&''''r4ill "",,..y,.--:, ',,_.t:M2' ~.~__%fu!S't>;,~;''''',,,,,''; HCM Average Conlrol Delay 18,1 HCM level of Service B H C M- :Volu m'e' r:1'0-"'-C'a""p'a'.<-"'c'1t\1~<ra""'''I'lo'\'\;:stf;;;:j_:0:1~:1:~<'B5~'?;~?0"75-';o,Th;j~;:j;'tt1t!Ji.:~t:Tif:l;.i-";';:;W,!;;;:~~t~~!~';}~j;%f(~}::B?it)f~'W\($~5~?M~l~~]iH::0'{0:j -r'i:!t'f]';5J?r;~~4;~'"l'{";Fq ", ',,,', ,,'In '''~''''',''''"''':J'',c",,''''t/l<i _ '" ,J,.""__:,;)"""~,t;",:,,,,,".,,,:,~,,,.',~ wt>><:"''-''''-':otoJt''''-",,:t;'':~''''''''::l&?''''1);;.c'''~~''''Ai."'@:\lif''':,-"J}}~,,,,,," ,,,_.~,\,,,,,,,,,&,,",,,,,,,_,,.,,,~.,)ti<4. AclualedCycleLengiii (s)-'~~.'" "'''"800 -"'~ 'SU'';;oflo;;t'il;;'e (sr'~ .'~ "- '120"' "-'-- , ~. I' 't'C' 'ty"--'U' t'I""Y -." '1;!'o'i0ir:f{'-'JW--"-"'r'~Y""677.0.(!'$+--'" .>'l"IC ", ' ,~ - ''''I''ofS'" ""-,,,'''''''''',e'~-''''7''G'<P'':tt'M\~V'' -""":","';"i-'~~"\'X~'"'~'~"''''''''''''l''-'' ''''''''$ . ntersec Ion! apacl ;:. I JZatlon:'_%i~k.l';-;-'iJ'~c:'~,,:;~d; _< ;.;IO~;,</:;~~',~\:-'" '\2 ,. U '[eve, " ervlce 'C\'i;,::r,[.~b-(~)L):l:,~;;;;};\;:tJril'1jClli"-'~~..'''1#iiTli!,t':(-L':}1'~':.;, .,;,:;(r';;V..i/i:,,'t~i~,~ ,- h", -. ',--,." .',-, ", ,',^_, ._'..--""'".;;:".,, "~,I '.' "\_"'~'~'''~''~' .. '......~'.'v." ,./-.'J;"'~''''''~ ,.., "-'-~""~~""""""^"'~'~"W"''"'' .w...., N.~."~ ',. ",", ,-__:,."__","",,,,,,J.. .,,,,-:__,.,,,,^,,,,,,< ';'!;.~~...,.-<".,o,>,,,.,,ii\i," ",iii'';;;;;l.'Il..4<, ", Analysis Period (min) 15 ' p'.): __Critj~!',Lancel~tg~R1l~~~~i~:f}~'}k~~~ii!'k~Eflt~';~~it~ils!;C;(if:~~J1~~if::i';~'f:_;.-ir:t~[~~1~i~i~i~!L%~~:8~lt,f{{~~~~,~1~~ii~~.[j~t~~t:{~r\~r~12Jr:: CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Defaull Page 2 . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2006 PM Peak Hour - w/PA & zc ..J ,. ..., t + .; Mcivemem~~"1;~~j;l,(:rEB_EBR_NBL?1lil1lJfNBt~l'SBt~~SBF,1~~~t\ili1l;g:ir!~~~j\!iWlli!rI'r~~ lane Configurations ". "'" 'I" 'it 'I,. t, fo Ideal Flow (vphpl), ":~:'~~~~~!#2';t~~.'1 ~QQE;t,1 ~oQ[,i1:~ .18093~{: 180q<-;~: .~ 800 ~..'~JJ~9Q,:n~;t!~fg;~~.~t:~Dj;~@1\~~fJi~~~P~~tfJ:~~;-~)'!'i~2J:F;~~~kl;fi~?i!t,(I,:;1',:~,~;;! "- Total lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4.0 4.0 4,0 Lane Uti!. Fa~orJi~;~i~&:'~fL~m'j~,::1;';Oo~:2~r~;;:1~OQ;hft~: ':~ ;09;~u::;/,_1 :qQ~I~f .~1 Frt 1,00 0,85 1,00 1,00 Fit Protected "~":'!~;lti:l'c,,"'iW;'0'95Wl':~1 :00;;'~\}0:95tm::1 ~00;;'f!;1 Satd. Flow (prot)"''''''", "1629' '145i~ '1629'" 'i 714'"'' . Fit 'Permitted, < ,~<.<;'~"r;i5t~~qIi~~:~~ft: 9:9qj~~~~:1 ,.O_Q;IrEi~~O~9.5If0:~1 I;OO%t-\1'~OO{5:t:};~i{:tiffi~~~jk~w~~~ifrJ~~t~\~~~1i~~!~~1tl&'~;~~t~~~~E~;i,;~i?~l;@~\~~ Satd, Flow (perm) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1676 Volume (vph ):." ., ;':~;1'~':Ritib~~jr~'y~~Qa~(t.12,~.!2~~~' -;. ;BO;~~~~;;.6~ q;~tr.;;;,:] 46..~,~41;(t1 ~8,j;~;:N!iiid~~~~iMA:'~!ff.,{~~rr~~~Jf:@:r?r~&ii{1N~~~'i;?iL~,~gj~~~: Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,95 0.95 AdJ'.' Flov.r(vph),'~';;~;;~;:5;~J;*iE::~'278'4i;fin{1'31j~,:i: <89:~'~fr~,'l678~~~',;j785,m~~r,156?~t1'.';!i~Jt~~~1f,)2t~i:;lt~:~,ftt.,}iM..;iW;if~10~~1*~i~:fi'i0;:&t:r!l~'~f;~~::@,.';t~1'i . .' ~_.:>r""',"""h~..,LIl.:'~". ," ,,,,."l~"'7' . . ,'~Yl~. "; . ., -'\<r;"-(', '. '__<"_"" """'.',:.V~"..~,. ,."Jh:..",_,::.t':".:Vt,,,,,,:,:,~.{,.;t-"':, 'l>'-"'h'"",h'''H'''C'~'''W~'_''', .'<:l'i"~"","!oi' h"-'S""-~.w,::.",,. RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 112 0 0 9 0 Lane. Group;F,16w"(vph)~::f~:;i;'~~f!:218'::r~~!i~~'~j;25~,1~~!' ~8'9'~-i;Z.2~'678~~t',r932:5~1;~~t,;t:~b\~Jti~~~iW%14~~~1~}~~:~l~~f;f1~12~H'~I0r~4;tt~:?:R;~~l}E~~]Vqll~1T:; Turn Type Perm Prot Phases A~uated;C?r.~en,,?;Q;ft~):~b1~i~1~1,~i{~f81wl1~\,~1~~j~j::9(4J~1~5?~~fi~48';'?j'~~@[Eitlm;~~~~~f.~~t[\?Jmt1i~~1~i;~~~tl~~fiE~jfJ;~ifk1~~~1f::4?2~N1f1if~~! Effective Green, g (s) 14.4 14.4 5.4 57.6 48.2 'Act"' ,. t d:gIC, R t" "'('f,";~~l~E~~frO-' "1' ;-8"'~'1;'0JO'~Y1""8"'~;1;R0'0" '0"'77~jili:~fO" i72'uR;Q;i'Oi6'" 'O";:{i$~l't?jt,,1:~;:::1J:'i;;_!j}::C~~i:W0{:~3:j*1'~Ni~t;~j{i-e.;:r:~-:&'{H'!ti;,f f{!'it~&;'E4g'6t;;r:~;;::J!g~;;+j . . uae _' , _~,,~ l.q>w::::';;t.;hJ--s;;;lt"",::..,.,,,dL~,:,~.:;..,,.,;;:~,~~,. ....<,'-.<?jwL,: . ,,~n;;;,<;, ,,: ~,,,.7";;~1!f;a;~~r;;:'S~;:;;C':;&AE':f.!7;;';~i~J;t,':;;h;'%1;~;;S1\!2:-;:;y:,,"k h~~t:\~)ii}i7:'1,~;x;%:(;'~;,,~~ Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ~enicle'iExte'nsionf(sfNil\~jf;;0~f,+'t2~5*ifw~W2!'5;!~~m~i2A5;~K~+*~:2:5~i~~?;~:'2~;5,~J~1~:iURt~~~:~g&?Zi;m;~~~;}[iJrit;t~~~~~~~1~~{;v;:;~h~s~;fltIr~~:1j~"f'$; lane Grp Cap (vph) 293 262 110 1234 1010 v, Is"'Rat',o' ;Prot,::'J~:j~4P,"'~1'~&i~"*w.tc'0 ~.17:Xf;fS;lm!,;;T~jrEi:th'-c"'0'05~~.,}tO'40tt1~;'c' 05 6K~~j;X+:;~r"'fX'.{;':!f:~_;~~,~!i>~;gd:i?,~1!?i:'jlft]:"'F;$t?t:j!;~;;j~:f"t"~:'~fti~<t0\14 'n-;1%i~~~;;0::;i0if;1 . - . \, -' >"f">l{~'''4!:;~ .~~....,;c,,_, . ,l ".:,^"'''li'r'"''''''';:1('it',_ .. ..1'''''''''' ~ :';""10\\"_; '_ . .\)-::,,_;..>'iJ~i:"~>'f"'~;;{ii\*'::'\;0hUf,'b,":,",,_M$"'i4~w1.1J$';.\xi\>;i". "'X"', h':'ii+i~'~~"i'ilC?;<"',""'r<':- vIs Ratio Perm ",-",' "'..' "..~ ,j, '""-"'''-'''"',~",,,. (r02 ,... ",,,,-,' . . ''',,,,,~, ..,." --," .~. '".",""~, """---'----"""'""', ,;< b' ,< .'".;,.", ", .~'" ~A' , h.h,,; .'f'",,~ "" , 'K > ~,'''Ii,j.., JmerseaJOihSummalJi~~<<~lilt'liMlg:.IE\~\lli_!ti..'l(~Illl"!IJllkl:mllL~.~~.ls1li~:J:l',,,_~1IB'<~"!f"R~ HCM Average Control Delay 26,7 HCM level of Service C HCM-- ; V' -', I"" '-"-t"'" :'C: ,."'cn.. 'ty"""" .. t:"~~,!,,,,:p''T'r?7'''<%l?iT,=;:;:c,;r09'2' ---;;,;'{;;C''1:~~':''.~'~'r';''',L,":,..1~";.::_;~.,,,,",,''':'.;~~'~''="w;t!'""'~:~''1i''--'WI-~';' '''''''''''~''~1-'-'~''~~''~'~;~:'~'~"~.''!.;~;".'1~;"'40...;;:t~'-".,'~ .' < 0 ume' 0' - apaClra lo",,,~,"",..f-.,,.<:,.... "\'-.'''..'''''....'.: ,,,....,.>t''';,.,.''';;.''',...,....~i1, '.., "..,'.-..:(;!Q,~,,...11,.,!<<;!;,...,.,,-""'-',..,h""'-"'....- ,.':r":,'>."",.--'->\~7'~..)'*1~-rn:.~.,.. .,''--' .,k'...._;j!;lmj: ~,"'...~.,.cr.--",.,',...~,,".." --. '..... ..-". - ,'- q:i, .- ". .~. ,i,;...~...,,8t~}lij2~'~,3t~C~~\';,S,'t'~._.. ..;':;i't';~!i!,\~ti};':t;\;\J;,112ilr,"Elz:ili:i3if,*~"ii::.~;\;;_ht.dJ;~f.t;-;;;;i;;;..$i.ti;rJL'ii.0:~t$i;;b.'". SBb'-J ~,..,,'yw!~Pt!ffi;;lliE'Wliti.-'.iJ'>>,t?!;L't:Z;:'S; Actuated Cycle length (s) 80.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 Intersection: Cap'aCity.:t1tiliiation1r&,1i\~h:ii?;}~10:'!1\1},'80(2%rt~~;;;r:'~;~ICOjL:evel;(ifi.Selvice:~~t2l1l"!rtf1t~;y,;;r.'~:-f4'liD:~:r~';M:~1~;<<;.-!1!%r0.;[,EfT~?{Jj,,:1if';@ ., . - .',. .,,~,,'- '''''; - ";'~,,;T+d;,,,.;>!-.-../,<ht1;::,., ..'"<~,~~"n:'~;;;,,,M'-',,,.. ...;_..' '___ -" ,',,'< ~;'''"I--'' ;_~u~~..~u;,;.'-iP~.;.;,,'\;.,'H:li[;Lv\{i)::J'''::::,..iL;c;:;_.-i -..;:.,:;:g:.Jl..J4:il;;YotU-.:.:"';~{:_~_,,.':<:>ii:t~l,Fj Analysis Period (min) 15 C" . Ciitical:;Lanei-qt~~pl1[~~~~~:~1a~fJrl[t~{1::~~l:r~~iWi~~~;i~:;':dl~f~~11;1;~:P~I1y'~:;:~~!ti'0~~lt~J;m~~1a~ie~!~~~fll~~~1Jlrork~1i:l~~:~~:~~~r~[~lJJli15if.~LP CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 3 . 1: Marcola Rd & 42nd Street HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2006 PM Peak Hour - w/PA & zc - "'). of - .... I" Movementl\\E!;"~~~'t~i!l:!3'l"~E!3Rl1:!1iWV!3L~WB'l"e~rN!3imNeRIr'I~~~jj/~i!i!l11!!!~~11Ilcii!!:';';j:~J~ Lane Configurations t. llj'" llj 7' Sign. Control ..i .t,:fl~;tlH$J~;;~f::;~,t3F r~"~:~~~~f~~~~~Jt~. :~:,~~t~~:~.F. re~~;~i;:~_:StoP,~:;iC,i, ':'~:,;ij~:lf;tJ~-,;~~~,~~J;~~~M1~t;:~:~~ffif:g~;i;i):'~~.,~1t:,~~if)'~~:::t~I;;;;':ES~j'~~ Grade 0% 0% 0% V I e (veh/h)''''"i~i'"''''~iiil'.'u'329'''Pi171'~;''i,'i1951'i "152'*'" ' 0 urn _' ':'i.;~";;f'(~;.(&~~~,,,;,, ".,,',';:;..Hif: '.~:5'~-:"'" !'-:;J'';'l.,.., ,'~';:;'_ Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly flow rate.(v.p'h)-vw/l:..:r't;''0'366~,'4v;,; '1 gO ;(\'i',~" 217"!;-~'~'-';169'^lrA" '121t:',;",'~1$'402:' :,.:"f::;:'F>~cl''>7''''7r.,~p''~;\;-'A1;':;J.'i,::,::;;,;';;.;:,~*';r~~,",I !":i::lf';t;,,}~i';\.-;"~'-;;~' _ -: {,..;;,:"t;:t~:.-:>.;: ,A''';;',~71' !;.'_.<::..~:,. . ~')l':,,).1 , i~""", ~:~iil"..'. ~." ,,,,-<;;::':rJ"::'-:J~i;f:~"",~,,,,'2"::;;,i"'I:;:;L;:"~>:tti;(."-<'''i.;~,,,i:~'!',;l:,-"":~,-;:;:!<, ;,t.,\"::,,,,,,'!h~-i~ , .,~.. ." ',,", ,""'",-,-,"'" ,e'" "<"" "~"",,,',C"U' ~""".,.""~t.,,,. . ,. 'I.'.,"", .... -,'''.''';~__',_",.."",_...,,',,',," " ;''-''''~'':'''''''''~~'1 'M""",.""...,.,,,,,<:4'bi/<'''''':-rI\'''' 'fr,,''''\';-,L...,,>>~,,,}i..""."",,,..,..,,',_~ ","f."',\-="".-! Pedestrians . Lane Width Walking Speed Right turn flare Median ,type.. Median storage platoon ."'_.'~i1-_.'""''', . ,,,",' ""i1i'lli!W~c' IDJrection"fl1ane{#W0d1~l't~f#ESi~,t1}j,*WBi:iI"'iWB ;V?Ju~e',T ?!C!E~:i::f.~irj~~~17llrLf:??~:F1.i~(:~:1Z~~~i~1 t?~.;F~G~~:1_:?1~~li"k~,1Rg;~li!ff/J.~41~~tr@i11i Volume Left 0 217 0 121 0 jntei'Sectil5""1~riii~~U~_"!,;jij~~_M,!lll!i~*~,lJl\~~~,1\r,~1!!lt"~ Average Delay 11.5 Analysis "". ,,_,.t';,'; CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 4 . 5: Industrial Ave. & 42nd Street HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 200~ PM Peak Hour - w/PA & ZC ~ "'). ...., t + .; Movement)ijj;~~'I!!.lJiEB~~EBRmNI3~Nall.1ssrr_SI3R~:tii7J.lIT$,~.t~~~ljllia.,,,,'IJ1DiJ:Di'i!llL~:!I'iI"Ti:~~ Lane Configurations 'i'" of f+ Sign Control .~. ~_~~,,{'\\~'{~;J;c Sto'p:: r~\" ',~:~ft....,> ~ ~j J 'Freel ;~'lfF,ree '~):~~;',':~1ZJli~~t< <;, ~~~:J}~"\1: ~!~:~':~,;;::,: ~t.~\~I; 1i ~:~< :l,~E: Grade 0% 0% 0% ,Volume (veh/h) i"f;:~f,t:~\i1~~itr.;~rr:::;';21~~li,r:i: ';?4,~;i;:!~:. "'~1 ~;j~}~~;663~t:'f~,850 :_{; ,~L:;!?!t1 ,6:~ci~C$;,:;:i,it,~fi'3;;~~~~[~t~~.t~t~Nk;;:;ti~~;:J~::1;j;:l;~~f~;'l '::~1~~, Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 Hourly flow Pedestrians Lane Walking Percent Right turn flare Dii'ecilOn1ffiIne:#~_Ei3'ElmlEI3F2lmlN13!:iUS~:i1:"~~IiII~~,~~Z~:il1l1!;,j!l~~~4!t1ll Yo.t4m~\r 9~h\;)~HHtI~~,4~)Jb't~t~)~Q~:~~~';::~~,~{~;~_!\~49ai'~i;if!~"~W~!t~[l~,~~~~~j~!~~~~~~m~~~rl1ff*~~Iift~jf;ii~~2ff;]'.~1~;Jt;~ci:l~:~::~trl8 Volurne Left 30 0 18 0 CMW Access Engineering tnc Timing Plan: Default Page 5 . 6: 40th St. & Olympic St HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2006 PM Peak Hour - w/PA & ZC 3 " ~ , '\ ~ Moverrrenfm~~m_aEB~JEBRI3lNBi!2~NB~l'SER1l!lISER2Ut~~..~<<~~ Lane Configurations "i" "i "i c: Sign Control :~:~~. ,~,~~~tiJ;~~JZ;;.St9P:"~~j~?'.>; j.:lf:' ,'+ ':)i;;F,?if:f~.~;~~ ,t~F. re~.L:;~~:~~}~;:;f{~if&i!~~~(~~~~1Igt~;:Z~f4t'~rE:;ir~,:;~L,j,\}:~;~~, :,..;J~; Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume, (veh/h)E"fi~~J&'~i:~;EI~F.,,:~~_\1 $\~!;:~~)~~~,~~'~./' :3~,~~;~:.'.i"1 ,9oi~~w~~28~.J~i~:~1 p;;f~~~~~:2;.~~]~;lli;;T~@Hi:,~;\ff~~i~~.~X~ni~t,jr,'~'~~~i::~~E~f;;.~:',:i.:~2~' Peak Hour Factor 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly flow Pedestrians LaneWidth Walking Right turn flare Median type Median storage platoon vC 1 , stage 1 conf jjjiJ'6Ctjonwane'1'#~;iI!:B~1"'EB;li.NB~NBY_SEl'j:!!llll'i!!i;!ti4'~!.ill.l!:!'!~~ Volume.Total;:i;Y-i:':~:~?;tBffi14'J!,f~i#:;JP;?2m+ftrtW.1:1 Oi\{;~~:'43'~;'\,#~21~1~f,~.0329;!t~",~)i:~~~',~~!;;~lK<.*t~~~~*~r~i~i:l~gJ~~S~f;~~JFit;~~~~!i,.t#~g,U~i'!ftj1ij l,. -., ,- ..,~"w.-<,'_"""'*'""".i_""",,,.:v;;"V''''>~ "''""''''''''''''''_'~''''"'''''H."l. ", "",","""""_,",.~,.'.'I"" '"',",.........."",..~,~"""h'......;.._""",""'~_~_)=j,.",.K"""'.,,,.~,,"""0T,. ',"""""',........_",...;..'"'.,,"',"','''''-,;''',~.,,#~,.., Volume Left 20 0 43 0 0 Approach Intel'Secnon'fsumma Average Delay Analysis ;r::,"f,;i2:"' CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 6 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Appendix F Signal Warrant Worksheets Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . . Hammer Zone Change TIS Case Ma'or A Minor Case Ma'or B Minor Anal st and Date: ADT on Major Street ADT on Minor Street, approaching from highest both directions a rochin volume Major Minor % of Standard Warrants % of Standard Warrants Street Street 100' 70 100 70 ~'-~"i:jl!ll!l:\t'l.':Qas"1'erA.~MimTi:ni1liJWl~emieul'ailmrratl'Gl!F ~_:Il~.._ ""w,,,"-.,". "",_~B}, _"_.,.,......."..."~,\.......,.wL3I."'.=,~,,."',=~~~.~,.:fl.,&,,,,,,.,~ . 1 1 8,850 6,200 2,650 1,850 2 or more 1 10,600 7,400 2,650 1,850 2 or more 2 or more 10,600 7,400 3,550 2,500 1 2 or more 8,850 6,200 3,550 2,500 _~mm~1IDft;~~t!)mr~f1~'I~I~:~,~.mmiJIIIIIIII 1 1 13,300 9,300 1,350 950 2 or more 1 15,900 11,100 1,350 950 2 or more 2 or more 15,900 11,100 1,750 1,250 1 2 or more 13,300 9,300 1,750 1,250 5,65% of the above ADT volumes is e ual to the MUTeD vehicles er hour v h 100 % of standard warrants 70 % of standard warrants Hm~:~Si":'~lr~nw~a1r'";1i' " '1' liDh "w",.." ... 'ili,... ..,..,J1JjC",,,,!lJj ,.]!oI~.. ~L ."tIi. ~F". Street Number of Warrant A roach Lanes Volumes Volumes 1 8,850 15,430 1 2,650 610 1 13,300 15,430 1 1,350 610 Reviewer and Date: Number of Approach lanes NO NO Access Engineering . . Hammer Zone Change TIS Case Ma'or A Minor Case Ma'or B Minor Anal st and Date: "".flm1'.;m~~lmi!'ffi~fsi. 4'''1 w.' ." ''IJl:' f . ~=""" . ii..,!!~L....", .rtI~ . '~aM~tl ~ fila,.; ;l?J~ 42nd Street Minor Street: Industrial Ave, Hammer Plan Amend. & Zone Change Cit /Count: S rin field/Lane 2020 Alternative: All Industrial ~W~jimjjj~~~lS:I';in;riwl~~~~'l1~~i_1III Number of ADT on Major Street ADT on Minor Street, Approach lanes approaching from highest both directions a rochin volume Minor % of Standard Warrants % of Standard Warrants Street 100 70 100 70 ."~Ea'S~A71M.lnimuaV:ef;tiGlI~m1Ii'S'1ifiP\'l;~~~. J!l'!!ll:...........,&-','Iil..... ....... ...*". ...........[ill!l!.L.. ..11;,'~_ 1 8,850 6,200 2,650 1,850 1 10,600 7,400 2,650 1,850 2 or more 10,600 7,400 3,550 2,500 2 or more 8,850 6,200 3,550 2,500 ~1~~~11!1!~gr!il1t":t(Qm~fj~ID!::tip~!1!.~llmi~~. 1 1 13,300 9,300 1,350 2 or more 1 15,900 11,100 1,350 2 or more 2 or more 15,900 11,100 1,750 1 2 or more 13,300 9,300 1,750 5,65% of the above ADT volumes is e ual to the MUTeD vehicles er hour v h ~ 100 % of standard warrants 70 % of standard warrants Ii'mmatrl"srnal~Wa':J;n!f~a ':;alr"'tiem'f " .....%1 lit ..... ......... JLlL .t!tl..l~. .At.., Street Number of Warrant A roach Lanes Volumes Volumes 1 8,850 17,150 1 2,650 1,390 1 13.300 17.150 1 1 ,350 1 ,390 Reviewer and Date: Major Street 1 2 or more 2 or more 1 950 950 1,250 1,250 NO YES Access Engineering . