HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 9/18/2007 06/19/2016 03:33 FAX . Ii1J 002/006 Ii1J OOJ 09/08/2007 SAT 10:18 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING . '. ~ . , OaPaprT1Eint of State Law Ii c. T15 ::Summer Street NE, ::' Ilite 100 Salem. OR 97301-1279 B 503-378-3805 Permit No.: Permit Type: Waterway: County: Expiration Date: Corps No.: DA VID COREY - HARVEST LANE 36023-RF Removal/Fill McKenzie Lane February 21, 2008 2006-00137 IS AUTHORIZED IN till ::CORDANCE WITH ORS 196.800 TO 196.990 TO PERFORM THE OPER.ATIONS DESCRII; lED IN THE ATTACHED COPY OF THE APPLICATION, SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONnll'lONS LISTED ON ATTACHMENT A AND TO THE FOLLOWING GENERAL CONDITIO III: : 1. This permit does not uthorize trespass on the lands of others. The permit holder shall obtain all necessary access pl:!1 nits or rights-of-way before entering lands owned by another. 2., This pelTT1it does no'l IJthorize any work that is not in compliance with local zoning or other local, state, or federal re~11. ation pertaining to the operations authorized by this permit. The permit holder is responsiblE. :)r obtaining the necessary approvals and permits before proceeding under this permit. 3. All work done unden' Ihis permit must comply with Oregon Administrative Rules. Chapter 340; StandardS of Quality' :.r Public Waters of Oregon. Specific water quality provisions for this project are set forth on Atta<::1 ment A. 4. Violations of the terr' ,; and conditions of this permit are subject to administrative and/or legal action which may res It in revocation of the permit or damages. The permit holder is responsible for the activities of all ::ontractors or other operators involved in work done at the site or under this permit. 5. A copy of the permi:1 ;ihall be available at the work site whenever operations authorized by the permit are being com: .Icted. 6. Employees of the [), ,partment of State Lands and all duly authorized representatives of the Director shall be pel'l titted access to the project area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting work perle,: :ned under this permit. 7. Any permit holder wi :) objects to the condItions of this permit may request a hearing from the Director, 1n writing, wi ilin twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date this permit was issued. 8. In issuing this perml the Department of State Lands makes no representation regarding the quality or adequacy Jf the permitted project design, materials, construction, or maintenance, except IO approve tI" , pruJt:!~r:; ut:!siy" and mat..r1al~, "':0 :oct forth in the permit application, as satisfying the resoUl',: ;! protection, scenic, safety, recreation, and public access requirements of ORS Chapters 196, :" :,0 and related administrative rules. g. Permittee shall def~" d and hold harmless the State of Oregon, and its officers, agents, and employees from any :Iaim, suit, or action for property damage or personal injUry or death arising out of the design, mi;I' ;,rial, construction, or maintenance of the permitted Improvements. NOTICE: If removal iI',:: from state-owned submerged and submersible 'land, the applicant must comply with leasing ami I'oyalty provisions of ORS 274.530. If the project involVes creation of new lands by filling on state",: 'med submerged or submersible lands. you must comply with oRS 274.905 _ 274.940. This permit, Iles not relieve the permittee of an obligation to secure appropriate leases from the Department of : .tate Lands, to conduct activities on state-awned submerged or submersible lands. Failure to campi with these requirements may result in civil or criminal liability. For more information about these I "quirements, please contact the Department of Stllte Lands, 503.378-3805. Michael Morales, W Re!;,)n Manager Wetlands 8. Waterways': onservation Qtt-." L '-:;;1-7 . Oregon Department of :~, 'ite Lands ,.:))1/ ~ pry 1~iLt--.~february 21 , 2007 Authorized ~igna~1W', _ J Date lssuod . Date Received:' I< n . Planner: . Jt:>-Yo-t tJ p~ 09/08/2007 SAT 10:19 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING 08/19/2016 03:34 FAX . . I4i 003/006 ~002 ATTACHMENT A Special Conditions for Removal/Fill PLEASE READ AND Bfiii, ::OME FAMILIAR WITH CONDITIONS OF YOUR PERMIT. This project may be site inspected b ' the Department of State Lands as part of our monitoring program. The Department has thE Iright to stop or modify the project at any time if you are not in compliance with these I: :lOditions. A copy of this permit shall be available at the work site whene:""er authorized 01:: :,rations are being conducted. 1. This permit aulhorizE!~: the placement of up to 0.7 cubic yards of rip rap and native fill and removal of up to 1.5 cubic yare I of native fill in T 175, R 03W, Section 24, Tax Lot 300 in waterway, Lane County, as outlined ill he attached permit application, map and drawings, received March 13, 2006 through Februar 14, 2007. 