HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ENG 9/7/2007 . Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Engineering Surveying Planning 310 Garfield Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 Phone: (541) 687-0542 Fax: (541) 687-0739 E-mail: ~oebel@qoebelenQ.com 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan Land Use Planning . City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~ ~. SUBJECT: Type I1Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision Application Date: Septe~ber 19, 2005 Date of Decision: April 7~ 2006 . Applicant: David Corey, Corey Development, LLC GESProject No. 02414-2004-C Dear Mr. Donovan: : The following are our responses to the above-referenced Review, Staff Report & Decision, We have addressed each CONDITION OF APPROVAL noted therein on an item by item basis. Condition 1: Applicant shall inst~ll painted markings and/or signing as necessary to implement any parking restrictions required by the Fire Marshall by this decision, Painted markings and signage regarding parking restrictions (as required by the Fire Marshall) are reflected on the APPROVED Public Improvement Plans. Condition 2: Final design of street improvements at the] 6th Street entrance to the subdivision shall be within public rights of way and shall be subject to approval of both the Springfield Traffic Engineer and Lane County Traffic Engineer. G:\Legacy Estates (D2414)\Resp to COA SUB 2005-0004: O<ZQ07.'Npd Or-I-07 Date Receivect:_ Planner:' _.::r:Q..---- \ af 2t~ . . 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan City of Springfield SUBJECT; Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number; SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414~2004-C Page 2 of7 Street improvements at the 16'h Street entrance to the subdivision are within public rights-of-way (as reflected on th~ city-approved Public Improvement Plans). Condition 3: The applicant shall acquire right of way improvement permits from Lane County for construction activities: within the abutting 16th Street and 17th Street public rights of way. The applicant has received Facility Permits from Lane County (approved copies included herewith). Condition 4: Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall revise the proposed 40 foot Public Drainage Easement to comply with Section 1.4.3 of the signed and recorded annexation agreement (recording number 2005-020292). Specifically, the drainage easement shall be modified for the section surrounding the proposed open channel swale. The proposed 40-foot Public Drainage Easement has been revised to comply with Section 1.4.3. Copies of the App;oved Easement Documents are enclosed herewith. Condition 5: Prior to approval of:the Public Improvement Plan, the applicant shall provide a maintenance access wax, located within the proposed 20 foot POE between lots 16 & 17, to the existing stormwater manhole located on tax lot 400, sufficient to accommodate Public Works maintenance vehicles. The Final Plat creates the public,'maintenance access way between Lots 16 and 17. Condition 6: Prior to approval ofthe Public Improvement Plan, the applicant shall provide a maintenance access way, consistent with section 4.06.D ofthe City's EDSPM, located within and along the entirety of the public easement for the open channel swale and 48 inch storm pipe, sufficient \0 accommodate maintenance vehicles. The access road shall have a turn around located at the end of the road. G;\Legacy Estates (G2414i\Resp to COA SUB 2005-00047 6~2D07:,^,'pd . . 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan ~ity of Springfield SUBJECT: Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414-2004-C Page 3 of7 A separate easement document (approved copy enclosed herewith) created the public maintenance access way alongside the open channel swale. The Public Plans detail the construction of said access way. Condition 7: Prior to approval ofthe Final Plat, the applicant shall submit documentation verifying the 14 foot public utility easement for the existing 24 inch stormwater pipe located on tax lot 400 has been recorded. If this easement has not been recorded, the applicant shall be prepare the easement and record it with the Final Plat. Documentation has been provided (and approved) for a new 14-foot public utility easement for the existing 24" storm water pipe (located on Tax Lot 400). Condition 8: As required by the City and agreed to by the applicant in the signed annexation agreement (recording number 2005-020292), issuance of building permits for construction of dwellings on the property will be withheld until such time as the downstream sewer improvements have been construct~d and placed into service by the City. The applicant is aware that building permits will not be issued until the downstream sewer improvements have been constructed and placed into service by the city. Condition 9: At the time of PIP review and prior to Final Plat, the applicant shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Springfield, whereby the City will provide routine maintenance for functionality of the grassy swale/detention pond serving the subdivision. The City will provide the template for the maintenance agreement. The applicant is prepared to enter into a Maintenance Agreement with the City of Springfield. The City and the applicant have reviewed the agreement. A copy of the signed document is enclosed. The original has been submitted to the City Surveyor for signature. G:\Legacy Estates (02414)iResp to COA SUB 2005-00047 6-2G07"Npd . . 