HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ENG 8/27/2007 . PROJECT NAME: . Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. Engineering Surveying Planning TRANSMITTAL Legacy Estates GES PROJECT NO.: 02414-2004-C TO: FROM: Jon Driscoll City of Springfield Scott/Pamela Goebel LETTER CITY PROJECT NO.: P3051 9 DATE: 27 August 2007 TRANSMITTED IS THE FOLLOWING: 6-- enclosed CI under separate cover Via: ~ Delivery FOR YOUR: r:y- ~ 0---- 0---- THE FOLLOWING: ~ er---- cv-- 0---- 0.-- 0--- COMMENTS: review comment approval use 18" x 24" Final Plat Declaration of Termination of a Private Roadway Easement Concurrence to Platting Facility Permits (16th /17th I Harvest Lane) Storm water Treatment Facilities Operation and Maintenance Agreement and Grant of Easement (Including Exhibit AI Public Utility Easement (Including Exhibits A & 8) * COPIES - SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION! No. of Copies 1 * 13 shlset) 1* 1* 1 * leach of 31 Plot Date 17 July 2007 3* 1* ~/2J~01 Date Received: Planner. ':j D l ofrsr~ 310 Garfield Street Eugene. Oregon 97402 Phone: (541) 687-0542 Fax: (541) 687-0739 E-mail: Qoebel<mQoebelenQ.com M:\Ciien!s\A - C\Corey\1 ACTIVEiLegacy Eslale3 (02414}\Transmitials\City\Di'iscoll., Final Plat Docs trOB-2007.wpd \, . . DECLARATION OF TERMINATION OF A PRIVATE ROADWAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT I, JOE PRODEN and RICK S. PRODEN, are the owners of certain properties located in the Southwest Y. of Section 24, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Said properties are described as Parcels 2 and 3 of Lane County Land Partition Plat Number 92-P0235, as recorded in Lane County Survey File Number 30688, in said Section 24, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. FURTHER, said properties are affected by a Private Roadway Easement and Maintenance Agreement that serves said properties. Said easement was created by that certain DECLARATION OF A PRIVATE ROADWAY EASEMENT recorded on 2 July 1992 in Reel I 772R, Reception Number 9236567, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. The location of said easement runs through Parcel 2 and is contiguous with Parcel 3 of said Land Partition Plat. PRAY NOW that a residential subdivision is proposed within said Parcel 2. Said residential subdivision will contain 20 lots and various public rights-of-way. The rights-of-way will be dedicated to the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, upon recordation of the LEGACY ESTATES SUBDIVISION Plat, recorded in Reception Number 2007- Lane County Oregon Deed Records. NOW THEREFORE, it is the desire of the owners of said Parcel 2 and Parcel 3 that the above-mentioned Private Roadway Easement and all associated maintenance responsibilities shall extinguish in its entirety upon recordation of said LEGACY ESTATES SUBDIVISION which will provide legal access to said Parcel 3 and all lands within said Parcel 2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-named property owners have hereto set their hand as signed and notarized herewith. The true consideration for this easement is $0.00. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Goebel Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 310 Garfield Street Eugene, OR 97402 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: David Corey 3956 Mirror Pond Way Eugene, OR 97408 M:\CHents\A - C\Corey\1 ACTIVE\legac,,! Estates (02414)\TERM EASEM~NT.,^"jX'( " . . Dated this _ day of August, 2007 -8~-~~ JOE PROD EN STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on this Aa day of August, 2007, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Joe Proden, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto se~y hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. / /J My Commission Expires: U 16 - cJ.o/6 Dated this ;10'aay of August, 2007 ~\U- c;-2~ RICK S. PRODEN . OFFICiAl SEAl. K CARLSON " .' NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 406944 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 15. 