HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ENG 8/27/2007 (2) U~/::::4/~UU.1 t".K1 14;14: t....U tH.L IJ~'( U'(J~ liUc.tlbL bl\(j1Nb.tilil!\j{j , l2d UU11 UUU . . Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Engineering Surveying Planning 310 GarJIeld Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 Phone: (541) 687-;')542 Fox: (541) 66T-On9 E-mail: scotl@goebeler.g.com To: Jon DrIscoll Company: City of Springfield Fax: 726-3781 ,From: Pamela Goebel pate: 24 August 2007 Re: Legacy Estates GES No.: 02414-2004-C No. of Pages ~ (Including cover) " FACSIMILE f LP~51~ ~ ~~'jU ~otJ .. \ 111~Jl,~~ ~ ~)!('l,~;f);. rloliFI] ~onJ071 IF ~~;! t.1"(!1'l!'1'I1~t'1C\" l~ Il"Ie~"~f:lI~I:~ 01' f:o ;1'(('lI>\~:~L Iv_r,.:;...,p 1'1 ...r<r'....ro !,;.onk',ml. COCCQQoooaaaoaoaaaoaoacacccoooaODoaooooooaccooooaaoa " Jon: ,~ Here is the title report for Legacy - YIPEE!!! , Scott spotted a problem or two, had them revise and, this should be correct. He has , also updated our drawings. David is coming to sign them and they will be delivered late today or Monday a.m. (Would you like me to send you a pdf right away?) ~~:J-7-D7 Date Received: Planner: ..j D THANKS and have a great weekend. loflDf~ (j~/ ~41 ~l)U7 1"1<1 14; l~ b\..i 1).1:.L IHn WI;j~ t,JlIn1)!::L t;Nli1N.l:;J:a-UNli , AUG, 24, 2007 2:24PM PAilC NW TIm QfJPY Pacific Northwest Title of Lane County, LL.C. 360 East 1 Oth Street Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (541) 431-1SBO FaX: (541) 431-1890 . !lV, in 19JUU2lUO~ r. I. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE Order No.; T028727-L Premium: $200.00 PROPOSED PLAT: lEGACY ESTATES Pacfflr:: Northwest rIfle Guarantees: Date: August 24, 2007 " The. Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, and any County or City within which saiel subdivision or propo$Sd subdivlsion is located. That a=rding to the pub6c records which impart c;Qnstnlctive nollce of matters affecling title to the premiSes hereinafter referred to, we find: That the last Deed of record runs to: COREY DEVELOPMENT, LLC, an Oregon L.imited L.iabillty Company Wi! also find the follcwlng apparent encumllrances, wnlch includes "Blanket Encumbl'8nces" as defined by ORS 92.305(1), and also easements, restrictiva covenanll; and right of Wff'J prior to Augu,.t 13, 2007 the effective date her~f: " 1. 2007-20D8laXes, a iien not yet payable. 2. p City liens, If any, of the City of Springfield, We find none as of August 23, 2007. 3, .. Rights of the public In and to any portioll of the herain describ~ premises lying within the boundaries of streets, roads or highways. 4, All mallers arising from any shifling In the course of M~e River ineluding but not limited to accretion. reUotlon and avulsion. 5, Ri!ltllS of the public and governmental bodies In and to any portiein of the premises hereIn described lying below the high water mark of the McKenZie River, induding any ownership rights which may be claimed by the state of Oregon below the high water mark. 6, Any adverse claim based upon the assertion that said land or any portion thereof is now or at any time has been below Ills high water mark of McKehzle River. Pacifll: Northwest .llIe Insurance Company PAGE 1 ofPOliImlnarv SuhdNbion GuamnleB No, TOZB7Z7 .{, 08/24/2007 rKl 14:12 r~~ 541 ij87 073a . AUG.'24. 