HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/31/2010
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AUG 31 2010
By:~ilUL03 ~
County of Lane )
I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1, I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the
Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2, I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared atld caused to be
mailed copies oflYPI/O -00001 ~-' ~ /Jut;JdK- - ~ YJud. ~-
(See attachment nAn) on 8- (- .2010 addressed to (see ,-.J~~
Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S, mail box with ~
postage fully prepaid thereon.
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
~r-~I .2010. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur,
Prog m Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing, instrument to be their voluntary
act Before me:
~& j/pNcr
My Commission Expires: <[/IS/I (
Project Name: Gateway Mall Cabela's Minor Site Plan Modification
Project Proposal: Relocate a loading dock and modifY an existing parking lot and,landscaping to accommodate
a tenant infill.
Case Number: TYPllO-OOOOl
Project Location: 2800 Gateway Street
Assessor's Map: 17-03-22-00, TL 2219
Zoning: Community Commercial (CC)
Refinement Plan: Gateway Refinement Plan
Refinement Plan Designation: Commercial
Project Scoping Meeting Date: 7/2/2010
Application Submitted Date: 8/16/2010
Decision Issned Date: 8/31/2010
Appeal Deadline Date:
Type I Ministerial Decision. No provision for
appeal in accordance with SDC 5.1-125.C.
Gateway Mall Management LLC
. 3000 Gateway Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Carol Schirmer
Schirmer & Associates
375 West 4 Avenue
Suite 201
Eugene, OR 97401
Tina Guard, PE
Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineering
100 West 13th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
Proiect Manager Planning Andy Limbird 726-3784
TransDortation Planning Encineer TransDortation Jesse Jones 726-3730
Public Works Enllineer Utilities Clayton McEachern 736-1036
Public Works Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton McEachern 736-1036
Denuty Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293
Community Services Manager Building Dave Puent 726-3668
Minor Site Plan Modification
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The subject property involved in this request is the existing Gateway Mall complex in northwest Springfield
(Assessor's Map #17-03-22-00, Tax Lot 2219). Gateway Mall was initially approved pursuant to site plan review
in 1988 (Journal #88-03-35) and, subsequently, has been modified several times to accommodate new retail
anchor stores, satellite restaurant pads, parking lot reconfigurations, and public transit projects. The subject site
comprises approximately 75 acres, and is zoned and designated Community Commercial (CC) in accordance with
the Springfield zoning map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan. The subject property is developed with an
820,000 ff retail mall with satellite retail and restaurant pads, parking lots, site landscaping, and internal loop
. road. Interstate 5 (1-5) runs along the west boundary of the site. Primary access to the site is via two signalized
intersections on Gateway Street, and one signalized intersection at Beverly Street and Harlow Road.
The minor site plan modification proposes to reconfigure the mall parking lot located between the new Cabela's
retail store (currently Ashley Furniture) and the Cinemark Theaters; relocate the loading dock from the south side
to the north side of the Cabela's store; and adjust the perimeter loop road and parking lot islands to allow for
additional parking spaces facing 1-5. Approximately 4.2 acres (183,388 ff) of the Gateway Mall site will be
affected by the proposed site modification. However, the nature of the adjustments are minor in nature because
they represent a reconfiguration of existing private driveways, driving aisles, parking spaces, site landscaping and
commercial loading dock; do not reduce the amount of on-site parking and landscaping; and do not increase the
amount of impervious surface on the site. The applicant's project narrative indicates that approximately 10,000
ff of new landscaping will be added with the proposed project.
Preliminary Site Plan Modification approval as of the date of this letter, subject to the conditions described herein.
The application was deemed complete on August 16, 2010, and this decision is issued on the 15th day ofthe 120
days mandated by the State.
A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram,
Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan.
Finding I: The site is zoned and designated Community Commercial (CC) in accordance with the Springfield
Zoning Map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan diagram. There are no proposed changes to the
zoning for the site.
Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion A.
B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and
electricity; sanitary sewer and storm water management facilities; and streets and traffic safety
controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the
time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The
Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues.
Finding 2: The site is served by all key urban utilities including sanitary and storm sewer, water, and
electricity. It is not expected that existing utilities will be affected by the proposed loading dock relocation
and parking lot reconfiguration. The applicant is proposing to retain existing on-site utility connections to
serve the development. All utilities and plumbing connections are proposed to be installed underground.
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Stormwater Management
Finding 3: SDC 4.3-110.D requires that runoff from a development shall be directed to an approved
stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge.