2010 STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on thisiI1!iy of August, 2007, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Rick S. Proden, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE PARTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES. M:\Ciients\A - C\Corey\1 ACT'lVE\Legacy Estates (02414)\TERM EASEMENT.wpd . , -"-. ,-= ,_'t' . ,. ", . . CONCURRENCE TO PLA TIING Know aU people by these presents that Umpqua Bank, beneficiary to a Deed of Trust to First American Title Insurance Company, as Trustee dated April 13, 2007 and recorded April 17,2007, Reception No. 2007-025509, Official records of Lane County, Oregon, which includes all that property described on the attached Exhibit "A", Tax No.: 17-03- 24-31-00500, does herby consent to the declaration of the platting thereof. . In WITNESS WHEREOF Umpqua Bank has duly and legally authorized the llndersigned to sign this document this '- L.. day of IJ.....~ .,~~ ,2007. Umpqua Bank I ~ BY:7{/;r Title: S"",;,,( V;c~ Pcps,J,..-T STATE OF OREGON) ) ss COUNTY OF LANE ) /) '?Cu'? This to certify that on this 2 L day of '1'-1 "\ " ~ J , 2004-did personally appear before me the above named John Raleigh and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be freely and voluntarily executed. .> . 0fflCIAI. SEAL . . -~JN~ . N.Q~ P\ll!uc:bREGON 117 /;;OMMISSION NQ. 3?8682 . ~~ 16.200II . ~ La 1'.._ -' ...". - .- Notary Public!' . ". My commission expireS: 3//5/0 '8 After Recording Return To Lane County Surveyors '., . . .......'\- - - .~ ;:- . \, . 'arceI2, LAND PARTITION PLAT 92-P02.35, filed July 21,1992, Lane County Oregon 'Iat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. iXCEPTING THEREFROM: Any portion lying with in that tract set out in that cldgment in Lane County Circuit Court Case No. 16-92-04047, notice of which was ecorded January 10, 1994, Reception No. 94-01874, Laue County Oregon Deed ~ecords, in Lane County, Oregon, described as follows: legiIming at the Southwest comer of the FELIX SCOTf DONATION LAND CLAIM m. 51, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WilIarnette Meridian and run thence ~orth 0003' 06" West. 1905.79 feet to a point on the centerline of Hayden Bridge Road County Road No. 667); thence along said centerline North 890 37' 53" West, 1170.87 bet; thence leaving said centerline and running North 00 03' 06" West, 1578.24 feet to a 'Oint on the North boundary ofTRE FIRST ADDITION TO DELROSE ADDITION, as ,latted and recorded in Book SO, Page 22, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point leing the true point of beginning; thence North 0003' 06" West, 1413.00 feet to a point In the Southerly margin of Harvest Lane; thence along said Southerly margin along the IC of a 821.00 foot radius curVe left (the long chord of which bears North 63 D 09' 46" last, 9.89 feet) 9.89 feet to Ii point more or less on the centerline of an existing o"erhead lowerline running in a North-South direction; thence run along said powerline, South 00 17' 39" West, 1417.49 feet to a point on the North boundary of said plat; thence leaving aid powerline and running along said North boundary North 89046' 13" West, 4.40 feet o the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. I'e County Department of Public wort Facility Permit Permit 061042 Type Road Construction Applicaton Date 12/12/2006 Issued 01/22/2007 Issued by Lemhouse, Brad Field Inspection 12/1B/2006 Inspected by Remont, Rich Permit Expires on 01/22/2008 Permitted activity must be completed prior to this expiration date. Completed Please call lane County Department of Public Works to arrange for an inspection when permitted activity is completed. Location: , Section 1/16 Section Township Range 1/4 Section TaxLot Zone 1 Eugene 17 03 24 3 1 00500 Road 16TH ST Road No. 154200 Begin Milepost 0.11 " Applicant's Description of Work: ROAD CONSTRUCTION Applicant DAVID COREY Address II Day Phone 541-338-3316 3938 MIRROR POND WAY Eve Phone 541-344-0205 Cell Phone 541-954-5817 ! 