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study . Appendix G 2020 Synchro6 Reports Access Engineering May 20, 2005 . 1: Marcola Rd & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial - "'). .. - ~ ,;.. M. .---,....EB..'m""..EB-R"""KW'B'\1lilJljW"-.~N'B'-!N' BR'--"'""~""'--"'''''---'' 'ovement};~~+~i+_~~0~;1'; ) 0J'!f?.:m~%!'Q~vtj , L~it1;'~\ ' O,I:L"t:,r.,.,!'i, ili!t1~~'& , ~':3&iS~r;{t~w{;*t1!<l?'?i:#tB:",=~:fw::,~i(~~~Y!f'?J~$:;.,'.mt~ii*W;;;;:\%ttt: Lane Configurations to "i;. "i ." Ideal Flow (~p'~'pIY~ll:tl:~@Thit\2f~ .8oq}~f~)1~_qgSf;~: 1809j~S~;1.89Q_~s ;~::_1800 'jij{,180P :~'r1~1~'N!.~w~mL~;i~1:~:~~~~I:~;i~~:,;~::~~F~';,~{:~ :~:ti~~':j~;_;,:~~:l~:::~~ Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Lane U,t.i.I;" F..a.Ctor:':tfilgurj:~.~It~!~t;1~q611g:tr.~:it~,€t~:,:; 1 Frt 0.95 1,00 0.85 Fit. Protected:::' :~;rWJ:Jlt~EB~~~~~1:~oplr~~W~f:i~~~~5'~O;9~:i~~a~99~~:~;:iO~951~,~j:',:~~ ,~99~~t~1;i1fi&f~gi~;t~1~+Z1~~:f~~~;[~ti-f;,%~&~.fit:;,;~~~f':~1f}{~~$nt;- Satd, Flow (prot) 1636 1629 1714 1629 1457 FIt Perm~ttedj'C:;~;k4t~~;:~~J~ij~j1';: 0.91M!EEi~f~~OO;\o :,1i7;mgF,1~091~}O: 9~};~t;!:!1 ':oqf~~~i,~t~~~1~~~trr~;,\'Zw!~llit:~;~~~~~tifii~~~:~i1rB1~ti;~}'!l;tf Satd. Flow (perm) 1636 297 1714 1629 1457 .volume {'(ph)" ~:':;;":~'.~'~01f~w'tHJj:~.3~9,tT~~;&2;9Q1tii~:-: 23q:'~~1;,:t~1Bo. ~ii~j;::125,~it~~~:A2~q~~f%~f~filitr.~fi\;t!;~~;~~1*~lt~1$gj;J/:~~~~~?S~~~~ti.~~~~&'~J;~i~~;h~i,:~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0.90 0,90 Adj.iFlow;,(vph),I~',:!~~~~J}~~(:~,;fJ.r/~;1~t!3,;t;;r~:;fj?~??j~~~:-?56~~7k~.gQO.~'~Q{J ~9.;1~~I7~}4 7~tli~~~:~~f!~~~Kil~~it;ff~;;~i\fiW~~'k3J~1~r0~t~1rq~\-\'tV~~~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 32 0 0 0 0 393 Lane Group: FJow';"(\.;ph)~/f.;M'~~';f2;:f623W~~15}E!:~b?1~;;'}256;'~~!C20(j~W(;+ "139~~',~~K;'; 79!~-~~i?l~:w-~~~~:~mf;;!:;i.'~lA~ft,"~jJ~l..7i~-~~fhW,~;j~;~E~~l:~~}~WT:f?t::' Turn Type pm+pt Perm P t ct d Ph" . "ii'~"'~~' f">'*~ '4- .,0!tf~; r<>:7fi-l"; :. '3?'rirt ~"',)8"'-:'w"," ~2" ""........ "..0. 1,:fC.B:-',"" ,i;;~1>~:aCiJ};"" tj"'l>,1S-0iiA""-'},' ')l.k..j} ~~q'-~~ ~Btt1t'h'W,-"""0)-;J I ro e e. as~s.~1:Iri::;~r1,(;; _r:,*WP1l~~1<d>;'~':- .:-;:t:~~}.\, ~E~'t.t~. }1\9f',~ ll:-Iff"'f,i ,;,)fi 'g",::,,/ 1~:tit'i:'~41f.( i1.~' ;i[!;, <-:J:;,t!iiT-'A~~''>z::':a.:r.Y,*''!.l$:;.'O~'Z~ Permitted Phases 8 2 _~ctuat~d:,gr,~e:f1}i~q{(~j~~:~raI1~:t~.1[~~fL~~~~1g2B.(~}f~l~?~.~!f:~,7,;~~!~~ill~~~'?i:~r&0l~if&14tf1r~!~!~~~tfj1:~Jili1~~J~~~fi~~ Effective Green, g (s) 19.6 28.4 28.4 7.3 7.3 Actuated: g--/C;Ratio-~\;~;jrl;:?;,;L'0*;j:'b;45Wf:f1~;:ltsili~~0rtN6~65'}flJ;irtp65'f0~~;()~~1,t;f)1rJ;fO ?1:tfr;1;lt:[~B1@,;~',ij~~{~\j'~~i~i11{Wt,~rW;{;J~i[1~Yii~~~~~*~~i?.k~~.t'~~~~~ , . .. ." ,; -" ""~."'.i;""tli;:1$:'.j;f0Y,~,,:~,,,..>-:i&"Jn!;~""',.6;i~;l.,~,; r. ./;:'O:;J'<;.M';.~ ,.)",'ii,l:;>" ":'~,\\~hf'"j:~,.~:,;,1'/,;rll;~,~;l1:Y~:::tIG;.;;.ad;'w~",,;.::.;;;';H,"4',1"k-~ :ip:~:;,_~~::.;-4~;;;.:;:r~;,:C.,i;,.;~^<:i,;f;j'm,,;'i4..;!'~, Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 VehicJe:EXte'iisiorn(s)':l~zf~T~K2!.'5'~~'~5~i~~~~n;;;~~{t;:2';5Vi"$q;r2't5r]0~J::~?21'5~~J,t'~:2f5j~WirKi~f;s;13~~_W~Th~~j}i~>>i~f<fW;~rs+~:*,\~~~6~~i-q;.f'~~~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 734 339 1114 272 243 v/s'Ratio' 'Rrot':;;);'i5f~~-;ui7fi~~:;~~'F.o/*O '38<':Y/':!t::'\':;'h~;~~g:CO;081R;;:'*''D''12'''-;+'''-':'cO '091lM!\,-j\:"!~~"€,1(r''t-:;'\$tQ,\(r;:t;';iIT~:;'::>'i'"t.:'W~.}t1:1j;~1!ft[;:<:.'" ';~:j;i:>1,.~~;;'~;;tR'tl;-~"-,~ , ,'. ,: " . ....,;~:-K'di;';i;,;~'f,;(l}~~..,: ,~"LJ:';;~'li;ojr';r",{~ : .."Jt(~i;;\.'"..;">-.,;:2,~,",,' .-,",^i1-;_&i}'~~:'.J'3I,~.zf2j~~.;r#;ef;S.;'1~:,.;-tj:t\:8m.b:~~;:o0~%',::i;:,;;:;;;:~m;'; f';:-;h~,~:::P:~-.t'!;flB..!,~E;:';Z&~i'7'u1;;'~ vis Ratio Perm cO.4 1 0,05 v/c--'Ratl'0,;:::'-~"';;/i~tj~t1t:~~:"~;-COf85' ''1t,<Z:,f$~2:;';;{iie?1~';;O>76'v~'.\ftt'O:.18ri~!:O'!51i-t;4':0 '32!~':~';~'\i;:-o~'+i:'lep:'f,;'<;'>~j~'7>';(if!i,;~'ik"t:f:ti~'J!~,;rg~'1lli,::!}l' ::~lfX"i}::'~ID:.P.'~! , ,. . ,.:"~:::;.~.t;'?fi-;':?i"l'...,_:'?JEiB~Y,iB;C-fii:~",,.~~..,,~~ill3;;~2A':;;", ,'.j; .Ai!t1J:' _,,: .' J!-4'M. '-. -i...ili-1f:~j:._' j:\!)._~~%~~1;;'}';}":,.~;I'iif_~;~"Y>ii,-iUltm:~~~!;~'0; r:;,~1,m>3:'d;i.ts;;'X1iE1fulJj;,~l.1 Uniform Delay, d1 10.7 6.6 3,0 16.6 16.0 gr.9gr~:~.si_cin~~~.9!9.t;7ifi-~1Wr1ffA~~~~1:.!'c~Qtf~il1i~m~~;~~1:;9q~~~t~.9q.Wffi~mJ90,~~~1~1.~qQj~~'r~~J!i;:sI~1~J:~~f"ifi~11:R1t~:;t~~l~gt~;jlliE:lif!~tr~~ Incremental Delay, d2 8,9 8.8 0.1 12 0.6 Dela'y '(5' )~;;:'t-.;':'t~!~l;;Gg()i'to"~;#tl1;1:;:W~K1 9'6- 'fff~~ftti&Y:i.15'4~'t;.t'sH~3i(1t.m)2]~1'7j8:1~i~F},16;6. W;t\*'iirnt':fIj\r,'k:;;;;;;,1t!t:-~'}'Klt1k,jii'.'i~<:}T:ffl"lf;kJi;Wkjr~;'f7 ,'t~~;i:~''', .' .. .\. ,-"~;::;\~t,,,~-Ld....~t.;~,j-:'~'lli'lli:Af~ .....:..,.,.,;;ut~~~,~;.~<:"....";:...~'t&I~'_,,.;!;J:'~.-.l-jTtl,,;,.~~, '.~",t~~ll, ,,~ _,.:.$;~-itt~':i;..t"';;;l\,0.~,S;,-,;;(~.';;dt'h;f,- ;,,'t~,'i,;',$..L','~i)\5h'j2'.~"::tr.:;;;;:z.,,\:,'t'jm Level of Service B B A B B :Approa~,~'ip~J~y1(*):gl~~t[t2ig;t~~;?J~l~tr-Rd~~)k1Tm~~[~;lpJ9}~tfl;itL~L~~~~~%';~~~\ffJ~~t$~M~~~!JJ~1J!'~\l{~1\\~~r~~t~J~~~~\:~ Approach LOS B A B 1~~;ummarY.~.iIm~I1_'~btmS~'1lt:jili'~a~~~l!l1.",,'j;,ji~~~:JIl!!!'immI3Ii~;!ly~:~~ HCM Average Control Delay 16,1 HCM Level of Service B H~~.iYoILl_~~;~~;,9~R?-':JWlil!1!~~1;j!~I~~d{i~:tfk~fQ!~~,j~1~h~1fjVi\Ilf:S1,0't'~&\t!~J.~~rjL~~~-tS~~~:ri~~~i:WiJ:!f]1~]tt~~jt~rVlif~[~~}1~~}~ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 43.7 Sum of lost time (5) 8,0 Intersectio~iCaeacifiZgtjt~~!!pnTJ~1~~1!~1[i~~..Q.~;;~~1~i~Hitg,QJ!l~Y~,1Lqf;~~iyt~Ei!]r~~~H~~]~i~\~~l~tl~lrg~n:;z:ti~tJ&:~J[ihi1r?~~~;i Analysis Period (min) 15 c:;-~ ;Crit!CaI iL~n~.:.G(q.~p}it~t}i:;~t{fjI~i,1:f~fuiisrdf1~.!?;~;.1~Mt-il$1~j;~~;0I~*:~1~;~~~1~'1~~1,~!ZJtJtfl~;f;i~~~)~~itill!?~~:~il~~~1~~:~~~j~'ftr~~~~f~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 1 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial ~ "). ..... t + .; MoverTieirtr~~.li!Eaf!DEBRm:if'Jl;iNB~DNElT_$El1:_SElRD!lr:;:'!!lt:lilll!"~Il!I.'iiJl~~~~ Lane Configurations '. ." 'i. "'.. llj. . . +.. + Ideal Flow (vphpl),';,~1ii.~;,j;'~Q80Q"~.EI~! 8ooitt', 1800~;\i1800 id1800;: Total Lost time (5) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 L UI'I F.ct ..'C,',-,.'."'i'.'ch'1 '00,.,;,x"1'00''>H''1 00"."'1..00'....'1 ane I., a ,oD. ;:.:;,;:ti;:;h: ",':i~;;:'t~-~" :... ,:~~;,_~t~, '. ,.,k::,t.:': . ,;A:t:"''i.;i,.. . .~".:~,. Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 1 Fit Protected: :_..;;t~;~S:i~~\1~i:~;;H~1i~,9.'99i91ti~~ :.O,q~:if:;O:~5.~~~~~~~ ;o.Of;~i~;~,;1' Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1 F,lt Permitted,,: '~;~:1}:~lt8t~~P!9q~~;g~,,1:.'oo-Hf;SiO:4~j}r\t~;~1;~OQ.~::~i:1 :OO,1j;,;f1t.OR,R~Et~i~;~~ItiJ.h~ti~~~~~~~i5~{~~:W:1i;jt1t~ID;~i:~~~~;~!rJi];,~~, Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 799 1714 1714 1457 Va I U m e (vp' h) .;' :',"':-1'.~.'::')i,ri;f"f,(~.,: ,. 66 :~,~~. ',:' 72;g'Y: ,; 640\,~:;'j ";-490'f ~,~j - 290'~ -H, - ~1.70 :;,'>";~:;i' ;~,::"'-'",}f>di i~-f:\;c;.' ::#i,~~b 1..";,~~:\<,~,'I'_~ ~ ,;;ii,)' ""~\tk'"!- A,f:t:~S; ~"fh~~~',- , ' ~. ~'-'-""-" "",..~:.,~, "; , 't,;,,40'.".,......, "", . , :"'\,-I'!" ,,-.',.,' ." . ":~>,-i.I .t:" . ", "~:'1h:":~",-,,,,~"\'h''t!.--.,''"'''{~ '%,iiUi",:.t,..-.-.",."."';t ';" 4"~ "~""'11'. -,!'"'.'"'W.."--."". ~"..; Peak-hour factor, 'PHi,N'''~0.9i) -'O,90~"'''O:95''"-'O.95-'''' 0.90"" 0:90" .., "'" *~"""' .. .--..- ........"...._".w..._ '.' Adj" F'ow:(vpht:;'~~~~;~~tfil~-\~~~:~~~i-?~'}l,r~\fr.tJ ~P.~~I:,6~~-;~-!,t~~,:~516J~~~ti -32i::~j,;;'~1 ~~!~;i?~j:1:~ir~~~;?lf~cikJ}:lt~:~;J.#~~~~~4ti'~~~~i~i~~~}JflB1~i~: RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 75 0 0 0 113 l:ane: Group' Flow"(v-pt1):~rr,~:}~~~'\73~!p::r;-,::~:;46~;"4:'::-67 4;~:~:?~151 rfiF'?~:322~~~F, \76!f:l~t!if0~~nE~'{G-::;:vt~2iR~;~f)~\E;~f}:?{~~:ol:Jli1~,~.iE~;:t~~r-~'~ Turn Type Perm pm+pt Perm ProtO ct' d 'Ph"a"'s"'e' "5' <-;;';:'i-\~iX;;;;(?ff';\::;.,,;1'i:'4"~'l-:':1:;~:,:'<"~'~:>;i;'~J;..,,";:;;J5-~"}fl'~~{,""-"2'~Nh,:;:~i6'" ~f:"l":,,,-;',._'J:-';~;I+?ii\;'t;');';'~"'t~~:;;'1:;;;;;3*,j !f;t"t;i~'ik'1W::S~;:::"jS:t1~1"i\-t""~:'o/~s;d;J.)W~I>'2"S,i;":-N~if"i". e e -- ',. . ~,fJitsllfEJ:At;;~"1i?t::.~gs2]S:0tgrs{!~t'f;-j\' .L~~1E~~~i1t-"'...~6~~0;':iJiLJr~If;Y~~1;~F0:tzlifuzz4~7i~YI!~t;1i&;;tlg@;jRhKj;;K~!k~;:g;s~;:\~~:;&!:f;#,~~Li!~1xJ,tJ1 Permitted Phases 4 2 6 Actyat~~::Gr~~~,{:S~~J(~),~t~rf~~i~~~?,~~_i;&~11r{,~~!?J\'%:t??6.f~,~f~~t~~;Rlik'~;32:~ki$~'3~;~,~~H~~~!;'N~~~~;illb~1~~1,g]~~~L~~iliW.€l::~k~i4i~~;~~H~ Effective Green, g (5) 5.5 5.5 66.5 66.5 32.3 32.3 'A,C't' I' de :"/C1R I'" "~;J\~~::~tv:~;2t'O. to:":.i~~}1~i'0'"~-0'"7'1r;)i;;0;8' 3' :,..:.*;TfO~ ':8' 3~-:~i<~1>i.'0'4' 0' ~j!tS~-O- :'4' '0'U~:;\~N;~_~.;.Bft7;Ii:',if4RfJk!f;;:i;;'~*,1f,1~;~t~:::~" '.:::;~\ffitr.Fi~*T;::;:7if~;Hn;!;11'\l;rti ' c ua~,. ,,9. .~,. a.,~g,,1;.~-::,,~i;~l\!f3kv"; k!.;~~dti;j-..,; _'!.C'\~'" . ......Jt'JM...,.:.. ".;h:;\i~,.,:;, ,".{411J''1:~,:_;,. ,":".~}'-"'0'A:'i,illtt.,1hi!;,~e",,,::-gj;b;,;~i.:-'lY;'&;;:Zl iilr~;;J,~~~'i-:~1,,'t1N:~i'';:;i.;:d!-,;~'t.h;:~ Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 VehiCle-tExte'nsiohl'(s)~JTI~$h1W%_J',2';5'}}~i~~t~2~'5~~~::~~f2:5,~~ir~2!5~W~tj:-2';'5~:itt.;~2~5~j~~~;~~~~,*~~~$j~f:~1Rr~~'R~~;'i.:Y;:~~{:}ifi'1~5?~P?!4t~-~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 112 100 977 1425 692 588 v/S'..Ratio:F?rot i;,i,")1:'~r~i:1Vg~~~m,; "*iVf'CO;04l[j4:~J;::14!y;.;jf[1'cO:26k~TNO;30~;;':t;O"19~:t~~"?~:!I5Jf~;;~~'n';?X'{(~Wffl'IF;?~:2~);~'~i~~i'J;~IIPGln~~'\w~;t;;~ft\!j:;;Wt~~lm])[.:t4g~' .. . "', - ~~'P; ,,;l}~,",!J,''#:'':,-''~' i'':".,,'; .;,1i;-;I.~ii:1,!q.~",~,.:~:;"", . ,';;~M",'n:,,,~. "'1j';.,\;t;,, ~~", ."L~'"":;;"~'",,,f'o&~:;;:';'.;:.i1;.;w',",';,1!,d~*,:;,~~'(C:,,;;;:5~~,, ..,~t'_,-~t",->;",,_,:j;;.;tl. .2;.\\\i;;.J;,..<:-:::'';;->i<~...;",....:.':'"'.t.":1 vis Ratio Perm 0.00 cO.31 0.05 ,vii; 'Rat;o.~:;&~;~~:);jfjI2{}['f;t~#Ert!fJ~~~O:65.j?1~10~06'~~0i!O;69~~r'&\fb~'36,~~~&10:-4'7.i:~\~O:~13E~~~[!tP~Fti;,;.t~~!r;~\,:~'Mi;':i~~l~[!~-;:~'f;~7i~~~;;rn~3Ki#ri~t' .,' .,_"_', ,,,'__......-J:>.y.J,',,....^","'",,~."'"'__,""_,>.,,,.,..-.1.,},......__. "",,-,..,jII.co>:.. ,_,,,,~I_..,...., ."""",."" ,.-_..b\'~..., ...~..~'"h""~.._"....."..,"""..."'Uil\X'h''''_~.. ..1O.''....''d",P,~''"''', ',..'.~.,,:~...,...\. Uniform Delay, d1 36,3 34.8 6.6 1.6 17.5 15.0 ,pr9g_~ess!~nl~?~2r!~TIfg-;JfJ;[~j:1~9Q{YD'ttRu~;9Qji~,~lQ,~6~t;J~J~:9?5Q~i,1lQ9~~~ftn;1:q9jli;~"~.i~!fi~ntlliS~~w~I:~~~T:~~~~ikW.IDiImr~It:~~~~{*~ Incremental Delay, d2 11.5 0.2 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 pel?y;:,(~):~;?;t,;~~Th%1if[~ll~,jM~{~tJk~1~~.~lPJfJ~:;~qL~~~1~!1~L~~~1l;:.~;~}1if~j ?j;1.f~~~~~~]~fu~l~~~~~~mfill~~~l~Z;g~i;!~~ Level of Service 0 C A A B B B InlelllectiOnl'Summary~'_~A4~~;(Ii1''T~lli~~miliLl;~'L~.;ij~~!IiI:'~~~. HCM Average Conlrol Delay 10.4 HCM Level of Service B H"GM:Y~!lini~~~t~I9~p~9)Jyi@~Ig~j~!fd~!\€~1~~,~l~~r(t(?,0~~r~~f~~~t~Jf,~~'~;@Jg~~qj~::~f.{~~t.~~i~~it~~:~~?;f~~~m{Wkl~~~~~~4~X;~~~~ Actuated Cycle Lenglh (5) 80.0 Sum of lost lime (5) 8.0 I nter$eCti~n3Cap~~jtYis~Jmi?tjgn)~i~b1;FJ1rtl~~2E.4~tl:1~4r;\j\it:S?!f,~jg~2~tjQf.:Serv.f~~1f:;~1~m{i~ili-;R~~f~~fufi41~~0Yi1h1tl;~~W~~~~rrSl~1:::;; Analysis Period (min) 15 ~.;, 2;'Critical;,Li?n~:G~!?ljRlY~~T~1.2B5~~~rttr~}Jf{~mf~n:-~~i~~;\R~i~t~~;1~tf:?~rI~,G;~1~;f~t~~~t~\Fi~~f:~~E~~~!iitrf1T€1~t=~f~[~p~~~;r~~fJT~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 2 . 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial .,,; "'). ..... t + .I Mo~menf!ll:~~'!IlI;~EaiE~EBR~NB~NB;tz)l!1{i\SB;f~8Rli~,~a'1flllil!'~i;tjBifr~(;$1lI~4!'~tll! Lane Configurations "i 7' "i .,. To Ideal Flow. (vphp[rT:;}_;;';f:H['.~;~./;~,~qq;:.0i~~1'8Q9_~m'~)-180.0m~7180q>r/,1800 .~;;i~,t89.9,~)~~~;~5~t1~~i!~~i~~~~~:t~f~~4t~k\f'~;r1:~l{~~~1i~!-;; ~~~;~~~&t~;;;~~. Total Lost time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane UtiL Fa~qr.~1:;Qtit~'2p0iw~'~f;P9~1~\3J~~1.00J:~{)1 :q'OJ~:A'1\OqJ, Frt 1.00 .. 0.85. 1.00 .. 1.00 . .. . _ .. .. "., . . Flt'Protected:. :F:~tN!~:,;~lk~*~K9 ;,~.~U1';-:,~~1';Oo.t{1:Jr'o :~Qg~f,f,4,1_"; ogJ~4~~:'11;OOl;l)~~st~ifE(~;r,;'!~11~t~?I~i~)Ji.~{1~~r;IT}~-~i~i~tt~'u~JFt~~",~~t~;,~~~~~~~t~l~ Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1656 Flt~ F!ermitted <~~(,~;j~b~f~~~~?.o;9~_~~;t;B{1~_OPJlRi~P AO]t~1~,1~Oqi':,~-~'!,1:;.QO~~t~1%~~~!~41~;~1~1~i~;:~~1:~!.[~ti~!~\'1~1!~?i11:~t1~~t~1{Wlr~;t,~ Satd.Flow(perm) 1629 1457 694 1714 1656 Level InlerS'eclion::S[jmmary~~~'l!:jlr.!1F{,1~.~",_:/1iilj(il1~~J!L~JlT~k~~d~fit~ill~~~ HCM Average Control Delay 22.3 HCM Level of Service C H~M~Y91~'rre;t9\9~[~9J!Y1~~t!fl~~]~~lli~1i~fl~:~9:!,?~:t,~~!~~~\0:@flli~~tilli8rt~*IT:1}m:fI~~t~1:~~~1f&]f@g~~ji:m~:~.~~Jiij1milir~\'}:qi1~{lii Actuated Cycle Length (8) 80,0 Sum of lost time (8) 8.0 Intersec~ion~c;.~pacjW;,9tII!~ffi_~ipf1.[~r#~~~rif1-:~J~I~.:.qr91ll,a:l~it&~lgq!~~.~\i~,FQt:~~&(~lii~~~~i~rnr&~~Q.t0~1}~~+~q~~}})BJ~;ili~~~:m Analysis Period (min) 15 c;' 'Critic~I'-~a~.~I~fQ~~R~,;?~~:;f~1lli:?Jlmt~[:f~~;~;71~~~&~:;~~:~~g~1~'~~l~~j~~jf~G;~~~mtj'~;~U&1~~.ijJI~f:~2~~112~~~gZ2!&:t~i~J~t4i~~~I~~li'~tf,1.] CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 3 . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial ~ "'). "\ t ~ ~ Movemenl~~~EBIlJ!lf!lltBR~NB@;~NBT~SB~:SBRl~~~",,,,f~l~~~ lane Configurations "i'" "i t lo Ideal Flo ( ph pi)' "." {,; "".."1800.'>"'1800..-<.'1800'...."1800 ,.. '1800 'n1800""'''':;'_~'''''';.,ir'''':7'''' "'''''''''''~ 'tt..r i'" "F,,'" ...,.0',,'.......7? , W V "~""_;::,;S;::~:;b':;:r:: .. ,~.i~~;,;." ..J;L(-i;..~ ,,~,:,~J..'r, .-,~~_:,;. ,___ ~i:;:?t:'''"'.n "..~!Tf~;~S#5~:t;X,}:~~;~4;~;;:i{f::~\:tfJi{Q:.!l7;i+:<.2;f;:,';~(C>d:f;t;-{~~};'~~~~llf~~'~~ ,'"iIi;-t:i: Total lost lime (s) . 4,0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . Lane Ut,i,I., F act9l:: j1'~~I*fl;~;~Jt;fj':qb:~~1li~;{1-~9Q~v: '~i~-:90~~\~,<tOOt1~,~,,1 :OO.~;{~J!~~&~~~t!ff'~~~~~11~~M,~~;~_:]Tffi(1l+~t~~~ai2~~fF1;~_~lli~i;~~]i:~;~-%~t~(~c~!