HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-2-10 ~~ city of springfield 225 n. 5th street SPRINCFIELD ......"..~ -. ~ ~-- ......:~. ,,;~ INFORMATION: 726.3753 .....""...J:i'. , . ,..... I"...."._..~L....._.... - _ .A._..~~>..._~:....." . . INSPECTi'ONS. 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ,?-;' \ C; ~C{;7 A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ~t/4 6fr1l2J)A:4 It:>cp LECAL DESCRIPTIO!; rrrn..:;; 1-11 )...., TAY. LOT'~ 7,'?J7)() O~1NE!\ OR PROPERTY 'i2t.1 DOLF ~. ~ll, ~ 1<.., ' PHONE -:3 ~S. crz.2b. ADDRESS_~l" \0-1~ 1=Qo~\i=:<. - ~ ZIP . mINER OF SIGN (IF OTHER THAll PROPERTY OWNER) ,~ ADDRESS !WIE OF BUSIllESS, FIRM. ETC. ~~." !)R:{a;:; ~"tA PHONE: ~~ e~lc.:s TYPE OF ,BUSlllESS E':>LOGo. B. TYPE OF WORK: ~ERF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE , _OTHER C. STP.UCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, _HALL vFREESTANDIllG _ROOF PROJECTING _MARqUEE q _UNDER liARqUEE '(0' ,(0500 'f),~ ~tStJ D. USE AND CP.ARACTER OF SIGN: _IDENTITY 1Ii1CIDEllTAL _DOUBLE FACE ~GLE FACE ~!1ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD _OT\lER E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: , SIGN ERECTOR ~ -S-\~S; ./.DDl'oESS ~4-0 \.>...). 'l4 ~e- CITY LICENSE i~BER ~XO ~ 2.l? SICN liANUFACTURER (IF OTHER TItAN ERECTOR) ~' ADDRESS " PHONl;-42?~- 5Sc.,l.(c , , 'ZIP crt40'Z. EXP. DATE-W~/fl1f PHONE -- F. DUlE.tlSIONS. D1STALLATIOIl & CONSTRUCTJOIl . TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE r<'-*-'j VERTICAL DIMENSIOIl OF SIGN ~ r~ "-II HORIZO!ITAL WIDTH OF SIGN S;" , DIHENSION FROM GRADE TO I' ft" BOTTOM OF SIGN - t. TIIICKlIESS OR DEPTH l~ f ~~ ,bo G. EXISTING SIGNS /, ARE TIlERE, ANY EXIST!!IG 1'IGIIM' .{'YES '::"""'110 '1IUllBE!'. SIZE IN SO. FTG. ~~~ . e{ 0 l,.."tl/...5 ~ ~UPG.' ' ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS. ETC. DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? ___YES IF YES. DUlENSIOII BEYOND PROPERTY LIIIE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE TllAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE WITU THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/IIER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAHAGE llISURAIICE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN llAVE ELECTRICAL lHRIIlG? ~Cl' IF YES" milCH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGll __ILL~INATED (INDIpXCTt? LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTP.ACTOr. , ADDRES S LISC. NUMBER 1'1:0111: 1 i ! , i , I J I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF, cg~ X' ?:i. "Pf->-,,\? . ~~~l) I ~i~: ~1SmA J'SITE INFOPMATIOn (LAllD USE) -- EXISTING USE , . OF BUILDIIlG OR LAND (IlR LAST USE IF VACANT) ~~ , , , K. VALUE OF SIGll: i?~{lro ~ ~l(.t.J ~A.II ON PRltJ,,\ , L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and corrcct. and I fu.ther certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordin~nce. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sorin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of SprinRfield and the laws of the State of Ore~on pertaininK to t~e yorl: described nc~~~n. I further certify that my ~~zn Co~tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprin~field is in full force and effect as required by Sprinp.field Codes S-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign inscections listed on the approved permit. / ~INDOOR BUSINESS __OUTDOO~ MERCHANDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ~~ l 1 j I I NAME (PLEASE SICNATURE PRI~) E.lA..