HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/9/2006 P I "' . " . . SPRINGFIELD 'I City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Annexation Application Location of the Property r::::"" "..-""l:.!:'I <::N~ CJF r.,,,,, s",,-e:IT. ~,,1t-,,\-\ "''- -rntl~"fbr~ 'iZoI'rJO), $n..INbFI!<:t...D As~essor's Map(s) and Tax Lot(s) of the property included in the request, (please indicate if only a portion of a lot is included in the request and attach any additional map and tax lot nuinbers on a separate sheet of paper.) ?oj2:<"\Of-> Map # /7-02-3'f-17- Lot # 01' 400 Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Map # Lot # Area of Request JBCo,/70 Square Feet or '/, V, Acres ExistingUse(s) of the Property VAe-A...... Wt.\-\ cKC€"~.IDN TO '" <;.;-ou..~e: <;t+f'Q, Proposed Use(s)'oftheProperty.L"",.J Dc:,:"sl+t 'Kf:<'IP.:,..,-nALo SV~P11l151 c,J .' " Applicant Name M/{:I-IAFL ELANKEr-'SHIP Address 80ra"3 l'-Iv25;;.TD'-' 12oA-D S'PI2/Nc.':::,ELD, 012. Q7'f7 8 Phone: q /7. -1/">8 Z. Owner Name(s) "lie-HaLAS. PI AT' qS-8 ta(,,7:1!- ~Te.€'lLr Address Phone: "7 'I r., - 'f ,>0 8 Applicant Signature is application is correct and aecurate. Date /0/1/ t-' I ( . If the applicant is other tha~ the nwner herehy grants permission for the appl~cant to act in hislber hehalf Owner Signature A (! --'loA ~ta;tl-D~te <1-.;<1- d& RJ 200Cr{)OO 7 , 'For Office Use Only:, Journal No. L~J(7fl)~- tJSb2-crReceivedBy ~ ' Map No", ' i1~O(h- ~lf~lt. Tax Lot 400 Date POG€!'.'e('\: / ()-q~Dh DateAccepted as Complete' . , Revised 3/8/2005 bj ~2xrob-OCDZ{ ~\)\M 1 . THE APPLICATION PACKET .~. " ' .' . I" A COMPLE'IE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: There is an intake screening process and a detailed completeness check: I. An intake screening process will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal. Planning Division staffwill determine whether all required items listed in the Annexation Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. An application for submittal not having all of the required items will not be accepted. 2, A detailed completeness check will be conducted within 30 days of submittal. In this case, the assigned Planner will notifY the applicant in writing concerning the completeness of the application. An application will not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts' and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications will delay the application review process and may result in denial if information pertaining to the criteria of approval is deficient or missing. IF YOU FEEL AN ITEM DOES NOT APPLY, PLEASE STATE THE REASON WHY AND ATTACH THE EXPLANATION TO TillS FORM. APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED AND/OR AN EXPLANATION FOR ITEMS NOT APPLYING WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. I. Application Fee Two fees are required for Annexation Applications; A fee to the City of Springfield and a fee to the Lane County Local . _~_ 'Government Boundary Commission. These fees are based upon the area ofland.being annexed. Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule and the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission Filing Fees Rule/Schedule for th....ppropriate fee calculation formula. Copies of both fee ,schedules are available at the . ' Development Services Department.' , . ~":,' .' -' ' ." ' -' -'. 2. Signing where necessary and' following the instructions concerning the attached forms a. Form #1, Petition - Annexation to the City of Springfield (page 3 of this packet). All persons who own an interest in the property or who are purchasers of the property on a contract sale that is recorded with Lane County must sign the annexation petition. Generally this means that both the husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the persons who are authorized to sign legal documentS for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please attach a letter which notes such authorization: Attachment U A" is the Legal Description of the Property. . b. .Form #1A, Certification of Property Owners-- To be completed by the Boundary Commission. Co Form #2A; Certification of Registered Owners- To be completed by the Bound.iry Commission. d. Petition Sig!lature Sheet-All qualified people must sign. . e. Information Sheet-This sheet must be completed and submitted with the application. f. Three (3) copies of the applicable Tax Assessor Maps . \ ..... I' Revised 3/812005 bj .2 -' . . FLOODPLAIN ASSESSMENT FOR Cedar Creek Subdivision October, 2006 Project No. 06-112 Prepared by: BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 310 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541)746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 @ Date Received: D Planner: . l.-. f I of 16p -of; . Floodplain Assessment for Cedar Creek Subdivision, Springfield . Introduction This floodplain evaluation was prepared in response to comments received by City of Springfield Public Works staff at the development issues meeting regarding annexation of the subject property into the City limits. City staff have noted the effective floodplain mapping published by FEMA identifies floodplain elevations in the Cedar Creek area that, in same areas, are substantially below the observed flood elevations that .occurred during the 1996 flood event. The peak flow in the 1996 flaod event has been estimated to be less than 100-year event. The intent of this evaluation is to assess the potential far flaading at the project site. The report summarizes past floodplain study wark that.has been completed in the vicinity and includes hydraulic modeling ta assess potential 100- year flaadplain elevatians far Cedar Creek and McKenzie River adjacent t.o the site. Backe:round The Flaad Insurance Study (FlS) by FEMA reports I OO-year.flaad elevatians.for the McKenzie River an.d Cedar Creek. These elevations are the effective floodplain . eleyatiansfor the ai;a. They were determined using detailed study metha.ds including. surveyed cross sectians, hydrolagical analysis, and hydraulic camputer madeling .of the flaadplain. This study is used as a basis for identifying flaod hazard areas and establishing flaod insurance rates for properties. The FEMA mapping indicates the develapable portian (area within City of Springfield's Urban Growth Baundary) .of the project site is entirely .outside .of the flaadplain. Topographic surveying was canducted on the site to detemline existing ground elevations. The survey indicates the site ranges fram 506 - 509 feet in elevation. Anather flaadplain study perfarmed far this area is the Cedar Creek Drainage Study dated September 1984 by CH2M Hill. This study was initiated by the City .of Springfield to investigate the effect urbanizatian has to perceived flooding in the, Cedar Creek area. Although the scape .of this study did nat included establishing revised fload elevatians, it includes key insight inta the relatianship of the Cedar Creek and McKenzie River flaadplains in this area. Cedar Creek is within and an integral part of the McKenzie River floadplain. In the praject vicinity, the main channel .of the McKenzie River is lacated an the north side .of the floadplain and Cedar Creek extends generally parallel alang the southern partian .of the flaadplain. Accarding to the Cedar Creek Drainage Study, in stOlID events as low as the 5-year storm, overflow from the McKenzie River contributes substantial flow inta Cedar Creek. In the I OO-year storm event, the floodplain is essentially cantiguaus between the two channels. Branch Engineering, Inc. Page] of 3 . Floodplain Assessment for Cedar Creek Subdivision, Springfield . The McKenzie River has historically been an active meandering stream through this area. The main channel alignment has been observed to frequently change course with major storm events. Where the McKenzie River channel and Cedar Creek channels diverge (as is the case in the vicinity of the project site) channel alignment changes can result in substantial deviations in flood flows and water surface elevations between the north and south sides of the floodplain. For example, in the Frs it is apparent that the IOO-year flood elevations for the Cedar Creek side of the floodplain are reported to be substantial lower in some areas than observed in the 1996 flood. The likely reason for this is more water overflowed from the McKenzie River side of the floodplain to Cedar Creek than was estimated.in the PIS. Deviations in channel alignments and/or loss of bank armor along the McKenzie River's south bank are potential reasons for the differing flood elevations along Cedar Creek. As such, the IOO-year flood elevation in some areas along Cedar Creek will change with each flood event due to channel realignments or placement/repairs/failures of bank armor. Evaluation The project site is located adjacent to a section of Cedar Creek that is likely to have significant variations in floodplain elevations depending on the upstream channel alignments at the time of the flood and the condition of bank armor along the south side of the McKenzie Riv~r. .The floodplain elevations reported in the FIS are estimated to generally iepre'sent <:C"best case" (lowest) scenario for flood elevations on the .Cedar Creek side of the floodplain. The Frs anticipates the large majority of the IOO-year floodwaters will be conveyed on the north side of the floodplain. For the purposes of this evaluation, an estimate of a "worst case" (highest) scenario for floodplain elevations on the Cedar Creek side of the floodplain was generated. This was accomplished through a modification of the HEC-RAS hydraulic model created for the FrS. . Figure I illustrates the McKenzie River and Cedar Creek channel alignments in the area, as well as the cross sections in the area used to create the hydraulic model for the PIS. From this mapping, it is apparent that in the vicinity of Weaver Lane the two channels are relatively close and will likely maintain consistent floodplain elevations. Just downstream of Weaver Lane, the McKenzie River channel abruptly changes direction to the north and the two channels diverge. This is anticipated to be the critical location in estimating floodplain elevations for Cedar Creek in the project area. Much of the water that overtops the banks of the McKenzie River at this location contributes flow to Cedar Creek. To establish a conservative "worst case" scenario for the amount of water flowing to the Cedar Creek side of the floodplain, conveyance within the McKenzie River channel was removed from a portion of the hydraulic model. Figure 1 illustrates the encroachment limits line used for this "worst case" scenario. All flow was modeled to be south ofthis encroachment line. This is a conservative assumption that will report higher water surface elevations than will actually occur. Branch Engineering;!nc. Page 2 of 3 . Floodplain Assessment for Cedar Creek Subdivision, Springfield . The hydraulic model includes the four original FIS cross sections (Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4) in the project vicinity. Two profiles were computed with the model. The first profile represents a duplicate of the effective FIS run. The second run includes the encroachment illustrated on Figure 1 for Cross Sections 2 and 3. The results of the modeling indicate the encroachment raises the 1 DO-year flood elevations in the project area by approximately 4.5 feet. Based on these results, the 1 DO-year flood elevations at the downstream (west) end of the site are anticipated to range from 503.0 feet to 507.5 feet, and from 505.0 to 507.5 at the upstream (east) side of the site. Results The results of this evaluiJ.tion indicate that 1 OO-year flood water-surface elevations in the project vicinity can vary substantially depending on the distribution of floodwater between Cedar Creek and the McKenzie River. The floodwater distribution is likely to change with each flood event depending on upstream channel alignment changes and/or conditions of bank armor along the McKenzie River. As a result, a range of lOO-year flood elevations for the site has been estimated in this study. Base on the results of this analysis, it is estimated 1 OO-year flood elevations at the downstream (west) end ofthe site can range from 503-.0 to 507.5 feet, and from 505.0 to 509.5 at the upstream (east) end of . _the, site".. The upper limits oftherange!jTe based onan assumption that the 100-year flood c discharge will all be contained south ofthe encroachment line illustrated on Figure 1. . This is a conservative assumption that will report higher water surface elevations than is anticipated to actually occurin this area. The lower limits of the range are based on elevations published in FEMA's Flood Insurance Study. Brancb Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 3 N I \""1000 . .... ~..... ... ':" .... . (I . 1 if ~ -. . - - - I i 1/ !t>?l.PtI r-.l E"ldH e I t"' ~ Fo~ .C.~EEI<. C;;VePIVlSIOt..,;) IOlz./o~ .I ." ~ . Q .~. - ~ .........-: --:-..-.=- . ~.!.. . . --;;~- ; -- . ..1 ~---~~~~ . = s ~..- I. - : . s I I J I :---::.....- .s.u~~ :/~ -/ :;/ ~ 0 ~g <d .. . " _ o. ;~ o,~ . ZONEAE -, _ _ _ _ MoPEI. PIG.vRE I I J . =~ \ \ r j ~ . .___c '"""""-~}f fl!.~)O~nuw.'i ~~1rl:C1S ~~ON'1i MCr.""~Z:I~ ~IV<~ .75 Il~ .\ I ,..=~~ '" ~ " on -; " m "1 i I ~,_l '<;'\ "". \ -I _I I h' IiJ &/ /- \ '. "."..~- " __.--=rj' I ,-- ,-' \~.:;-- ~r~( I ~ ~ < fE # ~ ~ ~ \~ ~ \; ~ -I~~ I I , fltllCr lU Ult:! rLUVI..O ,,"~urV"I"""l: nl-\ll: rV11'V" l;rrc....IIVl: LJI-Ill: ~lIlown on this map to determirie when actuarial rates apply to structures in zones Where.tions or depths have been established. To determine ad insurance is available, contact an insurance agent or . call the National Flood Insurance Program at (800l638-6620. . ~ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 500 0 500 __ o----t __ I ~ MAP NUMBER 41039C1166 F \ EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 2,1999 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEl 1166. OF 2975 (SEE MAP INDEX FDA PANELS NOT PAINTED) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX SPRINGFIELD. CITY OF LA \IE COUNTY. UNINCORPORATED AREAS 415592 1166 415591 1166 '1! ~ Federal Emergency Management Agency FI~v'R'&: z.. . " m " m U C m ii: CJ) " 0: U UJ I . 3/ 11" 1 . "'0 " 0 ci ci "'0 <D 0 ci ci " '" ~ ~ ci ci "' 0 '" 0 0 '" ~ 0 <D 0 N '" "' 0 N 0 <D <ri "' 0 N 0 "' '" ;; N 0 "' "' " N '" N '" ID " N ;: "' ~ 0 "' ~ <ri N 0 <<i ;;; 0 "' '" "' '" '" '" "' ~ 0 "' ~ ~ " ;': '" "' N N ~ '" 0 ';! ~ "! " 0 ;: 0 <6 .-: '" ~ N "' '" " ~ ~ ~ " "' " N ~ "' 0 ~ ;; ;; ~ ;; ;; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ " N "' '" '" <D "' <D "' "' 0 0 oi ;; <<i <<i ui 0 '" '" "' "' "' "' " " ~ N 0 0 '" '" " " <D " "' "' 0 0 N ~ ~ "' "' <ri oi 0 <<i <<i <<i 0 "' 0 0 '" '" "' "' "' " " 0 0 0 0 0 '" <D <D .-: <i <ri <ri ~ "' ~ ~ " " " .. 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . q/ .{ 'II c c '" N rn '" ." N N N "j' , E ." N ." iii E c "- "- "- "- "- "- c (J) ~ c u.. u.. u.. "- c -" '" "- n. n. n. "- c.. 50~ 0 '" n. n. n. n. ~ .'" 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'5( !; Cedar.rep HEC-RAS Version 3.1.2 April 2004 U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center 609 Second Street Davis, Califo~nia x X XXXXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X XXX xxxx XXXXXX xxx~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXX XXXx X X X X XXXXX PROJECT DATA Project Title: Cedar Creek Subdivision Project File Cedar.prj Run Date and Time: 10/5/2006 5:01:07 PM Projept in English units Project Description: HEC-2 INPUT FILE - DOWNSTREAM:.DAT (PROJECT # 89-331) FOR lOQ-YR BASE FLOOD, AND FLQODWAY UP TO STATION 25.48 (SECTION AT) MCKENZIE RIVER-DOWNSTREAM (OCT. 1991) PLAN DATA Plan Title: Cedar Creek Subdivision Plan File z:\2006\06-112 Blankenship\Flcod\Cedar.p02 Geometry Title: Existing Conditions Geometry File z:\2006\06-112 Blankenship\Flood\Cedar.g02 Flow Title Flow File 10D-Year Flood z:\2006\06-112 Blankenship\Flood\Cedar.f02 Plan Summary Information: Number of: Cross Sections Culverts Bridges 4 o o Multiple Openings Inline Structures Lateral Structures o. o o Computational Information Water surface calculation tolerance Critical depth calculation tolerance Maximum number of iterations Maximum difference tolerance Flow tolerance factor 0.01 0.01 20 0.3 0.001 Computation Options Critical depth computed only where necessary Conveyance Calculation Method: At breaks in n values only Friction Slope Method: Average Conveyance Computational Flow Regime: Subcritical Flow Encroachment Data Equal Conveyance Left Offset Right Offset True o o River RS RIVER-l Profile Reach Method Reach-l Valuel ValueZ Page 1 . . 