~J1;tT Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 0.98 Fit Protected: .;) '~,";~;~''':ti.i1!:':t';i':~~\:-.?~ 0 . 95:,(t;;PI'1' OO'~.W,:~\O 95}"1';:;'1 00 ;.;~~~ "~.1 00 ~tt;t:}:M':'\i~,:f~i;~;ll~;t:'}::f'~~i?:~:::~\')y').hi:!~T~;)~~F:~;;,1:'i'''~~;i.f~t ~':;'I11n~:? :~jt~f{t~?r;l1:\'n(t.i' "...t<,k,..~1!-:",.~i>. " ,,' "",'J.." " :1"'-0,.' ,.l.t',',,' _ ,!.;~, ~'.'. ';" ~,;tP'*"'''';'~_ G~';j..<:I-"',~-'l'~,_,).c~l,*,,>-t")j"Qj" , ~'~", ,,-,;jt'V~;nj~"f"""-' U;.j-1 'Satd. Flow (pr~ir'''''h ."" 1629.... '1457''''''''1629''''''1714''' '1679"', -....,.".. "".,,', .<,~.. "--,,,"... , . , "'-''' . FIt Permitted ,.,.":,:'::;.\~f::t-:0:'j~,~J::;f::,~:'0.95.i?::'tt, 1" OO~lfi:;:#O '07~;f'~fii:,1 '00' .\r":jc.1 '00;~l'f1;;l:_;-~:,-T';'k:;:::~?!ir~~.1&r:g;~;t:_i-;~:,;'kq1u;;i~;?~t~,'t~;iltt:'~~,.j: :>;G't"1\r"~1~_!';.,'f~,>qt;~4:-::t%. - , - :,,:',"':l;'-:j::-;Z').~;~:Yl")/,'Jti~i. ',..;i;JJ,,:, ./:;;;;~'.:. ~ _,~;""ilc,t.., '.;:Jl_, . ,U'gl:~-;;~~".:.k\li};:,;.,i,,;10;14,,~.r.:;.1;?,;,.\4:i-.'i;SIJ>:J_I'~<:>:~,'JC'-;...."tf.,f';:: ~~~_{~L:%.11'Bft1i,"'~-7;:;;$ Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 126 1714 1679 Volume (vph}>J:~~~:.'~qn~tf,&tJHt. 2~Q,:jfr!Ai:~A1~E)~J:~~j" '. 9q;'2~,f~,'~,,700,i,lk?87.Q/~~~i~i~j;j ,Q?A~~!!~\~~~~flff:~J;~\;tti~~~f~1~ji~~f;:~il,;:;1~-;dt~lli~i:;.~;~I';\tj~~~~"i Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 Adj. Flow. (vph) :~tt.~~ti(~1M1;N~; 25~1~~!;f~J6.:1~~~~r.'l:1 o91rf~~&77~~J\rl;~,9;1 ~.~{y&~,~_a~'~~~~.il~;i~jjfIt1t.;MM,~~&~:dffiJf~{if;;~f]~f!ti~~~.~l:;,?:~!~#'~~~M~H: RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 134 0 0 8 0 La'ne' Grou.p~Flov/(vpt1)}~::X~~~7:'256t0mtP::',21~z:s~{d 06'~~~~4:?;78f:~'::'-::1 0711;,~;,;;~f~~?~Oj;j;1~1~~~fjf0i!j;W,~:i~;N~!fi~FI~;lR~S#:1gG~~;'~~if.l1%~~~;i~r~ Turn Type Perm pm+pt Prote~ediPnas~~:';~t&:lliE~~ji;~~;ff(G;4lli~~~~~i~~~:f~~;~~J}~f~l~kltt~..~~~~~~~i~}t~~rf~[~~d.*L~~T~g~ititllitf1.2fi~J~}:~1~j~~~iffJ~;f.~~ff,b~~i~~~~~t~:[~~; Permitted Phases 4 2 2 Actuated' Green, ;G:;'(s)-'1"L0}0jj"{'>.13Y3:;;'t0;:':1~131:3jYi.~{~58\-7:~R%W58 ~1::-:'!..jS;5t3-t-:;;;.;;;;';';i@iiiP5;},b:~10i!JJ'.#>F}t!t;"t7ilJ:fi(,~g-;.JJ~1i.)Y;'~'i;\I0r;,1,&::Y'~~<::~W:h\\'fm #(~~~ .. . -, '..,. . !.~,_, ':. _, .AEi~k;5,:i" ":;._,l5~>;1~, ,,:,...\#~~l>- :_.3i<3fJ'L" _.: ...31+";;';~i . :. ,,:i:Jt!t~<i.ii2*'!S:;'i{f:'J2$Jki11n~D','Q:{fj;JLli,-~2-:+:MfYT4i:-~(,a;i;'iti'2:;if::2,; .~7dld0:-liU,"1rr.S'&Z~L'~;;;;i;n~:Z" Effective Green, g (s) 13.3 13.3 58.7 58.7 52.3 Act' ua ted' g~/CC 'R'a"t"0"'%".'1)I~T::{1i[ls;&0. . (1:7-}'!Jf#i'f0' .'-:'1"7:C~~: 0~7' 3-'"fl4fi""0'<7'3"'1+;!!€1"OU ;65' 'f1hi~2-;~f~HfAfM1:F~~?:7,Mj~~i~Sfu:1~i~~)P;;;1:";;';:1W;j:~:f!li~1b?iis!r; 4'f~e:~1' : . ;; ';,'_.. ,._t"~''f'JL:r't>t~::):l~",.:1.,"<11\::''G;~K'':''"-,,.M1-\J.,~-;'..~. ,c .d7ifS,{",,",',.:~ ,l;.s.~;::___ :.. _",\;;.'_;1;t::Jt;;'lW,-~',>"f;@f;;:a;li'\iAiuktc;,*;;'+:;2:~;s'S1!:S;;;J ;ii.;:~wili:i.-~:.d::itfiJ1,,~"nS.;mAMi~t'::'"i;~~, Clearance Time(s) ".. 4.0, .. 4.0 4.0, 4.0 n ..4.0 " _ ..,..." '. ,.... . Veh,'cle.'Exten' s""'on'-;'(s"--)~T....,t';.ili-)15i:$'0:2' :';5,~m1;rTi\2i5;ff"l~1i[;'2)5\c:\l:;::i~2'5iP;;M::''{2'5~n~i.i~7'j~~:+f;p;1~:tti\}r:t;J'J.l@;J~-f;~.i:~~~:)1~i~{!rf;;t~ff~~j~;f\f;'~;~i\ri :~~,'if~~: , \ ,..,,~,' ,--,.''__>,;<,.~'. . ":_'"C>''<,' . _,"",,' ~ . ',,,,' ",' . , '.:,1 v.__ . """,',",' 1",,,,,,,0",__,,,",,,,,,,,,-,,1". >?<."".-' _,~,A~"')~+-""",'1'."'if'~~"""'.l''-",;,,,,,,,_,"'~'___' "n',"" ',', ,W lane Grp Cap (vph) 271 242 138 1258 1098 vIs "Ra tlo'8rot- ;;':1;~Y';/-'i!!~S1i;;;'c"'O '16'~;j;l'!~'g{t:tP:"~O"02:"7;;;c"or45' :;-1:";-c'0;64:'~fr":(i:f:i1:,;'~nti~):;f;J;~ltmmh~:~\~:\?~~It\'!7:fit",\:4(t;::~t1;;~~iJ'~'-:4.:T:~3a;rs':lRr:: z;;;l\;i~ ,- F. . ~ ,,' _ _ w~41,;;{;~;.',r9l);~0~~,_,..,:,~,.'''iYj;:j)y",q~i';,;,r:jJ<P0-\,.' .. ..:!t:Unw.;,,, '_',i,'):'i'i,';, ...,,,~..,~A1:,,,";~"#,;,l~~!i';;;"-i~J41;':'ib:iJ.-'t:::JjT:{1~;;,~%'t;Y::i, !i!,;j{;fu:,''it!lo/tJiJ,\;.:i-.Je.;il;:l~",::r.?,t~~~i,!.::''tl\i~ vis Ratio Perm 0.02 0.51 Y/c-:RaJi9i~~;~:~0;~~fG1:}~~~'Uf:{~.~Q~'~A~~~P~1,~iJw9;'7~Jj~.dJ~gL~~~~9;.9~m,&i{4'Ai!l~~~ltl1t~#1t~~~I[1fi~~~~j~H~{~z\f~!1Y;rr-~~lt1i~ UniformOelaY,d1..".."...,,,.,,33.0 "28.3,__,,1,6.6,,.... ~.2"..13.2 ,,,..,,, , "''''..' ",... . "v".... "'_~". _,,___ . Rrogre~~lof!JFa~2.~jt0~~&.~~Mm:1n9.Q,~Ti!11i."qqfm(~j;1:1091lliL~1:.Q.9.11~:t4h;9;~?~ill:~~~Yff~;[;]T~]lli~I~ii~:~1ftitIti]Sn~i\~.rr\~a~jf~~i~~Hti~~~t;r~~l Incremental Delay, d2 39.6 0.1 16.2 2.3 15.1 Qelay,- (5)',:; ,- .-~;~~}~t~4.~l~:~illl~~~i?.t~:9,TIJiI~~;91~~i~?.:.:z.~~~~?::,2!t~~~.~),!ixltK~~~]biL~'~i~~j11&~~f~lfu~ljir~~~~]~1!t1~~11I~t~~~{;~1#[ levei of Service E C C A C IriierSeClJoniSumm~ii~:~~~~W_it_'1l1':t.,~~~"'T1l!l'iOOi!!,,f[iii:iiJ'L';~;;;!l HCM Average Control Delay 25.7 HCM level of Service C ~~~N9i~ril~e:.~oi~~~;P?Ei,tyXt.~!H2~fB?~~iJ&~it~XC():~,t~g~t~~*~l~{1tf-)~;~'~]f~~~l~,~~1~~li~~!h1;~~~~~~W&:~;nllitP~~~1ju~)~~tlt~~4~'~'h~~1t Actuated Cycle length (s) 80.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 In te'rs e.ct'.ou--n- 'Ca' nac','ty' -.":U ti'j"z-a-t',o"n... ;k'i,}f}i~"TI'G;~]frf:1t:N:87. 001: ,;,tj;;1t;>;'i;I:f;,i)ICU ile'v""'"'e'I"lo"'f'S'e' ""rv""lce- "'1?'j1:!f*~;::tll":~~'!G1'1rJr::-!:::~ \E:;;~''0*t!;j'iill'lw~~jj~;Dki;~N~~~ . - . t':' - - ,: ,,,.~ . or"',._U'.- ",~<'2~_;;'%...;';:'~lti;;J\w..i:< ,:!~,;J"',0J1(L.',$'~K, _~",,-:_ ," '.' "".,~"". c_.,,;_ ":l,iii;,,~,,}\n:_:,w;i2ckk,,,t,-:.'iSi!;&i,;:;'_~1.;>JS~j,",ji>:JJ)t td,~...!,,;;:;;,*,Jti.:.,~-;. Analysis Period (min) 15 c:::'''.Critical~,tane'_{Grp1J~:H4X41~:!WMh~,~~ft~'J;!:;iEi0~~'~~i::i_;$E;fr~t~~rTh~~;;t~p;IT~1~~~!~~tfJ:t~~g~;1~~1l~~~:~~l~~t~f~fl?l$~if?r~lTI~~j~i~:-lt: CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 4 . 5: Industrial Ave. & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial ~ " ..... t + .; Movememc~:_'~~Ifi..dEBJi.!!Il!lEBR~NB~NBT~\;SEi'l"~SBR~JlI'o\fi,Z%~~~?&!~~ Lane Configurations "I'" <f To Ideal Flow-(vphp.})Y;f1f3~~::fti~:~ 8qo..i:~:::; 1~Og_~:~f~~~gQ~i:;i;:180Qt~X;:18oq,~~[~1~.991;'BtqJg1r~;~ti;1f;:1~]~~~b~:~~;:!~*J[:i~:.ffii~;;~f~Et:~J~?4'hiQ~iE~~1r ~~~~ _~~!!;t. ~;~q~~J-~;i!Ri~\ill~f!4K~~~~~~~~,j~~]~'1~~~l6.f~~1l%~~~{r;i1 ~~~:'L~1 ~~~1Ij{t~~~&~:*~?;~r~~2~t~~t};l;f~~?;~#~~?tf(~~~i~t~2Mt~}i~t~h~i';~~~h~~~;'ji~ Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 Fit P t ct d. .,'. ,..,' ~."" 0'95';e'1 OO"'~''''" """'100 "'''1 ' roe e' '. \.',~$l,::wY;,j /". ~!j;/" ';"M:r:'~"';',~~0". ').~".. Satd. Flow (pr~ti "h'~""-1629n-1457" ,. 1'71"3' ~ Flt'Permitted .~;:~t:f_~;R;';';i1l\'lt~J5;'NiO '95";:;;,6!~1~00imJI.,':i,~l:.'$-,~~{I":::t 0' 97;2*_~J;,1 ; 001~.~'2rr,i~~"':;;;7.;1b,~\i1~:'\{\"i~:-'1,O&,;;r;t:~\;i?-i";;W;t:"1f:\';(:,*,'\f<t;:.~(t{ '0'llr.:\~"J*,~~:p}rr'..~e.i;1t;,~S{),'; ,.' '~,"';"'i<~';:;~??t~f{O:':;:~~:':-~j!::""F ,_, ',_., ,:,~;t,.:'::. _:" _,t".-::;~il:;t1JL;\,~!' '.,_.')~~' '., ,'i".{~s2t";;lgt'J;~F;Jui:.~~'J.1>;~5~'7,;.;&ji~.,:'-;''rli4,~;nJ;J;r-a~iT;:;';'1"'J l1.&;w;:;.g;;~f~\tti::~~rt1rdSl,:3, Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 1669 1709 ,Volume, (vph),".< ,':~J~$~~M~ti~:J1jn158?S,:JS;{~!)~~,,\1':~:t;~]1i1~n~1:~~709~',::{;i':~J86~X{1~l~r2.f1:~iZmt~tF~{fiJ;~~?JiB!~;!&i;?~~tf~~i,:mti~~_:~~1K~i~'4~1~:;:i:;*B~~!!\i' Peak-hour factor, PHF ~0.90 0.90 0.80 0:80 0.90 0.90 Adj: Flow, (Vph)~;i~'!;:!~~1~??;fflJ~;%~J-~~~t~4~Jtl~Jt,~0:~;~k~~~~:1~zj~J~?,1%H:~.199?",~~iE{;)j"2}f~i+i0;~~~1~)~~F~1l~}~J~;:~Nf~~*.3!:W~q~~;k?lt1J~1t!{~0?~~f$: RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 55 0 0 1 0 Lane Gr6u'p~'Flow'(vph)'F~~~TIrj5h94~~~;0~~J~)r5T~i\~g~:riroj~~~8'99~;:i!TtL1~1 '22t~~~iW11oq&'iSZ:~\~i}gW,it4~WfZI,10t~~':i;i0t:0~~~~E{3{t[i?;t;1TIj;'cr~:: Turn Type Perm pm+pt P t. ct d . Ph" ,", '" - "i'-1'W,}.';-" ~);tt:>';"~:';~~;'~"4" t%3Yi,_,;",:::;.j'n"~1.-:-i\,,~,j'5'i"",~C'_~1~~i!;'2--H:"t"<,~";':""6'..,t:<: ~';'f?' .;::,,:.;~~,jj' t;.;;~;:f~';"~';;;:lP.'~'f1t~,tt; ''Yr':1-!1::;'1'Jr'~t:-%i"'lfti';~:-'m~!:''r '-S"i)"[;h,7,1}1:,~'';:' . ro e e __,'~ -: _ ~se.f?,f;;s;ijjj\r:;g{;;4,!'(frr:~i<j> j.qh.~~~:;;',~T2{$i:;;:;F ,;'~[::{'.G;~;~ ~ Xf,}~~{~~~~<, j~:?tl~.:/ft\~~~~~~:{1El~,}:&ll!\~iif2!"ii~t;r;f~~t1tiilfi01~Jjk.:ttli1.&1;~&YM;:, ,~dJ}1&~~t~~: Permitted Phases 4 2 Act~_at~g\~r.~_Q'&Q~(~f~1~;wlll~k~~:?JQ;~~~!~6lQ~~1~i'f~f~~~~~~;_~ni}~;9~;;~~t~~~lf~~;1fjlTh{~)~~~kfiki$j~f/ij;~1~~!r~~lj}~N~t~Th]~~~i~~j Effective Green, 9 (5) 6.0 6.0 62.9 62.9 A..' ctuate d ~~g/C--:"R a-'t'" ""'c:"':;"+"M~::fu(,10- loa- 'id[V;>rO''".O'''' a'C'<XJr':':yP''',*,so;;i:'1--';;';~:'iO''i'82~",;;~<i~;,0- "82's+2:'-;$:-Yj"1i:i~~ji;;'3";\W'~f,.\1~;'?!t_t&ti\'i'1~,t ;ri~\(;\;)Wrti~-"C;;;;1*r.:-;;:--#E;iZ&ifu.i:f;;;,s:.1;i~;H.f:i~:&:;;0:'-~;{.i " ". : .:: ,;. . !g;-2ig;f~j~~;;j;JtL_: "~,.;~&',/:L,_~,,",",iiitL:,f~r;::t1Wi~tr:I:,,.;,;~,__,.;t\*~\ ,,.: ","/'El0t;Y:7~WJ~1y~i;,ft1'iit~,Ji~$'iit"$4:tih'K)iJ~~rlii:ti:%itii5t~~;:h~~1~1i;,ili_t~:ri Zt~~m't;. Ciearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Ve h"'c le"~'l::':"e""ns' .,'on'->I(s':;")''$>WHf,f''f;'F:\~i2,15'" 2'ii~:~~2{5"""":~tSm~"?7~~;W~;j1"215r?Ii1t~~;;:2~5".<:t;~~81:1''\t;JJ~t~~T':WG~:t';~';:0?f'l~?k!:.trSjS;]1\!1~rx;"r:~4?ii;:i~J#tJ?P ;;'f~if,n\'C~mr; I ' "CoAL '" , ''-o."j',i-:!''US" )",_ , ~,~",,'W' . ':..0;;>,:),:,,,,.';,,,,,""';','/"""''''; . ,.r".", "'''-' . ~"'"'''~''' ','h'I'iW;';i-,__":~_!.,,,c,. "+~,,,~f1,<N",,':,'I"~''''_~'''1-'''',w,~'' -'~,,.I1,,,il'''l-;;h-,,__,,'f~'(B~""'..' 0;"t1,,~,~',ii, Lane Grp Cap (vph) 127 114 1365 1398 i~!~';,Rati~;Rr9t5~.w~1Mmit~friiisQ,!qpi;1fr(~i~~~~fr:;ii1~lt~~~ffi~I4i1:S9.~P2.~~~~&:1~~j~~~ml~~~:~~~YJ}~jg1t::~JIrJ2i~~~~:~~~~~\t~~ vis Ratio Perm 0.00 0.54 lnterseC!lomSumma",'--'~~1l\~Jr.,,'~j,_>ii!lIi1'~'~rfi.1;~,ifn<""'~~1!1i'1Il HCM Average Control Delay 8.5 HCM Level of Service A J~cM:y'Q!qin~(tq;:G~p-~s(tY;1~i!qiJ1)~!'~~~ti~]i~i~;IQ1~9~~~Wg;1&~:~~8}S~,;)t~~)i!f!~1Ei]i,~2J2:!!~Hfii~f~11~!t1~~i~~ti~jliti1~jI~If01m[~~~~~1 Actuated Cycle Length (5) ,. 76.9 Sum of lost time (5) 8.0 1.~te'rsectlaD:\~a'p'a~i~~.W~t!~~!t9!i'R1]f~~'(~X0~t1IJQ1fi!9.Z~~~~:;~Mr~~jJ~:~H::~i~j9Jj~~tY!~~:~lillBllit~tII:~jpi~;f,:.lli7fJ.;f]~~~~R~~1~~~~~!t}~~:J Analysis Period (min) 15 c.:'.':Criti~I:,;~~h~;GrQ4ID~!Wl~mt~#~;tf:~1V:[~116:0E~~ifH~~!~~;~~~?ir~fiJ~~~t7~fJ~n}t~~{~~fm~~[~~n~;~jl~f~~~miiij~~~~~if1~~{~~1;rtk~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 5 .. 6: 40th St. & Olympic St HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - All Industrial ..) "'). .,., "i '+ ~ Mavemerljml~y.$1li!l!.~"'1!l~~~EB~EBR~NBt;2;~!3!liIBL~SER"!'iilSE8"2Mtl~~~" . c. .~:'" ;. Lane Configuration~........ ., lj .__.. 7'. '., . lj .. lj "". ~........ ,. ........ ',..... " ...., ....." Sign Con~r~I~:',!,~~,k;7'i:~~ig~it\t~'~'1~~StC?P2&ti.}1;) ,t;_:~~;':;,.~'::Jf;,~;~~,ree~K;tfre~:':,~;.;~I~;;~11~j1:;[~tM,;;:j{~j~~~JZ:~\~~~~#:~!ff:;~:~{Lt~~~.,~!~I:::~~:i,;S~:~:~~''''~~S:'. Grade 0% 0% 0% Volume -(veh/hr"(~~:~z~~~Fg~~~rF$;.:~;3t}r'(;'1b9titi ~':i( _~4-6.~;?1;:~~'~O.Q :~t0?3:;'289I[lj~t}!?~t~?;~}::~~~~1t[~1~l}]!fj~YlistW{;~~:~11r~~0i~:~~1~~;?:f\~~,~~: Peak Hour Factor ..." - "0.80" "0:80' 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Hourly flow Tate:O(v'p.t1)!~f:.'1g;f~?;<l.!4o'fi1g"~:~j136~;IJ~~:;<;51~V{r.~~222 ~!.I\~f;;-31,1.~Ei7:;)w,'11'6~;~~1:trnik~I~;j2Hl1l1<~~1~mr}$:i:~~:;j'~~'M~~S!~~;_:2J:;{@;.,;,t~Ht;:'. . ~ (l ~ "C' ""1.'_'0"''''''''':""".",,, .".,,,tL,,.,~~, -~,^~'b".i,..,..,. C ;<-'''."".,,... .......~ '.d',~..<. .-..."_"i.,;t,,, ~~~""",,"....'.,-,,,...,,~,.:,f@,,,,,.~,,>.>;{~)-_,,..,.,,'J,,,,,,", ,,,,,., ,,;. ,_"'''', <"__"'. ''''''''''''''"~'.'''"." "''''''~~_'~!''' Pedestrians Waiking Right turn flare Median . Median storage platoon vC 1 stage (ijirectlon!S~#~EB1k_i:tlT2._I'JBl1_I\IBf2_SE~~~I!if~,~~lIilliill'illt_ Vo' I'ume 'Total~-",.,...:.iX.i;Jti(it,"r:&i'~\'t~j.1i'~^!401Bt'~': 1'36-'!5\i-\,-U;.' !51';!E;'<;"'222(' ,<,l;"f-327 K>,-1i;i.D!1Fi-(l~'/;':):',~<:0,~;';:;:;,f'~"i'';,",1-;j,-:,~t<l0n~r,,;;,.,,: ;"~'N:-;""t";:';i!\"',~:i;>,:::,~t<~-"'~],d'~~:;;~, ;., .' -.j'.-.' .~");i;;!$\\:;*[i~;J..'Ut;,-+},1;)ti\i;;;;:;-,, .~.(rJ.t~",....,..!"J;;l:J:"__AJ,:,:1!f'it...", ."hJ~Xl!'~"r.,. ....j;.~;-i(;:(%J;~~\ifJfi.%i{i~iE~';;,s~:.:1~,<1"'~Joo5;;lm(\0:1r.t:~: 'I~t~!i~}.~"s'1;::lL\~i~~i-rt~j~ Volume Left 40 0 51 0 0 Queue CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 6 . 1: Marcola Rd & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis - . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - wlMUE + Commercial - -.. ~ " /" Moiiemerijf~~~~~"!iIEBT~EBRlM1WB~!IlWBT1'll1t!NBt':~NBR~~~~~~~:]\~~] Lane Configurations to ltj.. ltj ., Ideal Flow (vphpl), ::,::'~,;;\~;:t~j^~~)?g9J~~1:~q9K:T:18qq_:;:{,>;1 ~qq<:~_-:1800 ,'1800 "YJ:~n ;~,~Tj'i::e~' '~' ;l;:'~~~~ ~:<~ ',: ~,~'"lrt~~: .';1 ~}JI;::t $:.::, Total Lost time (s) ,,_ ,,, 4,0, ,__ 'W 4,0, 4,0" 4,0" 4,0 Lan Ut'l "ct " "'", 'I' ,,'~ "'100"'"u,','"n"-1 00" -"'1,00' ,-' '1'00 ,,' "1 e' J...8 .or~,~ ;~:'<-i:J ?~:i~~;/k,'\- . _. ~*ni,~'h~.:'lfm.::-;':' . . v~'''' _ .,,;-,~- ..,'( ',~~." Frt 0,95 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,85 Fit Protected :.'i;;'i~\~,~B~~~}\~v~1;i:1';99,~~t~~i~,~ff$k:/{O~g5.~tB~;1':Oq,;f;~:'~fO:95dJ:, ~1 ~OO(r\~!}f&ill~;;~:*~~}~~~t~J~~~{~,:tit~i~~1;M,\Z~i~;~~1,h<[JdlM~; Satd, Flow (prot) 1636 1629 1714 1629 1457 Flt- Permitted' " _:~;f;i~~~~~~J~1~,[1,,'~Q9~~~~~~H~~~~;iO: 1~i<:~;E':~ tOQf'~~~~o :95~~,~\~'toq:;:iSii,~;~;fltt~j~~!fi;f~~;r~:Bt~:~~~~~ttl:~~::;~;~it;~!H~~*f~~jff,~ Satd, Flow (perm) 1636 297 1714 1629 1457 ' Volume (vph) ".:;; D%f;~:!.\~~h:.;r~-.39q%;;:}nP:~9,1ZY;~:!: 231 L~1A:,118Q.;:_~;;;~'- '12?~1~~;tr;4?T,;:~~t4~~~:t1J~~~~,r;rr.!t~\~!~imbi~i0;~'tt~i:~N1~~:~1(t14.-~l1_;,~;}{t~id.i;~~,:r:,:~t Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 Adj," Flow.(vph f~-\ji:1W~~~0~1i:t~,\~.33Jfft~~,?~~}~f:-25rt~0~.i~~790~N:J~1411l~~,H;~7 4-f.~~~l4jj~mWr~&~:{0:&l?;i~;'~1~~1!~~i?f~~~,i~if~Tf~tt;~~Tj}~{'b:" RTOR Reduction (vph) 32 0 0 0 0 395 L G "I ( , 'h )":~;'?0';}~"-"'-" 624-n7'i"\i'~'II'\I;;rO' ~.i'~;'c-"'" 25""'" "~~t:"200- ;;C"",,'" --"'141'i'f~;<<,~- 79 ':':'~!:;Wi/--\'U >~,T"'J-:~t':;~,g_'2~X;~,l~"'1J{,ij"<?:\1~'o1Ic-r7.">.,r:t:~ , "'''~-r:~1t~>'\:::~;'''''';~l'':'' 'ane; roup r; OW', vp "i,~: -7';':; .::;,;"~jffitF'f if;;;>>", fi!:::::~,"::! t]f"'"'I_',. :s ';':y;:_;' .' (' 7:"';f.:;.':.;>!";~~\:j;:JF"",?