HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 4/7/2011 I . . FINAL INSPECTION FORM Final Inspection Case No. ~PJJO -00001 Inspection Type: FI,.)A L- Date: APf2./L "" 1-170 Final Inspection Complete o Reinspection Required Temporary Occupancy Allowed ~ No Temporary Occupany o Comments: _1"1,,sS'NIi SToP -:r1G,N~ AT' IN~"'L- IN~e-c:no"'S - t'1'S~/AJ Go oil. UlrJFL-1 c..TltoIG. LAwS AIIII> PAR..X.J.N Go s.P~c€ S'11'l-tPtNG - ~oME ~a...\N"'IIIC~ /Yt^-r~I^L-~ ('II,sSnv(;, DR. '.....STAi-LEh 5....GH 7FlA"'" GoA'~ .. I IUU;Go.J u,1LJ ""'~ E'oL, ~ T -~l"fb C-I/A.tJG.e-5 4-re-lltT\:l~ NOT Sf./Do.>.l ON ~\..A.,"S UG,.S"e. lil,AtJSFbRi'1e"lt) -DAAI"'A",e; 15Sl.IE::5 NO~ -bAM.AC:oe-,., Pl.AtJ"'tTNG A~~ 'RwNl So;"GuR,"'-'" ~c..IN G -oNE PAI2..K,,,, E!, LOT" 'SLANb tVOT" R.E -LAlIlbsc:AP2J> SEe A....-rAc.-I-\E'b SIlt IrJsprzcnO\J SUI'1MAf.-'1 I:Workflow processeslPlanning Forms/Finallnspections Fonn 2-12-08 cu. "III/Jell I I -"l\L . . CABELA'S FINAL SITE INSPECTION 4/6/2011 STAFF COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS Staff conducted a final inspection of the outside improvements on the Gateway Mall site and noted several items requiring attention along with some discrepancies with the approved Final Site Plan. Of principal concern are traffic and pedestrian safety issues, which are noted below. 1. Stop signs have not been erected at the three stop-controlled intersections surrounding the new Cabela's store. The stop bars have been painted, but during the site visit staff observed vehicles that failed to stop or yield at these intersections - likely due (at least in part) to the lack of posted signage. Missing Stop Sign .. . ..... ... ........ ------- .s:! . The third location for a required stop sign is the westbound driving lane as it approaches the southwest corner of the store building. It is notable that this driving lane also hasn't been striped with lane separation lines. ~~ \~\\ \ \ \ \ \i!\\ \ ~~ \ '-r.................................................................................................................~..~ i MISSing Lane Vl i Missing '-------- 1...................................................~.~~!p.i.~~..~..~!.~p...~.~.~..............~...3!<p Sign . South Store Entrance '.....,..1. '(/ilo/l It" .l\L . . 2. Staff observed numerous locations where old pavement markings had not been entirely removed, and were now in conflict with the new parking and driving aisles. Some of the newly-installed landscaping islands did not have striping for the abutting parking spaces. According to the site contractor, a new slurry seal coat is to be applied to portions of the west parking lot surface. After application of the slurry seal, new pavement markings will have to be applied and re-inspected by staff. _" ~~- ~ ----- ~~ i " ~ I -:-:~ ;:.r-::.~ :','~" . 'f -< , .. .... , ~ " '",- iIi':'. ~- . ~" 3. A few spots within the parking lot exhibited poor drainage as a result of the asphalt overlay installed with the site work. The parking lot island immediately northeast of the PPE transmission tower is one notable location that has been "dished out" with an asphalt lip that prevents proper drainage. ~ ~. ,...... r . ~ t 'r] ,E,:,' a ; "~;f~, " ....~.; "J,' .' "::" +- ). '" ~l'''(:d: ....1.. (hi "II I" :,." II . . 4. Some of the landscaping islands closest to the store building have been adversely impacted by temporary construction fencing, requiring repair or replacement of damaged/missing plants and mulch beds. 5. The approved plans do not show some existing features or recent alterations that have been made on the site. These include the existing SUB electrical transformer just outside the southwest corner of the Cabela's store (which occupies an area shown below as shrub bed); and the removal of pine trees and shrubs adjacent to the new loading dock and replacement with two ornamental pear trees. Because the dockside planting area appears to be incomplete, staff does not have a context for what the finished product should look like. -- .... ~ - - ~- - - Not shown on plans and appear~. _ incomplete : _ _ L. . j ll;l ,;1/ ..1. . / /, r/ f"J// ; . . 6. Staff observed some locations within the parking lot landscaping where a couple of plants were missing or omitted. More often, however, staff noted that while the plantings conformed with the approved landscaping plans (at least in terms of plant quantities) the as-constructed islands have gaps and irregularities in the plant coverage. Staff is of the opinion that many of these gaps will remain even as the plants mature. This situation was not apparent during review of the landscaping plans, but was quite noticeable during the field visit. It appears the planting irregularities are more pronounced in the northwest corner of the parking lot near the 1-5 pedestrian bridge, and less so closer to the Cabela's store. To address this situation, staff highly recommends adding some plants at strategic locations to "round out" the parking lot islands instead of redistributing existing plants to provide more uniform coverage. A few observed examples of planting gapslirregularities are shown below. <;/; 1:01/ I I ,( ~ . . 7. The parking lot island at the extreme northern edge of the project area (south of the ring road stop bar) is shown as being landscaped with shrubs and groundcover plants on the site plan. However, staff observes that this island has not been re-Iandscaped and contains turf grass. . " ',j 1(.;;:1"-,- __ . -P'~"" W.-.'....'" - ....- 1 ~"'- ". ~""'~~,..' ~'~ .- ~ L ~ 'r 'f! ... ., -- "-'-' ;- ~ '. ',..,' ~-li':J.-= t~.-- -"4-~;,;.~~......,..~.& ~., ~ . ..-';...L ,-r.~' -g ~. . .'~. ~ -..- ..~ :.~ ~'i ., . '" . 8. Just prior to the site visit, staff received an updated planting plan for the landscaping islands under the PPE transmission lines that had trees removed. During the site visit, staff did not observe the replacement plantings in most of the affected islands. This concludes the staff summary of the April 6th, 2011 final site inspection. l r. ,. 'I/;/'CII . ),t ~