3 2 1 Cedar. rep 4200 3000 PF 2 PF 2 PF 2 1 1 4 o o .8 FLOW DATA Flow Title: IOO-Year Flood Flow File z:\2006\06-112 Blankenship\Flood\Cedar.f02 Flow Data (cfs) River' RIVER-l Reach Reach-l RS 4 PF 1 70000 PF 2 70000 Boundary Conditions River Reach Profile Upstream RIVER-l RIVER-l Reach-l Reach-l PF 1 PF 2 Observed Water Surface Marks River Reach RS PF 1 PF 2 RIVER-l Reach-l 5 532.15. RIVER-l Reach-l 6 540.6 RIVER-l Reach-l 7 550.9 RIVER-l Reach-l 8 561. 9 RIVER-l Reacn-l 9 567.3 RIVER-l Reach-l_ 10 567.8 RIVER-l Reach-l 11 567.8 RIVER-l Reach-l 12. 567'.8 RIVER'-l - Reach-l cLio 567.8 RIVER-l Reach-l 14 568.2 RIVER-l Reach-l 15 572.9 RIVER::l Reach-l 16 576.2 RIVER-l Reach-l 17 579 RIVER-l Reach-l 18 580.53 RIVER-l Reach-l 19 582.5 RIVER-l Reach-l 20 584.2 GEOMETRY DATA Geometry Title: Existing Conditions Geometry File 2:\2006\06-112 Blankenship\Flood\Cedar.g02 CROSS SECTION RIVER: RIVER-l REACH: Reach-1 RS: 4 INPUT Description: 270 Station Elevation Data num== 42 Sta E1ev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 526 113 519.6 165 518 183 516 212 516 228 516 435 518.2 838 516 965 509.8 1124 518.6 1254 517.3 1420 518.1 1548 513.8 1573 516 1669 518 1787 518.6 1853 513.9 1935 518.6 2038 517.8 2138 514.7 2387 518.4 2700 517 2758 518 2842 516 2880 515 2907.3 513 2918.9 507.9 2957.1 505.4 3038.6 503.7 3090.3 503.5 3137. 506.3 3168 506 3190.6 506.4 3259.3 507.4 3278.6 507.9 3313 510 3412 518 3524 519 3650 518 3862 507 3881 514 3992 526 Page 2 Downstream Known WS Known WS c../ ! Ii 494.5 494.5 . . 7/ ..' it Cedar.rep Manning's Sta o n Values n Val .075 Sta 2880 num= n Val .045 3 Sta 3412 n Val .09 Bank Sta: Left 2880 Right 3412 Lengths: Left Channel Right 4000 5100 3600 Coeff Centro .1 Expan. .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 1 E.G. Elev 1ft) 520.12 Element Left DB Channel Right OB Vel Head 1ft) 0.96 Wt. n-Val. 0.075 0.045 0..090 W.S. Elev (ft) 519.16 Reach Len. (ft) 4000.00 5100.00 3600.00 Crit W.S. (ft) Flow Area Isq ft) 6619.97 6004.86 1857.93 E.G. Slope (ft/ft) 0.002887 Area (sq ft) 6619.97 6004.86 1857.93 Q Total (cfs) 70000.00 Flow (cis) 12646.25 53494.52 3859.23 Top Width 1ft) 3801. 53 Top Width (ft) 2752.78 532.00 516.75 Vel Total (ft/s) 4.83 Avg. Vel. Ift/s I 1. 91 8.91 2.08 Max ChI Dpth (ft) 15.66 Hydr. Depth (ft) 2.40 11. 29 3.60 Cony. Total (cis) 1302744.0 Cony. (cis) 235354.7 995566.8 71822.8 Length Wtd. 1ft) 4755.99 Wetted Per. 1ft) 2753.95 533.73 518.57 Min Ch El (ft) 503.50 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.43 2.03 0.65 Alpha 2.63 Stream Power 11b/ft s) 0.83 18.07 1. 34 Frctn Loss (ft) 9.40 Cum Volumt;! (acre-ft) 2329.89 1479.15 316.35 C & E Loss (ft) 0.05 Cum SA (acres) 703.47 133.59 85.41 Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E.G. Elev (ft) 520.67 Element Left OB Channel Right OB Vel Head 1ft) 0~62 WL n-Val. 0.075 0.045 0:090- W.S. -Elev. (ft) 520.04 Reach Len. 1ft) 4000.00 5100.00 3600.00. _ Crit W.S. 1ft) F l-aw Area (sq ft) '9049.83 6472.30 2315.55 E~G. "'"Slope" (ft/ftl 0.001856 Area (sq ft) 9049.83 6472.30 2315.55 Q TotaL' (cfs) 70000.00 Flow (cfs) 16982.73 48597.57 4"419.70 Top width 1ft) 3831. 67 Top width (ft) 2774.79 532.00 524.88 Vel Total (ft/s) 3.92 .Avg. Vel. (ft/sl 1. 88 7.51 1. 91 Max ChI Dpth 1ft) 16.54 Hydr. Depth Iftl 3.26 12.17 4.41 Conv. Total (cis) 1624854.0 Conv. (cis) 394206.6 1128057.0 102590.8 Length Wtd. Iftl 4369.21 Wetted Per. 1ft) 2775.98 533.73 526.75 Min Ch El 1ft) 503.50 Shear (lb/sq ft) 0.38 1.41 0.51 Alpha 2.61 Stream Power 11b/ft 5) 0.71 10.55 0.97 Frctn Loss Iftl 6.67 Cum Volume (acre-it) 4320.04 674.30 118.90 C & E Loss 1ft) 0.16 Cum SA (acres) 807.45 60.52 24.97 warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 it (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for 'additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 it (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION RIVER: RIVER-l REACH: Reach-l RS: 3 INPUT Description: 260 Station Elevation Data num= 64 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 511 15 510 35 500 45 500 50 506 300 508 328 500 349 500 367 506.1 580 508 800 504 91, 508 936 500 1018 504 1095 506.1 1200 505 1285 506 1345 508 1428 508.5 1524 508 1543 506 1619 504.9 1710 506 1800 506.6 1889 506 1932 502 1985 508 2435 510 2906 510 2956 504 3055 502 3069 501.6 3112 501. 6 3147 506 3300 506 Page 3 . . 0/ !JIH Cedar.rep 3530 508 3865 508.1 3944 507.5 3991 508 4105 510 4194 510.1 4365 510 4458 508 4565 506 4665 504.2 4669.8 499.7 4688.8 495.6 4718.7 494.5 4756 493.1 4783.6 493.4 4815.6 495 4831. 6 499.9 4837.5 504.4 4842.5 504.4 4862.6 504.6 4893.9 502.6 4965.6 499.9 4980.2 495 5014.9 490.8 5072.7 477 5122.7 487.7 5133.6 500.4 5145.6 503 5161. 7 521. 7 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .075 4965.6 .036 5133.6 .09 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths: Left Channel Right Coeft.Contr. Expan. 4965.6 5133.6 3480 4180 3700 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 1 E.G. Elev Iftl 510.67 Element Left DB Channel Right OB Vel Head 1ft) 1. 41 Wt. n-Val. 0.075 0.036 0.090 W.S. Elev 1ft) 509.26 Reach Len. 1ft) 3480.00 4180.00 3700.00 crit W.S. 1ft) Flow Area Isq ft) 13694.39 3717.76 107.65 E.G. Slope Ift/ft) 0.001439 Area {sq it} 13694.39 3717.76 107.65 Q Total (cfs) 70000.00 Flow (cfs) 25596.82 44199.82 203.36 Top Width Iftl 4155.35 Top width 1ft) 3969.95 168. 00 17.39 Vel Total 1ft/51 4.00 Avg. Vel. 1ft/51 1. 87 11. 89 .1. 89 Max-ChI Dpth Iftl 32.26 Hydr. Depth Iftl 3.45 22.13 6.19 Cony. Total (cfs) 1845586.0 Cony. (cfs) 674873.3 1165351. 0 5361. 6 Length Wtd. Iftl 3963.74 Wetted Per. 1ft) 3984.80 177.65 20.54 Min Ch El Iftl 477.00 Shear 11b/sq ftl 0.31 1. 88 0.47 Alpha 5.67 Stream Power 11b/ft 51 0.58 22.35 0.89 Fretn Loss Iftl 9.01 Cum Vol ume (acre-it) 1397.18 909.99 235.13 C & E Loss {ft! 0.04 Cum SA (acres) 394.80 92.61 63.3' Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. ~arning: The conveyance ratio ,(upstream conveyance divided by. downstream conveyance)- is less than- .0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warn~ng: T~e ~ne;rgy ~o.ss was g~e~ter th.an 1.0 _ft- .(O..)....m). between_:the c"L!rrent .and previous_crass_section. This may indicate the 'need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E.G. Elev (ft) Vel Head (ft) W.S. Elev (ft) crit W.S. (ft) E.G. Slope (ft/ft) Q Total (cfs) Top Width (it) Vel Total (ft/s) Max ChI Dpth (ft) Conv. Total (cfs) Length Wtd. (it) Min Ch El (ft) Alpha Frctn Loss (ft) C & E Loss (ft) 513.84 0.10 513.74 0.001277 70000.00 4200.00 2.50 13.74 1958935.0 3480.00 1. 00 8.93 0.03 Element Wt. n-Val. Reach Len. (it) Flow Area (sq it) Area (sq ft) Flow (cfs) Top Width (ft) Avg. Vel. (ft/s) Hydr. Depth (ft) Conv. (cfs) Wetted Per. {ft} Shear (lb/sq it) Stream Power (lb/ft s) Cum Volume (acre-it) Cum SA (acres) Left OB Channel 0.075 3480.00 4180.00 27992.61 27992.61 70000.00 4200.00 2.50 6.66 1958935.0 4216.76 0.53 1. 32 2619.29 295.41 487.21 29.38 Right DB 3700.00 23.21 3.28 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: There is no flow in the channel. Check that the channel stations are correctly coded. To force flow into the channel, a levee or ineffective flow may have to be added or the Manning's n of the overbank could be increased. CROSS SECTION RIVER: RIVER-l REACH: Reach-l RS, 2 Page 4 . . 1/'1 Cedar.rep INPUT Description: 250 Station Elevation Data num= 47 Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev Sta Elev 0 502 183 500 207 495.8 309 500 395 ,495.8 464 502 550 503 680 502 748 503 1180 502.1 2119 499.2 2227 488 2267 489.8 2312 494 2455 492 2579 494 2638 502 3350 500.5 3355.8 491. 5 3385.3 489.5 3416.7 488.9 3481. 9 490.5 3503.2 490.4 3527.6 489 3562.6 487.8 3590.1 484.9 3612.6 485.6 3632.9 490.5 3638.9 496.5 3694.2 497.1 3707.2 494.1 3709.5 492.5 3719.5 490.5 3729.6 492.6 3738.2 495.5 3767 497 3819 496 3865 492.6 3901 492.6 3988 502 4182 497.8 4235 499 4310 491 4431 498 4480 500 4490 502 4590 520 Manning's n Values num= 3 Sta n Val Sta n Val Sta n Val 0 .075 3350 .036 3988 .075 Bank Sta: Left Right Lengths; Left Channel Right Coeff Contr. Expan. 3350 3988 3650 3540 2550 .1 .3 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 1 E.G. Elev (ftl 501. 62 Element Left DB Channel Right DB Vel Head (ftl 1. 27 "t. n-Val. 0.075 0.036 0.075 W.S. Elev (ft) 500.35 Reach Len. (ftl 3650.00 3540.00 2550.00 Crit W.S. (ft) Flow Area (sq it) 4529.56 4922.52 1427.97 E.G. Slope Ift/ftl 0.004121 Area (sq it) 4529.56. 4922.52 1427.97 Q Total (cfs) 70000.00 Flow (cis) 14692.62 51188.77 4118.61 Top width (ft) 2212.69 Top width (ftl 11 72 . 69 622.61 417.40 Vel Total (ft/s) 6.43 Avg. Vel. Ift/s) 3.24 10.40 2.88 Max ChI Dpth (ft) 15.45 . '--Hydr. <Depth Iftl 3.86'. 7.91 3.42 Cony. Total (CiS) 1090421. 0 Cony. tcfs-) 228873.5 797390.3 64157.4 Length I;Jtd.. (ft) 348J.34 Wetted Per. . (ft) .1174..73 ~~33. 14 _ 418.14 Min Ch E1 Iftl '4'84.90 Shear . 11bisq ft) 0.99 2.00 0.88 Alpha 1. 98 Stream Power (lb/ft-SI 3.22 20.80 2.53 Frctn Loss (ftl 6.46 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 669.23 495.43 169.91 C & E Loss (ftl 0.26 Cum SA (acres) 189.38 54.68 44.87 Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. Warning: The velocity head has changed by more than 0.5 ft (0.15 m). This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less than 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E.G. Elev (ft) 504.88 Element Left DB Vel Head (ftl 0.37 "t. n-Val. 0.075 W.S. Elev (ft) 504.51 Reach Len. 1ft) 3650.00 Crit W.S. Iftl Flow Area (sq ft) 14334.82 E.G. Slope (ft/ftl 0.007575 Area (sq ftl 14334.82 Q Total (cfs) 70000.00 Flow (cfs) 70000.00 Top Width Iftl 3000.00 Top Width Iftl 3000.00 Vel Total (ft/s) 4.88 Avg. Vel. (ft/s) 4.88 Max ChI Dpth (ftl 16.51 Hydr. Depth (ft) 4.78 Conv. Total (cfs) 804266.7 Conv. (cfs) 804266.7 Length Wtd. (ftl 3593.57 Wetted Per. (ft) 3008.03 Min Ch El 1ft) Shear 11b/sq ftl 2.25 Alpha 1. 00 Stream Power (lb/ft 51 11. 01 Frctn Loss (ftl 9.77 Cum Volume (acre-ft) 928.52 C & E Loss (ftl 0.02 Cum SA (acres) 199.61 Channel Right 08 3540.00 2550.00 295.41 29.38 23.21 3.28 Warning: The conveyance ratio (upstream conveyance divided by downstream conveyance) is less tnan 0.7 or greater than 1.4. This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: The energy loss was greater than 1.0 ft (0.3 m). between the current and previous cross section. Page 5 . Cedar.rep . !(l1 II This may indicate the need for additional cross sections. Warning: There is no flow in the channel. Check that the channel stations are correctly coded. To force flow into the channel, a levee or ineffective flow may have to be added or the Manning's n of the CROSS SECTION overbank could be increased. RIVER: RIVER-l REACH: Reach-l INPUT Description: 240 CH2MHILL DATA Station Elevation Sta 1935 2549 3593 4015 4337 4581 4926 5535 5590.8 5717.9 5874.2 6029.3 6174.1 6299 6538 7405 7957 Manning's Sta 1935 Bank Sta: Left 5540 Elev 498 492 490 492 492 493.8 486 496 483.9 481.1 487.4 485.8 488.3 490 492 , 494 ' 496 Data Sta 1961 2631 3713 4048 4363 4673 4975 5540 5608.7 5759.8 5892.7 6077.7 6190.4 6325 6632 _ 7530 RS: 1 num= Elev 494 492.6 491. 2 492 487.9 494 486 492.1 484.4 481. 6 '487.4 485.7 490.7 485.4 492 485.9- num= --n- Val .036 81 Sta 2005 3437 3823 4095 4399 4705 5055 5541. 9 5632.3 5810 5945 6108.6. 6193 6367 6655 7723' ' 3 Sta ,6263 Elev 494 492 490 492.6 492 495 484 484.6 483.5 480.9 486.3 483.7 490 485.4 494 492.8 n Val .075 Lengths: Left Channel o 0 CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 1 n Values n Val .075 Sta 5540 Right 6263 E.G. Elev (ft) Vel Head (ft) W.S. Elev (ft) Crit W.S. (ft) E.G. Slope (ft/ft) Q Total (cfs) Top Width (ft) Vel Total (ft/s) Max ChI Dpth (ft) Conv. Total (cfs) Length Wtd. (ft) Min Ch E1 (ft) Alpha Frctn Loss (ft) C & E Loss (ft) 494.89 0.39 494.50 490.18 0.001049 70000.00 5186.20 3.03 14.90 2161732.0 479.60 2.73 Sta 2091 3507 3855 4123 4431 4780 5178 5556.6 5656.3 5840 5965 6139.6 6220 6445 7009 7885 - Right o Element Wt. n-Val. Reach Len. (ft) Flow Area (sq it) Area (sq ft) Flow (cfs) Top Width (ft) Avg. Vel. (ft/s) Hydr. Depth (ft) Conv. (cts) Wetted Per. (it) Shear (lb/sq it) Stream Power (lb/ft s) Cum Volume (acre-it) Cum SA (acres) Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. CROSS SECTION OUTPUT Profile #PF 2 E.G. Elev (ft) Vel Head (ft) W.S. Elev (ft) Crit W.S. (ft) E.G. Slope (ft/ft) Q Total (cfs) Top Width (ft) 495.09 0.59 494.50 490.21 0.001384 70000.00 2599.39 Element Wt. n-Val. Reach Len. (ft) Flow Area (sq it> Area (sq ft) Flow (cfs) Top Width (ft) Page 6 Elev 494 488 486 492 492 494 484 479.6 483.3 485.3 487.2 482.7 480 488 495.6 487.9 Sta 2175 3566 3995 4288 445.9 47~7 5296 5572.3 5685.6 5845.8 6015.3, 6167.2 6263 6475 7270 '7931' Coeff Contr. .1 Left DB 0.075 11443.92 11443.92 18295.61 3347.58 1. 60 3.42 565002.9 3350.67 0.22 0.36 Left DB 0.075 7827.66 7827.66 16580.38 1764.35 E1ev 492 488 492.6 491 491. 5 490 494 482.5 482.2 486.8 487.9 481. 9 490 494 495 '490 ' Expan. .3 Channel 0.036 7270.08 7270.08 44710.39 723.00 6.15 10.06 1380741.0 7j6.58 0.65 3.97 Channel 0.036 7270.08 7270.08 51375.28 723.00 Right DB 0.075 4377.11 4377.11 6994.00 1115.63 1. 60 3.92 215988.1 1117.81 0.26 0.41 Right DB 0.075 793.04 793.04 2044.34 112.03 . . III 1(1 479.60 1. 95 Cedar.rep Avg. Vel. (ft/s) Hydr. Depth (ft) Cony. (cfs) Wetted Per. (ft) Shear (lb/sq it) Stream Power (Ib/ft 5) Cum Volume (acre-ft) Cum SA (acres) 2.12 4.44 445607.5 1773.77 0.38 0.81 7.07 10.06 1380741.0 736.58 0.85 6.03 2.58 7.08 54942.9 121. 28 0.57 1. 46 Vel Total (ft/s) Max ChI Dpth (ft) Cony. Total (cis) Length Wtd. (ft) Min eh E1 (ft) Alpha Frctn Loss (ft) C & E Loss (ft) 4.41 14.90 1881292.0 Warning: Divided flow computed for this cross-section. SUMMARY OF MANNING'S N VALUES River;RIVER-! Reach River Sta. n1 n2 n3 Reach-l 4 .075 .045 .09 Reach-l 3 .075 .036 .09 Reach-l 2 .075 .036 .075 Reacn-l 1 .075 .036 .075 SUMMARY OF REACH LENGTHS River: RrvER-l Reach River Sta. Left Channel Right Reach-l 4- 4000 5100 3600. Reach-l 3 3480 4180 3700 Reach-l 2 360D 3540 2550 _ Reach-l 1 0 0 0 - -- SUMMARY OF CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION COEFFICIENTS River: RIVER-l Reach River Sta. Contr. Expan. Reach-l 4 .1 .3 Reach-l 3 .1 .3 Reach-l 2 .1 .3 "Reach-l 1 .1 .3 Page 7 Apr 18 06 08:47a .':"1 ~ . ~ ~/~~/LVVU ~.v, r~ rnu~ ;1.,1. J,.a.......UIC'.I...Q.I. , p,3 I .. "., ~ ,First .American __.aR__Ctlmperl1l~ 600 Coon.., Cub Road EugIole, OR 97'101 FlY> . (S'l1l'l8+2900 Fax .(541)48+7321 , Order No,: 7191-802094 April 14, 2006 FOR OUEmONS REGARDING YOUR CLOSING. PLEASE CONTACT: MENDIE MAYFIELD, EsaowOfficer/Closer Phone: (541)<18+2900 - Fax: (541)<184-7321 . Email:l1'Il1I1liIyflelel@firstam,com , Rrst American Title Ins~ranc:e Company of Oregon 600 Co~ntry Club Road, E~gene, OR 97401 FOR ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PREUMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CXJNTACT: Robert Gordon, Hie Officer Phone: (541)<184-2900 - Fax: (541)48+7321 - Email: nngordon@f1rstam,com Supplemental Preliminary Title Report AlTA Owners Standard Coverage AlTA Owrlers Exle'lded Coverage AlTA lenders Stilndartl Co.erage AlTA Lenders Extended COlferage Endol"Sl!rn!-'1t 9, 1168.8.1 Go"t Ser\1ice Charge Otf.. uobil;1y I UabililY $ liability $ uabilily I 419,000.00 Premum $ Plmium f Premum $ T6D Prerrium $ Prerrium $ o"t f Cost $ 1,188,00 TBC 100,00 SO,OO We are prepared to issue Title Insurance Policy or Policies in the form and amount shown above, insuring title to the following described lancl: The land referred to in this report is elescribed in Exhibit A attached hereto. and as of March 30, 2006 at 8:00 a.m" title ves!eel in: , Nicholas WIlliam Platt and Cheryl J. Platt, h~sbai>d and wife, as tenants by the entirety, as to Parcel One; Nicholas William Platt, as to Parcel Two; sandra Jean Zmolek, Sharon Kay RodgerS, Nicholas William Platt, and Elena lee Alba, as to Parcel Three , , Subject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stip~latlons which are ordinarily part of ~ch Policy form and the following: L The assessment roll and the tax roll disclose that the within descrlbeel premises were specially zoned or dassifieel for Farm use. If the land has become or becomes el isquallfled for s~ch ~se under the statute, an adelilional tax or penalty may be Imposed, ' 2. The rights of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein described Iyilg within the lim~s of streets, roaels and highways, ' This report is fer the exc:llGiVE! use of the parties herein sI1ONl'1 and is prelirrinary to the issuance of a title insurance policy and shall became YClid u~ a 90Iicv is issul!d, .and the fUr premium paid. oa~e ReceiVed:..pO -11 -00 Planner: ' L ' , I ~jrr~ Apr 18 06 08:47a e-.