~'1j"'~-":'~~1;;;;;K;;.~,,~fti):~"::l"'.~? j~:: :3,.:;};,"!;.;::.t ....f., -'; Turn Type pm+pt Perm Protected.:Rhases'JTI'~~~::~~i~~fi:{~JR~~!lt4~~1U~,i~':ft'r~;:~';'~:~~&~'~~~l~i0~.i~~L~~E~tl~;~):r;~~~;m;;t~~R~i~t[i~~g~ThHt~'2~@li1~f~~TI~#~~}t~~,!~T~';:t1~~:t~ Permitted Phases 8 2 Act t d' G "'G '( ")'~\+~'i'\:l~j"~'197' $,~:"'F:::>;j:;:;FJ.J'i28'5'i;:::i'1~2 8' 15",,:-1;C,W" 7'-3""~S't;:1.r;;'7 '3'l'''~~'~~r;~i';.:~;r;;F:\$:'t.;:~''.''i'$'i':C;j-t-l;~~''~li1~~W,,~*,,}:';;;~jk ';j;;2ii"~~!;:!{: ': ua ~: reen,\) ~ ,~:L{Zi. ;"-;rib~j~rtEf!~~~..".j~~.t1,, ; C ii;i1~~;'.i..;'. ,..~\'<'7i1t<.;7,~:rf,i,}.~&;"lff{;~t,~'1~~)~~{f;im&7i~i;lH&1:til1$jll:tF,Bi,tt:fu!:~~f~~iiI;i Effective Green, g (5) 19,7 28,5 28,5 7,3 7,3 ACtUated:g/C: Ratio'J/{g:fk~ji;~d;"Ab';45~~$jfi~!'7.F~~:}?p6i65'~:\1-:;\';O: 6-5;":1~'FO:1ii\~;f1Ao "1:7:Tt~~~~~tf;A~F~;t~~iif*t~~,141~1_~l\%~t~~1*1~i:$.1I:~~i':~~Rf~~~{~ ,: " ~. ~ . ....' ,_, "';:~;';-A!i..;0';,'I,:..r.:.;;h-~;.,~,,c.;J-:~..V.;:r.r~~;3...':~\X: ,,;, _,A';:,.-. -, ~-. "'~' ;$,;;-i! ,.: ,,~,;,;,:;'~lM,.: . .~';tS';,""';:111;''ii~t:',-;~iJ.",1Jt~ili;;~; ;Ji~4:t!f;{;~'';_',,;,,' n;A"~"''''''''i('m,w~,:l'.]t~:;.i.;*.~;;;''< Clearance Time (5) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Vehicle'j Exterision~(s)tf1~,.S;~~),?:~'2:5f~~i4~y~W{}~1A~[~_'~;2~5-?:ffi\U.i2;5~~j~!~;;M2;5'?~? ;;:'1:'[;'2:5 r&:t~;r~J)1.r$:3i%if:T[~~./t$4~;)~W~fS~1M~~{f~1t)G}I\.~lt~~:~~,:;~lfi:rf~;~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 736 339 1115 272 243 v/y:.::.~ati6)P.~o~ \~'~1\~1~11]:r~'11~~~~Q:,~~lt%1~~~~;~1~~~1{;o:.O~-~~i:l:;g~:1 '?1;i2EQ,:9,~,~~!~m::~~f~!~~ll~~~1ii~~~1~~~1ri~?~{1t~~~~~;2t'f~~Yf~lfYj5ftDfr~K~ vis Ratio Perm c0.41 0,05 vIe: Ratio'~!' ;:<.~:~;;t';1?:~;\~;+-;;~~1'tl~\\:1~Oi85 C:~'1$:j!:M-tt,- r;!f:~~n~O 76'm;vYO~;18,;:1;t~io152~0:?~~t!O'3.3;~'4iNt'i~'t'.t{t~?i;'iQt,i&~7S~1!i:'t1hi~ffi;\fF'~r~it'1i:;Tv:~;I'3~fJ$'ii.:{ i~2;:/!ri'7Hnr<,; " - .-- ,,':~ ~'c.\'::~~ ",}1.'T&fg..,W.d-i.\Z:;';". _: . ,:l':N~l::':;:G:?;tdi.S;:j..i:,".:' .... ~t.::';""-''';'; .. ,~?""\!1-,, ~ d:~"l:;",- >'. ."ic::g,Af~?;:i1i>o-ikiit*;;'N::i'<l;:;;flSf.';;8iS ;:::'l~;:.'{.;;..\ffi,{~,*,*hui,_.,:ii:tT":,,~,~j:~:,rb,2~~ Uniform Delay, d1 10,7 6,6 3,0 16,6 16,1 f?r~.g~e~sion,:~~~t_9Jl~~~~\n~~1;!QQ;1~~;M~Zii,~~!f1iO~(;JiK{''I99-~~~'i1:1:;_qq~~~t1'~gQ,fu~IR~~~~5;~1l~~1t~~1~~ti~~~~~~if:r~~~~~~~ Incremental Delay, d2 8,8 8,9 0,1 1,2 0,6 De,lay;,:( 5 )'~b![(:i~,~:~t~f~ff;I~ki\bk~;g~]!~1,~,,:.~~1Wk~r~~~t[~~:t?:.f?,i~~ti~2)~~_@~~tR:1Z1H11f~:1p';?,~JIf~~t~~~n;~~~1~~11J~ti~ii~:~~~~~~~t.5.l~DJi~~@ Level of Service B B A B B LOS Imersecfjonrsummary$!1jlI0l(,1il!iIe;f~_~~",~-,,~~q'N\~ill~N~I'll\i.~~~_Jil'i~>,lffil~!1,*~'1~t",~JF, HCM Average Control Delay 16,1 HCM Level of Service B HCM;,VcilumeJ6:~0ap. aCih~;:Hrtlo;~\~tr~~~7"l;r~;~~1WfOi68'~:~,~(it'[{:~;~~_~i~1;J~;i;:~11jf;it':1~>1ft~;'~~)~\~,'-~~if:~t~;}IT12:::Fy?*,~i1~rrffJJ:~%J;ti~~,:j'd(;,m&1k~'~:t~f1~s::~17;~~~~~,;~;ti1ffl '" - -".. . - '_ --.."".. < ,,' ...."Ll"~___","'.-,..,__,'-"-',%<,,,"":o.L\h~,,~"'''-',,4-->, __.' -3,..~_\;2."",p,_ ",~",:.;]".._,.';",,,,,,,,., __~_.","'''h___''",_"""",,,,,,,~,,,=~,,,_,,> ,,,i'<:"",,..~..-IM-~,,,:....,,:A<,,,,,,,-).~~,,,!<. Actuated Cycle Length (s) 43,8 Sum of lost time (s) 8,0 Intersect,'on';Ca'p acily"!U t,'I,'z'-at,'o'- n' ~:J(~Ii('l~[;?0f:~6 9'2o/.~~:,~;:tj'BgJ-ICU~ ~I f~e've l:>o"f'Serv' - ,'c"e<::i~;'{\.~mr?,~T!~~!%-<t;1lr~~~~C---';:;'E.'!)'~\~1{i'%, ~~~$:f!fj""ir::t'{"iT;\~;:"'{~ -- -- - .. ..., .,' ;'::'-..,~,"",.","_",___.";;,;j,i;;;;,~,::":,);;;:;~'h; ~-...' . IEiir--l!';:;~~~";:/\!,_~. J_~_ ,.~.l.", ',_.,,_ _"Y;,,\;,;;;;';W2tX"'j1jtn\~\~viiit;::,,-,,),~_,"~.~,(I:}i_,t~'lQ ::'':::i;,~0t;'2;:>:t;~~'ilj:g!~-'1:: Analysis Period (min) 15 p'>~:9ritica! :~an~j.~.to~k1:i~f~j:);[~!4~)-IT!~l~r~ji!Ei~~_t~i:~~=~~ii~!~t{W5;g;i#kgtt~k~~~]:~~~~~1J~~2~tt~-~lli~~tt~ili~i'~-,~qu~;~a~-r~1:~@t~~]~F~t?t:;~~j5.~~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan, Default Page 7 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/MUE + Commercial ..f ,. ~ t + .; MovemenH\'I~,~'Mi;,'!~"NEBa'iEBR1l:;~NB~NBJ;~SBrr'_S8Rt:llJil"~~~la~~~J(~;i;:'lo@!!!;ll~~ Lane Configurations . 'OJ ." . 'OJ .,. .,. ." .' " Id~al'Flow, (vphpl)'~,:~,~~~~:(ti~;2;,:;:~8Qql~~tJ _~"~O.::r'. 1'80014i!~1'80o.(;f~~"180(t~:,:,;; :180q~~/~~~~;:;1~~Z~RJ~,;;::c:;t~J:~~;Ji~~~:;~~r.:l,(,~;~t~~L~:;"~1i::~:j'{-.j_, Tolal Lost time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 lane Util: Factor. ;~f.?t~it'\\~~f:;:/';;r1 ': OO~~s~~:,1 .ob: ~)~:! . OD-'i~;tt:1. ."ocLi&i.i 1'. 0.9j:~l~?-1.00J~~~~~H;~~t~~~b~~t:{4~~~~:\t!;~1~ti~~':;~~~;~:~~*;~t:~;!<:~~~ Frt . .... .....b.~.'_ 1.00"" '0.85' 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 Fit Prolected' ":;'. :;""~'''''''6.:!f~0'9 5'1~::1.1.00',.~""0'95C!"':""1.00".I;i":1 . . ';,;,,:,.i.!r!:i;':;;./I::;t~\..;;gt. .. .,--"L'i;;;',':>..,," ,_ -. ;r~1};,-;' ... ""ij,r.;.k:' . , .'~I~;.~,"' Said. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1 tit Rermitted".J ?i~~2;;~~'1;,p;1S}i~'pig5:Qi~b~,1 ~001~~:';Q ,463~\~~1::'oq~~HI;1~OQB5f~,~1:' 09.!2k~!1~J~$~nttYl~i{1,N*~t~*~~~;'1?~t4B5t.~~1~~~~~~:;~;i;F~~1;~ Said. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 784 1714 1714 1457 Volume (vph) :L\r~,~.'fl;+-f~d';:'\;;'~"l:J66~S~'!i;~\:L75;'12 ',' 660\'. \~"4g5 ",ij)I':' ;292,.'t\~'....:.170ki:;f.:;-!l:~N'lt~-;~i%S:k'1'jk ':.':~ij-:t;:~VV'#i_:i"~:C:'"T,;,:".~h;{.r\,.,::"l';:t': .;F:. '5~~,,-:,: ';' , -. .;',." ,'};W:,L';;;!~;'~'b:.'!~. ,...;1';~:':,,;' ".. ',;:",,~' .- :';-:::_J;" ,,~~j<J,'.' " ~i.'"j~-, . - ~:;<}l-;:'!i~"0;";;~\',::<'.~1':t",~~;";:4k.:;;:'t.',\E\Ji",~~: .. '" ,-;~.r::'r:':'D;.;t'~:.-'; '.:""".' Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.90 Adj" Flow- ("ph) i~' ;:;~~'ji1;fu::~1~I\f;!~:??;~:;!:,83,lf;~~ft\9~5.t~~~-i$21~1~f:W~2~ttifi11;fJ 8g~~r~l1f~~'~~~;~i,~~~;ft~1yri.%J'~~J1T~~('it;;~1)~~~1:~i1~~. RTOR Reduclion (vph) 0 77 0 0 0 113 Lane Group' Flow';.(v>pt15'~i~i%&'i)f:;~:73','H~~f,~?ii.~6;~~:~r695::::;tj~;,521:(Tt~:~;~-324 ~i~:' .,76'.';~,~;'{f~,ki1~~~~~~f:[jtJ~t~~~~~{i1:\~tt~;'1;'I;!~fi~i~f7~~,Ju;~,';~WG~if':~~;;~?f?:(7,:il Turn Type Perm pm+pt Perm Protected:,Pna'ses:'~4~Ji,~t~~!~.~~Bft4~~lii1n{~~~i~J;ff~:h;~~JJjIT~:it~~~t~~:If~L9X~t:~~S~:Ik~~li~mM~11f~~*it~~~ili~~~i~j,~itKtf~E{11j'f3~trj~~D~~}~! Permitted Phases 4 2 6 A~u~te.d, Gr~e.~}iGI(~)~~ti~~f,9lZr~~;~~~;:L~'!~t;~?J,:;?:'~!~~f~1;t?~1i~Z~~q.i~~~Jj~-[91Jj~~i1f&;r]~~~~~:~1~~1t~~t~d12~~t~i?~lb"t~f~a~;W&~cit&t] Effective Green, g (5) 5.7 5.7 71.3 71.3 34.0 34.0 ~; A~~ate~: g/~'Bj,tt9]~~~~~~;tB~)1.QiQ?J~!i,~~o.:'Q~~;:~lQ~.81~'ifP';8~~~~~~,9{~Qitf~~Q':~R1~1~~,~i~ft;~;~1~~~~~~j~f~~;it:tl~?}PJ~{~~~t~~t~~~~'~ Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0. 4.0 V. eh',c Ie "Ex! ens,'o' n......(s.' )-:r;. ;.f;:.",J!.,jf-.~"'!'".;":':'2'5- 0f::;:~.;72' '5'ii;.''-,C;:,\\1', 2'5...\'t;1~';2'57;}~~~'\ 2:!5f,Y1f:fr2' :5k!:;%:tf110Ji~~t~;:m:::;,;,r~.i~'-0\~";~c:;' ~!bts;,~f~j"f,'4'r(.'~-~!,f;';'\f4i-lF'J:f"ia;'iW:::~'-:~, , ' ~ ~:..c.;",<,m<:ti:"~ ;'>l~':'-,~ : ;:q-~,:,.,~ . '~f"'''''::; . ",-,<,~:, . /~-~;;'.."-'~ ; :""-~,i;TY',h,,,,-kt-!;:,~,,;,,: l::":;"~;':"l!l!"f,;,r)J\Yfl":;"!;;.l",,q.';'-,J!~'J;.~"'~"":;.-J;y~. ,~,t Lane Grp Cap (vph) 109 98 989 1438 686 583 'v/s'Ral',o"Prol '4t)'~::'~'%+t;~',t;<iG;~'{;C'0 '04';:;?t-i~.'?.::L7.,.,tD!fr~'t'c'0 !281if~~7(0'30'1;;a)J;;'(0::,1 g'i~"G:~-;;~~'t::::;~{tl~~!tiNJtii~:r:r!k(fi{;~:~Wi2'~;'W1'4;~'fr:;":W;;if!'#t#J:Y t0~~~,~;:'~?;~;~;;:~~:" ~,_., ' " "-',,':,, -"':':I~!j'~~\;t'!'';;,llt~41,':{L.-..,. ,,,,,,,,;.,,i:t0:!rt;~)~lf';if;;N. : . . ;OJ:;;!....,,;. ,--.;a~tN-" '.;""".K:t::'J-~:~-".;!'-'.%\t?>L"i',,r~'!t'!,i';~{}i'V:"i:%it~!.ill1 :,!.,r!~*;;dt;;;1E...ml1"'[(+t.;.,~", "?,Wt:~:;:,,,'1.t, vis Ralio Perm 0.00 cO.31 0.05 vIe' Ratio' ,:;,.\':t,i:'}"iW~-t':!~~;${&t~';j,O:6h~V:!O;06i~~;;?\~ 0 ,70'~v;"tFO.36i:~~;lo~4tr:;~.r:-tO:1-3't#L\2f2iJ'*'}!Iml!:c:t"W)\\f~?:1~{;~~'~!~F'~J,ft2':K>"&'~.t~~?";io:",?;,,~~,'#~'~s,;--~ , . ." "-:.,J~::J;,~?"'"',",J}A:JLwTIiii%i,,,,. : ~-,.i;.t,~"y1,. . '. ,..,.Jllf':~, :,"" ~'-:';,.:?'4~.,'..- J"t"~". '''bi''~('#';i - .,' ,..;i''&{,SU~'~W;;"''if:JAL;;:}l;J,,,,,,,;,,;},'~~'ru.~~'):a ;~,i.~-,:;.,lfi,4,.~!L;);.'j~!::-iLL".~~1.lti~ Uniform Delay, d1 38.7 37.1 6.9 1.6 18.9 16.1 , ",' ':- '" '.' """'-"')'~'<';"".~"..,~".". . - "'7'''''':: ,," . "..,.-.".' , ," """-"""1;' "-' ,. ='S", *,"'rr'.!' '1 ".--,,,--..,t'~~~~"'fl'0:'X;~'~'\t',;.I',;t"'~"''t''~'"')}fl''~''''-~'7.w<<t~W ''':!tl"'"'' Pr9gressloni~a~()r0't'!:$~,~''"#'1:1;~~.1~90i'~:~'f1 ~qO@f41~9~6~J~:i;~O~,5~,};0;,;~~1~:OO,,,~~;~~'~_;90i~Iij~~~t4:;~~j~~1::;~~~~!i:~ly~tft:~i~{~~~lib~~il~~161;::t\;~~-_::f: inc;emerilal Delay:dZ- 13.2~O.2'1.5 "'o.5"~04'~. ili"' '" ~ '_'d . .~.- .. - "_.... 'pel~Y.~(S)?t!k~~.~~;]!i~fl1J~tI~~1i~~~Jt~1%~:,~Z~~,MtlE~',:.?J~:{[t~~!1.~t~~~~~n.~~?i~~li~~~~~1~i~~i~ftt1'~J;i~'tam~j~:WtrI~~,;~;:~~~~t;~l~j Level of Service D D A A B B InterseaionrSumri1a'ry~_l'iY"~m\~m1l!~~~)!<i'!;:jJ!lhr:i?Mik~5~'~~[(:i~f[~~~~Jl'~iQ!i~~lfij!'~ HCM Average Control Delay 11.1 HCM Level of Service . B H""'C'M'V I" ";'IC. ."", _1"'.: ""!y--""" '1' "'Jf:y:,g;:'i$1it-tt;T~~\'f0'i~;',O' "69'--'';'-<;?-S'.+~,G;:':t-ii'':'-7-).,,,,^;,;!_t:;':i;7;:t<\';:-i;;'":"?'}'$~J,n:*~~X;"!J'"I:j0!'~r,rilf' !1!f~f'!;'V;vf--W-.f~~;~~1f1~"7:)$.7~F2m:~::/ . .. " ':,9, ':'IT.l,l!=': ~'"." ~P~EL ,;'[~.!Q,~;;;*;i&frfYF~LEtfU,tiS'i~ ~;. "";~i~~~l:J~ti;i:t::,i;;':~r:';;)~~I;i,,~~~~1f!~~':iBD~;2.iY;Yf:Uti\f.t~~~&1t'1't~::,~:i1q;~.ttS;'~:;'\.?;h?~~rIKl'~,,:, ';'.;aZi Actuated Cycle Lenglh (5) 85.0 Sum of lost lime (5) 8.0 I. t . ct' 'C"'"'' "I'" '-U" -1'1"' .... t' """.-,' "\""",'c""y",>,,~v""""6 8' ...,.tl1":";""r',o"'i'i"'<<iI"'"'J CU'; "Lf"'-' ..,., "J'''~''.'fS -'.. _M.,.~"t'\i~"'''.1:~j;::~-i\i'W-'!EF.iit{f:'P!'; '~ 'c' \:b'?~'1:;r"""4"'1t"~~'i"''''-,.di,,'1'''-'''i r-, ,n er5~ I(Jr'.' ap,~~! Yb__-".l',~?')~!.1~i:&i;j:~!':(Ki"~it. ;'!'-r.o1W):;l~t~~ifL_,,~ ,L_ ~'t~-.'E~.{" ~ry!g~Jfuil;Sr;~~ti.;;'i1:;:;:;2;;;fl1ji~~t;,~~\ti~1!ltl:.'h1ilLd~ij'~dwslj~~,:;~~it'~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 c; '>~riti~.l ',.~~~~1:qfo'HP}i~1;~~~tf$1!t1?~li:t~?fi.1'~~ii'~~lf;~;:;:';1:~;c\iK1i~(:!S~7i:rf~~~i~~\nj~;~ ~1ff~E:iiHil{~~t:f~.iWf1[!HI~1f:~~~i'ffit~t~~~~i*Jl~~~}f~~i:i~~~i~S(~1:, CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page~ (f . 3: Eastbound Ramps & <l2nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - wlMUE + Commercial ..f ,. ~ t + .; M""~""'t-W"il1i!!jj---EB' """"'"E B'R'll1lJWiN'B'-N'B,..Jilli5aS'B"'!i!''''S''B-'R'''---'~,_'''''4(''''~-AA-''~_'" "ovemen1;f'i?1::.\>,M;atif%:wrifj~fff~%']i L:'0AEPH ,$--t~'j L."j9{j'j\,,";, Jtm2FVI "l~,....fu;~\ ,liJfj:.&l';?A,4tii/iJi'tx::vgt6QoE<i~(l!1Jjw:1'j!~.'t'~\j;l9:w>,f'?iii:'i3t\JiEht."i;-i6',~<l Lane Configurations 'i" 'i + to Ideal ,Flow '(vphpl):~2t~,t1:~89i;):B~~ ~OQ,~~i~:!,~;1809'!':i:I'1800:';~:::1.809!~::J;J ,8q~;l,':-~~lM"~9.9.~::':,_~~_t1~~~f1E~~~~f1D~,1~~~~}~~'~~t,~i'~;;'~1~:\1ttili~:1~%tn~~;~~~~~1~tb~'~~ Total Lost time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 L UI'I F ct ,,~..""lct?;P'F'l~;f;-~t'l~'1;"00"~'Ei;v-1'00'i''';'' '1 00':;:1"""'1' 00""''''':'''1 00 /,,';"i;-''';;'''''~i':{,",,6~/'Ji'':;;'!i-;'1\;;~''l;i,,";:' ;F,j:<j'''';tH{' _'y''::i~;'J:'~''': W~'','~'''''~. it::>r~~\\r,;"t.":'.q. ane' 1_; a 0[: -~~~tH:fi7':0t~,~\r~~: _,~ _ '.'It":i';~.: ..i~~):. : :M:8;tL', , )&,;:;'; . ~ ,.,~~~,t\;j,r~:1EL:;$'l1~~&~~'1~~1~?~j{/~}.~'t~~Gt!t~'-ri~~t~!"J;'_;i;j~~tf~:-1rJ",;':sf4:'I~"::;;~'; Frt UO 0,85 UO 1,00 0,97 Fit. Protected .:~:2::~~[1ilJ~~:il~H~r~~'.O;9?J:f.~t'i~-:}~991%fi;,\O;9~:i~~rgo",4:t~1;:1:;99];~~~t~~~0i~1It~1~~2%tf~:lfZ~~~~~fl~~]~Ntr1,J:e:0~o.~&;1;5t:~~}ft~:~;~:t:lt:~,:~: Said, Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1657 Fit Permitted "~,;;4t~:~~~illgi6&!ilit1jO;B~,';:~'R>1:0q~{JIl~;,O .38.>~~y~-1\oq.fH&f;~:.OQJi~~~~~J~]1&i~i~xl~;;fi.f~j;m:~%tr;It.)1i;-i\,~'?j~$~j~f1~'~._~~~11&~4B;r Said, Flow (perm) 1629 1457 653 1714 1657 Volume. (",ph) ~:-~:: ~1:Wh~Imt3i[L'.-;r:30qti2;1::' 7?OX{ffi1~/12~:;f3_.-.iTi850~\tdi~.,..275.~;~1':1il~qf~:::~1in_~4~;*i~ig~(~:~~;~f]iZ}(t;:t'~!;,y~];J~~a\if;;:;?~i~~~il~{t~;:~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,90 0,90 Adj; -Flow .'(vph),: _~t~:.~'!;;i':j,\'MliRk::i};~'316g;S;:~'f.800}~~'~\~:,134?;;~j~[i;'895,f:~E:C.'3D6;ii:~~Li1 OD{~hl?~t"v7~~-1~~\l1j;:;iT:m~1i5~~}~t~*$?-ili~~f:.(4ffTJ;'::~f,~~jil~~i~2{~~}' " ,. ~'~." _y_"",x,.,;.,.~J";,' ''-''^,' ;"".-!,... .' '~''',n' >, <H',".-},',:,,,"",'" <e'. ,"",,",-,),', - _~" ,%'.":',...".", ,;...,,,,,-',,,,,,'" ",~l"";f'".".,,,,.;,~ "):",}3M~",., ","C-;'~"""'". ,,,",~,,. "~''.).~'-'"''''''\'_~~'''''''';.''~ RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 156 0 0 12 0 LaneiGroup' FI6w.(vphP)'fi~r;;r~t}31'6':%;~~;rt64.([~:~:~ f34~~Ji;t1~:~-895f~1~~'~r394~~~?~r~~6~;;~S\'i:\tf~:;f}~1:rffi4~!~~:;t;.~~I~i~'S_::zir~i~t~~\l!f~iE~~f-~i~~J1~:::!t;"l--.;i Turn Type pm+ov pm+pl Proted~~jP~a~~~I~k1iiffi$'llif?1~fi}J.~11\!;~~~Jt-st~gl~nUf.i~:,~;t:~*~gi~~~1gR~!~1~1;iI~,~j~~a~~1,~~t{~~fJij~~~~~~}f~'%1'~tt~!.~~~;~~!d~Hnt~&t7~fi~~~~~~~ Permitted Phases 4 2 . .- ",.",' ~. '~"""""'~"3cT ",;,- ,." "'::>>'-'\,: ': ',"~:,it'," " ."'-",-"%:" " ,,,,,,.;,v. .' ""r;',",!,CH'1(:'?"':Iv.'"r-"1fF'~""'l\;.'''':''''''I''';';'';4\W'~'''''~~'~-~JU" "-":~i'i;"";',}il/~ "':-;;;!-F?J:~;"'-}" f'~uate~iGre~~;':9L(~U~Li~;.,,+J~1_8~QJl~iE:~8~1~:~f59;,qie1ftt~919.L~i;~I~:~~Xt<~ih:tjit\S~~~d~;;f~l$1~:'Wjlt~ii?~~?iii~biM~JB~iit-rKrJ;.~~~~~~l~;t1 Effective Green, g (s) 1RO 38,1 59,0 59,0 34,9 Actuatedrg/" C'!Ratio1~f~H~~;fb';2:1_~;~f;:J~OA!)~~Xoi69?(~~Yb~69{~ifRYibI4jn?if&lt;'f~~;~~tis}i~:*~~I:r,~~[~(~!'1W~lfW'*:~1f~i~,"lj1B-~1'bVtl~}l~J{Yf~ ,. .. . -'. , . , ".""~'_:"'M~{f,-"",,_ "-'"', '''-'','' 'R', ,,__._\., ",,, "",'i'-,,,'" - "',i..._"",.-;,.-"',_.,,....~~,L"',"'-. _ """',."..,",~~"";~,,Q:ji.;)""",:"""'...,"" ,,,",,.-,,,,.-,.,...,, ;;l-f, ^"~' ,J,+,;J-""'."'.~i""'''',..j;;;iL~" ";S,.-,",""lt'b"',,,,",,,,,,",~,,, Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Vehide;E>ctensioh-{(sf~~i-1ft~;;:f~~-2;'5:#&n;!\f2:t5~~~0:i?f2;5:~R~;m2{5f,~%~;:;;r2:5':;&}rr;::ltt~~';f~72.j%!i~;f~}!