2001 'l:L4~M ~A.lt; NW ~UEBEL EN~lNEERING III L t . IlV. L7,) 14I 003/009 I. J PRELIMINARY SUBDMS10N GUARANTEE {CONlINUEOj 7. An Easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof; Dated: February 21, 1955 Recorded: Mareh 16, 1955, Rer;;155, RacaptiOl1 No. 51999, t'eCorUs of Lane County, Oregon. In favor o~ The City of Ellsen.., by and through the Eugene Water Board For: Right of~, ublities 8. An Easement created by instrument, inclUding the terms !:lnd provisions thereof; Recorded: June 6, 1992, Reel 1766, Reception No. 92-30674. records of Lane County, O~OIl. In favor of: The City of eugene, by and through iha Eugene Water &. Eledrlc: Board -:-::::-:--;:. For: Right of way, utilities 9. An easement and maintenance agreement, ino1uding the terms and provisions thereof; . Recordad: July 2, 1992, Rec11772, Reception No. 92-36567, records of Lane County, Oregon. -.' \ 11,1i J I, . ,. For: Private Roadway I, \ Affects: This and other property 10. An Agreement as set out in an ins1rument including tho terms and provi~jon:'llhereof, F!ecorded: July 2, 1992, Reel 1772, Reception No. e2-3~668, records of Lalle County, oregon. Between: Joe ProQen and the City of Springlield ~ For: Use and development of the herein described property ------~'J.r--..-~ 11. Notes as s..t forth upon the partition pial; a. Zoned Low Density Residential/U.F. b. ThIs property is located in a flood hazard ;>:one and all development shall comply with Lane County 11000 plain regulations. 12. An Annexation Agreement as set out in an instNment, inCluding the terms and provisions thereof, _._." Dated: March 4, 200S Recorded: March 24, 2005, Reeeption No. 2005-02092, F"e(;:Ords of Lane County, Oregon. Between: The City of Springfield, an Oregon Municipal Cof'l:loration and Joseph Proden and Patricia A Prod an, as tenants by the entirety 13. Une of Credit Trust Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof to secure the amount noted below and other amounts eeoured therel.lnd...., If any: Grantor : COREY DEVELOPMENT, LLC Trustee FIF:ST AMERICAN TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY BenefiGiary UMPQUA BANK Dated April 13, 2007 Recorded April 17, 2007 Recording No. 2007-025609 Amount $1,837,600.00 Loan No. : 66761122 Affects this anI:! other property NOTE: Taxes paid in full for2006.;W07: Levied Amount S2,043.05 AceountNo. 1478997 Levy Code 01900 Map No, 17-03-24-31-00500 NOTE:: Potential Additional Tax; 2007 Farm Declass $5j309.BO prepaid 11/1512007 NOTE: We find no judgments or Federal Tax Liens against Corey Development, lLC. PAGe 2 Of Pre/'unina<y s"bdiYislon QuacmlBe No. TO~'41-L Pacific Nocthwest Title Insurance Company U~(~4/~UU1 t~j 14:1~ t'~ . P.U~, .H. LVV / L: HFWI ~41 ~~1 U1JU uU~ti~L ~NulN~~H1NG rM\,lrl\, 1m IIILt . 1@004/009 . !tv, J. 7) I, ... PRELIMINARY SUBDMSION GUARANTEE (CONTlfIlUED) NOTE: The following is proVided for fnformalicmal plJliloses only: We find the following Deed(s) recorded on $<\id property in the past 24 months: a) Document type : Grantor . Grantee Recorded . Recording No. Warranty Oeed Joseph Proden and Patricia A Proden Corey Developmel'1t I..LC April 17, 2007 2007-o2~508 REQUIREMENT'S: NONE LEGAl. DESCRIPTION: The premises life in the County of Lane and are described as follows: See Exhibit A Attached hereto and made a part heNlQf NOTE: Oreson law provides that monetary Judgments or tax liens me)' become a lien on real propel1;y owned by the judgment debtor. We find no judgmenl:s against the vested owners of the herein desc;ribed property other than those, If any, listed as an exeepnon above; " PACIFIC:; NORTHWEST TITLE OF lANE COUNTY' [.,[.,C. By' 8 _ /'~---::---.. 'David Whitlook i[Title Examiner . dwhitlock@pnwtlanooo,r;om DW:dlw ( ~AClE $ of Ptelimirnl1Y SubdNioion Guaran\.!e No. 1'028m.L Pacific Northw$t Title Insurance Company U~(l4/lUU7 rKl 14:1J r~~ 041 U~7 U7J~ uUbtlbL bNGINbbK1Nu , ,~UG,'24, 200 I 2: 24PM ~i!i; NW III Lt Il1I 005/009 . IVV. L1.1 . [, ) E;xhlbit A A PORTION OF IHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WIL!.AMETTE MERIDIAN, BEING MORE PARTICUlARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PlAT 92-P0235, lANE COUNTY OReGON PLAT Rt.:CORDS, BEING MORE f'ARTlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER. OF PARCE;t, 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT 92-P0235; THENCE' I=OLLOWlNG ALONG THE NORTHERLY UNE OF SAID PARCEL 2, WEST 184.99 FEET TO IHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PARCEL 3 OF SAID PARTITION; 'THENCe SOlJTH 0" 63' 12' EAST 130.00 FEEl TO lHE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; iHENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY UNE AND FOLL.OWING ALONG THE SOUTHERlY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 3,' SOUTH 850 00' 00' WEST 112.