------- .._- .., ....... ...u,.....IJ\"o.............. R'.!!1imir1ary RePJM : Orner No.: 7191.101Dll4 "ageZol7 3. Corrected Boundary Une Agreement Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Anna M. Mc:Clain And: George W. Platt and Sadie Platt Recording Information: February 19, 1948, Book367, Page 204 4. Easement, induding temns and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: June 23, 1965, Reception No. 8464 In Favor of: City of Eugene, by and through EWE8 For: Power line 5. Land Use Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Nickolas Platt, el. al. And: City of Springfield, by and through Springfield Utility Board Recording Information: October 21, 1980, Reception No. 80-53132, el. seq. 6. Land Use Agreement and the temns and conditions thereof: Between: Nickolas Platt, el. al. And: City of Springfield, by and through Springfield utility Board Recording Information: May 04, 1981, Reception No. 81-19214, et. seq. 7. Land Use Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Nickolas Platt, el. al. And: City of Springfield, by and through Springfield Utility Board Recording Information: November 22, 1982, Reception No. 82-35034 8. land Use Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Nickolas Platt, el. al. And: City of Springfield, by and through Springfield Utility Board Recording Information: November 22, 1982, Reception No. 82-35035 9. Easement, indudlng terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: July 10, 1989, Reception No. 89-29875 rn Favor of: City of Springfield, by and lhrough Springfield lJtility Board For: Right of way 10. Deed of Trust and the lemns and conditions thereof. Grantor/Truslor: Nicholas William Platt, married and Cheryl J Platt, manried Grantee/Beneficiary: Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporalion I Trustee: Adelily National Tille Amount $85,000.00 Recorded: February 07, 2003 Recording Information: 2003-011373 (Parcel One) _1'n1I!ricm rdle p.4 Apr 18 06 08:47a e..--.---- -.-- n. "'. ~n....Lo Preliminary Report r:AA i:Jt:;\TVt::.I- I Orde, No.: 71U-802Dl14 Rlge 3 on 11. Right t~le and interest, if any of Sandra Jean Zmolek, Sharon Kay Rodgers and Nicholas William Platt and Bena Lee Alba, grantees In deed from Nicholas William Platt, et. al. recorded September 13, 2005, Reception No. 2005-072053. [Parcels One and Two) (Said deed would appear to include more property than was intended.) - END OF EXCEPTIONS - SUPPLEMENTED to add Parcel 3. NOTE: We find no judgments or United States Internal Revenue liens against Patricia Martin NOTE: Examination of !he records discloses mailers pending against persons with names simlar to Deven Martin. A statement of Identity should be completed and returned to this company for consideration orlarlO cIosill<l. ' NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2006 PAID IN RILL Tax Amount: Sl,159.22 Map No.: 1702270002001 Property 10: 1227733 Tax Code No.: 01901 (Parcel One) NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2006 PAID IN RILL Tax Amount: $3.76 Map No.: 1702270002000 Properly W: 1171717 Tax Code No.: 01901 (Parcel Two) NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2006 PAID IN RILL Tax Amount: $199.05 Map No.: 1702341200400 Property 10: 0138071 Tax Code No.: 01901 (Parcel Three) NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2006 PAID IN RILL Tax Amount: 676.11 Map No.: 1702341200400 Property W: 0138089 Tax Code No.: 01909 (Parcel Three) SItus Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll: 958 North 66th Street, Springfield, OR 97478 FitStAtntrlt:iJnTitle p.5 Apr 18 06 08:47a ...., ~...... ..............., ............ .~., rr:n...... VI. I.,G^, U1;i>.YIICl.&. Preiininart Report Order No.: 7191-802Ot4 ?Jge 40f7 i THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TInE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! c:c Deven Martin and Patricia Martin cc: Nicholas Platt and Cheryl Platt c:c TIm Verkler, RelMax Integrity 4710 Village Plaza Loop Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97401 /fISt A/11tIiQn TlIIe p.6 Apr 18 06 08:47a ./..L~/_"'VV,"" w.ve- ..--~'. _, v. . _~ ___ .__ Ptl:lminary Report 0"",, ND.: 7191-802094 Page 5 00 ~ I I HISt American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POUCY (10/17/92) Thefolowhg llId:tInlW8ellprm, l!llClJdro!CfrClmthe~(Ifthi'lpolicr;nd the CcIf1lCl1Twlll10tPlI. ms<<dilInlge.o8::I"lItb'nefflf11!:Sorapm:e~" br'elIOOI'Iof; 1. WM, law.ordNru:~cr OO1M'1Il1l1\bl1 re;lularl {ncUdhgl::l.llnotlmCecI tobulld"9l!l1'dlOlUlO Ia.s. <<dnrus,or 1el}J1Dtbl1) ISdlq. legll!atilg#Pldlibltng or rellltl1g t>> (I) the~, use, or tAjoJll18lt of lttt 1In:I; (iJh di<Ii<<ttr, clhlefUnsOf ioc:aIi3nolq ~roremeltnoworb<<eeIter Ifeodon lt1e 1WllI: (li)81tPlI"ltlctl ~ o~bor ..ch"oe" hllrnemlonsor il'eaofrtM: Ilnd or 111, plIQ!1of Mlttl hlmd Is. _op!l1; Q(("')oemflnnenb:al~.OI lheEfJectoflnJ''rioIlltionoltl_~otdrnrtClUor~menbllregIJ<tiaRs..C2Iltto the atlflt thlta nota of III Itlforoinnl~l!d or al'tOtlcvofa dafac:.t 11m or llnOJnilrn:ere5lJllhg from II fiOl4tlma /IIelj)si wlolalkn ~ ~ kn:l MI bcIn reclll'de:lln hpdll::rea:rds lItO$eof PoIlq'i (b) AnJ90'ltrrrmerl1Jlj poicepclll'ltf ..ot-=:lJ~ by (a)ot-e-, octpl tDltm u!:e1t thai a noace 0' the~c_thertlO'<< . noti::e. ah dell!lCt,.1lI!r1 or~ rellJlthg fruma'riOkIticn<< e11eotd.iolDtb1 dkiI;-.g lhelll'1d hm beu1rl'aJl'dEdlnhpubltrecu0<<OlDofPoIi:y. 2. Rl!iif1bGfl!mhl!'n lbrnai1l,lnM!!l5l"1Cltb!orct.~thfteofhlDb~ r~~ illhepublc rgoordsotDd;a of 1'1111:1. butnotacb:r.g fto",(OIfB1llleBl.r~ \IlI'It:h hmioccr..-rwpi:lr tD [lalJ! of Pollr:r wI1ldl-..ldbebhdi'1g Dn lhelq,tsti.~ fOl VBb Nt:hcUk.......... J. De~Ii&r:B.n::r.JIriltIJ"lCU.adr<<2dalms,Of"attwtMttws: (a) o-rllB:I. SJIind. -.-mlld err.:l!iJl~ b:I u,. tIJe hSJrll:l dIIirTlil'lt; tb)raotknllwn IDlbeCa~.not.retOfGediltl'll!l~recordsat:OiftoIPoIlq. butmownlDlhe~cbkNntmd nctdlldoMd """big tD lheCOlr'C)llAl"br tfIe hsJred rbllrB1t prior to the a."= ttw. huedddmlll1t~.. nJU-.11.ftiw Ihapolltr; (r;reulth;l., ~~ bsOldilllBQe 10 Ihe hLnd rll:lilnlnt; Cd)aUiJdlhil Of ~~enth:lDdolPcIi;J (lI:ICapllll tt'lesle!1lhtltti:spolq 1n5ll1I$Ule~ioriJofthe1ln oflbeQ"jrcd cnorIQlgeCfr..,.". statutorJlleI'I fu" 1lef'fb!s.1iIbor CII ~ia1 orU1e b.tfJlt ~ Ii lttDrdei:l heretl Gtv _lIII:lSlI'lfI1t!1l:lr 'net...,rc.."II!I'!.I5...... construdbllll ~,,"~oI poIkJ);or- (e)rewlttQ mbssa OOmillJeMld1woukj not'-ebl!lenSlAtllh&l ifhhluBl del1Wlf:hadlllld.,lE fDf lte mu~ 1J1IlItgq.. 4. ~111 o(1he Imdl!W.ln51..-ed l'TJCI't9l9!~ot"ei'mIltyCII.,faueof the hued tltCllter:1PoUq,crlie hlIbllt'f'or filkirl!ofq ~(JjoItflef ofltle~ID<M\ICl~...thellJlP!k:zIbIr."dg~bJsi1e5s"bIoIsoflhe'liIle:"IiIhkhlh8t1ndi!lslu!rle:l. :li. ImwldltJorU"lCIPb..-bl11lr rllhIl ~ofttlrl nw"'lIIOI19ilg1e,or~m ltuecf.lIIhIdI.mesoutoflhe "<lIlIiildb1~ br Ole insnd lTllll't;egeanclb aa.d LoonUUJ 1lI'" __ crecltprClb!db1 ortuh illerdhll 1IJI'f_ 6. Any sImJIr:lry 1m lor 1a"I_ .... or I'?I/lte"bh (or the c:lel'll of p,wlt'/ of Ill' stallbyllf!n for _rb!s.1Pbor tit n'IIftriu15 <J..- h." of he iIslnd rralg8;la) !II'bftg frolrlll"llqwol'ltl1lSltor 'l'ltlIkrelnid lD lhe kn:I ~ b(lOlltractecl f",anclcomnwn:1d S11aq.J~t b;J 0IIte ~PoI:J md.1IlJl:: ~ n 'oIh:t!:or hlNl'tb'l" pr'lICI!l8dsdOlo ~ llKa"edb, the hSJred Il'IOItI<8Oe W'lttl atoae cfll*"the IMrfdhasedrand<<1:s cbl9DdID orooe 7. Jm-crllln. wtJId.,..., out c/ lhe Inn:sIdoo (l'erD1g the ~ of ItIl!! '"'!l'IQ8gel!! il1uMl by Itll!l ~IIQ, ~ reaD'l of till! ~ or fed.al blriauPtcr,!lbb nmlooerlq, <<Shllla' CI'lllllDn'rl\t1b~.l:l'labbead 01"1: (0 ~b'1RDtIon aelItkIg tie ~dllek1:u"edn'lOftgDgeebmgldeerrw:4 a t.u:lllenteOlJPf:7Ol'lO!l01 frIIltJlenttnnsl'tr; cr (r) _S.lbcr<ll-l8llonorlhe...l!n!'!itnflhl!!h5wf:d~asllreSJIlorhllllllllaltllnl>>f~dxlriloi!ciequl!itlle5IJborglnetDl;cr (II) h tr..-:tiClrl~ h hIIer~ot h-..ed mcwI:9B9t'tben!! ~ ap'eWlllallnmra-ell~t.ne.eth,p"ef8-entlaltrll'1_ reub fJomthe failure: (a). 1mq-lf!U)Id hlmln.mlnl:llflJlI'l!fe-;cr OJlotutl reoordlCblto ~artnolte IO/J~for roIueor a Judgment<<1Iln a<<IllDr. ALTA OWNER'S POUCY (10/17/92) The r\J1lcMtJg rmstlers_ftPIe!IIIr tlCCl.Jdeclfro/lllt'le~eofthls~lb' and :heCo~Jwllnotp., ~./II'dar.e9e.tue,(It1<<nep'_.~IlI1Id1Wi1e ~~d; , L (a).ln7 law, ordna1ce: or 9O''''......<<d regultkn (RUd1'lg but not lImlr:%I to tluldlnl;t ~ zr;n~ l8M. OIdnnes, Of regAll)ns) fest'lcth:l, r~,p'ohIllthg or i"UU'1gl:o ll)ItltOCEqlllloQ',I.a, or <<Ijo.,..,..ol 1he1a<ld;(I)IfledQ-ilCtliJ.4m!r5l)r'I!i or bc:a:Ion nlll'l' t'lIPlO'lementnowcr~ 1IJ~(lI"IltJelqnd; (Ii) I ~ h_lIi!IYI" or II dl~ In tltedlmemlonsCII arll!llor1he"in:l(ll"' my pllurJ ofwlridl the bndis cr _epll1:;ar (h)_icnmentalpr\Jtedlon,or !he Iffed:cf lI'lJ ..IoWlm of Ih_ bws,.ordhll'1ce:s ar perrmlf!l'ltafre,;JulItIi:Irs.eczpt ID h alllntlhatilnotllz 01 !be ricrlli!l'l'll!nt thtreofa .~or. def'er:t,left<<mn.IJI'."nncc.re5lJli'1gIiom ..iJatb1oralleged 'ri:lblklr1 ~ Itleloodtlasbecnumrded Inl:tlepubll::rrolIdsatDde 01 Polq.. Cl)Arly gClwemmental polk:epoWll notudldedb, (.a}a>>re.<<atIt tothe.el~t mtonollceo!lhe~lheledCl" anotileIlJClldd<<t, 11M or fJ'lOJrrbr6oOt ,tsI!thg frOtlla .1oI6n'lll eIDged...blati:!n alJecD'l!l1M llrIcI h.~reclOl'der:l h tI'lepllbll:;; 1ec:D1ds.l:We "fPob, 2. RJr;II1lIofembnt<lcllmlh UIInsn~dheJJe'dioe*"'-of IIlI!obnln.<<OI'lI!d" hpublk leXIId5atDete.of Polq, bulnotl!d.d.... fromconl'arjIl!'" ~ v.tcldJ MsOCOllled pr~ CD OiIteofPoIiq Yotllch 'MlUkl bl!-bndr.g on the riglls of.. pur~ f. '1M wllDA:tnowledge. J. Dlff:ds,~.l!na.IItIr":l:S,odrenedllms.<lIOCherrndm: (~JONtecI. !Idlefed.llSSIrne:;I l,JfDliJ.-Ita br lt1e tr.Jrwtd'llln-m.!; (b)f1atllPMntcthe~.notreOlfded httoe.ldlltreao<<lsGto.b!ofPak;r,Dl.tu.c--.101he MJredcllll......llI"odnot.~ nwrtngllllheC'.on1lll"17bJ h.murBdclllmmtprkrtothedatBf1ensueddailNrltboca:M.ilIl h!iUed~ tJi!lpoIl:y; eel rerJl~ nnokm II da'MQe tolht mo.r. dJI_t: (d)atliId1hgcrC"Mtlr:l1lJ~tIDOlll:aCJlPoIc:J;t:6 (e.)resulllng 1'I1oss(ll"' damD;Je ~lchyrocddll"t ...~bftn5tnblt11d UlfE~!d clIiora1tted lJ!IiI1a~fDrhd*.. hne. ra.rid b)' f1bpolk:t. ... M1 cist'n,,,,,*" 81..... DJtof'l11l/.lJ~lOf!!Stt19ln tle hued lIeente.t:6 __esthsu"ed b, ltli:spo/Q,bYn!l5Jll Dflheoperatklrl or"".lbrn~.st;r,1B lmcIIiJolII'lt1'.or*r1ll1lfaedrr.Trl;hlsllM.ttRIt ilbaMdon: ro 1f1e1r"irrD::llon000000001tJeestl:t8ort1tWatmr-dbr1NJ;pall::rbm!Jdlllemr.d.fraD..iIi:nt~0T"aJdulcntlr""";or (ii) lheltr<<rMrllon craJti1,lheestlll2or htlr6lnsJredb)' thlspulqbft1gOeellll!lllill'"ef881lill1rrll'lSfere.upt~lhel'"dtnrltbltJ""'lf rl5J:lt!lfr~m!he t"-e: . (1I) k1tl....rec<<dtlenstn..n.ntllftu...o;fll";or I)) ofSJdl retIlIdlOon lu 1",*1 notnloopw"chlBertu ,o..eorojud!ioentorllen (T~. SCHEOULE OF 5T ANDARD EXCEPTIONS , 1hIlIil.T"'5liIInjlnllXlIQrormwlltOfllatllnSI:t1edule8_fDlbwhlJ~lI7>dllld~lIans,boCOl'\!lflge: ! 1. r..es a __,.,all\hldl lIIenots-- _ai:slng Iltnsb, ltarecarclsof<nr t.alF9llUNb' INt kl'iest.esor ~t:s:W1..-J propert)' or lIr h pdJI: /ecm!~ prOlall!Cln,. br IIplhlic: EIJIIIllJ IIIhkt1ITli!t rbllt h~Cf _ts,l.Jf noboru:l1 prOOl!ll!Clt"gt,MI!t1.or notnwn br lhe~ofsu:hllgenqor br'h.~lIcrcGli'"ds. I 2. Ifft fads, rlgtt5.lr1l1ermb, a cans. ""ld1lS"e 1101: WmrIn b, !he pool: !t'mIds tulllhidJ COJMf be alI.'I!ftzrIne. b, 11"1 mpect:Ion of 3lI~ I!rld Of b)' nahg ...., of pel"s.lI"~lhlreof. I J. fescmrnb,.c:l!llmlc'~1OI 8'l(IJmbr.anc:es\lllhJd1_lW:ltshown b, thepubll:retords., tII1)&l!Ilttd rnIn..-,g c.bIms; It:W'tetcra.tlI" ~0lP1lar1s nplftnbor h Al.ts UhoraIngf1ollll.wallud;WllbXrlghtl,darhr3ortlletQMlt!r. I 'I. Nt, ..,..,CJr r~htla~lerl,forSll'l'm,1i:bof orll'llllflrlalltere~(Qrt:crher~ f~l~ b, larwa'ldrdblwnbylJep.bb::rllOl"ds. ~. OIlII:np~Des.ODIlnltt5 n bottliB'7 1~!tIlIrtape kl_n,. lI'W7~b.1lI a'lJ Clllw t.ds....blctl . CCIITect SIn. --*I dKbse. 1<<J1E: A. SPEclJ'oBl C(J)'( rs- H ~a.lty FORM (tit fOIlMS) WD.11!E f\.ItI'flStfD 1.J"OIIREQ.6T TIt>l9Ret'.5-99 "1St Amilni31 T1IJ~ p.7 . Apr 1806 08:48a .' ....."':1'. ....v'"''''" w' "'... ..-. .r1...._ .... p.8 __on. ............."'.. A'elinirlary Report O<deo- No.: 7111-4102094 Page 6 017 Exhibit "A" Real property in the COUrlty of Lane, Slate of Oregon, described as folllJWs: PARCEL ONE BEGINNING AT lHE N01lTllWEST CORNER OF THE W. Y. MILLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 'l8, IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF lHE WILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, AlSD BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN KIZER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 52 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 1047 01" WEST ALONG THE WEST llNE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND a.AIM NO 48, A DISTANCE OI';}69.36 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF lHE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE LEAVING SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM UNE AND RU N NCRlH 880 03' 56" WEST 440.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1.56' 07" EAST 22.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 72000' 01" WEST 208.94 FEET; TIiENCE NORTH 44. 13' 09" WEST 220.76 FEET; lHENCE SOlITH 10 56' 07" WEST 322.75 FEET; THENCE SOUlH 880 03' 56" EAST 360.0 FEET TO A POINT'ON lHEEAST UNE OF lHAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRmED ON DECEMBER 31, 1973 IN REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-579118, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; lHENCE RUN NORlH 10 56' 07" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID TRACT DESCRIBED ON REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-57918 A DISTANCE OF 440.16 FEET TO A POINT THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILlER DONATION LAND ClAIM NO. 48; lHENCE RUN NORTH 1. 47 01" EAST 40.0 FEET TO lHE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. PARCEL TWO BEGINNING AT lHE N01lTllWEST CORNER OF THE W. Y. MILLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 'l8 IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OFlHEWILlAMETTE MERIDIAN, AlSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN KIZER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 52 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 104701" WEST ALONG THE WEST llNE OF SAID W.Y. MILlER DONATION LAND a.AIM NO. '18, A DISTANCE OF 369.36 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE lEAVING SAID DONATION LAND a.AIM UNE AND RUN NORTH ,880 03' 56" WEST 440.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 56' 07D EAST 22.0 FEET; THENCE NORlH 72. 00' 01" WEST 208.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 440 13' 09" WEST 89.16 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HERSN DESCRIBED WEll SITE; lHENCE CONTINUING NORTH 44' 13' 09" WEST, 21.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 230 32' 52" EAST 106.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66027' 08" EAST 20.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH no 32' 52" WEST 114.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. PARCEL THREE I COMMENCING AT A POINT IN lHE EAST LINE OF THE DIIVID MCNUTT DONllTION (AND CLAIM NO. 75 C .,J 8"1 IN TOWNSHIP SEVENTEEN SOUTH, RANGE TWO WEST OF lHE WILlAMETTE J"ERIDIAN, 21.74 CHAINS, I ~ '1' f SOUTH OF lHE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF;/lND RUNNING THENCE NORlH 860 56' WEST 15.90'l/o'l"l "0) CHAINS TO LANDS FORMERLY OWNED BY CA. MCMAHON; lHENCE SOUTH 40.31 CHAINS TO lHE C / :\ CENTER OF THE COUNTY ROAD; THENCE ALONG CENTER OF SAID COUNTY ROADsOliffi83-mo--'\ \ (GII,50) 'EAST 7.75_C~NS, NORlH 580 EASf2~02 CHAINS; THENCENQRTli 17,.14CHJ\I.,,!S; THENCE EAST6.7<;\ (}&hO. "I. J 1 l 1..'\ '-CHAINS TO THE EAST liNE OF SAID CLAIM; THENCE NCRTHII<;iCHl\INS TO lHE-CENTER OF II~ ~ (g I (, ",";:) SLOUGH; THENCE DOWN CENTER OF SAID SLOUGH SOUlH 69" WEST 3.70CHAlNS;THENCE'NORfH "" L "" . ~ 11.25 CHIIINS; THENCE EAST 3.50, OiAINS; THENCE NORlH 8.95 CHAINS TO THE PLACE OF \ (J/3j, ~'1J / BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON:'\r " ~'i\ \ (a) "'-- L'" ,Do) '---- 5",0,70 (17J..1l) 01 ~ qo) SUBJECT TO CORRECTED BOUNDARY LINE IIGREEMENT DATED THE 18lH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1948 \.'-' ' AND RECORDED IN BOOK 367, PAGE 204, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, D\I LANE roUNTY, OREGON. Rrst~ Till~ Apr 18 06 08:48a .,.........~"'.... ....'oJ... ..... ...,......... .....,. ...c.o...... IJ""..."'........ Preliminary Repot1 0"",, No,: 7111-8ll2l1!l4 Pa!:il: 7 on EXCEPT THAT PORTION Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY LYING SOUTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF BEE-SUN fIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN 800K 68, PAGE 27, LANE COUN1Y OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO LANE COUN1Y 8Y DEED RECORDED JUNE 29, 1983, RECEPTION NO. 83-22190, OFFICIAl RECORDS OF LANE COUN1Y, OREGON. ALSO EXCEPT PARCELS ONE AND TWO CONTAINED HEREIN, MORE PARTICUlARlY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND' CLAIM NO. <!S, IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WIUAMETTE MERIDIAN, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN KIZER IXlNATION LAND QAlM NO. 521N SAID mWNSHlP AND RANGE; 'THENCE RUN SOUTH 10 47' 01" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND QAIM NO 48, A DISTANCE OF 369,36 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE LEAVING SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM LINE AND RUN NORTH 880 03' 56" WEST 440.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH I' 56' 07" EAST 22.0 FEET; 'THENCE NORTH 72" 00' 010 WEST 208.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 44" 13' 09" WEST 220,76 FEET; 'THENCE SOUTH 10 56' 07" WEST 322.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 880 03' 56" EAST 3'60,0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST UNE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON DECEMBER 31, 1973 IN REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-579118, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE RUN NORTH 10 56' 07" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 50,0 FEET EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID TRACT DESCRIBED ON REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-57918 A DISTANCE'OF 440.16 FEET m A POINT THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION lAND ctAIM NO. 48; THENCE RUN NORlli 10 47' 01" EAST 40.0 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, ALSO, BEGINNING AT THE NORlliWEST CORNER OF TIiE W, Y. MILLER DONATION LAND QAlM NO, 48 IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN KIZER ooNATION lAND QAlM NO. 52 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE RUN SOUTH I' 47' 01" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND QAIM NO. 48, A DISTANCE OF 369,36 FEET m A POINT, THENCE LEAVING SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM LINE AND RUN NORTHSSo 03' 56" WEST 440.05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 56' 07" EAST 22,0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 72' 00' 01" WEST 208.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 440 13' 090 WEST 89,16 FEET, m THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED WELL SITE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 44' 13' 090 WEST 21.61 FEET; TIiENCE NORTIi 230 32' 520 EAST 106,54 FEET; THENCE SOU'TH 66' 27' 08" EAST 20.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 23' 32' 520 WEST 114.72 FEET m THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LAi'E COUNTY, OREGON. Tax Parcel Number. 1227733 and 1171717 ar<! 0138071 am 0138089 first~T/tIt! P,g Apr 18 06 08:49a .' J.~' ~vvo ,,; vL. t"'"1"J ~,v. rnuL:. 4_..... ~..<o........ .. " STATUTORY BARGAiN AND SALE DEED :{). t lO. II' KNOW AL~ BV THESE PRESENT. SNWRAJEAN ZMOLEK iNHo ACQUIRED 1TT1..EAS SANDRA JEHt SAliNE. SHAROlI\v'V ROOOERS, 'M-IO II.CQUIlIEOmu;AS SMROt< I<I\VQOOOEANO NICHOLOS Will..... PLATT. WHO ACQUIRED TinE AS NICKOlASWWAIII PLATT. _alter C8Ied grll'ltor, lor the QQnSirjerall.on t.reiMft8r SleCl, don hereby 9'ant. tl8lll'1'l. $I!lII.ndi ~voy untD SANDRA JEAN 2MOlEK sHARON I<AV RODGERS AND NICHOLAS WlLL\AIl PLATT AM) ELENA I.e.c: ALBA. heAtlnafter c:aIIsd grantee. a1d unllO grentee', l1e1ra, sur;;t;I!tQQr~ and IDlIlOn', lIIU 01 tna1 certain real proper1J', witt! the 1enerneI\U. her~ts and appurtenances lhtl'euMD belcngq or In an, weyeppeltalrling.sltua1ed In Lane COUnt)', 5t1le of Oregon, d~ 8Il fallDwD,lo-Wt. SEE EXHElToA. ATTACkED The cDmli:illrallon flllf' thl5CClnve~nce is $0.00 (Ie corr<<:l vesting Clnly) ll<IS 'NSTRUt.\EH' W'l.L NOT AllOW USE OF nlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS IHS1'RUN'EII'T IN VIOLATION OF APPlICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND ReGUUiION$. eEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THiS INSTRUMENT. lME PERSOt4. AOOlJlRING Fa: nTlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHeCK wrT1i THE: APPROPRIATe CITY OR. COUNTY PL....NNING DEPARTMEIiTTO VERIFY APPROVED USES ArID TO CETERIAINE PH'( LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OFt FOREST 'PRACTICES AND DEFINEO IN. ORS ][UI3D. . Oeted tills 7th day of SfJptemtHIr. 2005 .~~ ~t7~RS~M .. ~;..MAA f.:kObn...- ?...;tk NlctlOlAS WILLIAM PLAT; STATE OP~ COUNTY OF LANE 'I\Iio iMlft_I,,"~tdcncll\;" Slplombc:r ?,2OCS.by MNtJ1lAJEA)lZNOl.EK. SHARQH XAYIWOOeltSANDNICH01J..SWlLUAMPLATI . ~d~ AJ~ _ ",=~v.r,cW!ll 1IXNMI$$lON1'tG.a&412J NlMI1~Jublk:r...Cl-.... IIfCllllMlSOlDfll,flKIIIAR'f'tIl,mlI' Af1'fiR RECORDING KEf URN "I"{): Wnlcm Tl.lLc: II: EKrow Compan! of Lane Coat'lty ~"17 Oakwa:r Road, ~ ""' f.ueeall, OR 97401 l!1IfII.~i.~"I&III~.1t1O.: IiO CH^NOE r D.......I.., ~ Chi.' ".......wo U..1l "' '-- C_<v _ .... "..... 200s~72Le3 IWIlIUlIIIIIIIU 1531.00 ...._ _.. ....... C.!'W~ IUU II "0,00 'll.lJD "0.00 ~ ~e.OnJJs p.10 Apr 18 .06 08:49a .,...~'''''vvU' ':',oJ&.. r,-, C"C"I.....a.- ,&.Vf..,. .."",... lJ'-'"......... p.11 .... , EXKun A Commencin8 at a point in 1h.e E<l$t IJILC: of the David McNutt Donation Lmd Claim No. 75 in TDMlIhip S~ClLtcm Sotlth, .R.ansc Two Wcsr oftbc WiUllmCttc Meridian, 21.74 t:hainsSouth DftMNortIIeMtClrntltl' ti1cn;of. 8Drj runiling thCDl%Nortb 860 S6' WCII 15.90 -""0 lanIl3li>nncrly 0WIIed by C. A. McMllIlon,Ihenc.Scuth '10.31 dJaiJa '" lb. ..nter of I!lo C<>WI:rY Road. 111.... MOog.._ o~;aid CoUlltY Road Soutb 83 112' Eas17.7SdlaiDs,Nor1l>SS" East 2.02 c.baim, tbooc:.Nonb 17.14 cluIin.. thence East 6.16 chains ta the EAt liD!: fJf said oIl1im. 1heaoe North 2.62 chDirD to the center of A si.ougb. Ib.n... down cenlerofsaid .Iough South 69" w"" 3.10 cilains, Ibeo<e NOJ1h 11.2:5 cbai.'s.l!looc. East 3.50 cIWns, theoceNortb 8.95 cb8ios to lheplaceofbesimin& COnlainiDg 45.96 acre.< ofland. more 0' less. in LaDe Cmmly, Oregon. SubjecI \0 com:oIcd boundary Ijne &@I=JU"I1 &~ the 18" dny of F.bruary, 194h,ul mardcd in Book 367. Page: 204, LaDe Cauoty Oregonll<:cdR..,."...,. Exoopc tbaI pucc! B.ginning aI . SIB" d......., iron. rod O. the Nol1hcrly riRhl-of.way line of'ThW!llon R.oad(County Road.lM4O). at a cIistan(:C of<W26 feet North afapoint in the _liD.tb....,(said iro. rod bcin& 1039.50 r.ctWcstamlI515.3S f<etSouth.r rbe%'>dilrncter iron rod at the Soutbwen oomcrofthe IobaKizer Dooa1iou L&ndCIIlim 1IS2in TDWD>llip 17 Soulh,RmIl<2 W.... WiU_Mcriltilln,andfmm;aidj/B" dWnOler ;'OD rod ., the poim b"iinnir.g run along lbe Nartbcrly rigbl-of-way line of..ul Counly Road, beinB a lino parallel wiIh and '10 feet di....t from, wIlen.-sum!" right IIIgl..10, the ccaltIlinr: of said COUDIY Road. dle filllo~ing 1WO counes: Soulh 8l1' 30' Eas1488.40reer10 a 511" diomelaitonmd; lhmoe North'8" 00' J:ast 17.31 feet Ill. 518ft -diDmclcc iron rodi thcace bvioa: said ript..g(-way l~ run Nvrth ~.83 feet (0 a SIll n cli.amc:(c:r iron rod; Ihcace East 100.00 feet to a 518" ciamctcr itonrod on the West liac oitlm'l parcel ofland dc:scr.it!cd in Book 271 an r~ 117, Lane County, On:gon Deed Records, as same Waf. lint: WBtlll:8labJishcd on the er<nn:I dwiDe: the survey of thi$ 1raCC beinsdcscribcd: thencc.followingsaid Wc:sllin:'lUIlNorth 571.17 feet Ie as/go' diameter iror. rod; thcDC;ei: !.ca\lD1S said. Well line, ru.n Well 600.00 feet to D 5/8" -di.ameter iron rod on lire Ea" lhrtoflbol pm;ef ""'.ribed inBaol< 242, 00 P8llC 115, LoneCOllllly Oregon Deed Record$; aad thcnl."C South 72S.s2 feel aIonilast said East liqe 10 tho podtlt orbotiMiD& In S.tWln 34, said TOWlUhipandKang. in Lane County, OIegOD. Except: Rigbls ofllre publ;c in ..dto lb. part lying in l'IIurston Road alang tho SoUlb line. Also Exeept llla. pa=! Beginning ala poim 1l55.61 reel South and 1039.l0 foot Was, of South West corner of DLC No. 52, nm tbene< South 19. 3D' Eas1 481A~ feet '" the lnJc point ofbeaianin& _.. Nonb 53" 00' East ] 35.30 r....lhen.. Nortb 23.59 !Joet co no Nonb ,igb. of.,ay ofCoUlty Road No. 440. thc:ilIco continue NOJ1hI40.34 feet, thenco East 100.00 feet, thcm;e SouIh 202.U feet to the North right of'tf'l!r1, (hm~ SlJuth 23.591i:c1.o tII. centor Ii.. or Counly Road No. 440 and lb. pnint ofbe8inniIlg, ~n&u.i.nin8 more or less. O.3911iCC"'..s. Apr 1 a 06 08:49a .Wj:'.I."::I"Vvv">J~r'-l r.-......... ........ .QOR1lE~TiI} sommAIll' ,~_ ."'~.l!: . -_:~-"~'. . - ._.~ --..~ .- ~ -. -- . fA ~His .AG~~ P-~'.m~~' <\&..)?~;m!!_~,Ul'.: J>o,bOOD o\NIl4> fl. "~?i.~,,-!,!":i~~~. ~ ~_,..,~,G~" l!.i "J.M\\l''''~ SADIE l'I.#.!cr, hu.b&'n4i.6ll.C> .,~, .... ~~ i.",~'" W.IT1l8SSSfK ~~. P'oir..t 1lAl'!il.h t.ho o""or oR tlo,...r~' deo.or.s.b.<1 "..:i P""'~"~ 00;;.$1.' a"sinnIng m t~. ...~o..... ~,f. t.1\. ~u.~~~~.."""" CoWl~ Koa<l .~ ~~h. ~"<lJI-Tlil!rA~ ~"'ll<i:!lll'> ty. O~<f:!Ig.oQi ~:,1Qg ,,"t. <2p~j; ~ ~...~p 14n!:...Qt....-:QWi. Do-vl<1 llol/tl" \lon.aoloil L4n~ c,,",,~.llQ>. -S_~,;;J\l:D t ..) 111 'l'qomoh1p Sovon.""n (1'1') l!<>..~la-.K~-~ (2) .nt... 'ol:J.l-l.....otto ""Jt1,d1.", 2.1:f' J;... ~,"...I t..hD tiortaw..~ co:m.lii::r or C.Ni .W.l'.l:~p z:. -.'m;.",..~ Uon Lond Cl&1m number 4S ot tlPl> ~~~ l'unn1ng them.e Horth. 391 r.o~a tig "."'Pq;1;lt l~~_'~"'"' 30.69 cbUn. South"or _ 1i."ob!!~IHI~lMl;>"~'.~J4 "oNuU Don. Uan Land c],..1IlI NO. '15 ~".M.d< !l:~1I>\!l and. Rari~f1. 'thene. "'-ea." +'4 ro.&..; tbtul,... $l?u.:~;....~..r.qcl.' to tho .omer or ...;1c\ .~. ""d ~"0!I""..~1I' deGJ"Od" E8$.t along ttM .c.e.ti.~.l' o.t ..t"!t.~ '~~.,?..o eha1.:18 to tholl plece or ,beg1an1nSIlI CDnt.~~ ~~,. 1.0"" or land, 1IIOr8 or 1...3, baing.. part or tho 1J&Y:!a Ne... lIutt 1lo1l&11cn Lon<l Clalot nl.lllllMtr .5 in Sool:''''" 27 Townah1;; 1'1 South ot R4U:lB8 2 l,iest ot ~h. W:l:7..1-."- Meridian.. 1.&1'l1ll COWlty I Stlllt.. or Oregon. . abe b4v1ns; seq,ulre4 t.ltl. tb~1'!.to.bT l?oaY..yaDce {"'rIQa J.. B. Hendrix and Ce~111a Hendr~~. buaban4.and .1r,~, b7 ~.4 ~.ed l'arch 1.::.. 1947" and roll.corded MU'c.h .21" 1:94-1, in. Book ~., liaS. -1JQ..... La.ne CoWlty Oregan n.ecl Reool"cle;J. ~ UUEREAS. Secon~ part i.. are the ~n.~ o~ ~~ ~Gi1- ~w1ng .deacrlbed ~&1 pr~p.rt7. to-.~~: IInd. . . Qo_ne.l.J1g Itt " )>01nt 1n tbe I;ut llDa or the 1iIG".1<! UcNu'tt. Dana..t.1.on Land C.1es. JIo. '16 :I.D lJIolFD.bJp ..?s.,.... Range 'l'Wo IItutC or thtt W-1'1c18A1.~ llIen.-aaa.. IU..71 CIla<.tn. ~u~b ~ th. Kor-tbllMl.t carnol' bho-root and ~ t1lel'lCO North 86. 56'ifea;t. l'i5.~90 -o~III' tQ. l'llI1'iU ro=~r17 """"d br C. J.. NCllaQ..,.. ~.~",,,f!l.i.~l c.h. Ins to tbe collt;..er of Chit eo~.7 HtM~j: tilenft"'AI"Q~ c.1!lIIKer ota-a-:S7cl 1"0_4. Sou'h-~" _,~ '1.,..q,& -GbII.1l_.. .)(0:1"3 59 0..#__. gat. 2.-o-Z chaiDa.. -t:b4~....~~tb- 1:!1'.;,:J;.., a-n.'m... ~no".,e li...~ 6..". 0/>&.1111> t.. '~""'_'i1~1' '1JU:1I, 0'1_.- t-hanoo N$I~,t'b ;!-...o.e 9Aa.1-IjI.' .SO~~'~.q'...n_~~-Qt-- ... ~ Oho".. clo!!Q> ""!!t"'J' of ~". ..lo~~QF4.V ~ lkY~ clualn... t/J..... .fil>rth Ja...25 _ti(jlf~ ~.1lNt; 1I..~ . e~"1-D.. t:~~.. :N<<rt~ 8;r.~b ~~~~, ~l,CJ~'~.p~.... ~ '~ ~nn1"8. "eni:a~ 4lh1l6 "'"1!ll."<>1I"l'IiM';, _. ..... >1ila.. 1i1. Lan.. Co\lr\'t7', Or..gon.... I I p.12 ,. " ,. :,'!i ::~- "~ -:., " , :': ; , -' .;~ ? .~ . ,- ,. 1~ ~- , :.1 .Apr 18 06 08:50a ......."'vv..... ~........... ..... -_. -.- --- - -~- --- :.,~~r,:6~..~~~:,), ..',...'!-,r..... ''''-~~:.'. ,--/. _-...,..~-,3.-.. . ..'. filM t~,,;,,2tlt.i' , S' - .. -Qit. -II.r..c.i1 l'~--f 1.94? ~ ~~QJl1:l part.J.e8 .p,!i tha ~~!~ ~_ "l~ . . _ AF# a~ a.c.t~. H~!I< ~_d. 1nto a 1lo....dA-rT .~,~~. .: m~~lI ,ne....nd1!Jl "o".t; 2~, 1941, in nook ~44, rOllo :~ ~ lllll!l'i~ .O.""'ll!!h QO,e." ROC""d1o; .,.,4. i WIIli~. 1'1r.oJ: 1!~..:1;y 1>&. l>a4 bel' ~roportJ .lU'v.,ad ..ajMl'.g .*:o:..tl!'-1.''t" ot 1.11.:J.!1 -I...., ~. 4,eal;-r1ptlon ot h.8r ..14 P"'>P01"~ 1rl>..".."'''''.......~.I1lt''' !Il144._ndno4 to be U to11.o.", B:U\-m1I. -.-c .'tM: ~:p.~~8t earnel' ot tho Vim. Y. HU.-W -Q,d-C... MR,. lI8 in gct;loD 2"1, Town,Jhlp 1'1 SWl.tlb. .a..ns", ~o .WCI..tl" JIII.ll!"M:_ s-44 p01..ht being in tllO. Q~ 0.-' ~, ~OIlG. 1(0.... "';'2; "~IlC.e. North, a1.P.9S:,"M1e .ctdl~r' or ...Lit N.'d whieb 1. B150 the S.,.~ };4;r)" at tho 1l~"1d ~!l!'r,ct E1.l..C. ~... 1S, ~:?.,..'$ '~e:t.; 1;he~a ...~..8::L, 25' We.at, along th!l'.,UVt,1rtg 1'_1\"" ~;li2 '.0. Lo on 1...." pln; t~~, aoutn i. eitj w...,t,' u.ong "he ~-xIDt1ng t1l:OQA', 771.64 ree.t-. to the contor ot' . alou.ts-"l. tb&~ North '11" 013' Ea.tJltJ' alona ~be een:t.er or ...t.Ai ..l:ll~, ~.'6e ,"oo.t "the ceno.l' or sa1.c1 c~t:a-'t?' Road1 to_nee t10nh aloJl.g tho tctnt.er o~ aa.M Road, 234.00 toet to tbe point or be:t1n- nine. cGnta!nlna ~.~9 acra, in laid Section, Lln. Coun,9.. Oregan. 1..'. .. .trip- or land 20 teet in yJ,dth. aJ,ong the E...t line at the abo"s-deser1bed prapertJ Cor the .a.id Col1:lt! Road. :}." ~~f":' b" ~~~ .' ,. I; ~~. ~" r ~, ~ ~ ~1 '. ~. &' ~ ~: ,;.; l fu f~. '"' 1i ~. K ~' I I, ~. I, (, t: c~~ ~' . ~-;' ~l onA ~~" tbD boundar, 11:le descrlbud in :said ~~_nt recor~eG in Book ~44, pa~o 127 La~ County OreGon"Dedd accord. 18 .Z'r~Ma\U. an4 the partillts hereto aro mutuallJ dcnlrous or ~'1Da the eM" 10 t,lult '411; boundar)' l.lne "1:11 col"roapond .~ t.be', bQunury.'betwaen ae.14 prop$rtitl8 as. loca.to" and d.otor- atned.- by ..&14 aur"eT; NOW 'J.'1.1EllEi'OR!{, In eonalc1eratlo.n ot th, prem18da, it 1. nere:b, anrtUtll-ly undeNtood and B;3rood. '0,. and. b~tw..n tbe ' p~.s o.~eta .. to11o.e: 1. . 1hat. the baundar:f llne bet;.een the ..."pac.lilvo prop- erti.. or the pa-rt1es h.tI.ret.o bo': LDd thel SOle hereby is ruedl ."te.b.it8'he.d. 4e.t.erm1011d..and described as 1'0110'1131; . Sog;1.nn.l.n8 *.t '. point in 'tbB i&8t-.l1nO gt" ttle OIavld J(c'}lutt !knmt1.on LaD4 01a1m No I .,5 111 'l'oomahlp 1'7 $O~~~ Ra~. 2 ft6St. ~.~.. .17.75 f~Q~ "Qrt~ ot $A. ,)l;C1J"t,hw..t OOI'l"l8-r or' tho. "1m.. Y. Y,1111or i).L.;:. 210... 49 j.J:1.sa.id tomllh1p .and ran!!e;, thern.;. Uortb 31~2~' ~..~ a10nB L~e exletlng renee. 2~.62 rB.~ ~ an.1roIJ P,"Il. 1:aenc:e Sou.th lO"~. w"",.t along' the IItxl"-to1D8 r.DC. "-'1.64 :re.~ to tn.., eenUr or II. ato\USh_ .and tb.en~ 1fo:r~b 71."01 East. a.1on~ tne cant or- or ..ld IIloush 2~O .~9 t_t to. the S:a.st .11ne or t'be .....14 pavld "-;cllutt D.L.C.4'1S, aud, po-ba't -Oei.Ag:loGat.a. 234 t...t mouth of t.ho 1I01'tlL- ...~ Dorm'l" or ~bo aa1-11 Wm.' "l. lU.l),fl' Il.t..C.'.. A1:1 1.~ Iou. COunt.Yi Q~oSOn.. 1loWl~1"1 '-VOOIDC11:: - P~8 2. p.13 ;! ,- , f' I 1 ~ 'j I ~ Apr 18 06 08:50a ..I.":tFLVVU "".oJ' rl"J r-~......... &U, u. . _.. __ .__ p.14 ..... ,1.-'t:> . ,. - ,-~.".~.. -Ar~;'::"?:" 7;:....;.."<1..,...1;....... '':''." , '~;;;'~3~ ,~{206 Firat Pa:pt~ her..ltb'y ,gr..o.nt:a.' bQ'ga.-1J1~., 48-~1:""-.i14 conve-Ts unto SCIICOM Par.tlo:\ a.11 PNP~,. b&lo~~,.~.lUlJt in 3G.id Dllvi.d lfeNu'tt Dona tlon Land Cla1m Bo.. '1$ -$ch ., 118 north or 1:ihe north lin., w08t or the "Nt lr-~!, ".. ~u.th ot the: .outh l:1ne or tho baundaJ'7 l1nD h.>>ettMlbo1e described, and the- Socond.'Part.loll hc:-reby gram., l:M.rg,,'ln, :11.,11 -.nd convey \:lAta Flr..,I't. part.y a.ll pro,pM"tJ' b.e1.ong-lna to them 111 ,a1d David J,lc:N:u.tt Donatlan Land Cla.1-m No-. 1S .mi~b. may 110 ..oath o~ tho north. 1ine. ...t or t:he w..t l.lne and. north or the south line or sa14 bounda.,. 1:1ne horalne.bo'" de8crlbed. ' . '1'0 ~IA~ AlID TO HelLO 'tb!l' .aid. I"d:Jpectl". propar- t18~ unto ene re$poc~lvo part10a hereto, tbe~r nol~~ an4 a~31go:J !Drover. IX UXnu:sS \'i:tEMoP, tho. pArtieD have htlC'O\IB-to eet the1r hande tn. d,a.7 and yeal' r1rat abo"l'o .rtt-bon'. !J~ ~1J. /1?e(l.k'...ISSM.1 l' rat Par 7. " ~ .;i. ~.~<W~ " 2"/"~ ~~u- seconl "fart eo.. t&>.\!.) (S,,;,u,) S':'.;,:~U lJi' OW":.OO?4) (SS C.JUliTY OF .tM:r::. , ." ~ Be .U r~uuJmbel'cd l:hat on. this ./4.:; day or Febr~. 19-te, bet'o"," nlO.. a. Nota.ry' PUblic in and ...or ,ald. oount-y Uld ~~otd, porsona~y .ppearea tho wlth1D'~.d AN'NA M. ~cCLAIH and .;":oJrl.J':; ~. i'I.,,\'f'L' a.nd SA:)I"=: Pt..ATT. hua'band end. wlfe. who a.ra Imb-wn. to ... to be t.h. iden.tieal. indi...id\aala 1'\AJD6d' :herein. ani ";10 executed tho o.uove lrult.ruzsont ancl ac:tnowled.s;od. to .. t.i.u,t the:/" Q.x8<:utad t.h~ S.rtmB trosely ftnd volunt.arily tor the USGS 8,nJ. ,)UZ";)OSd9 therein named. '." .~ .i Iii T:.:.