HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 1/19/2011 . . Page I of2 Brent Christiansen From: Wisniewski, Walter [Walter.Wisniewski@ggp.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:39 AM To: Brent Christiansen Subject: FW: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Reduction of Wheel Stops? Attachments: Gateway Mall Cabela's_Wheel Stops.pdf Please print. Walter Wisniewski Construction Manager Ph 312/960-5063 Fax 312/994-6746 Ji Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail From: Tina Guard [mailto:tguard@bhengineers.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 12:33 PM To: Witte, Mark Cc: Wisniewski, Walter; Ryan Nossaman; 'Geeff Larsen' Subject: Gateway Mall Cabela's - Reduction of Wheel Stops? Mark, Please see the attached drawings, which show wheel stops circled that we think have the best chance at being argued with the City as being optional for GGP. . Wheel stops circled in green on Sheet C-301 buffer site fencing. These could be argued as excessive but deleting the wheel stops in this area may lead to fencing repairs from repeated vehicle contact over time. You may be able to convince the City that omitting these wheel stops is simply at GGP's risk and that GGP is willing to take that risk and make any fence repairs that arise due to the omission. GGP could also offer to move the fence back a little so the wheel stops aren't needed in this area, but there is an expense associated with that, as well. . Wheel stops circled in red on all sheets (except for those at the far north adjacent to the ODOT bike path) buffer curbed landscaped areas. These are placed to protect adjacent landscaping from vehicle bumper/overhang damage. The landscaping in these areas could be replaced with lower plantings that would better withstand repeated vehicle overhang and/or contact; however, this would require additional services to provide the redesign, and I'm assuming GGP does not want to go this route. Alternatively, GGP could argue that the net landscaping area will increase with this project, and therefore, even with the reduction in landscaping by removing a 2-foot depth of plantings where the wheel stops would be deleted and car overhang will occur, there will still be a net increase in landscaping area. Based on Site Review drawings, existing landscape area within the project boundary is 24,682 square feet. Proposed post-development landscape area is 34,685 square feet, for a net increase of 10,003 square feet. We count roughly 134 wheel stops adjacent to landscaping. If you take a 2-foot depth x an average parking space width of 8.5-feet, this is roughly 2,300 square feet of lost landscaping area, which means the project still provides a net increase of 7,703 square feet of new landscaping area. . You could argue that the wheel stops adjacent to the ODOT bike path (also circled in red on the attachment) could be eliminated and, even if cars extend over the path a bit, the width of the bike path is still adequate. In fact, two feet of width of the bike path is outside the easement, so assuming most cars will not encroach on the bike path beyond two feet, they will stay outside I/19/2011 Oate ReCeJ'Jed.-,P.~.lL- PlannEr' Al . . Page 2 of2 the bike path easement (but still be within the bike path). . Wheel stops circled in blue on Sheet 002 buffer the ADA signage/accessible way to the Mall. These are likely required by City development code to maintain ADA sign age; however, you could attempt to argue that any damage to the signs would be at GGP's risk and expense, should they need to be replaced or repaired. We think this one is the least likely for the City to allow. Good luck! Tina L. Guard, PE, LEEO@ AP Civil Project Manager Balzhiser & Hubbard Enqineers Mechanical- Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability 100 West 13th Avenue. Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303 1/19/2011 Jd A''''L..,"u.Jh~- lIRnnE". j..!.. . NV1d aNAVd J. f.":""'-:' ----.. ~ \ II ,~:,,!-- .- , ~!i! ~l I ... III!II G' ... w "I": ~ :,..:.. II'l!!1 ~ ~ ,: ... ~ :~"'.) .. 1,110 ~ .. ,(,'"l c w ., 1.1l'!1 w 'ill"11 ~ ~ .' h,liil . I ~!!~I!I!. ,. ,I ~-\.- ':~ -~I----';:1- D8 --1P"" I ,., .., ." ." ~:;, ." l~ ~" ~J: AI"\. :l..' , ~\. . ,,-. .:: ~~ . ... I ,_. ':;' . ,I \~'::', \\ 1,j",~ ~~..h_ . :r\ I .l', I N.,I . --I ~=~E! ~~~m;~1 ....5:")'" .,.,- ~~'~;;-"'''IICl!Y '-"-'-"":: r \ I .. ---------~.-.----- :""~: -" ~"~::. ~,:;" ..,,,,,=:!'\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,. , .,' - . . ."....... .......... to /i c.... r-;-. \'.'r \1 , v I l :, , .' ~ ~ 1 j '/1 i i '"." ~ i ~ \1! . ~ ':' ' \..1 " ~ : , I: : . ~ , Ii o " ~ . '. /' '\~ ,'" ,,',_,~ __ ..' 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