HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-3-9 (2) I .. 'j ~.., , . ",',".-. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO~: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRr~GFrELD SI~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~'D ELECTRrCAL I~STALL\TIO~ CO~/B lNATlO~ APPLrCATlO~/PE~\IIT IXSPECTIOS REQUESTS: 7~6-3769 LOCATlO~ OF SrG~(ADDRESS) 1077 Ga teway Loop , LEGAL DESCRIPT!O~ See' At tachrnen ts O"~ER OF PROPERTY Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc. ADDRESS 1077 Ga teway LOOp Spr ingf ield, Oregon Oli~ER OF SIG~(rF O1l<ER TIlA.' PROPERTY OlI'NER) ADDRESS ~~'[E OF BU5r~ESS. Fr~'I. ETC. TYPE or- :;QRK; X ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OllIER TYPE OF SIGN: X FREESTA~DI~G PROJECTING READER BOARD BILLBOARD SIG~' CI"\IUCIER _X IDE~TlTY PROJECTING INCIOE~'TAL DOUBLE FACE (CHECK APPUC.\BlE /8 Ib" Ilf 1/ n~~lS) : TAX LOT It PHD~E 746-4311 ,ZIP 97477 PHO~E TYPE OF BUSI~ESS NALL ...:a... ROOF flARQUEE OTIJER NO~-IDENTITY SECO~D,'RY X SI~GLE FACE fIULTI-FACE VESCORS. CO~:T!t\crORS: ,; SIG~ ERECTOR Millhollen General ADDRESS 133 Silver Lane CITY LICE~SE ~U:'IBER 1801 SIG~ ~IA,WFACT1JRE~ (IF OTIIER Tll'-' ERECTOR) Stud io ADDRESS 1000 South Bertelsen Road ELECTRICAL CO~lTlUcroR ADDRESS Contractors Eugene, Oregon PHO~E 689-3607 EXP. DATE ,8-15-81 West Graphics Eugene, Oregon PHO~E PHONE LICENSE Nlr.-lBER DI,\]ESSIO~:S. r:--;STAlur,o:'O :\\'0 CS~~$TRUCTION 11\FORH.\.TION: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE 45" VERTICAL DH[E~SIO~ OF SIGN 15" 47" HORI:O~TAL WIDTH OF SIC~ IS' DWEo;SIO~ fRO~1 GRAuE TO BOITmf OF SIGN TIJICK~ESS OR DEPTIJ OF SIGN DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES X NO IF YES, DHfENSlDN BEYOND PROPERTY LINE SOTE: IF PROJECTIO~ IS :,:ORE T1IA.' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR' :,lUST FILE IIIT1I THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF' HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~'D PROPERTY D~\lAGE INSU~'CE POLICIES. WiLL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IHRING? _YES ~O IF YES, WHICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLUmNATED (INDIRECTLY LIGlITED) DESC~IBE TYPE OF U_\TE~!;\LS SIC'! IS CO'!ST~'JCTED Dc ,Conc r e t e and Wood PROVIDE UL l-1J1>1BER IF APPLICABLE SITE lNFO~'IATID~ (LAND USE) --EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND Zone C-4 New Building VALUE OF SIGN $ 500 (DR LAST USE ,IF VAC~vr): PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR lASD: Office Building OlECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: X INDOOR BUSINESS _OlrTDOOR lIEROlA.'DISING EXISTING SIGNS (SlGN CODE): ARE TIJERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES ~O IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL ,EIISTING,SI~NS..F~R BUS!NESS. FIR.\I. ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS O~ PRE~IlSES(SA.'IE TAX LOT}: No existing signs I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and r further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. tbe Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of.the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield C'ty/ 8-2-6()} and 9.7- I wiI request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit.' . . NAME (PLEASE PRI~lT) SIGNATURE ~~~~:t..PATE' FOR OFFICE USE ' ONLY /f /1 - SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 61 SIGN ( / INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: , _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR ~fETHOD OF AITACH.'fENT _elECTRICAL FINAL " _ OTIJER FEES: SIGN PE~~IT: OiARGES : ft ?(J1) TOTAL FEE FOR PE~\flT: ~" ~ 5.1/7) ELECTRICAL PER"'IT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: a/H , ". ~~~._,--..... -.-....,. ..... . .:.. PLEA.SE :..C.\O , r " ....... . ~ t"I:!'<,'1l j L\..lUAI H.....~ 1) Seo3t'3tc Si~n Aonlic3cion: A separate application is required for each separate slgn ~s Jciincci in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any per~it issued under" this application ing 10 or on sign structure. the supply wires for col" covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connect: only by 3 State licensed Electrical Contractor. 1111 internally and externally) mUSt confor~ to Sections! 9-7-18 at the Springrield Sign Ordinance. . 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted sets or plans dr3~n to scale, showing dimensions and vertising oess3ge on sign; location of sign on propel to property lines. structual details of support frami footings; ~3teri31s of construction for sign and sigr tric~l equip~ent ~n~ lighting; si:~ and location of E property for the same business. all as required to dE with the Springti~IJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Code). Also. show the following information on the I showing property lines and location of signs): ,'a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well b) Show the length of the streot frontage taken up c building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public 4) l'ihen required. bec.1usc of design, size, etc.. enginee c31cul.1tioos ~uSt be prepared by a licensed engineer to desii" stand.1rds on file at the Building Division S) Plans of insufficient cl.1rity or detail will be retur plicant with no per~it being issued. 6) Signs must meet Corner vision clearance requirements Fi~. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Corle. , 7) ~OTE: '~o sign C.1y be erected which is less than 12 f ~ertically rro~ overhead electrical conductors in volts, or less th;1n S feet in any direction froID over: lines which are energized'at less than 750 volts. 8) If 3 si;n is not inst.111ed within 60 days after the d: this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. 9) Insoections: a) Site InSDection - to be made before the sign is p: the Foo:ln~ (~soection (if applicable) may be madt ti~e 3S the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspect: ma~e after hole(s) is excavated, b~t prior to the concrete. b) Fin31 I~50ection - to bo made upon completion of ~ c) Electric.11 - All electrical signs must be cal hOOK up after the sign is erected and turned on. inspectE before d- CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED will include wir- ,..-110, 'O!l' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield. Oregon Department of Public Work. OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B 5615 4 ( Date\\'\t"L\\ ,6) ~ 19'?) \ ' " Rec'd From\\\~~~\\c{\..\l(\-(],n) C'~\'ytrL( Address \?1~ S;.. \) ~ k ~B\\\<L.-> ' (, (h ( (~, c ,0 c Received For: ( ( ( ,( ( ,.' (, ( n r~ ( , - . '" ( \.....1' '- ",\01("'\\ ~ ~,co @., ~.. 1:'01 c. Amount Received ~ ~O C'.K. , <d\~ ~ id "( .4UTHOlIIl'ZIEO SIG'.....TUIIIE I""" (., llO'UO".YU""'U~~ ...."."... . ,uc,,,,, C.. IY.O, c I~SPECTIO~S ON THE 24 HOUlj INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. ,I \' SPECIAL CO~DITlO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFOR~ ERECTION OF SIG~: tltun.BY 'fire:?!? Ib 1i4.~ attn I//ifh Ii 1'111i'!IYhtlm -zo' ..,~ mH? r/1(; '5-h-kt ,I'nJ~ I~. " ADDITIO~AL INFOR.'lATlO~ NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~IAY BE ISSUED: ~ PLANS REVIEliED BY: v '\ , DATE ~-?-4 -II , - ..--"-....,.,... -,- ..-..-.... , f .J ....:.