~~4:tWi~t;:~~~TI~!f~k~Nrt;t~~~$~~~~~tt?~~~~1~1~~m:~ Lane Grp Cap (vph) 345 722 684 1190 680 y!s-;Ra~io!Pro~K~I(jf~tfl~[~n~'!ft1iQ"rd,-gljff,90,:_~:1.~%9IO?1:tb?P!'~?j4~"\f~,Q:24;~fr~1~~[~J.~*%h'ti~1~~rwl~~~!~ltl~1!1i~!fll}.?~:0g~~~~.~~.4~ vis Ratio Perm 0,23 0,09 I 'v-'"'/c"\ Rat'lo." ,~.f.1",i:i:tn~l'~?,t.4J.t~':nl';;-~':;"Z!'0'927;~1;r089" ~;.~lf.i\J'0 '20' tll.-ti\:\.fO'" '75--:?N.";~;~058~)fj.li\~St:'4?~""',,;!!{~:'.!oo~:~:"t;-"'t'1i.it/;:1/?-';';'S!i';t~(; '_*'':;::~\cl~~'i;;r;;:T'~:rl>';r~f~;~;t':,~";Ut~1.lt, ., -,' ,. /:__ :-,;.':I'i;';t~;o/.}2:1,,;t&Si.&,tSf:!j:_:_:, . ;;::l;'~: ./ .,,,jf,ii~1 . ;., jjj!l::.,~L.i, ...ril!;"%.t,, :_" .;~1h#.t;~~~4:~*l!1'~'kl'l?,i';:ht~'R.lill5:JgX&''{:ti~~tThl,t:[1fft.:~ #t\~h~!.f.:;f'3ili2:'35):fj~,A?;t:3:,:d'i~t;;rJ1 Uniform Delay, d1 32,8 2L6 9,3 8,3 19A Inlerse~c\i"~on1S-um-m'-a1'y~._r""\;;~'''~~;il!1'a~~1I:'''rI'~~"_11lf!!'-'i!:!"":;>f~ '.. .. .'". .....'Y;i/0jpjf.;$i\S%~""'i"'WhigmjjtJg!~mRL.'0"0,'~: ')7;1$;".. ..' M,. L "," ..:nm~',iMf.tiW,:."2.;;lW'_':_,JjL-'~A{i.>.:"___,,,,!,rn,o&4~:;,,y;,-;- " HCM Average Control Delay 23,2 HCM Level of Service C H,9f\1.\Y~I~in~; ~t?tQ.~p.~1~.j,WE@!JQIfrr&Tr~t~1;tll:;ff1zK~{QJ?tt~fmt~lfrt~:'1JEf~H~~~~~b~11E~lE~~1f!1~~[ti1{~~1~~~~~~~~jg~wJ0fL~~~irJi~&~t0L~}~~~ Actuated Cycle Len9th (s) 85,0 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0~!.ht~r5ecti9n: ~ap_~.siJYl:.~~m~!i9'Q,tl$~illn~Q,~1~,t~~'l;;~%A~K~t~1~,!~\'.~Ql~,~~~r@!L~",~1Yj~:~'1~~~~':!;t~t4~tcrf!~tl~~~rt~wtQ*ilf2:g;~0!i, ~~~~}1~~1:;;;:\: Analysis Period (min) 15 J~;~~XCfiti~lr[aii~,<:GrQ_~pl~~ijW,~gY;;~Ijf~jfE;~S~{m~~f;f''0~?~11E['lli~0~~::jTItijri1f:W7Jjliti~~~~J~b~~lliT~k1~flliW1}r~iili!ltt~1~~il~~V~N~~~fu~r[~1~~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default : page,K .cr . . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/MUE + Commercial .,.; ,. ..., t + .; MOvement1l'llllfr$'Ii~f'll~E8I!BtEBRi€""NBI1'D:1NB:rUSB:r~SBR~~~~!;~,Ri\1irilli~iI~ lane Configurations "i 7' "i '" to Ideal 'FIOwl(vp~plrGm;m~t;~:~1~;:'~,.8q.9:f~~i1JmQ"t~~:i} ~99:~:~\1~OC!r~~~:.i!'80Q;-;.~ilr1U!Qq~~;V~,J'~~*;Et::~::\1~~h~ir~UJi~:f~f~~~{[Z1;;t1.f~~:'~i1~~;.:ii:~~l) Total lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Uti~. ~ a~C?r,_~~":~~~ENb~ffi~m&$::t~9_90~~E~1 ;.9b,'I\ih~1 Frt 1.00 0.85 1 ,Fit :Proteqed:'r~i~~~~I~~~f-~I~?I~f,9i9,~~:~RI~~1;7Q9JM:~~~:jO.95;Jtiki1~o.9;f(f~;110q]W{I~~1i(t;~~~1MJill:~i~~f~~%~~~1l3L:;w~~li[:if~'ff~.~%fl~t~~~~Jaft;E~ti~'* Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1680 Elt:p.ermi~ed::;.;.i~jrJ!;~ttt~1~1~tq~~g;}1~;3t~9-qi:~~9 .07At~~~~::1'jOO'~':~E4.1~O(jJfE~~1t~ai[{~!~Wt!~~~1ti~~'~~ITt8f}if~~qAm1;f~~!~~~f~~t~1~~;~~~(~f;;1~.~q,:, Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 128 1714 1680 Volume, (vphn:f;~.t~m~~~1~:1KG~~t<0f;259l;~b'<Jt~,~g!I::Q~v;~;~6,Uj~1]7(tt1JX:'88~:':~j!;~~1Q!51~t1frMt{1i!i$i?~e(~~',j~~~~)!Jf;!r4{~lJ'1L::*;~'r~f:!,~'~)~';;~J,?~f~~~;BJ~:i Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Adj~':Flow (vph)~~;\t$l~~1lii;".~~:t'~~~_::mff;;~~ 5,~1:t~:;~~ P1ti2\~X;??8~@~~.9?8,t~~Wi:,~~1f~:~~~i}~~~?f~m:i&Td~~~1i~t~t~lk~~4t:~~~:nXJ'#'}JFlJ$; RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 132 0 0 7 0 Lane- Group_,FI6w~f(vptl)~;j~~;Wfi~;;;2631~+R~~:%26;iqii!.2;'1 01r~ifji.~}'i758:j~:fo85T~,;~jf:Ftl~iio~11L[f;r~i;;5E\~)~~t~'i{E3;Y~~lg~i~~~%'2~~;~;i:t~~1Ffl~~1i!~~,!..l'5S";?' Turn Type Perm pm+pt . ~(~lecte~~P~,~~~S,a~I$~iffii~~){,~E4~~'th{~~ffl1{1~{t~~'.~2Ct#]'~~i?~-1M;~5t~:?DHru~~f~~4~ri:;f:ili~~~~~~~~i~~[~~~1t~jj]~i:~~:~E1~r~l~i1~~e~1~ Pemnitted Phases 4 2 2 ~~~?t~~{~r~~h:~::qj"(~)Jxl&jtjj~h1!iif~f~kl~ilj")Jjf32!~&~l:~~~~ili~fJ5q142~~~l~~~1~r~'~~;h\~rZt~.f?j~~i~M%iJj!Il~1~~t~r1~~~~:l~~;~ Effective Green, g (s) 14.2 14.2 62.8 62.8 56.4 . AdLJated' g"lt"RatiojW;!~"\~;';t~);&;f;;r(Fii'f;1-}!'1"b i~1'ii'i';i:~;I;'04A.:;f$!fO';74~I~j;i;r.:'~Oi66\'it~{,\:~:;,~t,S~1:%~~tiii{t;FJ~1fE::;i':lSrl?~'"j;Yieili&~;;r~ir;}a('-;~E'Ji;~\;:?'>a~,t1Zr~ ':Zi?:SJzr'r;1'!}-if;; ,;- .' . :,-;~;..""... ~1-i\i.a'1:i:l$,:1t"{,;l"t;"':";4i1;Z~o-"',:' ./,Jit~i-, ;,,;;.,.Mi,-i,iL.~,-.;,. :f$t\'i,,,.:,,,,,,,,ai:;2:E;{7~~l-i;;S;'~Jk-H.1ill;,~):0ir:~,wiT~~t:l;;~At;iiS;'tli:::\~,;lism :t?'~-;'';iH;~~L}L~;.it'ii;;~,::":;h~: Clearance Time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 ' :Ve-tiicle~EXtensionj<,sY'5J~f~~~gYq:2;:'5:Wgffi~~'2;5!~I~~"2~'5,f?~*i2~5(~~4~l~'2~5k%"1'1u;}~~~~;;'b,~1tf*~BJ~lif8'~~T$-1~~"i~r:ili*>>3~.<:4~~~:~~~1~~::~~Thti~ lane Grp Cap (vph) 272 243 137 1266 1115 ~!~\Rati~igf~~'~9J~:;r~1r~~~~~:~9~:t~:V1r~~~IiH11~~iEP~p?it~1p.9)~~J,~'~:~9.l9~9j~tj~t,rrgclir~~lf~1~~N[i4~!h~~~~:~:mj~~~~~'~;]1lr<<&tfl~~j~~IC~~:~~1 vis Ratio Perm 0.02 0.53 Inrersect100YSummary.lI__iM_l"~~,r.~:~il'v1'~",Jm_~,J:;Jl!:lI'~A\I1l.e!!l~~l:ll!il""'_~al<!;:iItI>!!l~ HCM Average Control Delay 26.6 HCM level of Service C .t.JGr0:;Yol.uin~t{~~Q~p.f:!gj!YiL~iCf~f~f]Mt:[~i'1~izr~?jlg_:~~llitit~!~~~~itg]~~~~~Iitf~!gi[;i1~~{WN~&1ii~~i!~~1]t1i:~~~~l~~ill~:[~~~f!~~~~?i0~ Actuated Cycle length (s) 85.0 Sum of lost time (s) 12.0 1'1 ".... ." "'C' .,".....,. ""lJ'-"I''<''~''''''~~;'c'''''Jl''~''iRt:'_''''<02:-',F ' , O/i'.1t"*-I''l!'-''~;'~t ' -- :"r"~"'" -,," ,- '"',,. .,..",,,,,,::,,"'j;'">:~'''11~j\fi:'''".zy~'1'''','',,?" -- '='~~"'"'i-==;"""'-"'"=b-~',""''''r':-:il':::: n. ersechon'; _apacIJY' i tJ IZatlon~~i~':,:-:~i>\\,::;,", 8.92 IO''f'l'-;,,<2J,:~."IGU~tevel'of;,Servlces;Att?o;;:;;?:.;.,;,''i~'t~;:G:;~i:-,>:-k~:v;sE'~:21ir'if:;,jDb%t;!'i:;/-:'M"'~H{:!t;"",:Jt;l1 1':~ , -~- , ,_"' ." __ __, -, ,-" '''~"'~~'''"''''''''~'' ",H"';""__'.....~ ",,,,,',,,-,~-_ < n,', "'<'''''''"_'''''''='~'''' '''''''~'''' 'P";".,"~' ""'~~>""'''"-'''''''''_''..\'''"'''"''_''';+''''''''' ''__" C_'-;;;"~_""-''''C'"'''''';'~' '."";"4:i,..,...",,,iFL~s Analysis Period (min) 15 9.~:'~;::,e!itL~I.'~~~n~;Qr.9~~P.l)~REJWN{~11~}}5:E}t~FJi.1~~!i.~~~f;~J~~J~~!fftff~~~01Hfmf;'~~~~1:~rr?~~f~~1t~~1ll!~'kNm_~~1Th~:~D;r1;3i~~[H~ffr~}{#~~~~1~~*rs~~~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page;lt io . 5: Industrial Ave. & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/MUE + Commercial / ... "'\ t + ..; MOVement'1!i!if~~~B~EBR71l1l!!~B~1lI"NB_;SBit!\ll1lSBRl[~,~~~_~~~ Lane Configurations "i 7' of t. Ideal -Flow (vphpJ) :.,:{:~IT~cg~;J;~r.1 ?Op}3,~~18q9~;r~~;!,,~.99;t:',f~;1_ 809.'~~~J 800.:I:~~~::}.~gQt~i~N{~1~}~~m~1,~~~1l~:~ti~;~B~r~~f~?~~~i~t';?~~:~i,}i~~~~~ Total Lost time (s)...... 4.00. 4,0 4.0 4.0 Lane' Util:'F.aq2.~~~~{Mf4Mf0it5]fq!ih1.,\qlli~St.::~ Frt 1.00 Flt.:Protected~:::,f;~1~.ft:.fi~~rtj~f?fJPj,9?;~,,\~1 ~OQ0~~~Ol~~t~,1!=":1,~9.Q.Hi~~~,;1hO.O:~:~i~ir~J~~~~YJ}tGll~:~,:JE~b'iW1ifJj;WY~~~i.g~~'TIj!~t!,*:ff:#~~~~~~F~tr~?i~~~:. Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1712 1706 Fit 'Pem1ittedYi';<:>1~~ill~J~1*l:U~f~;9_~f}~~1i,i;pqllir~1i5l;W~~0~~~:~9::~f?'i~;):1 . OO-t;~t~;~~;~;ar~E;:~f111i!J~{~9~~rd~t1a~~~~~t$;t'~T~'1~~~;J1!{[f:l~1[~\1~i~~' Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 1641 1706 Volume (vph) - ,- -, 'J.;, ";hi~;,;1l;;<'~i'i'A11 OJ~.'":w"'165~"~';""",,,,, :'20\~.~~~' ;'705';!'i'l"-.;:986:<:"';';'\}>:<-39 '--.!{"~;i'f':i'Q,~-.t~'"j;-" ":S''':''{A~''~'~;~",;it~,' tti':-<.%fi:;'"li't~-~,~,'~,C_~wi''l''' , _;;,,~::;::;;';~jLx~i;i5;;i{6'k~,,-,,' . L~,.(&i;;P,~~:: ,Co, .. ,J);!:'1f:~lZi.. .0-10":"i1>._;.,,- .' i;;,;r~_.0i(<:H;a'1:C:_. .~1;}::ili".,-~;;i::&;;;.,':.~:1-~i.;:6i':~i:,10f.;/>f:,c4:~,;';7A;~ fu2';:il1-.i::i;..,:!!;",~it;:;::(;\j?",i::,;;,!'1 Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 , AdJ'.' Flow, (vph)ft~~i,}i,i;j;;':f?~r6~~~;;f~i7:122~#:{t~t{~72;~.~tf'r,tfi;25~i;rf~:r:881'~~1c~~:1 096~;~'1#~::,~:43~11sfjfl~:';~i[{}:}'f:'f~~:lf~;~lii~5J~~j~f;,m~{~~j~j~iN1*t\j;]f;j;:~~f': --~ ::"."".'I.;"'~"''''''~''''~'''''_ _ " _ _^.."""l~, ",>,..., ...<,,..,;p...."" __ -, .'-';.>~'''<,. . ,.";y;",..,.",, "'4,M'="'~"" ;i-l-~!.""';';~.~'.,i-l'_"'"","''''':;>1,-,;.,-'tj"".~""",,,!,,,, ,~A.(;e'1~\''',.u""qp"';~",.;,~,. ,.,,,-',,", ,o;.",,,,,,,,_,t,~!J .,~,_, RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 65 0 0 1 0 Lane, Gr'ouP~"Flow"(VphY~~N(l~~:-1112211~jB.!~12~'7i}~:i.sfSlif-:(:O;~i'~~906~*~c:.1:138Tf~r:%:~~;{b ~;~&'~~1\i1I~~~;;Z~1~~t_~::*~SR.~~i€J?~1~;~'~:~r~~';f;ili!?tifij~~~~!~r Turn Type Penm pm+pt Prote'ct:~d'~p~a'~~~~~f:fFt1~;MitJ.)t~1<<0j~~tt~,~f?~~t~~in\1Hk5;lb1~~~tg:!~M~~t~ Permitted Phases 4 2 ImersilcliQ"il[Sw:nmaiY~~!i'~~_.ll!!il:!"'~lii~lil.IMll~~f~~4lIi\!ii!lililjl~'Ii:,~ HCM Average Control Delay 10.6 HCM Level of Service B ~H'-"C M' :.V .1 ';, ~ \-t-";-,C','" -""""""-ty-"":*"'t' ;.,....r!,:,;i~"'<<:::K,?;:;!i~iF~+1"'!)@ml~0-'8 2':,;:~t::CFJ:~!:;;r';;'iif;i";;";: _,,~:Jr'rr::1-1i;;'i,!,y,-s01{in"'f~;7F~_2{f;:~;;:;~;:.'? ~;:0f31:W1i'1!0~B1;':;;;0,"~'i"f~;~"'i':m~""f:'(,;:;';~Sft<':5f;ff.l-'i;'s;'^3i'j. . ~ 0 urne, 0, apacl ~ra IOZ.":t~,i',',.W:t,"V: ';1,"". . ':'.;'-ii'..",~i1,c,,:,:,:,-!.l<,~m:,!t. "!";,:"1,~,;'.i0;:'-;i'--,';0,,f~*t';i1":;;:J.t',,\,,,,;;,J:.\~.H'.{?~""",9,-,~d'f~"Kd''f;!:;.'h;)'; 1-;:'.)''''''5f'&;A'''f':y;-e.0:,,*~ .-- ..__H"_ . .._.. ..__, ....._,,_... ".., ._m. ...".._....."'...~,,~ .;.""-.........,'"-.",.."'....__"..',"'~,",.;::_.,"">,,..~.,,_.,-,;".,,' _l,~..""'...-. ...,.,."".w.-'_,.">>.-,-__'r:?__l"',"'J" ......"__"_'c,,"~:i4-....;'(b,,.,'t-,,''';:~0,~;,.'h"d~;:;;,~'''''''',.....:;.'i..''''''iO'w.'''.,_ Actuated Cycle Length (s) 83.7 Sum of lost time (s) 8.0 .I,mersecti~n :C~p~',citY,1qwg,a!~g'mi0f~4~~~utZQ~4%:i~a:~lJF(~T.~!~,~J~e~~..IB?,f:.~~rY,!9~$~~~t~I~111,~!E~[f~;~R~~~.~~[~i2Bfl~m:;t~~)~li"Analysis Period (min) 15 '~i'..~~9fitical,lL~-"'~::Grgijp.&j1~.B&JjlJ~1~Etl~lfu~~J.H!~!f}~~~~~J~~~~~~~m~ftf~~..t~j~_~b~_1iL~~r~f]:S2t~j,~~fu~11:f(jJi~~~l~~i.lm~b;~~nf~!l~~~~}f~\,~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 11 . 6: 40th St. & Olympic St HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/MUE + Commercial ~ t "\ , '). ~ Movemenii!l?filrl!i!ill:~'-EBiJi!ll.lrEBR~NBE21!i!fNBi.!1I!IfSEHlliWSER21',\'1i1ll'~S;'~~lilf;J!\lji~ Lane Configurations lij yt lij lij 1::, Sign 'Con~rol ...,:,:,i,~~~\:~~:1T~t'1~t~:J\?~6p}IT~g~~h~J;-tg'#t'L ~~s~t~~; F;E~~t~~.f, r~~~:i21rt~~iJi~~~itf~~j,~~~~H5~k[~:~~~t33~~%~~~1f~fd~Nt~~.~~t~12~j~&ijl:i~TJ?If::I~1;' Grade 0% 0% 0% ' . .. ';>"',,,_',"'r;;IT."'\;f""':U..,.-. . "'.#;;~;_'",'~' -.:"",<" ~",. UJ ~\~ - . .~:,,1:',,:,.,,:" .~,"'t~"..;.;t~, .-,"' :-"'l:!.;'~:,;",,:.:.R':;N;~('~"l;-'-d':;t:"'''l!1l' 4", .;"""1;~,~(u.'!Tn,"''';''ll'''''''- ,-;';-"Ht.t '<"'.~,.~_ ;r,; ":. Volume .(veh/h)'" "-- ,N"-,,, "33'" 120h," A7"" 0 '205' ""285 """'\'21 ""..'" """""9",""'" """V' ,-",~,,,.,,,-,,, "",-"" ,L':"y:r~'VfJ;GS;2!:i!l:iN,',' -.,- ,'^/l<'t.;,t~ .. ,j".3:~:t ::';': ',j,1;l~~'. _'. rt;u'N, .,.A';;:t],.5.,,: ~'~;fj?~;;~Gt<+~1\2..::;..\.<3,{.d:t!;,.ii: di~i!~-;:,ii'i.::.;;t.;;t~;r:;ii(l~~-.:i~;' ?-;J';;'''::'i:!f.~: Peak Hour Factor 0,80 0,80 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 CMW Access Engineering inc Timing Plan: Default Page 12 . . Hammer Industrial Subdivision Plan Amendment and Zone Change Traffic Impact Study Appendix H 2020 Mitigation Synchro6 Reports Access Engineering May 20, 2005 2: Westbound Ramps.42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind wlMitigation /' .,. ~ t * .; Movemenf~~1i~;R~l{Eal~;~EBR~~N8'~N8mp~'SB1t~~SB-R~"J~~~mt~~~~i;~~'m lane Configurations ''(I' + + '(I Ideal Flow (Vphpl)\:"_::Mt~::;hff5~18991~~.;18.0p.~r. '51 ?09;~~~*;\1.8g9::~.~ ~180qJ:~t 18.09;i::i~;;t;:BI~:~~~I~~ft~~i+~:~.~!'5t~1Z.):'!_~~:::~;p~~\{:){l:;(Tl:T;'. Total lost time (5), "'. ..' .. 4.0.., 4.0. 4.0 _ 4.0. 4.0 4.0 Lane Uti!. F a~o~-~}~H:i:Pi]Y:;~"f~t:09;}\if,}~~.:OQi):,,:~::1":q9.~-It~i1: qq~~,:. 11 Frt 1.00 0.85 100 1.00 1.00 0.85 Fit. Protected.~ci',>,,>'F;:t"'''"'''0'95'' \''''-1.00 ):'~. 0 95' t",1' 00"'<.,1 .: . -',::-;;;;;J~;'i;\k!f;',,~':l' ,', ,JJ:''j-;.'" .-i;~'-;'.', ",,,~'.:r~,,_'''<c,,>ic,rc',,.- Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1 Fit '~ermitted', .~:i\;, ~t;~~;t:ii~0~~:Sl:._O,~92t~~g1!:qoi;J:-.:10 :4~Jl~1,'-ir~OO~J.}~tq9J~!r\;1'.OO:!,~~~~f~cJt%tt]~~rf*!1~~~;tft~f~?iliTh1f~1~~~3~;riliA~f*f'r~::?~;:\,' Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 815 1714 1714 1457 Volume ,(vph) 'ti,~,~t~'1i]~tj:,~~{th'~7;~, _:66'i0_W:,},':':.r7?~~S:: ~:i640~i;/ 490J~.', .29ni:~~J};;'1.70 f}:q,;~}~Y~~~~;:;1~;tjjf~~};1~;."lli~a4;~~:+~tL4~q;'";;;~1'f~}Jr~!~:~i'~: Peak-hour fact~r"PHF"""O.90"'O'.90'" 0.95 '0.95"'" 0.90' .". '0.90""" . "-'." '" H'"'' ... ",.,"y~ ''',,, .. ,,-.'.. . Adj. -,Flow: (vph) f;~i~:~1~101jJ;~0ii;~:t1;_~73.~:~t~;~{8QJft~n':,97,~,~~:Ji~,,5, 161i3t~;;-322m:~ri;;:';,1 B9:~~:~4:~i]~~~~4.41W~w~i1~~!~lt~;'~'~~~:i{j~~t}~'.:;r~it:"1~:i:e+~ RTOR Reduction (vph)" 'ii' 75 . .. 0" '''0'' 0""'106" .... ,. "', ....., . . - . Lane' Group F."low v' ,.ti '~0\~,#1~;H>173:[i~W~t~\!;5i~t~;~67 4~j$j~';/516?~~""~322~~,'fr;:-':83{'i~,;~]JmI\'~+f~+~~t~!M~iqgj;1!:~ii~~t':t?D7i~r~;~(~:,7G~~;.0JJFWtF Turn ~~uated.'.Gr.~~~';1.~,I(~)1f~#1J~f[tS~t~Jf~~{9l~,.'rtBY@7~.~.~~~t~:1r~~]~~~1f~~9)zf,~~;,-~'~}?:~~~~~J:~fcltiti~~~w~r~ilk~~~~~i~'4t1~ITt~~1\t1i~Jrltttiff~ Effective Green. g (5) 5.8 5.8 76.2 76.2 39.7 39.7 'A ct 'to 'd':: ICI"R-" "t.-.,..~t'7t7;j,*;;;ct;;!:~XO'-"O'6":R<';;;;:0' fO 6'F;*';0'8 5- ;:'JI:4"Z'"0"';8'5-- i>i,;i0:~'0' r44" ",..;i',t0iO' :~A'.i:;';;:;:0it'i,~\'fitmiil'~t;i;_i';:~%;:'~?:1~~'^,, \~-r;.w#~eqr.,.,~%t~j;r::::~!'~;;;:~'''i'~;i0_' ua e ,9 '-.- a lo;:-,,",/;;:;;,~,,":,",_.k,,. ,:'-'11,;J. )~'(Pc,i .<16"'''. .~'..;,:t;\ L, ,"'!h,i! .~L;;'J;...~kh"ii.*",i",";J,/i;t<<Ji;"~:':"~'t"I;\fj.t;j' ';",'w;,:',i~; -,;";'".),t!L"~'I0",Ji;;i i,;..;-.;,..:t~:it"',, "- . , ,-". . "'. '. ""'~""",t"f",'--"""",,,,,;,~,,,-. -"'<""~"r,"'~.'.' ",-"""',,,,=>,~,'" 'O......"..w;;s;"';,'-~,"-'__~'-"',,,.., ,," .-'..='";"'''''',''.,.....".~_,.,;.;'W...j;'''"-'',';,''#,,.', ''.(,,$,' ,,,)' ;" ~,';,.,',,';""'i,.,""','-'-... "j,-",,~ .~,""$';;'"~,,.,,,',\:,~l Clearance Time (5) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 V h"' . - I 'Ext' , . -, "':--(' )'W":r';'~"""i~\'\2- '5'-;;;"",:\))"-'M2" '''5Itl;;1:t''{~;'2'5.'c:-:\\;~~'5.2'51;t;;l'''~''2'5 ~';.\!i?'2/5L?l.rt"S'fti;'>d:Fj'o/i'"~';n~t'.~'P-f:~~1Ii'-'%'^""',;t," '&~'~'>:;;,";;,i'm;Y"':.<:'w:"J!':"'5c"-'y.