HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1979-4-11 ."""1( . /92.0-0 _ /J~- ,. ;7.21tn.:/ ~fF' JrFT __ __ __ ____1Elj1~._ ___/!It~ ~_ /3,S"vc -- .. /~/~/CU.g ~02.J.=jZ7~~$I;=' j .~ . S~.:PV ~2 .\5/J es: i~~0='l" /4 ~~.r tff eO .I ;J?~, st;1o .Iu~Ci ~r-sSI SIlM- TH ~ Sf! -20 "" 3~ (.t 2S ~) =. fl,zs- /L)~6 ~~si2A':% . _ 135'"<>0 +- S' 7 J ?.- /q :23 7,S,J,Po \ I G? '2. - Gd.u~(}..~ bf i ,~ - --'- --- ~~ . . o' '. hD~U f&~I.. ,....to, '"':.111.1... --1 ... !; . . l ---0 1l11L.. ,,,... ,r>f'1""'" ~," ",-F fI-- "'~ ,,"v ,., ~ '+rr{.;<- ~. ~~/1'" L 1-- ==-'_ (~~... .... - -~ ""--- . "'" ................. I - - N + , 1M.. " I ,_I .. ..... .~' 10" .. ...... ~~"..--..,;, .....-. .-......... ,..._" _.......~......... '-~ : ':-1)) , 'J-O:-."'-~- .i :.>" '~i; / .. I' . , ~~ ....Od" I ". ~~l - II :'.. . ).~ l II, '", '~:';i';, ,:11 i::',:::';:.:..~~' .... '.P\!I , I ",/1 I;...'." ""':";{'U" .'~ / 1/ " 111;.~ -+:-!:"""'~:'J"":' ,~~c-~~...:J:.....~7 .f\: (. :. ~,l:- ,.-: .'~ . f". ~.~. ,~ J.Y:~il". 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Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing parking facilities for any 0 ther use. . (5) The Director, upon application by all involved property owners, may authorize joint use of parking facilities, provided that: (a) The applicant shall demonstrate that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the buildings or uses for which the joint use of parking facilities is proposed; and (b) The parties concerned in the joint use of off-street parking facilities shall provide evidence of agreement for such joint use by a legal instrument approved by the City Attorney. An agreement for joint use of parking facilities shall provide for continuing maintenance of jointly used parking facilities. (6) Parking spaces in a public right of way shall not be counted as fulfilling any part of the parking requirements for a development. 1t;. 31. 180 PARKING LOT DESIGN STANDARDS. The following diagrams illustrate appropriate parking lot design in the City. Hore detailed diagrams showing parking lot dimensions maintained by the City Engineer will be provided upon request. \ commercial building 01 ~ " .~.. U tr.~ ~..::.:. ~:...":'.. ~J.' ""'''':'.!'.:~,,:...'',;B l. . ..,.1 ~ I IT 1) I: '" - C 01 "C ~ 01 ~ llDll 24' ~: I ~/.L. ~'. j - - ----.",. (east) Main St. ~ n o 3 3 '" ~ n .. } c ~ '" I 900 EXAHPLE: 7 I compact space (c) standard space handicapped space B' x 16' 9' x 1B' 13' x 18' 31-16 , . , '.... , , l , , P I .' , .J' ___:;==-_:_~.__=--;-__..___.._ ... -=-'_-=-..:.::..:...=.:..:......==:.~=:..::_:.:....... -.':"'-.:"':' =-....:..::...- -- oft" .. .. --- -- -""--7:...---=:=:C:-',,---=-,;:v---- .--.-- F--- "-~--"~;i 'P~~ , <r--Kjr~ \- ..rl~::~: ~ '--{> 'Or:7J~r t 1~t:::J:'Sf= .~ iT;:;.:. l' r-~~~;~. ~ ~ ,'~ ~\Z7r ' I I I : [f~/" I : r i 'I' I I I ./ I, II " ~ L-~-~ &--------1~~1~ I M~e , . 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