HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2011-5-16 S;=' R i~, G F: t:: '- D ;, '::,-::,,":;.;~..:;j . - hHff,~t~~~r.~ltRg?~7~1f13E1ZL1f~~1l1~~~~tii~': ~,~.~,'~,~:rt~i,i~I~~Ir~-~ '....,.1'" ?~'5 FiFTi--,' STF~EET S,;:,i:\Ii\IGFIElO. OF,: 97~77 ,L,,--;ONE 15-11,\726.3753 f=,u)( (5~7)726.]669 ','.'\ ',,\','. ci, s ,orinQ/ielo'. cr. us HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEiVIS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) Pernlit No,: C;:1(~24S J \1].jsclictiol1 <S (!4,..;C"-H G'U~ Site Address: 1:ffJ1-3 (,~I"\LIL~ SIIl)clivisiOll/Lot: _~eStl.o...)\"i\..fO~ ft1 ,',"cl/or iVlop and Tox Lot: By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of 0 fifty (50) percent, ~tnty,fj\'e (75) percent, of the:. pe.lll""!anentJy installed iighting fixtures in the above mentioned buiJdirlg have. beeTI installed with cOD1pact or linear nuorescent, or 3 iighting source that has a minirn1.ll"n efficacy bf 40 lume.ns per input We,tt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code N1107.2)1 * Check [he 75% box if the additional measure selected to comply '.vith ORSC N] 101.] and Table N] ] 01. I (2) requires 75% of lighting f1xtMes to have energy efficient lamps. Signed: 1- f?1/ D~lte: ~-I&- {( Owner/Gene!":1l Cor!trJctol-/Authori1ed Agent Print N~lnle: ErU.<-- (./-(::"f"f:::,G-.ICiC--':> tJ r--I Con(,';,ctor's CCB # :1~l...Q(p E t '.I)','.t2', _((9 - It., p xpira iOIl ' '-- i- OR~SC SI:I: li(~n H \ 107.2. High-EffIciency Lighting Systtllls. f\ rninimun~-~f f\ ilY (5(0 pel~ of thf~~'rrn;:jneJlI];: inslalltd iig.hling fi;~rllrf:S, Sf:\'t111y-f;vc (7Y-~{,) percent: if tbe seleCted adriit!c'I1111 energy uJde Il1tilSUrf:$ in th:. Llbl!':: N J 1'01,1(2) lequire_') ~.rr:~1i':"f lighling dflciency, shilll be ins!aiJed with comp,lCl or line,:r illlortSceill. (Jr':i 1;g111in~ ';')UI"((" iln:i hZIE ,I nlTrll1"ll11nH:flic"c\' e,i" --!(i IUI-r:';;-r:s I)cr i,'q:ol'l \'/,111. Su(:\,....in curnp8ct nuorr:scenl brnps (ornply ","Jlh this J'tquil-::ITitnl. . rhe Bu;lrlin':~ (,fflCial sh;lll be nlJlified in wriling al the ilnt'li ill:)Q!~i()lj lh;I'.:1 l));n;1'11111)1 ;)f the ItCjulr<,'d p("I(:!:nl;\~i_' (d'd,l"