<$?l"::"'.. e IC e. enSIOn' 5 '}<""f",,,,"j,~~, , '''"''''"\'''> """"..1-';,._ I"~ __',' -" . .i(_"~",, . "-11-"''''''' h%A_ ",-"" ',"'''''''; 1~,'h,.,.J,..,,'..>~i'<to! ,,""'" ','t."'"",-- ",.."""..""!"l",,,l;i ~ , .","f<~' ,n, ' ',:'~"'_"~"',',W". '.',"-1'."," . .,.1"~""'. ."',....,.. "-,,,<,-', 0 ,'.>;;"". "".,',.".---,.r<'~',Y;-''''""",~",-"__""""",!"",.""..&_,~,,...,_",>,-,,'~.""'''''!'''''''~'''t''..,,'''' '"~ lane Grp Cap (vph) 105 94 984 1451 756 643 'v--/s'- Rat'lo" -:Prot'~ti'K-'!::<:;E'-t;D4i,;;~t'c'0'04"ffji\jfii1X},~1JN:>c' 0 '25i;":;tcd~0.30 --~~l:;:;tO '19r,,*~i,'l:l-(~;~j*"\(t1Jf;'i~-;1~'R'~i~%:';',;~~<i\'t).llit'1'v;.'I'~,~'S'l'<'~:'k-P! i':'~'f{'{~~~";,:t;-;$-~~;{i~:;l\~..~tt..' ,'--.~, - ,..~-,' ,It;'1i,,;gli~;Iii.;V~1ri',4,~,~,l_';';;:i.';;L?i\s-~\.:.~11:''g,~:ii':;',, > ..", ,,,;;Y~1C;~:,,"_1~\{,',~,,;;, -,.,;j'!<f};''Ii',;r~;;<0fuJ:f.liA>'i.\;,1ti!(i.;?;'t:f;!4~::Z:Bi!!f jJif''J'Iil':fQ:-i';~;;;~;J~,ii~2.i,;;;;'i?Glli"'~lii;';:jJi,,~;u vis Ratio Perm 0.00 cO.33 0.06 yjc';Ra!_io0~b~Hi~N';;%W10ff~%!~t~~[Q~,~q..~it:!O,..9,5!~!t}'.o!6~;~~~i9.A~ffi~,eO!'~~f~J~~q-;-1.~EI~~t4,m'!~~~~~YJ*~~t~\~I~~L~~~~1~tj~~!1 Uniform Delay, d1 41.2 39.5 6.9 1.5 17.3 14.9 .~~9gr~~~i.gh"f..a~9r;rf~~~~1i~~~;1.rqq~!ili&t;99j'~P,:!.q}~:~f21~;1..iJJ.~fk4i1;:qq~~~~1~9.Q~,:j{;~~i~li~bJ~{llilli~~~01~~1,~1~:~~~1~;~~jki:S1l Incremental Delay, d2 16.8 0.2 1.6 0.6 0.3 0"1 :~el?JYi(~ )k~:;~~]~gfti~~jl;W:i~IT~~fJiIlli~?~~g{;t~i~~~.:~?l~1~tg]~~'~{1:11~~~~h1;?:'~Jlitt;~!?jQ;itilik1f~i~~~TI~fl~i~~ft~;I~~~i~'.i~~&1;t;:::~~~~;1'1~ level of Service E D A A B B j1l!e'i'Sec!lmi'l$ulT1mary.l"JIll1l'~11~I1I!1l\!litr~Dl~f.if.4lt!'ij'___~~,,~~~j;f~~~'lf,fa HCM Average Control Delay 11.3 HCM level of Service B H. CMiV'I" , "', t -"C' ~ ..,;, "",otii::"_,,, 't-;"~?1Jj;;;:~FP;~~r;"ii-'i"3';;'JTj",t!TO-'(6"8' 'l,<;i-'i:k::;F':tl:;r;rm'!i'f:ii~f..f~;;::tl,;>:;!;,,~~:,l' ntF.'i~~ltlEVl ,;riiWiZ5:.'\~'IT.'i0Y}:l hUil?''&~;i4''.i.F:'.'\'-S-~i-:J.:c;::;;\,~;jm;;r0'lo~J.1J;Z..--\Ulf~::J;i ' :, 0 urns] 0'. ap'ac:l.~J/ra 10 *(t""-!~"\'~i\,;f;tt'n"';'''',J.~:'i _' ~;.'"~:."!'i '?1,)1w,: ;::"l'~\;;;;:'Zf;Bf:..,1S'i~'i'r.,"i";:ll',~A'"'-~'~'ll\~.';"";x:''''in0.':b'~0-::;;:Y:';-qt;,'};4:/i' aU!h>J11:';;,'rf.^'"h..~.k.r',,'iJ.;'\\I'<':\1,;\j, ..'>c"" . - -- ... -- ,. - ,,' ,- 1.. .., ~ "",,- "~*,""-,,,.,,_'-'-_,,*,,,,,,,'\__;L.__,.., --.,lj;,,,.,...,, -, . .."0"""=-_~,,_,,, """,,",",, """"".~"''''''~-'''''''~~~~''''''=,"''''i'_,"",l,!''.''''');:' ''''''''''''''''<-'__.'''<<, ",""C'_,,",,__ '~, '''~. ~;,,,,,,,,,,,"''1::\..~I,,,,.~__,-,,, Actuated Cycle length (5) 90.0 Sum of lost time (5) 8.0 In' te .. ," ct"o' n"C . .....' il)i' ... Wlt'I." "'~tO~' '~';~:;1fl~\}~';<:t~i,,~!:i':'67"40' :::';'\:;';:-;;i'i.1t\~I'C' U: ':le' " ,~,' 'I" '"f'S'" "'.;'h"",-"S*;'j''r.t;J;'-,f;.!f:''i<---~"!,,,,~ %l~Irt'\,'.i<''C-f;{;~~''l\!::'Jf'\'it'y:~1'"''':-;-'3~'Vi':':~;:f:;''_trt,_,:;:; rse I ~ anac ;:V IlZa lon;"';"\"",:,r'!':,'>if'''" .... ID:~":A""" t''>.u;\. " ve ~o, ervICect'c4~;"ln'-'''''':'k~&F'' ,;.*,%,,-;~ . ;,-r!!€'J~J>;"'\";-;;:\"'_O"\1'-~"(J'~_f$~'I'-::~?,~--"J"~' . - t"~ <" ".."..,,~, >,' ~""' ."ii~i.W,-,,,,,,,", ;'''-'_''''__''OLO"., "~."~'",.A-i,.,_, ...,,,.,'.'-- '.,...'.". -""",-.>,,, ",'" ,,' ,,_,,~,-,'O ~,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,',,,,,,~,~~k,-," -'H,,,,, :':;:lh~,...-};,.c.;;t:;,,,, "'li<^,,,,',,,,, ~"'M',;-,;.,,,,B",,,....,,~--;-l Analysis Period (min) 15 'c' '.. :~Cr'lt'lca""I;'I-:ane:r'G'r.o--- '^u'p'""ti~,~,g%<~,:';""f)__~.sif,1__:J';7-r;;''';\S,}i'ifl;_F';;'f'~t--:;t'fP'-St~;c:';Y~--:;:PFf0\:,'~::~~,#)::t7i0~~;,r'1:;'f,;1WX0,~~1?:~''r--:rJti!:)t-1 ffl;r'1-;]~f?1~Jill,."<Ji;q'r2i:~,t12:~).t<i;,:""':lt.;t;!'.~\W'~:~ ,,' '.' . L. ", ',,',q;tp"1" '~'""," . h....t"'"Oc,r -.. :> :\.,,-, ,;_,.:Y;.",,.,,,,!?;'I-1h" ':~'"':'-"'d't-&'l."AI ',;.;'i" t'~"tll!1,~'ic' ,"'~ '",'<'",- <,.!~J",,,,"'''' '" _ (. ~0'\"'t",,,,,,',0..,,,~ili\i~: ;f<A~ 3: ".-,. ",'"," (;"""i\-,Ji"''-':';':i-__J''''i,:)...:",...,* -- - ,. ,..... .,' -. '-'."-"~"""' "';"'" ,_,1',,"'..',.,., ,',<'f>!"" c'.' ".....__."., "'.-Lice-,,,",,,.. """,.,^,~j'''''.t;:,r.1 $;"""..' ,____.., "., ""_:;;",_.",'....,"'..,.""",,=,, '-'0::j.-"""',"'"h''''';';'''ft;'''/d'''''''''''-''>-~f_.~'t--''n:","io__=-",;:"''4'';',,,__",,,.",,,,:;'><<;__,~........~ CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 1 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street Queues . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind w/Mitigation ~ ~. '\ t + ..; 'T"-"-G---''I1'11'11'.''''$L'''"'~~E'B'''"'~E'B''R''llrrywN'BT'''-N'B'''''''SB"~S'B"'R-~""''''''''-'''~->lrill!~''''''''''''~ lldne.. rouPPt:;,:*.mts\i'i&l'R'.'l"JkiiS1J.!'&i L:.."f;6;::~ ,,~*. C;'wlill. :1(.'!Ci'lltWli. ,:l{,!Wt1!:t4 . YI~1l-i~11'1T:~~jfl?'ii:i~j*W;?Mr.i(:t}!!~?~;~_,;,_\-.".,_';:f*P.L:',{:ZfJfsi;1;i:~~~-,; ~ Lane Configurations 'i 7' 'i '" '" 7' :r o~aJ Lost Time - (~t;~,,;;'S1R2~;,j;.",;4:.q:j'g~H:;[~~.~ Qi!~17):;i~f 0 ~lt\i34: O~;~~':.;: 4:9;~~c~.~::O;:;::~1~~{;:;~~;j~!fj~1r~~~if~1'~~~f~W~l~;~\t~Ktj\~ih,~~Qf~i~:~f{~~'t-:;i~~~_:1:' Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1714 1457 FltPermitled': . Satd. Flow (perm) Satd." ~low,,(R.T9B)At~~I~~jgm~t;ry;,}j/5i'ti,;ri;f}f8Q,;1i,~\r.~?i~~;Y~~}~~~f;~'i~11~~:\S~'>}At31K:~1,8gif~i@~i-~~~~~~~;nu~~i&ltt~t18ili~1~t$gif4}~~~)~~:;~~~~~:'( Volume (vph) ,66 " 72 . 640 490 290170 Lane.Group,Flow'(iipt\))~I:tfi:~i.:.. 73:i\F~5S'(80~~1liif67 4\,%,)i;51.6~:7;;i:322;::lKii41 -. ..' _..,_,. ',. " ,~." ..",..._cl.1'".,,> ,-,~_~"..~, ,,;;.. ~., ,n .,. ,,~._H."."'.' .' '''_,"..w'..'.~',,<,Jo", ,~."-".",,';,....,,, ~ ....",,,,r,,,,,,. Turn Type Perm Perm Phases Total'~plit-'( ~):,;~~~r:.;~1~~~tth]~7ri4\t2ff1~~1 ~~'q,';~1ij11!_Qjfr#J~~~~LQz;t$Z9~91~t}31.~~Q}I~?:~ fiQ~~~G.\!lirt}f;fL~;d2~~i~HlH~:~til'}~lL~~H~ii!!lf~V!J~!~~t8'g~~;~rft~ Act Effet Green (s) 64 64 77.0 77.8 40.5 40.5 ActuateQlg!g,;Rati.e:~:'%~l%~~,~-ii~tng:.9?~1~9;O~~.tJi1_itlQ;~.6.,~~,gL~~je{1~q:4~::t~~if9::~5.;,i1E9~11I~'~ilt~~~g}&~~~81~t~~t~";St~~~~~~f}1~~~~t!L,~2~4:?~ vie Ratio 0.63. 045 0.74 0.35 042 0.25 .qys:Iej,~e~gth~:._~Q.j~~~-g~4!~~Jt~htI:~1E1k~~~?!tt1~_~~~~~~~1~W~f{f0iJ; Actuated Cycle Length: 90 :9ff.~E:1Jft68;'(7~%i;!R,~f~r~ff~d~~1q,fp.fi~W~r.?;,~I[:;~;;~~riBKgl!~hl~tr~71~j]1;~~~~~Ji~~I~~lW~$~~~lli@:l\~~~~~~~~~~!t~~~~~t~~~~~l~ Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated ,M~X.!fn~rri~Ylcl~~!i~',:l;Qk7t!!~~i$;fk~hJ~~l$%~~N~m1?lb.~i!~~~~~t&,~1}~ffi'f~ti~~Rj~~21tR~&]j~~~ill~~t~~hi~~~~fh~~it~{tiffl1k~~~~tt~l~it~ Intersection Signal Delay: 104 Intersection LOS: B ,lnt~rs~.~i~'i:g~pa~~~!YLW_~l,i3'~.!~4~T9.?i~,~~Jt%r;i~~~ii'~~~t~~~~f~Q[g~y.~E2ti~~ry.~,~,g~~;g~rffi<~~i~~1!~~~~~Th~!"z1If~fr~~li:~~_\r~!~tg~t~J Analysis Period (min) 15 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street '\ .5 ',":~:ie ri~,,- ,.. t~~~hI CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 4 3: Eastbound Ramps .2nd Street HCM Si nalized Intersection Ca adt . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind w/Mltigatlon sis ~ ... '\ t ! .; -'~-~--'~f~9\'\ll_:lffl""" '-EB.""""''' "l!\'\ll'''!'J'' 'T2i"""'f '8",-TIlS ~",c~if~_ ..Jil''''II!!'i~'' Movement~W{,t4t!i.:;r.uw,rsf*1if?,r<:0J1'M,1EBI1::;a(>jJf .B~I'-lBl.!'ifi!iJ;;;\" B:I~Y,:;S ;I~~. BR~~1~!3t;;'2\~~i71:l0;#i \'01 _ _"""_,._,,,'",J,:_'~1~~~"",__,,"^:';.,,'\\~~J!"~ Lane Configurations ltj l' 4'+ 10 Ideal;Flow (vp~pl) ~;'1~~~:ii~~iqBa:;~;~~ 8qO;J~;'~: .,1,89P9~:~1\1~Q9.]i;;:)i180~i'1,18qO):'!r;1~9~ !tcf'}~;:J,:;i;Ji%~1!;{f:~t:t~:0E~jrl~g2L;;~:li~?:f:fR:~~;~:~~L:;:;;;;~~':~;:j~, ~~~~ ~~i~~ ~:o~~~~;/i2;!;J!i:;;~;;;~1'~.~~~;;1 ~~t?i,:i;11~~~t:l~:"P~~;,;';".1 ~g;i1~'Wii~i~:;r~r.~'illi~~i:.2~ii;u~S,'l:ij,i;\ij,2~'f;ti;,"}r;~;J~\~j~:,,;;:::;ril:f: Frt 1,00 0,85 1.00 0.97 .Flt;l?rotected}:~;;~~~:~;((\Ri:1t:fu~~i~t1P;9~t~~\i!K\1.tqp,;~:~'t?r~.~~~f':j;O~g>g;,:.t.:i:;,1190)1~na~t~~~1[~&f%:f~!'~'~ls;~~wl~:l~'1frZEi';~;-~~iI??~Tlili~~'~ffi,~1~ti:~Jft~~jE Satd, Flow (prot) 1629 1457 3240 1656 fit ;Permjtte9:,~-;~Lt?i~~ii~wEii.~~01~?~ffi;~~.~-t1~9.9J~{J0~t~{tNH~~,O:~:1~;1~:;t;1:~QQ1~1f~~~it;$1_tlmrfjWftl~~t~i1f*~:lt;~?Jgf;giiljJMr?1~~iI~%Gt{~~m~li~;lj;~;~!;j~:;:i{:~;~-' SaId. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 2651 1656 ' Volume'(yphf .~~'~iQJ:~};~~~)1i';~ii30qJrk}I0X'7?9~i\t(:1..QP.t:H~Z~8~,~~);;: .}27qT;:;1~j1*~~g:ili~~~~,t1~j7til~,:1tt~~g'5;j'f!;:tmwJ!!ft';::~~?3~-,~,;~~~tu~"~8!;~~Y~~I,'~ifr,'~f~ Peak-hour factor, PHF 0,95 0.95 0,95 0,95 0,90 0,90 Ad'FI ,( h)';' v.;IJ:~';:.;.:_!\:t'F;:~~~'h:;;.\l'316' 'f!F5l:."789ft~'~~!':1 0 5" ":!-!-i;/'868.!J,'i}r;r:'300'~;!iU'J.',;;:100"'r't*;~';1-:(;;t~;'\ii~j1;;:j'fj:-~~J~;;;:;!W.:-t.;J.~\:"4(~;;;~;;~'*' :;.ff~t:'t;tt'Q\-:w;'!;':;;-:.;ti%--'\"':'r, J. ow. vp ".,\'-''"_''"',,,__.-.'X' "_'<';.__,""'.' d,--<:q.," )"'-iJ.;;.,,,v, '_"'"~,,,l ,..--,,,1-.'.. """""":':}" J';f,,,,,,.-,,__,,,,:;\ ;1'>>h':"".,,J'd"rf,,,,h."li1"'''''l'.''''i1i,'''-I','''__ _''''',,,,, ""'r.__,.\"',':},,,~,,,,.,, '.~ <. ' . ' ," "," ',.-----'.),';'.'...-''"'L;;,.".> "'~ d'l:'~..",,,,. ,,,,,i;;i, ,~"\,_,_.,,,"".'d'_ '... ".-, _i!"'~. ,'" , ~..M.~~",__,,,,,,__,,,,-""'-Hl,.,:,.-,,,'t,,I',:'", j~~',1"i;jh'~"''''''~'.'$" '''''-''''''''~<lI~<'''''' "=,,""'c; ."~,..,,,__,, ,".l-Y.';;-'.""';-l,'''' RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 159 0 0 11 0 Lane Grou : F.low',' ,,'" h" ~~;{~TIZ:\j::31'6"~~IT~~'X630f!~Jh\~)tIo}?i:T':~~~973~K:jJ:'38g~:..~trr~~Y-{O~~Y~~:~f:Yrht;t~E~f.R?i~~4]t,~~;I~:~iTl;11;~;~~i~~TIFi~'t:;;:f1~'ry;~~~~;~~ Turn Type CMW Access Engineering lric Timing Plan: Default Page 2 . 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street Queues . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind w/Mitigation /' "'). '\ t + ./ .,~- --~-'~~""'f["'----""""" '-_._--,.~.' '''''''''_'''''_~_~'_dl''''''''''''~_''''''''''~= Uane;.Group~,~51;,,}S?:W6iifii;~Jt4:nt0EB[1?~~EBR~~NBl!:'f,;Pii%NBT~1~tt{,ss;rift~SB~~1.;7M:~M;~~ili)~W<~;i1i-%:~!&<<~fl~);W;\:;,;~;j~i?;l~,*~ljfj1$ft;NJn; Lane Configurations "'i'" 4+ fo ,Total Los,t Time:(~) .8~i~f:::~~~~.K':'4~:ojEr~,~j4..0.~~~ft0~4}Qn~:~ ,A~O,::',ij~'., 4:0 >,~~j~~~:9~~?~.i~1~~:;~~fit i:t:iA:,.'~-:; ,::~':'Jl~z'it~";<,)~2J'~:{"\"" ~ Satd, Flow (prot) 1629 1457 0 3241 1656 0 Fit Perm',tted ;: '<.:':, :;:~,-d'i:'O' 950"';~ii;"",':~:'i'R:l;oi!,;0ilrO 7 41":\" " :.' , . . ,;,';;. ,,;",:,";'Z:;,~l' " ....:0ri';.,"'_"~;i:::::;,1:.;,,~*,~'1'~ml!;.-1;~!_:' ;'J,:;. Satd, Flow (perm) 1629 1457 0 2414 1656 Satd, Flow Volume (vph) Turn Type Protected Permitted Phases Total Act Elfct vlc Ratio Control Queue '-I -ct"=onS^--m ~~1i,j'Fii!~~~~.~ll_4il~~~'~f^~~ 'oarse I ..:C um",a; G:':S:, 4;Jj'~.L"',~~~~$'~~i~!j~~,,; ",.,:*,',_._.'.. ,ili!~i.~,"'" :. ,~..,:,_;tt,,': '".'_~- ~,~Bj;~,_ _,~.>_,.._.~,- C , L th'90">"~'-""'''''"A'''','''''~"'-''' ,-""'~A.....,.",,.,' '-,.~ ,".";'-. M\'-'!i:" "',''Ii-,,''_'''~'''h.......{_l, ..,.".,_,J..... ",-..,.,,,,-,,,,,,,,-,,-.,,,...<,-;"',,, "'_V,:"',,,,"_l.- "':)," ,,,,-"-"'''''... -,'","\,,,. ,.-......__.".,. l,~_.~.> .'. c'-' ',; ''%1lJ....,.".,~''';''=:,'' Yc e' eng .." ,'.' -"":'(l"^""'-';I ,.i:fr."'"~'" ..-;;"'-'#".4,;1.,'....,'" ,;';;.,\,,,-J',r;', '". ~.._..- ."1- -" ''''''':!ir'''~ ,. H- '1~1~' ....,.,'1;"'- .,.,.,'..j~._.,"'-"",.."..:--f.';y.".'~ -._.''',. :.;c:'i:':"", ''''''r[' '"'''';'_"'-'',.""".,~~..'- "'1:""-"1"" , 'l"" ,'. i'i~O'''''d\Ji>.>..,:,'' ..' ~ .. .,",.;.... _,. .. .:,;'- C-".. ;':::-~'d)J~;;;;\:h:::;3;:'it'"1i,rgii:;\;":i~>if:;c~;;:;:,l'Zii1'-n:1,;;J.- ,,$C.~1J-t\:.'~.i!,,;~;:)mll~ffiEtif;'41:~~?~o/fiJtiILH,\:J!;~:,;:6;~0::ii;;:;.ii)z~jj ,:;i;iI;/j:'::L'2t;;iSt!~');.it':'t!i'l"i~;~~~=2:tl;.ti~~ Actuated Cycle Length: 90 ' qff~e~[:l:1.~(~9._r.oY!~,'3_e!ef~~fi9~?:;t~iRfl~_~_~;g~,~~]~r~ii1!c~IS~1E&:~!~R:!~~rtI~[~~6i~~~~T~tilim:nri~1~~~~~I~~j~\~~::~R~rrlft~~i~~~t~ Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated ,M~!f:riYm,~~!~;~~tjoyq;"~?~~J,~!t#i.~r[~{~~1f4i1i#1,~~~b~Z~q~0iN1I~~f~Hl~:;i;I~~~1~~i~J1fi~_::W~~~f~'i?\>[~1~ll~~1~J!(j:fi~~~I~~BtrJEfi{~Illi~1~ltil~1~~t~ Intersection Signal Delay: 17.5 Intersection LOS: B ,1~ters~ctio~rC~p~ac.i!y:tl!ml,f~~!j9.~lt?~l,~rilJ:g.,~~itlr~}1~~D~~1~'~~}.4~~~L~n~~~!~~I~:~]{!I:tt~~~illI~R.Th}~~~~~t~i~t4l~fJN:~8t~:YiJi[i~ Analysis Period (min) 15 #,:.'~; .,95th';p~j-~~n!iJe:,yqI4m~L~~~:#~1~p,~9IWWqg~~I.m.~Y1~~Jio6g~Iff.f1:1i"~JM~Wiit~t~%~~li~~~~~~Will!g~~]~1gj~~~~t~i&~tW~R~~~~i~f~ Queue shown is maximum after two cycles. 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street + .6 n,,1ilil~~/jii,"!ilL, ,:Wtlllli ~ .5 , 1i. CMW Access En9ineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 5 4: Olympic St & 42nd _et HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind w/Mitigation ' ~ " '\ t + ~ -~-~-~'~-"'-"""-'--Aj' ,"""iiiE"B'R,,~NC'B,"'''''l1'',~l!!'GSB, +;J!!i\1A',"", -~"\'-'--,"_'i+_'~""'''''-'''1 Movement~i)~~*1;~1mt$;0"-fd~H;;?lE8~l:1 ,,~~ ". Lt~Hk~NB"~E:~'(IJrt\W$cRi::,?;f~TIR*j~Ji&i~Wj;Nf;~';;t)!~~JiWi'%::.;f:'::~4~fl'ffij::%1':: Lane Configurations""iV 4't lo Ideal Flow' (vphpl) ..~ :'n\:~~,~~;;{~}:~18qQ~~j~(1~.Q.Q~,ii;',~!hH!Qq;k;i;~1. 8qq;~: ,~:180q:;~:~t:1 ~q92St.1';~1f~.dt~~10~;~~~;~ft1~ilf~#~~~l;_:_;JFj_:2~t ~)~f~fJ.~~~Dtlt~~.-:::~ Total Lost time 4,0 4,0 4.0 Lane ,Util: Frt Fit p.rotecte~\(A;:,~t:J~mtlj!i;:lliHN~;t9~~~:Et~r;:j;~~f~i~;ti~~rii?j~BQ~9~r~ar1 ,.09;~[&~~~~:~~::;1~~0~It~&l~fl:iEl~~Jj]t~Y{:~}~o~~:1~:~~;;?,:~1~tl~~ll~~~-~':k" Satd, Flow (prot) 3040 3239 1679 Flt;Permitted:~;t,:~ti_rm:1;~~~t~~f~~r;}\O:9?fm[j~~:';~;~~~\t~4ilil10~66,~~0ti1 ;90:t}t:~~~~~~ta~~~tji~tj1~1J~~:n~lt~~t:;{~~pjI&~;~i1t:~~~~'t;~tr'i~fi.~j!~JJ~tif: Satd. Flow (perm) . 3040' .. . "2161' 1679 ..".. ..,. ....... .... - - - .. ;Volume :(vpt))!,.A!~1~?:!~l~it\~:t~*t~1't~::;23q;:~;6'1i.i~fH~1l~~~i~.Q~;1~I~JFOQ~:..~:;i 87Qt~~'0';~1 q5.;i~~1~1;g~,;};rK~:~2J;~j~~1_f,2~~~'~~~iJ(4~~}~i~}~4;tl~~,\~;t!"j,t:-t.1~/ Peak.hour factor, PHF 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 ~dj. ,Flow;(vphff;~~lk;?itW~.i!~jY~1'1f125t?~~i~1$~~1~~~A9_Qd1~;~J~7~-~~~1t:g1~:\i~~{f1,~,~~1t:~1~i~i1;1~)~~~~i1~Ft~1.~1?if$lIf~Ai~;~i~~7iK~Fjf.1~:1Y~;,~[ RTOR Reduction (vph) 125 0 0 0 4 0 Lane .Gfcii.ip'Floy/(vpnf!t;:f!~t1;:}'292H~~~~l1{jP;~;~~H:,~;'o~~t.fI8781~:151 075E~y;!f;!:~~Wl~~1~!~nr(f'/'l)tiJn:~iW~~K:jj2J~6v_1,~4t~t:)M!~,~1i:::,1JJ~!