$i'U'!U:"'Y ~ail\c.:'U'r', 1 h4V. h.erounto lilt. 187 hand, and u.rl"i.c.1a.l. ~"o.l t..'1ia dGf and. yoar .rlr.t in t!1,l. 111'" ~.rt1r- lea.t~. writt.en. ..,....<o(o..'.l'f'V~ . ~~- , ill. _ ..' _.1, '.... ?,:J~'! ''.Ef'.J'",tc:/- ~"Y'; ",- "L .NOtiary ~lU.1~ for"""'Oripll.. I ~,. ..-. exp.1 j..r""'~'ff.n I :.' i.. . . :1.4i'r.:.. < - ...:...,;;;. " ~ ;:'~l<}~ct~& , J! , ~ -, -. J it ~t ~ ~ ;4 i o:=::: . ." ... '" J. . I . ." 2,' ;. ~ ~f ~ t'.. -:111, }I (] i " !"'! J r.~..; ... . '.. Apr 1806 08:51a .' ~~,---~ _._- ... u._. b-23'~ ~ l ..' -------~~. 8464; !:!!:!!!!. B!!. IASIIQ2ft '!"ho uadH'slsne4. W1ll18l1 B. Platt ,., Oeorn N. P1rt~ .'--"- - _ ~or ad 1D OOft&ld...tloD ot U. J i ! J:tVB IPIDBJ:IlI MI1J nv/J.OOI.ba--__ JMI,JIlMIa~ Of 'the s.... ot _____--Dctu.,.. (..~oo.oo------), -toha ",-.oDl511; norDor-1e bor'_1..DlG'WJ.CI4pCl, 1'f'tUI1. 10 "dI~ CL'\r of Cus-. . IHDlo1J*1 oorpon'&t.1oII, t'Clr \Iw ..... ~. llenotLf. ot' U. ......' ...~er . .1A."~lG ........ hlI:n1a&tMr "Ued. 'be CUT, . pu'Jlo'UIloI. ......... end TlP'-Gt..., owr _ ak1'p I (It laM 22 t.., U rllitll. la, wu:lor. over. upllll ... IGr941i to." buar1e.LA ., f 't..-a'tlo of lA..t 1Doac.rt in~. ~7. "fVWlUlb:1't1 1'7' Boutb "nInO ~ .at: V .. CO\UIt.J' ot LaDoI. 81:&1.. of er.pa. d..:..ribed ill tbe la.i,....a.'\. _peel Ul~. 4Iad ~.ord.ed. OD ]"ruv.-ft't Aorolio lP_. ... ~.. , OD 1l..1 la Book . Oil Pap l81 ..... cwm., t:lrDSOIL D,~ ReoIU"li.. rM I"CJV.h I. bI1 'to.kA br a.1d. liDo Ol' ll.l:le. &01'0,. aUd loG.I .. 'Co ta. .OJlt,~ 1 nth... . peuo1. ot ".. ",",,1 rvcrt. ",..0. oth.. o.~..,.. .1IG4. lid it IlOl" ,parUOllI_ 1arlr 4ollOrth4. _ hllM_' f. .A at.rip of lad. 22 teet; ia wl4tb be1zlB ~t :PVt or that tzwt. ~ .lazlid aeacl'1lHM1 bJ .. Dee4 ncOded. cm.Bae1l1l, ~ JiblbaI"~7OfM). rue CouDty. Oreacm DlteCt :ae~rd8 lIdl1eb .lb. V'lthU U r.. CD oacb aWe d . aa.1ocrllll.a r~ &It eleen1ca1. dilRr1ln1t:l.aa 1:1IIlt .. ~ aa4 ...... - tIlo ........ 1lellla ...... JU1;1eaJarlJ' <<""r1bed .. r..u.o.., ec..ac...... .t. ~ S<<rtIIwo.... o_nar d 'tbe Job E:l&e Dcm&tlca laD4 au. IDIlaber '2, ~ 17 BORt.b, Rage 2 Vu1l. ~ Jlu1cUall, 000I......~......... ""..... lOQ1.9 r_ .... hoe 12llO.3 too' to_.. fteti_ -L 9!)tQ6.li be1q: '\M'tRalI'OJft at' -.u..an.utCI; thea.ce"F ARb 83. 50' Bea't 1271....9 tcfi. to ~. I'tILts.o. "'.1JJ.<fSI6.3; tbac!. Sciut1l n-. ~. BAn 21.1 i"eet t.o -~-u:n atatloll "J.- 1.l2t2O.0. . 8&td ~Sca1. tiatrftl:ut.lua crater11De lMluMde ~ v...u... ua tbe aut 1JatI ~ 1;U ~tora N&l ~n:, ..t ~ ...aa n.t1CID "'I,. 101+13 &e4 "to- U2t1.5 lWapato1'41;r. .'7be ehGmI 4e8alMd. Rr1p 01' 1IIlD4 e<mtaba 0.'3 Mree .".. 01" ~.. &1l. .b :r.z. CaaLtr. 0nlJ<IrL. " IeArtD& 1I8e4 arda 8ft buecl 011 the Wut. 11IllI or t.le 101m DEM' IoDa.ticm. I&Ql1 t:n..a!a lIUlIDv 52 'beariJlts l'o:r1b. ' :.... ..'1. " ...., . .,,";, .~'.":; ':-fl'~'. .-..,; p,15 -. \ . J . .' , f , , I I .~ It !t! .. Apr 18.06 08:52a .J ; .J, 'J ."i!J iJ .' "''21 L.VVUI ~. oJ I... rlO, rCll......... .~,-. Pow... .1.1_ 11&8_"1. 846~ k..'tbllr ..1't.b Cho rllbt. lit ~:. u..... or L~.. U &ad _poe.. tr_ 1.bo I'Llbt.-o:f.._J' b, t.bo co'" _ye..1ont &DlI pr..o'tioal roM.a,AIl!! rol.l.~" .,.....1" tho _tel PI'o.PI..'l7, ull 'ose'ttwr w1ta Ut.o pr._D'" mnd. tu~ar. r18)rt. \0 '0', trim. or M1 all VOw1.na IIIid cltlll! tn.., lD!_ted 011 I.aa4 D'ftl4d ~J \llo 1II11ll1mlped., 8llj&Oea1; ~ 'tibt rl;b1,-eI__" whLJb, :La~_ Jud....III't ~ 'tho Cit.r. oould teiU upon 0%' .,p1Ds1. 'tho 11ne flloOllLU. a. ......lud'tll!" "oaorlblfl1. SitSd ....-ea.. 6JUl rl,pt..(I:r__,. .~l bo r'Gr 'totlo 1'0110111111: plII'po...a .....q. ilia 1I01'".t...l r1p," 1.0 a"t_ em. ortO'. I&ln\ala. replllr. ro-..:11d. ~w l!IaI pa.t.ral onl 01" IIOro ltl.oClvlo JHIW_ l1nc1o 6mI. -."pur'''a1. o1pall1M1I, hol\ld1a.t: \M ~h1;; to ft_" II\IOb JlGl.. &ftll o'tller 11.1\.. ''':raot~. 1I1r-., vabJ.., ... ."QI'_ 1;eDallou all are a.aoftll6r, t~n..\o. ,toptMr ..\,..th u.. pll'_Nn .m t\Run! rl~~ 1:0 ol_r eaU riltrt....cd....7 tDd. k.IP tho .... el.arof hrw.N. "lab.... ~. ~1;Qft. CIDd. tlro teani., pn'VU.tcl UYa1 tire hu&r41 ,MU 110' h 1NMl']tro\od 'W haolUlh p'OW1AIIf orap.. other t.b6a tor.."_. It 15 lIIl4..e1;ood. that to_ .'bOIt, auWl't 'to b. paid 100 tobe Wld....ip"- b7 Ce Cl'tJ do,. aCII' 1aol\l.b tho wlue of '\b '"es. it an,. 'UI&'t; ~ b. ~.d. tr.. ,.. 22 tt. nib .\rip at rlcht-ot...r UlJ./or tr.. laD4a -of tlMi 1tDlI.-.1su4 "~_t <\.0 ..., ...14 IItrip. Tran .ball b. ~ld..l"ed. ..rohaatalllD 1.t. ftell :ellol, to...,. .....11 1'1'0400. . 1... ,...1/e rut: :S.a. 18AB"h aDd MV.. ~U._ur ot eb SlIGh.. .t. t.b. '\011' TIle faU1Da .. tilP'UlI.l "r .erobq\&bl. 1.I'M. rOlHYe. prl.o1' '0 Ol' lbIrlJw OODnruoUo.ll Dr 'the :t1rl~ lruiAd.aalan llae ahL11. 'btI .. rOlla..; ~1. _robamotallle_ 'tnl. l.D.olur11al tlaDpr .rl.. &d..JaCJeJr\ ~ "I rlpt....or...,. ot>&ll. bo _ to..... ol._,.. _'" "I'. 22 tt. r1Pt--a~-w&J''' "'b, CJ:qo, ..... .... 1;0 ...-.J.D...... prepol'1oJ of-.... InlfSl"l"'tid.. I 2'Itf' .t.ulDa- aDd. d.1Ipoul ~ "",,~e 'In... All NqD1.... 1.. u..!t'a1uro. lhall h UD40r I:U ...-kl' oODlU,\1D1U: "'loll aro ourr_' .., U. ,!at O't ~ &D4 .. "t1a.1U4 b7 1nR-.l &Bt'.__;. "''1'1II'" '\Iw ___111.-4 -.4 tta. <<Ii'\".. D.........l. 'h>..". u..1I. ODd ~1'Uft tabaU. It, lnarIMd e.r cnb......-!.. d.1ap.... ~ bJ' .... "01.';1 1.11 .uoh . -.AMJ"' t.bat,-". 111"0...1'4 ,bII11 IN OIlM"'" 'tbl,nbJ. S1. 111 '....h.r uml...1oD06 a.od. IIINH'V.t.. t:t Il'"O...... 01'Olll ar nbllC'~ prQ:iIft, , 1>>0 ....... ~ t.... C1\~ or U.. ....at.e e1't;V"'4~_.aaD 'WOI'k bIB b.. O".1>>-'elI. . . .1:'. :~i~.k:'-, ': :.x..'_~.r ~\:oo04 q4 ap'l. 111M 1:IIlt'.. n~llr-c~~: . . . .'~-;If.\Ot,j.l'",,"''''~. ~ at .'.Qr ~ ...... w....!. . ~.~>>... p.16 I I I \ I I " I i , r i I f. I r I " , :J' , . , ~ .., ..- t Apr 18 06 08:52a . lCJ/ ZUVC L.;;JL Y!"1. rnvLo .~. _~. . __. _n . n - ...~_. ~- ~~ I.1ae .....r.t I , 8464 J" 10 t'Ur1.Mr .,....""04 an4 _crolCl "11I111'" IIC bll1,Ulnp or nl"QU'Mr.. are ~II be, .,.o.t." -. 'tho Jaad. "'...o-rib..... hon.J.D. to Ala AD ta BOlD tho .... _10 "1M GruIt.., i.'\1 o\lDOC'."rD Md uatlDD ror.....: u.d. 'the r1P"t., OQJlcU,'U0D8.... M'ovS.aiGmo or ihb ...--" ot.11 lJ1GM1 \0 '\lie b".fit at IIad. b. DlIl41". u.p_ 'ttr. hein, ..odor.., oUd.aa.o-'\oro, ItV"O""'. 6IIll ...s.pw .C "1II, rolpeG1;1va pu"''''' Mrno. D' IIrrBU3 lIfiEmD.. 1ll.. WI4....1p;td. NV. n;ood.4 thS. 1aIItrwalNl\ :l.:l~ .... <4 i.... .1\A11....1 J' .~~.~ .. 't . .19~ } i I , I t ! I ...... OJ' _ ....... OJ' ...... ... Oil 'tbb dQ' puoollltoll, _w-red. boron ~. WWt. II. P1a:tt George III. P1at;.t 1;0 IHI lDvG Ial .... '\.be buU.vi.4~ "-on"_ t.zI. .. ... IIJl_Q1oe4 ... ..1:tlbIA ... 1or1le01Acr la.-.,.,.n,\. ..ad .ookBow1.Hp4. U.., ~ o1po4 the ...... '\bl""'" rr.. .... w1U11tAn' &at; oed. de_. ~Ol' 't.M \laU .... ,........ tUnota _aU...... Mv" 'IIDllU'1EI' )Dad. ..... Gt'tia!al ._1 tbb Q;t....J _ at ~ o . . ..oQ~~-r' I ~ ....llo ill .. lal" .. ,.b of .. - -r" .,' Rull1l1..1lc .t ,..--- g ;' ~... . J "1 /'(..t;. .' ;j ,. _I".- .;:. '. .~:;~~~~: '~'I . ~ ~. . ,. fJ.i'r:" ')!fj..; ~ -'i~~:"i -;:...~.',..v.<.. ~;~' . _ ~J'~ .~l" " . .~I'!' .. 1~.di~...-. 'i<'~.!f..k,. p.17 ~ \ ( . . . 1 , ! "~ . ~~ Apr 18 06 08:52a .' ..L"SI ~vvu '" . <we... ~.T4 ...--no"".... ~"v. . ........ ...........-. I (} - 'I - ~tI l'4/1C;v, /7 ~~ '-,~ If-I I~ 'l':'r;~'[)4r FDa P[RJ'.AIltNT utLL $ITU "'11 ate. 'z "1t- ~ ALL "01 8053132 8Y lHtSt. PR[SE.JOS. that tit. undcrs1gnRd.. lUckol_ 'att. s.nu. J.. s.... ~..ro" K. Goolh and SICMl Lee Al_ . ,. for. good ~nd QlulI'DlI cansi....'\. the ",U;pt whtreof IS hereby adtno"fledged~ dDes hereb, grant al1tD tile City of SPring- rhle1. . "",nlcipll corpontion, Acting by and thro~b Its SPRIHG'lEU UTILITY aaa-. .ad unto its succrSlon oInd il55i~. the ri9ht to enter upon t_ '.".5 of the undersigned silNbd in the tity of Springfield. Sate of Oregon, Ind ag,re particulAr1" ducrtbeCl. as '011_: , ' ..,laas.nt at. t.ho nocthwe.t CCInIIQ' ot . parWl aI' :uu.d "'ac:d.be4 ... I"eCWded OIl .171J511U u:DDR. ..id nortttwHt C'Ol'ft4U' b.il'l9 21.'7. cNl1a. ....u. .n4 U.!JO c:b..l.. . 1116D 56' II kca .... non,Maac. comer of t.tl. OaYi4 PIC::ItuI:'t DU: '75 b. .....'e - - -... Eaai~. Sout.h 208." ree1: elonq l:tt1J _n IUto 0" dlepu'~l 4ksa1bed CIn :II. &'11./5"'13. u.nc. ZWlI 5 .'P 56' E 208.' ,..t ,ptI&'alld vitJI an&l Z08.7 r..t IUSt.ulC .rz.. CJ>> DUt.b. ]Jao of a. ....1 ."CI'n-t ClB .. "'ll.l51~1'. ~ce " , AoI'u. 208.7 feet. to ttle ftOrth; Ulle 'Of a14 pucrd. u.a..ce .a1Q119 MJ.d MrU Uaa ..... . 8So 55' tI 2OI!i.1f.8t~~ poJftot. 01 ~ ~iRg one .-:&e of 1Uld. __ DC h:N la' x.A. COW\ty. Oft9cm. Ahcu . 30 toot vi. .C'ClII'sa ..ae.ent fn. 66th. St.ne& ....d. IDS!' f'~ W1 ~J.p "scr.u.d .. followsc lItgiJInincJ at: 8 JlDin.t 2D8.1 feet soutll of thai 1tcJrt:he4n. conser of .. part:el of 1..... ~ gQ " 871/5,918 I.CCKJR. wtllc1l. 1lCrtheaat COI"Det' b 21.14 chd... scl4h of tJIe 'ftOrtJMau:t ~ of t:IlIe OI"id ftClluUo UI.C' lIo~ 75 1" T l' S R.i! ,NWII. aad fl"Glll said polAt. of be9iBIWwJ nit!. II eeo 56' . lS.!lo Cbelns rl.Q41'J.. l"eeU mil to . paint aa. 'the vest 11l11e of Ole ~l d.5CZ'ibed on R ''71/51918. thf:lnceo I'Uft nlXtb SO hd. along Mid voac l1ae. tIllUCe I'Cl 51160 56' It 15.!ID ena1flS Cl.D4'il.. l"eetJ ./1 to "... eut lisle of Aid DtC, theftc8I alDfIIJ Hid e.ast line. ruII. lICrth 30 fa.t to CM JOi..nt of Mtinn.i.ng ana ~lD9 thenfWla ~ d'i!M.-.vf_ay of' Marll"tll 66t.f1, 5t.ca.t (~~y JllD_ "0. .32) ltoitllJ . 300 foot vi. at:dp of IalId alaDg tbII life. .... ~ t.be ..n u.n. of aai4 DIlC n5-. D , . n".1m ','-UP A!; JJo1rt of this "9~emetlt th~ Springfield Vt1"ty HllIrd "ill .reserve. the r1gbt to ~lace, c(l.ns.t.ruc~, operale.. repair..lIlIintain, reloc.1.~ ..nd repl.et' tlael'ttn \<<'11($,) jfJr l.he 'Pr-vduchon ';'.PDl4bleo water. chlDrinatlon _and otber ippllrl.eft,.Irt flcilitit5 ncludillg byt ~ 11l1nted t.D. elec.tric. i!lnd wat(lr translDhsh. and 4'h'tribl.tilln n~ and control dcvu:es .nc;l to CCns.tNCt~ rl!~CY1!! and T'eplUI!! fencf!! l~'"1S and trees i: t~ ~xtent net~~slry to construct~ m.intain ind p~t~~ said'line$ ~n' f.~t';ti s It. "'tors M..-.::bJ' agree t1lat they win plllC8 no part of Jny build;n' cent 1 ill!. sanltary sew-er fac!lities within,the abo~e d~~ribc!od UN_ Any penu:.nt s~ 11 ~ () alhe~ t~" ~spha!t1c pavement. c~rbs. sid~lks. and dri~cwa.r iPnDQS ~" be~Jure s ~~~ t~ du'r'~d .re., CtI1y "'tll the eJIP.......d '....n' o~ the S....i."i.ldrl&ll~~ r..ow In ..... tIIo t 15 'he Q~ner 01 Lnr .abelwe descrl bed propertJ' Ind LhQ da drscr1bed here1n .bove_ , her." Slrlftt. t.he "~\ , I J(l--L/J~w. /'J{~ AC"'llIllEDGEMEIlT: 5"'. ar ~ COunty o~ '" ~ < ' Personall.y iJPpeared ",,~,.JJu-.l:.!!.. ~ ~ ' . -4_ ~.t.JII'II_ SlY :lh1t \I~'" 0, ~ f ..' '.. p.18 ,.' , i.-~;:;,,;~~::~; ., .'!_:'..~ .- .~ - .-- ".::-.:."':""" . ;" r.., ~. ,'. .:'';' ~ Apr 18 .06 08:53a ':'~';~::;~.;:~'~.i:.l ~',;':'^- .-' . ,-. <, . .,~-~.,., ,", ..L':I/.t.VVU "..,~ l:"n __. __. . _u ___ p.19 - \ ---............ , . .-"-"'-.---.. ":-'1 , .4 s=- 4:""1 /~~- ~4 LMfD USE ACIIZDII!:n' I'aa. 'IrlLll1Z .-.. ._ IIl,XZSS ..;,;./. 1Y - 811M AU. ... 1I'r TtIa1; JOD5DIS, t.tIn. ~ 1Ia4a:I'.1~. .s.~ plate, a.A4ra 3. --. Dal'nn 1:.. eoooae. end I!:I.. LM Alw. .. l_ . 9DOd eoa val'DabJJI WDIII"r.u... u.. .-1p&. ~ '* "I:cbf ~lal11~. ao- ~ peac. _t.IiI .,.. a.Q' 01 ....... fJ.e14.. . _4._..... ~u.e.. ~UIg tI7 ... ~ 1... ___....D VI'II.Ift'--. aJ'ld ..u tu _~ ..... -l<P-. ~ ..~ '- ..... .... tIM a.... of do. -...- n.,..I aa-'WI Sa a. c&:e:w o:f ~14.- n.u td' onwaa. ........,.t1-.-.; ~_t'.t:I_1 ,. -'- .. so ~ ..w. ~ --.t er- a.i"1:II IftII au.. ~ lDM! r-. ... ... :a-. ~,. ~.. ro.u.o-1 ~ at; . point 171.. J teet. SCI"U. '" tJile nonMuC CII:IIftIC of . paoc.l d l..m4 ~iMd: OQ ."1J'5l'9111 ~ 1IIIJ:i.cb ~ IXIrmU' .. n..'N dleiJUI -.0. of eM' ~ cwnv-.' U. D.vW -=Itl:itt._ DLC lIo.. " 111 n!l uw.' aDll rn. Mid pcd.M. DI ,4_1-,. 8a ~ . arP56" J5..90 Ch..lb& .X.IMT.... .._tt ~l ... loa. 'to . ~c .. a-.".ft u.n.-of u.. ..-el dt::1Icrl.bnl ... MU/$'!II]I, t:--=:. ~ ~ ICI f... dUll M1d war. 1__ ~ SIIlPSi"'S lS.90 cblu. n~06t... ,..t) ~n DZ' 1nF.. t:IIe ... u..ot -..14 aU:.. ~ _1-"1 ...i4.u.: lill8__u.50~" ~~of l:aMJ11l1ft~ and. ftaPtUlg' tbenf%all ~ rlllJht-a,......,. at ....u. 64th Su.d. tii:lMl.t:r ... _. in2J hlilnQ . a tOot ftde .-tr1t,J of 1ua.d8DI u. ... dM.f dlIt.-.t '2.t- at Mid 1IIIC_..,s.. ,-' L.!I . '-.lIlt 1I0H.~' -.I: ~:i: .N ., ,.... r:o.~. ~~.. ~. ~.. ~D.. ..t__.. ~ ...,Iace ~MIiII""'" .;I'OUNl fadl1ti.. n~ 'to openbt and. _intalD _ L ~ ...u. bd.siDg poMIll' UIllI eoI\trDl u.e. ad _tar pi,.U..... to '..... ~ EWPbca r..:-.. ....... ... e:n. ta 1:tae ..~ IMCInSU'1' tD CI:lIl5U'QCt. _trat.dQ. .. pnteet saW lIMa alii r..dUt:1... 10 pen. af An'! bu.Udi,.nlJ. co:at.Gn:1JII) sanit.ao'. (KUlt1es CIII' .. ~ ~ wU1.. . p~ ",.. Ud.e ..-..~. ~ d\ul....t.1~iC' ~. CDl'bS,. sia-lb.. .... dd-. .~. Id.Qar.at. u. __ .. _".of . tbIr ~W vti.lit7 ........ . . ~ ~ped ~. daft ,. I. ibe _ of 't,Mo .....~ ~..., 'tbn '. .~ plI'1IIG"t]' i. fr_ aIId c1..u af Ha\JIIIC~ .ud lieu 01 __~ ~ --rt: .......u OJ! ~ I m ~ ....... tr- ......dgDedI b. .-c. 1U '--I .... .-1 tJt,I.a _?O ,., ~ 7'Y"J,.~----L . BU. .. . . -....; . , '. ...... ." .""" ....-u..._:_ .. d_.Ztl u1mf] ?- (TAN. CQIIDT ar u. J ' ---:--r "" rr --.....:... .... .2.....,.. r.(:;J~r I" ~':;t. .J;r:~::' _. ___.'_ ...~. . aac-v .,.Uc bt ..... f.aw a. suq a( ar~. pa:8Da&l1r .."... ~i,;.O '--....' wfth1.III_ iJ...L...J.....nH....4 f':'. .~..._V...It!...J y~iI'..1t .t.' '~;..:;.~G. Mown at .. to _ t.ba iOenticel pe~__ ,'. deacribl!d. _....,.. IIDII w1IDl~~--.~..- ____. -Lt:W.. ....~ __ .a..--~ .. _ tMt AJ ~ 1:1W__ ":., MIll ~~. _". . ~;\ .....~... .... D ftmas....., :r..........ItD..... ..........ada1.a.a a.dII:F .a.s~~../..' ...... wJ.t.u.." J ..., '. . .............. .... At fI.,. I... IV ,7 u --:-- :.~ ,'" ' ....,. PUUc ilL ar... ...,. ~.-- ....... 'ill' /~~ If''' I ' i .~ .1~~-:-:-..::.;: -~;:~7.~~~. .-i.....;..~..7,;., ,'~..~.:.~~~~:t~ . .t?:~!IIOF.oIC".. .,'..";",,_-' .'.. *" - . -,,' .... .:~..:~J;.:~~~.. .~-;-.... ..~.~..~~:.~ ~~. -- .~.~~....~: --,. . .. .' .. :-:--a ~~_~ J ~';~~. . t:<;{i,+"., ,....;~~\:;..:.; . I' I~> ~.. .. -.... .i. .~'~ I. :'. .,;. ..' ~..~ ",'.:1;''':~,: /, .~.' . ....,! :.,. I .- I , ! .,~:. .,.r~t:::~ Apr 18 06 08:53a .~"i/"'VVO &.;;.;, rrJ rnva.;. ...v, v.c... J. G.A uo""... ........4 p.20 ;. ~~~ ~~ ~:?:~~f' f;~ _-.:~." ..' ----......- -- ,1/ ~i::.. . (% / ;'~~~ Y. ..-._--\~' ./...'~t" . , I ~". . /~ (tV;J~.t:'_d._ './.: \~/ - " . , }~2;~~ ~$4....lUO It lAlle USE M;AEUlDIT FOR '[_00 llfU SHES ~n..,. . SZ3......... lieU sit:. tl ~"".' . ;.:;::...~;..;..., ~'!,-L KN EitlHCi.E 'RESEllTS. that ti.1 ulldert19~. It.idu~l.... Patt:,'"hIllilN .J.s.nM." $hA~Q" lit. Goode ond EXCNI Lee ~1I. . . 1 for. gaod .l'Id wdl,llble cOIIs1.deration; tbll! nc:e1pt wt-Jeoreof 1$. hereby actnowlfdged.. dlln herel:tr g...nt uato thl (it1 0' SllriQ!" 'leU. l ULlniciprral CCltpOrilttOll. ilcting iii,. ... through its SPR;lNGfIUD mun. ... ad t,lnto tu Succe,sors illnd. nSigM. the' right. Ui etlter upon. U1f laJ1d1; of t.bt tmdeniped . sitlMtecf in 'tM (tt:1: "t Sprif\g1'ieTd.. $hU Df Oregon. INS .... Plrl1cvlllrlY.dllUibett .s fDl1GwS.: BeqirulUlf n tbe IIOrtIIe~ cal-pu of . ~1 .t a.t _"Z'iW and ~ on M7:'157U' LCODa. a-aicl po11)t _1"9 Ga tJt., _..~ u- of t1wI DD-dI Mc~t:.t. au: ._. 1S LA fiII~ .~~ n. H dlain. _tt1 of t.M lIOnbe_t c:amw 0' &del DIe, ~... IWlI ~ ,~, .18.' f~ 0111""" tI\o -nJl 11M elf" ~d ~1 'lIeacei.be4 _ R 'nlSl9'1e~ tbMt~ leavill9 saJ.d. nortll .u.r\~ rull. pualld with'tM use. u.~ of Nid Dt.C ~. 150, &crIIth 208.' L~. t.M-nee 'I"Dfl par.U.l wi.t.. _o!. ~1l._"7 f_1t. 4i.taar.. &_ t:1le nOl'~ u.... of the '''1>>1 d..c:r.i}llloll Oft It 671.15'J'1I~ to tile .nt: l.i.zle CJi ..id tILe t75~ E IISO' 56" J: n8..7 teet. thace run Nartb 201.7 fleet aJ,onq w:l.d east line CO Ui. point of J1119ilatiDq. qc.,lt.1ng' t.l\qd't'CIlIo tb_ RJ.gtl.t-I;I~-_Y of ROfth fi&.t:t:. Stnel; CC'CNllty IlNd 1Jo. IlU ......, . 21:1 fOClllC ,,1,* rtrlp at lMci .1G1J9 W ~SE -.1M or U. NSt JJne of u1d. xC iii''''. . . t:~ .,\';.~; ~:~.::':', .... 'DIe laa:d areA CVWIrrll by this ~~~!O js GAIl (1 t .cta 1.r. ~" IIlOR ClI' h.... 1. LaN ~\II'lIC:W'. QftIIIJC'II. 1.Iil:5la8rl llf2Z18:J' R"EC 1~.1(I ~ . "eD~l'~ - ~rt 01' this 19retftr.t tIM! Sprfngnelcl Utf11t,JI !Ia.rd vill reUl'Ve tile right to p1.-=e. tQlt$truC!. CPtn.te. rcp.I'''. ...inUlin. rclaate Ind np..te thenin ""Ub) ~C1r th~ pt'lJductlon of ~tab'e wCler. ~hlc"l"flll"tfGl'f aM CJlller I:ppvrten."t f.tilitil!'S. lnt"lYd,ng ~t ftOt 11.lfrtted to. elec:tric ~l'Id water t..