Finding 4: The proposed site plan modification does not increase the impervious rooftop, pavement and
sidewalk surface for the Gateway Mall. A modest reduction in total impervious surface would be realized
through installation of additional landscaping with this proposal. As a result, there should be no appreciable
change to the amount of runoff generated by the site development.
Finding 5: The plans indicate the existing and proposed runoff from the site will drain to the existing catch
basin system that drains to a vegetative swale along the west edge of the Gateway Mall property and parallel
with the 1-5 right of way. The applicant is also proposing to direct rooftop drainage from the loading dock
area into the vegetative swale.
Finding 6: In accordance with requirements of Section 3.03.4.A of the City's adopted Engineering Design
Standards and Procedures Manual and Chapter 4.6 of the BES Stormwater Management Manual, the
applicant is proposing to hydraulically isolate the loading dock and direct drainage from the material transfer
area to the sanitary system. A trench drain is proposed to intercept overland drainage from the loading dock
and prevent it from reaching the sanitary sewer system.
Fire Department Access and Water Supply
Finding 7: Springfield Fire and Life Safety advises that emergency access is suitable for fITe-fighting on the
site. There are nearby private fITe hydrants that provide sufficient fITe flows to meet the requirements of the
Springfield Fire Code (SFC). Additionally, the proposed Cabela's store within the Gateway Mall will be
equipped with a self-contained fire and smoke suppression system.
Transportation System Impacts
Finding 8: In accordance with SDC 5.17-125.B, capacity requirements of public facilities, including streets
and traffic safety controls, must be available to serve the development and must not be exceeded.
Finding 9: The subject site has access to the Springfield street network via frontage on Gateway Street and
Harlow Road (via Beverly Street). The three primary driveways serving the site are equipped with traffic
Finding 10: Along the east frontage of the site, Gateway Street is a minor arterial street developed to full
urban standards with curb, gutter, sidewalk, striped bicycle lanes, street lighting and street trees. It is not
expected that conversion ofthe existing furniture retail store to a sporting goods retail store would generate an
unmanageable increase in traffic to and from the site. Therefore, the existing and anticipated future vehicle
trips generated by the proposed development will be handled by the adjacent road system.
Finding I 1: In addition to vehicle trips, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips.
According to the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips are made by
bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent 'are by transit bus. These trips may have their origins or destinations at a
variety of land uses, including this site. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian
crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle lanes and bicycle parking.
Finding 12: The applicant has shown provision for pedestrian connections and bicycle parking on the site
Finding 13: The Gateway Mall site is currently served by Lane Transit District route #12 (Gateway)
operating along Gateway Street. In,early 2011, it is expected that the Gateway ErnX bus rapid transit line will
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begin operation along Gateway Street and utilize the new transit platfonn at the east edge of the Gateway
Mall parking lot.
Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion B.
C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction
standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations.
Finding 14: The subject site is located in the Gateway area of northwest Springfield. In accordance with
SDC 4.6-125.A, shopping malls have an overall parking requirement of I space per 250 ft' of retail floor area
(exclusive of internal open walking areas). The Gateway Mall previously demonstrated confonnity with the
City's parking requirements through a comprehensive parking analysis for the site (Case DRC2007-00057).
At present, there are approximately 3,480 developed parking spaces on the site. The applicant's project
narrative indicates that the proposed development will create an additional 76 parking spaces on the west side
of the Gateway Mall parking lot. All parking spaces proposed for the site meet the dimensional requirements
ofSDC Table 4.6-1.
Finding IS: There are two existing handicap accessible parking spaces on the north side of the existing
Ashley Furniture store, and I I at the northeast comer of the adjacent parking lot (outside the Cinemark
Theater entrance). The applicant is proposing to install seven Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
accessible parking spaces outside the west entrance to the new Cabela's store to address requirements of
Section 1104.1 of the 2010 Oregon Structural Specialty Code and ORS 447.233.2(a). The I I existing
handicap accessible parking spaces outside the entrance to the Cinemark Theaters are proposed to be
reconfigured to meet ADA standards. [Note: Staff advises that the entire Gateway Mall site is not being
reviewed for confonnity with ADA parking requirements with this proposal.]
Finding 16: In accordance with SDC 4.6-120.C, all parking spaces that front a sidewalk, landscaping area or
structure shall be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb. Alternatively, landscaping and
walking areas shall be increased at least two feet in width to accommodate bumper overhang. The applicant's
project narrative indicates the reconfigured parking spaces on the site will have linear curbs to prevent wheel
encroachment. However, the curbs are not depicted on the site plan.