541-344-9342 Fax EUGENE, OR 97408 email Owner !I JOE PRODEN Address Day Phone 541-726-2134 2290 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Eve Phone 541-726-2134 " Cell Phone ,j Fax SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 email Comments: One way access into subdivision from end of County section of 16th St shall be an emergency access only. Access shall be controlled by removable bollards. Work is not to begin until after County has received City approved, engineer stamped drawings. Constructio'n to comply with approved plans - PubHc Improvements for Legacy Estates, stamped and signed by Scott Gebel, PE. Lane County Dept. of Public Works, 3040 N. Delta Hwy., Eugene, OR 97408-1696, Attn: Permits Clerk Tel. 541-682-6902 Fax. 541-682-8500 Hearin9 Impaired: 541-682-3995 Rev 12{09{04 Page 1 of 3 01{22{2007 04/26/07 09:34 FAX 5413383370 TIlAII CUKIlY ~VV.L La cou~ty Departm';"t of Public wor. Facility Permit Permit 070191 Type Utility App1i,C. :on Date 03/15/2007 Issued 03/21/2007 Field] speCtion 03/16/2007 Permit E pires on 03/21/2008 " Cl npleted Issued by Steers, Jim Inspected by Remont, Rich Permitted actIvity must be completed prior to thIs expiration date. TaxLot plea : call Lane County Departm~nt of Public Works to, arrangl:! for an Inspection when permitted activity is completed. Township Range Sealon 1/4 s~ctlon 1/16 Section Location: 'I Zone 1 Eu~ me 17 03 24 3 1 00500 Road HAR\ 'ST LN Road No. 153800 Milepost 0.74 - - . . - - -..... -. .- -.~ -. .-.. Applicant's D' ;crlption OfWork:- CIT'(OF SPRINGFIELD.5tORMWATER OUTFALL-PIPE (48" DIAMETER) --.-""1,. 'I I, DAVID COREY Applicant Address ii 3938 I IRROR POND WAY Day Phone Eve Phone Cell phone fax email ',1 EUGE~ :, OR 97408 I' Owner I' JOE PRODEN Address 541-338-3316 541-344-0205 541-954-5817 541-338-3370 Day phone Eve Phone Cell phone Fax emall 2290 f !\YDEN BRIDGE RD SPRIN FIELD, OR 97477 541-726-2134 541-726-2134 Comments: N' :e: The 7-foot saW rut width indicated on the plan submitted may not be sufficient to meet the requirements on Page 3 of this permit. II 48 HOUR Noll [CAllON REQUIRED PRIOR TO WORKING IN THE RIGHT-Of-WAY. SEE ITEM j ON PAGE 2 OF PERMIT. II SEE PAGE 2 A~ '3.F0R: PERNIT SPEdFlCAllONS.ANDREQUlREN'Ef:fJ$,' ---- -----,- -.,.... - .. ".;.._...~. '-"-<':-'~~ .~-- "'- ane County Dept. of Public Works, 3040 N. Delta Hwy., Eugene, OR 97408-1696, Attn: Permits Clerk Tel. 541-662-6902 fax. 541-682-8500 Hearing Impaired: 541-682-3995 Rev 12/09104 Page 1 of 4 03/21/2007 we County Department of Public wor. Facility Permit Permit 061043 Type Road Construction Applicaton Date 12(12(2006 Issued 01(22(2007 Issued by Lemhouse, Brad Field Inspection 12(18(2006 Inspected by Remont, Rich Permit Expires on 01(22(2008 Permitted activity must be completed prior to this expiration date. " Completed Rlease call Lane County Department of Public Works to arrange for an inspection when permitted activity is completed. Location: Township Range Section 1/4 Section 1/16 Section Taxlot Zone 1 Eugene 17 03 24 3 1 00500 Road 1FH ST Road No. 162300 Begin Milepost 0.05 Applicant's Description of Work: ROAD CONSTRUCTION " Applicant DAVID COREY Address! Day Phone 541-338-3316 3938 MIRROR POND WAY Eve Phone 541-338-3316 Cell Phone 541-954-5817 Fax 541-344-9342 EUGENE, OR 97408 email Owner JOE PRODEN Address Day Phone 541-726-2134 2290 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD Eve Phone 541-726-2134 Cell Phone Fax SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 email Comments: Work Is not to begin until after County has received City approved, engineer stamped drawings. Construction to compiy with approved plans - Public Improvements for Legacy Estates, stamped and signed by Scott Gobei, PE. ( \ \ Rev 12(09(04 Lane County Dept. of Public Works, 3040 N. Delta Hwy., Eugene, OR 97408-1696, Attn: Permits Clerk Tel. 541-682-6902 Fax. 541-682-8500 Hearing Impaired: 541-682-3995 Page 1 of 3 . 01(22(2007