~"salssion and distributhm Hn!'S and contl"Cll dev;As Il'Id tl) construct, n!nlO'Veo atad replace r'l:nc.a'li11a'l' lid trHs to the u.t.ent aeatss..r.)' to c:on,trur:.t, _iflltli. and protec;:t aid'lines ;nd flcilities The Grantors hlIIreIly ilgrt!1!! tll.at they ",nl phr;.e no part of ii1n;Y butlding c:onta'lIfng . sanitary sewer facilities within tt.eo I~~ dnr:.ribed 'rB. AIry pm:IIMtI-t "hvc:Wrt(~) C1~h:!r tmm aSllNlt1t pavelft!nt. curbs, SldPd1\S. sad dri\'twll)' Ipr'Ollswil1 be ,lacld "1tn1n the describe4 aru only wi UI thI!! expT'l!5Sl!!cl tonSerlt of dle Sflrtftgffel~ Util i'tl Boo rd. , ; i XnG'll ii111 .n ttllt 1S lite gwr,er 01 ttle above 4csc:rl bell prvPc:rtJ' end \heJ' do ~eby ir."t th1!- en.ement deRnbed here1ft .aboY'l. -<.L!...o~ ,.J.}. m~ 'io-'" ACQOWLEPGEW'NT: State of Drc,-- , .. ~IoIftLY of L4..... 'j . "'.. Per$Oullx ilPpe,JIrwd 1tJ.I"L..d~r w. DI.H . Mha beiQg duly SIrODl"ft, n.1 thJ.t ~ .' . , ~ .... '~_..... . . n1peoet~"'l!!l}'1 rtf r~~;" ~,~. . '. . i!11r:l \.hilt thl:)' :lIigA~ tlw fango1ng lnUru.llent in behalf or uld ~J!I-".Nt _ ,.and 'hilt the-y aC'Cllowle. ufd in- 5'trl.lment ta toe ihrir vo'unU~and--ae~ . . r ;. " .~. ...... ,.-.... Sub$cdbcd ."nd "lNOnI to befQreo ... till-I ---1L- IU.J' of G~ . t.1!L- Co .:.a. , I /"-:;-~O ;so....~. l~:..~.';.....-.......~".. l /~.,fl,,~.... I ! : _.. : :...,:..,. . ;-\"~.LO;\.< ~'\!~:':'.li~.~;": 7-It-l/ My ccnnBs'on eSl)lre\: Rot.,.,)" PU~ .... !. Apr 18 06 08:54a ...... .' .J.':iT L.,VVO L.; ~~ rL'~ r............... ~y,y. , .1;. . ~ /~.I? ~1~~ t:llOl.I Al..L MEA Elf TH~$E: PAEStIITS. that ihe underS"'l!lN!d. ...ailot.. p&..tt.. . ~rTU'I I. coooa. .nd EJ...... X- AUae." . I fOr. ,God.ar\d ""1U1 ~ib \.he n!U!1pt to:IlertCf 11 heretty UtlnDWleClgeG. dOes. hereby gr.m. ImU the-t1\)' Gi.","'~" - ," field. I !U'1;cipa1 cCI1lClratiDII, 1C1ing b,. and ttn-augh ib ~PI)l1GnUD UUUTY BOARD. -- untp iu 5UCceUOrs and 1l5iiigAl-, \he right to eAt1:r YpOn ~ lARds 1If tho lIftdl!rsllp'. situ..Ctd in t.he C; t.1 of Springfield. seatlt of Oregoa. and e:>re p&rt'icu1Irl.1 Rscr1bed .... follCMG: . . 'I .r Ulao USE: /.GRECttt:Rl FOR PrIl1alu:rn ':ELL SITES ""'v1ft!\1m4J u the nM"tlllllnt. CIOJ:M!" of . p&l'Cd. or "WI4 desc:t:tt-d ..dI reClGrn1" ClIII"1Il t,711519a- tcODI\, u.id ~R'carnu "inq 21.7" elwu.. NUtla.aA U.t!J.=-iM II'" 56' W '~'~_" :tuntMAt. ear1tN' of 'tM Da'IU t'dhr.t.~ DLC' 175 ~ .Iid Nl' ~ncal Saleh 20,.7 .!~'.lon9 ~ __I. li....i 01" e... ~ CII'" 67.1157918. chuec,... . Ii IlfiCt '" ~ ;t"08.1' feet pv.-ll.:l. wLdI.nd 208.1 (_I. .dI1atam:.l'J'OI ttae' urt!l. 1iM 'IIf t:lul ~r d~.1.bell on R 6'1/:li'1U8. ltbllto_ ' . .IiIortb ;101.7 'at. to ~ lIOl'tJ1 ;U.ae of saU percel, tII_ce etoat ...14 rID",,- 1m ftII. . ,,0 5C!i'. . 'OI.':f<<tt.o~ ~nc. ""~1.Anb9 GCaWbin9 _ ~ of 1--' _If_ 00; 1.- La . taM: COol~. ClrWtDn, .' . I r USOl ... JO toot wide .:ceu ......-nt fl'CQl: 66tb St....t -n 1050 f-c. a/1 putialJ,ady ,*-=1.bod as fCIl1_1 . ~ld.eg d . polAt: 208," feet .oath of the nortJi,...t CGrftft' of . ~l of 1ADO .,.~ .. Il. 1i7lr.;"~UI!l ~ Iolbicb _rdM..t: c.rRCl.. UI :11_')4 ........~ _tt> of ..he Dan""" aora.r 'Or ~ David He....tt vu: .0. 1':5 111 't11 S U tIIIM, .aDd lna s.W p:dAt; cd Mgbn1", ... . _0 56.' v 15._ a.1.ns n.tJU.4 fat) ./1 tu . point on 'tile _lit HAil of tba Jll.ft8l .....1ibC'd 011 Jl; 6"1($"1&. 'thenw nJn ""tJI.)D .hid alCM'I.IJ 'aU .-t: 21... ~ nil S 860 56' E 1$.5Kl e1laJ.ns (1.84'.4 fOot] .n. bI UIe ....t UriC! of ..ld 01.0:. t.heace alO1lllJ S&.iJ5 eu.t lUI!. .tun IlOnb )0 fftot. to the JIOint of bIIIlf1Dni.nlv Uld exceptiJff tMntna ue rLtht-oI........,. DE North 66tb' Su-t 40wft,ty' ~ No. 4~1 JIltiIl9 . 2D faatc vlI1e .u.... of 1._ ..1089 Itbe _~ sJ.t:l.e or the: eni liJul a.f .u4!JU: .,5. ~. ~ f :I.b15AIIU l:'/~f~ ~t h.\le 14I~!Iiln "; part of thi'S ..crrt....t the S~ring1'~eld Ut1Hty loard ....111 "S~ tnI' r;gb1: to rQ4C!; ~on5tru'l. operate. reaalr. malntbi~, r~loe.te .~d rep'~e ther~in wel1(5) inr" ... !" prllduct Ctn ~r, pot,ble water. r;hlonnaUcm and lDt.heor appu.rt~nt fac:il 1t1es Cln~l~~~~~o~;r~~e~l~~te~ t.o. t~t'C1~ic and wat~~ tnnsrn'ls.sion on4 dhtribt.tt1an 1i,,;s to the t cons rue ,. rmDlfte an.d 1'"e.p'~Cl! f"~ees hW'ftS -Mid trft'J 1~ C. ~x ent nu:es"..r.Y to COQstrlli;:t, ,1:II1ntJIifl oaDd protec:t s.fd.Hnes;"" ,..dUties. :~~;~i~~e~~~f 1 ~~~: ~~~1~h~~e ~~~l ::c~~~:T~r:~ a1n~~~":~~::~~ret:} wi. IISpN.t c: pava:znt, c~TbS.. s\dewalts..and drtv~j' aprons ""ill be lieN ~:~~ tb@ de$~r'bed arra o'l1, ~1th,thr expre~sed consent ~, the Springfield :till~ f.notol ..n cell tNt 1 $ the o~.;n~r of Lhe above dc:scriberJ ~perty and t.heo,y do tlerel:ly gnnt the cuenent. oescribed herei... ~bl)Ve. .A/~A. ~ AC:t::I:O"L[O!i(MrRT" StatiP of 0,...",1_ ;0; ~ '- . [ounty of ~". Per5oDnlllll, ilppe~r2d al,,.L ~.J&f iH ~ fJ -. fI'T't"' ~.. -...,,_ reSPf!'tt.ivpl,y. ~f ~,;;~~~ '. . i1nd Utt thty slqlled "the ,-tQlt"t9D.i1l ....-.'..... ,nS1"rI.l!;1tnL 1n ~hiI1f Gf 5.,d ~L~dt:---, ,nd ttl"t tt-oe'y O(.lmowlrd~ ~~ f I"J ..~. strum:ot to be tNnr volllnU,-y-.lu flInd Cf,ted5. i:- _.. ct~ ;&''\:'''''t:. l da}' of ~_!.,-. n~".. ~J.Oi~l~ ,.~....."':.6~> , looilu being dPly :5.",:om. $',)' that ~ :Suburl btd end S~Tn to befol"-r R ttlis 11 ?-Ir--tl 1'1-' c.ot.l'!l'505.iDl'l e""'fI'\res: ~"\ .'~ c:/l _I) ary Public _ -'""'-_._-'~.' --""" ---.-- p.21 ... .~-~.~"......~"~. .., .a:.\od. -;.~.t. .~:?,.-~~< ~~~:~'1<" ..'. 't.\ ~... . 1" \ ~\'\~ t .~ .... f"~ ),. " " o. . .' 0~~~.:;:: ~::;:./.;., t17)~~-""-~>.' ; 1 k!f;j:J\t~'j.l;': .,,,.' ..' . I.: Apr 18 06 08:54a .:~ :-'" I i , ~ , ! Q';-" ~ ", .f.J..~;~Or .: ...:~ ~/~~/LVVO G.v~ / .;;~'\..::-. .'4~-/ / fl.' . . . .;.c' r~"'.... w~,v. 1"'"1"1 , .> , '. "',,'., ,'. . JUlI U ~ - . _12.Sf/( I~ 9JO ~-._--.-: .'- -1. . oJ '- t~:...j'=:-- ,- . . " r.: " 7/"'..,. '/ I ~ t C Y::.DRA JEAN SARlI( (AKA) ~ oirt4 ELENA Lf[ GOODE- B3~lSO 17-G2-34-12 400 B.Mc.a.:w .vm BAtoE CQ;D SAIIDRA JW ~LEJ(. SIIAROff k. Gl'XIDE. 1J000lAS WltllAlil Ilt.A7'T... beclt1n.aft.l!(' e.ll_1II. C:R.AH1'oRbJ. c:onvey to LA.N:E: COULTl'~ .to poljtic4.l SUb- C:ivi.$iOD of thll:!: State of Or~oJ1. .aeuiDafhc C:41Uri GRArl1'!:E. all Hat. cell property si~~lJted in L.anC! COUllt)". Sut. af Oregon, ascrJbed ..: A p.rcel of l.n4 lyinq In t~ Southeast OQ.-~rter of tbe SO~tbea~t one-quwrter (SE 114. ~E ~/C> at~.~-_.~ ~aG~i8 1~ ~.RL:I)l;i" 2 t.!es:t of tb~ tl:i.11ameu,e Wernli.n. LaM CUIUlt.)'.. grecj~ JIIf!IIIIIIII!I.,.. l"""'oio E!",;i -"f that: t..r::~t of land conveyed tD SUDRA .J!:AIt SAlrit.i""E. SfIlROH "A"L GOODE, NXCF.OLU WILLL\H lIL1l.1"1'. .ad ELENA UC AtBA by, U..t eer'::.ai.D deed n:cordecJ Dllce:lDber 11. 1:173 OR .Reel 671.. Q'Colde~'a ~~c~ptJcn ~r 7357'1'. LANE COUNTY aBEGOI DEED aEeDRDS: incladed i~ 01 nrip- of ~.nd va.r.iilhl. t'..t in, vi12u ~Y1nq "..rj~.. teet on t:Jae Hut dEle oJ: tb.e cent-t!rline of 66th Streelt Ho. {CO ad 80 <<3D alUvey .. SAid %04d b~:il be-en r_,survfeyed ia IJ82~ e;he C'ea't.ed.J,a.e alld widths :LR fec~ be.iDs de5Crlb.o &8 fol1OWD; a_gin.nil\<1 at !nvincero' <;cat.ulin. Sut:1oft J,6+Sa.OD POt'.. said station b~1ng 43.3. teet Soutb .lad 1.0' t~et West of th. )/4 incb irOn rod J:Isrkinoq t!::~ O'Jocl::hwe3t c;urllez"o:r the !in. 1'.. BIt.U:R DCIH.\'1'IOH LAHD CI.A.UI NO. U in Section .2'.. rown.!hip 17 Soatb. Bal:lga 2. lIest.. Willalllettc: HeClc:i.tan. run thence SOI.rth ,I- 2/i' ,sll- "est. 250.0 fHt. to EI1'!JlIlUU' Ce.aterline SQtioli l!<toClo.OO POT, lltad tbe;u ending. all i.n t.eal\e Cotmty. 0.1: ligon. . - Thill wiiittls in fo.t; of t;hc- :o~cip of land cefencd tQ. are .a5 .tGlIOMa; I I j , ! STJl.'!'TnN "" ~"'''''''r..", 1IlDT8 OH WESt'ERl.l' sn. nJI" rn nul' 1&+5~LllCl .POT 17+40.CID P02' 20 ft ta~ri~g on a stn.i9bt line to 3.5 tt:. -. 17+20.00 EOT 17..sO'~ DO PO:r JS it uperUuJ on a s'tnigAt JiJa. t.o 30 n~ l'1."G~DII l'O'J' lh7(1.00. POt' )0 ft_ .U+71).OCl PO, U'1'(io.oa POor- 3D ft tOlPcCLnlJ;oo II. a.r.....igbt .lUe 1.0 2~ .It.. ~ The V~sterly ltne ot the abov~ d..crib8d .trip of 1.n. erc~eG Grantoe". NoC'tIl.etly aDd E"llIS-;edI property l:iMs opposite appcoz1cate EngJ.A4!eu. CentcJ:lllll1! StUiGfta 8'(10 POT an4 19+00 POT.. .re.speet.hl'e..ly. " -PAgl!I 1 DI06-Jl. BNtG41l1 AnD 5&1; DEm 65TH S"rIll:n NO. .ROAD (Cg ReI ..1.0 432 17-03-3__12 4Q~ '"''\ ._IIED FO:'I RS:OnoING I ~"'f-.2P-. .,<, . . ..~ ,'- ... ~h_ .. ~ ~. , ~. <='. .-....... , .~:.-'."'.:_. ..,o., , :,; ;~~/ . ~ '. 'I .-.-t .;.. ":;-:~ ,,' . ....... -...- ._;.-:., .. ..' ~~:~/, .. :.:. ,. ~ . " , ....,: '., . , '.' .... ..., '-~-. " ..... :::.j;..;'. .,.. '-..;: ... ,~. -,: i.. .... ~;,.... ., . .'~ . ,~- , .. --.~ >- .. .... '.-r; , -'. - ..: '0"-.,:':.",:... ny.:..'._.:..,_... "'_." .... ....'. _,'.,.;......... i J " .', ..- ; i I I r ,,". -":\.'! p.22 ....;.. , .' '..:~S.::>:<~:~t:; . ....;::,~;.;~;,)~~4.!.:;: .:. ,.- / --, '^ ~""'. :~~)i:: :.;:}:.~_~~}y~ ':~..:f:',~;.~~~).::~:.i-?-, - -'".... -!\pr 18 96 08:55a ..1.<:f/LVVO L. .......1".... ;.J<l.. I"TI rC'1oUA.. / .~.r ;-:--. .,ilov.. 'J' ...... ~.....- ". ',,- ". ~r" ...-./. .- , . c. 11.5' R ..I~U~~..::.':': - ._:.r .~~ .~~~L s:JZ":1.90 'Tbe' puC'd of Und. t.o "bich. t.hi~ dei!lcE'ipdOD. .ppl ic::;; conta.lns ~.02 .rc~, ZIoQU Dr loss. e-xclusi.,e of e.1st:inlJ dC)'bts (If Vay4 The 'bl!aring:l Ilser:) hc[e.i... ~n baSl!c ..iPOD. TrUll De.arin-gs. ~b@ tIDe ar~ actual oonsideratioD for this tc&~Stcr i&: ; l " to;A ~~J~ JA'-.A;d.~ '^~-, c?' 2.- ~ . D.,.ED tb,......6z( c14y Df:"" ./. 100 I ft;L.P.. ".J 91.JJ 'l"L...,..... if 4'd... 1 '!~.~: ;.~~,,~~ I-" ~ '..d..- ~ $- '" srJrr~ OF OJlEC.ON ) .' . .1..... Count)' of LaM l D1I ~......?, .2 ~ . 1..t;3' pt~:lIVZllal.1J .a.pp..nd tbe ,aboVe-a.amed . #-,f....... ~ &/~ /7" . ( ~. J J :,/ I j I 1 ! . iastnuulOt. t.o 1M A~,. . 'W1tl....ury /J 1(1-: /(J 4~'O';,' ~&:;.~",-...~... ...-..: ~'$ '" '/~l :,,\sn"".#V Hotary Pu:blic fOE: O.l:t9~~. d \ ~ . iiI ... _.:.~ i My Conll:i.5sion J::.Pi~L~,~:;rr \.'It..J~...~. .-:;;.~. -.....~.:.,;.'.- .IInd acknwledlJed th4 'foregoinljl ac;t. befoxe Dth ~ --~_.. . .,~ .' I I DA]I:;ADI UD SAtoZ DEED Un: .smE:~T 80.. JlIQMt leo n-02-34-...l2 .GO - ., . , i'ilge Z D106-n ~ Ull1o,D~ I j ~ I ~:~~~1;\~'f;~~t~f}~i~~.;~'fJ,),:: .:~~t......~~.:~. :::~~,,;,!,",.~~Q\;t;":i ~- .=~. <. ,:..,) . '';":. ...:,' . :--:r:~~'-:~:::,,": .'::::':'2: ,-~:,~~~~t(~~:~~~l~~::;~~:~~~;:~ct~':f:.'.~~ "~'~~Y;'~-~~'~~j"1!'6B~~~~/:{/~ p.23 i. ,'. "~"'. . . . l';;~;{,';,,;;e: . ! r~~';;"~";'}:;i~',~?":,:,: :':.' .; i "-..... I I ! I , i. .r.; . . . r'f~J~}!~;;tr'r .. :,'.-:' ;. ,. Apr 18.06 08:56a .fJ..':J./.GVVO G..J~ .1'""1"1 rr"i.~~ ~~'.. xh '7- ;) 3q - (::.;). JUL 10 lS8915j.J.Ri .. - -- -. ._.- ~. /// '? ,~ S9~~87S SPRlfiuFltLD urJLJTJ IOADD RIGKT-01-lfIIAT WEftENt K~OIo'" ALL MEIf BY THtSE PUSEIfT5, that U. und.r".l.,..d, '1/lI"kc;lu PitS! (~r . ,ood &Itd nl\1.ble eol1s!d.r...t loa. ebe ~cc lPt vbecca( " lIer.~ .Jtkaowl~d.".. dIJ~ bet"4!b", "<Mt IUIt., t"~ City of S9rl~flt'J4. .31 .."leip.l l:Of"POUtjQI:J, ;JeIJ"" "'" _CJ r"'ro\llJ.b its SP.,JN:J'Ul0 VIlLIn SOAlD. and _nto i.t. lIllC!ceaSlJU "'nlll &5'5'.". the datlt tu cnter upoa lilt' IaDCI.. of the u~~si'ned lit~t~~ in the City of $printrield, State of ~e&Dn, ",nd .or. p.rticcU.&dT d.ucrlbed .u Co1l0loft: ,o.~....-, noel lI.n-by ....nt 8111 euea"c be.Jnn1"" at the IUlltllwut pfOlll'fly eor~er. theace &&at 150 feet. theDe. ~ortft ..ven (7) f.et. thtftee Vellt JSa f..t. th~c SG.th ~,,~.. (7) Ceet tD t~ paiat of bt-l.inn.i.1II at "set i'bed ,t&ptl'ty: 1If.. t7 OZ ,. 1.2 Pu,=eJ ..00. .also drscr{f)elll .as raailliQl: property c~"lOiq .t II point in tha c..a't Hille of the o..'f'jd !'tcrtatt. DLe lfo 75 in !vii 11 s. R 2 ~ of tile .... 21. 14 c:.hain. Sollth. e>>f the JlE eorRu tn.rlll:. lOCI rlUUlill&, t'tw_ MIllo 41111'<< 56'" H.90 chiDa tlJl laDds fOnlcl"l)' awaed b7" c . JIdf./l.C1a. tbetlC. Sovtll 4(1..,)' ~ujlls. Ill' th c~"t~r -of t.... Cowlly loa4. It.enee- allHl, clI:nter of ..it Coaa!:y IlDad $1311: det:rn E 1~T5 cui... 1158 d<ral"ce r 2.02 eltai... CIwDc:. J_tb 17.1' cbins, thel1C1C !~1 '.76 e'.ina e.-lb. t..t liD. or ..id cl.i.. tbnc:e . Nll'rth 2~'2 cb.i~ to the center of ~ ,L~~.. taeace dawn center of saJd .Iauch 56' derr!e W 3.10 c'-in.. t'~ North 11.25 cb&.i.u, tlM.Dce tout 3.5D cbaiu. tbltllce !forth 8.95 chaim to the POI. in LaM ea.nt,.. Greco. \ AOd to pl.ce. ca~.'t~ct. ~.er.t.. repair. Gatar.in. reloc.te. and r.place tberei. aD andoH".ro...nd1 8t.c:tric dhtribu.tiall 11_. i.nt:'JlICIina va.U., tr.,..forllel's &lid atbH' ..ft....,., t.cijj~i~, to r~e And re91ICe feQC~. aDd lawns ta ~he e~ttnt mec~~..rT to co..trace, ea~f1t.ab. .ad ,rDte-et .....u lla... No ,art of ..,. lluiJdimc 01" ~~e.t Itru.eeWA- _ilJ be ,l.cd l,1POIl thi. eUaIl!.!., other tlwt a.,lIaltic p~nnu. curbs. sidwalb. old k1..,.,. -..... ThI! IIndersi&1led COftnAllU that: be i. tile IN",er of the aIlo". dnc:rih. .-..-n,. aM that NI:!:l prop.rt, il fr_ UlA~lliU of ~C-'''''''C'I _lid lie...; of lIhuoner c:.baracl.C"r u~ep1:: /!bJ. IJ~ A) ;.;('..1:1 ~.,Q~ IOJ'ipt . D..C. STilTE U 0..,.. J J Collat, of J IZ n ~AIWI. TlMt OD ebb .L.!l...... day or ~ J.. y . undena...,ecI. ... Mot...,. PaWic iD alia flllC ..i-d Coo-a!.)'" liArS State. lIjitllila~ !2I!JIIL.1l)'89f1fJH1: !Z5."1I..~ll1'Il9NOJ:PFb1) ,... 100dO u. . ",.., . t1-r'on~. &.tie peIl'lGJI.UY..".....nlta N/~HD"'''''S ..,. "i'.I."'T kI'llN!l to ce ta be the identical Udi"icluj(.~ desc:rl~ in..... "'- "tcUt.. Ul:. _Itllt. lc.ltr~nt 1114 .dulowl.daect to _ tht tle/alM/tIt.)" uaculcd tbc ,... frnl, ... Y1l1llllrarU.,. [N TES'111101T WHlflIiO'. J IN.,,.. hue_to .et .,. lugcl ..4 dfbcd IIJ' o'ficial . "~""&a.1C alloge ..rUten. . ~ /1/_ ~-~.~~ ~~ ~"'\.rjT"'...,.;.;.:.~\~. .NIlI. ry hbHc lor OUllOll ,,-~~ . r. t . ....~ i i M'l' CO_~..""' ..,ir": ~D-9L ...(....t'C.. :- ...... ~. ft.} :.....z.,,'........... I the 4Q' .uad I .... , . . o. p.24 " I I ,.' ~:.:.:.:;?.-:j-~'-.,:.~.;:.. :-:.;.~!: .. ..'- j.~.;:;<",~~~. , - ." to .; ~ r.... ;. .'.--;....."... .'l.. ."'d ;..:- tpr 18.06 08:56a , 'fC'i/ ~. r411; /I:(f.~ ~-f j 7367fl.{ ->AI1.nl_ ~v<pa-. ~"h_S~tf~ (Jtff);/eh~ kJ'" ~/h. C-/~Laz (~.b-.t ~7P5 1f,Q.... ,k.. ~ J;I;/- It;~ ;;:;: "t /I'Y>~~ v 2"w~l Wv.~ ~. ~;.::.,.. J.~ IptI,/~V4k IlIk. E/~ Lp- . . p.25 /5,..1 /'Yb '( v.';z7" >- ~y1? ?npoi ;rJ'J-i8 9--t dP-$-J/)~ ti1- ~~_ p--1J'1-/f:Uy' -I. ~ v..lf> .p--i t..l'.l~-C)y'I~ ~( ;.l-J.J,-"}~- i>~t~e. Hp.!?v e.-. '1 tf.J.? /7f Apr 18 06 08:56a . First American "~.~ ~. rg:-- -'"1'-' Tim Verkler Re{Max Integrity 4710 Village Plaza Loop Suite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 Re: Property: 958 North 66th Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Seller: Nicholas Platt and Cheryl Platt Buyer: Deven Martin and Patricia Martin ENCLOSED please find the following for your records: . Preliminary Title Report . p.26 . F/ISI American rdle rnstui1t1<< C!1mpanyofOregon 600 Counl1y Oub Road Eugene, OR 97~01 Phn - (S~1)484-2900 Fax - (S41)~8~-7.121 April 13, 2006 File No.: 7191-802094 [mmm) Should you have any questions or need further ossistance, please contact the undersigned. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon TIil-Lisa Wilt, Assistant for Mendie Mayfield, Escrow Officer Apr 18 06 08:57a . . p.27 ~ 'I. __" (: II, .~ ..... First American Fir.st AmenCi1n rd:Je IllSIJI'iInce CompBny of OregDll 600 Country Oub Road Eugene/OR 97401 Phrl- (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 Order No.: 7191-802094 April 13, 2005 FOR OUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR CLOSING. PLEASE CONTACT: MENDIE MAYFIELD, Escrow OffICer/Closer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)48+7321 - Email:mmmayfield@firstam.com . First American Tille Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road, Eugene, OR 97401 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PREUMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT: Robert Gordon, Title Officer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)48+7321- Email: nngordon@firstam.com Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage AlTA Owners Extended Coverage ALTA lenders Standard Coverage ALTA Lenders Extended Coverage Endorsement 9, 116 &. 6.1 Govt Service Charge Other Liability $ 419,000.00 Premium $ UabUlty $ Premium $ Uablllty $ Premium $ UablUty $ TOO Premium S Premium $ 1,168.00 Cost $ Cost $ TeD 100.00 50.00 We are prepared to issue Title Insurance Policy or PoliCies in the form and amount shown above, insuring title to the following described land: The land referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. and as of March 30, 2006 at 8:00 a.m., title vested in: Nicholas William Platt and Cheryl J. Platt, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, as to Parcel One; Nicholas William Platt, as to Parcel Two ! Subject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stipulations which are ordinarily pait of such Policy form and the following: 1. The assessment roll and the tax roll disclose that the within described premises were specially zoned or classified for Farm use. If the land has become or becomes discualified for such use under the statute, an additional tax or penalty may be imposed. I 2, The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. I This report is for tile exclusive use of tile parties herein shown and Is prelimlna'Y Jthe ~u.nce of a title insurance policy and shall become void unless a policy is issued, arid the fulllpremll.ln paid. Apr 18 06 08:57a . . p.28 . . Preliminary Report Order No.: 7191-80ZD94 Page 2 of4 3. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grantor(Trustor: Nicholas Wffliam Platt, married and Cheryl J Platt, married Grantee/Beneficiary: Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation Trustee: Fidelity National Title Amount: $85,000.00 Recorded: February 07, 2003 Recording Information: 2003-011373 (Parcel One) 4. Right title and interest, if any of Sandra Jean Zmolek, Sharon Kay Rodgers and Nicholas William Platt and Elena Lee Alba, grantees in deed from Nicholas William Platt, et. al. recorded September 13, 2005, Reception No. 2005-072053. (Said deed would appear to include more property than was intended., However, it was executed by one of the vestees of the subject premises.) - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE: We find no judgments or United States Internal Revenue liens against Patricia Martin NOTE: Examination of the records discloses matters pending against persons with names simHar to Deven Martin. A statement of Identity should be completed and returned to this company for consideration orior to c1osina. NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2005 PAlD IN FULL Tax Amount: $1,159.22 Map No.: 1702270002001 Property ID: 1227733 Tax COde No.: 01901 NOTE: Taxes for the year 2005-2005 PAlD IN FULL Tax Amount: $3.76 Map No.: 1702270002000 Property ID: 1171717 Tax Code No.: 01901 Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll: 958 North 66th Street, Springfield, OR 97478 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I cc: Deven Martin and Patricia Martin I cc: Nicholas Platt and Cheryl Platt I cc: 11m Verkler, Re/Max Integrity 4710 Village Plaza Loop Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97401 First AmerIcan Title Apr 18 06 08:57a . . . p.29 Preliminary Report Order No.: 7191-802094 page 3 cf4 .,.'1 A"'''''l ~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92) TIle fulcr....1n!I matters are expressty lI!Xdu~ flan the COYer.ilgl! (If th~ poky and the Company wi. new: pay lcs.!l Of di:Huge, tosti, attorneys' fets (If expenses l'ItIk:h Mise by re~51CIn of: 1. (aj ArT'J law, crdk'lance or 9"o-emmenlal ~atioo (i1cludi1g but not Iiml~ 10 bull::tlng and ~ laws, ordlnance:s, or regulations) restrl~, regulattlg, ~hlbltlnll cr relatlng to {I} the oca..paocy, use; or enjovmetlt of tbe Illrld; (D) tile <:lIar2cter, dimensions or Iocatlon of any ~l'OlIernerrt new C-f h~fter er<<tEd 011 the land; (ili) a stparatbn In ownership or a cr.ilflge, in tile dimensions Ol" area of the land or any j:-arcel r::Il'otllct1 ~ land Is 01" was it part; or (Iv) ~\'Ironrnen,",r IJl(rtecttln, or the etrec:t 0( any .,ioatlcn d II'1ese laws, ordltlar1l:6 or QO'o'emmental regubl:lon5, e)([ept t::l ~ elCll!nt that a oOOce ot the enfocemenl thl!reof or a rJOticIe of a defect,. lien cr enc:ull'llnnce resulting from a vlOlallon or alleged vIOlatIOn arredltlg the land tes been re:aded In the pU:J11C ru:ords at [late of Poley; (0) Any ~tal polke potier not ecCluded by (a) above, tl<Oept 10 the exterll:: tfIjt a notke of tile exerd~ jaereof or. rlIltlc;:e cf it dtftd.. :Ien or mlCIJ"Ill:Tllnt2 re.sulUrg '."Om iI v:olatlcn cr alleged Y101atlonaltecLng the land has been reoorded llllhe po.d)lc reconjs a: Date otPdI:;y. 2. R1g~ of ~bent dcmatl unless not:Sce of the exE!J'C$e th!reof lias been recorded In 'fIe p.1l1c reoor<fs ilt Dare of Fclicv, but: noe exdt.rJh9 frorn ~e any tatlnlJ vmldl hilS 0CClIlTed pnor to Date of Po-'Cy whict1 would be blncl!og on the r1ght$ of a ;)LJI1:tlaser for value withcJut krr:lWledge, 3. Ddects, liens, eno..lrTbranoes, adllel"Se cia ms, or other ffialtters; (a) aealec, :;~ffenld, assumed oralJee<l to b~ the Insured claimant; (I::~ not: kncwm to 1he Qlmpany, not rerorded In the p;Jblk: records lit Date t% PolICy, blJt k'lawn to !he In5uloed clalmiJl'll and nOt ,b:losed In writlr.g to the Company by the InSl,red dalmant pi~or 10 the date ttle insured dalmant be<:ame ar1 In${red under this poley; (c.) resulting In no loss or d;lr.\i)QC tel the Insured cbl.lIant; (d) llttJd'.ing Of creilte:l sl.4lsequent to Da~e (If Poley (except to the el<tenI: ~ this policy lr.su~ If1e priority of the lien of the klsured mortGage OVI!f any statulDry lien for 5el"YICes, labor or material cr the extent insurilr1C.'e Is afftroed herein !IS to aS5e$$rnen15 far street l~vemMts under ctInstruafon or corrpemcl ill date at poIQ),Of (e) resLLllilg rn loss or damage which wwlj not teve been sustJhed If the mred tli!.mam: I1ad paid value fur the lrlsured 1RJrtgage, 4, UnenfOo"OOlbility of the lien of the Insured IMrtg!!l;Je beau5e of the nllblllty Of' failure of the Insured ii' Date of Policy, Of thl! inability or falurt of Inf 51Jbsup.Jent owner Of the inCletltedness. toCOlqily 1II1th theapplkable -clofng buslne5S~ laws ofttE state In wI'kh the:/arrj is situated. 5. ItWddIty (;Ir u~nfClfCel/lbillty of the ten of the Inslnd rmrtgllge, or dalm thereof, wltKh arises out of the transaCUCn evIl11!;nced bv thl! InsUl1!d m~ge n:lls biIsed lJpol\ U$Ury or any consumer credit pltlted:foo Ol'" truUlln IerJclng Jaw. 6. Any staIl.;tol)' lien for services, I<EIor or miateJ1al~ (or till! claim of prlority rZ any statutory len for servICeS, llOot or materlills over the lien of U".e t1sured mortgage) arlslng from an lmorcvement or wort n'!latf!d to me land whIdJls :::ontracted for ardccmrnen:ed sut&equmtto Dllb! of PoI:qand Is not finar,<<d in YhlIl!Qrln PIIrt: by procee:ls ~ t,e lndeIltedne:ss 5eCI..Rd by the ml.l"ed mcIrt:gage whidl at Oatl! of Poky thl! nsured Ms advanced or Is obligated 10 ad'I2rn. 7. ArIV d<llmc wl1ldl arises C1.Jt of the tritllsarticn creating the ~rest of the: morll;Jagee knUl!d by tl1is plJI~, by rea5Iln of the oper.I~on of f.edl!ralla1kn1ptcy, statr inscIwncy, Of'" siml"araedltors' rl!tlts: laM:,. thiJI: Is based an: (iJ the lransactlon aeat11'l'j1 the Intl!rest of the Ill5urce rmrtgalJl!e being d~ III fralJ:Julef1t conveyaOCl! (X' fraudiJent transfer; 01' (II) the subordination of It.e Interest of the Insured mortgagee.as a result d the ilpp/kaUon cf the dcctl1ne of eqdtable subortlr1atlon; or (~i) the tr.InsaCti01 O"eIrtIng the Interest of the Insl.reid mDrt929ee oelrlQ deemed III prel'erenaa: trarlsfeor ea:ePt where U\e pC'tfetefltlal transfer results from!tl: failJre; (a) 10 t1me1y record ttJe ln5b'ur:-mt of transfer; or (I)) of su,h reocrdatlon to inpart notice to a ~forwlue or.. judgment or IJerT creditor. ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The fullowing milottEn; i1~ expressly ea::lucIed fmm the cover.1I!)!! of "JIis poley and the Company wII not pay bss Of damage" costs, attorneys' fees or expenses I"hich arise: bYreli5SOflof: 1. (a) My law, a-dlllancl! cr~mental rtgtIJaticn (lndu::llngbutnatll1llted to bu~cllng ar.d zonlng 1iI"5, ordinances, or regulations) 1l!S~, ~lJliltlng, f)I'tH:lDlg or tl!latln, to CO the occu,.,ncy, use. Ot enjoyment d the Iancl; (ll) Ihe charlllcter-, dlrnensklns or locallon of Bn'f ImprooJeme,t n::lW or BSIb!r en!Cta:l on the land; (1D) a separation In ownership or a char\ge In thl! dimensiorlS or area 01 the Wid or Ilny pIiIftlel of wt<<h the land [s or was a P<Wtf or (IY) environmental protection, or ttle effect of ilny violation d :hese laws, ordinances or gayemmental regulations, l!):cept: to the extent that /I notice r;t ttle er.forcement: thereof or a ~ of a defect, Ill!noref1Cl.lmbran::e resullilgfrotn ill v1oladon or alleged 'oiolatlor, affed:IrJgthe land has been r~ In I1le ~lci'e00rd5i1t~o/'PdIcy, (l:J) Nry 9QWemmental police power not l!llduded by (i1) atuYe, except to the emn: that a nolk:e or the ElCl!"ds21hereof or ~ notice r;t II dl!fect, Ben or encurntrara! re5U/U1ll;l from a violation or alleged ViOlation affl!ctlng ltle land M5 been reco."'Clee In the p..bIic records at Date of PoUty. Z, Rll;lhts of eminent domah unless nouce ofttle eleldse therecfl1as beeR re:orded In the publ/c rec.:crr-d>at DatI! at Po8cy.l:lvtnof eJC1:l.dlngfrom~arry ~ wtJIdll2s CCW'red pr:or to Date of Poley Which would be binding on 1h1! fights of a purchasl!r fer value without knMll!dge. 3. Defects, Ilens,eDCll1'1brance:s,ad'.-enedalms, or other rnatters: (ll) aeatel:l, sutfl!ted, assumed or ag:eed to allhe Insured dalrunt; (b) not kroOMl to t11! Company, r.ot reccr<led ~ the pl.t1l'ic rer:.on:f~ at DiI~of PoIi::y, but known to thl! Insured cla1mant and not:dlsd~ In WI'1ting ID Ibe COmpany by ttle InStlred Cfairnanl priOr 10 the date the ~'sured claimant bec.ame an Insurec: lJllder this pcIIey; (c) leslAti~ irl no loss or anil!)e to the ill5lJed dalmant; (d) attachIllQ or O1XIted ~ubseQuentto DaIe:lf Policy; or (e) resulting In Ios:s or d:imlllge whlct1 woJld not hi!lVe bee"! S1Jstzjned if tI'.e Insured: dalrnant lW paid wlJe for the estirte or lr11J:~t InSlnd by thi5 pelky. 4. Any claim, whk:h artses out of the baIl5actlon yestlng In :he Insured the eslate tt' Interest InSlled by this polq, by reason dthe operation of feCera: brilli:1UI)tc.y, m.e 1nsoIverw::y, or s:lmllar aedtors' rigMs laws, that Is baSllld on: (i) h transactlCfloeatinglheestaleorlntErestinsurl!d bvthls po!lcy bek1g deemed a fl'lJttilJlentconveya"teorfrauj~nttrilnsfer; ar (II) tile trensaalon CTe'athg (he esta~or InkreSt' tr5~ by !his poI:y!Jelng deemed i!J ~I triJn:sfer ectl!pt where h prefJnntbll 'tI"iImh!t re:suJ:s 110m the f<lllurfl: (a) to t1m~v rea:rd Ihl!: instnlml!nt 01 transfer; or (b) of su::::h recorrhtion ~ hlpart ootice to a purchaser for vlllue or a judgment or lien aedibx. SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS Tl-e ALTASlandard JlOk'(fcfmwil ccnta'-' In SctiedUe BlhefollOwing .standilnj exceplicns 10 c~: 1. TiJ)(l!:s or assessments which arl! not 91ol'fn as existing lens by the records d any taldng auU\Q1ty lt1at le-oIIes taxes or asses5mC!I1ts 0., I"l!IlIIl'OPltrtY cr by the public rf!:IlrdSj pnxeedl~ by a public a;eoot wlllch mil" re.sult In taxes~aS$e$srnl!llts, or natlce of suchproc:ee:llrljS, wfEthera' net shown by lf1e recordiofsuch *"y 01' by ttlepubllc records. 2, Anv facts, dg~.ts, tntere:sts. or Claims \I\f11c:h are not .shown b't the public teQ:lrds but whi:tl coold be iECE!rtalne:I b~ iII1 Ill5pection of said IiIrx: or b'( rr.atJr,g ktCJlIry Of pmons ~ po$Se55lon therer:Jf. 3. E./IsIemencs, d!l'msofeasernmtcrertalrflbraiICeJ wltlch ale not S10lYnbr the public reccrds, IIlpetentec mdng claims; resenrat.-ms orettt;CJOl'lSlnpatmtscrtl Acts all1l1orlZJng tr.e Issuance thereof; Ynller rights, dalms Of tiUe tel w;SH. 4. My len, or rlgl1' toa 11!n, lor 5erII1a!s, labor or D'1iItetlal therelJ)fcreor heRlilfterfunished, impo5l!d by law boo r.ot stlU'M'lhythe plAJllc: records.. S. Dl5CI1!pandes, connicts to boundarv lines, $hOrtlg!! In area, encroadimeMS, or any other facts which a oorrectSl.tfVey would disclose. NOTE: A SPECIMEN COPY OF ntE POUCY FORM <O~ FORMS) Will. BE FURNISHED U?O~ REGUEST T.I 1"19 Rev. 5-95 First Arne:icon ntle Apr 18 p6 08:57a . . . p.30 Prelmlnary Report Order No.: 7191-802094 Page 4 of4 Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: PARCEL ONE BEGINNING ATTliE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND ClAIM NO. 48, IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WIU.AMElTE MERIDIAN, ALSO BEING TliE SOLrrHWEST CORNER OF TliE JOHN KIZER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 52 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 10 47' 01" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 4S, A DISTANCE OF 369.36 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED'TRACT; THENCE LEAVING SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM LINE AND RUN NORTli 880 03' 56' WEST 440.0S FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 56' 07" EAST 22.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 720 00' 01" WEST 20S.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 440 13' 09" WEST 220.76 FEET; TliENCE 50UTH 10 56' 07" WEST 322.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8So 03' 56" EAST 360.0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED ON DECEMBER 31, 1973 IN REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-579118, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE RUN NORTH P 56' 07" EAST ALONG SAID EAST LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.0 FEET EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT DESCRIBED ON REEL 671, RECEPTION NO. 73-57918 A DISTANCE OF 440, 16 FEET TO A POINT THE WEST LINE OF SAID W. Y. MILLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 48; TliENCE RUN NORTH 1047' 01" EAST 40.0 FEETm THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. PARCEL TWO BEGINNlNG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TliE W.Y. MlLLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 48 IN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST OF THE WILLAMmf MERIDIAN, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE JOHN KIZER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 52 IN SAID TOWNSHIP AND RANGE; THENCE RUN SOUTH 1047' 01" WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID W.Y. MILLER DONATION LAND CLAIM NO. 48, A DISTANCE OF 369.36 FEET TO A POINT, TliENCE LEAVING SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM LINE AND RUN NORTH 880 03' 56" WEST 440,05 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10 56' 07" EAST 22.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 720 00' 01" WEST 208.94 FEET; THENCE NORTli 440 13' 09" WEST 89.16 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED WELL SITE; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 440 13' 09" WEST 21.61 FEET; THENCE NORTH 230 32' 52" EAST 106.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66027' 08" EAST 20.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 230 32' 52" WEST 114.72 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Tax Parcel Number: 1227733 and 1171717 FIrSt American Title -~"~::.:::=::::.r':: -.~"'" I TIllS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE )f\/SURANQ; COMPANY This map is made soJely tile /he purpose of assisting ill JOcaUlIg the premises herein dcS~d. First American nl~ IIlSUflIlll% Company assumes DO IilIbility for variatilllS, if any, in dimensiollS and localiollS as~nabl" by ac:uaJ survey. .. . . I I , , Apr 18 06 08:58a . . ~ I =.J:Oo~~' 1]9=00 I I , . I ; I (J , I I l.-L L-I-L MAP 17 02 34 ;r. u '" . p,31 10.47 A.C.: EAST - L5.14 Cl = 1038.84' 3.89 A.C.S. PT IS: SDUTJ+.. ~'?J '2.67 C>i -106.22' F'~CH Nt CtR Y':'l DLC 7S ....., !iT - 8.515 Ci .. 56L99" ---------------- EAST - '56L7" 2:30,3' 1 301 EAST 12,OQ CH = 762.1l.' 3.07 AC ~J: ~5 1200 15.1 2 AC 5.9' '",'EST - 1020.94' 1300 7.92 AC .. S.1611 J~a' SS"."'I9-r - lC06,46' f'l36-s6...... - J~9 Q.l ~ JD49.ot' . :r a~ a" "c ~ 1302 10.61 AC o o ("'" ""j 'n __ {lji 'UiUJ=!' il' u ; 1/ 11 j' . -- "~/ (] () S7~ Csji"3' 1500 6.69 AC " 1:~" . 'SfB . - ~- <. S.1 7527 S 88-1'9'05' E 11]99."-' 1503 3.98 AC 5.6881 o S 8n'9"'lJS' E 81':1."3" N sa.l9' .. W :> O' -8 a ~ .... ~i' - ~ " ~ N 89"1'9'0:1:' \J .LeSa f' .~ ''''"". ~'I)' J TAX LOTTED ;,. ON MAP <S :: 17-02-34-11 -~~\ :J:;Z: _ _ _ ~({, ~~W~,pv- is '3 _ 2001 1.95 ~ o t.<>..~<r ~1\~0 144d.o:i.1~ N '\J 404C-16' .-:"\ """,,-A'., r:':; ~ __ 'W. ,.. ~..--.-._, - "30-1>- - - - :>~ .z: ~ " c ~ ..' .-..---.-- '. Apr 18 06 08:59a i 'b~1 ~. ~ ~-' HJ-'tl'~ :....".,E ,........... ~ - ::.;~.:;:......^ ~,~-"'.., . " '01 Lolled on Mojl 17 02 34 12 019-00 -~ +- ) 019-01 I . t" b '. ,,' t, ,. :t . ",,~/ ""':"'~~''>'' -<,...~ <1;;;<::- ,~~ 4;"-. C- . ~>s- ~....rc,. 4..........11). p.32 """T .I'r~.".," .~ 0' 9-109 .-.. . I , ~ .....(0 . co.' 7ktfi..,. 1302 - /). , ~~ " ~""-"""" l.s:c _ A 'j Ta. r:; " '.~ .."" ~ Jj!~ ~ ~ .... -~......-:y- Lotted on Mop 17 02 34 J 2 'I'z.'>( ~ ;1 .II/o~/.'f't'DlS"''''' .."r... or 053 ..._'"'1tJ'ss:,- -~$."~' 7'0 ~+6 34 , 35 /) I . ~~ I ~'..s '5" -~~c ~~ . ~~/S I , ;{;~"'f:.- 019 f>~l{ <-.... . '",~ MAP 17 02134-/ - I , I r' 01\:1-09. 09 - "'-, I I No. 925 ~/[ ...; 'I- '" W " a. w .. = Q; ~ I- '" ~ ~ "" ~ = ~l[ .... '" . . "F" STREET ~ . ... Apr 18 06 08 :59a p.33 NO" o~g=og 0.11 .... " l' N 11'.3 2 0.11 " .... 