~9J6 ~ &Sr-I g~S DATE /- V-1 . .,J...l... , . '. . .1 .'. i..",.t ~.~ . t 1\ ~1' ! '::..~ ~ :,". ': !i~ .[l ?_:,~T ',:~f! ij A~~f~, .. '~"',., _ ~\ ~ :., '. ; (.! ~'IfI,.it:,"; i#~' ':~f;~~5,~~%~.:.~:;';I~tfi~">":~'"m-:;''' .Ii,.. ~~"'+I~ '.('....... <" . '...'........ .~. " f~:~~i~;:,~~~~ . ~~1.t;/:i;~n:?i. r 1) Seoarate St..n Aoolication. A separate apPlication~is'reqUired for each separate sign.as defined ~ In the ~1gn ~ode. ~ . .-, _ ~. " ", ,.,~. :,.",..:~: :" ''', "t ' . . 1 2) Electrical. Any permit is.ued 'under. this 'application will'includ~ wiring in or on sign structure, i. the suppLy wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. ,Electrical connection .... ..~l . ...-....... must be'made"only'by a State-Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both intern~lly :':":_1','. and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) (, (5) and 9-7-18,.of, the SP.r.ingfield Sign.Or- _'._ dinance.-___...,__.., "-'.." '..... ..,.... ._..... ,'"'' ,.-'" . a~t-.)~\ PLEAS E I ::~~-lOll';):j qc._ii, REA' -. \ ~ '''' ','- ......,...:. . t ..i11:"...1 3) Plans Reouired:.... This' application' is to .be"submitted with two complete' sets' of plans showing di- mensions 4nd height of sign; advertising message on sign; location of sign on property wlth~di- ~.' h,-mensions to property lines ,"structural details 'of"support. framing, bracing and footines: i.laterials of construction. for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location ..of existing.signs on property .for' the same busienss, all as required to determin~"com!lliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City'Code).' ,Also"show the follow- ing information on the.plot plan'(plan showing property line. and location of signs). ., : ~ : '. "I. , , " ; . ... a) . . Show .the location"~i'all existing sign(.)' as"well' as 'proposed sign(s) :....... .......... . b) Show the length'.of the:;street frontage taken up. by..the.business' or build1ng.""For ';"',,11'..;. ......,.... signs,'~s.~"",~he l~?gth~.f .tll:, build~ng. frontage.. ..,.' ...... ..'.... ,..., "_" .... ..... c) -'Show the location .of entrances open to the public and driveways~ : T'''' .'. .,.; , " ~ I . . , . , , ': I '." ' . I' .... "I. . .' I 4)"'When required', because of. design, size, etc., engineered drawings and: calculations must be pre- pared by a,'~icensed engineer or:shall conform to 'design standards on file.'at tlle Building Divi- .ion Office. . ": i.... .. ",,"_.'1 " ".. 5) Plsns of. 'insufficient clarity or detail will 'be returned to" the appl1~ant with no permit' being issued I ,.. I'" . '.1 . 1 ""T(l . ::,..i'....j .li;J:;;!'~ .....' \ ""'. l .... ._.__.' 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield .. C h naive Z i C d I .', "'. i q,. ~. . ompre e . on ~g .0 e. I ' .. ...._... I -... ,. . '. .......- '.1. 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet..horizontally:or vertically from' overhead ::; i electrical" conductors. in eXCess I of 750 volts, or less than 5 fect in any direction froD overhead ,'~ : electrical. lines ,which are energized at less than 750 volts.' ,..! .." . "". . . .. -.... . :.: I 8) If a sign is ,:ot..installed within 60 days"after the date of issue of thb permit, the permit shall ::: bevoid..;.