Finding 17: In accordance with Commercial Element, Policy 2.2 of the Gateway Refinement Plan, at least
7.5% of the interior of parking lots visible from arterial and collector streets is to be landscaped.
Additionally, vegetative screening of parking lots is required. For the purpose of this review, it is assumed
that the project area generally confonns with the 7.5% interior parking lot landscaping requirement. This is
based on existing conditions and prior reviews of site and parking lot landscaping, and parking space
Finding 18: The applicant is proposing to realign the perimeter loop road to accommodate eight RV parallel
parking spaces and 165 compact parking spaces fronting onto 1-5. One 5-foot wide landscaping area is
proposed between the RV parallel parking spaces and an uninterrupted row of 50 compact parking spaces
fronting onto 1-5. There are no landscaping areas proposed within the adjacent uninterrupted row of I I 5
compact parking spaces fronting onto 1-5.
Finding 19: The applicant is not proposing to install screening vegetation for these parking spaces. Staff
conducted a'site visit on August 27, 2010 and observed existing benning and vegetation along the west
boundary of the site (ie. along the vegetative stonnwater treatment swale) that provides suitable screening for
the proposed parking spaces.
Finding 20: To address the requirements of the Development Code and the adopted Refinement Plan, staff
advises that landscaped areas will be required within the 50 and I IS-car compact parking space rows to break
up these linear features. At a minimum, an 8-foot wide landscaping area shall be provided at or near the
midpoint of the 50-car row of parking spaces along the western edge of the site. Parking lot trees are
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recommended, but not required, for this particular landscaping area to maintain 1-5 frontage visibility desired
by the Cabela's store. At least three landscaping areas, minimum 8 feet wide, shall be provided at evenly
spaced intervals within the 1 IS-car row of parking spaces. Trees will be required in these areas to meet the
parking lot landscaping requirements of SDC 4A-l 05.F.
Finding 21: The applicant's project narrative and site plan indicates that 10 bicycle parking spaces will be
installed to serve Cabela's customers, employees and other mall visitors. In accordance with SDC Table 4.6-
3, at least 25% of the provided bicycle parking is to be long-term (covered) and 75% may be short-term
(uncovered). Based on this ratio, at least three covered long-term bicycle parking spaces are required.
Finding 22: In accordance with SDC 4.6-150.A.I, bicycle parking shall consist of a securely fixed structure
that supports the bicycle frame in a stable position without damage to the wheels, frame or components, and
that allows the frame and both wheels to be locked to the rack. Bicycle racks, shelters, or lockers shall be
securely anchored to the ground or to a structure. The applicant is proposing to install hoop or staple style
bicycle racks outside the main entrance to the Cabela's store. The exact location of the bicycle racks will be
subject to adjustment once building plans are finalized for the project. As noted above, at least three covered
bicycle parking spaces are to be depicted on the site plan. The three covered bicycle parking spaces (expected
to be used by Cabela's and other mall employees) do not have to be placed at the main entrance to the
Cabela's store.
Finding 23: In accordance with SDC 4A-I 10.AA, all trash and recycling enclosures shall be.covered and
screened from view. Additionally, trash and recycling enclosure areas shall be equipped with a floor drain
that is piped to the sanitary sewer. The applicant's plan sheet C1.2 indicates the existing trash compactor is
proposed to be removed and replaced at a later time. Staff advises that installation of a new trash compactor
will need to meet the requirements of SDC 4A-l 10.AA. .
Conditions of Approval:
1. The Final Site Plan shall depict linear curbs or overwidth bumper overhang areas for all parking spaces
fronting onto landscaping and walking areas. Curbs and/or bumper overhang areas shall be depicted on
the applicable site plan sheets, including civil engineering and landscaping plans..
2. At least One landscaping area, minimum 8 feet wide by 16 feet long, shall be provided at or near the
midpoint of the row of 50 compact parking spaces along the west edge of the site. Shrubs may. be
substituted for trees at this specific parking lot landscaping area. '
3. At least three landscaping areas, minimum 8 feet wide by 16 feet long, shall be evenly distributed within
the row of liS compact parking spaces along the west edge of the site. Trees shall be provided in these
landscaping areas in accordance with the requirements of SDC 4A-I05.F.
4. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least three covered long-term bicycle parking spaces. The bicycle
parking spaces shall be a conventional style and secured to the ground or a structure in accordance with
SDC 4.6-150.
Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion C.
D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and
pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to
adjacent residential areas, transit stops; neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and
public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other
applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for state highways.
Finding 24: In accordance with SDC 4.2-1 05.A.I, the on-site private road system shall assure efficient traffic
circulation that is convenient and safe. The applicant is proposing to re-align the existing perimeter loop road
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along the west edge of the mall site to accommodate the new RV and compact parking spaces. In realigning
the perimeter loop road, the northbound travel would be deflected to a four-way intersection approximately
160 feet from the northwest comer of the Cabela's store. This intersection will require some type of traffic
management signage and/or striping to ensure safe operation. Other modified intersections within the project
area also will require traffic control measures. However, the applicant has not depicted any traffic control
signage, directional striping, or stop bars on the site plan.
Finding 25: In accordance with SDC 4.2-130, vision clearance areas shall be maintained at the comers of all
site driveways.
Condition of Approval:
5. The Final Site Plan shall provide for appropriate traffic management signage, lane striping and stop bars
at the driveway intersections within the project area.
Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion D.
E. Pbysical features including, but not limited to, significant clusters of trees and sbrubs, watercourses
sbown on tbe Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and tbeir associated riparian areas, wetlands,
rock outcroppings and bistoric features have been evaluated and protected as specified in tbis Code or
otber applicable regulations.
Finding 26: The project area does not contain any significant natural features, riparian areas or wetlands.
Drainage from the project area currently discharges to a vegetative swale along the western edge of the
Gateway Mall property. The vegetative swale is identified as a Water Quality Limited Watercourse that
drains to the Willamette River system and it is also a mapped, locally significant wetland identified as feature
M28 on the Springfield Natural Resources Study. The applicant is not proposing to alter the existing drainage
patterns for the site. Runoff from the adjacent mall parking lot and portions of the loading dock and building
rooftop will be directed to the vegetative swale.
Finding 27: The project area is located within the mapped 10-20 year and 20+ year Time of Travel Zones for
the Sports Way drinking water wellhead. Most of the project work - including the Cabela's store itself - is
proposed within the Zone of Concentration for the Sports Way well. Because Drinking Water Protection
(DWP) provisions apply to this site, the applicant will be responsible for preparing a separate DWP permit
application or exemption request prior to obtaining building occupancy for the new Cabela's store. The
applicant is advised to contact Amy Chinitz, Water Quality Protection Coordinator with the Springfield
Utility Board at (541) 744-3745 to discuss DWP requirements.
Finding 28: There are no significant historic features on the site, and there are no other natural features that
would be adversely affected by the proposed development.
Conclusion: This proposal satisfies Criterion E.
1. Tbe Final Site Plan sball depict linear curbs or overwidtb bumper overbang areas for all parking
spaces fronting onto landscaping and walking areas. Curbs and/or bumper overhang areas sball be
depicted on the applicable site plan sbeets, including civil engineering and landscaping plans.
2. At least one landscaping area, minimum 8 feet wide by 16 feet long, shall be provided at or near tbe
midpoint of tbe row of 50 compact parking spaces along the west edge of tbe site. Shrubs may be
substituted for trees at this specific parking lot landscaping area.
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3. At least three landscaping areas, minimum 8 feet wide by 16 feet long; shall be evenly distributed
within the row of 115 compact parking spaces along the west edge of the site. Trees shall be
provided in these landscaping areas in accordance with the requirements ofSDC 4.4-10S.F.
4. The Final Site Plan shall provide for at least three covered long-term bicycle parking spaces. The
bicycle parking spaces shall be a conventional style and secured to the ground or a structure in
accordance with SDC 4.6-150.
5. The Final Site Plan shall provide for appropriate traffic management signage, lane striping and
stop bars at the driveway intersections within the project area.
The applicant shall provide the required information and three (3) copies of the Modified Final Site Plan Diagram
within 90 days of the date of this letter (ie. by November 29, 2010). In order to complete the review process, a
Development Agreement is required to ensure the terms and conditions of this application are binding upon both
the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff upon receipt of the Final Site Plan and must
be signed by the property owner (or their authorized representative) prior to issuance of a building permit..
If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at (541) 726-3784 or by email at
al imbird@,ci.springfield.or.us.
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Gateway Mall Management.LLC
3000 Gateway Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Carol Schirmer
Schirmer & Associates
375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201
Eugene, OR 97401
-~ ,
Tina Guard, PE
Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineering
100 West 13th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
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