1 .... .., lie .. 23 ~~ 0.'1 ( \.. , . .... Eo " 8 1 ., .- z. ... u..~-'n...\,.. ~C\N1 443 425 " . ~o ~ peL. "K 0 ~ 420 .. ~ 422 423 ~ .; W~ ; 421 .. ~ .. ~ . .. 27 9 W- 30 29 31 eo. ~DO.O' cr: 21 t.A~"( .~.o _.Q 0.11 419 tnl 426 .... ~ ~ , . . ~ .09"" " '!' ~ ~ . 8 2 'b~.a' '!oo.o' 0.11 '" \C)Q.O " ~~. ".. ~ ~ 431 429 ~~~ I 0 418 . ~ ~ 430 , .. 428 427 ,J' 1 ~ . ,; ~~ .} . 0 21 < < . ~~,.... 7 ~ 22 25 <p. 24 . !( . ~ ,; . 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I have caused a search to be made of the assessment .and taxation records, Lane County department of Assessment and Taxation, on Those records reflect that individuals listed on the attached petition are the owners of record of the property identified by the tax lots described on the attached sheet. Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation Date Revised 3/812005 hj , Date Received: Planner: ./O-Cf-DIP If 5 . . FORM #2A CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED VOTERS I hereby certify that signatures on the attached petition are registered voters and reside in the area described in the petition. These signatures represent not less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the annexation or withdrawal area described in this petition. Deputy or Clerk Lane County, Oregon . Date -:'i-.....~,. ",,,,., ......;,- !'- I I , Date Received: W~ q-o~ Planner: l-P 7 Da..:".... '::t/9nnn.c; J..i ,:... '. . . PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors I (Note: This petition may be signed by qualified persons, . even though they do not know their tax lot numbers.) . NAME . ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS Twp R See Y. 1/16 Lot # (Example) John Doe 135 6th Avenue East, Eugene r . A/L/~ ;Jt.-zr q <;;8 (p Co -tit s-r: Sp~0..4f'fn . 17 3 3i L(OD /J1'-\-I"'l.f\S PLI".'" v A _ ./, _ '7 - qSB ("c,,!f:i <;,. <po";(,,o<'.'" /7 3 3'1 . Vp() / 5f\...DUI ZoVl XJJ..., L. /7....)j '1<;8 ;t;!J n 3 :3''( l(tlt? (,,& 51:" c p/lINGFIf,'-/) . ~HA(UJfJ\IC't'jt,t]Z,> .' . .. I, - . .. . .. - . . - . . , .. - -' .. . -- - . . . .. ,- . . ., - .' - , - . , I I 1 i I I i With the above signanire, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm agency or trust. . : uate f<eceived: , . Planner. I.o/q'ob I-.J Revised 3/8/2005 hj 8 . . INFORMATION SHEET LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDAR,Y COMMISSION NORTH PLAZA LEVEL, PSB '1 , , 99 E. Broadway, Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 PHONE: 681-4425 10, '-Ho t. A<;. ?L-I'I"T'"\ (Petitioner's Name) S '1"\2-1....<" F I E"LP (City) 058 f067:!1 SrREE-r (Address) Q7't7b' (Zip) 7'16-<{S-og (phone) The attached petition is fo (annexation to or (withdrawal from) the Cn't.. 0'" <;\"'~""'FtISLD (City) or (District) PLEASE SUPPLY THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE AREA TO BE ANNEXED OR WITHDRAWN. Estimated Population (at present): () , Number of Existing Residential Units: ~ ( us. ED h<. I: T02-hG.\f) Land Area: tj. ,I( Acres or Square Miles '.' iStheai~awithinaI5omesticW~ierSupplyDistrict?' Y.S>' ~'PTU;;'''':~E:(;b l}tlt.:t-r'1'Ec>Al2J) (Name) Is the area with a Rural Fire Protection District? t--.) Cl (Name) ANNEXATION TO CITIES OR WATER DISTRlCtS ONLY I . I ' A. If the property is entirely or substantially undeveloped, what are the plllI1s for future development? (Be specific-if site or development plans have been prepared, please submit a copy) SU(>,V1V/Pl[ --rH/i:: Pf2e-F'E/?-T'( INTo A-ppea)C Zo RES:/Ot<:NTIAL L~T5. Co",,,,1!:P, f'Li'\ ~ I.\. A-TTA<-HK;C B. Can the proposed development be achieved under current county zoning? . l'lat& \:Ceoeived:. IO-q-oG? Planntil': . L~ Yes ,r'" No' I.... \' .'~ - .' . ... on ~ . \ ' If no, has a zone change been sought from the county either formally or informally for the property under consideration? Yes No - Revised 3/812005 bi 9 . . Optional Expedited Procedure for Annexations . . . . ., ' . . . . . .. . Please read the attached instru~tions and fill Qut the attached fonn i1fyou wish to apply for the expedited procedure through the Boundary Commission. The expedited procedure is a Boundary Commission procedure and it does not change the timing of the. . City of Springfield's review. However, it may lessen the approval time before the Boundary Commission. This procedure is for routine, non-controversial annexations. Please be aware that an expedited request may actually take longer than a non-expedited annexation if a public. . hearing is called for by a boundary commission member or other authorized person. See page 2 of the attached instructions for more infonnation on this. . For more.information on the expedited process, contact the Lane County Local Govemment Boundary Commission staff at 682-4425. ..1.:. ", .-' f~- .. ..~~",'I/e(t~ Planner. . I-,P <, , '.,,":, ,; '... .' . I I -I , [I PROPERTY OWNERS ' . , REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED PROCEDURE . FOR ANNEXATION OR. I EXTRA TERRITORIAL WATER OR W ASTEW A TER LINE EXTENSION ORS 199.466 '. " I (We)~ the undersigned property owner(s), request this (annexation proposal) (water line extension proposal) (wastewater line extelli?ion proposal) be approved without the study, public " hearing or adoption of a final order required, by ORS 199.461. This request is made pursuant to ' . the provisions ofORS 199.466. . ' . . . - '. . . .' . . ' I (We) understand that a stUdy, public hearing and adoption of a final order may be . ' requii-e~ if requested by any person or 'governing body receiving a copy of the executive officer's analysis and recommendation as required by ORS 199.466. , . . . This request is made in addition to and supplements alloth~r requirements for filing an .', annexation petition o[Jentatiye plan for an extraterritorial water or wastewater line extension. .. - . ~ Tax: Lot .3f1L,TownshipJL S, k.an:ge".K E/W? Se~tion t; Z , Map ~ Tax Lot _, Township _ S, Range _ EfW, Section _; Map _ Tax Lot --' Township_ S, Range ~ EfW, Section , Map . Address Date: ~iz I /~)0 . I I I Date ReceiVed:~ Planner: l-.? . ,---. t'()" to. \" i' ; '. . ' ..' . STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENT, SANDRA JEAN ZMOLEK, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS SANDRA JEAN SANNE, SHARON KAY RODGERS, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS SHARON KAY GOODE AND NICHOLAS WILLIAM PLATT, WHO ACQUIRED TITLE AS NICKOLAS WILLIAM PLATT, hereinafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto SANDRA JEAN ZMOLEK, SHARON KAY RODGERS AND NICHOLAS WILLIAM PLATT AND ELENA LEE ALBA, hereinafter called grantee, and unto grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, all of that certain real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, situated in Lane County, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED The consideration for this conveyance is $0.00 (Ioeorrect vesting only) . . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AND DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. , ., ~~. , SANDRA J 'N ZMOLE$/ , I ~J~~ ~M S AR~N , Y ~, ' ..' ~ tJlP~~ '?~ NICHOLAS WILLIAM PLATT f'd.." I":'r'-,"v""" /D4-'''fo . : """ ~ .-..:.;.....,\il 'W\.-4. - v Planner. if -' STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was acknowledged before me on September 7,2005, by SANDRA JEAN ZMOLEK, SHARON KAY RODGERS AND NICHOLAS WILLIAM PLATI ~ . " '., .' ..t? ;O~ . OFFICIAL SEAL . .... .BRENDA SORRIC , ., . NOTARY PUBLIC.. OREGON \../ COMMISSION NO. 364127 .. ." MY COMMISSION EXPIRES fEBRUARV 28, 2007 NotlUy of PubUc For Oregon / Division or Chler Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and ReGards 2005-072053 " AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County 497 Oakway Road, Ste 340 Eugene, OR 9740 I 1111I11 Iflllllllllll""IIIIHIII"""I111111111 $31,00 00735535200500720530020029 . ! 09/13/2005 10:28:35 ~n RPR-DEED Cnt:l Stn:S CASHIER 04 $10.00 $11.00 $10.00 Until a change is requested all tax statements to: NO CHANGE Ml5 S7J-r!-OJl1365 . . @ Branch Engineering, Inc. PRINCIPALS James A. Branch, P.E. Rene Fabricant, S.E. P.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. 310 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 ANNEXATION APPLICATION NARRATIVE October 5, 2006 Applicant: Michael Blankenship 8063 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97478 Owner: Nicholas Platt 958 66th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Consultant: Attn: Lane Branch Branch Engineering, Inc. 3 I 0 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Property Description: Tax Map 17-02-34- 12 Portion of Tax Lot 400 Property location: 65th Street, north of Thurston Road, Springfield Property Size: 4.4 Acres (Portion within UGB) Metro land Use Designation: Low-Density Residential Existing Use of Property: Residential - One vacant single-family dwelling Proposed land Use: Low-Density Residential Proposal: The applicant requests the City of Springfield annex the 4.4 acres of the property that is within the UGB into the City limits to allow for a future Low-Density Residential subdivision development application. The site has direct access to all key urban facilities and is located within City of Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. Requested Services or Facilities from Annexation: The applicant is proposing to develop the annexed property as a Low Density Residential subdivision comprising of approximately 20 lots. Upon annexation approval, the applicant will submit a subdivision proposal that requires service from adjacent key urban facilities such as saniciry, storm water, water, electric utilities, and access to public rights-of-way. Date Received: Planner: I 0 - q:- 0(0 Lf CIVIL STRUCTURAL lRANSPORTATION SURVEYING . . Annexation Application Narrative Platt Property, Springfield Available key urban facilities adjacent to the site: The site has direct frontage to a dead end of 65th Street. Sanitary sewer and water are available from the existing 65th Street right-of-way. A main stormwater trunk line is locate.d adjacent to the west side of the property on the Thurston Middle School site. Electric and communication lines are also with the 65th Street right-of-way for servicing the site. I Zoning and Plan Designation of the Site and Adjacent Properties: The City of Springfield zoning and the Metro Use Land Planning Designation for the property is Low- Density Residential. The adjacent properties Metro Area Land Use Planning designations are as follows: Location Relative to the project site Metro Area Land Use Designation East West North South Low-Density Residential (Partially developed) Low-Density Residential (Developed School) Agriculture (undeveloped, out-side UGB) Low-Density Residential (Developed LDR) Proposed Use and Scope of the Development Area: The site is proposed to be developed as a Low-Density Residential subdivision. A conceptual subdivision layout is included with this application. Current use of the site and existing improvements: There is an unoccupied single-family dwelling on the site. There are no other notable improvements on the site. Special Site Feature: None. Date Received: I 0 ~q ~Ob Planner: Lf Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 2 s ~. I' ~ , " i S I , ~ \ I ---. .---~rT~.~----. .---- . ]. _.-... -_._--~"..--,.;.~_._- ....., ,. , il " , , , ", ~ , ,. ;;;;I' -,. " I ,. .' ~.~I ;u I , a! I ~i!!! ! I I '( '" , ~t.hS'l'RU!' ;i r j >-:;4-.. '. " to' ',: I' 'I i " I I 2: V J , , , ,. I, 'I' , , il;l " I , , , .' i! . I .. , " :1:2 'II, , , " " , , '! , , .,,-.... , I , I' ~ ,- ,....-. , 1'\. ' ~ ;', \\1 - I. , i' I, ' .~:~ iil I i i II ! I 'I: I ' \: ~ I ',J.,.~."OO'.'60..1[JG~i iriUHn I t '1',1'11'" I "I !. ! I il.l , l'l'liii iii .'Il! 'i Ii I!!! ! ! ~. i! ;1 ! !!!.' .Ii; , "i'" ~ ~ iI ~....... . I'" .; '" i.. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ II ., ~ ' i ""'j'" ii'" , """ .' to I ! I\!" I i I jjate ReCeiv~l ; " . "!j !'!' Plann~r:' . I' i'; 1-P ....,.:~, t,;,. ~",*+ '. " " ., , , , , I , I ~_____..J ,. , I .:' ~.... I , I L______ I , , ,. , I , , ., . :~ , , , " lIlitbPLiCJ 81; ~.. "~--- , , , , , I I. , : :t.... I '. I \ : .--,-- i, . ~" , " i~ -,,..------- ~ , . ..~ !. ., ;! , , , I , ,I , , ,. , , l___.. ___ , I , , " I , , , , , , ~~ : ~:;; : , I , I ., 1--_.__.:.....::1, I :2- " , ~~ to , , , " , , , \ ~. ~ . "~. "t...... ,j> ", --:-.~._.-..:-._.r._._._. I . i ~ j s , I , I ! , ., I .~ !iE. i ' ( ~. ~~.:~~ i :~g:: s ~ ~ Hi~ f} . = ~ U~f '" i i ~~i" :. } ~ ~~, ~ II ~ ii~ g" ~ ~ :r ~, ." ;f:'l~ii - ~~ : i ~ : ;;,;.. ~' i' t , " i I I , .e j ! , i i , , , I ,. , " , " , , , I '. I ( I" Ii I, I' .' !i .1. I ~ t::l ~ ~~ hn . ~. :ll ~ .~j;~~. q ~;>:~ :,.g~fJl~ .; ~~1il~ ~ ~ r:~ ~ ~ " co:: g ;o(t;3 :!:!l:"-t ~ !;; Q ~ b . . Branch No. 06-112 September 21,2006 CEDAR CREEK LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ANNEXATION PURPOSES SITUATED in unincorporated area of Lane County, State ofOregon in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING a portion of the lands that were conveyed in that~ertain Bargain and Saie Deed to Sandra Jean Zmolek, Sharon Kay Rodgers and Nicholas William Platt and Elena Lee Alba that was recorded September. 13, 2005 at Recorder's Number 2005-072053 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, the perimeter of which portion is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of Lot 9 ill Block 2 of "Bee-Sun First Addition" as platted and recorded in Book 69 at pagll 27 in the Pht Records of Lane Comity, State of Oregon; THENCE, '. leaving said POINT OF BEGINNINQ and along the:north plat boundary of said "J?ee-Sun First. . . Addition", EAST 600 FEET more ill' less to the northeast comer of Lot 27 in Block I of said pla( which comer lies on the east line of said lands ofZmolek, et al; THENCE, leaving said northeast comer and along said east line, NORTH 330 FEET more or less to an angle point in the south line of the lands that were conveyed in that certain Deed to Cheryl 1. Platt that was recorded February 7,2003 at Recorder' s Number2003-011372 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon which point lies at the easterly terminus of that certain course that has a bearing and distance of "South 880 03' 56" East 360.00 Feet" in said Deed; THENCE, along said southerly line of the lands that were conveyed to Platt and the westerly extension thereof, WESTERLY 600 FEET more or less to a point on the west line of said lands of Zmolek, et al; and THENCE, along said west Ime, SOUTH 310 FEET more or less RETURNING to the POINTj' OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 192,000 Square Feet (4.4 Acres) more or less. . Bearings and distances called hereon were taken from or scaled from the current tax map. A field . survey will be necessary to detemline exact dimensions. -z..! '200 b REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LA~ SURVEY R Date Received: I D4 -010 Planner: OREGON JULY 20. 1993 REXA. BElZ L.()c:. . &;:, 1'J..-.(Jr/07 . . EXHIBIT 'B'. FOR CEDER CREEK SUBDIVISION OCTOBER 4, 2006 . LOT- 9 BLOCK 2 65t/;/",.~EET 0~:'P~. o ,,\ x: <:)v cj 'O~ 'i>' - -;z 0'" + ~{f "8 <0 f- U1 -< W LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY c:o::o::::co::J CITY LIMITS LOT 27 BLOCK I .'~ · '. '" GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 ~IIII.J l I ----- ( IN FEET ) SOUTH 310' +/- POB PORTION OF /7-02-34-/2 TAX LOT 400 - 4.27 ACRES . NORTH .~ ~10' +/- : Date Received:_ 10 q-OP Planner: If 200 ._ J " '" <::: '0 - _ ~ f::. \::J Lu Cf) O~ o~ f>(\"'- <, :') 0 0'<:- 0'1.: 1?,0 <( A' \ \ \/ '\. I ------- .- +' b o <0 !'-- C\J <::: f:: LJ Lu Cf) f- U1 W ~ " 'I.- ,'I.- 0\,,:>" ,07; "'~O\\ \"<YeP":> rr .~ 11ft flU 1: rvmfrr /p k /WWUy;o{ -. ~ SREn / OF I PROJECT No. 06-1/2 Branch Engineering, Inc. J N.W.l/4 N.E.l/4 ..34, T.17S. LANE COUNTY W.W.M. ~ ii 41' ~~ 410 H 409 ~ / '-". ."..' \~ TH"':~;: . '\ .~RSTON i ~"""'R'>O CO i 'I~', . ".""=T-..... AD """. ,RD NO'474 ~ '''J< '. " '''.. . ,~",." h,~' I .. L ~~__ r' ~.~ '1- t 400 I"" J LOT 1 ". ,~,,,,~ ?Go" 420 ~ ,.. a." " . ~ ~ ;.~ . ~ ~ ...; o. ~ ...:;- ,.".." <16 0, '..H' " 415 ~~ < ..::: 414 ~;r 2 .,.......",.....,..,""!,..........'.. "..."', <:..o.~~. T..O.' tl.\..<:'."'_.b. ,~",... 'O'''T~ ,......' . = 'CL or: -=1.::t , h.. .....,. ~- ..,\\~;"""'-, '2 .; ~ ~~ , - 603 ,q OS2~?c. : 6 E~ ""~A,~ .~ :Jt'},J-~ '0.';' (;;\z " ,~'" /:."" \.V~!;- ,u, . \:'\ ...~.~ o~~Qt /4 \~~i~~ .~~: :;.~.:~.J .......,....,....,..: "'5100 "."'..'~ 0.1' IlC.- -~ .. '.:")'" n. ";I~ . .''.J ....,' 5300 O.16N:.. ""~~Q~: " .... tff,'~5~~ 0.20K;. 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