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE NORTH O' 53' 12' WEST 120.26 FEET TO lHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3; THENCE SOUTH 80' 04' 28" WEST 97.49 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTIfERl Y LINE AND FOLL.OWING ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 15.00 FEET OFFSET FROM THE EASTERLY L.IN!:: OF iHAT PARCEL DESCRIBED IN THAT NOTICE OF JUDGMENT RECORDED 10 JANUARY, 1994, IN RECEPTION NUMBER 94-01874, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED . RECORDS, SOUTH o' or 39' WEST 121.00 FEET; THENCE: LEAVING SAID PARALLEL L.INE, SOUTH 74' 40' 03' WEST 15.56 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID NOTICE OF JUDGMENT; THe:NCl" FOL.LOWING ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, SOUTH O' 07' 39' WEST 460.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL 2; THENce FOLLOWING ALONG THE SOUTHeRLY ElOUNDARYOF SAID PARCEL 2, SOUTH 89046' 13" EAST 409.77 FEET; THENCE FOLLOWING ALONG THE EAST~RL Y BOUNDARY OF SAID PARCEL 2, NORTH 0" 05' 36" WEST 623,92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5.38 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ALL WITHIN SAID SECTION 24, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. I ~ ~ r--~1 !: ~ I '""; , ' " '!: E I ~. ~ lj --'i' , I i ~I ~ I "I ~! ~~ J L~, ,'/ Ii Hl~L""'f 1 jf ~ ib t ' ; t ~~ ~- ~t~ 1 ! i ~ ~~ 1I~!-! ] J : I t' "., ~>.~,' . I l' ~ ',. , j I , i ~j~i i , J , (I ~ "'l'h) ~ ' , ~ ~lj , g~- ~: ' 1 ~~ f:~~ ~ ~d I :Ul I ;/ ~l ""g ~!. " ~~..h i" ~~ t.. ""~~; mL~mh ~~U ~ _, *i "" ~...,c.. 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Il flr f;.~~tt~f'I~2!~ ' ~ -'" ; :.r-~1Ul' \.'.S\:':>, -,~_,_: '.'1: !> st. 1~~~~~~~ 'l~!i " , , .,. ~ .;~ ~''1<~~tl.!:~t} ~ i ;, f m ~n~~~1l!~~!H~ 1 ~ ~ e s ,. m ~~:'~~~~~i~~i!t~. illl \ ~ i-! ; .J ; l 0~:.~:~Y i J '.,\ ii~ ! - ~ oJ/ .' ," ~ \' ~- Ii: ~ I.L.b =;; ,~7~~"'1 ~; I .~.~ :.:'1 TJf"':? ;:-::== ~ Ih. ~~ e ~tr, W 'f hi -IaJ: ~ _~~~H""_' ! f n. 'r!rn:.-='-~' lJ ~ ~l ~.; 1___1","" MJ_.-II ~l,i dHtII'!!!fb-- H ~ '"_ ilIf' ~ =~ ~ ~[, .3" ---=-______IIt~....._ ..-,{.j:; r _......_-.,.~....... U~/~4l~lJU'{ t'Kl 1'l:1J. .t'AA. \HU tHrl U',';,H:I bUb'.lj,bL .t:;~"H.:ilNntJ{ll'lj(.:i , AUG,'24, 200 I 2: 2,~M yp,~ r [l. NVI [1 [Lt . 'Cl,;;!ld9NI;lId<;' ~OIG-~~L/~O~ LLvLb'~O to i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1:: 1:: 0( ~ @ ~ ~~, -' ~ .,,: 10 __ I', ~, ,.,r I is ,,;. I " , " , , ~ . i I ~ iT Ii V, t 'J I4J 006/009 I, V '.I.'"' .0. 4:>~ " ,,) ~ \7> 1::' dii~ ! t1 i ~ ~ ~ ~".~.. ~'" ~ IL ~~~ ~ ,0 ~:If ~ q'fi 2 1- lfiS! 5 ~ ~ ~ ... 8 Ii. 'f · =ol~~J;: ~ . 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N~'~ a 11eSJO' ' ~ "0 ThiS map is provided compliments of PacIfic Northwest Title of Lane County, lLC. Sourced from Lane County Records it is intended to assist in locating subject property but may not reflect changes in any legal descriptJon. This is not a survey; No liability Is assumed for any discrepancy, inaccuracy or defect ~~ @JJcrv; -4.40' . ~ nv. L i.l I4l 008/009 " v 70 0.4 _ pel 0.. PAl 0.' PAl J' s 08/24/2007 fRI 14:14 ~~ 541 687 0739 GOEBEL ENGINEERING . HUU, Lq, LVVI L:,?rlVl rKvHlv Ill! IlILL . )rtJ~/Oy€!gOJ p\B)~~ ~~.BV JJ{J([J/lIOf€jcgiO ~~~~ ~~JJ~ . nv, L J.J ,. , ~ n ...; ~. ,.~ to Ll d'O'r.I ~~ ... ~ c-J Vl ;, l") 0 -. 0 f i"'o <i. ,.. 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