2. Fill and removal activi I~S in McKenzie shall be conducted between July 1 and August 31, unless otherwise coordinate::1 ,/,lith ODFW and approved in writing by ODSL. 3. TURBIDITY/EROSIC,!' CONTROLS. If water is present, the authorized work shall not cause turbidity of affected WI: :ers to exceed 10% over natural background turbidity 100 feet downstream of the fill point. For pI' :Iects proposed in areas with no discernible gradient break (gradient of 2% or less), monitoring 81' l,jl take place at 4 hour intervals and the turbidity standard may be exceeded for a maxil'l" 1m of one monitoring intervals per 24 hour work period provided all practicable control m:,' IBures have been implemented. This turbidity standard exceedance intervals applies only I. :' coastal lowlands and floodplains, valley bottoms and other low-lying and/or relatively flat 1;::1 Id. 4. The following erosior . :antrol measures (and others as appropriate) shall be observed: a. Filter bags, sediml I1t fences. sediment traps or catch basins, leave strips or berms, or other ,measures shall b,:: ,Jsed sufficient to prevent movement of soil from uplands into waterways or wetlands. . b. To prevent erosk;r- use of compost berms. impervious materials or other equally effective ,methods, shall bl,' Ised to protect soil stockpiled during rain events or when the stockpile site is not moved or no l1aped for more than 48 hours. c. Erosion contro'l rn I, "sures shall be inspected and maintained daily. or more frequently as necessary, to em;1 'S their continued effectiveness and shall remain in place until all exposed soil is stabilized. d. Unless part of th~: luthorized permanent fill, all construction access points through, and staging areas in, I' Jarian or wetland areas shall use removable pads or mats to prevent soil compaction. Hovl" vel', in some wetland areas under dry summer conditions, this requirement may be waived up on approval by DSL At project completion, disturbed areas with soil exposed by conSIJ Iction activities shall be stabilized by mulching and native vegetative plantlngs/seedin~: ,$ proposed in permit application. If soils are to remain exposed more than seven days after ,~:' Impletion of the permitted work, they shall be covered with erosion control pads, mats or simi 'Ir erosion control devices until vegetative stabilization is installed. e. Where vegetative; .rosion control Is being done on cut slopes steeper than 1 H:2V, a tack/fled seed mulch shall ~, :1 used so the seed does not wash away before germination and rooting. " . ~ 0041006 ~008 09/08/2007 SAT 10:19 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING 06/19/2016 08:34 FAX ~ o Attachment A 36023-RF Page 3 of 3 f. Dredged or other, :,cavated material shall be placed on upland areas having stable slopes and shall be prevl:; ',ted from eroding back into waterways or wetlands. 5. Erosion control mea~ I 'es shall be maintained as necessary to ensure their continued effectiveness, until so ,l become stabilized. Brush filter and all erosion control structures shall be removed when proje,:: i.s complete and soils are stabilized and vegetated. 6. HAZARDOUS, TOXI(: AND WASTE ,MATERIALS, Petroleum products. chemicals, fresh cement sandblasted material ; Ild chipped paint or other deleterious waste materials shall not be allowed to enter waters of the : 'late. No wood treated with leach able preservatives shall be placed in the waterway. Machiner:i' 'efueling is to occur off-site or in a confined designated area to prevent spillage into waters "I '1e state. Project-related spills into water of the state or onto land with a potential to enter wat,,, :, of the state shall be reported to the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) at 1.4 )0452-0311. 7. If any archaeological r :sources and/or artifacts are uncovered during excavation, all construction activity shall immedi,: I: :Iy cease. The State Historic Preservation Office shall be contacted (phone: 503-986-066 ). 8. The Department of St: I:e lands retains the authority to temporarily halt or modify the project in case of unforeseen el;;; nage to natural resources. 9. Culverts shall meet (II .,gon Department of Fish and Wildlife requirements for fish passage. 10, Mitigation for tempom ,'impacts (.0005 acres) shall consist of site restoration and re-vegetation by project completior, 'Idicated by road restoration. Failure to comply with this condition may result in additional eel"' pensatory mitigation_ Issued; February 21, 2007 G:\IJVINC\A.t1ec.l'l.m9ntAweetLAS\R.F r<.l, .oval Fill P\:;ltmil.::l\2ea23--RF.doe 09/08/2007 SAT 10:19 .....);..Iq FAX 541 ,'AX . .-'" . . ~ . " ,'~. ", ,~"",,","-~., 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING o ......_) INTF.:NT TO ISSlJE PERMIT Department of State Lauds State of Oregon I Application numbel"-Type~o..<' ~ -~ ~ ~-~_ ,L .I /- -- I Applicant 1/A1J,~::: 'U:Jv- L.. ~ -- tm 005/006 @004 I I I . ~ 006/006 09/08/2007 SAT 10:20 FAX 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING ,~~OJect .u",...HY"VU ~ r -.......... - - - tIt --./ All peril, ts ~ '~Atj)jCh, A"pI'::. fed CYPennit fee cbed :.d and paid WCo,nsistent witb ..Dcal C.l', G"Local Approv'l] :.ending, condition in AIL ,;h A. eJ-"Final appJicatit) updated. complete o Multi-year? o Coordinated Wi 'roprietary? o Scen!:"?-,, MitIgation Related y o e( o NA c;a/ Protection lnstn1lDent (draft approved) o Delineation approved 0-- Financial Security InstIument received (Impact .-./ >0,2 .cre" non-public) I!:::f" Findings (ovor 2 .cres of imp.ct, eslu.line tHis or removal' of >10,000 cy. rip-rap in coastal are.S >2.500 l;,y, ioco.nsisl-ent with State a.gcncy recommendation, Scenic Watcl"l'/ll.Y'.) E( Mitigation BWlk Payment 0" Mitigation Data Form 8" Mitigation meets ratios GV Success Criteria GY' Monitoring Plan CV' Consulted with applicant about special CWM permit conditions. . Rehab plan for temporary iIDPacts Compensatory mitigation plan for Don- wetland impacts o o o o o o o iii1 0 o fi2j licaticm'l-lIs'ton . ..1. Pro' eei OK, :,0 SAC ob' ectians SAC obj"7;;" ;ns and resolution: by: ,- ." I rdinator Document2