HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1988-10-21
(503) 726-3753
October 2], 1988
Mary Ann ,Mackinnon
147 Treehill Loop
Eugene, OR 97405
Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 1162 Gateway Loop Springfield, Oregon.
Proposed Use: Night Club/ Restaurant/ Arcade
City Job #880896
At your request, the Springfield Building Safety Division recently
conducted an inspection of the building(s)' at the above address. The
purpose of the inspection was to determine the suitability of the
building(s) for the proposed use as indicated.
Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are
mentioned below do not meet the minimum -Building Safety Code requirements.
Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair,
replace or modify the following items in order for the building to conform
to applicable safety codes:
Structural Specialty Code and Fire & Life Safety Regulations (SSC)
Allow. Bldg. Area SSC505
1. The building shall be divided into two separate buildings by a two-hour
fire resistive area - separation wall in order to reduce the building area
to the maximum allowed for the proposed occupancy group and the type of
construction used. The existing concrete dividing wall may be used for
this purpose if the opening between the two areas is protected with a fire
door having a minimum 1-1/2 hr. fire resistive assembly.
Automatic Sprinklers SSC506c
2. The entire building shall be provided with an approved automatic fire
sprinkler system. When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, the system
shall be supervised by an approved central proprietary or remote station
service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly
attended location as approved by the City Fire Marshal.
Mary Ann Mackinnon.
October 21, 1988
Page 2
No. of Exits Req'd SSC3303
3. 'l'he number and location of required exits shall be determined by the
aclual floor plan for each proposed area. Exils shall comply wilh the
requirements of Chapler 33 of the Structural Specially Code. When two
exisls are required for a given area, lhey shall be separaled by a minimum
distance equal lo one-half the diagonal measurement of the area or room
being considered.
Mechanical Specialty Code and Mech. Fire & LIfe Safety Regulations (MSC)
Ventilation SSC605-1005
4. All habitable areas shall be ventilaled by means of exterior openings
having an aggregate area of one-lwenlielh of lhe floor area for the area
being considered, or a mecanically operated ventilation system shall be
provided which is capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) of outside air with a tolal circulated of not less than ]5 cfm
per occupanl in all porlions of lhe building during limes the building is
occupied. '
Electrical Specially Safety Code (ESSC)
Elecl. Sys. OK ESSC-OAR814-135
5. 'l'he existing electrical system within the building appears lo meet the
requiremenls of lhe Eleclrical Specially Code for lhe proposed use. Any
modifications or extensions/additions lo the existing system shall conform
lo lhe currenl minimum eleclrical safely standards, and shall be inslalled
only with proper permits and inspection approvals.
Plumbing Specially Code (PSC)
Sanitary Facilities SSC510
6. Sanitary Facilities shall be provided in accordance with Section 510 and
'l'able 5-E for requiremenls based on occupanl load in lhe building, and
Chapter 31 for handicapped access requirements.
Based a lhe theorelical occupanl load of 791 people, a mInImUm of len
toilets and six lavatory basins shall be provided, equally divided between
males and females. Al leasl one loilel and lavalory shall meel ,
handicapped requirements in the facilities for each sex. Also, a minimum
of one drinking fountain shall be inslalled.
Site Development Requirements
7. Offslreet parking shall be provided as required by the Springfield
Development Code based on lhe proposed use for each area of lhe building.
A total of 112 addilional parking spaces (158 total -46 existing spaces)
shall be provided for lhe proposed combined uses of lhe building based on.
the attached theoretical schedule of uses. Parking spaces at the site
Mary Ann Mackinnon.
October 21, 1988
Page 3
shall be adequate to accommodate the parking requirements for all
facilities which are open for business at any given time. Please
coordinate this requirement and any other requirements for the site, such
as handicapped parking, landscaping or other site improvements with the
City Planning Division.
Due to the nature of the proposed uses and the size of the building, plans
for the modifications to accomplish your proposal shall be prepared by a
professional architect or engineer who is licensed by this State.
Complete plans shall be submitted to this office for review and required
permits shall be obtained prior to commencing any work on the facility.
If you have any questions or need clarification of the above requirements,
please call the Building Safety Division at 726-3759.
Don Moore
Structural Inspector
Dave Puent, Building Official
Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal
Greg Mott, Development Code Administrator
Cindy Harmon, Permit Coordinator
ProPOsal to occuPY prooerty at 1162 Gateway Loap for:
NIGHT QUB / RESTAURANT / MCf!.JE.. by Mary Am Mackinnm
Prooosed Use Floor Area OcclDant Loa-j
FRONT ,. Total 13200 s, f.
Restaurant 30lJ 2bo peQ) Ie
Kitchen +or- HID 5
Office 1320 13.
Arcad; 1600 110
Lobby / Lounge / Circulation 6280 -G-
REAR Total 9200 s.f.
Nightclub seating 7300 487
Dance Floor 1200 -G-
Ear 300 2
Mise Cirulation 400 -G-
Total Area 22400 s. f , . 791 Total