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan City of Springfield SUBJECT: Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414-2004-C Page 4 of? , Condition 10: During the PIP design process, the applicant shall install a backflow prevention system acceptable to the City Engineer at the proposed outlet of the 48 inch public storm piped system at HlIrvest Lane. Details of this system shall be shown on the Public Improvement Plan. The applicant is aware of this requirement, and is installing a blackjlow prevention system as outlined above. Details of this system are shown on the (approved) Public Improvement Plans submitted herewith. Condition 11: During the PIP design process, the applicant shall berm the swale as necessary to create adequate head to allow stormwaterrunoff to drain to the proposed 48 inch piped outfall. The applicant shall design the berm to an elevation above the 10-year flood elevation of 445 feet as shown in the McKenzie River Floodplain Assessment. The applicant is aware of this requirement and has installed a berm that creates adequate head to allow storm water runoff as outlined above. This berm has been designed and is shown on the (approved) plans included herewith. Condition 12: Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plan, the applicant shall submit a proposed vegetation plan/seed mix for the proposed water quality swale. The planting plan/seed mix shall meet the requirements ofthe City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM. The City of Portland stormwater management manual may be referenced for design. The applicant is aware of this requirement. A proposed vegetation plan/seed mix is shown on enclosed drawings (as outlined in the City of Portland stormwater . management manual and designed by the offices of Cameron, McCarthy, Gilbert and Schiebe. Condition 13: To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield Development Code and the EDSPM, the proposed water quality swale shall be shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of Final Plat. Alternatively, is this condition cannot be met, G:\Legacy Estates (02414)\Resp to COA SUB 2005-00047 6-2007:,tipd . . 21 July 2007 'Mr. Jim Donovan City of Springfield . :SUBJECT: Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414-2004-C ,Page 5 of? the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion control/water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Departmentthat will sufficeuntil such time as . the swale vegetation becomes fully established. The applicant is planting the (City) approved plant materials, which will be irrigated from a water meter on Lot 15 (until the fall rains take over). Condition 14: No parking signage shall be posted on'one side of28 foot wide streets per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix Dl 03.6. No parking sign age is proposed for one side of the 28' wide streets (as shown on the enclosed plans). Condition 15: No parking signage shall be posted on both sides of the 23 foot wide partial street serving as a fire apparatus access road per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix D103.6. No parking sign age is proposed for both sides of the 23' wide partial street that serves as a fire apparatus access road (as shown on the enclosed plans). Condition 16: The proposed traffic island with mountable curb shall be striped and signed in a manner approved by the City Traffic Engineer and the Fire Marshall. The City and County Engineers approved an alternate design (copy included herewith) that removed the 16" Street Island. Condition 17: Prior to Final Subdivision Plat Approval the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable conditions of Flood Plain Development Permit #SHR2005-00008. G:\Legacy Estate~ (D241t1)\Resp to COA SUB 2005-00047 G-2OG7.wpd . ) . 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan City of Springfield SUBJECT: Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414-2004-C :Page 6 on The applicant has demonstrated compliance with the applicable conditions of Flood Plain Development Permit #SHR2005-00008 (as referenced in response to' the conditions of the Flood Plain Development Permit). Condition 18: The applicant shall apply for and recei~e an approved Tree Felling Permit prior to the removal of 5 or more trees of any species on the site. . The applicant has received a Tree Felling Permit to remove all trees shown on the Tentative Plat. Condition 19: Prior to Public Improvement Plan or Final Plat Approval, the public improvement plans shall be revised to: a) Show a non-permanent 50 foot diameter wellhead protection zone centered over the adjacent well to protect the well to the maximum extent practical during construction and provide detailed construction practices to accomplish protection on all construction related permits, The adjacent well has been abandoned. Therefore, a 50' diameter protection zone is not required. b) Grade curb, gutter and street surfaces to drain away from the well inside the 50 foot construction easement. The adjacent well has been abandoned (see above response to Condition 19(a)). c) Relocate all storm and sanitary lines arid any connections from the 50 foot protection easement, or submit ODEQapproval to construct storm and sanitary systems using pressure pipe materials within the 50 foot easement pursuant to OAR 340-52 (Appendix A)(i)(E). The adjacent well is being abandoned (see above response to Condition 19(a)). G:\Leg<lcy Estates {C2414)\RCSp to COA SUB 2005-00047 e-2G07.wpd . . 21 July 2007 Mr. Jim Donovan City of Springfield " SUBJECT: Type II Tentative Subdivision Review, Staff Report & Decision Case Number: SUB 2005-00047 Legacy Estates Subdivision GES Project No. 02414-2004-C Page 7 of7 , "I believe this addresses all of the conditions set forth in the Type II Tentative Subdivision .Review, Staff Report & Decision dated April 7, 2006. :'Please contact me if additional information and/or clarification is needed. ,Respectfully submitted, ~~~ : Scott Gol: P.E., P.L.S. : SG/pj/ms . Enclosures ,cc: David Corey , G:\Lcgscy Estates t02414J\Resp to COA SUB 2005-00047 6-2007.wpd ". ~ Gl ~ OJ ~ " I ~ I. '" ... '" - ):;! "< .... Cl '" '" 8 !If ~Qcr' orD Li Ji" "'~ III ~. I tIS ~o ~ lIP j~ ;;! 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