~:;;'l~i,~~~f; Turn Type pm+pt Protected:'Ptras'es"f;:"';f1J;titjrrf6J1~;t;;0;~;Y'4\\'S~il~\;;'t;!i;t""1€;J:;qi;Yi5'~~*\',;t1t2';M//::t.~;r6'~51~::f;1;l0{;C;;,;*,it!)70i)l'4f$,t'~~.~~i1~:;E%j1~i:'~tr:$.~;;f~~>\;1f,0~"~xfj5l'Jf,\'~ I;l#.i~1 " . . . .. _: -, . _.... ..."."::.:"'0.;t,t;.&.:dtnF?6'!00;~c"'s,;,',,';7tJYi'?kl:..;;'0:il:'k;;h.rb)L..iii;.tr1~,~,1,t~;__ ., t~;dz.]-:-:~~~+,;,,:c1i'~,21i2';''-!,&t~l-i,-'-,1 ;t,~~d';io'i:;~'J:;I.i .J':'j""'~:l'7LMv~iS1t'iiY,'P-~'i'5:rM'rl?>:-::;')J~rf:,t!Ei1;~:!\'1\K~S>&; Permitted Phases 2 2 ImerSeCll61i::summar.y~~,~iiilIliJil:_JI!lF4lll.,",JI.~;f"~~~'~~~"";N'f.i&~il;'I~~I~'il.iiilIliJil:~~~f,,~i!Ii HCM Average Control Delay 14.4 HCM Level of Service B tt~r0:Vgl~'hi~;!R~~g'~Q~~lfi;r,~t.!9~i~~~tltm~~H1W~X~{gf~:fi5:JYf;~~~~~;t{t~r.t;~f71~~;:iff~i~f#~f4[~fJ;~l~~~i~~~t[~~t~~i~*fIri13~lE:~~~ilil Actuated Cycle Length (5) 90.0 Sum of lost time (5) 8.0 ~);:~9,r!ti~liG~~-e19f9.gR'~l{:~~%;i~;~~~i~'~1~~:!IfU~~~~';~f;~}I~i~{~~~t~1'\~~1'Itl~~~NiWtJdlS!if4Hl~~~ttJ1rf;~~s:;~tr]gf;a~ilivDl~~[ff~J~~~i5f~~~i~~~7r~,~~: CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 3 . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street Queues . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - Ind w/Mitigation ."J- " '\ t + .; t!anerGroui5'~_\~Ef~'iE8R~NBHIil!!lNBT_SBT~SBR+I~~T~'F~~1\'~~4 Lane Configuratj~ns"'I"_';:.l""""""'V,,,,,...,.._} , I" <.",' '~F' fCt4tv~._- 1+.-..,.1;"""'''' ,..",~ "'1__""""""'_ --?ii"'" .~."'-...-);".;.1".'1'- ",..," "," ,... .'" _ " if otal Lost _ ri~~;",~ )\:;~~f{t5}I:it~~f:~,,4~O~1t~l~~~..Qi::j;m:l.;!Q,fi~.~r\1~-:o.~{~.,:;' .4.:q~":2E;iK4~P.:3~);iE~~l:t~.1:~i~;,~i>~I~I~tJ~?;~tlH;;~~i~~~~~b~~:~,~;~~1\'2':~:l':_ Satd. Flow (prot) 3039 0 0 3238 1680 0 Fit Re' rm"tte'd~ . ~d~~~~E~r.~\.{t~,8;O:'976:;::]s~~f:;'lt~tZfS~?Wi;;?(:lOi584~b;~t~}. :, ::,~rqmHi'~1'?,;~1{y't\~;",\!.;::,~~l~~~?m;':;?;n&i:~!~rk'it.;\$';i~f\;:i:,.:};;Y'f>;1c:~1.t~;r:.,:,:~;_,-f, i< . ,~",,~ '. ' ': .~.;~."~,., "~,'-'...'1i" '''': ^~~'... ',."-'{'-'fl,g .1".." '. ~~"_,,,",,,-,,_,[~ :.~,'~^..' . ~'.-'" ce. . .~, " ,.",.:fa;";:";"!:-;.;l...~;;J:t",1",,,""7,..,.,,,:J,,._~_:!l.~,..o\-":.,,,. ....'i'~~.,~., ~I."'i,.. "\,,.Q):"I:~-",11,L,~. "...'~/" ". ,. Satd'Flow (perm) .--. "'-'303ii'-"'''-0 ""0""1902" 1680'" "'0 . ...... "" _.,,- ........... "...." Turn Phases "'< " ,-a'Si~. '>;1\ 9y,c;:!~:,L!=![1gt~J~giit;:~Ml~ilft:1VM8t!~~1~~~1t~{rJMg~!~ff~~~t~~1~~;1~~\(L~1&4q~~j&1~~~i~~~~\i;~~~~~~j~~~J1~~~~~~~ Actuated Cycle Length: 90 '0ff'-' '-i:~'3;'(-3oA).;:"R.- 'f"!: ence(I'f''''"-HaseT2'~N'Bftqa'n'H!6:''SBtl~'StartrdfGree'n~t{~?-'~)'1~jJ:;~ff+tF~ftJr6fs'ft@~?~~~~ifi,~i~;~l\?:~i5{Mr'ffYft~~~'iffi~li.#li , ,~~." " .. "P,l:_~. e~,.. "~"""f'.:".' 9JP>..,~",,,,,A.,,;,,",,,,,_,~_,,,;,,,~...__~':-;~,,o.,,.,,+,I.r,.,,,,._,",,,,_,,,"",. "",~~J~t,i"~l",,,,~:mj_:;L'-ii:_~&r;;;;,',,'rL"d'-';1,,,1::l1L~~jti~;', ;~1:~4'j,rD::{:,..;"lh~',::",,--~,)laL..E:.;;l Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated .. . .., -'-" . ,., <-, --....y -.., .... 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',,' -. . ." - '.'~ ~. -,.. -.;,. .,- "~',~ .' . ;-.-... - '_.....",..,..' ."'. -"\' ......'.-.~.".~''''!('--'-'''''fQi'''<05':'JI-f1'\$>'-'''':-0... -- ~'.' '(-'" --'-'" .".... ,""-'.":'.. '--;",,?">"f'_..-'..~,..'^'...'..."h:"'''..:'''.~'4~''''''7_~W_-:!:.:r11'11!?,,~,i'1_'-=,..~r:.,,'..-_..,.,...""M..."..._l.. '.- Intersection;Capacity.iUttllzation".1 03;2%.~:'j?2:';,,~;;t;:;:)'06v.: -i~ '1,--::'ICU\L.evel:of.'Servlce'Gtt,>\W-'1;\,'t0ti"4!$";,';:+4'-~",,"~icl:ttt-#Ji;::'~m !:!fit\S:V"If~J:-j,"'';:''l':,'''lt: "--. . -----. - " ,.. '.... .> . - ''-'- . ,,~...,.,..,...........~.~... ......,."".-..,."..".....:"",..H:"t;l,r;;."),:.":1.1C.c'lij;s,h',:c';;h..,L,-,-~,,,,,,,,..-c";...~_,,;'_......';..,..=,",,,-,, ..,.......+.......-___*3"';'..dl:!.;,\1';'I;:;:::ruH;:-~_~..t:8'L..",i.t:'li-s.tl$i';;,1'f_,'~,;f.~'\\tI~~h,~,-;:iyt:J:r-.J.f":':"'...; Analysis Period (min) 15 ,.- I .l"~ - .. -" -.. .~, ~"".-- . ~"""."".,,,,,,.,,... "",~,",""."""~"':"'~~"""''''~'"~,"...,,.,., .,""'"'-.,......"...,,,..,..,~"'....,'" ',...:.-,,",..&;JUi';...-^.-....'''...ry'''"'..'''"l.. ""~,"''''.-r''-'__'''',.'''i!J.'f:''''''''','~'''"'',..--':.,''~:'!:''--,N:':-ll"1.f,':''''''''J~r'''1t'''''''$qr,' m:r, :Volume:Jof'95thfpercentile':'queuejs~ri1eteredlbylupstream1signal,;t,(;~1t~;;F;?';iK~.~f ';f\"!Jg;t::ii0}~\?t~.:~y!;;mr':;-~':;~;t]:Z0!h?;;!lS:":r\4;~jib,;;\'itjPi;~~~~i'l ,..... , ,.'...". .u-__.~.._.":'t_,,..._",:J ~..""~,~<...""~",,.,,. h.,.-,-..,....._...~~._'...k"..'..'<.~"m "_, ,___,,,.w."~~... """__~"_'=""''''='>_'''''' ,~,'".:.:o-4.."4l".Ji...,-;l.W-...,.....~\ ll4.;;;,cx=.M.r.."""",_.'i:.",i",."~",",J;lli-e.,,,._~.~.r.1 Splits and Phases: 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street "",t ."J- '\ .5 .6 r" 4 .. , ?~' t--\ -,*, ;,~~'f{~"..'j CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 6 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/Mitigation ...; t ~ t + ..; Movemenfrl]ift!:1li;l\ilSh!_~EB~EBR_N8~N8:tmSBJ:~;~SBR'J!~lil!l'ii!'!1'i~!~r!:~~~R!~~;!'l~~ Lane Configurations. .. ~... 7' ~. ". ". 7' Ideal-Flow (vphpn,:_~/,_~~~~~~iif~..,180Q_,;;~:t"~~18qq1)~"':-~B09}~;~~!.~1~q9:~~~'~1800; t~: ~ 800:-:~ ii':~1f-:J.~."~~.,1'::f~,t:j~~'i~~'~/~;Et~'>:;::"~~~:J:.,~}~~: ~:. Total Lost time (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Util.' F ~ct(K-.:,.;;:~~;::t~B;~~~;r.QQl:;if~;;:f1 ~.o9fa~;}:99ii~~,\~,1 ~QOrr~')1::,1 Frt 1.00 0.85 1.00 1.00 1 Fit: Protected! -'.;~t~;1~~4b~1~,j!;o.:~,~,~~1~A1 ~o9EJ;:~:iO;9~LtGb~j':Q.q~t?t.1::o.Q?,:~l::1'. oq~\g~j~il]t1~~JITt1fff~r:~:;;ft;&ri0~r:JW~it:_~i:~~]{~h;t~1l;f;?'~[~':'~~~:ll~t1~:. Satd. Flow (prot) 1629 1457 1629 1714 1714 1457 Fit Permitte~t >'~i~;~~~;~gQ;~:~Bjll{q~~.5,~1!lr~~t~:qqI!i~~f O;49":rr~j~:~9,Q~~;j;::;:~'.og:~!i1X.1. OOj~'i~'r!~;~I~i~f?~i.~~li~~~;~'j~t~im~;~~~Wi;n~;ili~~~~f;~~-" Satd. Flow (perm) 1629 1457 791 1714 1714 1457 Volume,(vph) ~' ,:\':'4;ng~i~,jjl)ti;1;B~~:T~.~;j66,~:,k:~iF t:;75)~":"r660~f7i:;~i495~}~;'i;",,292>:'J42~-~1 ',7.or:~;i~i{~Wf11~,1ti~~r:~i,,}:tl~~;:;k!~illi:':f,:i:i~i0\;~8!l}:~~'~~\~1J;:~~':~:i~:~~ ~:e~it4f- Peak-hour fact~;,^PHF"'~'ii90 "0'.90' '0.95' 0.95 .,., 0.90. ,.0.90.".... ...",~,~ ,~, "", -",".^'''.''- . AdJ.: FIO\N :(vph) {t1:,F~/.:~!fr!'r;]~H2"r~,73'~~~;I#~,;83'R0~~~:T695,:,~!,!~r~521E;;T:ut~:324'r';~':f189.I'i~%t~-ig~i1fiJ;~~:m~~'!ltiJ~;~RfffT\f&~;~fi:i!g~rl'1\~i~~1?s:j~~flt~411s;1~~i , "'~"'" "!>.<,~-,,"...\i",,,,;.,"'f~~,; ,'", , "",~""";r,, '. ,_,."",.,~,.,.,- , ',.'~ t"..t,'.,"'... ,A"',.'co"e,"', _ ..-> ,.\"!',;"."f<I. ' _ '.' ;..,,,,,....~,,,,,.,),':w''';_~''''':,\1:,1)r(:<. ''''''i\l\:)1,~,,,,,Vrp."l',r,~~,_." ,''",.... h""""",~,~., '.;1-"",,,~,"..-1;)<.,-',1: RTDR Reduction (vph) 0 78 0 0 0 110 Lane Group~i F.IOvi'(v'ph)!;;,;[~~:{%:i::~~~j73~~j;,<~,~15FPK~fT 695;$it~W:<521~f<:~r;7_324~:~~~,~'791~~fl~4~1W~'F~?2ff;;:~mWlli1:,lt~~)1~~~'';:Fil~;f~~p~1E1~Q1'E'~it.f2!fJ;. Turn Type Perm pm+pt Perm P,rotected:p~'~se~~~~f~~;~\{~~~4:~iil,~:Srif~~~t:fJ~i~~~t,~1~~l1g,~r~4~~~~~[{~,.~Jr~(:__:f;~\1t~~1il~~~~~t*,r'Wf&;~r'i~~iif\~~ia~[~~~'~~~tD@~ Permitted Phases 4 2 6 Ac.tu?lte.~{~r~!3nL~,l(~)!t~~~1:M1?;~,r~t1t.q.\~~~J;~~Z~I,!12~~?9.!':1?J1F~~f:?7i~ji~1il~~1_1~l:~r~tili~;~lli~i:~it1:f&.1;fJ~i;E,1~llil{~fr~~'~]~1TI~t\t~l1~ Effective Green, g (s) 5.9 5.9 76.1 76.1 37.4 37.4 Actuated, giC}Raiio:lg;~J~1~TI(Hri~kio!d7,~!k~~ryi't)!B'5~;.t6!85tr1m$~6142$;~ifb;~2l06:~W~;~~~\W90S~~~,Ftt~tl\~:~~f~., ';;~~~f;[f~~ti1rRY~:~iilli ' ,. --, "." ","~~ "".,r."'.,..,,-^','>"""..,,'__'.',.....'''~, '''-'',',," ";g""-,,,,, ".. H""""'.'J"""W"'~"__"~"".,o,' ""''i'',''''.'r''" .."'c,""~o".1'ii.!.__,,.."'.~"'~'''',t.l,,''''(..jiJi,~.,,,,. .,,'',''~, .,,,?-r\,<f,14l,,;,,~,,__,;,,"'~''''';;.''''',,-cA'''''w', Clearance Time (s) ,.. 4.0 4.0, .. . 4:0 . .4.0.. 4.0 .. 4.0 ..".... ... _. . _. .. .. . . . . VehiCle;EXten'sionf(srt~l~h~~~W~f~2f5~f,~~{f2;5tW~~J1:12:5Wlf,}1~:j.2!5:,~~Jf,~2~5~!:j~ti~2~5!M0~+~w~x~<f:;:;1.,jf4~}t(~~_~I~~[ff~11~t)b:W0:';;:1,~~~{~i1~'t~~~;*.~~t Lane Grp Cap (vph) 107 96 992 1449 712 605 W~:Rat!o}p..r8t,~~1~~Ii~:q~sQ~__Q4~;1~11~~*?f~190i2:Z!.~~~Ql~py2;~[,9.t!19,;j~i~g';r3:tl-t~?~~k~ti~ml:~r}1~~~~~~2:b;~i(~~~~~1I-1i~!ft~0.t~~~l~~ vis Ratio Perm 0.00 cO.32 0.05 'v/c. Rat.'0..":-,..):,.;;t~'~!;?:";'l~;IP!,:.4~;~POi68r,0tf;~%0': 06wr:,;:":0 i'70\'>\~~lO;,"36}f.p~j,:rO '46{t);~:::0 ;13~:?'it;i\wsr;';r2':t~~}%r~:fB':f'-'.O:j~~i")~',!+~1)1#:lf{i<i;:::(.t'~f-!:'. ~A~>ct'l;~~~'!\ft. . . , . ' . _Ii',,; l!ii.t';;?~<;ltt;l:<od'rtff?c,~,:t-...;..-..,:,f"'t;;;;""; ",;JJ..lh7.rL .,.,',."liiV<iIt\ ,,: ,_ ...:;1;,~t,. .. ..,;?l;;:.;';;'-..,'.' ._~.-';i#j;:Y;,z"42.!&,:l'ki,"1rJ;;.1~m~1; tdb'1:0X~'6'--..:"':'..~t'.'F'}i:,irtfl\'M!3.1U.1t\f.'!,h~~";'p,:,::~.w::'~ Uniform Delay, d1 41.1 39.4 7.1 1.5 19.0 16.2 ' ,progressi?ry:jF~~:S;9f~~,~~;1~.~Q2Ii~1:.:9..91~c;Ql,p.~~~e'{9;.99i:~f{~_~,Qg;~w~~tQ()1~~~~~:t1q~~t4I:i]rli~'t~1a.~~~z~~~~0i\1~~TfFJ1~~f~1Zt[:ii; Incremental Delay, d2 15.2 0.2 1.7 0.6 0.3 0.1 Del ay' ,( s ) ,-:;;..~! J:--:1;~ :<;;:0;:~;W;'37:;~r"if;.5 6" -;3i~Yf}J;:;;3~fi6'~~;fJll:" ':6. '~2~r~"-:)~~':--1 ':-3 ~::4f. ;',1 9' ";"3- -;:tm::'1~6-- ~3.. i~J1!!t::*jii'P,~~~r:;1I;;..;-ri~~{,!j' f'Ti;;fHt)li1ii14r~}i;lig:!!;::~~."'\,p("'::gf!:;...r.;;:r.i.~7.\:;','}.,;;~w" , . ,., . '~, -. ;- ,;'i'k:..~re,!\d~i~~}iJ>';;;$;~j;li., .,_"--1:;r:Z;:s,;.~,~~\'h;';:1:~::'" ,". ..,j~n&;/i.,~. )DHiL;"._'.,J,,;:,:,;>:, .,;, ,':~~{!i%>:2:;,j:.!.Z.,,_i:::s'fd;:;<5jiiiu~~:@!N12~4iY .;;d~'~;.ih:~,f:t,;,;1:~trEi"',i:*~H~Uf. Level of Service E D A A B B ImerseC!iomSu~~Iil\'i!:ft.$fr,r~J~]'l.J;~il\W',Ji~iliiilt7~~in:~lJ!ilJti~1:,,~~~..ti~~$'l!liiJ1 HCM Average Control Delay 11.5 HCM Level of Service B .119~~Y2!u,meJ!9ig~~?E!YZI~tI9]:~~~t~J!m1t~*Q:~:g~~~f~ffg;ITI1*#ft?~~It~1~E~~?F~t~[{[~~[iJJKiZre4fdril~~~~~Vt~it~il~&1~-t~~1D~f~~i!~l~! Actuated Cycle Length (s) 90.0 Sum of lost time (5) 8.0 I nters.ect.,on. Cap.'a'..c' .,ty.-''S11It'.I.'z-"a-t.,o. 'n" Y~t::fttiA:~/ry1~ir68- ~70' 'l1&ilB-::V;;:ti~;1IC' I'iil~""'e.v'e" -lfo"'f:Se''''rv'~-.,.c''-'er-''":[{r:\"ti:;.vl{~''':i'rr~l~;'t'1,:r~~ !'r'C" '!:m~,~J,W1jtt~~yVi'~~~"-"1',.~'~ . . ',... ::~,'O W",,,,~. "".i.~~>:r,;.%4';;:l.,",'1ib;,v,_.~.;. ,./~~,,(~H,"'.\~'}:L.~,.~._c,~, ~>~_;H_',"' .,_..,''"'-...".J,,~,~.:;.:;''',:;";;1..1~:r,fr;;~'L\..,:&-{'":rL>~r.f;:...::..:j:[=...:_: :.c.:;:'itL~~;c,:v..:;,::,..'j:.:;;;:'., Analysis Period (min) 15 , "., .', C .t. .- 'I' I ;," ,'. '~G > .... ... ''''''c'f''qR::''f' ":,,"'.;~j:'!:'O; :(;;';';;." ',,- i~"?:;'l!','-"" ;';fi";"';'-":'YS:::0','::;r:~_\;"'~';:,<'~'~~'~;:'\,.,)'/'i":!:?i;+'"l';J;~7,i! :':'-'1:jiO;Il"~,,~,L::;i.,,,,~, :';'m~"J :-''''''''~;'''''7~$';;;'':''':';~;{t'C~, fi "" l!1.i:%l1""'~t.i!*C'j.t~~', C'''. 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'4;9;~;~'i~TI,~"~:O.If2t~~t;,;_1~~>OJ~;K; :4:9,:.~;~'~:',..:4'.0{\~t::; 4:0::~(~~::L /,::'.t~,~_.:,.~~,l":~;~~j~,~j,i':,.~:[,T,~~ ,~:~X":~'~;:;,: n;/:l . , Satd.Flow(prot) __. ..162g.. 1457 1629 1714 1714 1457 Fit Permitted ~ . " ,,;,;;<,~t~lP;.Fn;>.950.:'1 F:~~~.':..2~i~.h~o~:395'hi~~1';;;"~;:;;{;~,;> " Satd.Flow(perm) 1629 "145i"'~'-677"'i714" 1714 Satd. Fl.ow (RT98)~~0::~'~i'liJ:l,fl.~\~.~:".-%~~~i~1~f.?~.~%,}flit1i~~[1~?J~t~i!~';;I~f~l:~ ; Volume (vph) 66 75 660 495 Lane Group. Turn Type Permitted Phases T t I'S 'I't (. ) ','(;'~. ~"~'f~;:r~;;\'(';J;i:~p;.-r13' ":0"?!'x';\f"1'3"O' '\\;;;:-':';'~~4'" '5-'~0",7'.."lW:7' 7- ,! 0- ",;'~\P-j'32"0' ",:.~~r~'3 2"; 'O't!'tf.i.:u.:{~<'f;~;:;-:-;;:;;{Jl-ti;'g? i,~~I-fi'i"jl~-"i'"Ltl'rB~;..~;-~:i~:;;;h~':;::::,-;;:.~r;s;n'lW:-; ,_~,'J' . 0 a, pi" S. : ,;" .\;,:~",__";{i(:,).\;f'f';'" .k~'g~'l . ",'.W,~lc, " ~,~;U j . ;~f_,J. ; ,;:&,,) ~ :,;:\:~,_\ii,,:C(t,L',>_-;,jp;q>;t""'"""':'l:1':;;,-(~,~~'~:O-i.:';~~'\'~j,:,211',""'l,;;'.\:'", ~"",~c,~';"" ' .. ",;,;:",!;:;" ,'>~.",.'^"'_. ',.. ",_..~N .,~.. ",~,~__,"-" '~f~""" . ._...~.. . ,_..,/""~1l. '. ",~"~"!,;,_""....~_.,.~-"\":",,,,,~..~ ,"".,...,.~t, ~.,,,., .,-<-, ,'~, ,~.~,_~..-lJ'".o-I'fli.. ..,n"_",, ..".'>."'>;. Act Elfct Green (s) 6.5 6.5 76.9 77.7 38.2 38.2 . Actuateq :,g!~ ~Ratt9';"~st$~~,J~3rp.:Q?0tif~(~,q;Qt'n;I:~{Pt~~.r~~g;B?tjijo .42,&J~~[(9:42,lt~tiB;~liti:~~ThyilE~~~~t:;~~3:~i:t~]~r~t~,~~\~}2'0j{J?~;Jt~~!:;~~';i:#1 vlc Ratio 0.62 0.46 0.73 0.35 0.45 0.26 . ',' I q~~u~';Lef!gt~~,90tl)~'(ft)1~~~~;mE1J.~~~~~.q.~Kf~~9,?]~~~i'2.~,~gmt;.:r13J?r~lWi0it~~QJ;~~~}h~:~~t~~1~H~~~_;~n~ii4~ll1i~U~illii~~~~W~~: Queue Length 95th (It) 82 42 150 49 240 45 Int~rnaEllj,~K,D.i~~i(ft)}~f:r:!I~!~~:?,tg~{~ttllt~1~!&'t~!~r~;:}I99~fi~~97gJ!~~~~,~~~~1~~41ii~~m~~i~~Jj\~l\~:.~~~~1~t~;!~~tif~t~j'~~~~ Turn Bay Length (It) 300 25 400 . ?~s:~jG?pa.city)'(y~~H~1~tiili~t2~~1~t??]j{ir;I~'f?~J~1~1..<;MQ~i~~~if~fi~7?~~;~;~J0\?t.~i~i~iITI~t131t~2tr~"b;~~m~~~11t~&~~t~rf~t~~~~r;~\:ifL~~' Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 's '11b . kC." "'R' .-n,i,j , 't'''''r{-;s;,"G.';:i.;~Ti-O- ~~iViW,V"O'i.i:fi'\ij.<<iic'fO. 'SM1t3f,Y;-0-:t:f\f!!lw,;,';-\;tO'~;;':it"0-1~0'-t :,iEii;:;1$I:'!T'~i!i::l};;!!:SWil:;(f:'~t?:Ji:"WV1j'::' "~F_m',':?m~$;~~H.~~,jl;:;,miF:'i:s:rre':TI'\Jl . Pl,.._ ,~~.." ,~P,!., ,~,\.l.l!9,!1tLc::;thdTI~,,;~~Mf_ "i~i;;ff'~ti:';;1;,,~'f2:'trK;,;;.,..ir,M1:\a:fi:~~JJ.~i:0rh..~ill;t:~1b~~J!!_~1%~'l,-!t.~i.::~~~:ttfi,~-&.t;.'i;k~ft~f&,~;~{rJJZ:l:t:~B(:{'J ~1J~1 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 I: ,R~~~ce(t'~v!ci8~~i_9!~;y~~;~i~t~1'iQ:~4~~ir~q;o~ZI~,Q.1.6."7}~,ffQ:;3?~~{O;~$Ji~~g;~!?14l~t:;'~;rtft~,~~~::~~j~]~,~~~g;%1{3}itt;k1~i~~:~~]~it1a; IhterseCtion1summa"'~~1:ilil~!iill.€lt~'~-:i'"~~~' ."Iil\1. . .f',,", ~':'<.,d~!ll*"~~ Cycle Length ~!90'i'-fj::1',;~ti;i'tX;3.,!;;--~~;t'~;~'f!1;.hi.:I;;'j~~;i!t:\fJ;/:~it,'~\~\0Y~4l:.~',~,i'n;~!l.;;k::~;lk:;i'9~:(:i~:..:;~:;,:g0';;{f'..yti<~'f\:i~~~t~<i~M',0i~;~l~~\(';Jf,\Jir-\,~tt;J '\'{ltie,;~,'}';\~.-11lrl~~~{ , 'f ~"'''":'''''''''''--, ,~~:rR_"'~"':Bii' "ct~':~ m:,:,_-! ~l"A.,.,~' '~i' y- ,'ik'-"'"-:'"' ;):,>-;)f"1.<!,,,k, '-"I'"""!\ii~,-<-,~:::\\;:,,,~,:~~,';'t','z!t'F" '~"','Y'* or,:,~" ='''''iE "'","'''.0:,,-...i1iicii'4,;''J .".~~ '" >,. <9ii.~"""""-' Actuated CyCieL,,';,gtii:'g6'''''' ""....,....,- .' ......... ~,".".. ... ....."....... ..... . ..., ....., ..