\....'...lc I ......~....- :~~ ,...~) ~.. Insoecdons. ,..._, ..._....._....' .... L.,... ..._.............r.__._.,.... ....:. . ":_""'-"':-"--:~ : :~ ~ a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, th",Footin~ Inspection' .::1 .' , llt applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. ~ne root~ng lnsp~c- } ! ...., .t~O;1...i.S,~ to. be_..mad~. after ..hole (5) 15. ~:cav~t~ci, . gut prior. to- the placement of.. concrete; ..'" , i:] J b) Final Insoection,- to be mad7 up~n completion of all w~rk. __...'.. ..... . __,. ',.:!;:,JG:, :,'j.'I' c) ". taectrical - all..elec.tricaf..sig"....UiUst be' insp~~t'ed' for electrical hook UP. after..the sign ..~s erected. and before "the sign is. turned on.-. ,-_....-.....~..." .~~_. - ".-.... .. '. :.)' CALL FOR TIIE..REQUlRED INSPECTIONS ON. TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION . LINE. AT;'i2.6~3769 \;. . " -",' 'f :::' ,J : :..' ~ '::' : :.: .'. :~ ; ;', . ~ I ~ I 'i;1 ~t ! ;;,' i ~; - .. . '.; : , . ." . .N_:;fWfFi. . , i::j:~u~.g l~ , ~ ~}v,- n:.; Cl ..;..;AI SIGN DISTRICT ~ ,.., / ZONE TOTAI:..~QUAREJOOTAGE: OF. SIGN . REOUIRED INSPECTIONS; .u\' ?, . _ . ~ITE/LOCATIOll VFOO~~~Gi;~R:~~;;~i OF:~TTACIIME~T ELECTRICAL / FINF "}~.. I '.. ~ i ~ D _OntER t'OR On-1GB USE "/ .t . (.j\j UNLY . i ,yq rrf)!of : ~::"l': SIGN PERMIT FEE:::; ',::: .;';"'.i:, ..,.,,~,.,.~,., . 3Z'6'fY':;:;' ".! {', .::;'1 :.. ,. , ._.N...... " -::! . I DISTRId? ..Lf?' ... '1:..:;J .. JOBU" ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,FEE..;;:; : :()ji ~ \,;;';':.; ;, ~ : 1.::: reJ : :.-:: .~. t\ 'i}. .....-.-......... .. i ., 4~.STATE.SURCHARGE. H!'{.,",,:, c: :,' .. ~ . .:;!t .._..-.......- ..,.4'_.. ". _-...._~. ;.\ c~: ;:.r=: ;ra .;.:~.::! 0;i~r ... '" .,. '. ';..11'" . {~:!.. .' # :: 1; .~ :','"i!'1'. .! :::>:"72 "'iJt)'''-' ':... ""':::':'.; :.,! ....'.:. I. ,. .... . TOTAI:,', : -' ., ._. I.."" .', ..,1.' ...... '...... .... '. ." DA~/:~:',JJ~)o,:l1:7:'i:~.~~'~~~.1 /3/j.? ,. .. "(J: .,::: .~,,,., ,::.",' . .~:::~; :::~::~r';).,::-l '. 1 .,,~. '. . i \... I'r::r. :r ',I ~ i""1 . .... '.: .,' -:; ~ '. ., ...;. ',,' t ..... ..;.\.-,.'/ .....'."1' ."'1 ..:;,:'.lTf ~)J.jfF;;:;'i. ;.'~...\.r .. r-.... ....... ..~. CLERK .~ ";:"..i ";,:, {': "f} 'l:'{..'; ;i,'ii'i'I'rt;:n. , ',:rt:: .J,. ,..2... ",;..' SPECIAL"CONliITIONS-ro BE 'SATISFU:D'BEFORE"ERECTION O~ SICN: i., .:,,'. :":i , I" :~: " fi: '.~ ADDITIONAL'. INFORMATION ~DED' BEFORE' PERMI'l: HAY BE I~SUED.. . , ..... .-.... .,-~. (: :,: ..-. '-,,-1" . ~.:'...." ~ . ~, ) ~.\:;~.r.;,:l~1:1 .~(n :,(~.' '.: ~!.1 ,I ' . ~ . . .-,~.,....._.~~......,..'~-.. .... r f i' I r It. .. I 1 I '" r ".-' :.l!IJ U';!!'j :j,:,.'.:'r ;1".1::.;.\ . .....,.~,..i:.'~~,l;~ ';.:i.l..~.~~';~'..~IT~~~:~~~~\I.":.;~;~~'~:;ll:"::~~:~.;.':::.";;/:::,;:.~,:':~'~;;';:.:'.:i':;' '\'. ,'1 \.'.1 '.: I.'; 'I',":'. "'I '.I .1 ..;:.:.:.:.;j::;'~:;:;~;ir;.:.:~-~"; :.:;; J ;.:... 'j'l. ".' . 'J ":,r' '~.:~~;;,;:,,:~I':::.:;'::<>:'~::,;:ir:~;'::~:~,~;;;n,~':::',.::';::::,::';,:':':'....,,,:,;, '::'::::::',. i '~. .', :::', '; ',"'" . .i~;.'AP.PR~:~~.~.~~;!1~;IJt[:;;'f!iii[;;1,i~.,.:::;'~: ~,,'.'; ,.. ,:,,' ",:: 'DA~~'j;lt}i{ry" SECT~ON."" ......-1B.".{J~O..._'''~~.......SPRINCFIELD SICN ORDINANCE' ".,''', .,. ".,.. I ". ..... ....-,~... ...... . ....-.. I I "t i;' " :.: ?X .v;' ". r .;-.~,.,,-. '. .j ..:.; . .. ". ..~~