~ ... ............... .. ... ..., ........ -...- ....... Qffs~~;: 65::.cr~O/~)~~~~~~~,t)~!:~;tb.1Bh~~~J~~i~~mG:~1~I~fj19J;,r?fee,-~it~~;,~~t~~'::_~~~i~1i#:~11~.:,~1~:~~~'rrl~J~?:1~~14R~:\E~~:~L'1;i!~fl~rf:~i.= Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated Maj(iniuln.,v~c}R~!(o.~;;Q!~~Uar.~1r~~lif~~~~~1~~~;1#fi1i~~l!1J;i;{;~i%!r~~J[;~};~{f~fm4f~ya~j,~~jfl~~~tl~~~;1;:W~JIL~h~ri~~~ik1k~;~[t~ Intersection Signal Delay: 10.6 Intersection LOS: B Il1te~,~fi.~i?n, g,ap..~~!~;:Q~~,I,~~.!~'l~~~-~'Z1%~~iC1Q~1~Y.~1~Y~G17f~~~:llifQ~g~~~lt,~,f-f~,~I~L~)f~~~*~:~I~~i:~t;~:~~~-ftttl~ff~k[~~1k~^~~~tti1~}~~~~!r~t~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 . 2: Westbound Ramps & 42nd Street .6 :3' ~';iUili0if1bi~_;]fJi,j~} "_~i'*~, ~".'-W:l. CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 10 3: Eastbound Ramps f1t2nd Street HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/Mitigation /' .. ~ t + ..' M' '''''''~<"-'"--''''"''~-'"'EBT_'E'Br''*''''~-~N"B' "'-"B"'''-S''B'R'''''.'''''''l:w;Fm--",,,,~_'''''_ , "lii'as~ ovemenbf,'01{'7~%<~U~\ii~;,L:'iijn8* ' 1":'\~"0'~j~Na~;l;A!l~I, +,9f'1JB:'3.S'I~%;;t,#" , S7~~4'%t(:;t,*,~&'!'X~.::ZR:Vi~);i;t;:0~~,:di~~:wl}9lt:".3ii;;~4!rt:'j}ftV;4 Lane Confi9urations ,', 11 , ." " ", ,', 4'+ f> Ideal Flow (vphpJ) .:~;)t<;':lf~~g::~ 89q,tt~~'i;~ Bq9,:~1fr;1~qq~ili~1,8q9~::, :,::180Q.?H~':1 ~.9.Qj~i~~~~~~;>-~7V~~f;:~~t~iJ~~1\ij~1;}~it~ir}ti~;~iE~g~1f:'~'~:~~'4~i:if;~:~ Total Lost time 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Lane UtiL Frt 0,85 1,00 Flt- Protected:".:~3~~f2tfS~~~~n:~i~;t~o;,~q,::fullf2,tQqti~~~~At~J1jQO!~glt~itJ~.~1:.09;~1~~?~1;[~t~;R1~~1\~~!fTI,~t~i~i~i?tit1~1i,~rE4}x,i~~~[f,j?~;~~IiJ~!lt~~df.~fH:~~1~ Satd, Flow (prot) 1629 1457 3236 1657 Flt:Pern:titled' T ~:,;~~~;~~iL~1~i~ O:9,9S;ll~tS~1.~90gS1Sfr\{~ir:~:;~~:0,}75 f~~>1'~oq~~l:tlf~~W~0~;;~?1f~~~~~;:\~r!~~~wji)}y~i~linJU~j~J.t!;}~tllle~5I~i~~!f:f Satd, Flow (perm) 1629 1457 2444 1657 .. Vblume:(vph) ':'/,;L~;;1Siq~if~;;1;;~~~" ,~P9Ji2}~~~'7.69~0f~ii:~t?];:~lit85P:f;~;}27q,;~~ii;l,~QW;!~i1;~;f:~*;:~~~T*',~~~~]t~m~Zl~~~~,;Jk't~i,1f~fd~ti1,il:~1~t~~ Peak-hour factor, PHI' 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,95 0,90 0,90 . '^dJ" -, t:1 w'(vph)';:- ';'~-;ri~'w>:;:r::;0:\'j;):;:316",'5f:;ti<800'ff,~~J!f'r,:'134'~1;'flf.t~089. 5:!f!st'::,:306' ,,;~r:#i, '1 00'k;{;#fi.\"(~~4r,t~nl!;~,~(~::U~$'}i'I'L~~'1W.i~tw:>F)ji;s,:i~:: ;,~;;s.:.'4j;~~1i1l;.:t-':mt'::r !" . r:: 0 _ .';,:~'1;'.",;j;i;;s;r,""ir,i!*f"'iJ, "i,J"':$,' _, ",P4{il>~",_",J,;Jti;;;-~.._;,:;L,;;:. '.'. itR:J{;tl:., ".i.<~'i;:;,G~::,t;tYi~;jzn'''"'2~'<i;;:;;j;JjJ~*:~;J:"rr;.,.';*\~1j>,,;;,',/ .~''';.:!;j~3i:w.t",:;;'rl',:ri~.<1H;,~,j'' RTOR Reduction (vph) 0 145 0 0 11 0 : t:-ane,Grou Flow";' \/ h)?::~r~~~;3'16t]:i1j~;655~~:g:K~!,~gO'~~:t~.1 029n:~~(~395_~~~.m~{bnffi;~;f?5~~1m~~7I:~~[~~~;~r,f~?;~7~;;:'~;Tftgz~:'::i~~l}~~l~%;n~ Turn !;.~uat~9.!Gre~~Ggj(~jj~4[~r~~!1'~,~~&Rl@s42I.~j~r&~1ru~J!i&~6~~-~i11~;4;0;~5,t4f~~~~ifJil1:~~li~~1~~~~lf~~~:~ftJ~~~b:1j]ft.~t~~~t~ Effective Green, g (s) 18,9 42,6 63,1 35,4 !~ l^ct'uat'd :g/C';R"a':':t"." '1:tl:iYfj1~nr-:0L!i~'0' f2-:1'KG7G~~'0:\4'" 7" j\G:Y!;Ji\':~!}~~}tj~f"O-- ',7'-0' T0mt'-039.\1tfUtJ%~1t~J)l};~{;:~~:~~)~W\l\+tif!,;;ft';;:~:;;:,+f:ili.E1';?!Jti'M~J$;.$t \W;Me.:f~lW~V'~~Ji;/P~'7~-::;A: t' ". e,. " ,L... ""1.9d.t;.\?:f;ilf:",,f-a..~,t':'xr.; "~;",~;:)'b;~i~.,:',~"";'JlW;A;;;~&:\tJ0ii~,~<f,,.;,,;.,,\,:~jt;?!,__,~_" ....,;;i.l.~'t':!~ 'f',j>~J:,;,l1tyii>ltd0t':Uib.1iG;:i;;;..;E'",~~h: =};'t:,~},'t;L.:;lktW::::;.iv1,LS~;!~_~t~'*)1' Clearance Time (s) 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 Vehicle: Exterisioni(s)1iK{i~~~~i';5~t&Mri?5~W~i}&}~7~~~~4i2:5m~~tt:::t'2~5(~@4!~~H;i'~B~~1'K~~;'~~:~iitr~\~,{tl1!~}#~~i~~~f~1~~f&3J~~~~i:iVt~t Lane Grp Cap (vph) 342 754 1922 652 v/s'~Ra1I'o" :p.rot:,I:lt~-m',:*~J04J.J,;~;,g'0::19'~'{JcO '23l1:J2i~'S~';~~q8i'~;'O--',1'45;~'~C""0'24't:T:.;~'1)t:,i,;~i~~>>lfu~t!t;:;\T)if,;":;t'2T~'i;';:{fgm4?~;~J~;l:t;'i;f"j;;;liIT~\~,:i:;t:~'1 'Y~'.~~:;:1!? . > . \.. ,. -, ..}:""'/i:!:.:h',i~;:[!,"'i:;1tw},;r.~1, ",:Li._,Zi"",i'-,_, ."-" ,,,,:J,$';,~)b"<,,..z;.J~;i. ~~.c ,-...,,;;;_if1,~,.. '.:_" :.';';,'"\iki;C'\;;~q.'kr,-,,!..hil.<>~l{;4'&,:'?t!~.g;:; ,"j;'\ki1f2f_:\;';~::iIJ:J_4.!i-';:Mmit'i~~;);';:~~'t;fa;~~~t<~L!-';';';>kl vis Ratio Perm 0,22 0,23 HCM CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan, Defauit Page 8 . 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street Queues . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/Mitigation /' t "\ t + ..; l1aiiE\7Gfoup\~;i){Z~~EEl~EBR1\;~~N8~~N8;f~SB;r!~SElR~~~~~Wl!!\iIl1~l!I'~~~iI!j,;~ Lane Configurations "i'" oft to J Dtal Lost Tim~,,(~) {~::~"~\t:~:t~ ::4~O:7~;r; :4~O~~!;r;t;lEif:.,q:;;i~~ :;,4':0: ,\;;.> 4 .q,:~;~<:-;{4~P5i:!ty:f,)},~j;riI~-1 ~"~~;~~,, ~;~~" 1t~~/ <\;:,::~::,i~:~Y,,:.~:~~E/<>-;~tt~~:~:2;:\ Satd, Flow (prot) 1629 1457 0 3238 1658 0 Fit Permitted ': -';:. ;r~t~:;Ki<o'.950:t.qy<:.,;:'~;~[~~:~t~'LdO;67J~~S~~~' Satd, Flow (perm) ",' '''1629'~ "1457" -" , ii-'" 2186 ' '1658 Satd:' Flow (~TOR):~~;;Jj~t~_~\!ti_'/-~?d)',mi~;2?qfai~;;z~r~t{fti~\~:\..:t,;~g'f.:q~~:j.' Volume (vph) 300 760 127 850 Lane, Group" ~19W:,(Y~.b>-rl~~it::(~.~lg:.~:~~1lt:!9g~~in~l~~'.Q;jli1j'Q?~J,~:i ;:~O~.;i,;;~iR~:;~:~~lli){~W1&f&~;~:{imHi~1@[:,~iJq~i3~~~6&)J!~;t;fh1i!';f;t~itL~'~.};;;tt~:" Turn Type Permitted Phases ~ otal.Split ,( s) -: :'";r)\!'N~~J~i~;k:~'34Y:9~1:[~t2~~q~~iL~1~~~,~gIf~:~5~j2~]Jti;30:qJ0~~tiL9JQ(i~Tfil:~~?'\?~lw'l1~ht~~1~~;t~f~1iJ,~li1~~[~~~1it~~IBiirfGtiL~ Act Elfct Green (s) 18,9 46,6 63,1 35.4 Actuated'giC. vie Ratio Quelje/J{~f1gtJ1~>?OthX<~)1~~1~m1[1,:?]~i\J}j.t?~.3.;~~D~il~1~1~1R~?~im~[~::F2~fi;WJ~~~t~1;)JtiIg~~lffi&~~;~~~1~~11#~rlf~:~7Ji~:f[r~~l~~~~~;;~~t},~ Queue Length 95th (ft) 247 #468 143 #69 , ,1~t~'rn~J!:[jrik~qi~t;(fnr{~i~~~mKfE61:~J~~~J~11~t~#lL~~l'rtt~t&~~f~'~~~$lf'?'~~,1~~:~i~:~~~~~~Ji~~~u~~~itl~i~&~liliii~~i~~~m:~,~~ Turn Bay Length (ft) 700 700 : ,~ase;~~;ip~Si~.;[(YP~).?;N~~~1cW~~,~~]r[(~;~t~!f~~1;,~tl~Q~,~j~i~f€?~n~t:~,fuf3i21ITI~~,tt~;i1~tfft~~~~;1lli~~~~~~~f~ir~~ti~~t115 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 184 0 ,~p!II,t?~:~k,,;~~'p;Re9P.Cj~jtt1:ti!Jf?rrRtQJ~:~~j~~\@~~tik~~~1~]d~j11S91~{;r~:([2~t~11r~retl~i~~~*~1~ij]\~[i~~~~4m~~m~i.~~~~tii~5i~~ Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 '\ $, C I 'L th 90" '~l;"'"'' ""b'";~,.'>",:,, ",.,ik.. ~'~"""""'~:''''''~';''''';;6''''''~''''':,:"~,,, ,,",Fc,' ,.:.', ,l,~,' "c"",;.':"" ".;""';',,,;\'.,,,,,,,,,,~ -,o,~",",-","A';" ~'-",;~'" -,"""'<t",--:: ~"'P'~l." ...~,,,,,,";~' .' _,'n'" ,,"",, ",' L' . c""~ Yc e - 'eng ~ '-'1';,""",,1',1"'1"<,:' .:" "~,yo >'~"""'''~'''''~'''M, '".. 'IY\""',* ,,"'~' ~,,,,,,;____"_,,~,,,,,,.,,,h.,,,,,~.. --,"', ",' '",-$' 'Y/'--"."n"""'~""'~"''''''''-'':'~;,s..''''''i'V"c i~ "" ',___ e'ulnt,.'....''',;o.I:..."'',..,~,_"::',J._,,,'~\.,f....,,,' '''~:.w. . ,,'." . . ":.',^""":;,,,~w-,:~_'i4;;'!';d<1:.i01JS_:.r:i;{<_!}L't:;}t.'l~"i::r:\:1-:\at1i\z~~~;t-;~;'i:i,'110''1J.-t;;;~..;;?;~ifi;l7:::i;;.,;tK:~;h::1L;k.;,*:;;{feX>:;j~L'"if'1.:Hiili':)Ji0,!cli:& .r(~;iSffiktt.;::-i::1:{;1ri11i'?~;;:1J;:2k:i:1:ti Actuated Cycle Length: 90 ' pffset?!5; (8?% ),;~,Ref~f~ns~Eit,grp.~I~~;~~~~~[t~i~~-i~i~~mL[$J~l(q~i~!~~6}tlt~~}:f:F~~~i~;~~~~}~~~~~~~~re4~1~~~I~l:~)fil~~~91t:~1~ Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated M~rriLIrTi:y!.C?:~~tiO~}:9.~'~?~ilFt~f~~1\~;K:SiDz&11~it~1h~~~~~Z{0.f6%~~0,~;n~;JfMi~!]g;fmh~I~1~lW~i;)i!:J!if~t~~1ifli!~~6'ili~~~i:lit~,,~,~~~;;l~~h~it~ Intersection Signal Delay: 18,9 Intersection LOS: B " .lnterse~ion,:~.~p~c~tyLtJ,~W.t~!!~nrBf~%i~fIE1~]~JAj_~4;~:'~W~t:JJIli~a~.Q,t,~e~~kB!L9iCry~~\!?;~J:;tm;'a~~~<<rif@;~~~\4W}tE~~~1~~~I1~~~:~r~ Analysis Period (min) 15 ~,:.:;, 9~th:'p~rce~tJI~::v~.Iu.~rn'~r~~~~-~~~I~p~~!fXKqiJ~~~~l):ii.~'Yj~:~W~~g~!I~tl~a~W$~~~~)wt!6~~~@I~t51f~~~lt1W.~~~~fi1i~~~~~f.~\fi~~i~j~fj Queue shown is maximum after two cycles, " 3: Eastbound Ramps & 42nd Street ,'-' ..J '~ .6 Ctt<<'g~'1~~W,,1~~r'^ "'~j\\'" CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Plan: Default Page 11 4: Olympic St & 42nd stet HCM Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis . Hammer Zone Change 2020 PM Peak Hour - w/Mitigation --' t ~ t + .I " '--'.~~'-',"'",'rt0,""'Br-_ "'_. ".~"~' ._" .. .f'\f-'" '~._''''''''.R~'~' -=- Movement~;~'~Ji'['%lii~1~;~*~x~EBt!?~E8Ri;{~"fNBE)!i1N!j~NB"$W\?;~.SBT0iS0;~SBR7}Ei1D$;4*fz!xh1tt~Rrsv~~~Jf!:Stlfiiw:. "',~'" ff:-lU!i1J0PAt'mfdf-iJ Lane Confi9urations"'lV 4'+ to Ideal'Flow (vphpl) ~:,~~1:J~~~!~i,~18ooHt4~?~1~,q,9_tdt~J.l a.QQ;;l(:;:~18oq,~,:-J~;~180~<~~~~~';J~9P2I~~h~T;:~~'f~;1jt~~I~~;:;~;!I~~A~';H:-;~'~1)~~~~~~~1~~1<~hl;K~:~.~tj~' Total Lost time 4.0 4.0 4.0 Lane Frt Fit' P. I ct d ~,' '.\ it::',"~'::';',*;:"'i~1'>., 0 '9-7;:~''fi/'I:i.'~t,,~~\",,;,I'f1r~/::~;~,r;'i:E.tjI\0 99 ;f"':"1 00' ;';l\"',,'r~\:tW~~tY~f),','I',,"'f'::'_if1"C,:''i:0f?;'''~:,_~,J;;;'~<t'~'y 'F ,:;;:i:;<-';;"'''7'i~J;'.lJ.;-:l:-P},,:,;;;:,~t'd,,!'l~: , .. ro e e co ." . L","t-:':iA/~' >''<;:i''~ ; /':'1> ;\~-'~:",;::j\;;"'h":"/:';\i1;,..,.rt::;,. ; "',,;;-:: ;3":rrL'b;1~:,~;:~L[,..,_,~"i(i.,%,,;',j'@;;-;"''''''~4~,,:~jj{1:',.'H'i5~ 1~. ,,'t~""";;;'<t~R'f\~fi:::r.G:cyp~~,,-,Vhjl, "~. ~,;",. """-''''''''''''''.';;'&'''.,.,""".!.. M.~_ "". ...., ."",c,"ill'".,)!O"'_-M',>Ow)+'''"""""__",,,,,,, .._..~"4:;,,,,,., ___ ".,_..,,,,=41,,-",,,,">>~'f><".'~ u.,,,k, ,,4i!.-,~;W; -,.,rtLik.."",..,,,,,..;:;,-,,,,.l,.,"':'1,,,,,,..,&,_ .',_"a.~.""',.:..,.",,,.,:O'" .,,< Satd. Flow (prot) 3043 3238 1680 Flt,Permitted ~ ~~~7.~;~ttJ1\$:~,~?;:t~::f{P~~?:}~~~1f@I~ffiS~~~j{i~~1~JEtf:lfP:O~69~~t11~t1 :OOl;i[~I~~t,~ili~~~~t~:~l~W~:~~~~t&J~~~5;:~~*!~~[l~fJf!;in:fj~~~ Said. Flow (perm) 3043 2122 1680 .' Volume ',(vph) '. -i';:i1*!i~'J~tiJt.Es4:;iW25q~\~~~t891;f:~:i;0;~;~~~{,~t:~7-;Zq.~:ij':1884~';~~~M 59L$itsti~~'@I~,!~Zt~:4tfJlL::;~rrg!;~~:~'?Kr~~l1litj;;t~!?i'~.ill~i~{ik: Peak-hour factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 " :t\dj. RTOR Reduction Lane'Grou . Turn Act t dtG . ';:"G''I( -)-'0?'~10-";of"1 0"8'~'$M'it";~"tf,:1i-;gl~0"~"%1t:\ffi1j';~:71i2' ~~4h;'- ::2-}f,'Fm:!-',,';i'i'!fi;s[F;;'1r-\;~,{';'Tf~!&'I:'k\;b:rJ!}:i-~~:;},~it;;~r;:{et"'-:~fn;:;,;rr);:"V ;?1~'!-If;-!Pfi~R-~~tr:S"j ua e . reen .'0 , ,Sr<;~i;;b:-$ . ,":'-!;)j;~t:r:!_;::;'tti;\..~::.,~"r':m:,:Jf.)'[;-. ~:v.-)lj;b, I ,'.':w'''-i,.;),,~jfJ,j'1l'']N(m;;;;,:.t..;.>;:\'*if*A'tr::P''i.:;;Cit'!tti.,:k-.~;~'!'i}""~~,,,;' <-1\~khr4'!j,t)"'.j'J""'Ul>';;,""", ' . ... '" , --- c... ".. "".,."t~A""M...,,,.~...__,.'E'~~~,,,,J..'<M-=<.<=.~_;;;_,,,,,,,,;,c",_. ..~ .,"""h.,--",.. , . ~.--...._'H-<,".."__,,,:a..= ,-'...."'..-~",JIi!!k:"".;""'.-""''''''',.=''''.. .."^_.,"'''""','''.".,,=,b~ffJ'''',,,,~.'-''''.-.'''10."-'......"."-"'" Effective Green, g (5) 10.8 71.2 71.2 ' 'Act" "ua le'.d,'g'/C" JRa"":t',o' ";:;;~~f5~1,:r:;:q&T8-0!:12"Ef;13$j1\J~tJi;'i!Gif;{;;;:?{;&f}S;;fr' 0~?79";.i~~;iO \."79' :Fffi~4#i\)10;~ll;0~'i:;~:tr:J1EEiffit!$~~\Z;;'0;'\Vr:4-jJr,lFR~~~_0fi;19~ j::F!;FJi~€t~';:,'1j "'. , . ..,' " ",""c'U.w<,;,l,:,y...' ,'_;f,t;;Jillij;f;:~\rt~"~oi:~:_"W:~,,\-: . :..,1)\,,,, .1; ,,:>;%'n,,,,,jV'<;'WA.l..,:,,,,:y~~,,,,,...r'(,..,t:0"~B';J(jYlf2'",~-%,;:j;\t.:>,--ft'l"l;~l'b)>'??E -1:f~t\r;ii1~i"';ii I;}. CiearanceTime"(sr""".,v"<~'<;'\'~4~O=" ~''''~''''id~''''';{'6''''''''''d'-4:'O~'",'''''''''M'''''''4=''"''''''''''~"'" => ""',. """_.li...",, "';.,.~/:- ...."". ..M,.,' ~ehicieTEXtension;'(s)0mi~i~~'ii2F5~~ti4?~i,j~~~R~lt~i'l!~2f51,Si01~f'-2!5~1t;:~~}ff,\1gi~i~~~;~;:(;Ij~;~~j1r~j1t~~~t~j~?0l'fJ;~i0l~1W~~f2~lfJ~~'1~ jnWrsearorrrsummalYj}f_~.."ll~"~~~~li1M,,~~fiiil HCM Average Conlrol Delay 14.8 HCM Level of Service B H9~~YoJ~~~'.,tQT~~f!iCftYZr~t!~g~~~~~!m;i}1~r91~:t1~~~$~fif~~itR:~~~j;ili~~~}j~t~~~~~~f~lITfKJ~~'f'~J~l?J~t~:ir~t4~Yhrt~il~{ Actuated Cycie Length (5) . ." '.. .. ... ..900.Su", of 1051 time (5) . .'. ...... ". .. . 8.0 Inter~ecti6n'::C~pa9i,ty;5,~!i!B:~~~~f4~~~lt!~I~:;9.~!.ot%~{t~_]~iE!9.~~g~v~!X.9,f:L~~:eY~~~~Wl~'?~~mt~~lG]}fJ1f;t1ti,~t~iBtf~~ Analysis Period (min) 15 ~1:~;;Defacto~l:eft1L?in.i~B!iC9;~,~1~~iti$1JtfjgJlgtlf,1[ij~Y~~f.ailef!:!~~~:~;~~?;:k~{0:!!It~t~;81l~J~~ri1i~~z~~n~:~~&m~~J;~~~~~0~tfi;:~ c Critical Lane Group, CMW Access Engineering Inc Timing Pian: Default Page 9 . 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street Queues . Hammer Zone Change 2020.PM Peak Hour - w/Mitigation .,)- t "'\ t ~ ..; l1aneTGfc)up')Ti~~EBL!lJi~E8Rl1Ilil&8~iJW&8[.jlYS8li1l!"4fS8R~'~~.~~r~~~1llI;I!! Lane Configurations "lV 4't To . ~~;~I. ~~~~ ~i;~t)( s), .~~::: ;:.tSStij~;~:o~~l:~lt&t:t~';~;~~~\~~4tt~2~'~~~~'_~~ ; ;6~g/~;~Ht~:~~~~~:~~~rl:':~~ki~'~tt\i,;r~_JL~~i1t~~if,;;';~;:A~~~l'~',~i:::~:~ Fit Permitted, .,... Satd. Flow (perm) ,Satd; Flow' (R:rO~) ~t1\1Jfr.j0;~_;t~~}A ~?i~~Wti'fIf~~1iffiti:rt&:t~1irm~':~j;;7'lra;~~~~'. .,?4Yl~m's~;t:J~;~1~h~{~~~;1i~jlt:f~2-t~r:*i1]~{%j~~il~~~1:i~~;R~:?i~;it.:;';5:i Volume (vph) 250 150 96 720 882 156 . Lane Turn Type Permitted Phases Tot~rSplit(~). Act Elfct Green vlc riiter$ecfiimisummalY.:&!~!~~~l'''::;:~l.iil\iK,.~~~~~~~!lfi;1~~~\lil,''''W~~ gY,cle:~~!)gth ;:'.9Q~~1t~t&~i2t~li.~~~:.~H~~k~~~1~:I~ijg;ili'f!~~:~jtrrtIE;j~:i1Dli+ili~:.k;~1l:~ittl~X!~1,*lf~~1~fi41ti:~;~1t1~y,~l~ilt~nt}l~il~tt:t1h~~%'1 Actuated Cycie Length: 90 Pff$~t:t~::(2.%)?:~F3~f~~~~s'~~ItQ::ph'~~!lgLiR~utg;~E91~L~:~]li~~B1'9f{!g,~~~n!L~~#~~l;~~1i,~!~~~\~fr~~~~ti~1l~1flijJ~jf~~~l~~1~~) Control Type: Actuated-Coordinated M~!'11~1l1\y.1.~~g~'joF9.t~~f~:t:t~f&w)jcl'f,~)1~;Ii~~~~~~ik1~1~WIJ~;Wl;~~!~j~t;;;~1j~t]1@~i~~1~~f~~;z~~~i~:I.~~ti{{~i~J~~~~r{~~~~-11ilt~!kei' Intersection Signal Delay: 13.6 Intersection LOS: B J~J~.tse~~,i~ri~g,~p:~~i~i~lW!!~li~?i'i13!~i~~~J~i~L~~~,$~~t~Y;~'.S~y~,'Jg!:i~~lY12~J9jff~~~~,~~~r~;I~IW~ZJ~~~~trJ!jj~tff~~~ili~v~ Anaiysis Period (min) 15 :rn';,;}Yo!i.Jrije.i.f~~~.~5tr.lP,!i.i~~~!!e},q~1~~],~ffi~!~[~I~i~p'~.tr~~~f!I.[~fg'~~I~f~~rrg~~t:1~fE~]j~~~.r~r~[fl~~'~~i1ZJ:ft~~;~~r~~~l~{r~W~im~~~ dl Defacto Left Lane. Recode with 1 though lane as a left iane. Splits and Phases: 4: Olympic St & 42nd Street ..:,t 'IS' .s .s~~:~ 4 '~~)~j~',. ~' ;"1: '~ , ."__~TJililili11!!fi&j\~~ "', CMW Access Engineering inc Timing Plan: Default Page 12